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The Legend of Korra/Characters/New Team Avatar

This is a partial character sheet for The Legend of Korra. Visit here for the main character index. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page.

Avatar Korra

"I'm the Avatar! You gotta deal with it!"

Voiced by Janet Varney,
Cora Baker (as a child)

Korra is the present Avatar, successor to (and reincarnation of) Aang. Born to the waterbenders Tonraq and Senna, she is a teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe with a rebellious streak. On her quest to become a fully realized Avatar and pacify the anti-benders in the United Republic, she asks Tenzin to teach her airbending.

  • Action Girl: Quite obviously.
  • Arrogant Kung Fu Girl: In Korra's first present-day scene, her teachers complain that she is amazingly good at learning the practical sides of bending, but amazingly bad at learning the discipline and wisdom that's supposed to go with them.
  • Badass:
  • Berserk Button: Don't mess with her friends, and especially don't provoke her to violence if you have.
  • Betty and Veronica
    • The Veronica to Asami's Betty for Mako's Archie.
    • She's also the Archie for Bolin's Betty and Mako's Veronica. It's that kind of show.
  • Blithe Spirit: She's certainly making an impact even in the constraints of Republic City. Though it's Deconstructed when most of the authority figures dislike her recklessness or outright manipulate her for personal gain.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: She rarely fights out of outright malice; it's simply her preferred way of dealing with conflict.
  • Boobs of Steel: Korra is one of, if not the most physically capable character on the show. She is also very well endowed.
  • Braids, Beads, and Buckskins: Downplayed. Korra wears a tan-colored, fur-trimmed pelt around her waist and a parka while at the South Pole. While in Air Temple vestments, she still wears a few of her Water Tribe accessories.
  • Bratty Teenage Daughter: Though not actually related to Tenzin, his status as The Stoic and Team Dad and Korra's Hot-Blooded nature means they frequently butt heads, so Tenzin sometimes sees her this way. Tenzin even begs his children at one point not to grow up to be teenagers like Korra. Jinora declares she will make no such promises.
  • Break the Haughty: In "The Voice in the Night". The idea of having her bending taken from her is so terrifying that she is afraid to fight back, until her bravado forces her to try. Amon just made it worse by easily capturing her and taunting her about how he's saving her for last.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: She lifts Tenzin and his children in a Bear Hug effortlessly, and tosses a Mook at least a few meters through a shop through brute strength alone. In "And The Winner Is..." she is able to not only hold on to the edge of the pro bending ring, not only catch and hold on to Mako (who also ended up over the edge), but toss Mako back into the ring, averting a knockout loss for the Ferrets.
    • It should be noted, though, that she could not hoist herself upward after doing so, and fell after throwing Mako-- even Korra has limits.
  • Child Prodigy: Even more so than Aang; she could already bend water, fire, and earth before the White Lotus even confirmed her as the Avatar. She has, however, admitted a lack of understanding when the spiritual aspects of bending and being the Avatar come up.
  • The Chosen One
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Blue, though her personality fits the typical red. She does find reason to wear warm colors often, while training in airbending and pro-bending.
  • Cool Big Sis: While not biologically related to Tenzin, she is a live-in student and eats at the family table instead of with the Air Acolytes. Meelo and Ikki have imitated Korra whenever she's frustrated, which does not please Tenzin at all. But Tenzin also cares about her on a personal level.
  • Country Mouse: Korra spent her whole life at the South Pole and is amazed when she sees Republic City for the first time.
  • Cute Bruiser: She's not particularly tall, but she is capable of lifting men much taller than herself. With one arm. And of lifting Tenzin's entire family in a bear-hug without even realizing she's doing so.
  • Dance Battler: Korra sure loves flips and kicks. It's also evident in the way she navigates the airbending obstacle course. Jinora's demonstration is fairly clinical: she turns on a dime but keeps her upper body rigid. Korra uses a lot of spinning to do the same.
  • The Danza: Her voice actor in her Minor Kidroduction was named Cora.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Destructive Savior: In "Welcome to Republic City", she quickly puts down a trio of gang members. However, it results in greater property damage than the gang members themselves would have caused. This puts her and Lin Beifong at odds. In "When Extremes Meet", she and the new Team Avatar similarly tear up large sections of the street in pursuit of the chi-blockers. Tarrlok tries to call her on it, but lacks the force of personality to keep her in check.
  • Dreaming of Times Gone By: Occasionally has visions of her past life as Aang, when knocked unconscious.
  • Dude Magnet: Both Bolin and Mako are attracted to her. Tahno offers to show her how a "real pro bends."
  • Dynamic Entry: See Establishing Character Moment.
  • Effortless Amazonian Lift:
    • While hugging Tenzin, Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo, she manages to effortlessly lift them off the ground. All at once.
    • Also easily lifts a man several inches taller than her by the collar, with one arm, and holds him in the air for a while.
    • Then, during Episode 6, she hangs onto the edge of the ring with one hand, holding onto the very tall Mako with the other, and throws him back into the ring with one arm.
  • Elemental Eye Colors: Is from the Water Tribe and has Blue Eyes.
  • Elemental Powers: Unlike Aang before her, Korra starts her series having already learned all but one of the elements.
  • Enlightenment Superpowers: Korra has great difficulty with the spiritual aspects of being the Avatar, which is a problem because her ability to consciously access the Avatar State depends on spiritual enlightenment.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Her entrance. She Earthbends a wall across the room, loudly and proudly proclaims herself the Avatar, and demonstrates by bending three elements at once. She's four.
  • Fish Out of Water/No Social Skills: A big part of Korra. Moving from an isolated compound in the South Pole (which was already slower to develop than the other nations) to the booming urban center of Republic City causes a lot of problems.
  • Fluffy Tamer: The first person to have ever tamed a polar bear dog.
  • Forceful Kiss/"Shut Up" Kiss: Plants quite the good one on Mako. He reciprocates.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric.
  • Freudian Trio: Id.
  • Friendless Background: Growing up in an isolated compound populated strictly by teachers and guards, Korra's only friend before arriving in Republic City was her polar bear dog.
  • Genki Girl: If there's one quality she and Aang share, it's energy.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: In the Avatar State as shown on promotional artwork, which has yet to happen in the show.
  • God in Human Form
  • Good Is Not Soft: She's a lot more prone to taking violent solutions to problems than Aang, and has done a few questionable things, like attacking and threatening an Equalist protestor in "The Revelation" and continuing to attack Tarrlok even after acknowledging that she has rendered him helpless.
  • Good Parents: Though minor characters, Korra's parents Tonraq and Senna are shown to be loving and supportive. Unlike most characters in the original series, Korra doesn't seem to have any parental issues, which is fitting as she was born and raised in peacetime.
  • Goo-Goo Godlike: Most Avatars don't discover their potential until they are told at age sixteen, and even Aang didn't find out until he was twelve. Korra had discovered her ability to bend three elements with no formal training at four years old.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Toward Asami at first.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: Averted. While Korra is quite talented, she has also been shown regularly practicing on her own.
  • The Heroine
  • Heroes Love Polar Bear Dogs: As she wasn't able to leave the South Pole, Naga was her only close friend.

