Pokémon Special/Characters/Supporting Cast
- For the Dex Holders go to Characters.
- For the enemies/villainous teams, go to Characters.
Professor Oak
Grandfather of Green and Daisy, he's full name is Samuel Oak. He is a researcher who invented the Pokédex and sent out Red on his journey. He has a long history with Agatha, Pryce, and the Johto Daycare couple.
- Badass Grandpa: Despite his age, he's still a capable fighter.
- Dude in Distress: He's been captured twice, and has to be rescued by his grandson Green.
- I Was Quite a Looker: Revealed on chapter 76.
- The Mentor: To Red, Green, and Blue.
Daisy Oak
Green's older sister.
- Cool Big Sis
- Hot Scientist
- Ship Tease: With Bill.
The technical genius who invented the storage system.
- Butt Monkey: Among other things, Pika seems to enjoy shocking him for no good reason.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: How else could he get a girlfriend?
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Kansai Regional Accent: And is given a Southern accent in the English version. Hardly anybody can understand him at all. It dies down as the series goes on.
- Ship Tease: With Daisy. This exchange from FRLG doesn't help:
Green: You're...not with my sister today?
Bill: (nervously) Oh, uh...Daisy's at home.
The Gym Leader of Pewter City, he trains with Rock Pokémon and is also a security guard for the Pewter City Museum.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Only in the RGB arc. He starts wearing shirts after that.
- He was still shirtless in the beginning of Yellow arc, though they should have made it consistent.
- Worthy Opponent: He chooses a worthy opponent through a series of battles before his actual gym battle.
The headstrong Gym Leader of Cerulean City, specializing in Water types. She is perhaps Red's first real ally and gave him her Gyarados, which he still keeps in his party to this day.
- Aborted Declaration of Love: Misty was about to confess to Red the day before he was going to take his Gym Leader test, but decided against it because she saw him talking to Yellow. She did seem to put some thought into it before deciding it wasn't the right time.
- Action Girl
- All Love Is Unrequited: Her crush on Red.
- Big Fancy House: Has one.
- Can't Catch Up: Acknowledges this at near the end of the GSC arc; she knows that she isn't meant to fight the final battle against the Mask of Ice, but takes comfort in knowing that the Pokemon that she gave to Red (her Gyarados) and Yellow (her Omanyte, which evolved into Omastar) will be able to help out.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Against Red when he stayed at her mansion; notable in that she was the first person to do so.
- Fiery Redhead
- First Girl Wins: Averted, as she is the first girl Red meets on his journey and she never got the chance to confess her feelings to him. She couldn't bring herself to do it when she saw him and Yellow together the first time, and the second time Gold kind of
kidnappedrescued him. Granted, the first time, she really should've taken her chances, as Red didn't know Yellow was a girl yet. - Heroes Want Redheads: Inverted with Red.
- I Just Want to Be Special: More that she wants to be useful rather than special, but she understands and is frustrated by the fact that she can never be more than support to Red and the others.
- Interrupted Declaration of Love: By Gold at the end of GSC arc.
- Jumped At the Call: Was very eager to fight alongside Suicune as its partner, as it fulfulled her desire to finally be more useful and involved in stopping the crises that Team Rocket was causing. Unfortunately for her, The Call realized it phoned the wrong number, hung up, and redialed for Crystal.
- Making a Splash
- Pimped-Out Dress: She wears one when she brings Red to her Big Fancy House.
- Plucky Girl
- Sidekick Glass Ceiling: She's a capable Trainer and Gym Leader, enough so that Suicune designated her as a worthy partner after battling against the Gym Leaders of Kanto to find someone worthy. Unfortunately, her status as an ally of the main cast rather than as a full-fledged hero keeps her from effectively battling and ending the crises herself, something she acknowledges that only the Dex Holders can do. But she'll be damned if she doesn't put up a good fight doing so.
- Tearful Smile: A couple of times, most notably when she finally gets to talk to Red again at the end of the GSC arc.
- Tomboy
- Tsundere: Different from Misty in the anime in that she's a very mild Type B, with her tsun tendencies being played up almost exclusively in the RGB arc.
An elegant lady, Erika is the Gym Leader of Celadon City who specializes in Grass types. She also teaches at her city's university and serves as supervisor for the rest of her region's Leaders.
- The Archer: Practices archery and sometimes uses her arrows to launch her Pokeballs.
