Tiger and Bunny/Characters
The Eponymous Duo
Kotetsu T. Kaburagi (Wild Tiger)
Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (JP)
Affiliation: TopMag (former) / Apollon Media (current)
Suit Advertisements: S.H. Figurarts (Japanese toy line) / Softbank (Japanese media company).
The primary protagonist and a veteran NEXT past his prime, whose total disregard for property damage when fighting earned him the nickname "Crusher for Justice". Currently he is the least popular hero in Sternbild City and his old company, TopMag has been taken over by Apollon Media, which is now forcing him to become Barnaby's partner against his will. He has a daughter, Kaede, who, like most people in the city, is unaware of his secret identity. He possesses the power to increase his physical abilities hundredfold for 5 minutes.
- Adorkable
- Adult Child: Less mature than Barnaby despite being several years his senior, to the point of arguing with kids who don't like his trading cards.
- Adult Fear: He was a little too slow and would've lost Kaede had it not been for Barnaby.
- Also, he gets another one in the second half of the show: the possibility of having a rare, progressive condition that will force him to give up doing what he loves.
- All a Part of the Job: A perfect embodiment of this trope.
- Alliterative Name
- Animal Motif: Guess...
- Animal-Themed Superbeing
- Ascended Fanboy: Of Mr. Legend, Sternbild's first superhero.
- Asskicking Pose: Kotetsu's pose in Episode 21 is impressive enough to warrant a Triple Take.
- Batman Gambit: Gives Barnaby an ultrasonic grenade to counter Jake's "super-hearing". Turns out it was a flash bang, and by not telling Barnaby, he managed to get around Jake's telepathy.
- Badass
- Badass Beard: And a pretty stylish one at that! Kaede thinks it's stupid, though.
- Badass Normal: Even without using his Hundred Power, the combination of being in physical shape good enough to make professional athletes look lethargic, years of crimefighting experience, and very efficient wires that allow him to Building Swing means Kotetsu is pretty badass in his normal state. At the end of the series he's mostly this, as his power has dwindled to only a minute an hour.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: For a bumbling klutz with a near-endless supply of bad ideas, he's a surprisingly competent hero and one of the best of the Sternbild crowd at fighting unpowered.
- Papa Wolf: Do not put his daughter in danger.
- Bandage Babe: Twice so far he has lost his shirt in favor of covering up his upper body in bandages.
- Big Heroic Run: In Episode 14. It didn't exactly go as planned, thanks to his powers deciding to fluctuate at the time.
- Berserk Button: Show some disregard for human life -- be it murder or speaking ill of the dead -- and he'll make you pay dearly.
- Big Brother Mentor: Plays this role where Karina, Ivan, Pao-Lin and (eventually) Barnaby are concerned.
- The Confidant: Eventually becomes the only person Barnaby seems to be comfortable with, or even capable of, confiding in. Pao-Lin, Ivan and Karina also seem to be more open with him than with the other heroes.
- Break Out the Museum Piece: In episode 21, he receives his original costume from Ben and wears it when he calls out the heroes at the end.
- Brought Down to Badass: He's still quite competent even with the gradual loss of his powers.
- Broken Pedestal: When he discovers that Mr. Legend started to lose his powers at the end of his career, and that Hero TV started to fix arrests so that he would continue to earn publicity. However, he still doesn't know the depths to which his role model fell...
- Brown Eyes: Though they occasionally look like Eyes of Gold.
- Bumbling Dad: Played very straight.
- Butt Monkey
- Cannot Spit It Out: That he's losing his powers, and plans to retire from being a superhero. He does come close a couple of times, but gets interrupted by Barnaby both times. Similarly, revealing his identity to his daughter would probably have improved their relationship significantly.
- The Cape (trope): Aspires to be this, albeit with questionable success.
- Chest Insignia: On his original costume it was his original company's name, TopMag, and although not on his chest but on his mask, a W with a T in it. He also has a small tiger insignia on his belt buckle on his original costume; his current suit has the same small tiger insignia on the chest.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Suffers from this a good deal.
- Clark Kenting: Kotetsu's means of hiding his identity out of his Powered Armor is to throw a Domino Mask in with his Limited Wardrobe.
- Clear My Name: Made all the more difficult by the fact that he just got unpersoned.
- Coat, Hat, Mask: In his civilian clothes.
- Color-Coded Secret Identity
- Comes Great Responsibility: Adheres to this ideal, which is why he didn't use his powers in his fight against Antonio when they first met.
Antonio: "I just want to know one thing -- Why did you hide that you were a NEXT? You could have used those powers against me."
Kotetsu: "Because I only want to use my powers to save people."
- Cool Loser: He has a super-cool robot suit, an ability beyond the ken of mortal men, not bad on the eyes, and saves people on a regular basis... but children, Barnaby and his sponsors show him no respect.
- This does get better in the second cour as he has a considerably better relationship with Barnaby and has risen up in the rankings and popularity.
- Destructive Savior: ...And fully advocates people following the same path.
- Determinator: Kotetsu won't stop until justice is served. Highlighted in Episode 13 when he uses his "Hundred Power" to heal superficial wounds but the internal injuries are still pretty bad. He still fights through the pain to help Barnaby against Jake. Another example comes in the epilogue, where he comes out of retirement despite his Hundred Power dwindling down to 60 seconds, saying he plans to keep being a hero even if he loses it completely because he's there to help people.
- Doesn't Like Guns: Specifically he won't use one if there are people around, including criminals, that could get caught in the crossfire. However, as demonstrated when the heroes were fighting Ouroboros mechs, he's got no problem using one of the disabled mech's guns to take them out once he discovers they are unmanned.
- Domino Mask: Wears one while on duty, whether he's in his suit or not.
- Dork Knight: more Dork than Knight, though.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Pre-Time Skip, at least. This becomes glaringly obvious in episode 13, when all the citizens of Sternbild (including the other heroes, who knew full well the role Kotetsu played in their victory) praise Barnaby for saving the day... ignoring Kotetsu completely. Lampshaded when Barnaby notices Kotetsu's expression and teases him for wanting praise.
- Post-Time Skip he's risen to fourth-place in the Hero Rankings, gets treated nicer by Alexander, and is even getting along with Barnaby.
- Doting Parent: To Kaede, doubling as Parents as People.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Hundred Power enhances every physical ability by a factor of, quite obviously, one hundred.
- Expressive Mask: The domino mask moves with his eyebrows.
- Fatal Flaw: Kotetsu has a noted habit of keeping secrets in a misguided attempt to not worry people.
- The Fool
- Fearless Fool: Most of the time. But he also has his fears.
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe: When in casual clothing.
- A Friend in Need
- Friend to All Children
- Gadget Watches: In civilian clothing, he has one that also serves as a Grappling Hook Pistol.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: His default heroic pose.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: Has them in both his original TopMag and Apollon Media suit.
- Healing Factor: Played with in Episode 13. His natural healing rate is one of the physical attributes affected by his powers, but even if you increase your regenerative speed by a hundredfold, there's only so much you can do in five minutes.
- The Heart
- The Messiah: Shows signs of this. He wants to do good and is genuinely upset upon failing to save lives, criminal or not.
- The Paragon: Alternates between this and The Messiah.
- Hero Protagonist
- He's Got Legs: [[https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-f-Tj 1 VHO Nu 26 I/AAAAAAAAAWA/xk69s_4EOxQ/prince
- Heterosexual Life Partner + Living Emotional Crutch + Only Friend: To Barnaby.
- Hot-Blooded: Passion is his highest stat -- literally.
- Hot Dad
- Hour of Power: Limited to five minutes per hour.
- As of Episode 14, his powers have been going on the fritz. Ben says they're likely disappearing. In Episode 16, his journal reveals the rapid decline of his power's duration at a rate of 2-5 seconds per use.
- And by the end of the series, it climbs down to a minute.
- As of Episode 14, his powers have been going on the fritz. Ben says they're likely disappearing. In Episode 16, his journal reveals the rapid decline of his power's duration at a rate of 2-5 seconds per use.
- Humble Hero: Very much so; in particular this stands out strongly among his fellow heroes.
"I’m a hero because I want to save people. Isn’t that enough? It really doesn’t matter if anyone acknowledges me or not."
- I Am Not Left-Handed: In their high school days Kotetsu fought Antonio to a standstill without using his powers. It's not until Tomoe was in danger when he activated it. Needless to say, Antonio was rather shocked.
- I Didn't Tell You Because You'd Be Unhappy: The reason why he Cannot Spit It Out
- Idiot Hero
- The Klutz: Only Kotetsu could accidentally kick a pen into a highway right in front of a passing car while trying to pick it up.
- The Last DJ: A staunch proponent of good old-fashioned super-heroics in an age of ad-funded glitz.
- Lightning Bruiser: Only when his Hundered Power is activated.
- Limited Wardrobe
- Made of Iron: He is very resilient, even without his powers.
- "Ma'am" Shock: Not fond of being reminded that he's "old" by the standards of the superhero business.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Mysterious Middle Initial: What makes it even more mysterious is the fact that it's the only English letter in his entire name.
- Nice Hat
- Not Quite Flight
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Episode 13 -- out of all the heroes, he's the only one who manages to figure out Jake's second superpower, and manages to pull off a Batman Gambit to defeat Jake as well.
- The manga oneshot shows that he actively encourages his reputation as an incompetent fool on occasion (i.e., telling everyone he was late to work because of a hangover when he was actually rushing a woman to the hospital). Word of God says he does it keep people from bothering with him (and thus not worry about him).
- Oblivious to Love: Completely -- at least when it comes to Karina.
Karina: "Listen... Uh... I'm going to treasure this forever!"
- Karina runs off, blushing to the roots of her hair*
Kotetsu: "...What's up with her?"
- Word of God says he's like this with just about everyone attracted to him. His own seiyuu isn't sure how he managed to reproduce.
- Odd Couple: With Barnaby.
- Older Sidekick: He's being billed as this in-series.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Far cooler than your average non-superpowered person. Unfortunately for him, he's not being compared to normal people most of the time.
- Powered Armor: His Apollon Media suit ensures that even without tapping into his powers, he's still quite strong and durable.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When his powers start going haywire in Episode 14.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Barnaby's blue, but in-series the suit he originally wore was blue.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: "Badabadabadabadabadabada..."
- Screw the Money, I Have Rules
- Shirtless Scenes: quite a few...
- In episode 9, with his shoulder bandaged, holding a wine glass. In Barnaby's flat.
- Another in episode 13, in a hospital, with bandages.