Mako: Your best friend is a... polar bear dog. Somehow that makes perfect sense.

  • Honor Before Reason: Despite being terrified of Amon and being coerced into joining a task force, she goes on a raid rather than go back on her word. Later, she challenges Amon to with a one-on-one duel, which ends badly when Amon ambushes her with dozens of chi-blockers instead of arriving alone.
  • Hot Amazon: Bolin seems to think so. "You're the smartest, funniest, toughest, buffest, talented-est, incredible-est girl in the world!"
    • Mako joins his brother in that account, mentioning that she's strong and a good athlete in the list of good qualities in their conversation of Korra being girlfriend material.
  • Hot-Blooded: This is likely why she took to Firebending so well, despite being a native Waterbender.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Part of her spiritual weakness is that she's almost completely oblivious to other people's feelings, most obviously in episode five where she goes on a date with Bolin, then forces a kiss on Mako the very next day. She doesn't really get that this is a problem until she sees Bolin's reaction.
  • Instant Expert: Korra was able to bend fire, water and earth without any training at a very young age. Averted with airbending, which she has not been able to use even after a season of constant training.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: She lets Mako be with his girlfriend Asami, partly because Asami needs his support. Considering her character, this is actually a pretty big deal.
  • Jumped At the Call: In stark contrast to her predecessor.
  • Kung Fu Kid: Korra was Waterbending, Earthbending, and Firebending when she was just a little girl, way ahead of when she should have been able to.
  • The Ladette: Loves fighting, and engages in burping contests with gusto.
  • Lame Comeback: Becoming a pattern with her. "You're oppressing yourself!" most notably.
  • Legacy Character: As the latest Avatar, Tenzin refers to her as Aang's legacy.
  • The Medic: Katara taught her how to utilize the healing properties of water.

