The Book of Stories (Original Character Tournament)

Is your Story strong enough to save all others?

"Will you be a Champion of Order, prepared to set the world to right? Will you be an Emissary of Reason, to give the madness meaning? Or are you a Agent of Chance, swept up into the Book of Stories by luck alone?"

The Book of Stories (TBoS) is an Original Character Tournament hosted by RobinRone along with a group of four judges. The story is about the Twins, ancient guardians of an object called The Book of Stories, which contains every story of every world ever written and is said to whisk anyone who reads its words inside its pages. Said guardians, Lady Ink and Mudd, maintained the Book for a long time with their respective powers of structure and purpose and as they developed more character and personality, the differences between them pushed them apart and eventually lead to the gradual downfall and eventually the Unwriting of the Book.

Said downfall is now threatening the fate of every World and the two guardians have reunited to fix the problem. Though they can no longer enter the Book to find the root of the problem, they opt to recruit individuals to enter the Book on their behalfs, since only mortals can safely enter inside. In addition, the Unwriting has made the Book teleport to every World, pulling in its share of unwitting mortals with its magic pages.

TBoS has a few things setting it apart from other OCTs, aside from allowing any media to be used, from comics to flash to prose or any mix in between. It puts very little emphasis on the characters fighting each other as the bigger focus is the mystery of the Book itself and the characters' influences on said book, allowing a great deal of flexibility for the contestants when it comes to writing their entries. Instead, each round is themed on a genre, where contestants aspire to write as little or as much of the genre as they want in their entry. The last round has no genre involved, fittingly enough.

The tournament opened auditions on March 1, 2011 and Round 1 began on June 12, 2011 with 64 competitors, chosen out of the 113 auditioners by a group of five judges. Round 1 ended on July 12 and Round 2 began on August 2 with 32 competitors. Then Round 2 ended on September 5 and Round 3 began on September 26th with 16 competitors. Round 3 ended on November 4 and Round 4 started on November 24 with 8 competitors (where coincidentally, single OCs were pitted against couple OCs).

In addition, a mini-OCT called "The Lost Stories" was hosted on November 18 for the competitors who lost in previous rounds but wished to participate again. The deadline for them is offset by one week from the official rounds' deadline.

Tropes used in The Book of Stories (Original Character Tournament) include:

NPC Tropes

Lady Ink


The Book of Stories

General Tropes

  • Apocalypse How / Ret-Gone - The worst outcome of the Book's Unwriting could be classified as Class X-5 or even Z, though it's not as much destroying as it is making everything nonexistent.
  • Archetypal Character - The fictional characters in the Book are these.
  • Got Volunteered / Refusal of the Call - Lady Ink and Mudd pretty much do this to their recruits if they're unwilling.
  • Genre Roulette - Pretty much the defining gimmick of this OCT.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - Lady Ink, unable to handle the Book by herself, tries to write her way out of responsibility, which results in the Book Unwriting itself and every World in danger.
  • One Steve Limit - Averted. Among the 64 who made the final cut, we have Anna Smith, Annabelle Roads, and Annabelle Greyson. Among the original 113 auditioners, we have two Anna's and three Annabelle's.
  • This Is My Story - A lot of auditions start out as this.
  • The Call Has Bad Reception - The Book indiscriminately chooses anyone who so much as gazes into it, leaving them more ill-equipped about the overall situation than anyone who has been chosen by the Twins.
  • The Call Left a Message - Some auditions had the Book leaving its pages to those who would coincidentally come across it.
  • We Used to Be Friends - Lady Ink and Mudd had a falling out over their methods of taking care of the Book.

The 64 Contestants

Aileen-Kailum's Entries


  • Cloudcuckoolander - Hazel has shades of this, due to having her mind being systematically screwed in the past.
  • Light'Em Up - Hazel is all about manipulating light, though she needs a light source.

