< Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV/Characters

See also:

C. Viper - USA

"My gadgets are cheating? How naive... Nothing in life is fair. Remember that."

Voiced by: Mie Sonozaki (Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs. Capcom 3; Japanese), Michelle Ruff (Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs. Capcom 3; English)

Full name Crimson Viper. A spy from the CIA acting as a mole in Seth's organization. She was sent to gather data on S.I.N. (Shadaloo Intimidation Network) and its BLECE Project, and to stop them. Her real name is Maya and she has a daughter named Lauren.

Abel - France

"Street fighting is all about analysis, prediction, and reaction. That's it."

Voiced by: Kenji Takahashi (Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken; Japanese), Jason Liebrecht (Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken; English)

A ridiculously tall and large young Frenchman who uses Mixed Martial Arts. He is an amnesiac who was taken in by a mercenary who rescued him from one of Shadaloo's bases. After the mercenary died, he decided to hunt down surviving members of Shadaloo, believing them to be the connection to his lost memories. He enters the Street Fighter IV tournament to find out Shadaloo's connection to the S.I.N. corporation.

El Fuerte - Mexico

"In the ring or in the kitchen, no one can beat me!"

Voiced by: Daisuke Ono (Street Fighter IV; Japanese), J.B. Blanc (Street Fighter IV; English)

A luchador/aspiring chef. He enters the tournament to find the perfect recipe for his new delicacy. El Fuerte is an old friend of T.Hawk.

  • Chef of Iron: Type 1. He enters the tournament to find new recipe ideas.
  • Confusion Fu: El Fuerte has a normal move called Habanero Dash, where he runs towards you. Doesn't sound that bad, no? Well, this move has SIX different followup moves: evasive actions, high attacks, low attacks, air attacks, and throws. Given that they all start with that running animation, you might be realizing the big picture about now.
  • Cool Mask/Masked Luchador
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: The opinions on his cooking are mixed throughout the series, but his ending is another story: He mixes Chanko stew and Borscht, Honda and Zangief's favourite national foods, trying to quell the argument between them as to whose dish is better. One bite and they're both blue in the face.
  • Fan Boy: Of Rainbow Mika.
  • Fragile Speedster
  • Forgotten Childhood Friend: He only remembered his childhood friendship with T. Hawk after an insult-sparked brawl.
  • Frying Pan of Doom: Averted. He's shown wielding one in his fight intro, but he doesn't use it in battle.
  • Gratuitous English: In Japanese, he randomly shouts out English, despite being Mexican.
    • Makes sense, considering who his seiyuu is.
    • Gratuitous Spanish: In T. Hawk's rival match with him, El Fuerte drops an audible "amigo" in his opening line. El Fuerte's English VA, J.B. Blanc, adds a few more Spanish words to his dialogue.
  • Incoming Ham: See catchphrase, and his intro cinematic Big OMG -- over meal preparation.
  • Joke Character: In-universe. He's a Lethal Chef with no concept of good cooking (and that is sadly what drives his motivation to fight).
  • Lethal Chef: Figuratively and literally. Chanko Stew + Borscht + a pinch of Chili Pepper = The taste that will send you straight to heaven.
    • His ending in SSFIV has his cooking assistants flat out asking if he really knows what the heck he's doing.
  • Loony Fan: Of R. Mika. In the UDON comics, when T. Hawk says R. Mika looks ridiculous, El Fuerte feels he has no choice but to start a fight over it.
  • Masked Luchador
  • Meaningful Name: "El Fuerte" is Spanish for "the Strong." Which, knowing luchadores in fighting games, perhaps isn't the most accurate descriptor in the world.
  • Red Baron: The Hurricane of the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Theme Naming: His attacks are named after Mexican food.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene
  • Wall Jumper

Rufus - USA

Voiced by: Wataru Hatano (Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken; Japanese), Christopher Corey Smith (Street Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken; English)
Candy voiced by: (Street Fighter IV; Japanese), Laura Bailey (Street Fighter IV; English)

A morbidly obese man who wants to fight Ken to prove that he is the number one fighter in the USA.

  • Acrofatic: He's a blob. How he moves so quickly is a mystery.
  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: "You just can't compare!"
  • Badass Biker: ... more or less.
  • Big Eater: It's pretty obvious... Let's just let him elaborate for the sake of enlightenment (the winquote is against El Fuerte in SSFIV, by the way):

"Sorry, pal. I'm a pretty picky eater. I only eat burgers, hot dogs, fries, pizza, onion rings, spaghetti, sandwiches, chicken, steak, pork chops, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, roast beef..."