- Episode 25 (and the end of ep 24), he takes a hit that destroys most of his armor and produces a tear in the suit he wears under it, conspicuously revealing his abs..
- Shonen Hair
- Stealth Pun: His eyes are the color of a Tiger's Eye stone.
- Super Strength
- Super Speed
- Superhero Sobriquets: The Crusher of Justice.
- Superheroes Wear Capes: His original costume.
- Team Mom: With debatable levels of success. He even tries to makes sure that Barnaby eats properly, much to the latter's annoyance.
- Though he was more successful when Ivan blamed himself for his friend Edward's descent into villainy.
- Tears of Joy: Cries them in episode 23 when Barnaby finally remembers him.
- Ten-Minute Retirement: Leaves the Hero business after the fight with Maverick, only to come out of retirement later because Kaede told him to find something to do besides sit around the house all day.
- Technician Versus Performer: The Performer.
- They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason: Once he learns of Barnaby's past, he makes a point about not prying into the whys and wherefores. This is not due to coldness, but because he knows (possibly from personal experience) that some things are best left as someone's own cross to carry.
- There Was a Door: Kotetsu takes the most direct route when someone's life is at stake, walls be damned.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: There are times when he does get recognition -- the students at the Hero Academy, for instance, worship the ground he walks on.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Mayonnaise... on everything.
- According to Anju, a disproportionate number of his meals consist of fried rice. He likes it enough that he's never bothered to learn how to cook anything else.
- Tsundere Magnet: All those who have affection for Kotetsu have shown Tsundere tendencies -- Tomoe, Karina and even Barnaby.
- Clueless Tsundere Magnet: It took a good deal of effort for Tomoe and Barnaby to get him to realize they were fond of him (while Karina has had no such luck). Word of God confirms that he's usually completely oblivious to when women are hitting on him.
- Unflinching Walk: In episode 17.
- Unperson: Finds himself as one in episode 20.
- Vague Age: Any questions about Kotetsu's actual age are met with vague or contradictory answers by the staff and creators. The only confirmed, consistent information is that he's somewhere in his thirties.
- Waistcoat of Style
- "Well Done, Partner" Guy: In the latter half of the series he becomes this in Barnaby's eyes.
Barnaby: There's one man I feel I can never compare to, and my only wish is to become someone worthy of his trust.
- Interestingly, he's both the "Father" in the straight example to Barnaby and the "Son" example to his own daughter in an inversion - one of his main wishes is that his daughter thinks he is cool. She eventually does.
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: Superheroing really does take its toll on his relationship with his daughter.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Less concerned with sponsorship money, more concerned with saving people. Naturally, this is not a good attitude to have in Sternbild.
- Widower Hero: His wife Tomoe passed away from an illness five years prior to the beginning of the series.
- Workaholic: Lloyd actually has to order him to use some of his vacation days.
- Of course, considering what happens when he does...
- Yank the Dog's Chain: He finally starts getting some respect from his partner, climbs up in the rankings and the population doesn't consider him a joke anymore, then he starts losing his powers.
Barnaby Brooks, Jr.
Voiced by: Masakazu Morita (JP)
Affiliation: Apollon Media
Suit Advertisements: Bandai / Crusade (Bandai's trading card game) / Amazon.co.jp [from episode 6 onwards]
The other main character. A rookie hero who does not feel the need to conceal his identity, he is the newest addition to the Hero TV team. Has the same superpower as Wild Tiger and is employed by Apollon Media, which partnered the two of them for the new season in the hope that the "first superhero team" would attract more viewers. A cold, introverted, asocial young man, he has completely different views on being a superhero -- the major cause of his frequent disagreements with Kotetsu in earlier episodes.
- Alliterative Name
- Aloof Ally
- I Work Alone: For the first 8 episodes he steadfastly stands by this, but towards the end of the series...
- Animal Motif: According to Kotetsu, he's a "bunny"; but his lack of typical 'bunny-like' behaviour is hilariously lampshaded in episode 3 following their successfully dealing with the bomb.
Barnaby: You can interpret it however you like. I don't care for such feelings of camaraderie.
Kotetsu: For a rabbit, you're not very cute.
- Animation Anatomy Aging: The official artwork shows that he's followed a fairly standard style of age progression so far. (Pictured at ages four, ten, fifteen, and twenty-four)
- Anime Hair: Those elaborate curls would be impossible in real life without a perm -- but Barnaby has had them practically since birth, and his mother's hairstyle is much the same. It is, however, mentioned that he pays regular visits to the hair-dresser's.
- Because You Were Nice to Me: By series end he stays on as a hero simply because he wants to continue being Kotetsu's partner.
- Being Selfless Is Old-Fashioned: Sports this attitude quite a bit earlier on in the series. Like in episode 3;
Barnaby: Then evacuate. I'll handle this by myself.
Kotetsu: Idiot! I'm not so cold-hearted that I'd leave my partner behind and escape on my own.
Barnaby: (Gives Kotetsu a sideways glance)
Kotetsu: What!?
Barnaby: As always, you're so old-fashioned.
- Beneath the Mask: Actually has two masks; The Charming ace facade he exposes to the general public and the Jerkass Ice King that the other heroes see -- both of which conceal his Broken Bird / Broken Ace tendencies.
- Berserk Button: Becomes uncharacteristically emotional and violent when Ouroboros comes into the picture.
- Bishonen
- Break the Cutie: The entirety of his backstory hinges on this, resulting in...
- Bridal Carry: Seems to be his preferred method of rescue -- Episodes 1, 10 and 25: Kotetsu. Episode 2: Kaede. Episode 4: Blue Rose. Episode 9: Agnes. He even hangs a lampshade during the instance in ep. 10, and almost drops the name of the trope (by using the phrase "princess carry" which was translated literally from Japanese where it has the exact same connotations as "bridal carry").
- Character Development: To cement his Defrosting Ice King status.
- Hidden Depths: Most people tend to dislike him at first -- a Glory Hounding, Jerkass Ice King and in-universe Chick Magnet who exists simply to upstage, annoy and insult Kotetsu...that's his role, right? But then we find out that he's not a Glory Hound, the Jerkassery is simply a facade to hide his true personality; he's a more a Broken Ace than an actual Ace, is definitely not in the superhero scene for the women, and is actually an Ice and Sugar King who eventually begins Defrosting in earnest.
- The Charmer: Has no issues with the fangirls he attracts.
Kotetsu: Don't you get tired of doing that?
Barnaby: Not really. It's part of our job.
- Celibate Hero: He might be The Charmer in public, but there are no women in his private life.
- Chest Insignia: In episode 5 he gets a small bunny-shaped one on the left side of his suit.
- Collateral Damage: Suffers from this quite a bit in the latter half of the series. Samantha's death and his subsequent capture and Mind Rape at Maverick's hands are more catalysts for Kotetsu to become involved with the Big Bad than anything else.
- Color-Coded Secret Identity: Doesn't actually have a secret identity, but his casual clothes are color-coded nonetheless.
- Comically Serious: Kotetsu's bumbling antics are often complimented by Barnaby's attempts to be The Only Sane Man.
- No Sense of Humor: Hanging around Kotetsu all day and not so much as cracking a smile once is a skill only Barnaby has mastered.
- Straight Man: To Kotetsu's Wise Guy.
- Compassionate Critic: To Kotetsu.
- Cool Car: Is seen driving a Honda NSX in episode 15 (and yes, it's red).
- Dark and Troubled Past: Has spent a good part of 20 years brooding over this.
- Deceased Parents Are the Best
- Death Is a Sad Thing
- Harmful to Minors: His parents were murdered right in front of his eyes when he was a child.
- Deuteragonist
- Determinator: Not a healthy one either, as his twenty-year obsession with revenge can attest to.
- Dude in Distress: Picks up the Distress Ball in episode 19, and continues to carry it throughout ep. 20.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Subverted. Despite his Kuudere Ice King persona, Stoic Facade, and clearly stated lack of enthusiasm in letting others get involved in his life (and vice versa), he reacts surprisingly positively to Kotetsu's concern over his past.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Bunny". By episode 5 he seems to have given up on complaining about it, but he absolutely will NOT stand for being called "Bunny-chan"
- In-Series Nickname: Although Kotetsu is the only person who actually refers to him by the abovementioned moniker, hilariously enough the Mid-Season Upgrade in his suit does as well.
- Emotions Versus Stoicism: Keeps to the stoic end for the first part of the series, but eventually winds up much closer to the emotional end.
- Enthusiasm Versus Stoicism: Slides back and forth along this scale as well, but usually hovers around the stoic half.
- Evil Mentor's Handsome Protégé
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: His Hundred Power, same as Kotetsu's.
- Exposition Victim: In episode 19.
- Extremity Extremist: His fighting style seems to focus mainly around kicking, though he will occasionally throw a punch or two.
- Face Palm: Can't help but do this in episode 5 following Kotetsu's attempt to retrieve a pen for one of his fans.
- Fake Memories: Maverick tweaked his memories quite a bit in order to give himself an alibi, among other things. Word of God reveals that his memory has been edited beyond the extent shown in canon.
- Fatal Flaw: His single-minded obsession with revenge has completely isolated him from the world, ridding him of the friendly, cheerful personality he had as a child and constantly hindering his usually calm and calculative behaviour.
- Actually lampshaded in episode 22;
Maverick: Your wild emotions are your only flaw.
- Five Stages of Grief: Seems to be going through a combination of stages 2 & 4, with stage 4 being far more prominent. He never quite gets to stage 5, despite wavering towards it every now and again.
- Flashback Nightmare / Recurring Dreams
- Form-Fitting Wardrobe: When in casual clothing.
- Frames of Reference: The lenses are hexagonal, but he has a number of characteristics associated with rectangular glasses; a stoic facade, Kuudere / Tsundere personality and Tsurime.
- Megane
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: Averted. Some fans (and even his own seiyuu) tend to assume this because Barnaby never wears glasses when fighting; but comments from the staff and info from the Hero Gossip Book indicate that while his eyesight is poor, glasses aren't necessary when in superhero suit because the helmet compensates for any vision problems.
- Stoic Spectacles: Subverted. Though the 'stoic' part holds true for some time into the series, it eventually becomes obvious that this was merely a facade.
- Friendless Background: For 20 years he has completely rejected the idea of having an actual personal life or any relationships, choosing instead to devote himself to revenge. Word Of God says that Kotetsu is quite literally the first human being he's made a significant connection with since the age of four.