AlecVastor's Entries


  • Chaotic Neutral - The Musician is played up as this in-universe.
  • De-Power - Being a musician, he can normally use his power of music to great, nearly godlike extents, but being inside the Book has neutered his abilities to just creating small objects, hovering and disrupting others' magical abilities.
  • Living Shadow - Somehow the Musician has complete control over his shadow, though its uses are rather situational.
  • Magic Music
  • No Name Given

AndMyShadow's Entries


AndreaHarper's Entries


  • Mind Hive - Alice has two other souls inside her called Grace and Verity.
  • Necromancer
  • Talking to Plants - This more or less underlines how socially awkward she is, not as much as how boring she is.

annarowlye [dead link] 's Entries


Ariskari's Entries


Ashana-Correlli's Entries


awisha-teh-ninja and Xakriuth's Entries


BagnaTheSupervillain's Entries


  • Badass Normal - At first anyway.
  • He Who Fights Monsters - Played with, as James starts to exhibit some superhuman abilities due to having hunted nonhumans for so long. Inverted in that he's slowly sympathizing for the monsters he's hunting down, though he won't admit it.
  • Knight Templar - James believes that all nonhumans should be exterminated because they're beyond redemption.

BloodySafetypins's Entries


Bright-Smoke's Entries


  • Alchemy - Moira specializes in it to compensate for being one of the Muggles, particularly potion-making.
  • Muggle Born of Mages - Moira tries to offset this by dabbling in Alchemy, which is somewhat frowned upon in her society.

Conspiracy-Z-Cycle's Entries


da-kasha's Entries

  • Character: Alan Audition
  • Gift: Construct
  • Opponent(s): Jaya Ferox


  • Encyclopaedic Knowledge - He's a librarian after all.
  • All of the Other Reindeer - Alan was ostracized for his mixed bloodline early on. What makes it worse that they keep him around instead of letting him go for fear of him causing trouble if he wasn't under supervision.

DarthVengeance0325's Entries


DigiDayDreamer's Entries


  • Absolute Cleavage - Ricco as a rare male example.
  • Action Girl - Bobu.
  • Alternate Timeline - Unknowingly, Bobu enters into one of these into Round 2, where she briefly encounters Sian in SaffyLailo's Round 1 entry.
    • Exaggerated in Round 3 when Bobu and company go through several of these throughout Round 3 via the ARVs.
  • Arbitrary Headcount Limit - Bobu lampshades this in Round 2 when Sian and Ricco are replaced by Ygsthrall and Anna Claw early on.
  • Ash Face / Non-Fatal Explosions - Justified when one of the NPCs in Round 2 holds a pair of bombs at point-blank range by accident, as it was implied he was the strongest of the villain's mooks.
  • Bag of Holding / Hammerspace - Bobu and Ricco supposedly have this in the form of inventory tablets, which are inexplicably stored in their digital bodies, at least when they were in the video game Box Bug.
  • Bag of Spilling - In an non-video game example, this happens to both Bobu and Ricco when they leave the video game Box Bug and enter the Book, finding themselves stripped of their video game inventories in a crucial situation not too long afterwards.
  • Bar Brawl - Expected for Round 2's Western Genre.
  • Better Than a Bare Bulb - Much of the humor derives from this.
  • Bifauxnen - It doesn't help that Bobu sometimes gets mistaken as a guy due to the androgynous voice and the lack of female features. This becomes an unexpected plot point in Round 2.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies - Bobu's a cartoony version of this.
  • Bubble Gun - Bobu's water spell in her RPG mode is this.
  • Bumbling Sidekick - Ricco. Apparently being a Spoony Bard involves a lot of this.
  • Camp Straight - Despite enjoying a fair deal of feminine activities and wearing females' clothing, Ricco hits on girls and once stated that he's "totally straight".
  • Chekhov's Skill - Played with in Round 2, as the pivotal knowledge in question is retroactively introduced in a mid-battle flashback, though the flashback itself was justified by Bobu's earlier comment about how Ricco just "babbles inane details about [Box Bug]".
  • Chivalrous Pervert - Ricco's a bit less perverted than other examples, usually going for flowery, romantic language.
  • Dare to Be Badass / World of Cardboard Speech - When Qwerty questions Bobu on why they have to go out of their way to save complete strangers in the Book, Bobu goes all contemplative and gives this speech:

Bobu: "...because true heroes never want to live with regrets, mistakes they could have avoided if they had been more vigilant. That's what the Book of Stories wants out of us, I think. And I can bet it has a good reason for making us go through all this insanity and that it would be totally worth it that we gave our all to tell the best story we possibly can."

