< The Legend of Korra

The Legend of Korra/Funny

Welcome to Republic City

  • Korra's parents greeting the White Lotus. Yeah, totally rehearsed. A close look at the background reveals that their house is still in shambles, and at one point the mask on the wall falls.
  • When the White Lotus come to see if Korra is the Avatar:

White Lotus Member: What makes you so sure your daughter is... the one?
Korra's Mom: Korra, please come in here.
(a chunk of the wall flies past them: note the bug-eyed look when it's passed)

A Leaf In The Wind

  • Korra, during her Airbending training, does a little collateral damage.

Tenzin (aghast): That was a two-thousand year-old historical treasure! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

    • This is after the beating she got from said training tool/museum piece in an earlier scene. Complete with her collapsing and tweeting birdie sounds.
    • "Be the leaf!"
  • The look on Korra's face [dead link] (and probably the men listening as well) when the radio is suddenly turned off, denying them from knowing what happened in the pro-bending match. It's exactly the kind of look anyone would get from that kind of situation (eye-twitch optional).
  • Tenzin tries, and fails, to nip this Bratty Teenage Daughter thing in the bud with his own daughters after his initial experience with Korra.

Tenzin: You must promise me your teenage years won't be like this!
Jinora: I will make no such promises.

Bolin: I'm just not sure how my Earthbending would translate to your Waterbending, but we'll figure it out.
Korra: Won't be a problem. I'm actually an Earthbender.
Bolin: I'm sorry, no no, I didn't mean to assume... 'Cause I, y'know, I was just figuring, with your Water Tribe getup, that you are... a Water Tribe... gal.

Korra: No, you're right. I'm a Waterbender. And a Firebender.

Bolin: Mmmh. Mhhm... I'm very confused right now.


Mako: You're the Avatar, and I'm an idiot.

Korra: Both are true.

Bolin: No. Way. *turns to Mako and points* THE Avatar!

    • Right before Mako's one line in this exchange you actually see him do a mild Double Take in the background, with his arms falling to the side as he stops what he was doing. Even if we don't see his face, it's funny to get a physical response out of uptight Mako after finding out he was being an asshole to the Avatar.
  • Bolin telling Toza that he and Korra are together (with expressions that are almost insultingly smug), only to nervously backpedal when she clarifies that they're not "together together."

Bolin: Right, friends! No no, I didn't mean to imply... *coughs*
Korra: Oh, you implied it.

Korra: We're in!
Mako: We are?
Bolin: Yes!
Mako: Hey, I didn't agree to this!
Korra: You can thank me later.
Mako: (under his breath) This girl is crazy.

  • "He's bobbing and weaving! He's WEAVING AND BOBBING!"
  • "Mako and Bolin are still fresh and juicy!"
  • Tenzin's face when he hears over the radio that Korra is participating in a pro-bending match. The reactions of the guards who were listening to the match as well, which include a spit-take directly into someone's face.

The Revelation

  • Korra and Mako's reaction [dead link] to waking up on each other's shoulders.
  • Bolin almost passing out upon seeing the wad of bills a gangster tosses him.
  • Korra decides to silence Ikki and Jinora the simple way: by Earthbending the two into the sky.
    • Made better by how the girls simply float back down giggling.
    • Made even better by the fact that Mako doesn't seem to care that Korra just rocketed two children into space.
  • When Naga jumps in to save Korra and Mako from the chi-blockers, she unleashes a mighty roar—which Pabu tries to emulate with a hilarious squeak.
  • Mako being sneaky and cautious after finding something amiss at the Triad hideout. Korra responds by... casually walking up to the front door and kicking it down without a second thought. Then Mako peers through the doorway, with Pabu still on his shoulders. Seen here.
  • Almost all of Bolin's lines in this episode border on this, especially his reaction to being saved by Mako ("Yes, Mako! I LOVE YOU!" while reaching for a hug in the middle of a riot) and his response to being carried away in Naga's teeth ("Wait--stop--I want--to be--on--your back!").
  • "The morning is evil."
    • Also, when Mako tells Korra that they get the worst time slot in the gym due to being rookies, and she has to "deal with it". Korra displays her mastery of that phrase, at the expense of poor Mako.
  • Three words: Performing Fire Ferret.
  • When Mako rescues Bolin, and flings a chi-blocker off the stage. Listening to the mook's scream is absolutely addictive.
  • "Naga no! Pabu is a friend, not a snack."