- Green Thumb
- Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: Wears a kimono and battles with elegant style. It helps that she's also The Leader.
- Lady of War: When the need to fight arises.
- Lovable Alpha Bitch: Often makes condescending remarks towards other trainers and her opponents and has a rather snooty attitude overall, but is genuinely kind towards those she considers her companions, like Brock, Misty, and several of the Dex Owners, once they earn her trust.
- The Ojou
- Secret Test of Character: Arguably, what she did to Red when they first met and he was hell-bent on rescuing that Eevee.
- Shipper on Deck: Red x Misty, apparently.
- Silk Hiding Steel
- Spirited Young Lady
- Straight Arrow: She sometimes fits her Pokéballs at the tip of her arrows and shoots them to launch them.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: With Misty, though it's not shown that often.
- The Leader: Of the Kanto Gym Leaders overall.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Has some of the personality traits.
An old scientist who used to work for Team Rocket, this fire specialist defected offscreen as he got sick of working for them.
- Badass Mustache: Hilariously, at one point he reveals he wears a fake one because he accidentally burned off his real one during training.
- Body Horror: His DNA mixed with Mewtwo's while he was creating it, leading to him developing cancerous growths that would eventually take over his body. He got better.
- Cool Old Guy
- Cool Shades
- Heel Face Turn: Hearing of Red's heroic exploits was a big motivation for him to skip out on Team Rocket and join the good guys.
- Kick the Dog: This was pretty much Blaine's old job at Team Rocket, as he was to experiment on Pokémon into making them stronger, which led them to either go insane or simply be in extreme pain.
- Playing with Fire
- Shout-Out: At one point in the Yellow arc he wears a disguise that resembles the anime version of him.
Koga's daughter, who takes over the Fuschia Gym after his disappearence. Like her father, she specializes in poison types. She also works as a part-time freelancer ninja.
- Badass Normal: She's capable of rather impressive physical feats, going with the whole ninja theme. (Although she does seem overly fond of the whole hanging upside-down on the ceiling thing.)
- Disappeared Dad: She wants to see him again, as his disappearence left her not knowing what to do with her future. Due to this, most people tend to pair her with Falkner, who has similar father issues.
- It also helps that they befriend each other after their battle.
- Doppleganger Spin
- Ninja: Like her father, she uses her Pokémon for ninja-esque techniques and outfits her Pokéballs into shuriken.
Jr. Trainer Evan/Phil (Junji)
A trainer whose Haunter was lured away by Agatha at the Power Plant. After some help from Green, he managed to get it back. He then became one of Blaine's assistants on Cinnabar Island.
- Fan Nickname: Bozz.
Super Nerd Miles/William (Akihito)
Was Erika's Rival and the one hired by Agatha to disguise as Red and recapture his Pikachu. Later becomes good friends with Evan.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: After getting caught.
- Heel Face Turn
- He Knows Too Much
- Nerd Glasses
- Latex Perfection: As Red, he even had exact same clothes and an exact scent.
- Psycho for Hire: He took Red's Pikachu that had memory of the Elite Four and Red's whereabouts for Agitha, who would pay him so he could fund future experiments. He didn't know he would be slaughtered with the rest of the human race but still.
- Unknown Rival: To Erika, who seems apathetic to his presence in the face of his grudge against her.
- Unwitting Pawn: To Agatha after outliving his usefulness.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: See above.
Professor Elm
The Pokémon professor of the Johto region, Elm was unfortunate enough to be robbed of Totodile by Silver and could only watch as Gold took Cyndaquil to track him down.
- Butt Monkey: To a lesser extent than Bill, though.
First appearing as a police officer, Falkner befriends Gold who helps him catch a Skarmory. He later uses it to pass the Gym Leader exam and becomes the Leader of the Violet City Gym. Looks up to his father (implied to be Wayne, an old friend of Chuck's), who was a policeman. He befriends Janine after their battle, this seems to have been carried over to the games, as they are seen talking to each other in Heartgold and Soulsilver.
- Composite Character: of Falkner the gym leader and the policeman investigating Professor Elm's lab.
- Fair Cop
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Made from his Skarmory's cast off feathers which he then fits his Pokéballs to. He also uses them as more direct weapons.
- Wind from Beneath My Wings
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
The Gym Leader of Azalea Town, who first appears as an archaeologist, Bugsy meets Gold at the Ruins of Alph. Specializes in bug-types.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: And how!
