Characters who have appeared in the Mai-Otome anime series, including the OVA sequel Mai-Otome Zwei and the manga.
Main Characters
Arika Yumemiya
Voice Actor: Mika Kikuchi (JP), Angie Beers (EN)
GEM: Coral, Azure Sky Sapphire
Master: Mashiro Blanc de Windbloom
The focal character of the main series. Arika is a traveler from the faraway nation of Galelia, who arrived in the kingdom of Windbloom to enroll at Garderobe Academy for clues to the whereabouts of her Missing Mom. She was given the "Azure Sky Sapphire" Gem, which becomes the key to realizing her dream of becoming an Otome. Arika is the daughter of Lena Sayers, the previous Azure Sky Sapphire and Otome to the previous king of Windbloom.
- Anguished Declaration of Love
- Animal Motifs: Is nicknamed "Arinko-chan"/"Antsy" by Sergey (and in Zwei, Mahya) because her Girlish Pigtails resemble antennae.
"I'm not an ant! I'm Arika!"
- Badass Abnormal: She was already faster than Nina, a student Otome, in the first episode, and fought against a Slave before she manifested any powers whatsoever. Then she got nanomachines.
- Battle Butler - All Meister Otome are, but Arika in particular is Mashiro's.
- Betty and Veronica - Betty to Nina's Veronica.
- BFS: The Sword of Akatsuki in Materialize Zwei.
- Blithe Spirit
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie - In a particularly cruel example, resulting in a Heroic BSOD and Ten-Minute Retirement.
- Character Exaggeration - Is even stupider in the manga.
- Chaste Hero -> Celibate Hero: Knows hardly anything about love despite developing feelings for Sergay. After they end up on opposite sides, Arika gives up on pursuing him and commits herself to being an Otome.
- Country Mouse - Quite unfamiliar with many aspects of city life.
- Custom Uniform - Hers has pink trim.
- Dirty Old Man - In some of the extras.
- Early-Bird Cameo: In the last scene of My-HiME's final episode, she runs on-screen from the left as Mai, Mikoto and Natsuki are walking away, then looks at the screen for a few seconds before running off again.
- Expressive Hair: Her hair does odd stuff like twisting into hearts.
- Expy: Arika is friendly like Mai, perky like Mikoto, and also reminds Miyu of Alyssa.
- Not to mention also as "perky" as Mai after the 1-year Time Skip between the TV series and the OVA (snickers).
- Fan Service Pack: See above.
- Fiery Redhead
- Final First Hug - With her mother when she destroys Schwartz's Founder tank.
- First-Name Basis - Speaks completely informally from everyone to her upperclassmen to the queen.
- Friend to All Living Things: Notable in episode 3, when she's sitting along in a forest and Sergey shows up.
- Gainaxing - Especially obvious in Mai-Otome Zwei.
- Generation Xerox: It turns out that she's most like her mother's charge, Sifr, in terms of personality and her dream of being an Otome. Her rivalry with Nina is noted as being similar to Shizuru and Haruka's rivalry, and Mai and Natsuki's, although it has more tragic results than either.
- Genki Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Heroic BSOD: Somewhere around Episode 15, she temporarily stops being her usual genki self.
- Honor Before Reason
- Hot-Blooded
- Idiot Hero: Starts this way, and ends up as The Messiah.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight - The final battle after Nina is possessed by the Harmonium.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes - The Azure Sky Sapphire's Zwei Mode.
- In the Blood - Though her natural potential isn't nearly as absurd as her mother's.
- Jumped At the Call / Ascended Fangirl - After seeing Shizuru in action in the first episode, Arika makes her decision to join Garderobe.
- Les Yay: With Nina, Mashiro, Erstin, and Shizuru.
- The McCoy
- Meaningful Name: Written in kanji, her last name means "dream princess."
- The Messiah
- Naive Newcomer: She has no idea that Otome are weapons of mass destruction. She's just there for the pretty.
- New Transfer Student
- Odd Couple: First with Nina, and then with Mashiro after the former joins the Dark Side.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: The Azure Sky Sapphire pendant.
- Parental Abandonment: Arika's mother is missing and presumed dead. In episode 24, the latter turns out to be true. Her father is not mentioned.
- In the manga, her father is Rad/Reito, who works as the Black Knight of Schwarz.