A Voice in the Night

  • Tarrlok interrupts the family dinner to try and convince Korra to join his taskforce against the Equalists. Needless to say, Tenzin isn't the only one who doesn't like him:

Ikki: Why do you have three ponytails? And why do you smell like a lady? You're weird.
Tarrlok: (insincerely) My, aren't you... Precocious.

    • Then for rest of that shot he starts talking to Korra and Ikki just stares with this ridiculous look on her face without anyone commenting on it. Maybe they don't say anything because it's the same face her mother is currently giving her father (see below).

Ikki: Bye-bye, Ponytail Man!

  • Just before that, Tarrlok invites himself to dinner, playing on Airbender hospitality. Tenzin reluctantly agrees. Then the camera pans over to Pema, who's staring at him in disapproval. Tenzin just shrugs. [dead link]
  • Apparently, the ability to make funny faces and garner fangirls runs in the family. After Asami hits him with her scooter and vehemently tries to apologize, Mako—a bit miffed at first—goes completely gaga over her after seeing how pretty she is, stammering helplessly all the while. It's funny to see the stoic mask slip for a moment. [dead link]
  • Hiroshi Sato's introduction scene, in which he says cheerfully: "So, I understand you're dirt poor!"
  • Poor Tenzin at Tarrlok's banquet.

Tenzin: NO! Meelo! That is NOT a toilet! (Beat) Oh dear...

Ikki: Vroom vroom! Out of the way daddy, we're driving here! Beeeep, beep, beep beep!
Meelo: (quietly) Beep beep.

  • Bolin's chipper tone when he tells Korra that "Asami crashed into [Mako] on her moped." Especially since he appears out of nowhere [dead link] just to say this and disappear again.
  • Though Korra didn't find it amusing, just try not to laugh at Bolin's imitation of Amon.

"I will take away your bending forevah!!"

  • Lin Beifong appearing out of nowhere and bluntly telling Korra that she did not deserve the banquet arranged for her before leaving was rather random in a humorous way.

The Spirit of Competition

  • The opening narration, which seemed to treat the relationships as more important than they had actually been until that point... until you realize that Bryke predicted the shipping wars. And made an episode that would irk every one of those shippers. Trolling Creator? Trolling creator.

Narrator: Will love prove to be Korra's most formidable foe yet?

Bolin: So... Korra. There they go, here we are, all alone in the gym. Just you and me, two... alone-people... together... alone.

Korra: Um... I gotta head back to the Air Temple to train with Tenzin, see ya!

  • Both Jinora and Ikki's opinions on how Korra should talk to Mako about her feelings for him. Jinora recounts a story from history about a love triangle that lead to the rejected girlfriend riding a dragon and laying waste to her lover's country before hurling herself into a volcano. She calls it romantic! Ikki's opinion involves a Love Potion, unicorns and rainbows, and a cornucopia of girly stuff that sounds like a badly written romance fanfiction written by a rabid fangirl.
  • During the little date montage of Bolin and Korra, one scene has them getting into an impromptu burping contest, which ends in one of Korra's belches shaking the rafters (and the "camera"). [dead link] Bolin looks stunned for a millisecond before the two of them burst into hearty laughter. Then the camera pans over to the other restaurant patrons, wide-eyed and slackjawed in disbelief.
  • Bolin catching Korra and Mako kissing (despite Korra and Bolin having been on a date the previous night). The way he cries, and his Girly Run with the bouquet of flowers, like a bride who was deserted at the altar, is just hilarious.
  • The pro bending announcer working in a mention of their sponsor in the most awkward way imaginable: he draws attention to Bolin vomiting (He's losing his noodles, literally!), then advertising those very same noodles. Even better, they're called "Flameo Instant Noodles".
  • Bolin's list of reasons he and Korra are right for each other, which culminates in "she's beautiful, I'm GORGEOUS!"
  • After an argument, Mako storms into the arena through a different door then Korra. A fan tries to greet him, which he completely fails to notice.

