< Tales of Graces

Tales of Graces/Characters


Asbel Lhant

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (JP), Bryce Papenbrook (EN), Kate Higgins (EN,child)

The hero of the story, Asbel is the eldest son of the feudal lord of the Lhant territory. Due to an incident during his childhood, he leaves his home and trains to become a knight.

His Accelerate Mode is Spiral Surge,[1] which summons a dark flame that orbits Asbel and damages any enemy it touches.

Sophie: Asbel, why do you wear white clothes?
Asbel: These? Um, that's a good question.
A few seconds later...
Asbel: Oh yeah! I remem...
Cheria: So slow!

  • Implausible Fencing Powers: His third Blast Caliber, Zankuujin Muujinshou. It has to be seen to be believed.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: While technically speaking, Asbel equips generic "swords", his fighting style has some elements of stereotypical Japanese sword-usage.
  • Keet: Had elements of this as a kid. Now, not so much.
  • Luminescent Blush: Around Cheria. Hoo boy, around Cheria.
    • Not just around Cheria. He responds to any embarrassing situation by blushing.
  • The Messiah: Finally develops into this by the end of the game.
  • Mismatched Eyes
  • Oblivious to Love: Although he gets better at spotting Cheria's affections for him as time goes by.
  • Onee-Sama: Has elements of Type B, making him something of a male version of the trope.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: The son he has with Cheria is basically Asbel's kid self except with Cheria's hair color.
    • It's revealed it's not their son...but rather, their great-great-grandson.
  • Shout-Out: Aside from the Suzaku shout outs, Namco took it up a step further when they made Asbel wear Haseo's costume which his seiyuu voiced here.
  • Takahiro Sakurai (now also looks like a certain Imperial knight)
  • Take a Third Option: How Asbel deals with Lambda without having Sophie sacrifice herself.
  • Team Dad: Gets labeled the "Dad" of the team by Pascal. Begins to fit into the role due to character development. Also, as an adult, acts as a father figure to Sophie.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Played with. He got his level in Badass by training at the Knight Academy, but everyone around him says that he hasn't changed a bit (much to his chagrin). The game is about Asbel coming to terms with the fact that what makes you Badass is not how much ass you can kick, but what you do. This is what allows him to ultimately subdue Lambda where all other attempts failed: instead of using force to beat Lambda into submission, he allows Lambda to live through him and see that Humans Are Special.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Curry.
  • Trauma Conga Line: What happens in the first two or three hours of the game? Asbel manages to make two new friends (Sophie and prince Richard), and saves the prince's life when Bryce comes to assassinate him, also steps in and saves his escorts' lives. What happens? His dad constantly yells at him. Sophie sacrifices herself to save everyone else, and his dad blames it on HIM. He doesn't get to see Richard again because of his social status (Combined with the Fridge Horror since not a few hours before this event, Richard told him his father was poisoned, not ill). His little brother is sent to live with another family, and then he runs away from home finally.
    • He gets hit with this again soon after the seven-year Time Skip.
  • The White Prince: His childhood could be considered a deconstruction of this trope.
  • The Wise Prince


Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (JP) and Cassandra Lee (EN)

Sophie is the main heroine. Having lost her memory, she has an innocent atmosphere about her, but is actually a quite proficient fighter. She has vowed to protect Asbel.

Her Accelerate Mode is EX Boost,[2] which gives her the ability to Flash Step and increases her combat statistics.

Malik: Right into next week!
Sophie: I've traveled back in time from next week. Please stop throwing monsters at us.

Hubert Ozwel

Voiced by: Takahiro Mizushima (JP) and Steve Staley (EN)

Asbel's brother. Although he is younger, he is the more quiet and responsible of the two, which he likes to point out a lot.

His Accelerate Mode is Arrow Squall,[3] which damages enemies in a wide area for a limited period of time.

Cheria Barnes

Voiced by: Shiho Kawaragi (JP) and Laura Bailey (EN)

The granddaughter of the butler working for the Lhant House. She has a crush on Asbel and is the party's main healer.

Her Accelerate Mode is Temporal Rift,[4] which freezes time for enemies.