Korra: "Relax, I'm a healer. I learned from Katara, the best there is!"

  • Mighty Glacier: Compared to the pro-benders, Korra comes off as quite slow, favoring strength over speed and usually blocking attacks with all three elements. Tenzin's training is helping to counteract that weakness, though.
  • Naive Newcomer: At first, she was surprised to find that not everyone in Republic City was rich. A cheerful old hobo corrects her.
  • Nature Spirit: Korra is the Avatar, a reincarnation of the spirit of the world itself.
  • Neck Lift: She does this to the park protestor to get information on Bolin's location.
  • The Nicknamer: "Pretty boy", "Mr. Heartbreaker", "Mr. Hat trick", "City boy", "Cool guy", "Team Captain"... Mako seems to be the prime victim of these, as he owns the last four.
  • Nobody Calls Me Chicken: Prone to it. Tarrlok gets her to join his task force by intentionally getting a reporter to invoke this.
  • Not a Morning Person: States that the morning is "evil". As she is a native waterbender who gets an energy boost from nighttime, this is justified. Also justified by the fact that she's still in her teens; an age group that typically does not do well in the mornings.
  • Not Good with People: Nearly a perfect example of the more primal type 2 (adept at hunting for food, managed to tame an enormous wild animal at a young age, with a loose regard for rules), except that the reason she is bad with people is because she was isolated from them. While she is clearly lonely without human peers and makes an effort to socialize, she still seems more comfortable around Naga and Pabu.
  • Not Helping Your Case: Korra stumbles into this repeatedly.
    • In "Welcome to Republic City" when she discovers and tries to argue against an Equalist protestor decrying benders as an oppressive establishment, he easily manipulates her confrontational attitude to make her look like the bad guy in front of a large audience of listeners.
    • Later in the same episode, she's incredulous when police insist she be arrested for causing property damage during her well-meant Curb Stomp Battle of a trio of gangsters. Instead of coming along quietly to explain her presumption of Hero Insurance, she flees the police, fighting as she bolts, and forcing them to use an airship to bring her in, which earns the enmity of Chief Beifong.
    • Matters worsen in "The Revelation" when, desperate to find a friend kidnapped by Equalists, she shakes down the same protestor for information in public, smashing his megaphone, flipping his table and hoisting him by the shirt, and must again flee the police when he wails (quite rightly) that he's being oppressed.
  • Not Wearing Tights: Korra essentially takes on a superhero role in Republic City, but has no secret identity. She even announces her arrival and status as the Avatar at a press conference.
  • One of the Boys
  • Personality Powers: The cause of Korra's knack with three elements and issues with airbending in particular, as explained by her airbending teacher:

Tenzin: Often the element that's most difficult for the Avatar to master is the one most opposite to the Avatar's personality. For Aang, it was earthbending.
Korra: Yeah, well, I'm about as opposite an Airbender as you can get.

  • Physical God: With emphasis on physical.
  • Rage Breaking Point: A mild example, but whenever Korra gets frustrated by her airbending training, she tends to incinerate whatever she was trying to airbend.
  • Red Oni: To Mako's Blue Oni.
  • Reincarnation: Of the spirit of the planet and most recently Aang.
  • Sacrificed Basic Skill for Awesome Training: The Order of the White Lotus, on Aang's instruction, protected her while bringing in teachers to nurture her Avatar abilities. Consequently, Korra has poor social skills but is an extremely powerful bender.
  • Shadow Archetype: She's designed to be the "anti-Aang". Her official bio even says she couldn't have less in common with Aang if she tried. This is highlighted by her inability to pick up Airbending quickly (since her personality is very confrontational), just like Aang had trouble picking up Earthbending as an Air Nomad and pacifist. She also neglects the spiritual aspects of being the Avatar, which Aang picked up on more easily than any physical bending forms.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: In "The Voice in the Night", tomboy Korra wears a dress with her hair down. No one comments on it in the show, but she does manage to pull it off quite nicely.
  • Skirt Over Slacks: A variation. Over her pants, she wears a fur-trimmed pelt worn like a Showgirl Skirt.
  • Sleep Cute: With Mako in "The Revelation". Cue awkwardness and blush.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: She tries to roll up her Airbender uniform's sleeves. Tenzin does not approve and slides them back down.
  • Smug Super: Downplayed Trope. Korra is initially inclined to brag and gloat, both when declaring herself Avatar in toddlerhood and as a teenager Curb Stomping gangsters.
  • Spirited Competitor: Word Of Bryke says she picks fights for no reason, whereas Aang was a Martial Pacifist.
  • Spiritual Antithesis: Korra was designed to be everything Aang wasn't. This is in keeping with other mentioned Avatars; Kuruk was easygoing and neglected his Avatar duties as a result, his successor Kyoshi was serious yet quite heavy-handed to compensate, Roku's merciful personality led to him spare the instigator of a century-long war...
  • Superhero: See above. Her interpretation of what being the Avatar means. Chief Beifong strongly disagrees.
  • Super Mode: Hasn't accessed it so far, consciously or reflexively, even in a situation when she was helpless and fully expected to have her bending stripped from her.
  • Superpower Lottery: She's the Avatar. It's in the job description.
  • Tomboy:
  • True Companions: What she, her teammates, and Asami have become by episode 8.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension/Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Mako. Episode five took this and ran it Up to Eleven.
  • Unskilled but Strong:
    • Referenced during her Firebending test:

Katara: She's strong.
White Lotus Member: She lacks restraint.

    • Also detailed in the opening animation where Korra is the Waterbender. She lifts more water than she needs and lets the excess splash back down, then creates an uneven wobbly circle of water--stumbling a bit--before splashing about twenty gallons at the camera. Compared to Master Pakku's perfect balance and poise, it is indeed quite sloppy.
  • Unstoppable Rage: In "When Extreme Meets". Look at Korra's picture above, and look at this.
  • The Worf Effect: She's the Avatar; the strongest member of her team, able to bend three elements with unrivaled power. However, the metalbending police, Equalist mooks (twice), the Wolfbats, and Tarrlok have all beaten her with use of strategy. Combined with her airbending block, it has taken a heavy toll on her self esteem.
  • You Are Not Alone: In episode 8, when she cries about not being able to take the burden of saving the city alone, Mako, Bolin, and Asami come along and remind her Aang was not alone and neither is Korra. They are there to help her save the city.
    • Defied by the end of the episode.


"Don't worry about it, I'll figure something out. I always do."

Voiced by David Faustino

The elder of two brothers from a mixed-ethnicity union. With Korra and his younger brother Bolin, they form a pro-bending team. Having been a street rat after his parents' death, Mako took it upon himself to care for his brother, and would do anything for him. Around strangers he shows an icy, controlled personality, but around close friends and family can show a much sweeter side.

  • Adorkable: He can come off like this sometimes, mostly when he's surprised or flustered. And when he does, you can totally tell why he's related to Bolin. Hell, half of his Adorkable appeal comes from his interactions with Bolin.
  • Badass: Moments after we meet him, he finds himself alone against a full team in a pro-bending match, takes said third round in an impressive show of skill, and wins it by himself when he knocks all three of his opponents into the water. In about the span of about a minute or so. Simply by tiring them out while he dodged everything they threw at him... in the third zone. "This Mako's got moxie!" indeed.
    • Badass Longcoat: Well, it's more of a tail coat, but creates the same effect.
  • Betty and Veronica:
    • He's the Archie conflicted between Asami and Korra, respectively.
    • He can also bee seen as the Veronica to Bolin's Betty with Korra as Archie. Yes, two connected love triangles.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Regardless of his rough edges, Mako loves Bolin, and he's fiercely loyal and very protective of him. He willingly took (and presently still does take) most burdens and responsibilities of their living conditions. He also sheltered his brother from the harsh realities and darker nature of their environment, which led to Bolin's current naiveté and dependency. Both siblings have such an immense, strong bond, actually, that neither would second guess giving their lives for one another despite their clashes.
  • Blue Oni: To Korra's Red Oni. In addition to their different temperaments, he's powerful, but more focused and technical as opposed to Korra's usual method of dealing with opponents.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Not as big an example as Korra, but Mako has shown considerable upper strength than his body type would normally allow. He grabbed an Equalist that held his brother from behind, and launched him over his head somewhere yonder and far off-screen. Then in episode five, he effortlessly carried muscled, stocky build Bolin (who just ate and was flailing around) on his shoulder like a rag doll without an inkling of weight strain. And possibly took him home the distance from the noodle shop to the pro-bending arena that way.
  • Chick Magnet: Has obtained the affections of both Korra and Asami. It's also lampshaded.

Bolin: "Leave some ladies for the rest of us!"

