< The Legend of Korra < Recap < B2

The Legend of Korra/Recap/B2/E04 Civil Wars, Part 2

In the Southern Water Tribe, Tonraq and Senna are being taken away in a prison truck that is waiting outside of their house. Korra is standing outside trying to convince Unalaq that he is making a mistake, but Unalaq assures Korra that there is nothing to worry about due to the fairness of the trial that will be assured by Judge Hotah.

Meanwhile, Mako, Bolin, and Asami are waiting for Varrick in his mansion to close the deal with Future Industries. Just as Bolin comments that Eska cannot find him there, she, Desna, and several Northern waterbenders walk in looking for Varrick and inform the three members of Team Avatar that Varrick is a traitor as well as Korra's parents and they all are to stand trial. Eska, Desna, and the waterbenders leave finding no trace of Varrick, but before Eska walks out she insists that Bolin bow to her as she leaves, which he unquestioningly does while referring to her as his sweet koalaotter. Asami tells Bolin that he has to stand up for himself and tell Eska the truth about how he really feels. Varrick's voice suddenly interrupts, claiming that Bolin should disappear rather than be honest, similar to how he did. Varrick reveals that he is hiding inside his stuffed platypus bear, Ping-Ping, along with Zhu Li, but he refuses to come out until he knows it is safe. Mako leaves to find Korra while Varrick gives Bolin some cash by means of the platypus bear's backside, so that Bolin can use bribery to win the trial for the rebels, since it was most likely rigged by Unalaq, to which Bolin agrees.

At the Southern Air Temple, Tenzin is still looking for Ikki while being bothered by ring-tailed winged lemurs. He hears Ikki's voice from a nearby cave, where she is having a "civilized breakfast" with four young flying bison. Ikki is in the middle of saying a blessing, showing her thanks for the food, her new best friends and that Jinora and Meelo are not there, when Tenzin walks in and asks to join her. He takes a seat next to Blueberry Spicehead and is introduced to the other three, Princess Rainbow, Twinkle Starchild, and Juniper Lightning Bug, whom Ikki introduces as her new brothers and sisters. They also become Tenzin's new "brothers and sisters" after Ikki asks them if it is all right.

In the courtroom at the Southern Water Tribe, Bolin explains to Asami that he bribed some people by giving them all the money, winking to them, and telling them to "take care of it". It was only when Judge Hotah entered the room that he realized the error of his actions, concluding that he should have bribed the judge as opposed to the people who turned out to be mere spectators like him. The trial begins as Unalaq steps forward, informing everyone that he was attacked by rebels in the night while he was sleeping and that he awoke to find that Avatar Korra had saved him. Korra is questioned about the rebel meeting that had taken place to discuss a civil war. Korra answers honestly, explaining that all of the people on trial had attended the meeting, including her mother and father. In between Bolin's objections, she reveals the information that the meeting took place in her parents' house and was led by Tonraq and Varrick, but immediately objects afterward, claiming that her parents are nonetheless innocent. The judge retires from the courtroom, stating that he will return with his final decision.

Bolin steps out to try once more to break up with Eska, only to be affianced to her with a plan to be married at sunset, marked by the betrothal necklace she gives to him with spikes and a skull charm on it. Judge Hotah returns and declares Senna's innocence, but informs the others that they have been found guilty of treason and each of them is sentenced to death, including Tonraq. Enraged, Korra threatens to kill Hotah if he carries out the sentence, but Unalaq interrupts saying that he will talk to the judge, and as a result he has their sentence commuted to life in prison, for which Korra thanks her uncle.

Back at the air temple, Tenzin and Ikki are still in the cave as Tenzin is enjoying not being yelled at or told that he is delusional. Ikki wants to invite Kya and Bumi, but Tenzin insists that they would "spoil [their] good mood". Ikki objects, commenting that Kya is nice and pretty, and that Bumi is funny. Tenzin takes this opportunity to explain to Ikki the difficulties of being part of a family by explaining that Meelo is funny too, and Jinora can be sweet and gentle. Ikki realizes that family will always be there when needed despite these difficulties and they both agree to go back, but also to return to visit the sky bison.

Korra and Senna enter Tonraq's cell at the Southern Water Tribe prison and are relieved to find out that he is all right. Korra wants to break her father out of prison, but he objects, informing her that saving him would start a war, in which case the North would crush the South. He assures her that he will be all right and makes her promise that she will not do anything rash. Korra and Senna return to Senna's home, where Korra comforts her mother, who feels helpless.

On a nearby mountainside, Korra chases down Judge Hotah while riding Naga and forces him out of his car, insisting he release her father from prison. The judge reveals that he cannot do that because he was simply following Unalaq's orders, but after being threatened by having his head placed inside of Naga's mouth, he informs Korra that Unalaq had told him everything to say, but needed the trial to appear fair. Korra also finds out that Unalaq only freed her mother and changed her father's sentence to keep her on his side, but to still get his brother out of the way. Judge Hotah also reveals that Unalaq was the one responsible for her father's banishment.