- The OAV implies that her father may be Rad/Reito's older brother and a member of Aswald. What happened to him is anyone's guess.
- Plucky Girl
- Possession Implies Mastery - It's not instant, but she's able to figure out how to use the Coral Robe's various abilities during her first Materialization.
- Even Heroes Have Heroes - She was searching for the academy anyway, but she wanted to become an Otome after watching Shizuru fight.
- The Power of Friendship: A firm believer in this. Nina notes that her relationship with Mashiro is closer to being friends than master and Otome, and their getting along enables Arika to use Materialize Zwei.
- Precocious Crush - On Sergey, but she eventually gets over it.
- Puppy Dog Eyes
- Raised by Grandparents - Her maternal grandmother raised her until she died a few months prior to the start of the series.
- Red Oni to Nina's (and later Mashiro's) Blue Oni
- Super Mode: Materialize Zwei, which unlocks the full potential of the Azure Sky Sapphire.
- Ten-Minute Retirement - While dealing with the emotional strain of Erstin's death, she declares she no longer wants to be an Otome and runs off, but decides to return after she talks with Mashiro and they escape from a desert monster together.
- This Is Unforgivable!: Says this when Tomoe makes fun of Erstin's death.
- The Watson: At the start of the series, she knows almost as little about Otomes as the viewer does.
- What Would X Do?: Arika is constantly quoting advice from her late grandmother.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Doesn't like the idea that the Otome might have to fight against their friends, and wants to prevent war from happening.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Nina Wáng
Voice Actor: Ami Koshimizu (JP), Kris Rundle (EN)
GEM: Coral, Ultimate Black Diamond, Neptune Emerald / (manga) Azure Sky Sapphire, Black Smoke Chrysoberyl
Master: Nagi Dai Artài, Mashiro Blanc de Windbloom (in Zwei)
Nina is the top-ranked Coral student at Garderobe Academy, a training ground for Otome candidates. She is not happy with Arika's sudden arrival, but learns to put up with her for the time being. Nina is the adoptive daughter of Major Sergay Wáng of Artài (anime only; in the manga, the two are not related). In truth, Nina is the real long-missing Princess Mashiro of Windbloom, though she doesn't know.
- Achilles in His Tent - In Zwei.
- Action Duo - With Arika in Mai-Otome Zwei.
- Action Survivor - In Zwei, doesn't have access to her Robe for much of her screen time, leaving her mostly helpless when exploring the ruins with Nao.
- Anguished Declaration of Love
- The Atoner: In Zwei, wants to make up for what she did while working for Nagi.
- Betty and Veronica - Veronica to Arika's Betty.
- Blue Oni to Arika's Red
- Bifurcated Weapon / Dual-Wielding: After Nina's Face Heel Turn, she gets a pair of sai daggers that can combine to form a lance as big as the one Arika uses.
- Break the Cutie
- Broken Bird - By the end. She is bearing the weight of her guilt over killing Erstin and her other deeds in Nagi's service, and her father Sergay is on the brink of death, kept alive only by her operating the Harmonium.
- Celibate Hero
- Child Soldier - She met Sergay when he and his squad took out a rebel cell in Artài that was training children to be terrorists.
- Chinese Girl: Artai is the Fantasy Counterpart Culture to China, and in her locket photo, she is seen wearing a qipao.
- Clingy Jealous Girl - Slightly inverted in that she tries to hide it behind stoicism.
- Daddy's Girl - Initially seems like a straightforward example of a girl who wants to please her father, but as time goes by, it's revealed that there's quite a bit more to it, as she is in love with him.
- Dark Is Evil: Her Ultimate Black Diamond, according to the character guide, is representative of her “extreme and mostly selfish” love for Sergay, which is antithetical to the Otomes' selfless devotion to their masters.
- Dark Magical Girl
- Death Glare - To anyone female Daddy is nice to.
- Defeat Means Friendship - She and Arika hadn't quite reached out-and-out friendship in their relationship before Nina's Face Heel Turn.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- The Dragon - To Nagi.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Like Arika, she shows up periodically as one of Mai's classmates in My-HiME, but has no speaking lines.
- Establishing Character Moment: Being mortified at accidentally showing her father her panties, showcasing the one weakness in her stoic demeanor.