Rufus: "I'll never forget when I first met my girl. It was a rainy day in October and I was on my way home from a fight. Suddenly, this chick came outta an' was all like 'Help!' I guess she pulled a dine an' dash, so I beat up the waiter that was chasin' after her!"

  • Seinfeldian Conversation: Many a player has read his win quotes (yes, it is possible) and thought, "What the hell is he talking about?!" Check them.
    • Averted in SSFIV. He actually does stay on topic better, even if he goes off from time to time.
  • Shown Their Work: An in-universe example. Rufus watches a lot of movies, and when he wanted to become a fighter, he traveled around the world to confirm which techniques in movies can or cannot be performed, in the process becoming a formidable fighter that is very, very easy to underestimate.
  • Spin Attack: His Galactic Tornado.
  • Stout Strength
  • Ugly Guy Hot Girlfriend: Rufus' girlfriend is a hot little number named Candy who thinks he's super awesome. Doubles as a Huge Guy, Tiny Girl couple.
  • Unknown Rival: Inverse example. He counts himself as Ken's rival, but doesn't know who Ken actually is, and mistakes every blond character for him. Then played straight, as Ken has no knowledge of his existence prior to their match.
    • He mistakes Cammy for Ken, because of her hair color. Even besides the no pants, different appearance, and being female thing, you'd think he'd keep both hair color and length in mind.
    • He mistakes Makoto for Ken, because she uses a gi and goes barefoot. Try and top that.
    • This even goes beyond universe - in one of the trailers for Street Fighter X Tekken, he mistakes Bob for Ken. Which is even more amusing when he goes flying past Ken himself later on in the trailer.
  • Unreliable Narrator: He narrates his long road to becoming such a formidable fighter in the UDON comics... except when he talks about his tireless effort we see him watching TV late at night and eating like a pig, though it's subverted when we're shown him jogging with two motorcycles strapped to his back.

Gouken - Japan

"No illusion is safe when bathed in the pure light of the moon. Now is the time to test your strength!"

Voiced by: Tohru Ookawa (Street Fighter IV; Japanese), Rod Clarke (Street Fighter IV; English)

Gouken is the master of Ryu and Ken and Akuma's brother; he trained with Akuma under Goutetsu until Akuma killed their master. Gouken refined the special techniques from the assassination art taught to him by Master Goutetsu into a non-lethal martial art, then passed on his knowledge to Ryu and Ken. He was believed to be dead, but he managed to survive his battle with Akuma by using the Power of Nothingness -- which empties the mind and soul of all thought and sin -- to render the Shun Goku Satsu useless. As a side effect, however, he was rendered unconscious for several years. Gouken now hopes to reunite with his pupils and test their strength.

  • Abel: Three guesses as to who the Cain is.
  • Ascended Fanon: He exists entirely because of fans clamoring for years for Capcom to make a real "Sheng Long."
  • Ascended Meme/Defictionalization: From the infamous EGM "Sheng Long" April Fools' joke. He even has all of the moves (in one way or another) that the joke detailed!
    • One of his win quotes:

"You must defeat me to stand a chance!"

Seth - S.I.N

"Do not grieve. Your data will reside in me for eternity."

Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (Street Fighter IV; Japanese), Michael McConnohie (Street Fighter IV; English)

Seth is the CEO of S.I.N, the (former) weapons division of Shadaloo. Seth modified his own body to include a S.I.N invention known as the Tanden Engine; the device is used to help Seth assimilate the abilities of anyone he fights. Seth also created the BLECE Project, which relies on Ki to create super-soldiers (in this case, the Ki Seth uses is the Satsui no Hadou); he sees Ryu as the "ultimate test subject" and desires his untapped Satsui no Hadou to complete the BLECE project. Seth has another goal in mind, as well: surpassing his creator, M. Bison, before destroying him once and for all.

Never call me by my number! My name is Seth, and I am Unique!

Debuting in Super Street Fighter IV

Juri - South Korea

"Mmm... You look like you're in good shape..."