Fan: Hey Makooooooo-oh.

Mako: I told you dating a teammate was a bad idea.

Bolin: Girls.
Mako: Seriously.

  • The scene where Tahno and Korra get in one another's faces, and you fully expect her to start swinging in spite of Bolin's warnings about disqualification... only for her to put her fingers in her mouth and whistle. Cue Naga shoving her head through the window and roaring straight into Tahno's face. His reaction is priceless.
  • In the category of "great Korra expressions," there's the "why-I-oughta" glare and fist shake she gives the Wolfbats as they go out to play their match.
  • "You know what I'm talking about, Pabu. Talking about real love."

And The Winner Is...

  • At the beginning of the episode, the Fire Ferrets practice to some awesome jazz on the radio, which then cuts to commercial for an advertisement for the "Cabbage Corporation." Let that sink in for a moment. The "Cabbage Corporation." The "leading name in technology." Cabbage Man's descendants have become the heads of the most trusted name in technology of this era! Doubles as a CMOA in that aspect.
  • Bolin and Pabu's acting performance before the match. [dead link]
  • As Mako protest against the Council to continue the Pro-Bending match, they had to acknowledge an Unfortunate Implication and Irony about Non-Benders and Benders gathering together, in peace, as answered cheerfully by Bolin, "[to watch Benders] beat each other up! In peace!"
  • The reaction of Tahno's Fan Girls and the Fire Ferrets' fans when Korra beats Tahno in the tiebreaker match.
    • The gratuitous slow-mo and replay of Tahno getting a burst of water to the jaw! They had to animate that scene twice from different angles.
    • Tahno's helmet landing in the hands of the Fire Ferret fans, who also dressed like the Ferrets. The one dressed like Korra catches it.
  • Bolin getting Pabu to bite through the ropes by speaking fire ferret.
  • The Wolfbats' WWE-tastic entrance.
    • "I'm gonna knock Tahno's stupid hair off his stupid head!"
  • Shiro commentating in true Casual Danger Dialogue style after Equalists have appeared in the audience, knocked out the security, the pro-benders, and a chunk of the audience (with electric gloves no less), with a look of terror on his face:

Shiro: Folks, there is some sort of electrical disturbance in the stands. Metalbender cops are dropping like bumbleflies. There appear to be masked members of the audience holding strange devices on their hands. [Equalist enters cabin] One of them is in the booth with me now, folks. He is leveling one of those glove devices at me right now, and I believe he is about to electrocute me. I am currently wetting my pants.

  • Tenzin's reaction when Korra figures out that he and Lin used to be a couple.

Korra: Sooo... Pema stole you from Beifong. I'm surprised our esteemed chief of police didn't throw her in jail.
Tenzin: (deadpan) Oh, she tried.

    • How the "camera" zooms in on Tenzin's face as he mournfully says "Lin and I were growing apart" as if to cue in a long, nostalgic reminiscing of their relationship only to Tenzin to snap right out of it and exclaims, "Why am I even telling you this!?"
    • Korra calling him "Heart-breaker." The only way it could be funner was if she called him a "Heart-bender."
  • Tenzin calling out the rules of pro-bending

Tenzin: Oh, come on, ref! There was some funny business in that last play!
Beifong: Wouldn't have guessed you knew the rules of pro-bending.
Tenzin: (Nonchalantly) Hm... I've been brushing up. That Wolf-Bat blatantly bent a disc outside his zone.