  • Chromatic Arrangement: Red, but his personality fits the typical blue.
  • Crash Into Hello: How he meets Asami - she accidentally hits him with her moped due to his jaywalking.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His life on the street and seeing his parents killed in a mugging when he was eight qualifies.
  • Dead Guy, Junior/Named After Somebody Famous: Meta example of the former. He's named after Mako, prominent Japanese-American actor who performed the original series' role of Iroh until his death.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Elemental Eye Colors: A Firebender with Amber Eyes.
  • Elemental Powers
    • Playing with Fire: He's Korra's Firebending friend.
    • Shock and Awe: He can also manipulate lightning. Notably, he can fire non-lethal shots, which he uses to disable a truck driver in episode 8.
  • Expy: To a small extent. The creators said he reminds them of Zuko "without the angst"; a bit of a brood but he's "lighter".
    • Ironic considering that much of the fandom compare his personality to that of Katara.
  • Fingerless Gloves: Part of the pro-bending uniform quota, but he also has his own personal pair.
  • Fire Is Red: Downplays this. Most of his outfit is in neutral colors except for red trim, and his red scarf.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic.
  • Freudian Trio: Superego.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: To his chagrin in "The Spirit of Competition" when Bolin and Korra head out on their date. Korra totally calls him out on it after he wrongly accuses her of using his brother for some Operation: Jealousy ploy.
    • It also serves as a Green-Eyed Epiphany. It's implied that whatever he's feeling for Korra has been suppressed, and for good reason (his brother and Asami are core cases). It isn't until Bolin takes his interest for her seriously that Mako begins to confront what he's been denying. And he still attempted to deny it for most of episode five.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: To survive. His defense and justification for his past workings with the Triple Threat Triad.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In contrast to his brother, Mako can come off rather grouchy and irritable. While Bolin is initially very friendly with Korra, Mako clashes with her. But he's not incapable of kindness, rather warm-hearted to those he knows well, and acknowledges when he's in the wrong as well as give credit where credit is due.
  • Justified Criminal: He once worked for the Triple Threat Triad for money. While he only ran numbers and "stuff", he's not proud of what he did and forbids Bolin from doing the same once they cut ties with them.
  • The Lancer: To Korra, in both Foil purposes and character.
  • The Leader: Type II - Captain of the Fire Ferrets.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When it comes to pro-bending, as the sport calls for it. In his introduction in "A Leaf in the Wind" he defeats a pro-bending team single-handedly while demonstrating power, speed, and endurance. He's considered one of the top players in the pro-bending arena with reason.
  • Love At First Sight: Blushed the second he laid eyes on Asami, and then later had floating hearts surrounding his head. She at least made an impression. Their relationship is getting severely contested with Mako's admittance of his feelings for Korra, however.
  • Meaningful Name: He is named after the late actor who had a role in the first series.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Hot, sweaty, messy-haired working man Mako wiping his forehead. Yes.
  • Mundane Utility: Mako, along with several other firebenders, are shown shooting lightning for menial labor in a factory.
  • Not So Above It All: His first encounter with Asami leaves him a slack-jawed, love-drunk idiot emitting pink hearts.
  • Only in It For the Money: Being a past Street Urchin and understandably needing cash (he and Bolin are still poor) to keep them from having to return to that life, this is Mako's main goal for competing in the pro-bending tournaments - to hit that jackpot.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: In-universe example. He has only a slight Brooklyn accent around people he doesn't know personally (Korra, Butakha), but it gets heavier when he talks to Bolin or other street kids.
  • Opposites Attract: His and Korra's dynamic. She challenges him, figuratively or literally.
  • Parental Abandonment: His and Bolin's parents were murdered by a firebender during a mugging. Which led to...
    • Promotion to Parent: Mako taking care of Bolin at a young age, while the two of them were living on the streets.
  • Pretty Boy: Visually, of course, as well as outright called a "beautiful man" by the creators.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Male example.
  • Real Men Cook: Unsurprising when you take in Promotion to Parent, though. Also, his firebending would help greatly.
  • Relationship Sabotage: A minor case with trying to deflect Bolin's interest in Korra. By claiming she is not girlfriend material after saying aloud to Bolin a sentence earlier that she was. And emphasizing that dating a team mate is a bad idea. Of course, this doesn't deter Bolin at all, and it could be said that a part of Mako was looking out for him in some way.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Red, and one which the fans have responded to extremely well. It's been shipped all on its own. And it's affectionately called Scarfy by some.
  • Sibling Team: With Bolin.
    • Sibling Yin-Yang: Mako's serious, though not quite as downcast as his Expy. Life in the streets toughened him up, and he feels responsible for both himself and his younger brother, being he's the only family he has left. Bolin is the easygoing, naive one of the two.
    • Sibling Triangle: Both he and Bolin like Korra.
  • Sleep Cute: Shared one with Korra in "The Revelation".
  • The Smart Guy: Of the group. He figured out how the promotional posters of Amon's rally led to its location.
    • The Strategist: Came up with a plan to get Bolin and escape the rally. In fact, his rationality and analytical mind are at least fundamentally highlighted.
  • The Stoic
    • Not So Stoic: He's controlled, keeps a cool head under pressure, and masks his expression with indifference. That doesn't mean he's emotionless--he simply has more muted reactions than Korra or Bolin. Particularly evident when he meets Asami and is completely love struck. And let's just say Korra really pushes his patience sometimes.
    • He does not take it well when he hears that Korra got kidnapped...at all
  • Street Urchin: Before the events of the show. Mako is still well-versed in street info and connections, knowing the location of the Triple Threat Triad headquarters after working for them, and about chi-blocking and the Equalists.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: A straight example. Even his voice actor described him as "tall and handsome", and his official bios are consistent in restating this fact. The show isn't shy about it either.