- Frozen Face: According to Word Of God: "Barnaby's current ability to fake friendly looks and behaviour is the result of much work -- as a teenager he was practically expressionless".
- Glory Hound: Pretty much everyone (both in-universe and out) considered him to be one for the first few episodes. But later events subvert this completely. Barnaby has no aversion to publicity or the fans, but he doesn't care about them one bit. Superheroics is simply "just a job" in his eyes.
- Good Is Not Nice: He's polite to everyone other than Kotetsu and is very obliging to his in-series fans...but proves that 'polite', 'nice' and 'good' don't necessarily have to co-exist.
- Grave Marking Scene: Subverted. After visiting his parents' grave in episode 25, he apologizes for not having come to see them in a while.
- Hair Flip: One of the many ways he pleases his fangirls.
- Hates Small Talk: Unless it's for an interview.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: A very literal example. It's just the jacket, not the pants (and red instead of the typical black) -- but boy, does he love it!
- Heroic Blue Screen of Death: Experiences one after discovering that Jake wasn't his parents' killer. Realizing that he's back to square one and is now unable to trust his own memories, he begins to doubt his functionality as a hero. This leads to...
- Sanity Slippage: He gets better, of course.
- Heroic Red Ring of Death: Suffers one in episode 19 that also overlaps with Emotional Fainting.
- Heroic Safe Mode: Tries to go into this in episodes 12-13.
- Heterosexual Life Partner / The Not Love Interest: To Kotetsu.
- Hey, You: Spent thirteen episodes calling Kotetsu "old man".
- Hollywood Nerd: A type-2 one, obviously. He's definitely a bishounen with his glasses on -- though they're not the typical Nerd Glasses by any means, thus averting any likelihood of Handsome All Along or The Glasses Gotta Go situations.
- Smart People Build Robots: Word Of God has it that he would've gone on to become a robotics engineer had his parents not been killed.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
- Hour of Power: Five minutes per hour.
- If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: Experiences a classic example of this towards the end of episode 13, when he was on the verge of killing Jake. But due to Kotetsu's influence he chooses the typical option, which results in...
- Sword Over Head: For Jake.
- I Miss Mum: One of those rare occasions where someone says this about both their parents. "I miss you...Mum, Dad!" (Episode 25)
- Ineffectual Loner: A little anomalous in that he isn't an Anti-Hero but is still very much an example of this trope. He eventually opens up a little, but only to Kotetsu. As far as anyone else is concerned, he is still this even by series end.
- Intelligence Equals Isolation: Implied to have happened to him while at the Hero Academy; since Kotetsu is the first and only friend he's managed to make during the past 20 years, he obviously had no-one close to him during his school-going days.
- Leave Me Alone: In the earlier episodes, this is his response to Kotetsu's well-meaning queries.
- It's Personal: His vendetta against Ouroboros and its affiliates.
- I Was Just Passing Through: Tends to fall into this when it involves Kotetsu; following him into a collapsing offshore drilling rig because he "wanted to score more hero points", responding to Kotetsu's call for help and claiming that he was there for entirely unrelated (and unspecified) reasons, etc.
- Japanese Pronouns: Uses boku when addressing himself in front of others and ore during monologues or when speaking without keigo.
- Jerkass Facade: In the earlier episodes, though it later vanishes almost completely.
- Jet Pack: Part of his suit but is not used for direct flight -- just short boosts of speed and some pretty impressive jumps.
- Just in Time: Played for Laughs regarding his Unwanted Rescue and Embarrassing Rescue rescues of Kotetsu.
- Keigo: He uses keigo almost constantly -- even during the more colourful arguments with Kotetsu. It emphasizes his aloofness.
- Kuudere: Type-2 kuudere is actually his default persona, though it does sometimes alternate with Tsundere where Kotetsu is concerned.
- Frozen Flower
- Defrosting Ice King: From episode 8 onwards.
- Leave Your Quest Test: Faces one in episode 10.
- Lightning Bruiser: Only when his Hundred Power is activated.
- Limited Wardrobe: Lampshaded in the case of his beloved red leather jacket.
- Memento MacGuffin: The sash Kotetsu was wearing in episode 8 is still with him as of ep.12. Word Of God states that he keeps it in his company locker as a good-luck charm.
- Men Can't Keep House: Completely averts this and takes it to the other extreme. Not only is his apartment meticulously clean and litter-free, but he barely even has any furniture in it.
- Minored in Asskicking: Since he was the top of his class at the Hero Academy, he technically majored in it. But it's noted that he's also very competent academically.
- Mood Swinger
- Mr. Fanservice: As far as Apollon Media and HeroTV are concerned, youth and handsomeness are his major selling points.
- Mundane Luxury: Becoming "someone who's worthy of Kotetsu's trust" and being a good partner to him is pretty much all Barnaby wants by series end.
- My Greatest Second Chance: To avenge his parents by having Maverick (and Ouroboros) brought to justice -- though technically speaking, he ultimately fails.
- My Name Is Not Bunny: "It's Barnaby!"
- Mysterious Past: Word Of God confirms that most of his current memories are a product of Maverick's psychological manipulations. So even Barnaby himself probably doesn't know exactly what his life was like before the series.
- Nobody Touches the Hair: His reaction to being hugged by Kotetsu in episode 23...though it was more out of embarrassment than anything.
- No Sympathy: Can be rather insensitive at times, mostly because of the unique form of lacking social skills that he possesses.
- Not Bad: His reaction to Kotetsu's locating the bomb in episode 3, to the latter's annoyance and indignation.
Barnaby: [[spoiler:How did you know the bomb was here?<br/> '''Kotetsu:''' You saw that repairman too, right? He looked too clean to have been oiling the cables. Plus this building is brand-new; how could something be malfunctioning already?]]
Barnaby: I see. That's not bad, for someone like you.
Kotetsu: What's with the condescending tone!?
- Not Quite Flight
- Not So Stoic: Played very straight and provides much of the drama in the series.
- Any mention of Ouroboros, his parents' murderer, or his parents themselves, makes him very unstable emotionally. In Episode 19 we see him crying on several different occasions due to these very reasons. He weeps openly when he learns about his maid's death in episode 20 as well.
- And Kotetsu's supposed impending death in episode 24 leads to his stoic facade completely breaking down for a few minutes preceding the closing credits.
- Odd Couple: With Kotetsu.
- One-Woman Wail: The ominous theme that plays during his flashbacks and whenever he's in danger.
- Only Child Syndrome
- Orphan's Ordeal: Everything related to his personality and behaviour basically hinges on this.
- Pastimes Prove Personality: His one and only hobby is listening to opera, which is often associated with an affluent family background, 'snobbish' personality and being 'intellectual'.
- The Pawn / Tyke Bomb: Maverick raised him with the express purpose of making him become a superhero.
- Pet the Dog: When he saves Kaede in episode 2 (even though there are no witnesses other than Kotetsu and no cameras pointed at him), it's the first indicator that he may be indifferent, but he's not heartless.
- Pose of Supplication: Shortly before his Heroic RROD in episode 19.
- Powered Armour: His Apollon Media suit ensures that even without tapping into his powers, he's still quite strong and durable.
- Punch Clock Hero: Of all the heroes, he's the one who explicitly regards superheroics as a job.
- Quirky but Competent
- Quizzical Tilt: During the Porn Stash / The Internet Is for Porn confusion in episode 3.
- Rage Against the Reflection: Smashes the mirror he's looking into in episode 12 after being mocked and all but defeated by Jake.
- Rant-Inducing Slight: His outbursts towards Kotetsu in episodes 12 and 19 are a result of this.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Kotetsu's red, although he's the one wearing red.
- Reflective Glasses
- Rescue Introduction
- Revenge: The primary motivation behind everything he's done since his parents' deaths.
- Best Served Cold: Elaborated upon by Maverick in episode 11 while explaining Barnaby's past to the general public.
- Revenge Before Reason: Subverts this (episodes 11-13), plays it straight (ep.s 21-23), and then averts it (ep.s 24-25).
- You Killed My Parents: Subverted since he's not the one who kills Maverick.
- Rookie Red Ranger: A subversion, since he joined the HeroTV superheroes for entirely personal reasons that had nothing to do with helping people. Post-timeskip he becomes much more enthusiastic about his job (if only because of his wish to be a better partner to Kotetsu).
- Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: He's been focused on becoming a superhero for four-fifths of his life, and as a result has developed a very odd personality; he knows exactly how to behave in public in order to inspire awe and boost popularity, but flounders badly when it comes to personal relationships. Throw in the "absolute trust or complete mistrust, nothing in-between" bit and you've got a guy with a very weird form of No Social Skills.
- Say My Name: "KOTETSUUUU!!!" (Episode 24)
- School Idol: According to episode 8, he was one during his days at Hero Academy.
Principle Massini: Why, the whole school looked up to you! You even had a fan club, and they all wore glasses just like yours.
Barnaby: You're embarrassing me.
- Secret Public Identity
- Ship Tease: With Agnes. When he saved her from one of the kidnappers in episode 9, the way he was holding her, looking right into her eyes and inquiring after her well-being, would have been enough to set even unseasoned shippers off. But the pairing was never so much as hinted at again.
- Shirtless Scene: Gets a LOT of these.
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: Often says this to Kotetsu in the earlier episodes...despite being the younger of the two.
- Single-Issue Psychology: Subverted. It's heavily implied that his current asocial tendencies and unusual personality is the product of not one but two factors; while witnessing his parents' murder is the more overtly stated and obvious one, Maverick's toying around with his mind apparently affected him quite a bit.
- Epiphany Therapy: Subverted again. His attitude at the end of episode 13 and for the entirety of ep.s 14 -16 seem to point to him having undergone this and, by consequence, Motive Decay -- but from ep. 18 onwards it becomes obvious that this is not the case.
- Skilled but Naive: His inexperience is sometimes rather obvious, despite him being very skilled in the technical aspects of combat.
- Slave to PR: Is pretty enthusiastic about maintaining his public image.
- Sliding Scale of Beauty: According to his in-series fans (and Nathan), he's on World-Class level.
- Someone Elses Problem: The reason he views superheroing as "just a job".
- Standard Cop Backstory
- Stepford Snarker
- Straw Vulcan: Considering the overall mood of the series and the fact that Kotetsu is the protagonist, it's hardly suprising that he ends up with this role.
- Strong Family Resemblance: Bears a striking likeness to his mother.
- Hereditary Hairstyle: And has inherited her wavy blonde hair as a result.
- Super Strength
- Super Speed
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Not if you take the 'dark' part literally, though.
