Hot Gypsy Woman

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The Roma have long had an ambiguous status in Western societies and popular culture: alien enough to serve as a convenient Other, but geographically near at hand. As a result they have tended to be both vilified and exoticized, and while the Gypsy Curse is a byproduct of the former, the Hot Gypsy Woman is an example of the latter.

The Hot Gypsy Woman has fairly standardized features. She has relatively dark skin, raven-black hair which she wears loose, a low-waisted long skirt with a slit up the side, a bare midriff, bare feet and plenty of jewellery. She also tends to have a fiery personality and to be overt in her sexuality, making her an Ethical Slut.

This trope is Older Than Steam and tends to be mostly encountered in stories set in the early modern era. While Roma characters are seen as traditional in Europe, in Americas the same archetype can be incarnated as the Spicy Latina.

Examples of Hot Gypsy Woman include:


Anime and Manga

Comic Books


  • The two Gypsy girls who fight over a lover in From Russia with Love. The situation is dissolved with James Bond's charm.
  • Sabina from Gadjo Dilo, a film by Tony Gatlif.
  • Esmeralda from Disney's version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
    • As well as most other adaptions, including the 1956 version with Gina Lollobrigida and the 1997 version with Salma Hayek.
  • Kari Wuhrer plays one in Thinner.
  • Marlene Dietrich is this in Golden Earrings.
  • Anna, the Gypsy princess of Van Helsing.
  • Rada in Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven. She wouldn't look out of place in a Bollywood musical, and so looks rather out of place among the rest of the cast.
  • Simza, played by Noomi Rapace, in Sherlock Holmes a Game of Shadows.


Live-Action TV

  • Near miss: Although both hot and a gypsy, Jenny Calendar from Buffy the Vampire Slayer probably doesn't count, as she was only revealed to be of gypsy extraction after about a season, and was portrayed merely as a Hot Teacher.
  • Edmund Blackadder's autobiography is, shall we say, slightly embellished with this trope.

It's a steaming rollercoaster of a novel, crammed with sizzling gypsies!

Oh, what are you, Creepy Girl? Are you French, or Italian, or one of those swarthy Gypsy types? heh heh.


  • The song "Bohémienne aux yeux noirs" by Tino Rossi:

"Bohemian with big dark eyes
Your dusk-colored hair
And the sheen of your brown skin
Are prettier than the moonlight
Bohemian with big dark eyes
I shivered with tender hope
I would like you to be mine"

  • The song "Gypsy Woman" by Hilary Duff:

"She can swallow knives, she can swallow lives
Golden black stare, but the night of your demise
Try to run away with the gypsy woman
Good today but gone for good
Can't get away with the gypsy woman"

  • Don Williams "I Recall A Gypsy Woman":

"I recall a gypsy woman
Silver spangles in her eyes
Ivory skin against the moonlight
And the taste of life's sweet wine"

  • The Impressions' song "Gypsy Woman" (later covered by Santana):

"From nowhere through a caravan
Around the campfire light
A lovely woman in motion
With hair as dark as night
Her eyes were like that
Of a cat in the dark
They hypnotize me with love
She was a gypsy woman"

"I'm a gypsy
But are you coming with me
I might steal your clothes and wear them if they fit me
I never made agreements just like a gypsy
And I won't back down 'cause life's already hurt me
And I won't cry
I'm too young to die
If you're gonna quit me"

"Mama, every time you turn around the fire.
Mama, keep me in between the devil and the sky.
And every time you look my way,
Mama how you hypnotize."

Pro Wrestling

  • G.L.O.W's Little Egypt


Video Games

Web Comics

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