  • Action Girl: She's one of the most-used characters because of her flexibility in combat. She can fight at range and in melee, she can cast offensive magic, her artes allow her a lot of manoeuvrability, and she can heal. Her Accelerate Mode is one of the best, and can be used to stop enemy Mystic Artes during Eleth Break. For Solo Character Runs, she's top-tier alongside Hubert and Sophie.
  • Awesome Yet Practical: All of her Mystic Arte attacks deal Nova damage. As if she wasn't already useful enough, you really won't wanna take her out of the party for the final dungeon (of the regular story any way).
    • Her Garden of Innocence Mystic Arte. It hits every enemy (the only player Mystic Arte that does so) for a sizeable amount, heals every ally at the same time, and all for the very reasonable cost of a Lv.2 Mystic Arte.
  • Butt Monkey: Has been trolled by everyone in the party (sans Asbel).
  • Catch Phrase: She says "Un-believable!" with such high emphasis many times.
  • The Chick
  • Clingy Jealous Girl
  • Combat Medic
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Damsel in Distress: Just once, and only briefly to note. (See Never Live It Down.)
  • Feminine Women Can Cook
  • Flechette Storm: Her Lv.3 Blast Caliber, with a helping of Time Stands Still.
  • Gag Boobs: Apparently. Put her in her bathing suit outfit, and you'll realise that she's barely bigger than Sophie.
  • Gainaxing:
  • Girly Run
  • Healing Hands
  • Holy Hand Grenade & Shock and Awe: Her offensive spells manifest as these two elements.
  • Ill Girl: Has a congenital heart disease that leaves her with a weak constitution. She gets better due to the incident that also granted her healing powers.
  • I Will Wait for You: Deconstructed. Those seven years of waiting have made her bitter and resentful towards Asbel since it took him so long to return. He didn't even write to her. Say what you want about his motives, that's dickish. Oh, and when he does return, he doesn't even notice that she's in love with him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A mixture of this and Defrosting Ice Queen in the beginning.
  • Knife Nut: She throws knives which she pulls out of a Hammerspace.
  • Only Sane Man: Usually plays one in skits.
  • Out of Focus: One of the main complaints levelled towards Cheria is that her character development stops dead after she finally bitches Asbel out for abandoning her, and that the game doesn't dedicate enough time to developing her or her romance with Asbel.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Shiho Kawaragi
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man
  • Team Mom: Pascal even lampshades it in a scene.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Whether you like her or not, the fact that she goes from being an Ill Girl to a Tsundere with knives and lightning magic after being Touched by Vorlons is pretty damn awesome.
  • Touched by Vorlons: How her powers manifested.
    • Fridge Brilliance: She only gained her healing spells after Sophie placed part of herself inside Asbel, Hubert and herself. Now, what is Sophie's only kind of magic? Healing.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Grilled Chicken.
  • Tsundere: Type B, although she's a little heavier on the tsun than most of them during the beginning.
  • Trauma Conga Line: consider what she goes through in the Prologue. Her best friend, Asbel, constantly leaves her behind because she's sick. Even if he does so because he doesn't want to hurt her, she still feels left out. After finally getting to be friends with four other people, a monster attacks all five of them and Sophie sacrifices herself to save them all. She can't see Richard again because he's a prince, Hubert is sent away to live with another family, leaving her with only Asbel...who leaves her for seven years after he runs away from home. This leaves her the only member of their five-man band left home.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend
  • White Magician Girl: A slight variation. Her weapons of choice are knives, but her physical attacks are rather weak. She can use light-elemental magic and has plenty of area-of-effect healing spells.
  • Zettai Ryouiki


Voiced by: Kana Ueda (JP) and Kate Higgins (EN)

Pascal is a genius researcher and technician with quite a few screws loose. She is loud-mouthed, cheerful, and serves as the heart and soul of the group.

Her Accelerate Mode is Runic Shield,[5] which dramatically decreases the amount of damage taken by all allies within the area of effect and prevents stagger.

