The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess/Characters


This Link is a simple Farm Boy living in Ordon Village who rounds up goats on the Mayor's ranch. One day, he is attacked by Bulblins and pulled into a mysterious fog known as Twilight by a Shadow Beast. After realizing he has turned into a wolf, he is rescued by the imp Midna in exchange for agreeing to help her recover the Fused Shadows to stop the Big Bad: Zant.



An enigmatic and snarky imp who has a mysterious connection to the Twilight that has enveloped Hyrule. She offers to help Link escape from his prison and eventually becomes his guide. She rides on his back when he's in wolf form, and hides in his shadow when he's a human.


The Princess and reigning monarch of Hyrule. She was to be crowned queen, but Zant invaded on the day preceding her coronation. She gives Link advice in a tower in Hyrule Castle in which she is imprisoned.



Played up to be the Big Bad of Twilight Princess, and later Hijacked by Ganon. He bonded himself to Ganon, whom he believed to be a god, and used this power to take over the Twilight Realm. At the opening of Twilight Princess, he is spreading Twilight all over Hyrule, and has invaded Hyrule Castle.

  • Ambition Is Evil: Midna states this is the reason why he was initially passed over for power.
  • Ax Crazy: Revealed to be this when you fight him.
  • Belief Makes You Stupid: His blind following of Ganondorf.
  • The Caligula: He's very crazy.
  • Confusion Fu: His fighting style is heavily erratic, even moreso the more hits you give to him.
  • Dimension Lord
  • The Dragon
  • Evil Chancellor
  • Evil Sorcerer
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Probably the most controversial example of this trope.
  • Laughing Mad: Let's just say that during the final battle against Zant, he seems to laugh a lot of the time, and that it is a disturbed laugh.
  • Leitmotif: Has a very subtle one. In his theme music at the beginning after the Scare Chord (see below) there is a very weird sequence of six notes played on what sounds like a very discordant stringed instrument. When you are in Twilight-covered areas of Hyrule, you hear the same six notes on a flute in the BGM.
  • Neck Snap: He does one in Ganon's death scene for some reason.
  • Noodle People: It's not really noticeable because of his clothes, but he's quite skinny, lanky and has disturbingly long arms
  • Psychopathic Manchild: This happens when you finally get to fight against him.
  • Scare Chord: His musical theme begins with some strange squealing noise.
  • Terms of Endangerment: He keeps referring to Midna as "my Midna." May be a Stalker with a Crush, although this is unconfirmed.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Though he wasn't exactly sane from the start, only keeping a calm facade. He loses this facade once Link reaches his throne room, and he breaks down even more when their fight goes on, as his attacks get even more unpredictable as he is on his last hits.


