< Tiger and Bunny

Tiger and Bunny/Funny

Mario: What's this? Wild Tiger is activating his Hundred Power! This makes his physical abilities...

(cuts to the monorail car)

Bank Robber: Go faster!

Conductor: I can't!

(cuts back to Wild Tiger, twisting the monorail track into a pretzel)

Mario: ...a hundred times more powerful!

(cuts back to monorail car)

Bank Robber: Make it stop!

Conductor: I can't!

    • Wild Tiger is trying to save the criminal from the crashing airship, but the criminal wants to wait to be saved by Sky High instead.
    • After Blue Rose saves the boat load of people she gets shot at, the look on her face as she does her "Cutie Escape" down the ice is hilarious.
  • Episode 2:
    • The part when Wild Tiger shot his grappling hook pistol at the statue to latch on to it and instead hits Barnaby at the moment he landed on the statue. Barnaby was then yanked toward Tiger and collided with him and another grappling hook launched and ricochet until both Tiger and Barnaby were tangled together.
    • The conversation when Wild Tiger gave Barnaby the nickname "Bunny".

Barnaby: My name's not Bunny! It's Barnaby!

Kotetsu: "My name's not Bunny! It's Barnaby!"

Barnaby: I didn't say it like that!

  • Episode 3:
    • Barnaby's taking a photo with two pretty FanGirls and the instant before the shutter closes Origami Cyclone appears out of nowhere in frame.
    • Tiger's eloquent explanation of the Sternbild skyline.
  • Episode 4:
    • Tiger: "We should be fighting guys that carry machine guns and go like BADADADADA!- *a nearby truck explodes* Eh? That thing's armed?!"
    • After the announcer broadcasts his wonder whether of not Tiger will destroy something again and when the armored car started to side smash him, Tiger decided to destroy it and started kicking it but Agnes told him not to. Tiger then yelled to them to make up their mind on whether or not that they want him to destroy stuff or not.
    • Also when the announcer asks if Tiger's going to destroy something he responds with "Are you trying to provoke me!"
  • The entirety of episode 5.
    • Kotetsu doing the practice run for Barnaby's surprise carrying a rabbit plushie.
    • Barnaby not behaving as planned for the actual run of the surprise party. The whole screw up was hilarious, really.
    • "So this thing increases our power?" "NOPE, BUT IT MAKES YOU LOOK COOL."
    • Sky High sulking over not getting to deliver his lines, that he rehearsed all alone in an alley. It was lonely. Keep in mind, he spent so much time rehearsing his lines in that lonely alley that he missed not only his cue but the whole to-do with Pauly.
    • The episode's Stinger, showing us what happened to Rock Bison. What really makes it is that the other Heroes don't even seem to notice that Bison is missing, instead wondering what ever happened to the pink plush bunny that was supposed to be Barnaby's birthday present.
  • Episode 6:
    • Kotetsu vs the mech: Kotetsu gets a serious look on his face and takes a fighting stance—then runs away.
    • Fire Emblem's reaction to his Ferrari getting torn up by a mini mech's miniguns.
    • Tiger and Fire Emblem's argument about who should save who while hiding behind the evermore ruined Ferrari in question.
  • Episode 7:
    • Tiger's charity gig with Blue Rose, which ended in the two of them giving her catch phrase together in goofy poses.
  • Episode 8:
    • Kotetsu's group of NEXT's powers.
    • Ivan echoing Kotetsu while transformed as him.
    • "Take it before it's taken." The points, that is.
  • Episode 9:
    • The heroes playing "pass the baby" when little Sam starts crying, his NEXT powers making objects fly around the room. They figure they need to hand him to a woman, but Karina/Blue Rose is too stunned from discovering that Kotetsu is a widower with a daughter.
      • TAKAI TAKAI SKY HIGH! (And Ivan's horrified expression next to him.)
      • Rock Bison treating the baby like a football.
      • Fire Emblem going from resisting being handed the baby to snatching him up when Barnaby first suggests that the cries for "Mama" would probably be best answered by a woman.
  • Episode 10:
    • Barnaby saves Kotetsu from a high fall, mentioning that it's been a while since he carried Kotetsu like that, and then asks if he's gained weight.
    • Origami Cyclone boasting about being a hero in front of a camera after saving someone... Only to be punched right towards a wall.
  • Episode 11:
    • Kotetsu's dramatic speech to the Mayor and his associates doesn't go quite as planned when it turns out he has trouble with the word "self-interests."
  • Episode 12:
  • Episode 13:

Fire Emblem: Let's show them some girl power!

Blue Rose: Girl? One of us doesn't quite match that description.

Dragon Kid: Sorry, is it because I'm a Tomboy?

Blue Rose: I'm not talking about you.

Fire Emblem: Are you saying I'm not one of the girls?!

Blue Rose Ugh, those two are too much for me.