Voiced by: Eri Kitamura (Super Street Fighter IV; Japanese), Jessica Straus (Super Street Fighter IV; English)

Her full name is Juri Han, and her codename is "Spider"; she is a Taekwondo prodigy from South Korea who serves as an agent of S.I.N. She is testing out one of S.I.N's most advanced pieces of technology: a cybernetic eye implant known as the Feng Shui Engine. The implant, which a smaller version of Seth's Tanden Engine, takes ki energy from the surrounding nature and feeds it to the Engine's user to heighten their abilities and make them more powerful. Juri pledges loyalty to Seth in exchange for the "new toy", then enters the new Street Fighter tournament to test her new abilities... and further her own dark agendas. Juri is a dangerous, hedonistic sociopath who likes to taunt her opponents -- and she doesn't care about anything but satisfying her dangerous whims.

Dee Jay': "That girl's scary!"

Juri: "Give it all you've got. Try and break me."

  • Catgirl: The buns in her hair and the sash on her waist gives her the appearance of one. Not to mention her amazing flexibility.
  • Combat Stilettos: In her alternate costume.
  • Continuity Nod: Her Shikusen special can be linked for 3 hits; the second hit is called "Second Impact" and the third is named "Third Strike."
  • Cyborg
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Juri's father was a fearsome prosecutor who relentlessly pursued people connected to Shadaloo to bring them to justice. He became Shadaloo's target and one day Juri's family car was sabotaged. Her father and mother died and she was severely injured, losing her left eye. Whether she was The Ingenue or a Spoiled Brat before what has been just described took place it's not known, but there's no discussion on how this... well, sucks big time.
  • Depraved Bisexual: The fact that she taunts opponents of either sex with sexual innuendos and that her official profile states she likes boobs at least pegs her as a lesbian, leaning to bi, probably. She's certainly sexually aggressive and evil enough for this trope to qualify.
    • Then there's the fact that half her win quotes imply she's going to rape and murder her defeated opponent, regardless of gender...
    • She wonders if Chun-Li's desire to take her into custody is due to a "little schoolgirl crush", calls Cammy "kitten" and asks if she's looking for someone (implying herself for less-than-pure reasons), and tells Bison (while giggling and licking her lips) "Oh man... I was really planning on saving the main course for last. Whatever. I'll just eat you up. Bones and all!" There is no such thing as Subtext when it comes to her.
  • Disability Superpower/Artificial Eye: Seen below.
  • Does Not Like Shoes
  • The Dragon: For Seth.
  • Energy Ball: Like many characters in the series, Juri is able to throw projectiles. Unlike any characters in the series, she throws them with her feet.
  • Evil Counterpart: She appears to be one to both Chun-Li and Cammy.
  • Evil Eye: The Feng Shui Engine, a smaller counterpart to Seth's Tanden Engine, used to replace the eye she lost when her parents were killed.
  • Extremity Extremist: Averted. She, despite being a Taekwondo practictioner, uses punches. However, she's still a Kick Chick, more or less.
    • She only has medium and light punches. Her hard "punches" are kick attacks.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Wears one temporarily in the SSFIV OVA, after her left eye malfunctions as she's about to kill Chun-Li.
  • Faux Affably Evil: In-story, she's portrayed as being a Complete Monster, but Juri's so apologetically evil and crazy that the fans either tend to overlook this fully embrace it. Oh, and she's hot, too.
  • Foot Focus: Going barefoot in a Street Fighter game is par for the course, but she is the only one who takes the time to paint her toenails. She also throws projectiles and grapples (by the head, no less) with just her feet.
  • For the Evulz: She joined S.I.N. to have fun.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Seth plans on offing her if she becomes too successful.
  • Hannibal Lecture: Delivers one to Cammy, evoking Not So Different and calling her out for thinking that her brainwashing will allow her to avoid responsibilities for her actions as an agent of Shadaloo. Cammy doesn't give a Shut UP, Hannibal, but there is a pretty fierce Death Glare directed at Juri.
  • Horned Hairdo: Add this to that long belt of her, and we have something of a Catgirl going on, which just adds to the myriad of fetishes surrounding her.
  • Irony: Juri gets kidnapped and experimented on by Shadowloo as a teenager. A decade later, she's The Dragon of S.I.N., a branch organization of Shadowloo.
    • Although now S.I.N. and Shadaloo are rivals, so it makes more sense.
  • Interplay of Sex and Violence: Interplay of rape and violence would be more appropriate. (All implied/suggested, though.)
  • Kick Chick: Probably even moreso than Chun-Li, to the point that her "heavy punch" is in fact a kick.
  • Lean and Mean: Looks a bit more wiry than the other female characters, and her outfit shows off some fairly obvious ribs.
    • Juri is just really toned, including in her abdominals.
  • Magitek: Well, Well, more like "Kitek."
  • Orgasmic Combat: She even says "That felt good, didn't it?" whilst stroking her victim's upside down face. Also, her very excited cackles during combat. And some of her taunts can be seen as flirting.
  • Parental Abandonment: Thanks to Shadaloo.
  • Photographic Memory: Claims to have this.
  • Power High: After gaining Ki-based powers from the Feng-Shui Engine she proclaims, "Mmm... I like it. I can feel waves of ki energy surging through my whole body," in a very suggestive way.
  • Psycho Lesbian: The initial version of her bio stated one of her likes as "Big Boobs." Combine it with all the above and well...
  • Purple Eyes
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: Doesn't help that the straps of her shirt look more like a tattoo than clothing material.
  • Sexy Walk
  • Stripperiffic: She's to tops what Cammy is to pants.
  • This Cannot Be!: In Japanese , she says "Sonna bakana!" when K.O.'ed. Translated, it'd be along the lines of "I can't believe it!"
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Everywhere else.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: In her ending she used Seth's tournament as a distraction while she plotted to take over S.I.N., making her something of a Magnificent Bitch or at very least a very high-functioning Smug Snake.
  • Vapor Wear: Sideboob. Her downloadable alternate costume has Absolute Cleavage that goes all the way down, front and back.
  • Whatever: When performing a recovery, Juri responds with a bored "Whatever".