Jinora: Oooh, he's cute. Korra, is that the handsome firebender boy that drives you crazy?


"What do you think? Bolin's got some moves, huh?"

Voiced by P.J. Byrne

The younger of two brothers from a mixed-ethnicity union. Part of a pro-bending team along with Korra and his older brother Mako. Being younger, Bolin is a lot more playful and relaxed than his brother, and just wants a good time. He wants to take more initiative and get more respect, but his immaturity and naturally laid-back nature makes this difficult.

Bolin: I'm a growing boy!

  • Big Fun: The more fun-loving sibling.
  • The Big Guy: In terms of looks. It's yet to be shown whether he can best Korra in terms of brute strength.
    • The Heart: Bolin also comes off as this inside the group, being the most innocent one and the one that unites them first.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Birds of a Feather: The reason why he is interested in Korra.
  • Cat Smile: Subtly, but it's there.
  • The Charmer: Said to always have a lady on his arm, as well as a habit of bringing "crazy fangirls" to the Fire Ferret's room before matches.
    • A rather Informed Ability so far, though, since aside from one fan yelling from the stands, he hasn't been shown trying to put the moves on any women other than Korra, who's more interested in Mako.
  • Chick Magnet: Before a pro-bending match, one of said fans can be heard in the audience screaming "I love you Bolin!". It was also mentioned that Korra wasn't the first girl he took backstage.
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Green.
  • Comfort Food: The noodles from a restaurant that serves Water Tribe food. He overindulges once he sees Korra kissing his brother.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Was pegged right away as inheriting the "comic relief" role from Last Airbender's Sokka, and he's often the first character to take a fall or be comedically-injured. But the second pro-bending match in "The Spirit of Competition" demonstrates that Bolin can be just as badass as his teammates.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Mako didn't mention Bolin being present at the time of their parents' murder, and he has been sheltered by his brother, but it doesn't negate how hard it must have been for Bolin as well.
  • Determinator: To a degree. Continues to fight despite his injured shoulder, as noticed by Shiro Shinobi.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: A bit towards Korra. He's got some interest in her, in that he looks forward to her coming to practices and makes a rather romantic gesture of giving her a rose and a small cake after she and Mako saved him from Amon, but Korra doesn't display much interest back. Granted, this wasn't the best time since she was facing major confidence issues because of Amon.
    • Later, he takes Korra out on a date, who mostly agrees to cheer herself up after being rejected by Mako, about two seconds before. After the date, Bolin brings her a bouquet of flowers only to be crushed by the sight of Korra kissing Mako.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Well, a G Rated Version involving noodles.
  • Dude in Distress: Kidnapped by Equalists in "The Revelation".
  • Elemental Eye Colors: An Earthbender with Green Eyes.
  • Elemental Powers
  • Establishing Character Moment: See Meaningful Background Event.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine.
  • Freudian Trio: Ego.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: A mild example. When he sees the extravagant gift basket Tarrlok sent her, he jumps at the chance to put the man who's been bothering Korra in his place. After Korra explains that the gifts are non-romantic, he seems relieved.
  • The Heart
  • Hopeless Suitor: Bolin doesn't realize how badly Korra's crushing on his brother when he makes his own overtures.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: He isn't afraid to show emotion and enjoys makeovers.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Despite his status as The Charmer his interest in Korra is both strong and genuine as he basically describes her to Mako as his dream girl. And his dismay at seeing Korra and Mako kissing is strong enough to reduce the usually cheerful young man to an emotional wreck.
  • Lame Comeback: To Mako in episode 5. Though, he wasn't all there when he tried to make it.

