< Spider-Girl
Spider-Girl and Family
May Parker/Spider-Girl
- Amazonian Beauty: Started out on the slender side, but was continually beefed up [dead link] as the series progressed. Of course this makes sense considering the amount of exercise she'd get fighting supervillains and bounding across New York.
- Ascended Fangirl: Fangirled the Fantastic Five (especially Franklin Richards) and the Avengers even before becoming a superhero.
- Big Woman on Campus: May, like her mother, is rather popular. Until her life as Spider-Girl starts messing things up.
- Blue Eyes: To emphasize her naivety and as a nod to that other infamous May
- Brainy Brunette: Not quite as much of a nerd as her dad, but she's got the Parker smarts.
- Cloning Blues: Angsts about the possibility a few times, but not nearly as much as April
- Costume Copycat: It used to be her Uncle Ben's.
- Dead Girl Junior
- Defeat Means Friendship: May has a habit of reforming her enemies... painfully, if she has to.
- Normie gleefully hangs a lampshade on this at one point.
- Determinator
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Four of May's love interests (Brad, J.J., Franklin and Gene) are blondes. Two are evil.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Changing her short Tomboy look for longer locks in Amazing Spider-Girl. Notably the haircut that stuck.
- Expy: Played with but ultimately averted. May has similarities to Peter, MJ and even Ben (Peter lampshades that one) but is her own character. Word of God is that this was deliberate.
- First Kiss/Smooch of Victory: With Brad after Courtney wakes up from her coma. It helped her realize she wasn't really into him anymore, fortunately.
- Foe Yay: With Normie and Black Tarantula. The latter wants to her to bear his heirs, the former... let's just say the Venom/Spider-Girl was dripping with UST.
- Forceful Kiss: To Normie. It didn't work out.
- Genre Savvy: Aware of most Comic Book Tropes, due to having grown up in a world with superheroes. Especially Let's You and Him Fight, which she hates falling for.
- Hollywood Nerd: Looks like a Brainy Brunette version of Mary Jane, knows a few things about science, and openly fangirls superheroes.
- Important Haircut: Averted. May kept changing her hairstyle every 10 or so issues just because. Until she finally settled on a look in Amazing Spider-Girl
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Genuinely enjoys being a hero and Jumped At the Call, but increasingly gets frustrated and fed up with all the stress of a superheroine's life.
- Jumped At the Call
- Legacy Character
- Mama Bear: Don't threaten or hurt her family. (She must have picked it up from MJ.)
- Mental World: After some whining, she convinces her Spirit Mentor to change the decor... into a shopping mall.
- Most Common Superpower: Averted. Hard.
- She's also not fond of Stripperiffic costumes. Mostly because her Dad would never let her wear one.
- Oblivious to Love: Finally returns Wes's affections in The End
- She also had this with Black Tarantula. She couldn't figure out why he was helping her... even after he got her a strike team, training, a new costume, and flowers.
- Plucky Girl
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to April's Red, despite what the costumes might have you believe.
- Save This Person Save the World: In The End.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With April and Darkdevil, depending on how you define "sibling"
- Sleep Cute: Gets a platonic version with Peter.
- Stepford Smiler: At times, when things get really bad.
- Tomboy
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Tomboy to her mother.
- Tragic Keepsake: Her costume used to belong to Ben Reilly.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To Normie
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Played straight at first, as she was drawn as a female Peter, but averted as the art evolved. Now she resembles both her parents equally.
- Unwanted Harem
- "Well Done, Daughter Girl"
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
- Back-to-Back Badasses: With May, Darkdevil and Kaine at different points
- BadassGoatee
- Beta Couple: With MJ
- Cain and Abel: He and Kaine still don't get along. Although they get into less fights.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Expository Hairstyle Change: He has a shock of white in his hair.
- Evil Twin: May has to fight his from an alternate universe. Also, Kaine, though he's not so bad these days
- Failure Knight: Over his inability to protect Ben Reilly and Baby May
- Happily Married
- Handicapped Badass
- Hot Dad: YMMV
- Moment Killer
- Papa Wolf: Do not go after his children.
- People Puppets: What Norman Osborn does to him in the last arc of Amazing
- Older and Wiser
- Overprotective Dad: About May's Spider-Girl antics rather than boys... most of the time.
- Retired Badass
- Sleep Cute: With May.