  • Action Girl
  • Adult Child
  • Always Someone Better: She's better at technology than her sister Fourier, much to the latter's chagrin.
  • Ambiguous Disorder: Of the "Ambiguously Autistic" variety. She's a genius with somewhat child-like social skills, often failing to read the mood of a situation. She often becomes obsessed with things and will pursue her new obsession to the detriment of everything else. Not to mention she's just plain bad at noticing subtleties like Hubert's crush on her. The latter is eventually Played for Laughs in the updated rerelease.
  • Boom Stick: Her Weapon of Choice, which also doubles as a not-so-Simple Staff.
  • Buffy-Speak: She uses this whenever it comes to working machines.
  • Cat Smile: Is prone on doing this from time to time.
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Crazy Awesome: Deconstructed in-universe. Pascal is one of the few characters that could probably be universally agreed upon to be Crazy Awesome, but it's because she is that her relationship with her sister Fourier is strained. Basically, Fourier is so envious of Pascal's incredible intelligence and skills that she'll rant at Pascal with the slightest provocation and is so frustrated that her sister beats her in more or less every area of research, sans biology, that their reunion is just a hair's breadth away from Pascal getting strangled. It's also this jealousy that leads Fourier to continue with dangerous experiments that could, quite literally, wipe out the entire country she lives in with a massive explosion. Both characters start to undergo some Character Development once this comes out in the open.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Crazily enough, Pascal and Fourier are the total opposite of Hubert and Asbel's relationship where the younger sibling ends up succeeding their older sibling. The only difference is that Asbel held himself better than Fourier did.
  • Ditzy Genius
  • Hates Baths: Its not like she hates to bathe, its more that she gets so into her research that she keeps forgetting to take one.
  • Drop the Hammer: She carries a big frickin' hammer around for her work with machines. On top of that, one of her weapons is called "Giant Hammer."
  • Elemental Powers: Specifically she gets wind, water and fire. She also gains a light spell that lets her heal allies.
  • Gender Blender Name: Named after Blaise Pascal
  • Genki Girl
  • Hollywood Tone Deaf: Oh dear God... When she sings, she's so happy that she doesn't care if her songs have no rhythm or tune.
  • I Have No Idea What I'm Doing: Her method of 'fixing' Duplemar, a massive eleth crystal that essentially powers all life on the continent and could potentially explode is drilling it a bit and smacking it with a hammer.

Pascal: I was just winging it, but it looks like it mighta worked.

Pascal: Its a cinch! You just tappy tappy on this thingamabob here, and then ka-chunk on the little dongle.
Asbel: I have no idea what you're trying to say.

  • Tomboyish Name: You'd usually think that the name 'Pascal' is for boys.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Bananas.
  • Walking the Earth: What she's been doing before joining the party.
  • You Didn't Ask: Her reasoning for not telling the party that she's actually an Amarcian. Actually a bit of Fridge Brilliance since in every event where they talked about the Amarcians, she's always refering to the Ancient Amarcians, her ancestors and the ones whom the party had actually been refering to.

Malik Caesars

Voiced by: Hiroki Tochi (JP) and Jamieson Price (EN)

Asbel's instructor from the knight's school. Asbel looks up to him as his mentor and role model. He's the second offensive mage of the group.

His Accelerate Mode is Harsh Lesson,[6] a 35-hit melee attack that grants him immunity to physical damage while being performed.


Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa (JP), David Vincent (EN), Wendee Lee (EN, child)

Richard is the Prince of Windol. He is peace-loving and gentle, though also somewhat aloof. As a child, he befriends Asbel and Sophie.

His Accelerate Mode is Arcane Vigor,[7] which doubles his casting speed.



Voiced by: Keith Silverstein (EN)

A mysterious being whose presence influences many events in the story. Lambda is an immortal Energy Being who resides within Richard for the majority of the game. As he does not have a physical body, he possesses other people and grants them access to his limitless power, effectively making them immortal. However, Lambda can also whisper into the mind of his host, sewing seeds of mistrust and eventually taking them over completely.

Spoiler Tropes:


Voiced by: Tara Platt (EN)

A young researcher who the party find sleeping in a pod on the planet of Fodra. Emeraude is highly knowledgeable about Lambda, Sophie and most of the backstory.