- Tears of Remorse: In episode 13, when he was about to give up on the fight with Jake.
- Technician Versus Performer: The Technician.
- Tender Tears: Cries these in episodes 20, 24 & 25.
- Ten-Minute Retirement: Leaves the Hero business when Kotetsu quits, and returns when he does.
- The One That Got Away: According to the character questionnaire A 100 Questions, his first and only crush was on a girl he met at the Hero Academy; but he was convinced that his feelings were unrequited and never attempted to pursue a relationship with her.
- There Are No Therapists: He shows several signs (frequent nightmares and faulty recollections of his parents' murder scene, extreme social withdrawal, emotional irregularity, blunted affect [1] etc.) that suggest he's suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. But apparently no-one ever bothered to help the poor guy overcome his problems. Somewhat justified considering what his trusted mentor and guardian turned out to be like, but still...
- This Is Unforgivable!: Says it several times; in episode 20 when he learns of Samantha's murder, in ep. 23 after Maverick informs them of his kidnapping the other heroes and Kaede, and again in ep. 25 upon believing that Kotetsu is dead.
- Tranquil Fury: For a majority of the time when he was fighting Jake.
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: For twenty years, he was incapable of recalling the face of his parents' killer. Later on, it's revealed that his memories were in fact altered to hide the murderer's true identity, thus counting as a subversion.
- Tsundere: Not a glaring example, but he sometimes bears this attitude towards Kotetsu.
- Tsurime
- Twisted Christmas: Poor 4-year-old Barnaby...
- And something similar (though arguably less traumatizing) happens to him in episodes 19-20 as well.
- The Unfettered: Strives to be this, with questionable success.
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid: He was a happy, affectionate and friendly child prior to his parents' deaths.
- Waking Up Elsewhere: In episode 20.
- Was It Really Worth It?: Averted regarding his revenge against Jake. Rather than feeling lost or despondent without his motivation since childhood, he finally feels free to enjoy life and find meaning in being a hero for its own sake.
- Episode 18 proves that it might not be a good idea to base your happiness on exacting revenge after all; because everything might just go tumbling back when you realize you've actually failed at it. He ponders the same question halfway through episode 25.
- Why Did It Have To Be Fire?: He's not very fond of fire due to the circumstances of his parents' death. In Episode 9 he has a panic attack seeing Kotetsu playing with a taser in a burning building.
- Windows to the Soul: Green Eyes to go with his in-series potrayal as being 'exotic' and 'seductive' -- it also counts as a subversion since you learn that neither is actually true once you see past his public face.
Other Superheroes
Karina Lyle (Blue Rose)
Voiced by: Minako Kotobuki (JP), Kari Wahlgren (EN)
Affiliation: Titan Industry
Suit Advertisements: Pepsi NEX (zero-calorie Japan-exclusive drink developed by Suntory)
A highschool girl with freezing powers. She's also marketed as an idol singer by her company.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Cannot Spit It Out: Is unable to confess her feelings for Kotetsu.
- Catch Phrase/In the Name of the Moon: Has one as part of her hero persona. She finds it embarrassing.
Blue Rose: My ice is a little cold, but your crime's been put on hold!
- Color Character
- Combat Stilettos: Part of her ensemble, and Episode 4 highlights how impractical they are.
- Detached Sleeves: When on civilian clothes.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Eating the Eye Candy: Admits to her herself that she's been having quite a bit of trouble keeping her eyes off Kotetsu.
- Even the Girls Want Her: The fifth drama CD hints that Pao-Lin has a crush on her.
- Everyone Can See It: Her crush on Kotetsu. Except him, obviously.
- Faux Action Girl --> Action Girl: She's a conflicted teen trying to live up to her public image as a domineering badass despite poor combat abilities, a ridiculously impractical costume, and serious misgivings about her job. She still gets stuff done because she genuinely wants to save people, but it's telling that one of her named, publicized special moves, the 'Cutie Escape', involves ducking and running from whatever criminal menace is trying to reduce her to a smear on the pavement this week. She becomes a more genuine Action Girl later, though.
- Flower Motifs: Blue roses.
- Her motif is derived from her Product Placement. Suntory (the company that developed Pepsi NEX) also helped develop the first genetically engineered blue rose.
- Freeze Ray: A variant. Ice manipulation is her natural power as a NEXT, but she uses a pair of guns to focus and direct them.
- Glass Cannon: She has rather powerful NEXT abilities, but when your sponsors make you wear that kind of suit into combat, you understandably shrink at the sight of guns. In fact everyone else except the rest of the "girls team" (Dragon Kid and Fire Emblem) wear armoured costumes... and those two can either vaporise or dodge bullets, respectively.
- Gratuitous English: When she does her Catch Phrase she says "cold" and "hold" in English... more or less.
- Guns Akimbo: Has two freezing guns strapped to her thighs.
- Heroic Blue Screen of Death: Played for Laughs in Episode 9, after learning that Kotetsu is married and has a daughter.
- Hopeless Suitor: Word of God confirms this concerning her crush on Kotetsu.
- Hot for Teacher: According to the Hero Gossip Book, her first crush was on her kindergarten teacher. Looks like her tendency to become infatuated with people far older than her is recurrent...
- An Ice Person
- Idol Singer
- Knight in Sour Armour: Loathes her outfit, her catchphrase, and her job, but keeps working anyways because it means she gets to save lives.
- Leitmotif: An instrumental version of GO NEXT plays almost anytime she makes an appearance in costume.
- Love Epiphany: In episode 14, she realizes she's in love with Kotetsu when a thief steals the towel he gave her.
- Male Gaze: Applied liberally in Episode 7... and everywhere else.
- Memento MacGuffin/Number One Dime: Receives one from Kotetsu, in the form of a towel, in Episode 14.
- Most Common Superpower: Subverted -- she uses padding.
- Ms. Fanservice: Her primary selling point both in-universe and out (apart from the singing bit in-universe)... much to her chagrin.
- Nice Hat: She wears one both in and out of her superhero costume.
- Not Quite Flight: Can use her ice to launch herself from the ground, as seen in Episode 2. Can also can make "ice slides" like Iceman, as seen in Episode 7.
- Ordinary High School Student: Can be considered one in her civilian identity.
- Required Secondary Powers: Enhanced cold resistance. Particularly given her costume.
- Romancing The Widower: The latter half of episode 25 shows that she's decided to do this despite her initial qualms. She even provided the new picture for the main trope page!
- Romanticized Abuser: Deconstructed -- despite this being one of her marketing points, poor Karina's a little unnerved when she reads some fan comments in the Drama CD that see her as this:
Karina: "'It's weird, but I seem to mess up on everything I do lately. I don't have any motivation any more. So please verbally abuse me!' All right let's... wait, verbally abuse you? Ah, um... thank you for your comment, let's move along."
- Sliding Scale of Beauty: A World-Class level, again. She has a huge amount of fans in-series.
- Smitten Teenage Girl: Has a very obvious crush on Kotetsu. So much so she's horrified upon hearing he was married and has a daughter. But episode 25 proves that she has fully recovered from this initial little setback and is intent on making Kotetsu fall for her.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Blue Rose, as it turns out, doesn't know how to share the spotlight.
Criminal: "Who are you guys!?"
Tiger: "You mean us? We're--"
Blue Rose: "We're the heroes of this town! (*steps on the criminals face*) My name is Blue Rose. We keep the peace in Sternbild at all times!"
Tiger: "...What she said."
- Stripperiffic: Another reason why she dislikes frontline superheroing -- costumes designed to maximize sex appeal aren't all that great for withstanding bullets.
- Superhero Sobriquets: From the first episode, Super Idol of the world of Heroes.
- Threshold Guardians: Episode 4 is A Day in the Limelight episode about Blue Rose making a decision about quitting her job as a superhero, with various people urging her in both directions. Near the end of the episode, she gets a call from the bar she's been moonlighting at as a singer, and an alert that there's an emergency at the exact same time. She chooses the bar, but seeing her hero friends put their lives at risk on the news brings her back just in time for a Big Damn Heroes moment.
- Took a Level in Badass: Becomes a much more competent and confident crimefighter over the course of the series.
- Triple Shifter: High school student, superhero, and part-time lounge singer.
- Tsundere: Towards Kotetsu.
Blue Rose: Did you have a fight with Barnaby or something?
Kotetsu: No, nothing like that. Are you worried about him?
Blue Rose: What?! Of course not! [kicks him roughly in the Achilles tendon with the heel of her boot, shoves him off-stage and whispers to herself] Who do you think I'm doing all this for?
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: In costume.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A in her civilian clothes. Her Blue Rose costume uses really long boots to achieve a similar effect.
Antonio Lopez (Rock Bison)
Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (JP), Travis Willingham (EN)
Affiliation: Kronos Foods
Suit Advertisements: Gyu-Kaku (Japanese barbecue restaurant chain)
A friend of Kotetsu since they were teenagers. His power is his strong, resilient skin and superior strength. He has a bull-themed suit.
- Animal Motif: Bulls
- Animal-Themed Superbeing
- Awesome but Impractical: The spikes all over his costume serve little purpose other than looking cool and getting stuck in things.
- The Big Guy: Though ironically this doesn't mean he's the strongest one.
- Butt Monkey: Shares the job with his long-time buddy, Kotetsu, and even takes up his place as lowest-ranked hero (not counting Origami Cyclone) post-Time Skip.
- Iron Butt Monkey: His powers make him ideal for the job. Poor guy.
- Carpet of Virility: Type 1.
- Delinquents: In the Drama CD, he used to be one until he met Kotetsu who he judged a Worthy Opponent and is now his drinking buddy.
- Expy: Of Shunji Nagira, from another Sunrise series, Witch Hunter Robin.
- Human Cannonball: His bosses literally fire him to action!
- Let's Meet the Meat: A variation -- he has a bull motif to his costume and his main advertiser is a chain of barbecue restaurants.
- Nigh Invulnerability: His main ability.
- Overshadowed by Awesome: His ability is one of the broadest of the main heroes, and is the only one that is constantly active. And while it seems like his abilities are fantastic, he's treated as a Butt Monkey mostly because Kotetsu and Barnaby have much more potent versions of his abilities, even if they're limited.
- Powered Armour: Given his Nigh Invulnerability, though, may be more about boosting his strength than his durability.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Enjoys sewing in his spare time.
- Superhero Sobriquets: The Bull Tank of the West Coast.