Mary Jane Watson-Parker
- Funny Background Event: Following Reilly around at Normie and Brenda's wedding.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Taking out Normie with a Hannibal Lecture and a lamp.
- Happily Married
- Hot Mom
- I Used To Change Your Diapers: Sure, Normie. Going after MJ will be a great way to get revenge on the Spider family. What could possibly go wrong?
- Mama Bear: Attacked the Green Goblin (Normie) with a lamp. While lecturing him.
- Psychologist Teacher: Becomes the school counselor at Midtown in Amazing.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Compared to Peter. Most of the time.
- Shipper on Deck: Ships Wes/May and May/Normie.
- The Farmer and the Viper: Her attempts to comfort April went...badly. Although they probably would've worked had April not been mid Freak-Out.
Benjamin "Benjy" Parker
- Badass Adorable: Saving MJ with his organic webbing.
- Blue Eyes
- Cheerful Child
- Dead Guy, Junior: Named after both Uncle Bens
- Evil Detecting Toddler: Does not like April
- Fiery Redhead
- Funny Background Event: Is the subject of these when he's not being adorable
- Tykebomb: Briefly transformed into one in the Carnage storyline. Could be considered High Octane Nightmare Fuel or Narm.
- Omake: The L'il Benjy one page stories
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Future!Ben looks just like Peter with Blue Eyes, in May's Mindworm induced hallucinations
April Parker/Mayhem
- Annoying Younger Sibling
- The Atoner: In Spider-Girl: The End
- Berserk Button: Does not like being compared to May
- Cain and Abel
- Clingy Jealous Girl: For Wes and Gene, though it might be because they pushed her Berserk Button
- Cloning Blues: A very bad case.
- Dark Action Girl
- Darker and Edgier: Tries to be this to May. It blows up in her face. Literally.
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Poor MJ, she tried.
- Freak-Out: One after realizing she's probably the clone. Another after accidentally getting May killed
- Generation Xerox: Troubled, jealous angsting clone with questionable morality who winds up redeeming themselves. Sound familiar? ( Think Kaine.)
- Half Symbiote Hybrid
- Mistaken Identity: Uses this to trick Wes into kissing her.
- More Than Mind Control: When working with Fury
- Jerkass
- My God, What Have I Done?: After accidentally getting May killed in The End
- Never Mess with Granny: As "Auntie M" in The End
- Nineties Anti-Hero: Arguably a Deconstruction
- Not So Different: Has moments with Fury, Darkdevil and (of course) May
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: In Spider-Girl: The End
- Shiny Midnight Black: Gives herself this to distinguish herself from May (but they still have the same eyes)
- Ship Tease: With an She's All Grown Up older Torus Storm in The End.
- Tsundere: Is annoyed by Wes's crush on May even though she's totally not interested in that weirdo. Not to metion her love-hate relationship with May herself.
Aunt May Parker-Reilly
- I Was Quite a Looker: Appears as her younger, blonder self when guiding Mayday... until Peter recognizes her
- Spirit Advisor
Ben Reilly
- Dead "Brother": For Peter and Kaine
- His death causes Kaine's Heel Face Turn
- Disappeared Dad: For Darkdevil
- Generation Xerox: He and May are similar according to Peter.
- His son reaches out to a troubled clone, just like he did for Kaine.
- The Ghost
- Tragic Keepsake: May inherited his costume.
- Sacrificial Lion
- The Atoner
- Antagonist in Mourning: Was this to Ben Reilly and Daredevil.
- Badass Grandpa: With a Badass Longcoat AND Badass Beard!
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Deal with the Devil: With Zarathos to save Daredevil. It does not go as planned.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: He's gone grey.
- Failure Knight
- Heel Face Turn
- Uncle Wolf: Very protective of his niece and nephews.
- Nice Job Fixing It Anti-Hero: Well, at least Darkdevil won't die of Clone Degeneration now...
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Though YMMV.
- Secret Keeper: For Darkdevil.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Darkdevil.
Reilly Tyne/Darkdevil
- Anti-Hero: Type II
- Aloof Big Brother
- Armor Piercing Punch: To Kaine after his Deal with the Devil turned him into a demon.
- Cannot Spit It Out
- The Cowl
- Clone Degeneration
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Demonic Possession
- Back-to-Back Badasses
- Badass Bookworm: Studying at ESU (and interning with Foggy Nelson) during the day and patrolling at night.