Spoiler Tropes:

  • A God Am I: After she absorbs Lambda.
  • Artificial Human: She is actually a Humanoid with the memories of Emeraude.
  • Bullet Hell: One of her attacks simulates this.
  • Evil All Along
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: She tries to absorb Lambda to save Fodora (and, as a totally unrelated side-bonus, become a god). This pisses off Lambda something fierce, since she forgets that he's not just a power source, but a sentient being (and this misconception was exactly what led to Lambda's Start of Darkness in the first place), and Lambda destroys her from within.
  • Evil Genius Cripple: Emeraude. She used to sit in a wheelchair until she got herself a new body.
  • For Science!
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Her body explodes. If this game were rated M, there would be blood and body parts scattered all over the place.
  • Love Makes You Evil: She had a crush on Corell which he did not reciprocate because he felt it would be unprofessional. She mistakenly believed it was due to Lambda taking up all of his attention, and decided to Murder the Hypotenuse.
  • Moral Event Horizon: In-universe, Lambda regards hers as the moment when she tried to use his power and become a goddess with it. While she'd done quite a few horrible things to him up until then, that was the final straw; leading him to blow her up from the inside-out.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Due to the above.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Tries to pull this on the party in-universe, reasoning that if Cornell hadn't gotten too close to Lambda and let her destroy him when she had the chance, a whole lot of grief could have been avoided. It's subverted, however, when the party sees Lambda's memories and how the only reason Lambda started killing people in the first place was because Emeraude and the directors were treating him like crap.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Restoring Fodora is an admirable goal and all, but she crosses some serious moral boundaries to do it.


Richard's power-hungry uncle. He murders Richard's father- the king of Windol- to usurp the throne for himself, then sends his soldiers to assassinate the young prince so that he cannot inherit the throne.

Kurt Bessel

A high-ranking soldier in the militaristic state of Fendel. He has a history with Malik and opposes the party during their search for Fendel's Valkines Cryas.

Graces f Characters

Little Queen

A mysterious woman who appears in the "Lineage & Legacies" scenario of Tales of Graces f. She has a strong connection to Sophie, as if looking like a grown-up version of her didn't give it away. She is actually a manifestation of Fodra itself, born from the eleth of its core.

Supporting Characters


Pascal's big sister, and by far the more responsible and mature of the two. Like Pascal she is a genius technician, but her field of study also includes biology and bio-engineering.


An Amarcian girl who is in training to become their next leader. She is extremely knowledgeable and dutiful, but also a stickler for the rules.

Frederic Barnes

The loyal butler to the Lhant family and grandfather to Cheria.

  • Assist Character: Aston Lhant joins Frederic in his "Butler Bomber" Mystic Arte. Yes, we do know Aston's dead.
  • Battle Butler: As forced by Solomus in the Zhonecage to form up the Terma Ten.
  • Badass Grandpa
  • Bonus Boss: As part of the Terma Ten.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Super Horizontal Thrust!
  • Dirty Old Man: It doesn't show until you find out that the lapcomp Fourier lent to him has over 600 PICTURES of chicks in their underwear (possibly also containing porn), one of them being Judith in a bikini.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He uses a cane in battle along with made-up artes that have no names.
  • Killed Off for Real: The party has no way to avoid this, killing him by their hands.
    • Then the whole thing gets subverted. Being around high amounts of eleth apparently revives you.

Kerri Lhant

Asbel and Hubert's mother. She lives in Lhant Manor, and has a good relationship with her children.

  • Break the Cutie: Her reaction to Asbel and Hubert's in-fighting.
    • After returning and owning Asbel's ass, Hubert telling her she's a stranger to him. She gets better much later, though.
  • I Want Grandkids: She urges Asbel to get engaged at the age of twenty.
  • The Ojou: In her younger days.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Where Hubert got his blue hair from.

Aston Lhant

Asbel and Hubert's father, who commanded great respect as the lord of the Lhant territory. His death prompts Asbel to return home from the Knight Academy.

Raymond Oswell

Hubert's cousin-in-law and second-in-command of the Strahta Army stationed in Lhant. He resents the fact that Hubert- an adopted member of the family- is seemingly given preferential treatment over himself.


An entity in command of the Zhonecage which is the ring surrounding Ephinea. He plans to eradicate the world due to Lambda's influence corrupting it, thinking destroying the world is a way to save it.

Back to Tales of Graces
  1. JP: "Accel Force"
  2. JP: "High Boost"
  3. JP: "Arrow Rain"
  4. JP: "Freeze Time"
  5. JP: "Round Shield"
  6. JP: "Grapple Dance"
  7. JP: "High Spell"
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