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The Legend of Korra/Characters/Tenzin and Family

This is a partial character sheet for The Legend of Korra. Visit here for the main character index. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page.



Voiced by J.K. Simmons

Tenzin is an Airbending half-Air Nomad/half-Water Tribesman, and Aang and Katara's youngest son. He is a councilman representing the Air Nomads for the United Republic; following the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender (now a misnomer) said culture now consists of him and his family, and the Air Acolytes, a group of non-airbenders who have chosen to dedicate themselves to the continuation of Air Nomad traditions. Seeing as he is the only living master Airbender in the world following Aang's passing, he becomes Korra's airbending teacher.

  • Ambadassador: Tenzin works as a member of the United Republic Council, representing the Air Nomads. He is also an Airbending master.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The world's only master Airbender is not just a mere title. He lasts the longest against Sato's Mini-Mecha, and for a while was the only one standing.
  • Badass Beard
  • Badass Cape: Badass Half-Cape, to be precise.
  • Badass Long Robe
  • Bald of Awesome
  • Berserk Button:
    • Do not invoke his parents in an argument.
    • In a more serious manner, harming the people he loves (such as Lin and Korra).
  • Big Good: In a sense, given that the Avatar is still in training.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Blow You Away: He's supposed to teach Korra airbending, since he's the only living airbending master left.
  • Burning with Anger: Mild Bell Pepper. Tenzin's head will redden heavily when sufficiently angered, usually prompted by something Korra has said. He also turns purple when mortified.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: A failed one with Lin Beifong.
  • The Comically Serious: Frequently has these moments, particularly in his interactions with Korra and his children.
  • Continuity Nod: Tenzin's Sky Bison's name is "Oogi", which is the term of disgust Sokka used whenever he saw Aang and Katara being affectionate in Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise.
  • Dramatic Wind: He's often accompanied by gusts of wind that make his cloak wave dramatically. Unsurprising, considering the element he controls.
  • Elemental Eye Colors: An airbender with Grey Eyes.
  • Happily Married: To Pema.
  • Ink Suit Actor: He bears more than a slight resemblance to his voice actor, J.K. Simmons.
  • Last of His Kind: Was this in the time between his father's death and Jinora's birth. Thankfully averted now.
  • May-December Romance: He is 16 years senior to his wife Pema.
  • The Mentor: To Korra, to his children, and to the Air Acolytes.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: He's named after the fourteenth and current Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso.
    • Odd Name Out: His siblings are named after Katara's mother and Aang's old friend. His name only fits with Aang's teacher, Gyatso, at a meta level.
  • "No Respect" Guy: A mild version. He's quite wise, but neither the Council, Korra, or Lin tend to listen to him very often.
  • Not So Above It All: He gets this in spades.
    • Denounces pro-bending as "a mockery of the noble tradition of bending", but later on ends up cheering for Korra in an uncharacteristically enthusiastic manner during one of her matches, not unlike how his father would. Played with, though, in that he may have been cheering her successful Die or Fly moment. By episode 6 he's yelling at the referee for ignoring the Wolfbat's blatant fouls. When Lin comments on this, surprised that he even knows what constitutes a foul, he says he's been reading up on the rules since Korra joined the Fire Ferrets, apparently taking a greater interest in the sport than he'd like to admit.
    • Also spends the first half of "A Leaf in the Wind" stressing to Korra that she needs to be patient, and then loses his own patience with her a short time later.
    • Then, there was his failed relationship with Lin.
    • And we get this gem when Korra and Tenzin confront her replacement, Saikhan:

Korra: [grips his chin, moving his head up and down] You're officially the worst Chief of Police, ever!
Tenzin: Calm down Korra, I'll get this sorted out. We just need to be patient. [Both turn away before Tenzin quickly turns back.] But you really are the worst. [points] Ever!

  • Not So Stoic: Comes frequently at his expense, often subtle, but sometimes dramatic. It's become a Running Gag.
  • Only Sane Man: Among the Council, he's the only one who realizes that that Tarrlok is untrustworthy and that his actions are causing far more harm then good. Unfortunately, his attempts to stop him are consistently outvoted.
  • Opening Narration: Like his mother did in the original series, he provides The Legend of Korra's opening narration.
  • Parental Substitute: While Korra's parents are still alive, they're still in the South Pole. Tenzin seems to be like an Honorary Uncle, and treats Korra much more warmly than all of the other authority figures (who either think she's a nuisance, or manipulate her). Korra also eats at the family table rather than with the air acolytes, suggesting a closer relationship than merely master/student.
  • Power Tattoo
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Also the most socially responsible authority figure on the Council; despite representing at most a few dozen people, out of any of the Council members he's the one with most respect for the unrepresented non-benders and their rights. Indeed, he's the only one to speak up in favor or defense of them.
  • Spin Offspring: The first official interracial child shown in the Avatar franchise. (Though certainly not the last.)
  • The Stoic: Tries his best to be, but Korra and the plot often have other plans.
  • Stroke the Beard: Uncle Sokka would approve.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: In a half-lucid moment, Korra mistakes him for Aang (having just experienced a vision of Aang and his friends while unconscious).
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: He tries to act like an enlightened and serious Zen master, but the universe simply won't allow him to stay that way for long.
  • Team Dad
  • Twitchy Eye: Tenzin gets one of these when particularly upset, such as when he finds out that Korra has snuck out to fight in a pro-bending match.
  • Youngest Child Wins: His older siblings Kya and Bumi did not inherit Aang's Airbending like he did, though Kya is a waterbender like Katara.



"I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant."

Voiced by Maria Bamford

Tenzin's wife, currently pregnant with their fourth child. She shows a forceful and somewhat wry personality, and although not a bender, she is an Air Acolyte and dedicated to following the Air Nomad way of life.

  • Advice Backfire: She should really be bit more careful when giving advice to Korra.
  • Death Glare: So far, Tenzin was the only recipient.
  • Happily Married: To Tenzin.
  • Love Triangle: She was in one with Tenzin and Lin pre-series. In the story proper she gives Korra advice on how to deal with her own.
  • May-December Romance: She is 16 years her husband's junior.
  • Muggle: Unlike her husband or their children, she's a non-bender.



"Be the leaf!"

Voiced by Logan Wells

Meelo is Tenzin and Pema's son and current youngest child. Not much older than a toddler, he's hyperactive and more than a bit silly. He shows great skill at airbending despite his youth.



"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

Voiced by Darcy Rose Byrnes

Ikki is Tenzin and Pema's younger daughter. She's incredibly hyperactive and playful, and can be quite annoying, both on purpose and by accident.



"I will make no such promises."

Voiced by Kiernan Shipka

Jinora is Tenzin and Pema's older daughter. More reserved than her siblings, shown to be a polite little bookworm. However, under her sweet exterior she is still playful and hides a witty tongue.

Tenzin: You must promise me your teenage years won't be like this!
Jinora: (peering over her book) I will make no such promises.

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