- Big Brother Instinct: Towards May, April and Gerry. Not that he'd ever admit it.
- Brown Eyes (like his father's) as Reilly and Eyes of Gold as Darkdevil.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Emergency Transformation/Mental Fusion: With Daredevil to prevent his becoming completely taken over by Zarathos.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fiery Redhead
- Freudian Excuse: He was taken in by his maternal aunt and uncle. They turned out to be neglectful and abusive drunks. No wonder he has trouble spitting it out.
- Generation Xerox: Reached out to April like Ben Reilly reached out to Kaine.
- Subverted when you compare his childhood to Peter's. See Freudian Excuse.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By Venom Normie while performing a Heroic Sacrifice for Mayday. Don't worry, he gets better. Fans might notice Ben Reilly was also impaled by an Osborn trying to kill May. He didn't get better.
- Iron Woobie: Just highlight the spoilers. Guess being a Butt Monkey is In the Blood.
- Jerkass Facade: Turns out to be an Adorkable Nice Guy out of costume.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Journey to the Center of the Mind
- Luke, You Are My Father Peter Parker You Are My Uncle
- Mark of the Beast
- Odd Friendship: With Normie.
- Overnight Age-Up
- Parental Abandonment: His Dad is dead and his mother is still doing time. Doubles as a Fridge Tear Jerker for the Elizabeth Tyne stories in The Clone Saga.
- Parental Substitute: Kaine. Daredevil may count too.
- Pet the Dog: Teams up with Gerry Drew despite how very very very annoying he can be. Not to mention all the Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other moments with Mayday.
- Perpertual Frowner: At least in costume.
- Playing with Fire
- Secret Identity Identity: Does NOT appreciation Doc Magus's suggestion that he exorcise himself and stop being Darkdevil. Although, considering what might happen if he did...
- Secret Keeper: For Kaine. It looked like Doc Magus might become his, but it didn't pan out.
- Sibling Team: With May and April. Kind of.
- The Snark Knight
- Teleport Spam
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Kaine.
- What Could Have Been: The Reveal never happened despite being set up in Venom and Gwen Reilly arcs. Word of God is that he probably would have told the Parkers the truth had the series continued.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance: Though only MJ and Normie have noticed it. Peter thinks he looks more like Tobey Maguire.
- You Are Not Alone: Tries to convince April she belongs in the Spider-Family.
Midtown High Students
Courtney Duran
- Damsel in Distress
- Hair of Gold
- Hollywood Pudgy: Averted. She has a realistic figure (and is still cute).
- Hollywood Nerd: Averted and played straight. She doesn't have the body type, but she does have the hobbies, and the boys (especially Moose) seem to like her anyway.
- Meganekko
- Oblivious to Love: It takes her a while to figure out what's going on with Moose
- Secret Keeper: Heavily implied to have figured it out in The End
- Shrinking Violet: But she starts to grow out of it
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: They're both Tomboys, but when it comes to boys, May is the Girly Girl
Davida Kirby
- Deadpan Snarker
- Heel Realization: After Nancy leaves school thanks to Brad's bullying.
- Mistaken for Cheating: Is convinced Nancy cheated and used her powers to get on the basketball team.
- Operation: Jealousy: Tries this to get May to notice Wes. It doesn't work.
- Jossed: She's not one of the Ladyhawks.
- Sassy Black Girl: Averted.
- Secret Keeper: Always seems to be on the cusp on finding out and/or being told. And now that Wes and maybe Courtney know...
- Shipper on Deck: Davida is very anti-May/Gene and pro-May/Wes.
- The Casanova: Implied to be a female version.
- We Used to Be Friends: Fell out with May over the Nancy thing for a while.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Calls Brad out on his bigotry.
Maurice "Moose" Mansfield
- Berserk Button: You. Hurt. Courtney
- Body Horror: Becoming Carnage.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: See above, when the abusive boyfriend of May's friends goes after Courtney for helping out.
- Dynamic Character: Probably one of, if not the most, dynamic of May's friends.
- Expy: Of Flash Thompson, at least at first.
- Gentle Giant (in the end)
- Jerk Jock: At first
- Loves My Alter Ego / Mistaken Identity: Mistakes Courtney for Spider-Girl... but falls for her on her own merits.