- Expository Hairstyle Change - Wears her hair down in Zwei until coming out of retirement.
- Evil Costume Switch: Gets a new Meister Robe after she becomes Nagi's Otome, and a new non-combat uniform.
- Expy: Nina's role in the story is similar to that of Natsuki (except for the whole Love Makes You Evil deal.)
- Eyes of Gold
- Face Heel Turn, followed by a Heel Face Turn in Zwei
- Fallen Heroine: She tried so hard, and fell so, so far.
- Fallen Princess - The real Princess Mashiro and the rightful heir to Windbloom.
- For Want of a Nail: In the manga, she is not Sergay's daughter, and thus consistently remains loyal to the heroes. It helps that Nagi is not the main antagonist this time.
- Good Costume Switch: In Zwei.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Grumpy Bear
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight - The final battle.
- Jumping Off the Slippery Slope - Some of the stuff she does for Nagi out of love for Sergay is...yeah.
- Kamehame Hadoken: Does this to Arika in their first fight, but without an energy blast.
- Kuudere - In general.
- Les Yay - With Arika and Erstin.
- Love Makes You Evil: (anime) The character in question is her (adoptive) father, Sergay. Yup...
- Love Martyr
- Making a Splash: Her new GEM's ability in Zwei.
- Odd Couple: With Arika.
- The Ojou - Of the Wáng family.
- One-Winged Angel: In the final battle with Arika, transforms and loses control of herself.
- Paint It Black: Nina's post-Face Heel Turn uniform looks exactly like her old one, except with a darker color scheme. Her Transformation Sequence even shows a black shadow, signifying her new "evil" status.
- Parental Abandonment - Nina is an orphan Sergay adopted who is the daughter of the previous Queen and King of Windbloom.
- Parental Incest - What she'd like to have happen. It almost does toward the end of the series, but Sergay doesn't go through with it.
- Perpetual Frowner - To the point where she looks hilariously constipated half the time.
- Person of Mass Destruction - When she uses the Harmonium. Hoo boy.
- Precocious Crush - On her (adopted) father. Major Squick.
- The Quiet One - And you know what they say...
- The Rival: Romantically and academically, to Arika.
- Rival Turned Evil
- Royal Blood - Actually the real Princess Mashiro.
- Tsundere - Towards Arika
- Tsurime Eyes
- The Unfettered
- Well Done Daughter Girl: Strives for Sergay's approval, including acknowledging her as an adult.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
Mashiro Blanc de Windbloom
Voice Actor: Yukana (JP), Katie Rowan (EN)
Otome: Arika Yumemiya, Nina Wáng
The princess (soon queen) of the Kingdom of Windbloom. At first, Mashiro is rebellious and quite unenthusiastic about the responsibilities of her job, and may not actually be the real heir to the kingdom, if rumors are to be believed. Through a series of (unfortunate?) events, she becomes Arika's Master.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning - Very early on, in episode three.
- Ascended Extra - Mashiro in My-HiME was merely a supporting character and the school director. Now she's a princess and one of the main three.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space - In Zwei, is able to fly with Arika over the planet despite not even being Materialized, though it's possible that Arika had something to do with it.
- Break the Cutie - As part of her Character Development.
- Break the Haughty - Her character arc in a nutshell.
- Character Development: Begins the series as a bratty princess, then has her throne snatched out from under her, and is forced to rebuild her reputation from the ground up, a job she later takes on with pride.
- Cross-Popping Veins: Featured image on the page, even.
- Damsel in Distress
- Don't You Dare Pity Me!
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Expy: Of My-HiME's Mashiro Kazahana.
- Fake Queen
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Gratuitous French - In her name.
- Green Eyes
- Heroic BSOD - Briefly, after she realizes just how much her people hate her when they kill Aoi, her caretaker, right in front of her out of hatred for the queen. Don't worry, Aoi Gets Better.
- Identical Grandson - If the opening scene of Mai-Otome Zwei is right, Mashiro looks exactly like the queen of Windbloom from the time Fumi became the first Otome. So much for her being a Fake Queen!
- King Incognito - Starting with her first appearance. Apparently she runs around Windbloom all the time in commoner's clothes and no one even notices she's the queen.
- Lonely Rich Kid, up until Arika's arrival
- Meaningful Name - Mashiro Blanc de Windbloom is an Expy of Mashiro Kazehana from My-HiME. Kazehana literally means "wind bloom."