    • Later:

(angry) Oh come on those were illegal head-shots! Open your eye, ref!

  • In the original airing, a Spongebob Commercial Pop-Up comes up at the worst possible time.
  • Possibly unintentional: In the middle of all the Equalists pulling on their masks, the shot of one man pulling his chi-blocking glove out of a bag of popcorn was amusing.
  • Shiro raising an eyebrow at one of his own metaphors:

Shiro: Or will the underdog Fire Ferrets serve a surprising bowl of smack-down soup? *eyebrow*

  • Doubles as a CMOA: Korra throws Mako back onto the ring, and the first thing Mako does is send a fireball straight at Tahno, whose back is turned. Tahno gets back up, full of rage. Mako is wearing the biggest shit-eating grin ever and he actually winks at Tahno. Naturally, Tahno looks even more pissed off.
    • All of Tahno's faces in the episode are hilarious, come to think of it.
  • The Fire Ferrets' triple Dartboard of Hate of Tahno.
  • The end of the Fire Ferrets' huddle:

Korra: If the Wolfbats are gonna fight dirty, then so are we!
Mako: We can't--the refs have it out for us. If we're gonna win this thing, it has to be fair and square.
Korra: (sigh) That's no fun, but... okay.

  • In general, every instance where Korra was the one causing the facial expressions on Tahno.

The Aftermath

When Extremes Meet

  • Every second of Ikki and Meelo's interactions with Mako, Bolin, and Asami, especially Korra's reaction to Ikki telling Asami about her crush on Mako.
    • Bolin's interactions with Ikki. He gets into Motor Mouth mode, but Ikki counters by answering every question.
    • Ikki's cat hiss in response to Korra closing the door on her.
    • The background change when Korra hears Ikki bringing up the relationship to Asami.
  • Team Avatar holding hands in a formation to celebrate their group, and Meelo farts on their hands out of nowhere. The reactions are priceless.
    • Even funnier that the fart had the functional purpose of slowing him down. He airbended his fart!
  • Korra saying that Saikhan is the worst chief of police ever, while pinching his chin. Even funnier when Tenzin says it also.

Tenzin: But you really are the worst. Ever!

  • "NAGA AWAAYYYY!" Cue Naga leaning forward and entire team falling off her back and forming a pile on the ground.

Korra: Alright, scratch that.

  • Asami still making use of that Equalist Glove and very casually taking the Chi-Blockers, while driving.
  • Meelo. Just Meelo.

Ikki: Welcome to Air Temple Island, your new home!
Meelo: Yes. Welcome to my domain.
Bolin: Well, aren't you sweet, little monk child?

    • And with Asami:

Asami: (Glances down)
Meelo: (Stares at her creepily)You're pretty! Can I have some of your hair?
Mako: Looks like I have some competition.

  • The Air Acolytes struggling with Asami's giant stack of trunks.


  • At San Diego Comic-Con 2011, the crew presented pictures of the metalbending police officers and arrives at Lin Beifong:

Michael Dante DiMartino: And then, so, Toph's uh...this is Toph's daughter. Chief Beifong... And she's uh, she's the Chief of Police of Republic City and uh, in charge of all those Metalbenders.
Crowd: Who's the father!?
Mike: I don't know what you're yelling but we gotta keep moving.

  • after his rant* Also, Lin's dad is Azula. It's really complicated.
  • The goofy faces from the first series make their triumphant return. Aang taught [dead link] Tenzin well.
  • Know that "bender" is British slang for a gay man (probably why the British version of A:tLA is called Avatar: The Legend of Aang instead). Now listen to everything the Equalists say about "bender oppression". Try to keep a straight face.
  • Bryan Konietzko's response to Episode 4 being leaked on the internet.
    • For that matter the picture he made in response to a particularly infamous animation error that made it into episode 6.
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