- Missing Mom: She died of cancer.
- Parental Abandonment: And near the end of Spider-Girl, his dad gets it too. It Gets Worse.
- Odd Friendship: With Jimmy, who he used to bully, eventually
- Official Couple: With Courtney
- You Killed My Father: Sees Spider-Girl destroying Carnage (the best hope for curing his Dad's cancer) as this. Sadly, this plotline was never resolved.
Jimmy Yama
- Adorkable
- Asian and Nerdy
- Fan Boy
- Give Geeks a Chance: With Heather
- Odd Friendship: With his ex-bully, Moose
- Platonic Life Partners: With Courtney
- Those Two Guys: With Wes in Amazing and Spectacular.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: To May. He gets over it pretty quickly, though. Courtney was one for him.
- What the Hell, Hero?: To Moose after he breaks up with Courtney for "her own good"
Brad Miller
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to J.J.'s Veronica... or so it seems
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Fantastic Racist
- Wrong Guy First, ultimately.
Heather Noble
- Alpha Bitch: At first.
- Betty and Veronica: Poised to be the Veronica to May's Betty, with Brad as the Archie. They both give up on him.
- Blondes Are Evil: At first.
- Fan Girl: For Spider Girl. First seen shopping at the Spider-Shoppe, later posing as Spider-Girl for Jimmy and Wes's comic.
- Give Geeks a Chance: With Jimmy
- Official Couple: With Jimmy
- Sympathetic Adulterer
- Romantic Runner-Up: Fears that Brad is only with her because he can't be with May. She's right, which is why she decides to Give Geeks a Chance
Jack "J.J." Jameson / The Buzz
- All There In The Mini: How he got the Buzz suit.
- Betty and Veronica: Initially the Veronica to Brad's Betty. Until Brad turned out to be bigoted against mutants.
- The Casanova
- Clothes Make the Superman
- Dating Catwoman He never figures it out, but May does.
- Generation Xerox: To Spidey, sort of, as he becomes the subject of Jonah's ire due to a misunderstanding
- Ladykiller in Love: With Nancy Lu. May even states he's a much better boyfriend to her.
- Locked Out of the Loop: His Dating Catwoman situation with May
- Mistaken for Murderer: Of his Big Brother Mentor, no less, which is how he ended up with the Buzz suit
- Platonic Life Partners: With Courtney
- Troubled but Cute
Felicity Thompson / Scarlet Spider II
- Ascended Fangirl: Not quite, but boy, does she try.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: May regards her with about as much respect as one.
- Broken Bird
- Costume Copycat
- Crack Pairing: Some fans wanted her to hook up with Gerry and/or Darkdevil. Despite never meeting them. Then again, maybe that's why.
- Hair of Gold
- Les Yay: Really, really, really wants to be May's "partner". In crime, of course.
- Playful Hacker
- Mommy Issues: Is not happy about Felicia's new partner. She's upset about her parent's divorce.
- Sidekick Glass Ceiling: She never even graduates to sidekick.
- Sticky Fingers
Gene Thompson
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He used to be a kind, caring boyfriend. Or so Mays says.
- Dirty Coward: Doesn't handle dangerous situations well.
- Expy: Of Flash pre-Character Development
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: He keeps pressuring May to deepen their physical relationship and goes to Simone when she won't.
- Jerk Jock
- Manipulative Bastard
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: May's reaction to his hooking up with April.
- What Does She See in Him?
- Why Don't You Just Break Up With Him
Simone De Santos
- Alpha Bitch
- Blondes Are Evil
- Daddy's Girl
- Friends with Benefits: With Gene. Implied as much as you can in an All Ages comic.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: See Friends with Benefits
- Hidden Depths: Tries to rescue her father from Fury. Too bad it didn't work.
- Missing Mom: Mr. & Mrs. Spider-Man reveals she was gunned down, leading to her father's Start of Darkness
- Not So Different: Elan argues this.
- Rich Bitch
Wes Collins
- Adorkable
- Brown Eyes
- Cool Loser
- Embarrassing Middle Name
- Emo Teen: Averted. Looks the part (kind of) but is more of a male Perky Goth.
- Dogged Nice Guy
- Hidden Depths: Tries to save Simone from Fury, despite not having any powers or idea what he's doing.