- Named After Something Famous - Named after the first Otome, Fumi's, GEM, the Pure White Diamond (Mashiro Kongouseki).
- Name's the Same - Don't confuse her with her My-HiME counterpart. They are nothing alike.
- On the other hand, Mashiro Kazahana was an Older Than They Look semi-immortal reincarnation, so its possible that when the Hime incarnation was younger, they were more alike. In fact the Obsidian Prince remarks at one point "why are the masters of Kagutsuchi always so difficult?"
- Noble Fugitive - After the Mood Whiplash Wham! Episode.
- Odd Couple: With Arika.
- The Ojou - And also Non Royal Princess...which is the same trope, really.
- Parental Abandonment - Both the previous king and queen were killed fourteen years ago. Since she's really just a random baby the home secretary found and claimed was Princess Mashiro, she's never known her real parents, either.
- Pride Before a Fall
- Rebellious Princess
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Blue to Arika's red.
- Requisite Royal Regalia - Particularly her signet ring.
- Rich Bitch / Royal Brat: Mashiro before...
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Mashiro after.
- Tsundere: Mainly toward Arika, often outwardly denying feelings of concern for her.
- Two-Act Structure - Mashiro's character description can be pretty neatly divided into "pre-Character Development" and "post-Character Development."
- Well, Excuse Me, Princess!
- The Wise Queen - On her way to becoming this.
Garderobe Academy Students
Coral Otome
First-year students at Garderobe Academy, Coral Otome all fight using the same Coral Robe.
Erstin Ho
Voice Actor: Minami Kuribayashi (JP), Lorie Barnes-Smith (EN)
GEM: Coral
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home country: An Nam
Erstin is one of Arika and Nina's friends and roommates on campus. She is unusually gentle and meek, and tries not to hurt anyone. Unfortunately for her, Erstin belongs to a family who follows the Schwarz (no, not that Schwarz), and is turned against the ones she loves, resulting in her death in the anime.
- Blackmail: In the manga, it's implied she did this, as it's noted that she had some leverage to use on Natsuki when negotiating to move back into Nina's room, which happens immediately after she learns Manshiro is male.
- Does Not Like Men: In the manga, to the point of panic attacks.
- Fighting Your Friend: In the manga, is manipulated into fighting against Arika in a Butou match.
- Grasp the Sun: In her dying moments
- Heroic Sacrifice: (anime) Block's Nina's attack with her slave to stop her from attacking Arika (despite the fact that Schwarz is on Nagi's side), costing her her life (manga) Tries to do this with a grenade to stop Dark Hime Natsuki, but fails and survives.
- The Messiah: She'll die for her friends without a second thought, and thinks nothing of herself. Which makes her betrayal even more tragic.
- The Mole: An unwitting one, but it traumatizes her a lot, and she ends up paying the price for it.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Manga!Erstin's crush on Nina is made obvious from the very start. May also apply to her anime incarnation, depending on one's interpretation of her last letter to Nina. She also acts this way among her other schoolmates, and in the sound dramas, admits to having a crush on her Onee-Sama Akane, while under the influence of a mushroom that removes her inhibitions.
- Spared by the Adaptation: In the manga, she survives
- Taking The Acid Flask: She pushes Nina and Arika out of the way of a dropped acid flask, but gets her leg splashed for her trouble.
- Too Good for This Sinful Earth
- Tyke Bomb
Irina Woods
Voice Actor: Kumiko Higa (JP), Leah Dubbin-Steckel (EN)
GEM: Coral
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home country: Aries
Irina is the fourth member of Arika's initial Four-Girl Ensemble, and she is fond of engineering and scientific endeavors. She was invited to Garderobe on a scholarship from her home country of Aries. Her closest friends on campus are Erstin and Professor Youko.
- Expy: Irina looks a bit like Yukino, who appears in this series as her home country's president.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Locked Out of the Loop: Late in the anime, during the occupation of Windbloom, she asks Nina what happened to Arika and Erstin, but gets no response.
- Meganekko
- Playful Hacker: She exhibits this trait when reprogramming the Fumi System during the Otome war near the end of the series.