"Wish I could've taught you not to hold small, round objects so tight; otherwise you'd be a perfect match for her."

  • Dramatic Gun Cock - This happens to Ricco during the prison breakout.
  • Dream Spying - Played with in Round 2, where Bobu ends up watching scenes of other people when she's not pushing the plot forward, particularly Qwerty, and Anna and Ygsthrall in the climax.
  • Dream Within a Dream - Bobu ended up Dream Spying from Qwerty's perspective in the first dream, then woke up and ended up having a surprise encounter with a person from Box Bug. Then she woke up from that, as that turned out to be a dream as well.
  • Drives Like Crazy - Ricco is this all the way in Round 1.
  • Drunk on Milk - Subverted in Round 2, where it's heavily implied Ricco was tricked into drinking some alcoholic beverage when it was presented as milk.
  • Drunken Master - Subverted and lampshaded in Round 2, where Ricco's sudden increase in skill isn't due to alcohol, but rather due to the Big Bad of Round 2 pulling some strings.
  • Every Car Is a Pinto - Subverted and lampshaded in Round 1, where Bobu mentions the lack of this during the car chase sequence.
  • Evil Counterpart / Identical Stranger / Sue Donym - Inverted and played for drama when Qwerty encounters an archetype who resembled his unlikable master with a suspiciously similar-sounding name, but is otherwise the polar opposite in personality.
  • Expy - Played with when an archetype from Round 1 reappears in Round 2 as a younger version of herself. Also, a few archetypes bear resemblance to some of the author's original characters.
  • First-Person Smartass - Bobu's story is narrated from her perspective, snarkiness and all.
  • Flashback Nightmare - A variation occurs in Round 2: Bobu's first dream was of a scene prior to the start of Round 2, before it devolved into a nightmare where she was hounded by one of her enemies from Box Bug while the world around her faded away to oblivion, thus dooming her to fall in an everlasting void.
  • Fragile Speedster - Bobu's Platformer Mode turns her into this.
  • Gay Cowboy - Played straight with one character in Round 2, as well as discussed by Ricco in his defense of his heterosexuality.
  • Giant Poofy Sleeves - Ricco as a rare male example.
  • Gratuitous Spanish / Just a Stupid Accent - Ricco, especially in the audition.
  • Guest Star Party Member
    • Round 1 - Sian and Tom.
    • Round 2 - Ygsthrall, Anna Claw and Qwerty Finklewater.
    • Round 3 - Kali and Lyric.
    • Round 4 - Arguably Jaya Ferox and Broken.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper - Bobu has spades of this, though it's somewhat justified since her Berserk Button is usually any illogical, nonsensical situation and she's had no shortage of that.
  • Harmless Electrocution - Played with when this is used to conclude the second fight of Round 2, where it's implied the doctor suffered a lot.
  • Heroic Second Wind - Bobu gets this in Round 2 during the climax after receiving a helpful flashback.
  • Hollywood Tone Deaf - Played straight with Ricco, if Bobu's remarks are of any indication. Subverted where he manages a lullaby good enough to lull children to sleep, in which Bobu calls him out on his singing quality and competence.
  • Hot Pursuit - Justified during Round 1, as Bobu and Ricco snuck a zombie illegally inside a city that's prejudiced against zombies.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick - Ricco displays shades of this during the climax of Round 3.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal - In Round 1, Bobu orders Ricco to use one of their 99 "Strength Deodorants".
  • Hypocritical Humor - After Bobu risks her life trying to prevent the van they're on from tipping over by using her weight as a counterbalance, the van uprights itself without warning. Bobu nearly falls off the van before Ricco grabs her and pulls her in, scolding her for doing a crazy stunt. Thing is, it was Ricco's crazy driving that caused the van to tilt absurdly in the first place.
  • Instant Armor - Exaggerated in Round 1, where a villain pulls this off with some highly advanced technology disguised as a walker, tennis balls and all.
  • Interspecies Romance - Lampshaded by Bobu in Round 1:

Bobu: "Maybe I should have been more bothered by the fact that this enormous anthropomorphic fish was striking up a romance with a medieval woman with possibly a real sword, but at this point, I've seen Ricco flirt with weirder (and presumably female) things in Box Bug. I mean, who could forget the budding love story of him and a 50-foot, snow-breathing llama?"

    • Further lampshaded when Ricco brings up the llama incident as his excuse for helping Ygsthrall in his first appearance rather than running away, and when Bobu notices Ygsthrall and Anna Claw seem to have bonded behind the scenes.
  • It May Help You on Your Quest - Played with in Round 1, where Ricco borrowed some of Tom's needles and thread to help stitch Tom's arm together after it was torn off. Doubly subverted, where Ricco threw said needles at one of the antagonists in a pointless attempt at distraction, and later on, Bobu found one of the needles stuck on her person, which helped her and Sian get past a fairly major obstacle.
    • Cruelly subverted in Round 2. Ricco brings a backpack full of papers and pens, thinking it would somehow help them figure out how to get out of the Book, but it ultimately serves to worsen Bobu and Ricco's situation than either could have anticipated.
  • I Shall Return - Ricco asks Bobu to promise to come back for him, after throwing her to safety.
  • I Will Only Slow You Down - Near the start of Round 2, the duo are stranded in the middle of a desert wasteland. Ricco tells Bobu to go ahead, since she can find civilization much faster in her Platformer Mode, but she won't have any of it since they had just lost Sian somehow. He does it again when she rescues him from prison and he gets disabled in the process.
  • Just a Machine - Bobu views Ricco as this, since he's just a video game character.
  • Ladykiller in Love - It's rather obvious Ricco has a thing for Bobu. He only hits on other girls because that's what SpoonyBards are supposed to do, at least in Box Bug.
  • More Hero Than Thou - Bobu and Ricco during the prison scenes.
  • Multiform Balance - Bobu's Alternate Modes, which manifests in the forms of various video game genres.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood - Played with in Round 2 with Ygsthrall, whose name is a bit of a mouthful. Ricco repeatedly gets his name wrong - even in writing - Bobu nicknames him Iggy for convenience, and Qwerty calls him Yogi. Only Anna gets his name right, which isn't surprising, considering the possibility of Interspecies Romance.
  • Never Split the Party - Bobu tries to invoke this sentiment in Round 2, when she and Ricco had been unknowingly separated from Sian.
  • Non-Action Guy - Ricco.
  • No One Gets Left Behind - Bobu is fiercely determined not to lose Ricco again during the prison breakout, going so far as to stay with him when he gets disabled. Ricco had other ideas, though...
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent / Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping / Shocking Voice Identity Reveal - Ricco's gradual disuse of his heavy Mexican accent foreshadows his status as an actual human being like Bobu, which is fully revealed at the end of Round 1.
  • Organic Technology - Featured a bit in Round 2, where the guns are more like hybrids of animals and actual guns and are generally treated like pets and partners.
  • Ow, My Body Part - Ricco tends to say this early on when Bobu hurts him.

Ricco: "Ow! My large obtuse chark face! Again!"