Hakan - Turkey

"Looks like it's time to oil up!"

Voiced by: Shintarou Oohata (Super Street Fighter IV; Japanese), Lance Holt (Super Street Fighter IV; English)

The other new character introduced in Super Street Fighter IV line-up. He is stated to be the Turkish CEO of a cooking oil company, and a practitioner of the national sport of Yagli Gures otherwise known as oil-wrestling. His in-game self reflects this with lots of oiled-up grappling and even a move that has him apply more oil to his body, powering up his moves for a short time and making him faster.

  • Absolute Cleavage: His wife. How does she hold those things in!?
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Tomato red skin, sky blue hair(?).
    • There's an explanation for that: Hakan stays oiled up all the time. Turkey is a sunny place. What does Oil + Sunhine create? At first, a tan. But Hakan did go beyond that. Ken even notes that he "looks a little crisp." The hair is probably blue because he uses oil for that, too and they didn't want to give him black hair.
    • In reference to his hair—the appearance of Hakan's hair is a pun, as he is Turkish and the Japanese word for Turkey is "Toruko", his hair resembles stone and the Japanese word for stone is "Ishi", and his hair color is turquoise and the Japanese word for turquoise is "Toruko Ishi". This holds true for European languages as well: the English word turquoise comes from the Old French turqueise which literally means "Turkish [stone]".
  • Animal Motifs: Both his beltbuckle and the barrel that he uses to "oil up" seems to share the same leonine theme.
  • Anime Hair: His hair is curled into very short ringlets that look like giant barnacles. In one of his taunts he expresses concern that his opponent will mess it up. His daughters appear to have inherited this style, or at least style it like their father.
  • Badass Mustache
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Very much so.
  • Catch Phrase: "Looks like it's time to oil up!"
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: In his Vs. silhouette.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Seems so. While he loves and cares for his wife and daughters, he's rather pleasant to the major part of the Action Girls in the cast, if his post-battle lines are signs. (Unless the "lady" is Juri or Viper... but then again, they are Juri and Viper we're talking about.)
  • Cultured Badass: In his own Turkish cultured way, he's pretty refined as well.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: His Oil Combination Hold Ultra. Full stop.
    • Right before he fires you out of in-between his ass, he shouts "HERE I COME!"
  • Doting Parent: Implied in his first line in his character trailer, "I love my daughters! They are so pretty!"
    • Confimed in his ending, when the seven little girls come greet him and Hakan is very happy to see them.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: C. Viper almost says this word-for-word.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry
  • Happily Married: And he's got the multitude of daughters to prove it!
  • Have I Mentioned That I Am Heterosexual Today: As if to put any potential rumours to rest before the game even released, Capcom showed Hakan with his wife and SEVEN daughters in his official character art.
  • Hot Mom: His wife. She has a fairly petite build, despite having given birth to seven daughters.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: He and his as yet unnamed wife.
  • I Have a Family: A wife and septuplet daughters, to be specific.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: One of his win lines: "I guess victory slipped from your grasp, eh? Ha ha ha ha ha!"
  • Lightning Bruiser: Seems to be this based on gameplay videos.
  • Monochromatic Eyes
  • Murderous Thighs: His Oil Combination Hold Ultra gives the trope a completely new meaning, to say the least... He lies on the ground, and if the opponent so much as touches him he slams them on the ground, squeezes them between his thighs, and then launches them out of his ass into the wall.
    • Does This Remind You of Anything?: He spins around before said ass-launch and this makes it look like he's 69-ing them. References to the Infernal Catherine Wheel were inevitably made.
  • Nice Hat: In one of his alternate costumes, he wears a classic turkish Fez.
  • The Not-Secret: Despite Capcom's best efforts to keep him under wraps before his planned debut, he has been mentioned as far back as September '09 when details of the game first emerged.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: Debatable, but upon first seeing his concept and playstyle, most people would think Capcom made it all up. Well, surprise surprise, they didn't. It's obviously just as exaggerated as every other martial art in the games, but in this case, the Turkish managed to outcrazy Capcom.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Oh come on, just look at his moves.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Hakan and E. Honda are old friends, to the point where the former casually calls the later "Edmond". SSFIV marks Hakan's debut in the Street Fighter continuity. Also both of their fighting styles are similar.
  • Slippery Skid: His oiled-up body allows him slide along the floor into opponents.
  • The Idiot from Ankara: He speaks in Kansai-ben in the Japanese version, despise being Turkish. In the English version, he speaks with a thick Turkish accent instead.
  • There Are No Good Executives: Averted.
  • Theme Naming: Hakan's every single Special, Super or Ultra move has the word "oil" in it.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: His official art, in addition to showing his seven daughters, has a pretty woman in the background that is his wife.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: A rather odd case. Most characters in Street Fighter who are clearly human in appearance run the entire gambit of naturally occuring hair colors. Hakan's is turquoise colored, probably as a result of oils. But when you look at his seven kids, it COULD be hereditary.

