< Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV/YMMV

See also:


C. Viper: "What's up with that outfit? Did you lose a bet or something?"

  • Faux Symbolism: Two of the new characters in Street Fighter IV who are hinted to be related are named Abel and Seth. Hmm, Cain is late.
  • First Installment Wins: 12 of the original 16 characters in the original version were the entire cast of Street Fighter II. Two of the characters first announced when Super came along were T.Hawk and Dee Jay, completing the New Challengers (Cammy, Akuma and Fei Long were included in the initial home ports of IV).
  • Game Breaker:
    • Zangief. His special grabs now have high priority. To make matters worse, the directional input for the special grabs has become insanely easier. It now only requires a half-circle motion with a diagonal up-forward or up-backward direction, followed by a punch or kick button. Also his EX Banishing Flat can beat pretty much every move in the game due to its abnormal invincibility. And his Siberian Blizzard Ultra seems to be heading this way, given the invinciblity frames while midair and its ability to out-prioritize almost everything.
    • There's a reason Sagat is god tier in vanilla IV: the damage and utility on his moves, in particular his Tiger Uppercut, are so above the other characters it's ridiculous.
    • In Super (before AE), the cast was utterly dominated by 4 characters: Guile, Chun-Li, Bison, and Honda. All of them were charge characters who could completely control the space of the battlefield and punish an opponent's mistakes harshly. Guile is, well, Guile. Chun-Li can both turtle and punish very effectively with her excellent reach and priorities on her moves. Honda can use his light Headbutt for practically any situation. Bison can turtle when he has the life lead, but when he goes on the attack, which is 100% of the time, he dishes out serious damage, both mentally and physically, with his crazy yet simple mixup and his powerful yet simplistic combos. And his Scissor Kicks are just that good.
    • Finally, in AE, we have the twins, Yun and Yang. While they share a spot with Fei Long, the twins utterly dominate the rest of the characters. Why? Because both of them are insanely fast, have infinitely better dive kick mixup than Rufus, can turtle AND rushdown at the same time, and with their supers have the ability to perform utterly incredible combos that will instantly result in a dizzy and a reset. These special combos can range from within the 20 hit range to as much as 96 hits. Their one and only weakness is Zangief, so unless you play as Gief you have 0 chance of winning.
    • SSFIV: 3D Edition allows mapping of any special to a button or the touch screen. This eliminates all charges for any charged attack, effectively making the characters who were balanced by this charge time horribly broken.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In the Street Fighter American cartoon there was an episode in which Akuma paid his brother Gouken a visit, attacking him with the Raging Demon; however, Gouken was only injured, and had to rest for a while. Fans have complained about how the show took an overly Lighter and Softer take on that scene by having Gouken injured instead of killed off because it was a kids show. And that scene was inaccurate to the game's storyline... until Gouken was announced as playable in IV.
  • Hell Is That Noise: The Creepy Child laughter during Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu.
  • Les Yay: In Chun-Li's rival scene with her, Juri asks the former if she's got a schoolgirl crush on her.
    • Calling Cammy "kitten" isn't exactly subtle, either.
  • Memetic Molester:
    • C. Viper's fight with Cammy is full of this.
    • Zangief.
    • Balrog slowly heads this way thanks to his IV ending, where he takes a child out of the collapsing S.I.N. base.
    • Bison, due to his actions in regards to The Dolls (one of whom is his Opposite Gender Clone) and his female Enemy Without Rose (who he's had a tendency of either knocking out, whisking away, or possessing) as well as his new Ultra in Super SSFIV, the Psycho Abortion get shades of this. In particular:

Bison (to Dhalsim -— Street Fighter Alpha 3): "You have an excellent body."