  • Pantsless Males, Fully-Dressed Females - Painfully inverted with Bobu wearing only boxing gloves, while Ricco is fully dressed in women's clothing.
  • Pensieve Flashback - Notably Bobu gets one in Round 2 amidst her Dream Spying, from the perspective of the Book of Stories.
  • Poor Communication Kills - Bobu's reluctance to confess to her eavesdropping of Ricco's secret from Round 1 eventually leads to the intense, emotional climax of Round 2.
  • Powers as Programs - Bobu's Alternate Modes are literally this, since they were into programmed into her status as a video game protagonist.
  • Prisoner Exchange - The Big Bad of Round 2 asks Bobu to come alone for "negotiations", implying this.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis! - Played straight with Waffledorp out of all people: "I! AM! WAFFLEDORP!"
  • Rant-Inducing Slight - Bobu loses her patience when she's refused alcohol in a western story. Also played for laughs when the one starting a Bar Brawl isn't the one Bobu was actively provoking, but rather the one whose hat was rudely taken during said provoking.
  • Red Boxing Gloves - Played straight with Bobu.
  • Relationship Upgrade - After some rather harrow circumstances derived from Poor Communication Kills, Bobu and Ricco finally level up in their relationship.
  • The Rest Shall Pass - Sian does this in the second doctor fight in Round 1, giving Bobu time to run away and get help. Subverted when the villain has accounted for that and rigged the only exit to keep Sian and Bobu trapped inside.
  • Ridiculously-Human Robots - Ricco is quite deeply flawed and sympathetic for an AI. Turns out he's not an AI.
    • Turns out Bobu is one. Or maybe not.
  • Schizo-Tech - Played straight during Round 1, particularly the second doctor fight and the climax.
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock - Bobu is randomly shuffled and stuck in one of her Alternate Modes, due to escaping her video game too early.
  • Shark Man - Ricco is a positive example of this. Bonus points for being part whale shark, which is rather tame for a shark due to being a filter feeder.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend - Both Bobu and Sian say something along the lines when the subject in question is Ricco.
  • Sherlock Scan - In Round 2, Bobu pulls this off twice. The first time she did it, she was trying to speed up the Info Dump using what she was told so far and any other details she gained from Dream Spying on Qwerty (and thus annoying the local Mr. Exposition with her seemingly omniscient knowledge). The second time was done to persuade one of the Mooks to appeal to the Big Bad's code of Thou Shalt Not Kill for a high-stakes boxing match.
  • Shirtless Scene - Ricco gets this in Round 2's climax for obvious reasons.
  • Slippery Skid - Inverted in Round 1, where a villain does this to Bobu to prevent her from escaping.
  • Smash Cut - Justified in Round 1, where they're in a fairy tale and details are usually sparse and concise, necessitating this trope. Exaggerated, as even Bobu and Ricco are completely clueless like the reader as to what happened during the Smash Cut, forcing them to ask their fictional companion, who happens to be the protagonist of the fairy tale, to help fill them in the details. Defied when Bobu attempts to stall the upcoming Smash Cut with immediately pertinent questions before making progress with the narrative of the fairy tale.
  • Sneaky Departure - Ricco does this early in Round 2 in the middle of the night to find civilization ahead of the others.
    • Ricco's sudden departure is surprisingly explained in Round 3.
  • Spoony Bard - Ricco. Lampshaded a little by Bobu.
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics - Averted with Bobu as she wears only red boxing gloves and her carapace is colored in various shades of blue.
  • The Coats Are Off - Bobu tries to pull this off with a scarf in Round 2. It's played for laughs when the scarf gets blown back into her face, ruining any semblance of coolness she would have gotten from shedding her scarf.
  • The Snark Knight - Bobu. This is most apparent whenever she talks to Ricco, who's a bit lacking in smarts and thus is always a source of her frustration in general.
  • Transformation Sequence - Whenever Bobu switches from one Mode to another.
  • Un Entendre - Ricco blushes when the Big Bad of Round 2 asks him to join his posse. In a Western-themed setting.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist - Bobu, whenever she gets annoyed by Ricco.
  • Unusual Euphemism - Bobu is stuck with this as a side effect of leaving Box Bug unexpectedly, later on cursing in terms of food.
  • Wandering Minstrel - Ricco.
  • We Need a Distraction - Played straight in Round 1. Played even further when Bobu failed the first distraction and Ricco ended up as a second impromptu distraction, which gave Bobu enough time for her Transformation Sequence to kick in.
  • Wham! Line: From Round 1: "...I'm not fictional."
  • What Would X Do? - Played straight in Round 2, where Bobu based her reasons for striving to get a Happy Ending on what Ricco would want.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser - Ricco's a straight example, as he's wearing the clothes out of comfort and possibly for style.
  • Willfully Weak - In Round 2, Bobu pondered if Ricco was this during the climax, given that he exhibits raw power greater than what he normally has under duress. Then again, he was drunk out of his mind.
  • World-Healing Wave - Played with in Round 1, where a slow-acting version of this occured in the climax.
  • Xanatos Gambit - The antagonists Bobu and Ricco face so far seem rather fond of doing this.
  • You Just Had to Say It - Bobu says a variant of this when she unexpectedly inspired Qwerty to tag along when she wanted to keep him out of harm's way.
  • You Monster! - Bobu says this in her narration upon seeing Qwerty try to strangle Ricco.