- Hyper Awareness: How he figures out April kissed him.
- Just Friends: Both he and May argue this. They're not fooling anyone.
- LastGuyWins
- Perky Goth: Looks a bit like a Rummage Sale Reject leaving Hot Topic... but turns out to be a sweet, sensitive Nice Guy.
- Nice Guy
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The sensitive guy to Gene's manly man.
- Starving Artist / Teen Prodigy: Well, maybe not the starving part.
- Those Two Guys: With Jimmy.
Spider-Girl's Friends and Allies
Normie Osborn / The Green Goblin / Venom
- Benevolent Boss: To Kristy Watson.
- Big Brother Mentor
- Dead Guy, Junior
- Dark Is Not Evil: His stint as Venom.
- Foe Yay: Subverted in that the Ship Tease doesn't start until his Heel Face Turn. Then Normie got Venomized and started trying to merge with May. Also, Fury, kind of.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Happily Married
- Heel Face Turn
- Identical Grandson
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain/Redemption Promotion
- In the Blood: Averted. Okay, except maybe for his smarts and best friendship with a Parker.
- Like Brother and Sister: After lots of Ship Tease and Will They or Won't They?.
- Mission Control: Occasionally.
- Odd Friendship: May, of course, but he and Reilly/Darkdevil seem to have one as well.
- Official Couple: With Brenda.
- Sins of Our Fathers: Struggles with the pressure Norman Osborn put on him to kill the Parkers, then struggles with everyone assuming he'll go evil.
- Troubled but Cute
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
- Will They or Won't They?
Phil Urich
Brenda Drago Osborn / Raptor
- Action Girl
- Cool Big Sis
- Dark Action Girl: Before her Heel Face Turn.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Her parents were less than stellar and her abusive boyfriend manipulated her into stealing for him. Luckily, things got better for her.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Faux Action Girl: Normie convinced her to retire after losing to Lady Ock, Fury and Hobgoblin. Until she demanded to be let back into battle.
- Happily Married
- Heel Face Turn
- Odd Friendship: Working together seems to have fostered one with Kaine.
- Recruiting the Criminal: Recruited into Kaine's team as an alternative to going to jail.
- Romantic Runner-Up: Averted.
Gerald "Gerry" Drew/Spider-Man II
- Ascended Fanboy
- Actually Pretty Funny: Manages to make Darkdevil smile.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Spider-Girl and Darkdevil. Despite not being related to them at all.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Determinator: Desperate to play hero even if he's secretly dying.
- Disappeared Dad: Walked out on him and his mom when Gerry got sick. This might be why he idolizes Peter so much.
- Ho Yay: Did we mention he's a big fan of Spider-Man?
- Ill Boy
- Keet
- Motor Mouth
- Red Herring: No relation to Peter OR Felicia. He's the son of Jessica Drew.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Promised Peter he would try out a cure invented by Reed Richards. Then we never see him again.
Anya Corazon/Araña
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Body Snatcher: "Borrowed" May's body for a while.
- Big Sister Mentor: Well. She keeps trying, anyway.
- Cool Big Sis: Ditto.
- The Cowl to May, who is more of a cape.
- Dating Catwoman: She and Black Tarantula had lots of Foe Yay. Then it was revealed they used to have a thing. Then they started living together. In Spectacular, Fabian proposed.
- Future Badass
- Official Couple: With Black Tarantula.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: For the fans who saw 616!Anya as something of rival.
- The Obi-Wannabe: Because of her May's clashing morals.
- The Scrappy: A meta example, as some fans blame 616!Anya for the cancellation.
- Shoot the Dog: Not above killing bad guys like Fabian's father.
Fabian La Muerte/Black Tarantula
- Affably Evil
- Arch Enemy: He and Araña are this to each other. Among other things.
- Chessmaster / Manipulative Bastard: Manages to get and keep the Kingpin's criminal empire after the latter's death. Which he arranged, by the way. At least until he starts losing it all in Spectacular.
- Evil Is Sexy
- Dating Catwoman: With Araña.
- Foe Yay: Used to have quite a thing for May. Then he and [[spoiler: Araña turned it Up to Eleven.
- Heel Face Turn: Gives up a life of crime after his empire implodes in Spectacular.
- Loving a Shadow: It's implied he took an interest in May because she reminded him of Araña.