- Super Strength: Tiger and Barnaby are stronger when charged up, but he's still able to lift an armored car over his head. Might not be an explicit power of his, though - see the Powered Armour entry above.
- Testosterone Poisoning: In the Drama CD he goes into a long speech about MANLINESS.
- This Is a Drill: Has two fully-functional ones mounted on his shoulders. Rarely actually uses them, due to both their impractical location and the non-lethal nature of superheroics in Sternbild.
- Unusual Eyebrows: The fiery kind.
- Why Did It Have to be Heights?: Director's notes revealed his acrophobia. Whether or not it's due to his company's very bright ideas of transporting him to action has yet to be shown.
Pao-Lin Huang (Dragon Kid)
Voiced by: Mariya Ise (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
Affiliation: Odysseus Communication
Suit Advertisements: Calbee (Japanese food company) / DMM (Japanese website)
A young Kung Fu fighter armed with a staff and able to produce lightning. Tomboyish by nature, she has a good heart and is often willing to help someone out if need be. She has a vaguely Chinese-styled uniform.
- Action Girl: A somewhat more reliable one than Blue Rose.
- Animal Motif: Eastern dragons.
- Animal-Themed Superbeing
- Bokukko
- Bruce Lee Clone: Chinese martial artist? Check. Yellow jumpsuit? Check. Dragon theme? Check.
- Chest Insignia: An eastern dragon.
- Chinese Girl: She doesn't have an accent, but her hero costume is all about this.
- Comically Missing the Point:
Fire Emblem: "Let's show them our Girl Power!"
Blue Rose: "One of us doesn't fit that theme!"
Dragon Kid: "It's because I'm a Tomboy, isn't it?"
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Which is why she doesn't wear them. At least not until she looks up the flower language for the one her parents gave her, and realizes it means "thinking about you always"..
- Kill Stealer: Has a habit of leaping in at the last moment to steal another hero's arrest.
- Little Miss Badass
- She Cleans Up Nicely: In the epilogue, she willingly dresses up in a short, flowery frock; though this can also be interpreted as an attempt to bond with her parents than a sign of her giving up her boyishness.
- Shock and Awe
- Simple Staff
- Shout-Out: She wears a yellow jumpsuit with black stripes on the side.
- Also, her costume resembles G Gundam's Dragon Gundam.
- Something Person
- Superhero Sobriquets: The Lighting Bolt Kung-Fu Master.
- Tomboy: Word Of God has it that her tomboyishness is not forced -- she is naturally androgynous.
- Tsurime
- Windows to the Soul: Green Eyes to signify exoticism (what with being Chinese and all) as well as her rather spirited, active personality.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Green hair as Dragon Kid, and her natural hair also has a slight greenish tint.
Keith Goodman (Sky High)
Voiced by: Go Inoue (JP), Patrick Seitz (EN)
Affiliation: Poseidon Line
Suit Advertisements: Tamashii Nations (Bandai's subsidiary figure company) / Ustream (American streaming website)
One of the most popular heroes in Sternbild and winner of at least two "King of Heroes" titles. As a result, he always attempts to be the ultimate role model to other heroes, to the point of always seeming to be "in character". He is able to fly with a rocket backpack and has the power to control the wind.
- The Ace: A handsome All-American Face (whether or not Sternbild is anywhere near America) and current "King of Heroes". He avoids this trope's more insufferable traits, however, and comes across as a Nice Guy and even a bit of a ditz.
- It's even pointed out by Agnes that these traits are part of his popularity.
- Always Someone Better: Overshadows Kotetsu so much that even criminals would rather be arrested by him.
- Adorkable: Has a tendency to be this as well.
- Badass Longcoat: His costume resembles an officer's greatcoat.
- Beware the Nice Ones: A Nice Guy through and through, though it'd be a bad idea to piss him off.
- Blow You Away: Enough control for harmless yet painful wind blasts, deadly Razor Wind or even an explosion of supercompressed oxygen.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: According to Agnes, his goofiness and non-sequiturs are part of his charm.
- Catch Phrase: "Arigatou! Soshite, arigatou!" ("Thank you! And again, thank you!") Kotetsu and Agnes comment on how Camp it is directly in front of him.
- He also uses "Today my maximum wind speed is off the charts!" in big confrontations.
- Chaste Hero: Becomes incredibly nervous trying something as simple as holding a girl's hand.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Understandably, as expected of the former "King of Heroes".
- The Ditz: Keith is not a very smart man.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To be fair he fell for a Deceptively Human Robot Girl. Not like she could return his feelings anyway.
- Dork Knight: Much more Knight than Dork, and there's Dork to spare.
- Dumb Blond
- Foil: To Tiger. Both are idealistic heroes who want to do good but Keith has more success in the world of corporate heroism.
- Hachiko: With the other associated love tropes and the Downer Ending in his spotlight episode.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroes Love Dogs: He uses his spare time to walk around his dog, John.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: Episode 15, however, shows that John is also this.
- Innocent Blue Eyes
- Jet Pack
- Kindhearted Simpleton
- Large Ham
- Love At First Sight: It doesn't end well for him.
- Meaningful Name: Keith Goodman.
- Nice Guy
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In episode 21, Kaede would've had a chance to restore Barnaby's memories if Sky High hadn't patted her shoulder, inadvertently giving her his powers in place of Maverick's memory manipulation powers.
- Razor Wind: Uses this against the Teddy Bear piloted mechas in Episode 10.
- Redundancy Department of Redundancy: He has the habit of repeating himself and again, he has the habit of repeating himself!
- Second Place Is for Losers: This fact brings some criticism from people in the streets and his boss, but it is his need to be a role model that made him lose confidence in his abilities as a superhero.
- Stuff Blowing Up: One of his most powerful attacks involves firing balls of hyper-compressed oxygen at the enemy, with predictable results.
- Superhero Sobriquets: The Wind Wizard (in the first episode he's also called The Wind Master).
- Virginity Makes You Stupid: Turns out he's a regular visitor of a Host Club -- because he thinks it's just a regular cafe.
"Why, you ask? It's because this place has the most delicious lemonade in the city!"
- Workaholic: He does patrolling all night even when there's no crime to speak off. No wonder he has so many points.
Nathan Seymore (Fire Emblem)
Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda (JP), John Eric Bentley (EN)
Affiliation: Helios Energy
Suit Advertisements: FMV (Fujitsu's PC brand) / Animate (Japanese anime/game/manga retailer) [since Episode 14]
An effeminate warrior with control over fire. He shows no shame about his homosexuality, and often casually hits on other male heroes. Despite his outrageous appearance, he's shown to be very intelligent and observant. He owns his own company, Helios Energy, which also serves as his affiliate as a superhero.
- Agent Peacock
- Animal Motif: Phoenix.
- Badass Gay
- Berserk Button
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: An incredibly flamboyant superhero who also works as a (presumably rather successful) corporate CEO.
- Camp Gay
- Color-Coded Secret Identity
- Cool Car: Appears to have several, though the one he uses whilst superheroing is by far the coolest.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead: Electric pink, to be exact.
- Force Field: He can create one with his fire powers powerful enough to vaporise bullets upon contact.
- Japanese Pronouns: He uses "watashi" and the feminine "atashi."
- Hidden Depths: Besides being a sympathetic Team Mom, in episode 7 he's shown to be a good thinker and one who's not beyond having his serious moments. There's also slight hints that the Camp Gay tendencies are at least partially affected, which Nishida confirms.
- Name's the Same: For the record. As per Word of God, it's just an amusing coincidence.
- No Sense of Personal Space
- Overshadowed by Awesome: Lunatic has the same powers as him, but they're considerably more versatile. He's also one of the lower-ranking NEXT in the Hero TV lists, which might have something to do with the fact that 'shoot fire from your hands' is a power that's rather short on harmless (or at least non-lethal) uses for a job that's strictly Thou Shalt Not Kill. During the test in episode 6, Kotetsu comments that - needing to prove his innocence - Nathan is being a lot more aggressive than usual with his NEXT power, to the point that the building is at risk of collapse.
- Playing with Fire
- Punny Name: See Stealth Pun below.
- Required Secondary Powers: Enhanced heat resistance, seeing as he can project building-melting fireballs without burning off an arm in the process. Also, his bullet-vaporising trick.
- Shout-Out/Captain Ersatz: His character design looks suspiciously similar to some of the crazier outfits and hairstyles of Dennis Rodman. His outfit is also a direct one to the type of outfites worn by the heroes of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.
- Shower Scene
- Stealth Pun: He's fuh-LAY-ming!
- His name in Japanese is pronounced as "neisan" which rhymes with "neesan" meaning "older sister" or "Miss."
- Superhero Sobriquets: From the first episode, the Bourgeois Open Flame Broil.
- Superheroes Wear Capes
- Team Mom: Happy to lend a sympathetic ear to other heroes' problems.
- Transsexualism: He's biologically male, tends to call himself "one of the girls", but Word of God states that Nathan considers himself to be "gender-free". Also, in the 6th drama cd he files a request to Yuri Petrov for a gender-neutral locker room for himself.
- Triple Shifter: Superhero and CEO that runs additional side businesses as a hobby.
- Twofer Token Minority
- Vocal Dissonance: Nathan usually speaks in falsetto, but when he's pissed off his voice drops a few octaves.
- Watch the Paint Job: Poor guy had his car shot to hell in Episode 6. He was understandably upset.
- You Gotta Have Electric Pink Hair
- Where Everybody Knows Your Flame: He owns a Gay Bar.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Likes his high heels and pink boas.
Ivan Karelin (Origami Cyclone)
Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (JP), Michael Sinterniklaas (EN)
Affiliation: Hesperides Finance
Suit Advertisements: .ANIME (Anime goods website) / Livedoor (Japanese blogging service) / NamuChara Ouendan (of Namco) / Takasu Clinic (An actual beauty clinic) [the latter three are since Episode 14]
A Japanophile in a vaguely ninja-themed costume who engages himself more in advertising than in actual crime-fighting.
- Adorkable: Yep, another one.
- Badass Normal: Since his powers don't lead to many direct combat operations, he is effectively just a well-trained gymnast.
- Bishonen: Katsura was explicitly told by one of his producers to draw a "hot guy who looks like a lead character." Said character was Ivan.
- Dork Knight
- Funny Character, Boring Actor: As Origami Cyclone he seems energetic, loud, and shameless. As Ivan, he's quiet, insecure, and reserved.
- Fuuma Shuriken: In costume has one in his back, but seems to be purely aesthetic. Though as it turns out when he uses it to escape Rotwang's cell in episode 24 and to fight in episode 25, it's actually an Absurdly Sharp Blade.