Mako: I told you dating a teammate was a bad idea!
Bolin: You're a bad idea!

  • Let's Get Dangerous: Exactly what it says on the tin. He may be laidback, but when it's time to bend, it's serious business.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Pro-bending emphasizes both power and speed. When giving pointers to Korra, he criticizes her conventional style as being powerful but leaving her open to attack, then demonstrates his own boxing-like style which allows him to attack quickly without sacrificing defense. However, this doesn't apply well to real combat, where Bolin is a greenhorn and found himself a sitting duck for his Equalist foes.
  • Lovable Jock
  • Love At First Sight: His Establishing Character Moment no less. He starts hitting on Korra the moment he meets her, comes to her aid when she's about to be tossed out of the building by his landlord, and tells Mako that he's "got a good feeling about this one". In And The Winner Is... he openly tells Korra he's liked her since he first met her.
  • Man Child: While not exactly a man just yet (he's sixteen), he fits the bill. Due to Mako's nurture, Bolin is childish, trusts easily, wears his heart on his sleeve, and has been relying on someone else almost his entire life. But he's beginning to reach for independence from his brother. According to his voice actor, part of Bolin's character arc is him maturing and learning that not everything is as he thought it was.
  • Meaningful Background Event: He's first shown in-series in the background of an argument between Korra and Toza; at first he's just passing through, then double-takes at Korra, slicks back his hair, and struts forward to help her out.
  • Men Don't Cry: Averted. His reaction when he sees Korra kissing Mako is to sob in the most overblown way imaginable and run away. And then when Mako tries to snap him out of it, he breaks into Inelegant Blubbering.
  • Nice Guy
  • Out of Focus: After the first five-to-six episodes, he was generally pushed to the sidelines in order to make room for the Asami-Mako-Korra love triangle.
  • Parental Abandonment: After the death of their parents in a mugging, he and Mako were left to fend for themselves.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Gets most of the jokes, yet still remains a likable and complex character.
  • The Prankster: To Mako. Pabu is his partner in crime.
  • Shy Finger-Twiddling: Prone to this, when nervous. He does it when Korra initially does badly in her first match as a response to his brother's accusatory look, and again when menaced by Amon.
  • Sibling Team: With Mako.
  • Stout Strength
  • Street Urchin
  • Suddenly Fluent In Fire Ferret
  • Technician vs. Performer: Along with Korra, is the Performer to Mako's Technician.
  • Turn the Other Cheek: Forgives Korra and Mako despite his heartbreak.

Asami Sato

"You can't be afraid to mix it up sometimes."

Voiced by Seychelle Gabriel

A young non-bender and the pampered daughter of Hiroshi Sato. Despite being a delicate looking beauty, she can look after herself. She was trained in self-defense since she was little, is an avid fan of pro-bending and an excellent automobile driver.