- Teen Genius
Tomoe Marguerite
Voice Actor: Rie Tanaka (JP), Tracy Sutton (EN)
GEM: Coral, Cursed Obsidian
Master: Fumi Himeno, Lena Sayers
Home Country: Windbloom
Tomoe is the second-ranked Coral student in Garderobe Academy. Unlike her fellow Otome peers, she is willing to use every dirty trick in the book to maintain her status, and makes it clear on a few occasions that she dislikes everybody (with one exception, and only one: Shizuru, whom she's had a crush on since she was a youngster). After Schwarz assumes control over the school, she is contracted into joining Nagi's special Valkyrie squadron.
- Anime Hair: Long hair on her right and short on her left.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She puts on a polite front when people other than Arika and Miya are around, and even sticks up for Arika on a few points (including during her scheme to frame Arika for selling her uniform) in order to maintain it.
- Chewing the Scenery: Normally, Tomoe speaks in a calm manner, but does a lot more shouting after her defection and subsequent reunion with Arika.
- Dark Chick
- Dark Is Evil: Her Cursed Obsidian GEM
- Dark Magical Girl
- Demoted to Extra: In the manga, only appears a few times alongside other generic students, and is not evil.
- Devil in Plain Sight: Subtlety is not one of Tomoe's strong points, but yet only Chie and Shizuru are aware of her true motives.
- Evil Costume Switch: Following the Schwarz invasion, Tomoe ditches her Coral Robe for a suit of transforming all-black fighter-jet armor, complete with Spikes of Villainy and a mean spear.
- It's All About Me
- Karma Houdini: For all she has done, she survives her Disney Villain Death, and according to Zwei she apparently didn't get any punishment beyond having to leave the academy.
- Kick the Dog: Forcing Shizuru to sleep with her to guarantee Natsuki's safety. (Even though being "forced" was what Shizuru wanted in the first place.)
- Les Collaborateurs: Joins the Valkyrie squad along with a few other Corals after being promised promotion to Meister status.
- Precocious Crush: Has had a crush on Shizuru since she was a young girl and Shizuru was a Pearl Otome.
- Psycho Lesbian
- Scarpia Ultimatum: To Shizuru, by falsely claiming that Natsuki has been captured, too.
- Villainous Breakdown: After learning that Shizuru was merely pretending to have feelings for her, and seeing Chie and the Aswad intervene to protect Arika.
- Yandere: Tomoe wants Shizuru, and is perfectly willing to kill anyone whom she considers "in the way" leading her to attack and attempt to murder Arika, even though Shizuru lavishes a majority of her attention on Natsuki.
Miya Clochette
Voice Actor: Yui Itsuki (JP), Kelsey Schimpf (EN)
GEM: Coral
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home country: Lutecia Remus
Miya is a member of the Coral class, along with Arika, Nina and Tomoe. She gets used by Tomoe as an accomplice for some of the former's most heinous actions, despite her own personal objections. Unable to stand up to her, she is forced out of Garderobe when Tomoe forces her to take full responsibility for attempting to have Arika raped.
- Extreme Doormat: She's basically Tomoe's punching bag, and gets Put On A Sandcruiser To Hell in episode 15, when she disappears for good.
- Love Martyr (presumably)
- Put on a Bus to Hell: After being expelled, never appears again.
- Taking the Heat: Almost no one realizes that Tomoe was responsible for all the schemes against Arika after Miya is caught.
Yayoi Alter
Voice Actor: Kimiko Koyama (JP)
GEM: Coral
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home country: Lutecia Romulus
- Those Two Girls - With Lillie.
- Yuri Fan - Yayoi squeals the loudest when imagining the sorts of things Nao would do to Arika as "punishment".
Lillie Aldean
Voice Actor: Akiko Kimura (JP), Jillian Hannah (EN)
GEM: Coral
Master: Fumi Himeno
- Those Two Girls - With Yayoi.
Pearl Otome
The Trias
A trio of Garderobe upperclassmen who hold the rank of Pearl Otome. They act as big-sister figures and room supervisors for some of the Corals.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council: In charge of disciplining the students, although sometimes Natuski and Maria step in.
Akane Soir
Voice Actor: Junko Iwao (JP), Morgan Partridge (EN)
GEM: Pearl, Pure Heart Malachite
Master: Fumi Himeno, Kazuya Krau-xeku
Home country: Florince
Room attendants: Erstin Ho and Irina Woods
Pearl and Trias #1.