- Glory Hound: Takes this to its logical (though fairly harmless) extreme. He's always in the thick of the action, but never for one moment longer than is necessary for the media to recognise his presence. As a result, his catalogue of actual heroic deeds is near-vanishingly small (HeroTV even calls him "Hidden Hero"). Episode 8 reveals that it's due to his lack of confidence in his abilities to accomplish anything, at least not until Kotetsu inspires him to make the effort.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation
- The Infiltration: He does this to find the Ouroboros hideout.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Which lead us to...
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Yes, a ninja-themed hero whose main purpose is advertising. Curiously enough, he has a power that makes him very hard to spot indeed.
- I Will Wait for You: Vows to wait for Edward to consummate his prison time and fix their broken friendship.
- It's All My Fault: Back when he was still in training, Ivan hesitated to help Edward stop a hostage situation, which lead to the latter accidentally killing the hostage and destroying any chance of a superhero career before it even started.
- Keigo: As Origami Cyclone he speaks like a stereotypical samurai complete with the appropriate Japanese Pronouns and sentence enders, de gozaru.
- Let's Get Dangerous: In the finale.
- Master of Disguise: His power.
- McNinja: A Russian ninja operating in Not-Manhattan.
- Non-Action Guy
- Occidental Otaku
- Shrinking Violet: Of all things, this is his personality under the costume.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Uses his hero status almost exclusively for photobombing purposes initially.
- Took a Level in Badass: While he wasn't able to earn enough points at the end of the Hero TV season to dig himself out of last place, it's implied that he's continued to be more confident and active in his superhero work after Episode 8.
- Compare him simply popping up in the background in the beginning of the series to his parts in the final battle.
- Threshold Guardians: In episode 8, the return of a vengeful former friend forces Ivan to confront his feelings of inadequacy as a Hero which his theatrics hide. After a pep talk from Kotetsu, he manages to put his powers to good use and resolves to be a real Hero.
- Troubled but Cute: Has shades of this.
- Unusual Eyebrows: Has eyebrows that sweep upward.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: His superpower is the ability to copy the appearance of any individual he has touched. As shown in episode 21, he can also blend into the wall.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Feels this way about his power.
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: On the other hand, his true ability would be incredibly useful for undercover work and infiltration, so the lameness can be blamed more on Sternbild's superhero culture revolving around putting on a show rather than tactical law enforcement which is precisely the case in Episode 11.
- With him turning into a wanted poster of Kotetsu in episode 21 it seems his power is not as useless as he thinks since it means he can turn into inanimate objects and possibly animals.
Mr Legend
Voiced by: Jurota Kosugi (JP)
Sternbild's first and most famous superhero. He was the one who inspired Kotetsu to accept his powers and use them to fight for justice as Wild Tiger.
- The Ace
- Acrofatic
- The Alcoholic
- Badass Beard
- Broken Pedestal: How Kotetsu saw him after learning how he became a Fake Ultimate Hero late in his career.
- Brought Down to Normal: And he didn't take it well.
- The Cape (trope)
- Cool Old Guy
- Domestic Abuser: Mr. Legend fell hard when he lost his powers.
- Fake Ultimate Hero: Once he started to lose his powers, some of his arrests were staged by HeroTV and in consequence his mythical record wasn't really such.
- Fallen Hero: Oh yes.
- Heroic Build: Averted, not that he actually needed it.
- Immune to Bullets
- Old Superhero: An unusual variation -- rather than being a young, athletic hero who since retired and let himself go, Mr. Legend performed many of his heroics whilst an overweight middle-aged man... and was no less effective for it. Well, until his powers started fading, at which point his heroics were staged.
- Posthumous Character
- Stout Strength
- Superheroes Wear Capes
Voiced by: Koji Yusa (JP)
A mysterious NEXT who manipulates blue flames. Since he has a peculiar idea of justice, making killers atone for their deeds with their lives, he is not compatible with the other heroes. His secret identity is Yuri Petrov, a Sternbild judge and son of Mr. Legend.
- Abusive Parents: While Mr. Legend was a nice enough parent while he was a hero, he slowly descended into this and alcoholism once he was Brought Down to Normal... Also, Lunatic/Yuri seems to hallucinate from time to time that his father's spirit is reprimanding him.
- Anti-Hero/Anti-Villain
- Automatic Crossbow: Has one that can shoot his flames.
- All-Encompassing Mantle: Wears one but flings it off and burns it when he gets serious.
- Bruce Wayne Held Hostage: He spent the whole Jake Arc with the rest of mayor's crisis staff, severely limiting his options. Not that he would necessarily have improved matters had he stepped in.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Kotetsu from the fake Wild Tiger on the grounds that he only punishes true criminals.
- Chest Insignia: Has a blue hand on the right side of his body and a smaller one on his mask.
- Destructive Savior: For a given value of 'savior'. His attitudes towards collateral damage are enough to turn even Kotetsu's stomach.
- Fireball Eyeballs: Sometimes happens when using his powers.
- Freudian Excuse: His father, Mr. Legend, turned to drinking and abuse once his powers started to fade away but was being forced to keep up on public appearances. Once confronted with the truth, he turns on Yuri, blaming him. The reaction actually isn't that off, since many real-life abuse victims actually do try and explain or cover for their abusers. This may not excuse his actions, but he's got one messed-up family.
- Good Is Not Nice: If you consider him an Anti-Hero.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a massive burn across his face that he routinely covers with make-up. It's the result of his father attempting a Face Palm of Doom on him after Yuri set his hand on fire.
- Foreshadowed in early episodes by Kotetsu, who called his mask design a "Glove-Head".
- Kick the Dog: Going after Edward, one of the show's more sympathetic criminals, served as a timely reminder that he is, in fact, a villain.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Makes something of a hobby out of it. If he targets a criminal, odds are that they are deeply unpleasant people.
- His first appearance in Episode 6 has him frying three criminals midway through their fond reminiscences about kidnapping and murdering children and entire families.
- He does it again at the end of Episode 16, this time against a Serial Killer who managed to get away from Kotetsu.
- Kick Them While They Are Down: He's got a bad habit of going after criminals even after they've been arrested, imprisoned, or otherwise neutralised, such as the prisoners he fried in Episode Six and Albert Maverick after he wiped his own mind.
- Knight of Cerebus: The first villain in the show who's treated entirely seriously, and responsible for the first on-screen deaths as well.
- Knight Templar
- Lightning Bruiser: His flames are hotter than Fire Emblem's and he can use them to rapidly propel himself through the air. He's also resilient enough to take a direct hit from Kotetsu (while the latter's Hundred Power was activated) without flinching.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Never Hurt an Innocent: He makes a point of only killing criminals, but is not averse to extending a lethal hand on anyone who helps criminals.
- Nightmare Face: His mask.
- Nineties Anti-Hero: Kills criminals in the name of justice? Check. Considers other heroes outdated and ineffective? Check. Wears an outfit that would instantly identify him as a Card-Carrying Villain in any other era of comics? Double-check!
- Not Quite Flight: Can use quick bursts of flame to change his trajectory in mid-air, much like a Double Jump.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil
- Playing with Fire
- Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids: What he's trying to convince the other heroes of.
- Vigilante Man
- Villainous Rescue: See Big Damn Heroes above.
- Villain with Good Publicity: After years of exclusively being served idealistic, squeaky-clean heroes, fans love him. Though with the popularity boost the regular heroes get after defeating Ouroboros's attack, his success is short-lived.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Dr. Rotwang
Voiced by: Mitsuru Miyamoto (JP)
A robotics engineer and former colleague of Barnaby's parents. Created Cis and later joins up with Maverick to further his research. He is responsible for the black suited fake Wild Tiger, H-01.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Introduced early on as a one-shot who worked with Barnaby's parents on android research. Cut to episode 23...
- Dirty Coward
- Fantastic Racism Revealed in episode 23 and likely an inspiration for his work.
- Death by Racism: He thinks Maverick's plan is for them to get rid of all the NEXT's together apparently not realising that Maverick himself is a NEXT. He states this while he's hanging off the top of the Justice Tower from Maverick's leg.
- Killed Off for Real: It's safe to say he didn't survive being sent careening off the top of the tallest building in the city. Hero Tv Fan 2 also confirms his death.
- Mad Scientist
- Moral Dilemma/Morton's Fork/Sadistic Choice: Gives this to the captured heroes he put explosive leashs on. Either, A: a hero could deactivate their own explosives to save them-self but detonate the others; or B, trust that Tiger and Barnaby can defeat H-01 but if they lost to it all of theirs detonate. And if any of them used their NEXT powers, he would detonate them himself.
- Then he reveals in episode 24 that trying to deactivate their own explosive will cause them all to detonate anyways and that he had no intention of letting any of them live. When H-01 loses he goes back on his word and attempts to kill the Heroes.
- Psychopathic Manchild: He uses such juvenile names as "creepy" and "freaky" to describe NEXT.
- To be fair, that's just the English translation.
- He refers to them as "bakemono" or monsters, which is a rather exorbitant word and often associated with mythology. Perhaps the the fact he refers to them rather than using actual pronouns lends to his fanatical air.
- Shout-Out: He shares a name with another robot creator in Metropolis.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gets one in episode 23.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: What Maverick does to him in episode 25.
Voiced by: Michiko Neya (JP), Stephanie Sheh (EN)
A NEXT user who labels herself as a part of Ouroboros, she has taken Sternbild City hostage, and has demanded that Jake, who is imprisoned at Abbas Penitentiary, be released.
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bob Haircut
- Later Bald of Evil, which makes sense if one considers the possibility that the hospital staff probably shaved her head to keep her from using her hair to wreak havoc once she wakes up.
- Combat Commentator: For Ouroboros TV.
- Driven to Suicide: After learning of Jake's death, she kills herself by removing her IVs and unplugging her life-support. Among her death tropes are:
- Deathbed Confession: To Barnaby...
- I Regret Nothing: Because she'll be...
- Together in Death: With "Jake-sama!"
- Fantastic Racism: Was a victim of this in her childhood. When she was young, everyone (including her own parents) hated/feared her because she was a NEXT. Inverted in that once she joined up with Jake, she became a rabid supporter of NEXT supremacy and discriminates against 'normal' people.
- Friendless Background: Because everyone viewed her NEXT powers as "creepy and disgusting".
- Killed Off for Real
- Marionette Master: She controls the Mad Bears with her NEXT power.