  • Action Girl: She can handle herself in a fight, including against the Lieutenant of the Equalists.
  • Apologetic Attacker: To her father.
  • Badass Driver: Justified as she grew up around Sato-mobiles and test drove several designs.
    • In "When Extremes Meet", she is the one who drives the car when Naga can't carry all four, showing she is the driver for the group.
  • Badass Normal: She was trained in self-defense since she was a child, and is capable of going toe-to-toe with even the toughest Equalists, like the Lieutenant.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Korra's Veronica for Mako's Archie.
  • Biker Babe
  • Car Fu
  • The Chick: Of the Krew: sweet, The Captain's love interest and the Girly girl.
    • The Big Girl: Asami is also starting to shape up into this, in a way. Her close combat abilities and electric glove are much more effective on Equalist mooks than bending (she took the Lieutenant in three seconds), is somewhat of a pragmatic and she drives the car.
    • The Strategist: The chase scene in "When Extremes Meet" shows her making a lot of great tactics and calling them out to the benders, such as making ramps, being able to take advantage of the enemy's smoke cloud to gain a sneak attack, and attacking Equalists during moments of supposed advantage.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Drives dirty on the race track, forcing the other car to spin out so she can be sure to win, and plays along with her father until he hands her a weapon, at which point she shocks him right in the chest.
  • Cool Car
  • Crash Into Hello: Due to a combination of jaywalking and speeding, Asami crashes into Mako with her moped.
  • Daddy's Girl
    • Daddy's Little Villain: Defied. Appeared as such...for about two seconds. Then she electrocutes him in the chest.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Dresses promeniently in red and black, but is a really nice person.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: Not that she realized it at the time.
  • Drives Like Crazy: But is good enough to pull it off.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Seems to be developing faint shades of this. Since learning about Korra's crush on Mako through the ever-talkative Ikki, Asami appears to at least be growing uncomfortable with the closeness of their relationship.
    • Becomes even moreso in the next episode when she questions Mako's intensity to finding Korra, discovering that he and Korra kissed, and giving displeased looks whenever she suspects there is something more to the two's relationship.
  • Green Eyes: Considering her family is descended from the first Fire Nation colonists, who intermingled extensively with the natives, it's not surprising that she has Earth Kingdom ancestry somewhere in her bloodline.
  • Fan Girl: Of pro-bending.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic, of the "calm and collected Lady of War" variety.
  • Lady of War
  • Long Hair Is Feminine
    • Hair Flip: After taking off her helmet in "Voice in The Night", and again after the mishap with overloading poor Naga in "When Extremes Meet". This may become a running theme with her.
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: And how.
  • Missing Mom: Murdered by firebenders when she was younger.
  • Muggle
  • Ojou: She's a commoner, but as her dad is the richest man in Republic City, she's still treated like a princess.
  • Parental Betrayal: She finds out that her father, Hiroshi Sato, has been supplying the Equalists with weapons and technology. Her response? Willingly accepts the electrical glove that Hiroshi offers... and then promptly shocks him.
  • Proper Lady/Spirited Young Lady: She has shades of both. She's proper, gentle, and an expert driver and martial artist.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
  • Skirt Over Slacks
  • Sixth Ranger: Turning the Fire Ferrets Power Trio into a Four-Temperament Ensemble.
  • Static Stun Gun: After taking an Equalist taser glove from her father, she decides to use it against them on a regular basis.
  • Spoiled Sweet: Very polite and generous, despite her wealthy background. She even sides against her father, who is with the Equalists, wanting to do what she considers the right thing.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: She is as tall as her father, only a few inches shorter than Mako and was shown to be noticeably than Korra.
  • The Team Normal
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly to Korra's tomboy. Though, as Korra lampshades, "girly" does not mean "prissy", "stuck-up", or "helpless".
  • Took a Level in Badass: Ever since she stun-gunned her father in "The Aftermath she's graduated from Mako's Arm-Candy and a source of jealousy for Korra to a capable and tough member of Team Avatar.
  • Uptown Girl: A rich girl who has her eyes set on Street Urchin Mako. Fitting with the trope, daddy does not approve.


Korra's companion and best friend, a polar bear dog.

  • Action Pet: Charges a few times in to save her friends.
  • Badass
  • Big Friendly Dog: Her Establishing Character Moment is licking Korra's face over and over. Her friendliness extends to those beyond Korra too, as seen when she licks a police attendant's hair.
  • Canine Companion: Well, she's halfway there, anyway.
  • Canis Major: A dog the size of a bear.
  • Cute Giant: See above.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: Korra is the first person to ever tame a polar-bear dog. She can and does use Naga as an intimidation tool, and Naga is fiercely protective of Korra.
  • Familiar: Continues the tradition of Avatars having a particular companion animal.
  • Heroic Dog
  • Horse of a Different Color
  • Loyal Animal Companion: She adores Korra and does her best to protect her. In "The Voice in the Night", it's shown that Korra lets Naga sleep next to her bed.
  • Meaningful Name: "Naga" is Inuktitut for "no." Given that Korra is the first person to have tamed a polar bear dog, and the Water Tribe is based on Inuit culture, one can imagine Korra had to yell "No!" enough that the name stuck.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Somewhat more literally than most. Naga's hind end is thinner, like a dog's, while her front has bear-like proportions.
  • Non-Human Sidekick
  • Undying Loyalty: To Korra. Considering that she's part dog, and Korra's spirit guide, this is pretty much a given. Even goes far out of Republic City to rescue her.


A fire ferret. Bolin's pet and partner in crime.

  1. ↑ Contrast with Momo in the original series, who normally missed such nuances the first several times.)
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