- Beware the Nice Ones: In the manga, once she finds out that Kazuya is a Schwarz agent and he’s been cheating on her, she activates her robe and takes him down.
- Catgirl: Her Meister Robe makes her resemble one.
- Love Martyr: In the manga, takes some extreme measures out of loyalty to Kazuya, including temporarily leaving the academy when he goes missing. When she discovers the truth about him, she returns. (By contrast, her anime incarnation's love for Kazuya is requited, and he's equally willing to make sacrifices)
- Official Couple - With Kazu.
- Onee-Sama: All three are called this, but Akane exemplifies the character type the most.
- Running Gag - Her and Kazu's complete inability to have sex due to all sorts of extenuating circumstances.
- Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace: Akane ditches her Meister promotion ceremony to run off with her lover, Kazuya in Episode 13. He later becomes her Master after he takes the crown of Cardair following Argos XIV's death.
- That Came Out Wrong: In her special, when she and Kazuya are about to have sex.
Kazuya: I'm a little scared.
Akane: Don't worry, I know lots of stuff.
Kazuya: Eh?
Akane': (sheepishly waving hands) No! I didn't mean it like that! I learned lots in school!
Kazuya: (nervous laugh) Ah, right.
- Wall of Text: Her talking about everything she went through after Kazuya's disappearance in the manga, complete with "Fast forward" and "skip" buttons shown.
Chie Hallard
Voice Actor: Mitsuki Saiga (JP), Hazel Forman (EN)
GEM: Pearl, Cursed Obsidian, Unknown
Master: Fumi Himeno, Lena Sayers, Unknown
Home country: Aries
Room attendants: Tomoe Marguerite and Lillie Adean
Pearl and Trias #2.
- Ascended Extra
- Bifauxnen
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Fake Defector: Temporarily joins the Valkyrie unit to keep an eye on Tomoe, who joined of her own volition. It's believed that she may also have been spying for Aries' army, as Haruka addresses her as "Major" when they meet in combat near the end.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Chie loves to flirt with some of the girls, and is implied to be in a relationship with Aoi, the royal maid.
- Something About a Rose Chie always carries a blue rose with her.
Shiho Huit
Voice Actor: Sakura Nogawa (JP), Leda Davies (EN)
GEM: Pearl, Spiral Spin Serpentine
Master: Fumi Himeno, Charles Guinel Roy d'Florince VIII
Home country: Cardair
Room attendants: Miya Clochette and Yayoi Alter
Pearl and Trias #3 and a member of the Cardair royal family.
- Alpha Bitch: Strongly opposes Arika coming to Garderobe, since she feels she doesn't fit the character of the school as someone without much money or the backing of a nation.
- Berserk Button: Any nicknames related to "spiraling".
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: There's a significant contrast between her behavior when the faculty is watching and when they aren't. She even keeps up the facade around most of her fellow students, and keeps her "Spiraling" a closely guarded secret.
- Establishing Character Moment: Chiding some of her juniors for gossiping about Nina, then, when she's out of earshot, says she hopes it's the result of her "spiraling" Nina for refusing to be her room attendant.
- Expressive Hair
- Improbable Weapon User: Her "maki maki" spiral voodoo magic causes no shortage of nuisances for anyone she tries to curse (Arika is a favorite target of hers). Part of a Running Gag.
- Manipulative Bitch: In the manga, she manipulates Erstin into fighting Arika by using her being moved out of Nina's room against her, along with Mind Control.
- Plucky Comic Relief
Juliet Nao Zhang
Voice Actor: Yuuka Nanri (JP), Marcy Lannan (EN)
GEM: Pearl, Break String Spinel
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home country: Artài
Room attendants: Nina Wang and Arika Yumemiya
Pearl Otome #4 and a native of Artài, Nao likes to keep to herself and intends to use her Garderobe education as a way to marry rich and live easy. She is later promoted to the vacant Fourth Column spot by Natsuki during Windbloom's time of crisis, and is unhappy about it. Only Shiho ever calls her by her real first name, while everyone else addresses her as "Nao".
- Aloof Ally
- Anti Heroine: Type III. Nao does good deeds in spite of her apathy toward the whole Otome thing.