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: Gold first mistakes Bugsy for a girl and asks him out.
A somewhat childish Gym Leader who specializes in normal types, Whitney is the only Gym Leader aside from Pryce who Suicune doesn't challenge. She sometimes helps her good friend DJ Mary on radio shows.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She does show a surprising amount of skill when battling the fake ice Suicune.
- Curb Stomp Battle: She is the recieving end of this as Misty defeats her rather easily in only a few pages, which is kind of sad as the other Gym Leader battles took at least a chapter. Well, Suicune didn't bother with her for a reason...not to mention considering it chose Misty as its partner as well...
- Girlish Pigtails
- Non-Elemental
- Took a Level in Badass: She's alot stronger in the "Heart Gold & Soul Silver" arc.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Often seen with her close friend Mary.
- Rose-Haired Girl
A trainer with clairvoyant psychic abilities, Morty is the Leader of the Ecruteak City Gym. Specializes in ghost-types.
- Hair of Gold
- Psychic Powers: As long as he has an idea of what he's looking for, he can see it and its location. (Ho-oh is out of his league though.) People actually come to him and pay him to find the things they lost or can't find.
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Soul Power
The Gym Leader of Mahagony Town, who specializes in fighting-types. Chuck was the one who taught Green how to train Pokémon. He runs a dojo.
- Badass Mustache
- Badass Normal: He mastered several different martial arts and trains himself along side of his Pokémon.
- Happily Married
- Large Ham: Subdued when not fighting, but when he does fight...
- Porn Stache
- Stout Strength
- Walking Shirtless Scene
The Olivine City Gym Leader who was caught in Ecruteak City earthquake, she had to save herself because Gold and Silver were too busy fighting over who would save her. She specializes in the steel-type, though she has other types on her team. Her part-time job is looking after the Sparkle Lighthouse.
The Leader of Mahogany Town's Gym, Pryce specializes in ice-types. A frail old man in a wheelchair. Or is he?
- Big Bad: The true identity of the Masked Man.
- Character Tics: tapping the tip of his cane against the ground. Turns out, it's to use a Pokégear hidden in his cane.
- Freudian Excuse: All he wanted was to go back in time and save the Pokémon he wasn't able to save.
- Handicapped Badass
- An Ice Person: He also makes sculptures that move around.
- Love Makes You Crazy: A variation. He's gone insane after years and years of emotionally repressing himself after losing his beloved Lapras. So really, lack of expressing love made him crazy.
- Schrödinger's Cast: Currently holds this status as of the HGSS chapter.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Lance's cousin, Clair shares his affinity for dragon-types. Gym Leader of Blackthorn City Gym.
- Berserk Button: Lance is a touchy subject.
- Dragon Rider
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons
- Kissing Cousins: Implied to have been really close with Lance when they were young.
- Whip It Good: For Pokéball launching and close-range combat.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Crystal's mom
A hyper woman with a rather childish demeanor, Crystal's mom can still be serious when the time calls for it.
Professor Birch
The Hoenn Pokémon professor, and father of Sapphire. Unlike the previously mentioned professors, he seems to do much more field work.
A major supporting character who at one point temporarily holds a Pokedex. Ruby helps give him some Pokémon training when Norman (who doesn't show up until after Ruby's gone, much to his relief) rejects training him, but the two get separated soon thereafter. His "starter" is Ruby's Ralts, Ruru, who was eventually returned to her true trainer. His first Pokémon is a Kecleon.
- Adaptation Dye Job: In the games Wally has Blue Eyes.
- Badass Adorable: In fact, many wanted him to be the third Hoenn Dex Holder instead of Emerald.
- Curtains Match the Window: Green hair and green eyes.
- And green Pokémon! All six of them, not to mention he was important in waking Rayquaza! It's never commented on in the comic itself, but the tradition is carried on in the webcomic Pokémon-X, which flanderizes it into an incredible obsession with Pokémon that have ANY green at all on them.
- This was to mark that Wally is the supposed third hero of the RS saga but the writers decided to just make a new character midway. At least they still gave Wally some plot related action.
- Dragon Rider: Straightest example here. He has a Flygon.
- Handicapped Badass: The kid appears to have awful asthma, and it gives him some complications near the end of the arc when he trained under Norman en route to Rayquaza. Does he let that stop him?