Dragonendalia and DemonLordOnigawa's Entries


  • Anti-Magic / Blessed with Suck - Inverted with Aldech, who can't use magic at all, and is still vulnerable to the likes of fire and lightning.
  • Our Vampires Are Different - Nadia is a Dhampir, which is basically a lesser version of a vampire: no weaknesses to sunlight and garlic, but lacking the super-strength or speed most associated with vampires. However, Dhampirs have greater potential to cast magic in comparison.

Elliejae's Entries


Fantasyfreak18's Entries


  • Ambition Is Evil - Valentine kills his mentor and takes over.
  • Broken Bird - Sparrow is experimented on and tested by scientists, and tormented for years by Valentine.
  • Cliché Storm - In-universe, Round 1. Lampshaded by Regis.
  • Foil - Sparrow's despising her powers against Valentine's embracing his.
  • Information Wants to Be Free - Played with. Sparrow just wants to be free, but Valentine thinks she would expose government secrets associated with her powers if left alone.
  • Moral Event Horizon - In-universe, Valentine crossed the line when he made Dr. Allen, the man responsible for his psychic powers, "disappear" after hearing one too many lectures from him.
  • Squishy Wizard - Sparrow due to malnutrition. Subverted with Valentine, who practices swordplay.
  • The Voice - The Book.

FJTrickster58's Entries


  • Death Seeker - zigzagged. Terri has a terminal illness kept under control by highly advanced medicine, so she lives her life to the doing death-defying stunts. It's not so much as her seeking death as she is more keen on overcoming her fears of death by facing them head-on.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl

Gamekrazy's Entries


  • Cast from Hit Points - In Hyde's world, Spark is the power of one's soul and using Spark enables the user to give life to inanimate objects. But using the Spark too much or to perform strenous tasks could put said user into a coma.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best / Missing Mom - Hyde's mom instilled the good value of reading in him and was quite supportive of him before passing away from a weak heart.

gsppcrocks10's Entries


hardcore-introvert's Entries


hisiheyah and FlamebloodQuickblade's Entries

  • Characters: Reinald Todorov and Anna Smith Audition
  • Gift: Construct/Function
  • Opponent(s): Dmitri Ellisand, Hazel Maddon, Jerek and Garner, James Englehart, Flume and Smarmadine, Campren "Charley Campbell" Mc Millin


HyenaBonzly's Entries


  • Animate Inanimate Object - Craven's jacket, which was accidentally brought to life by Craven's unwitting use of the Function given to him.
  • The Fashionista - Played with, as Craven's more interested in designing clothes than wearing them.

inktress's Entries


  • Muse Abuse - The last guy Hazel dated imprisoned her for 3 years when she told him the truth, partly so he couldn't get art block when she was close.
  • The Muse - Hazel is one of these, though in her world, muses are also errand boys and girls for the gods.