Debuting in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Oni - ???

"I shall grind beneath my heel... all that exists."

Voiced by: Taketora (Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition; Japanese), Dave Mallow (Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition; English)

His full title is Kuruoshiki Oni ("Mad Demon"). This is the form Akuma takes when he reaches the absolute peak of his training; all of Akuma's remaining humanity is consumed in full by the Satsui no Hadou and becomes a demon, although Oni views himself as transcending gods. Now that he has reached the peak of the Satsui no Hadou, he decides to destroy the world... possibly out of boredom.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Oni is normally purple, but he has alternate colors that turn him red, green, blue, and even pink.
  • Battle Aura: Oni has a purple one, to be exact.
  • Bonus Boss: Oni appears as a secret boss by completing Arcade Mode under certain conditions—which are unknown at this time.
    • True Final Boss: Oni falls into this, considering he's stronger than Akuma, Gouken, and Evil Ryu combined.
      • SNK Boss: Oni's AI is also harder than the aforementioned characters. He has more vitality and stun than the playable version and his moves are altered (for example, all of his chargeable moves are fully charged when he uses them).
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He flat-out says that he's evil in his intro.
  • Charged Attack: His Gohadoken. The more it's charged, the farther it goes.
  • Coup De Grace: His win pose, where he grabs his defeated enemy's head and slams them into the ground.
  • Evil Sounds Deep
  • Flat Character: Oni is a demon who seeks to destroy everything—and that's the only characterization for Oni that you're going to get.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Regular Akuma is higher on the tier list than Oni is.
  • Ground Pound: This happens at the beginning of his Ultra II and his Sekisei Jiraiken special move.
  • Kneel Before Zod: His taunt orders the opponent to do so.
  • Obviously Evil: Akuma is a demon in the metaphorical sense, whereas Oni is Akuma as a demon in the literal sense; Akuma transcends the concepts of good and evil (since his purpose in life is to be the ultimate example of a warrior, at any cost), but Oni is as evil as evil can get.
  • One-Winged Angel/Super-Powered Evil Side: Is this to Akuma.
  • The Rival: To Asura in Lost Episode 2, where Akuma apparently somehow learned to control this form and use it at will without losing himself completely.
  • Third Person Person: Oni speaks this way in some of his winquotes.

Debuting in Ultra Super Street Fighter IV

Decapra - ???

Poison - USA

"Let's have some fun."

Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka (SFII: Third Strike, Street Fighter X Tekken, Ultra Street Fighter IV; Japanese), Karen Strassman (Street Fighter X Tekken, Ultra Street Fighter IV; English)

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