- The ventilation mask he wears for said asthma lets him breath in Rayquaza's ozone filled room
- Incurable Cough of Death: Well, he was never really dying, but he was weak in body. But like it says above, he proves himself badass.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Gabby and Ty
(Maryanne and Tyler in the Chuang Yi version).
A reporter and her cameraman, these two ally themselves with Ruby and Sapphire early on, determined to find out who is reponsible for reeking havoc in Hoenn.
- Ascended Extra: From a couple of random battlers in the games to major supporting characters.
- Dub Name Change: Were renamed to Mary Anne and Tyler in the Chuang Yi version.
- Intrepid Reporter
Gym Leader of Rustboro City, Roxanne graduated from the Trainer's School and is thus very knowledable. As part of her gym challenge, any challengers much pass a written exam before battling her.
- Badass Bookworm
- Book Safe: She actually keeps Poké Balls inside that book of hers.
- Dishing Out Dirt
Leader of Dewford Town's gym, Brawly specializes in fighting types. He usually trains his Pokémon by surfing with them. He is apparently a disciple of Bruno's.
- Bare-Fisted Monk
- My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours: Particularly evident when he overcomes Mack's mindrape-ing illusions with straight forward brutal force.
- Surfer Dude
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A jolly old man who specializes in Electric types, Wattson is pun-cracking Gym Leader of the Mauville Gym.
- Cool Old Guy
- Disney Death: Thank god that Sapphire's Wailord saved him.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- The Hyena
- Pungeon Master
- Shock and Awe
Fire-type using Gym Leader of Lavaridge Town, Flannery tried to protect the fires of Mt. Chimney from Team Aqua, but failed.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Hot Springs Episode: Her battle with Sapphire.
- Fiery Redhead
- Playing with Fire
- Ship Tease: With Tabitha.
Ruby's father and a normal type specialist, Norman was just became Gym Leader of Petalburg City when Ruby ran away from home, for which he swore to hunt him down. Afterwards, he trains Wally to be a Pokémon trainer.
- Back from the Dead
- Badass: So much that he can crush a phone with his BARE HANDS.
- It's also implied by Ruby's Mom that he has done this quite often...
- Badass Normal: Literally.
- Characterization Marches On: Given how kind he is in the games and anime, it can be a shocker to see Norman be such a stern disciplinarian.
- Dragon Rider: Wally's Flygon was originally his.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: His specialty Pokémon is Slaking, after all.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Yes, he's far from the nicest dad, but he genuinely loves his son and becomes supportive to Wally's wish to be a Trainer later on.
- Non-Elemental
- The Scapegoat: Taking the blame of accidentally freeing Rayquaza, which was indirectly caused by Ruby.
Supervisor of the Hoenn Gym Leaders much like Erika is of Kanto's, Winona is the Fortree City Gym Leader. She specializes in flying types.
- Wind from Beneath My Wings
- Cool Big Sis: Sort of to Sapphire and Flannery.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Wallace. Sigh, maybe after the HGSS arc?
- The Leader of the Hoenn Gym Leaders
Tate & Liza
Twins who share the title of Gym Leader of Mossdeep City, Tate and Liza act as the guardians of Mt. Pyre. Afterwards, they help train Ruby and Sapphire for their battle with Groudon and Kyogre.
- Half-Identical Twins: To the point where Chuang Yi thought Tate was a girl.
- Psychic Powers
A contest master and water specialist, Wallace was originally the region champion, but gave it up so he could be closer to Winona the Gym Leader of Sootopolis City. He took the title of Champion again during the final battle in Hoenn.
- Badass Cape: The Champion's Cape
- Camp Straight: Like teacher, like student.
- Gratuitous English: All of his Pokémon have classic English names such as Elizabeth and Phillip.
- Nice Hat
- Making a Splash
- The Mentor: To Ruby.
- Stern Teacher: He can bring out the Brutal Honesty when Ruby needs a serious talking-to.
- The Nicknamer: one of the few characters outside of the 'Dex Holders to nickname his team. French names, even.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Normally a very friendly person, but you do not want him angry at you.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Winona.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Does this to Ruby.
- Immediately afterward, Wallace himself gets this from Swimmer Jack, who thinks Wallace goes too far in calling out Ruby.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Wallace's mentor and the previous Sootopolis Gym Leader as well as a Water-type specialist. He takes the position again when Wallace decides to take up the Champion position once more. He trains Ruby and Sapphire, both physically and mentally, for the final battle.