Jared-hai's Entries


  • Berserk Button - Although Nair isn't really a fighter, seeing other people harmed because of her, or seeing Pura threatened sends her into a rage, although she lacks the strength to use it to any effect.
  • Shy Blue-Haired Girl - Pura.
  • Break the Cutie - Kidnapped and almost sacrificed, trying to save worlds only to see them wholly destroyed, almost killed, attacked by a dragon and hunted down by a increasingly powerful villain. It couldn't get worse, could it? Sure can.
  • Designated Hero - Inverted, Nair likes to make it known that she and Pura are the heroes of the story, whether she believes anyone is watching her or not. '"We're the heroes." She told herself out loud. "We're going to face whatever we must. Even if one of us is asleep right now..."'
  • Dramatic Stutter - Something that Pura suffers heavily from, most often when talking to strangers, or when she is without Nair.
  • Elemental Embodiment - Nair and Pura as embodiments of clouds and streams respectively.
  • Eyes of Gold - Nair. Common among her kind, uncommon on the rest of her world.
  • Fragile Speedster - As much as you'd expect from an Air elemental in a child's body, she is very quick, but very weak. The same can be said for Pura, to a small extent.
  • Holding Hands - Nair and Pura do this quite often.
  • Ho Yay - See end of round 3, and round 4.
  • Making a Splash - Pura's varied albeit limited abilities as a Stream Elemental.
  • Nature Hero - They're Elementals.
  • No Biological Sex - Water and Air based Elementals take female forms, but do not reproduce, as they are incarnations tied to the planet, not separate life forms. This results in a lack of cultural taboo in otherwise homosexual relationships, and also more emphasis on emotions and feelings over desires and procreation.
  • True Companions - This is emphasized throughout the story for the pair.
  • Unusual Ears - A trait of their kind, Nair's ears are clustered with feathers, whereas Pura's ears are completely replaced with webbed growths.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl - Nair.

JoTyler's Entries


  • Does Not Like Shoes - Alex never wears shoes whenever that's unnecessary. Otherwise, her pick would be sandals.
  • That Was Not a Dream - Alex's reaction when she realizes she's in the Book for real.
  • Writer's Block - Alex was hit hard with this during the audition and assumed the appearance of the Book was just a hallucination of her inner-self journey.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair - Alex has lime green hair, though it's noted that she dyes her hair with different colors frequently.

Khyansaria's Entries


kingspikearcher's Entries


LancerTan's Entries


LastProtocol's Entries


Madican's Entries


  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope - Regis once started as a hero, but gradually after living several lifetimes of failures where his story is repeated in some cycle, he pretty much went into full villain mode.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist - Somewhat justified in Regis' case, where all he ever got for his heroism was pain and suffering and a continuous cycle at that.

MeTaLSliVeR's Entries

  • Character: Paige Audition
  • Gift: Function
  • Opponent(s): Alexandra Hutton


mpark6288's Entries


Oreramar's Entries


pandyras-paradox's Entries


  • Genre Savvy
  • Heroic Build
  • Jack of All Stats - Knives has been known to handle a variety of jobs from cooking to music, though subverted when she specializes in fighting for the most part.
  • Lady in Red - Subverted in that she's not really sexualized or into sex, for that matter.
  • Lotus Eater Machine - She gets temporarily trapped in one of these during Round 1.

ratscout's Entries


Raxion's Entries


  • Chronic Hero Syndrome - Mirasis has a really strong sense of justice.
  • Light Is Good - Lightbenders like Mirasis are essentially powered up by sunlight, enhancing their abilities.
  • Weakened by the Light - Inverted for Mirasis, as she's weakened by lack of sunlight if she doesn't get exposed enough to it.

Robot-Geisha's Entries

  • Character: The Guard Audition
  • Gift: Function
  • Opponent(s): Princess Antigone, Swiftsure, and Aella Hunter


Rosemarri's Entries


SaffyLailo's Entries

  • Character: Sian Audition
  • Gift: Page
  • Opponent(s): Bobu and Ricco


  • Action Girl
  • Cool Sword - Her sword Water can generate icicles out of its blade during times of great duress and only after she's stabbed someone with it.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Ranger - Her specialty is dealing with realized fairy tales and legends.