    • And towards the end of the episode, after the day has been saved and they're all ready to go home (and everyone is praising Barnaby while ignoring Kotetsu); "What's the matter with you? You want some praise too, don't you?" "Shut up, that's not it!"
  • Episode 14:
    • After 13 episodes of Mr Lloyds telling Kotetsu "If you don't like it you can quit!" when Kotetsu says he'd rather quit being a hero than sing he reacts with a horrified "You can't quit! Don't say you'll quit ever again!" It's Lampshaded in a round about way by Barnaby saying that Mr Lloyds has changed.
    • Kotetsu showing off his "moves."
    • The print on the towel Kotetsu gives Karina reads "Kaburagi Wine and Spirits."
    • Karina telling Kotetsu that she'll treasure the towel he gave her and then running off with a silly grin on her face while Kotetsu stares after her and looks completely baffled.
  • Episode 15:
    • When Tiger and Barnaby do a radio show together Tiger has some mild flirting with the female presenter, then cut to a blatantly jealous Karina stomping on the radio in the Heroes gym calling Tiger an idiot.
    • Keith mentioning that he's in love. The girls (and Fire Emblem) immediately give him advice, which he uses (to no avail). Also Nathan comments that everyone seems to be falling in love while looking right at Karina.
    • Barnaby Brooks Jr. finds himself the subject of a swimsuit photo shoot in the fifteenth episode. Kotetsu gets to participate too, though not quite in the same way.
  • Episode 17:
    • Kotetsu innocently offering to bond with Kaede by taking a bath together, and getting called a pervert. And then he responds to the accusation by wondering where she learned that word.
  • Episode 18:
    • Blue Rose pretending that she doesn't care that Kotetsu is back, and everyone (starting with the overly-honest Sky High) calling her on it.
    • Kaede dealing with her newly-activated powers: first her copy of Hundred Power, and later magnetism.
  • Episode 19
    • Kotetsu riding the animatronic tiger at the mall. While having a serious phone conversation.
    • And Barnaby's reaction to Kotetsu's attempts to "ruin" his precious "genuine leather" jacket.
  • Episode 20
    • Karina with cucumber slices on her face is funny to start with, then Kotetsu walks in:

Kotetsu Did you lose a bet or something?
Karina Kyaaaaa! * Does a Cutie Escape and hides behind Sky High, who looks rather bemused*

    • Kotetsu constantly getting sidetracked from drinking the drugged coffee. Repeatedly. While Maverick looks on in silently mounting frustration. Might be the most hilarious and epic example of unintentional Trolling of all.
    • Kotetsu trying to convince the security guard that he is, in fact, Wild Tiger.
    • Sky High's little moment of Comically Missing the Point.

Fire Emblem: I'm worried about Handsome.
Sky High: Yeah, me too. [completely serious] Can Barnaby really handle hosting a dinner party?

  • Episode 21
    • Kotetsu trying to convince a crowd he's not the bad guy as the huge big screen behind him is flashing wanted posters and fugitive warnings.
    • Kotetsu's variation of the Cutie Escape during his fight with Black Suit Wild Tiger.

Kotetsu: "Guess I have no choice... [does an Asskicking Pose as though preparing to fight, then suddenly turns and runs off] See ya!"

  • Episode 22
    • Kotetsu doing double thumbs-ups trying to make the other heroes remember.
    • Dragon Kid calling Kotetsu a stalker after he revealed some of their intimate secrets. The fact Sky High thinks he should have been convinced by the egg-yolk 'secret'.
    • Kotetsu being mad at Bison and his reaction.
  • Episode 23
    • Barnaby, who was in the middle of attacking Kotetsu with the intent to kill, suddenly calling it off just because Kotetsu called him "Bunny" was totally grin-worthy.
    • While Tiger hugging Barnaby is heartwarming, Barnaby's reaction to being all but glomped is really funny.
  • Episode 24
    • Somehow, Kotetsu's "death scene" managed to both be heartbreakingly tragic and funny. Because really, with Famous Last Words like "You have really long eyelashes"? It might induce guilt, but it's hard not to laugh.
  • Episode 25
    • Kotetsu wondering why no one bothered to check to see if he had a pulse after he passed out.
    • The line Kotetsu said after he woke up was very cool, but then we find out he totally rehearsed that.
    • Just after that Kaede and Barnaby go over to Kotetsu when they see he's OK. Then Blue Rose runs over to him bawling at the top of her lungs, Kotetsu looks kinda bemused by her being that upset followed by Fire Emblem telling Kotetsu he shouldn't make girls cry, the fact he is also sobbing makes it uncertain if he's talking about Kaede, Blue Rose or himself.
      • Though he was probably talking about all three of them...as in, including himself in "The Girls' Team" again.
    • Origami Cyclone scaring Kotetsu by chucking his giant throwing-star at an escaping Maverick in a needlessly showy and thus awesome manner.
    • The book Karina is reading at the end has an oddly specific title: "100 Ways To Make A Single Father Fall For You"
      • Don't forget about the label advertising it as Fire Emblem's favorite.
    • After time skip: Barnaby once again saving Tiger from falling on top of a very expensive car with a princess carry, and after that, the argument over who's gonna pay for the car they just destroyed.
      • Especially the fact that they have most of their conversation while Barnaby is still holding Tiger.
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