- Making a Spectacle of Yourself
- Nice Hat: A bowler.
- Parasol of Prettiness: To accentuate her femininity.
- Parental Abandonment: Her parents always viewed her as a freak and didn't bother trying to get her back by paying the ransom money her kidnapper (Jake) demanded of them.
- Perky Goth
- Stockholm Syndrome + A Match Made in Stockholm: With Jake
- Unholy Matrimony: With Jake.
- Undying Loyalty: To Jake.
- You Can Keep Her: Her parents' response to her kidnapping by Jake twenty years ago.
Jake Martinez
Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara (JP), Steve Blum (EN)
A NEXT currently serving 250 years at the Abbas Penitentiary for a string of very intense deaths.
- Artificial Limbs: He lost his left leg due to an accident.
- Badass Finger-Snap
- But for Me It Was Tuesday: His response to Barnaby's declaration of You Killed My Parents.
- Of course, not actually murdering his parents in the first place is a pretty good excuse for forgetting.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Usually NEXTs gain a blue aura when they activate their powers. Jake's is red.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The Seven Battles event was completely intended to be this, and the first three matches actually were such, with Sky High, Rock Bison, and Wild Tiger all ending up hospitalized.
- Dark Messiah: Kriem views him as this.
- Disk One Final Boss
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Well, a helicopter.
- Evil Gloating: Taunts Barnaby in the middle of their fight, revealing he has a secondary power. He isn't stupid enough to tell anything more than that, but had he kept his mouth shut Kotetsu might not have figured out WHAT that power is.
- For the Evulz: He does have something vaguely resembling a coherent ideology, but a good number of his actions basically boil down to this.
- Glass Cannon: Due to his powers he has never gotten hit before, so he folds like paper anytime somebody actually manages to land a hit.
- I Never Told You My Name: During his fight with Wild Tiger, he calls him by his real name. After finding out Jake has a secondary power, Kotetsu immediately figures out he must be a mind-reader.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: It's Ali and Ladd all over again!
- Hired Guns: Former mercenary.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: His own attack is the one that causes the helicopter to fall and crash over him.
- Killed Off for Real
- A Match Made in Stockholm
- Unholy Matrimony: With Kriem.
- Mad Artist: While in prison.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: Goes absolutely nuts when Kotetsu, the hero he's spent the entire episode mocking as being worthless and pathetic, manages to be the only hero to land a hit on him - and accidentally, no less! Unfortunately, this doesn't end well for Kotetsu, who has to be rushed to the ICU after the ordeal.
- Multicolored Hair: He's dyed it to be a mixture of pink and blond. It was black 21 years ago.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Against Wild Tiger, especially after Kotetsu actually managed to kick him in the face by accident.
- Pet the Dog: He kidnapped Kriem for ransom money, but due to her NEXT abilities, her parents abandoned her and didn't pay. He cheered her up and let her go. In the end, she joined him.
- Real Men Wear Pink: And he's no less scary for it.
- Red Herring
- Serial Killer: And he might have been a Psycho for Hire in his mercenary days.
- Superpower Lottery: The first NEXT shown to have more than one power:
- Barrier Warrior, initially mistaken for Frickin' Laser Beams
- Telepathy
- Tattooed Crook
- You Have Failed Me...: To Chuckman.
- You Killed My Father: Barnaby thinks it was Jake who killed his parents, but a dying Kriem provides a very solid alibi to the contrary.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Jake appears to have something against shirts.
- What Measure Is a Non Super: He dreams of a world dominated by NEXT.
Hans Chuckman
Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP)
A member of Ouroboros who assists Kriem in her plan to get Jake released from prison. He's taken captive in the process and eventually killed by Jake as punishment for his failure.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Black Eyes of Evil: The one time he opens them. But he has normal eyes in the DVD/Blueray version.
- Facial Markings: He wears some kind of facepaint.
- Killed Off for Real
- The Team Normal
- You Have Failed Me...
Benoit Depardieu
Voiced by: Tetsuo Goto (JP)
A serial killer who appears in episode 16. He's been stated to sexually assault and murder women for pleasure.
- Asshole Victim
- For the Evulz: The series gives no other explanation for what he does.
- In-Series Nickname: Ladykiller
- I Surrender, Suckers: Inverted. When he sees Lunatic approach him he immediately attacks him. When that fails, he offers to come along quietly. Unfortunately for him he didn't seem to get the memo on Lunatic's approach towards unrepentant Serial Killers.
- Serial Killer
- Too Dumb to Live: For failing to realise that Lunatic doesn't take prisoners.
- Whip It Good: He has an electrically charged whip which he uses as a weapon. It's implied that he also uses it to torture his victims.
Hero TV
Agnes Joubert
Voiced by: Yuko Kaida (JP), Tara Platt (EN)
The producer for Hero TV. Her top priority is to increase the show's ratings and please her boss and the sponsors, regardless of its impact on the heroes' work.
- Beauty Mark
- Big Damn "Bonjour Heroes": Broadcasts Maverick's unwitting Engineered Public Confession to the world. And mocks him while doing it.
- Catch Phrase: "Bonjour, hero(es)!"
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: Actually averts this -- while she does everything to get the show better ratings, she still has honest morals.
- Da Chief: To the heroes, though with...slightly different priorities compared to the typical example.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French
- Executive Meddling: She'll do all that it's needed to have the best Ratings Stunt despite Tiger's opinion.
- French Jerk: She can be pretty mean sometimes -- so much so that some fans seemed to enjoy entertaining the possiblity that she might be one of the villains, but this was subverted as of episode 25.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit
- Hot Scoop
- Mean Boss
- Mission Control
- Ship Tease: Despite her looks and style, gets just one with Barnaby when he saves her from one of the kidnappers in episode 9. There was a clearly noticeable moment right after when she couldn't take her eyes off his face (and he was awfully close to her).
- Tsurime
- Windows to the Soul: Green Eyes to further emphasize her exotic nature.
- Workaholic: She only seems to care about ways to improve ratings.
Cain Morris
Voiced by: Kiyoshi Katsunuma (JP), Keith Silverstein (EN)
The director of Hero TV. More often than not, he tries to act as Agnes' moral compass by questioning some of her orders, but his concerns usually fall on deaf ears.
- All Men Are Perverts: During The Internet Is for Porn incident he actually asked Barnaby for recommendations.
Mary Rose
Voiced by: Riho Fushida (JP), Laura Bailey (EN)
The switcher for Hero TV.
A reporter and live commentator for Hero TV.
Albert Maverick
Voiced by: Nobuhiko Fukuda (JP), Jamieson Price (EN)
President and CEO of Apollon Media, the company responsible for HeroTV and sponsor company for Wild Tiger and Barnaby. He was a longtime associate of the Brooks family, and took Barnaby in after his parents were murdered.
- Asshole Victim: Subverted. His personality was gone by then, meaning that Lunatic's execution ended up seeming less like righteous justice than it actually was.
- Big Bad
- Butterfly of Death and Rebirth: Has a prominent one on his tie right around when he gets revealed as the Big Bad. Makes sense, as he's continually "killing" and replacing other people's memories.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: He may have originally created Hero TV to promote NEXT rights and keep the city safe and prosperous, but if so, that rapidly took a back seat to the lure of money and power.
- Driven to Suicide: Follows the spirit if not the letter - during his arrest, he opts to wipe his own mind, leaving himself a drooling vegetable, rather than give away anything about Ouroboros.
- Empty Shell: In the final episode, he uses his power to give himself a virtual lobotomy after his confession is broadcast live.
- Evil Old Folks
- Executive Meddling: In the early days of HeroTV he started arranging more high-profile crimes to boost ratings, even supplying them with hi-tech gear.
- The Extremist Was Right: Thanks to his management, Hero TV is a smash hit, and the positive exposure of NEXT heroes has significantly reduced anti-NEXT prejudice over the decades of its run. However, this is because he supplied tech to the criminal organization Ouroboros, who in turn provided criminals for the heroes to capture, and it becomes increasingly clear over the show's run that a lot of his actions are far from necessary for the greater good.
- Fake Memories: His NEXT power, which he uses to great effect on Barnaby, and later on against the other heroes as well.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: When he activates his power to re-write Barnaby's memories.
- Have You Told Anyone Else?: To know who else was with Barnaby during Kriem's Deathbed Confession.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: It's implied that his habit of repeatedly subjecting Barnaby to his powers left the latter's Mind Raped, Brainwashed and Crazy persona weak enough to be returned to normal without Maverick's involvement, provided an appropriate catalyst came into play.
- Honorary Uncle: To Barnaby.
- I have your Daughter: Captures Kaede along with the other heroes in the final two episodes, Unfortunately for him she's a Badass Damsel
- Karmic Death: Both his figurative and actual deaths count. After using his Psychic Power to wipe other people's memories, he ends up having to use it to give himself a virtual lobotomy. Also, as the CEO and President of Apollo Media, he is at least partially responsible for Mr. Legend's fall (and in turn Lunatic's philosophy of murdering criminals), which makes his Vigilante Execution by Lunatic karmic.
- Killed Off for Real: Given a Vigilante Execution by Lunatic shortly after his arrest.
- Possibly Not Quite Dead Hero Tv Fan 2 labels him missing instead confirming his death
- Manipulative Bastard
- Parental Substitute: Barnaby considers him one. A Freeze-Frame Bonus in episode 23 proves that this isn't true - Barnaby was actually raised in an orphanage. Marverick just altered his memories to make him think otherwise.
- Psychic Powers: has the NEXT ability to alter, erase, and implant memories.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Helps the heroes as much as possible during the Ouroboros crisis.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections / Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Both big parts of his M.O.
- Shout-Out: His First Name to Albert Wily. His Last Name to the Quirky Miniboss Squad in Mega Man X.
- Smug Snake: And how. The man sips tea while Kotetsu and Barnaby are coming to kick his ass.
- Treacherous Advisor: Has carefully conditioned Barnaby to live the life he planned out for him.
- The Sociopath
- Villain Ball: Grabs it after failing to immediately drug and Mind Rape Kotetsu, causing him to abandon his track record of Pragmatic Villainy in favor of the more complicated scheme of framing Kotetsu for Samantha's murder.
- Walking Spoiler
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Tries to paint himself as one when his plans failed, but the show makes it clear that he'd gone off the rails a long time ago. Replacing NEXT superheroes with robots, for instance, is not the best idea if you want to combat anti-NEXT prejudice.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Barnaby after episode 23 when he is free of his brainwash and to Rotwang at episode 25.