After falsely swearing allegiance to the king, Ganondorf was exposed as a traitor by the Hero of Time, having just come back from a Bad Future where he'd taken over Hyrule. His plans to get the Triforce were foiled, and he was condemned to execution by the Sages themselves. However, even though he got his heart pierced, it didn't quite kill him, as the mark of the Triforce of Power somehow appeared in his hand, and reanimated his body. In a fit of Unstoppable Rage, he broke free of his chains, killed the Sage of Water, and took the very sword meant to execute him for his own. In a desperate move, the Sages sent Ganondorf to the Twilight Realm, in the hopes of keeping him trapped there. After wandering there for who-knows-how-long, he met Zant, and the events of the game were set in motion.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is somewhere between green and gray this time around.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: He still has the glowing scar he received from his failed execution. If anyone guesses this is his one weakpoint, they'd be right.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Can be distracted in the final battle by your fishing rod.
    • However, he doesn't show signs of this any other time, and this is the only item you can use to distract him. It's a long-standing series tradition (dating back to A Link to the Past) for a single non-combat item to have an inexplicable combat usage like this.
  • Arch Enemy: Averted this time, from his point of view at least, as he doesn't really know who Link is in this game.
  • Badass: The sages chained him to a stone and impaled him with sword, but when he got the Triforce of Power, he broke free from the chains and killed one of the sages by PUNCHING HIM IN THE FACE.
  • Big Bad: Much to the dismay of Zant fans.
  • Blade Lock: For the first time in the series. Slash or Jump Attack at him when he comes running at you with his sword raised and you'll lock blades. Lose, and you'll get stabbed For Massive Damage (and a brief Dark Reprise of his already dark theme). Win, and he'll be left wide open for a devastating combo (and accompanying Triumphant Reprise of his theme).
  • Card-Carrying Villain: At one point, he talks about how hatred fuels his power. (Skyward Sword makes this a combination of Foreshadowing and Call Back!)
  • Cool Sword: He wields an intricate blade made of Hard Light.
  • Dark-Skinned Redhead: Due to his Gerudo heritage. Though, as previously said, his skin isn't as much dark as it is green by now.
  • Demonic Possession: He uses this on Zelda for the first phase of the final battle.
  • Died Standing Up: After the final battle.
  • Dimension Lord: By extension of being the one commanding Zant.
  • Duel Boss: The final battle against him, which, along with Wind Waker's, is recognized as one of the best boss fights in the series.
  • Evil Laugh: Toned down considerably from the previous games. More like an Evil Chuckle.
  • Evil Overlord
  • Evil Sorcerer
  • Full Boar Action: Ganon.
  • Genius Bruiser
  • God Guise: He poses as a god to manipulate Zant.
  • Heart Light: He has a white, glowing scar in the middle of his chest. His permanent reminder of the Sages' failed attempt at executing him.
  • Hellish Horse: With glowing red eyes.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He was human (or very close to it) to start with, but after getting the Triforce of Power, he became something much, much worse.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: The Sages do this to him. It doesn't work. Then Link does it. It works.
  • Leitmotif: Remixed with Hyrule Castle's while you progress through it. And with Zelda's for the first phase of the final battle.
  • Light Is Not Good: Light was good when the Sages tried to off him with a Cool Sword made of the stuff, but in his hands... not so much.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He walks pretty slow in his fight, but that's because he wants to. For a guy as massive as he is, he can move pretty quickly if he wants to. And jump absurdly high.
    • His Ganon form is extremely fast in spite of its size and can ram through the stone pillars in the throne room you fight it in like they aren't even there.
  • Magic Knight: He not only possesses powerful magic, but is also unbelievably strong and skilled with a sword.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Manipulates Zant in order to escape the Twilight Realm.
  • Marathon Boss: If fought the hard and boring way.
  • Nigh Invulnerable: First he gets exposed as a traitor, which probably nets him very harsh treatment in a prison (Arbiter's Grounds, and if they're anything to go by...). Then he gets Impaled with Extreme Prejudice by a sword made of Hard Light specially made for executing deranged madmen like him. Then he gets thrown into the Twilight Realm (and it really looks like it hurt him when he got disintegrated into the portal). Then when Link confronts him, he gets hit by his own powerful light magic spells, which should be his antithesis, then gets his still-very open scar and weak spot brutally abused, then gets hit by Midna's One-Winged Angel form's BFS of a spear (which was enough to trigger an explosion strong enough to level Hyrule Castle), then gets turned into a Light Arrow pincushion, then gets repeatedly slashed in his scar by the Master Sword, and finally, is stabbed one last time in the chest, right where his glowing scar is, bringing this Overly Long Gag to a subverted close. For those who skipped the paragraph, Ganondorf just refuses to die.
  • Older and Wiser: Averted. Unlike in Wind Waker, he's older, but not much wiser compared to his Ocarina of Time self.
  • One-Winged Angel: Ganon, as always.
  • Physical God: Almost literally, considering what powers him. He also pretends to be an actual god to Zant.
  • Playing Tennis With the Boss: When he's possessing Zelda.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: What the Sages did to him after they failed to kill him. He got out.
  • Slouch of Villainy
  • Staying Alive: Although he seems to be Deader Than Dead at the end, with the Triforce of Power abandoning him, he ends up reincarnating just in time to hijack The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures.
  • Wicked Cultured

King Bulblin

The chief of the Bulblin tribe in Twilight Princess, who raid Link's village at the beginning of the game. He and his minions serve as recurring enemies throughout the game, with Link fighting him four times, two on horseback, two on foot.

The Group

"The Group" is the unofficial name for a group of freedom-fighters that met in Telma's Bar in Twilight Princess to organize a resistance against Zant. The members of this group help Link get to the last few dungeons of the game and storm the castle in a very awesome scene at the end.


Link's mentor and big brother figure. A swordsman from Ordon village, he acts as a surrogate father to Link and gathers some old friends to form a small group of mercenaries later in the game to counter Zant's forces in Hyrule.

  • Badass
  • Big Brother Instinct: He regards Link as his younger brother, and is appropriately protective of him.
  • The Blacksmith: Mostly off-screen, but he did forge the Ordon Sword.
  • Dub Name Change: His original Japanese name is Moi.
  • Happily Married: To his wife Uli, who is pregnant with their second child during the course of the game. (The newborn baby is seen briefly during the end credits.)
  • The Hero: Of the Resistance, not the game.
  • La Résistance
  • Master Swordsman
  • The Obi-Wan: He doesn't die, but he is severely injured.
  • Papa Wolf: He valiantly defends his family from a ferocious wolf (who just happens to be Link). Did we mention he did this while seriously injured from a recent raid on the village?
    • Which makes it all the more humorous later in the game where a fully recovered Rusl will cower if Link runs up to him in Wolf form in the Faron woods.
  • Storming the Castle


A female knight who scouts out the Snowpeak region in search of the Yeti tribe. She joins the rest of the resistance at the end of the game by storming the castle. Supplemental material explains that her father was a Hylian soldier who raised her to be a warrior like the son he never had.