Steven Stone
The current Hoenn League Champion and steel-type specialist, who normally spends his time searching for rare stones. He is tasked with awakening the three Regis to help stop the battle between Kyogre and Groudon.
- Back from the Dead: He sacrifices his life to awaken the three Regis, but Celebi revives him later.
- Badass Cape: The Champion's Cape, which he returns to the rightful owner, Wallace, later.
- Extra Ore Dinary
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
One of the Hoenn Elite Four. Specializes in Dark-types.
One of the Hoenn Elite Four. Specializes in Ghost-types.
One of the Hoenn Elite Four. Specializes in Ice-types.
One of the Hoenn Elite Four. Specializes in Dragon-types.
Swimmer Jack
Meets and befriends Ruby.
Hoenn Battle Frontier
A photographer who follows Emerald on his Battle Frontier challenge.
- Fan Nickname: He's never actually given a name in this series, but the fans call him Todd because his design is identical to that of the anime character of the same name.
- Mythology Gag: He was originally an anime character who went on to have his own spin-off game.
- At the end of the Emerald arc, Professor Oak sends him off to the island from said spin-off game to complete the goal from it.
- The Watson: In regards to Emerald's mission and the rules of the Battle Frontier facilities.
The owner of the Battle Frontier, he can recognize a trainer's potential. Often acts in his own interest in order to make his Battle Frontier a success.
- The Chessmaster: sort of. He knew all about Jirachi, Emerald and Guile, but kept silent about it to all of the Frontier Brains in order to "help them get stronger".
- Cool Shades
- Non-Action Guy
One of the seven Frontier Brains, also known as Factory Head Noland. He is in charge of the Battle Factory, and also takes care of all the rental Pokémon used in the Battle Frontier facilities.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: His specialty as the Frontier Brain of Knowledge
- McGuffin: The Jirachi report in his possession, which he eventually surrenders in return for Anabel's safety.
- Perma-Stubble
Also known as Pike Queen Lucy, she is in charge of the Battle Pike, and favors snake-like Pokémon.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Luck-Based Mission: the gimmick of Battle Pike.
- Skunk Stripe
- Smug Snake: Snake? Yes, her Pokémon are all rather snake-like. Smug? Yes too.
- Standard Status Effects: her facility dishes these out regularly, especially poison.
A rough, adventurous man in charge of the Battle Pyramid, he is also known as Pyramid King Brandon. Has a particular dislike for Emerald at first.
- Adventure Archaeologist
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Drought Level of Doom: the gimmick of the Battle Pyramid.
- Hot-Blooded: well, since his facility is a test of "bravery"...
Arena Tycoon Greta is the Frontier Brain for the Battle Arena.
- Action Girl
- Genki Girl
The flamboyant Dome Ace of the Battle Dome, he also harbors a grudge against Emerald after their confrontation on the first day.
- Butt Monkey: not even his fellow Frontier Brains take him seriously.
- Camp Gay: we don't know about his sexuality, but everything else about him fits this trope.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Sure, he gets humiliated by Emerald and seems pretty foolish...but then, he sweeps Sapphire's team with just Salamence, and goes on to be the only Battle Frontier to never be defeated by Emerald.
- Tournament Arc: in the acts featuring his facility, of course.
A mysterious tattooed man also known as Palace Maven Spenser, he's the head of the Battle Palace.
- Badass Grandpa
- Evil Old Folks: Averted: he appears to be this at first, but he just turns out to be a person who has been in contact with Kyogre's orb.
- The Power of Trust: What he explicitly stated as his facility's specialty.
- Red Herring: Once suspected by Ruby and Sapphire to be Guile Hideout's identity, until Latios proved otherwise.
The Salon Maiden of the Battle Tower and The Leader of the seven Frontier Brains.
- Bifauxnen
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Curtains Match the Window
- Little Miss Badass
- Mind Control Eyes: When under Guile Hideout's control.
- Hostage for McGuffin: For Noland's Jirachi reports.
Professor Rowan
The resident professor of Sinnoh.
Sir Berlitz
Rowan's assistant and Platinum's father, he is the richest man in Sinnoh.
- Overprotective Dad: So your 12 year old daughter insists on going out on a journey? Well, hire a pair of bodyguards to go with her!
- Properly Paranoid: On said journey, his daughter gets caught up in Cyrus' plot to recreate the world.
Paka and Uji
Platinum's hired bodyguards. They tail the protagonists after a mix-up causes their charge to go with Diamond and Pearl.