Alexander Lloyds
Voiced by: Wataru Yokojima (JP)
Albert's subordinate on Apollon Media that relays the company's orders to Kotetsu. Shown to be very business-oriented, the only thing he cares about is getting the most out of his employees, whether they like it or not.
- Catch Phrase: "If you don't like it, you can quit." Amusingly enough, Tiger and Barnaby's meteoric rise in popularity after defeating Jake leaves him horrified at the very notion.
- Jerkass: Takes way too much pleasure in reminding Kotetsu that he's an expendable corporate asset. Until the Time Skip, anyway.
- Unusual Eyebrows
Ben Jackson
Voiced by: Katsuhisa Hōki (JP)
Director of TopMag's Hero Division and Wild Tiger's old boss, before the division was closed and Tiger was handed over to Apollon Media.
- Bearer of Bad News: Was the one who informed Kotetsu that he was apparently losing his powers.
- Benevolent Boss: Was one to Wild Tiger. And since he's made CEO of Apollon Media in the season finale, he most likely resumes this role.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Kotetsu from a brainwashed Ivan and Pao-Lin without a second thought.
- How the Mighty Have Fallen: From director of TopMag's Hero Division to a mere taxi driver. A sad subversion since, unlike most examples of the trope, he was a genuinely caring boss to Kotetsu. Although, as Episode 12 reveals, he doesn't seem to mind it, as he is more worried about Kotetsu's new lease of superhero life (and what seems to be an impending loss of his powers) than anything else. Ultimately subverted in the last episode, when he is promoted as the new president of Apollon Media.
- Nice Guy
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: He's totally not Forrest Whitaker.
- Spanner in the Works: Maverick didn't take him into account when mind-wiping everyone he knew of that was aware of Wild Tiger's secret identity.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: After spending most of the season as a penniless taxi driver, gets Maverick's old job as president of the mighty Apollon Media in the series finale.
Other Characters
Doc Saito
Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki (JP)
An engineer working for Apollon Media. He is in charge of developing the suits for the company's superheroes. He speaks with a voice that is barely audible.
- Asian and Nerdy
- Big Damn Heroes: Singlehandedly saves all of the heroes by activating the androids' safety mode seconds before they're about to kill the heroes
- Claustrophobia: It is revealed in Episode 6 that he has this.
- The Engineer
- Genius Ditz: Just look at his amazing and very original upgrades for the suits.
- Insufferable Genius: Saito is insistent to make sure that Kotetsu knows just how awesome the Powered Armor he made for him is (like, say, forcing him to be the "victim" in a crime scene replication so he can feel the suit's fire-resistance capabilities for himself).
- Although we see exactly how justified Saito's pride is in the finale. Even when everyone thinks Kotetsu is dead, the fact that the suit just broke instead of melting completely after being hit with that laser is pretty damn awesome.
- Nerd Glasses
- Sweet Tooth: Shown in Episode 13 to have an L-like affinity for ice cream.
- The Unintelligible: He speaks so softly that others can barely hear him. (It's even subtitled.) Unless he's talking through an intercom, anyway, in which case he has No Indoor Voice.
- In the finale, he's rigged up a megaphone to a helmet to make himself heard.
Kaede Kaburagi
Voiced by: Rina Hidaka (JP)
Kotetsu's 10-year-old daughter. She lives with her grandmother and does not know about her father's secret identity.
- Alliterative Name: Like her dad.
- Badass Damsel: Superpowered little girls make for poor hostages.
- Big Damn Heroes: Singlehandedly makes Maverick's plan backfire in his face with her own Mega Manned version of his power. And then she does it again by taking out Rotwang before he can activate his death trap.
- Calling the Old Man Out: In Episode 17.
- Chekhov's Gunman: She is initially only featured in a few episodes early on; as of the most recent episodes, she's arguably as important to the arc as the secondary heroes.
- Ditto Fighter/Mega Manning: Her ability as a budding NEXT. She's basically got Rogue's powerset, minus the Touch of Death.
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength: Her power is to copy the power of the last NEXT she's touched. Thus, she spends some time accidentally destroying damn near everything she touches after temporarily acquiring her father's Hundred Power abilities.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs
- Expository Hairstyle Change: After the timeskip.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: She gets really upset when her favorite stuffed animal gets lost.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Little Miss Badass
- Locked Out of the Loop: Concerning Kotetsu's double life. Until episode 21.
- Mega Manning: Kaede's NEXT power.
- Missing Mom: Her mother, Tomoe, died from illness five years ago.
- Plucky Girl: Daddy's in deep trouble back in Sternbild? She's out to help him. Alone. And she's only ten.
- Power Floats: When we first saw her NEXT powers, they were enabling her to float and run on air.
- Power Incontinence: In episodes 18 & 19, it drives her and Anju crazy.
- Precocious Crush: On Barnaby.
- Raised by Grandparents: Since Kotetsu is not at home most of the time, she lives with her grandmother and uncle instead.
- Superpowerful Genetics: Considering how she reacts to the knowledge of her father's real job, she shows quite a bit of potential for becoming a superhero herself.
- The Un-Reveal: She copied magnetic powers from someone, but it's never stated who.
- "Well Done, Dad" Girl: Kotetsu only ever wanted her to say he was cool (which she eventually does).
- When You Coming Home, Dad?: She's understandably displeased about not having her dad around while growing up; made worse because he hasn't been able to tell her about his double life.
Anju Kaburagi
Voiced by: Sayuri Sadaoka (JP)
Kotetsu's mother. She has been raising her granddaughter Kaede in his absence. Is aware of her son's job as a hero.
Muramasa Kaburagi
Voiced by: Masahiko Tanaka (JP)
Kotetsu's brother. He lives in the same town as his mother and niece and owns a liquor store. Is aware of his brother's job as a hero.
- The Bartender: He owns a liquor store.
- Big Brother Instinct: He might be aloof, but he cares about his little sibling regardless.
- The Confidant: It helps that he knows his little brother very well.
- The Dutiful Son
- Promotion to Parent: He helps his mother take care of Kaede, especially after her powers awaken.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: His serious disposition makes him the polar opposite to Kotetsu.
Yuri Petrov
Voiced by: Koji Yusa (JP)
Sternbild City’s Administration of Justice’s judge as well as the TV hero’s curator. He takes into account the actual situations of all of the various matters and state of affairs of the damages caused to goods during Hero TV. Therefore, he fairly judges indemnities and other such judicial decisions. He's also the criminal-killing NEXT, Lunatic.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Appears in Episode 1 in the background of the after party behind Blue Rose.
- Hanging Judge
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Episode 16 reveals that he killed his father, Mr. Legend... while he was beating his wife and then turned his violence to him.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He will always do his research on a criminal if he suspects something fishy with their case. Even if the whole city believes otherwise. This proved vital to Kotetsu's remaining free when he was chased by his brainwashed friends.
- Scars Are Forever: He has a burn scar with the shape of his father's hand he covers with make up.
- Self-Made Orphan: Okay, so technically he only killed his father, not his mother.
- Superpowerful Genetics: His father was Mr. Legend, but he diligently follows his own version of superheroics after having lost faith in the method Legend was promoting before he lost his powers.
- Talking to the Dead: He talks to a hallucination of his father.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Tomoe Amamiya/Kaburagi
Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto (JP)
A young lady whom Kotetsu befriended and eventually married some years ago. She died of an illness five years ago, hence why Kaede stays with her grandmother instead of her.
- Adorkable
- Birds of a Feather: She and Kotetsu became friends over their shared geekiness.
- Class Representative
- Death by Origin Story
- Fan Girl: Tomoe was a bit too fond of superheroes for her own good. She even boasted owning every episode of HeroTV in high school.
- Geeky Turn On: Is a giant HeroTV and superhero fangirl, so when she finds Kotetsu trying to come up with his superhero name in class one day...
- High School Sweethearts
- Ill Girl: Though it's unclear if this is a case of the Soap Opera Disease or The Disease That Shall Not Be Named.
- Last Request: Before dying, she asked Kotetsu to always remain a hero.
- The Lost Lenore: Type A in Kotetsu's life.
- Meganekko: During high school. Kotetsu's nickname for her was Miss Glasses.
- Official Couple: Tomoe and Kotetsu got Happily Married some time after graduation. But then she died five years before Kotetsu's arrival at Apollon Media...
- Posthumous Character
- Tall Dark and Bishojo
- Tsundere: To Kotetsu, again.
Tomoe: I think Tiger is the best name for you, Kotetsu!
Kotetsu: Did you just call me by my first name?
Tomoe: I-it's not like it matters or anything!
- Zipping Up the Bodybag: The blanket over the head variant.
Voiced by: Akiko Yajima (JP)
A mysterious young woman whom Sky High meets and falls in love with in episode 15.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: And breaks rather easily when hit by lighting.
- Apologetic Attacker: Subverted, "I'm sorry" is one of the stock phrases she has in her memory, and it's pure coincidence that it's the one she uses when she starts slamming Kotetsu's face into a wall.
- Bob Haircut
- Creepy Monotone: Later revealed to be Machine Monotone.
- Deceptively-Human Robots
- Electronic Speech Impediment: She seems to have limited amount of phrases she can say and starts to repeat them after she's broken.
- Emotionless Girl: Justified.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: A red headband.
- Expy: Of Dorothy from The Big O, a previous work from the director. Right down to having the same voice actress and being a Robot Girl.
- Marionette Motion: During the fight.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: When she's in combat mode.
- Robot Girl
- Robotic Reveal
- Shallow Love Interest: Justified, she's a robot and thus she can't have more depth than she's already been given.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Cis, Sis, and Six are all different spellings used for her name.
- The Stoic
- Strange Girl: At first, or at least before the Robotic Reveal.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Samantha Taylor
Voiced by: Yoshiko Takemura (JP)
A former housekeeper of the Brooks family who Barnaby is still friendly with. She sends him a cake on his birthday every year. She eventually finds proof that suggests Maverick tampered with Barnaby's memories. After Maverick finds this out he has her captured and murders her, while framing Kotetsu for it.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Is introduced as a minor character but eventually proves vital in proving that some of Barnaby's memories were tampered with.
- Granny Classic
- Killed Off for Real
- Kindly Housekeeper
- Nice Old Lady
- Parental Substitute: Spent a lot of time raising Barnaby as a child because his real parents were busy designing robots.
- Satellite Character: Her entire role in the series is defined by her connection to Barnaby.
- She Knows Too Much
- ↑ See the "Frozen Face" entry, above