Inside the statue room at the Southern Air Temple, Bumi is talking to his father's statue, apologizing for not being an airbender and seeking his father's approval for trying to keep the world safe. Kya, after secretly listening to Bumi, assures him that Aang would most definitely be proud of him and comforts him with a hug, for which Bumi is thankful.

Back in the Southern Water Tribe, Korra tells Mako, Asami, and Varrick what she found out from the judge about Unalaq. She explains to them how Unalaq hired the barbarians to attack the Northern Water Tribe and told them to hide in the spirit forest, knowing that his brother would attack them. This got Tonraq banished, so that Unalaq could become chief himself. Korra asks Mako, Asami, and Varrick to help her bust her father out of jail, to which they willingly agree. Bolin and Pabu appear at the door, wearing formal Water Tribe robes, and Bolin angrily announces that he is getting married to Eska. Korra points out that the boy is supposed to give the girl the betrothal necklace, and Varrick assures Bolin that he will help him out of his relationship.

Asami, Mako, and Korra infiltrate the prison, stunning a guard with an electrified glove and approaching Tonraq's cell, only to realize that he is not in there. Unalaq appears, telling Korra that she will never see her father again, since he is on a ship headed to the Northern Water Tribe to serve his sentence. Korra threatens to take out Unalaq and his army if he does not bring her father back, but he reminds her that she is the Avatar and, therefore, cannot threaten war because she must remain neutral in order for the tribes to be unified. Korra accuses Unalaq of never wanting unity, only power, and theorizes that he has always been jealous of Tonraq, pointing out that he must have been greatly upset to find out that his brother had fathered the Avatar. Unalaq still insists that he only wants to help Korra realize her destiny, but she does not buy it and tells him she does not want his help anymore. Unalaq goes on to tell Korra that the dark spirits will destroy the South if there is a civil war, but Korra continues to demand that Unalaq bring her father back and leave with his troops, thinking she has the advantage, since she is the only one that can open the Northern spirit portal. Unalaq taunts Korra by informing her that he does not, in fact, need her and that she has already served her purpose. Korra, enraged by this comment, sends several balls of fire whirling toward Unalaq, which he tactfully blocks with water that he bends from a water skin at his side. Unalaq retaliates, while Mako joins in with a fireblade, only to be blasted in the face by Unalaq. Korra dodges Unalaq's attacks and bends a blast of air down the corridor, sending Unalaq flying against the back wall. Team Avatar takes this opportunity to escape to Varrick's yacht.

On the street, Bolin and "Ping-Ping" are walking down the street when a Northern Water Tribe soldier asks Bolin if he has a license for the animal. Varrick and Zhu Li, who are still inside of Ping-Ping drop money out of the backside of the Platypus bear, causing an uproar in the crowd, which causes a distraction for them and Bolin to slip onto Varrick's yacht. Korra, Mako, and Asami arrive on the yacht and plan to catch up to the ship that harbors Tonraq, realizing that the Northern Water Tribe ships are in the way. Korra mentions that she could waterbend the ships out of the way if she had a plane. Varrick responds by opening a hatch on his yacht, revealing a biplane, but there is no runway. However, Korra develops the idea of having Asami pilot the plane, while she and Mako supply sufficient thrust using firebending. The plan is a success and Korra clears a path for Varrick's yacht by going into the Avatar State and waterbending a huge wave that pushes the ships that form the blockade out of the way. Varrick drives his yacht through, while still in the platypus bear, with no problem and the three in the plane continue on to Tonraq's ship. They crash the plane into the water after jumping out and Korra waterbends them onto the ship, taking out the Northern soldiers while they are distracted by the plane crash, also using waterbending. Korra then freezes one of the guards in ice and demands he tell her where the prisoners are. Korra finds and rescues Tonraq and the other prisoners, but her father questions her actions along the way. Everyone escapes onto Varrick's yacht and they get away.

Back at the air temple, Tenzin and Ikki return, much to Pema's relief, and Meelo and Jinora apologize at the prompting of their mother. The siblings make up and run off to play airball. Tenzin also apologizes to his siblings, and Kya and Bumi apologize in return, as Kya pulls out a picture of their family that she received from Katara. They all agree that, despite the imperfections in their family, they are indeed a happy family.

Meanwhile, Korra explains to her father everything that Unalaq did. Tonraq comes to the decision that he has to put his brother in his place. The other prisoners pledge their support, along with Korra, but Tonraq tells her that she can help by getting the United Forces on their side. She agrees and states that she will get all of the help that her father needs. Her father and the other prisoners depart from the yacht and return to coast, while Korra leaves with Mako, Bolin, Asami, Varrick and Zhu Li on the yacht.

Bolin thanks Korra for making the break-up between him and Eska official, but Varrick announces that they have company. Bolin clarifies by informing everyone that it is his "darling Eska", who is speeding toward the yacht in a heartbroken rage of waterbending, but they all speed off in the yacht to get away.

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