    • Juri is both Memetic Molester and Memetic Sex Goddess, and is probably the closest case to being canon. Her win quotes make it pretty clear that a win for her is much more than merely beating your face in. Just check out all of her Rival Battles; she's openly hitting on the likes of Chun-Li, Cammy, and M. Bison.
  • Memetic Outfit: Many of the alternate costumes in IV fall into this category. Some are nods to a character and/or the franchise's history (e.g. Cammy having a M.Bison/Dictator outfit, Cody having an updated version of his original Final Fight clothes, Blanka having Dan's outfit, Zangief having both Mike Haggar's outfit and his "Mecha Zangief" sprite from Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter and Marvel vs. Capcom), while others are nods to celebrities (e.g., all of Fei Long's outfits come from Bruce Lee's works, Dudley has an outfit playing tribute to Freddie Mercury's legendary 1986 Wembley Stadium concert outfit).
  • Narm Charm:
    • Akuma's new Ultra in Super IV, Demon Armageddon, has him kick the opponent in the air, then proceed to do a super version of his Hurricane Kick that makes a tornado appear from under him in order to propel him high enough to give the opponent a massive kick to the chest that goes through them. The concept seems awesome, but the presentation is downright silly. Many times over this move has been compared to Beyblade and Looney Tunes.
    • Even better, Japanese movelists note that this move is actually the Tenshou Kaireki Jin. Remember that awesome move Akuma used in his Third Strike ending to destroy a submarine while underwater? Yeah, this is apparently what it looks like in action. You can only imagine of the look of both horror and exasperation on the faces of those poor naval men as they face death in the most hilariously depressing way imaginable.
    • Just try watching Rufus' and Zangief's cut-scenes without laughing at how over-the-top they are.
    • And El Fuerte. Don't forget El Fuerte.
    • Doubling as Memetic Mutation in both the English and Japanese version: Guy's "PROFOUND SADNESS!"/"MUNEN!", or as the fans hear it, "MUNANG!".
  • Porting Distillation:
    • The PC version, in addition to running like greased lightning, also offers a plethora of selectable graphics mods to choose from to spice up the game, not to mention the gratuitous amounts of modded content available.
    • May be the case with SSFIV: 3D Edition; it is a complete port of the home console version (with downgraded graphics that the 3DS can handle), but also has new features that take advantage of the 3DS's Tag Mode and Wi-Fi.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: There is one Seth that is generally liked by the fans. Korean gamer Poongko's Seth. Not only does he highlight just how damn dangerous Seth can be, but Poongko also made Seth more entertaining after flawlessly dismantling Daigo "The Beast" Umehara's Yun (one of the most broken characters at the time) at the EVO 2011 Street Fighter Finals. Here is the entire match.
  • The Scrappy:

"Everybody hates Seth, that's why he's back as the end boss in SSFIV. I want to torture people with him!" and admits "Seth will remain a target of universal hate."

  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Rival matches begin with a dramatic piece of music combined with some Ominous Latin Chanting. This goes for EVERY Rival match, even those that aren't serious (Dee Jay vs. Rufus, Ibuki vs. Sakura, etc.)
  • Tear Jerker: T. Hawk's ending in Super SFIV. It turns into a CMOH at the end, though.
  • That One Attack:
    • No, Blanka! Not the headbite!
    • Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu is nothing new for seasoned players, but his Shin Akuma variant has better priority and is crazy fast.
    • Some of Rufus EX move, especialy the infamous EX Messiah Kick.
  • That One Boss: Seth.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks:
    • Dudley's new English voice actor for Super IV has caused a massive uproar amongst fans, despite the character finally returning to the lineup. It would seem that the popularity of Francis Diakowsky, who voiced Dudley in 3rd Strike, is just as big as the character himself. Not to mention that, while he still retains his rose taunt from 3rd Strike, many were pissed to know that the rose doesn't do any damage in SSFIV. At all. Not even that one point of damage needed to finish an opponent with style.
    • However, his new voice does make him sound like Westley.
    • Almost any change to a character's stats in Super Street Fighter IV from buffs to nerfs, someone, somewhere, will complain real hard about the changes.
  • Tier-Induced Scrappy:
    • Chun-Li's Super IV version barely avoids this. While she's still top tier, there are other characters just as good as (and more hated than) her.
    • Yun in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition falls squarely into this status. His godly pressure and general ease of use has made him overused and overpowered to the point where Japanese players will supposedly audibly groan when he's picked.
  • Ugly Cute: Blanka, debatably, going hand-in-hand with the aforementioned character progression.
  • We Want Our Jerk Back: Dudley's brand new nice-guy persona, and lack of gentlemanly snark has not been well-recieved by all fans, with some feeling that leaving out the snark has been detrimental to his character, making him more bland and less badass. This personality alteration has also rendered his classic "gutter-trash!" insult as incongruent and seemingly out of character with his new persona as a constructive, amiable sort of chap.
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