Auru is the oldest member of the Group, but one of the most knowledgeable. He helps Link get over the mountains and into Gerudo Desert. He used to tutor Princess Zelda in her youth.


Shad is The Smart Guy of the group, who is usually too involved with his studies to do any fighting. However, his knowledge of ancient Hylian lore does help you get to the City in the Sky. According to supplemental material, his father worked as a butler in the royal palace.


Telma is the proprietor of the bar where the Group usually meets, and she frequently helps Link throughout the game, mainly by taking care of Ilia during her amnesia.

Supporting Cast


Link's best childhood friend is the daughter of the mayor of Ordon Village, and is abducted by Bulblins early in the game. A large portion of the later game is dedicated to helping her recover her lost memories. She functions in a role similar to that which Malon played in Ocarina of Time and shares Aryll's status of the "Girl who went missing and thus motivates Link to go on his quest." (But she's surprisingly not a Damsel in Distress.)


Colin is one of the Ordon kids, the son of Rusl and Uli. Of all the kids, he idolizes Link the most. He himself has expressed that he wants to grow up to be just like Link.


Another of the children of Ordon Village who gets kidnapped and taken to Kakariko Village. While there, he sets up a business called "Malo Mart", which, with Link's help, can get an additional branch in Castle Town.


The shaman of Kakariko Village, and one of the only residents to survive the slaughter that took place there before Link's arrival. He shelters the Ordon children and protects them until the end of the game, when it's finally safe for them to return to their own village, and is an old friend of Mayor Bo's. He counsels Link in how to access the Goron Mines.


A young girl who owns a fancy house in Hyrule Castle Town and has an obsession with bugs. One of the optional sidequests in the game is to collect various bugs scattered through the world and bring them to her.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Her obsession with bugs causes her to say the wall things, to be sure.
  • Creepy Child: Though she doesn't mean to be, so it's not that creepy.
    • Unless you walk out of her house while still carrying a bug. Then she turns the creepy up to 11.
  • Elegant Fairy-Kei Lolita: Pretty self-explanatory, though she takes the "fairy" part to a whole new level...
  • Everything's Better with Princesses: She refers to herself as the Princess of the Bug Kingdom, although given her age (supplemental material states that she's ten), it might simply be a game of pretend.
    • Some fans have noted that in medieval times (which Hyrule largely resembles), claiming to be a princess would be Serious Business, and thus theorize that Agitha really is a blood relative of Zelda. And it would explain how a little girl is so very wealthy.
  • Friend To All Animals: One of the few characters that isn't afraid of Links wolf form.
  • Fiction 500: The only explanation for the fact that she gives Link hundreds of rupees in exchange for the golden bugs.
  • Parasol of Prettiness
  • Parental Abandonment: At least, she doesn't seem to have any.
  • Pimped-Out Dress
  • Spoiled Sweet: She's rich and quite messed up in the head, but also a pretty nice person.
  • Strange Girl


The owner of the Fishing Pond at Upper Zora's River. Sister to Coro and Iza.


Brother to Hena and Iza. A bad fisherman, he instead lives in the Faron Woods far to the south of his sisters and sells lantern oil to travellers.

  • Friend To All Animals: Like Agitha above, he's one of the few characters not frightened by Links wolf form (he says his sisters are scarier). Plus, a bird lives in his hair.
  • Funny Afro: A particularly huge one that doubles as a bird's nest.
  • Improbable Hairstyle
  • Lethal Chef: Don't eat his soup.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: Has a talking pet bird with a similar afro who runs a shop for him deeper in the woods. The bird expresses annoyance that Coro never comes around.


Runs the Boating Minigame at Upper Zora's River. Sister to Coro and Hena.

Yeto and Yeta

Two Yeti who live in the Snowpeak region of Hyrule. Yeto regularly raids Zora's Domain for Reekfish, which frightens the locals who live there. In actuality, he's a textbook Gentle Giant who is also an excellent chef. His wife, Yeta, has a shard of the Mirror of Twilight in her possession, and she has fallen ill due to its dark influence.

Prince Ralis

A young Zora prince orphaned due to Zant executing his mother, Queen Rutela.

Queen Rutela

The Queen of the Zoras and mother of Prince Ralis. Executed by Zant, she appears as a ghost to Link and asks him to help her son.

The Hero's Shade

A mysterious figure known only to Link. He appears when Link encounters the golden wolf, and teaches him the seven Hidden Skills. According to the Hyrule Historia book, he's the spirit of the Hero of Time from Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask.

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