- Cool Shades: which they never remove until they are taken away by Saturn's new weapon.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Punny Names aside (see below), they manage to defeat Saturn, who mind you, can go toe to toe with Gym Leaders in later chapters. Also, the pair have no problem teaming up with Diamond and Pearl to take on an army of Galactic Grunt.
- Heroic Sacrifice: They get sent to the Distortion World by Saturn's weapon.
- Making a Splash: Buizel
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Although they didn't die.
- Obi-Wan Moment
- Punny Name: Their names are puns on the word "idiot".
- Scarf of Asskicking: The exact same colors as Diamond and Pearl's mufflers.
- Those Two Guys
Gym Leader of the Oreburgh Gym and foreman of the local mines. He specializes in Rock-type Pokémon. He is Byron's son.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: He has a Rampardos.
- Megane-kun
- Nice Helmet
- Prehistoric Monster: Rampardos.
- Use Your Head: Rampardos.
- White Gloves
Gym Leader of the Eterna Gym. She specializes in Grass-type Pokémon.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Genki Girl
- Green Thumb
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: To ghosts, apparently.
Gym Leader of the Veilstone Gym. She specializes in Fighting-type Pokémon.
- Big Eater
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Cute Bruiser
- Defeat Means Friendship: She despises Platinum at first, but becomes one of her closest friends and training partners after being defeated.
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Parental Neglect
- Perpetual Poverty: She initially was jealous of Platinum's wealth and is often shown to be hungry. During the battle at Spear Pillar, she outright says that she is poor.
- Some Fridge Horror comes in place here, since in the games her dad is a gambling addict who rarely leaves the place.
- You Gotta Have Pink Hair
Crasher Wake
Gym Leader of the Pastoria Gym. He specializes in Water-type Pokémon. He later trains Pearl following the events in Lake Valor.
Gym Leader of the Hearthome Gym. A ghost-type specialist who also enjoys contests. Like Cynthia, she is very fond of the Sinnoh Trio and looks out for them whenever they're in the neighborhood.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign
- Batman Gambit: Her gym gimmick is to force her challengers into thinking logically to reach her then totally breaking that logic when it comes to actually challenging her.
- Funny Foreigner
- The Hyena: She laughs hysterically at just about any joke of Dia and Pearl's.
- Odango: Her hair, just look at it.
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Soul Power
- Trickster: Specializes in trickery with ghost Pokémon.
Gym Leader of the Canalave Gym and the father of Roark. He hands out the Mine Badge to Trainers who defeat him. He specializes in Steel-type Pokémon.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Cape
- Extra Ore Dinary
- Hot-Blooded
- Overprotective Dad: Not an extreme example, but he is very reluctant to put his son in harm's way.
Gym Leader of the Snowpoint Gym. She specializes in Ice-type Pokémon. It is her duty to watch over Lake Acuity and Snowpoint Temple.
- Exposed to the Elements
- She claims that nothing should get in the way of fashion, elements be damned. And she even dubs herself, Maylene, and Platinum as the 'Thin-Clothed Trio'.
- Genki Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Hot-Blooded: Despite her main type.
- Magic Skirt: It is so short, it could be a health hazard in Snowpoint.
Gym Leader of the Sunyshore Gym. He specializes in Electric-type Pokémon. He has been depressed since he hasn't had a good fight in ages and is constantly looking for something to regain his excitement back.
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Jerkass: Uses up enough electricity for his gym to result in the rest of Sunyshore to go into a total blackout, just because he was bored. He also completely ignores Byron's call for help at the Spear Pillar and heads for home instead.
- He redeems himself in the Platinum arc when he and Flint help defeat Giratina. Perhaps he's developed into a Jerk with a Heart of Gold now.
- Shock and Awe
Member of the International Police and helps Platinum investigate the Distortion World so he can find information on Team Galactic.
- Badass Longcoat
- Butt Monkey: His gadgets have a tendency to break and when they do, he gets hurt in the process.
- Interpol Special Agent
- Known Only By Their Codename
The Sinnoh Pokémon storage system developer. She is good friends with Green's sister, Daisy.
Member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. Specializes in Bug-type Pokemon.
Member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. Specializes in Ground-type Pokemon.
Member of the Sinnoh Elite Four and is a friend of Volkner. Specializes in Fire-type Pokemon.