Second-Person-Point's Entries


SephirothsFlamedWing's Entries


Setsune-Hoshiko's Entries

  • Character: LIA Audition
  • Gift: None
  • Opponent(s): Hyde and Jackal


ServantofSHEVAL's Entries


ShadowSchnauzer's Entries


  • Meaningful Name - Justified with Errant and Damzel, since they were personifications of the Book's archetypes to begin with.

silverdreamdancer's Entries


  • Green-Eyed Monster - Antagonist is jealous because he's not exactly real like the mortals who entered the Book of Stories and very much bound to it.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy - Not surprising, since he was born from the Book of Stories after all.

SilverVistani's Entries


SkysongMA's Entries


Spaceflight-Wyvern's Entries


Splitcat's Entries

  • Character: AzraelAudition
  • Gift: Function
  • Opponent(s): Dahnnae Marfinn and Bechen K’vette


Star-Seal's Entries


supernova8041's Entries


T-Finbo's Entries


  • Living Shadow - Lautz is forced to become this in order to stay alive.
  • Rebel Prince - Lautz has shades of this, visiting the lower classes despite his status or perhaps because of it.
  • The White Prince - Lautz is the third type.

teamkillerbenaru's Entries


TG-Garfieldo's Entries


Tirrih's Entries


  • Consummate Liar
  • Obfuscating Stupidity - Fred does this to avoid getting too much into trouble, as people in his society don't take kindly to intelligent zombies.
  • Our Zombies Are Different - Type M. In Fred's case, zombies start out as a mild version of Type V, mindless, harmless and easy to please. But upon intake of salt, they temporarily turn into Type R, minus the memories of their previous lives.

Tofiman's Entries

  • Character: Agatha Audition
  • Gift: Function
  • Opponent(s): Sir Garner Kelheim and Lord Jerek Serevi


topios's Entries


tweedandtea's Entries


Umi-No-Tenshi's Entries

  • Character: Eulalia Audition
  • Gift: Construct
  • Opponent(s): Qwerty Finklewater


  • Good Samaritan - Eulalia shows shades of this when she finds an injured enemy soldier who's only a teenager and removes his identification tags so she could get him medical attention without rousing suspicion.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years

variablenature's Entries


  • The Alcoholic - Jennifer is a recovering alcoholic when she first enters the book, and during the second round it seems as though she will fall off the wagon after the fight at the very end
  • Cast from Hit Points - Jack's powers can exhaust him if used too much.
  • Casting a Shadow - Jennifer's powers.
  • Dark Is Not Evil - Despite the darkness-based powers, Jennifer's an overall good, if not heroic person.
  • Jumped At the Call - Jennifer was initially excited to be like the superheroes she always admired from comic books.
  • Mr. Fixit - Jack is excellent with vehicles and, to an extent, other machines.
  • Noodle Incident - According to Word of God, something happened on May 19 that the two of them agreed to forget and never speak of. All that is known is that a large amount of alcohol was involved, and Jennifer's husband eventually got back together with her after he found out.
  • Superhero - Jack and Jennifer.
  • The Red Mage - Jack is this when it comes to elemental powers.
  • The Ditz - Jack is a bit of this, being a bit gullible now and then.
  • Word of Gay - Jack is bisexual, but in a long-term relationship (although whether the relationship is with a man or a woman is unknown, even to his creator).

WarAdmiral's Entries

  • Character: Irial Audition
  • Gift: Function
  • Opponent(s): Errant and Damzel


  • Rule of Cool - As the artist said herself in the first part of the audition:

"A Gypsy Vanner horse would, in reality, have no business being in Ireland in 1740, but I couldn't help myself."

XxXTalithaxXxX's Entries

  • Character: Tatiana and Vespera Audition
  • Gift: Page
  • Opponent(s): Satoshi “Reyes” Ando and Long Ai “Aurelia” Lien (Round ), Paige (Round ), Jaya Ferox (Round 3, eliminated)


Other Notable Auditioners/Spectators

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