- Pet the Dog: Seems to genuinely care for Spider-Girl and is in love with Araña despite their complicated history.
- Official Couple: With Araña.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Stalker with a Crush: To May. She doesn't understand why he's helping her.
- You Killed My Father: Araña killed his.
Angel Face
- Abusive Parents: Implied to be this for the Face brothers.
- Continuity Nod: She's an old rouge of Phil's from the Green Goblin series.
- Evil Matriarch
- Mama Bear: Granted, an evil and abusive version, but still.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Goes on one following her elder son's death. Somewhat subverted in that she and her surviving son tear a swath through the underground but never get to the people responsible.
- Strait Jacket: Kept hers on after her son broke her out.
- You Killed My Father You Killed My Son: Blames Spider-Girl for Crazy Eight's death.
Carnage ( Moose Mansfield & Benjy Parker)
- Body Horror: For Moose. And who knows how it affected Benjy...
Crazy Eight
- Affably Evil: He's funny, calls his mother and looks out for his little brother. When they're not trying to kill each other. He even compliments a rookie Spider-Girl on her fighting skills!
- Alas, Poor Villain.
- Always Someone Better: Funny Face saw him as this.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Funny Face. Sometimes.
- Cain and Abel: Him and Funny most of the time.
- Call Forward: See below. Doubles as a Funny Aneurysm Moment.
- Clothes Make the Legend: Seems to think so, since he refuses to wear normal clothes to his trial for the sake of his reputation. Played heartbreakingly straight after his death when we finally see him without the makeup... as he's being buried in a nondescript suit.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Scolds Crazy Eight for not calling their mother more often.
- Foil: In retrospect, it's funny he and fellow Aloof Big Brother big brother Darkdevil were introduced in the same issue.
- Improbable Weapon User: Favors weaponized eight balls.
- Love Martyr: Presumably, Angel Face wasn't any better to him than she was to Funny Face. Yet he still loves her dearly.
- Save the Villain: Subverted. He dies because May didn't and chose to save Gerry from gunfire instead.
- Sibling Team: With Funny Face.
Funny Face
- Always Second Best: To his big brother Crazy Eight. Until his brother dies.
- Creepy Doll: His best friend... er, puppet, Bunky. Who he treats as a real person.
- Freak-Out: Over May "trapping" Bunky in webbing. Because "Bunky" is claustrophic due to his mother locking him up in the closet for days at a time. Suddenly that whole "talks to his puppet thing" isn't so funny anymore.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Yes, even when they're not worth it.
- Foil: To May at times.
- Jerkass Woobie: Okay, yes, he's a crazy Monster Clown. But it's hard not to feel bad for him when his brother gets gunned down in a gang war.
- Monster Clown
- Never My Fault: His brother's death might not have happened if he hadn't exacerbated tensions between the Kingpin and Canis out of sibling rivalry. Naturally, he blames Spider-Girl for it instead.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Big time.
- Shadow Archetype: Lampshades the similarity between May and Gerry's bickering to his and Crazy Eight's. They're also similar to the other team of bickering Spider-Kids, Spider-Girl and Darkdevil.
Elan De Juane/Fury the Goblin Queen
Hobgoblin/Roderick Kingsley
The original Hobgoblin, come out of retirement.
- Badass
- Badass Grandpa: If you do the math.
- Hero-Killer
- Knight of Cerebus: Things go to hell whenever he's around.
- Sky Surf
- Super Reflexes
- Super Strength
Lady Octopus
Mr. Nobody
One of Wilson Fisk's remaining minions. Uses his teleportation to get orders from and make delivieries to the kingpin without pesky prision security.
- Guns Are Worthless: Lacking any offenseive powers, Mr. Nobody's favorite method of attack is guns. Naturally he never anybody.
- While probably not the intent (all his mistakes are stables of fiction), his abyssal accuracy may be justified as he clearly doesn't know how to use the guns he has acquired, or understand them.
- Intangible Man: After an upgrade.
- Teleportation
Norman Osborn
Tony Davis
Brenda's abusive boyfriend in her first appearance and the one who made her flight harness from her dad's only one. Makes a few future appearances to give bad guys gadgets.
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check: While only shown to upgrade existing technology, he's supernaturally competent at this yet resorts to crime
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Politically-Incorrect Villain
- Voice With An Internet Connection: An evil example in his first appearance.
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