Member of the Sinnoh Elite Four. Specializes in Psychic-type Pokemon.
The Champion of the Sinnoh region's Elite Four. She also seems to travel around Sinnoh a lot, helping both people and Pokémon. She meets the Sinnoh Trio and looks out for them.
- Action Girl
- Adventurer Archaeologist
- Badass: She's the Champion. It's almost a requirement.
- Badass Normal: She can ride crazy fast on a bike. Fast enough to keep up with her Garchomp.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Long Hair
- Almost a requirement? This is the Pokémon world we're talking about. Or did we forget how one goes about becoming the Champion?
- Hair of Gold
- Helping Would Be Killstealing: Averted, as she actually attempts to take down Cyrus herself. She fails though.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Rapunzel Hair
- Team Mom: To the Sinnoh trio.
Sinnoh Battle Frontier
The Tower Tycoon of Sinnoh's Battle Tower. He is the father of Pearl.
- Badass Longcoat
- Generation Xerox: Pearl is a lot like him.
Butler of Cailtin and battles in her place in the Battle Castle as the Castle Valet.
- Battle Butler
- Mood Swinger: When he battles, he switches from his usual reserved manner and takes on a more bloodthirsty personality. According to his own comments, he was unaware of this until people actually told him.
Frontier Brain of Sinnoh's Battle Castle. Due to her powerful Psychic Powers, she is not allowed to battle or else her abilities will go out of control. She later becomes one the Elite Four of the Unova region.
- Cute and Psycho: When she loses control.
- Hair Decorations
- Madness Mantra: Fightfightfightfightfightfightfightfightfightfightfightfight.....
- Psychic Powers: Manifesting in her hair drastically lengthening and attacking people.
- The Ojou
Arcade Star of Sinnoh's Battle Arcade. She loves to dance and it extends to her Pokémon as well.
- Adult Child: Throws a tempter tantrum offscreen after her loss to Platinum.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Bare Your Midriff
- Catch Phrase: "Que sera, sera."
- Genki Girl
Factory Head of Sinnoh's Battle Factory. Uses machines to help calculate the probabilities of his chances in battle.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Not that it helped him.
- Mood Swinger
Hall Matron of Sinnoh's Battle Hall.
A friend of Byron's that was asked to help train Diamond in battling before he goes to Lake Verity. He has the ability to use Aura.
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Battle Aura
- Bishounen
- Early-Bird Cameo: at the end of the Emerald arc.
- Nice Hat: the fedora makes him look like a Badass in a Nice Suit.
- Soul Power
Professor Juniper
The regional professor of Unova.
- Butt Monkey: A rare female example. Her starter Pokémon often beat each other up, leaving a destructive mess in their wake (one such site being her own lab) and two of her three Dexes are broken with the remaining functioning one in the hands of someone whose sanity she questions.
Professor Juniper's friend and former classmate. She works with her assistant, Amanita, and researches about dreams.
- Hair Decorations
- Hot Scientist
- Meganekko
- No Indoor Voice: She's very loud. Even more so than Black.
- Rapunzel Hair
Cedric Juniper
Professor Juniper's father.
Cilan, Chili, & Cress
Cress: Our teamwork sparkles!
Cilan: We, too, are three bright shining stars.
- Bow Ties Are Cool
- Character Tics: Like in the anime, the brothers tend to place their arms in a certain location. Cilan places his behind his back, Chili puts his on his hips, Cress crosses them in front of his chest.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Cat Smile: Cilan.
- Elemental Powers
- Green Thumb: Cilan
- Making a Splash: Cress
- Playing with Fire: Chili
- Fiery Redhead: Chili.
- Hot-Blooded: Chili.
- Sharp Dressed Men
- Skintone Sclerae: Cilan
- Troll: Chili. He lied to Black about disqualifying him from challenging their Gym (because of Bianca's interference) only to take it back immediately while laughing uproariously.
- Waistcoats of Style
Gym Leader and Museum owner of the Nacrene City Gym.
- Badass Normal
- Happily Married
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: She acknowledges that her Stoutland got taken out in one hit because she had spammed Take Down beforehand, which whittled down its HP.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Gym Leader of the Castelia City Gym.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Blue Eyes
- Combat Stilettos
- Hair Decorations
- Male Gaze: Elesa is formally first introduced with her rear facing the readers while she is on her knees.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Shock and Awe
- The Stoic: Surprisingly averted. She's actually quite cheerful compared to her game counterpart.
Gym Leader of the Driftveil City Gym.
Gym Leader of the Mistralton City Gym. She's also the pilot of a cargo company.
- Ace Pilot: Capable of putting on air shows with her cargo plane, she delivered an epic finale to the Pokemon Musical along with the guests' prop cases.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Hair Decorations
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Stripperiffic
- Shorttank
- Wind from Beneath My Wings
Gym Leader of the Icirrus City Gym.
- An Ice Person
- Badass: He's quite clearly the strongest of the first seven Gym Leaders and was the only one to escape from a tornado created by the Shadow Triad.
- Cool Mask
- Warrior Monk
- The Quiet One
- The Stoic
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Gym Leader of the Opelucid City Gym.
Emmet and Ingo
The Subway bosses of the Battle Subway.
- Badass Longcoat
- Creepy Twins: Their robot-like actions creep White out.
- Nice Hat
- Perpetual Frowner: Ingo. He even manages to frown while smiling.
- Perpetual Smiler: Emmet.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Tag-Team Twins
Ghost-type Elite Four member of Unova.
- Absolute Cleavage: Compare to her official game artwork which shows zero cleavage.
- Cloudcuckoolander: She cheerfully enrages Thundurus and Tornadus further in their fight as to get more inspiration for her next novel.
- Genki Girl
- Meganekko
- Perky Goth
- Soul Power
- The Southpaw
Dark-type Elite Four member of Unova.
- Bishonen
- Batman Gambit: Pulls one off in his introduction to expose a disguised Plasma grunt.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Scarf of Asskicking
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- The Gambler
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Tsurime Eyes
Fighting-type Elite Four member of Unova.
Champion of the Unova Pokemon League.
- Anime Hair
- A Load of Bull
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Cool Old Guy
- Fiery Redhead
- Friend to All Living Things: Pokemon tend to gather around him.
- Perma-Stubble
- Rated "M" for Manly
A Psychic-type Pokemon that was cloned from the Legendary Pokemon Mew. Using the cells from his own arm, Blaine managed to complete the Pokemon while it was being created and created a bond between the two that allowed them to sense whenever the other is near.
- Artificial Human: Has some human material mixed into its genes and mostly behaves like one.
- Badass
- BFS: Big Friggin' Spoon.
- Brown Eyes
- Cats Are Mean: At first.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Gone Horribly Right
- Improbable Weapon User: A spoon. While Psychics and Psychic-type Pokemon using spoons isn't that uncommon, it is unknown for them to make one out of psychic energy and then proceeding to use it as a sword.
- Psychic Powers
- Purple Is Powerful
Two Pokemon mutated from a space virus. They were encountered by Team Rocket and were used to help Giovanni find his missing son. Main Legendary of the fifth chapter, FireRed & LeafGreen.
- Badass
- Combat Tentacles
- Healing Factor
- Humanoid Abomination
- Me's a Crowd
- Power Crystal: The core in its body. Serves as its weak point.
- Psychic Powers
- Starfish Alien
A Pokemon that Emerald sought after to revive his senior Dex holders. Main Legendary of the sixth chapter, Emerald.
- Death From Above: Knows Doom Desire.
- Extra Ore Dinary: Primary type.
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: The Third Eye on its stomach.
- Make a Wish
- Psychic Powers: Secondary type.
- Reality Warper
Dialga and Palkia
Two Pokemon sought after by Cyrus so he can achieve his goal to create a new world. After summoning them, he controlled them with the Red Chain and forced them to fight until Time and Space began to distort. They were eventually freed by the efforts of Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum and were taken into the Distortion World by Giratina.
- Elemental Powers:
- Extra Ore Dinary: Dialga; primary type.
- Making a Splash: Palkia; primary type.
- Olympus Mons
- Our Dragons Are Different: Secondary type.
- Reality Warper
- Time and Space Masters
A Pokemon roaming the Distortion World, an alternate dimension.After Cyrus' defeat, Giratina appeared from a hole between dimensions and pulled Cyrus, Dialga, and Palkia into it. Platinum is currently investigating it because she believes that her bodyguards are trapped in the Distortion World.
- Bigger Bad: Of the Platinum arc.
- Casting a Shadow
- Combat Tentacles
- Dracolich
- Olympus Mons
- Our Dragons Are Different: Secondary type.
- Our Ghosts Are Different
- Reality Warper
- Soul Power: Primary type.