- Brilliant but Lazy: She keeps her grades high enough to meet Sergay's standards, but doesn't want to become a Trias. Unfortunately for her, after Akane's departure, she has to replace her.
- Chinese Girl: Like Nina, she is from Artai, and wears a qipao as her standard outfit as Column IV.
- Cool Big Sis: She may not be frank about it, but this universe's Nao cares for her younger classmates.
- Embarrassing First Name - Juliet.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes - Spiderman to Sara's Batman.
- Meganekko: In the manga, after briefly losing her contacts.
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: Drags attempted rapists from a boat through the city's canals.
- Power Fist + Wolverine Claws: Her Meister Robe's Element is a giant claw on her right hand.
- Razor Floss
- Senpai Kohai - Nina and Arika, her room attendants and the only two underclassmen with whom she interacts on a regular basis, call her "Nao-senpai" rather than "Nao-Onee-Sama"
Garderobe Academy Faculty
Fumi Himeno
GEM: Pure White Diamond
Master: Unknown Mashiro look-alike
The first Otome and the founder of Garderobe, as well as its first principal and instructor. It's implied that she eventually retired, married, and had a family, because her body is used as the power source for Garderobe's Predecessor system and produces the school's GE Ms.
- Evil Costume Switch (manga)
- Folk Hero
- Fun Size: In the manga, a miniature Fumi can activate Robes.
- Shrouded in Myth
- Sinister Scythe: In the manga, her statue holds a scythe. Her Dark Hime counterpart also wields one against the heroes.
- Stern Teacher: In the manga, tends to penalize Otomes severely for minor mistakes, making it difficult to get the "hearts" required to go up a year.
The Five Columns
Five Otome contracted to the Predecessor, Fumi Himeno, who serve Garderobe itself rather than any individual country. Their right to Materialize off Garderobe property is strictly regulated by a number of treaties and articles. At the start of the series, the position of the Fourth Column is vacant and is later filled by Nao.
Column I:: Sara Gallagher
Voice Actor: Miyuki Sawashiro
GEM: Galactic Aquamarine
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home country: Aries
Anime-only character. Hailing from Aries, Sara was once a room attendant to Mai during her Coral days, and she, like Yukino, picks up on Haruka's occasional malapropisms. Sara, being one of the Columns, sides with Haruka and the other Alliance members in the finale.
- Cool Mask: Comes with the costume.
- Fan Nickname: Batman, for her black Robe that resembles Batman's outfit.
- Nice Hat: In her typical outfit.
- Impossibly Cool Clothes: Sara's costume is extremely outlandish, even by Column standards. She could probably give Lelouch a run for his money...or maybe Batman.
- Invisibility Cloak: Her Robe's specialty.
Column II: Natsuki Kruger
Voice Actor: Saeko Chiba (JP), Cheryl McMaster (EN)
GEM: Ice Silver Crystal
Master: Fumi Himeno
Home Country: Aries (manga only)
Natsuki is The Stoic and incredibly business-minded headmistress of Garderobe Academy. She is worried about the recent resurgence in Otome fighting.
- Aloof Big Sister: (Manga) To Alyssa. She genuinely cares, she's just way too caught up in her job.
- BFG: It's so big, that she has to implant the frills from her Robe to stabilize herself when she fires it.
- Butt Monkey
- Faux Action Girl: (anime) Even though Natsuki is a Meister-level Otome, she spends much of her time de-powered, delegating actual fighting duties to Shizuru. She loses the very first fight she actually gets involved in due to outside interference, and has to rely on tactics and diplomacy to regain the upper hand.
- Lady of War
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship / Schoolgirl Lesbians (until she grew into a non-schoolgirl lesbian, anyway)
- Show Some Leg: Nao convinces her to try this to flag down a passing Airies transport, then cuts her pants off to do so, leading to them getting arrested for indecent exposure.
- Supporting Leader: She's the #2 Column, but is often the one setting up the plans and leading the charge.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tears of Joy (manga): When she finally gets a chance to fight.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Column III: Shizuru Viola
Voice Actor: Naomi Shindo (JP), Melanie Risdon (EN)
GEM: Bewitching Smile Amethyst
Master: Fumi Himeno
Shizuru works alongside Natsuki as her assistant and protector. Her title is the "Bewitching Smile Amethyst", which matches her sometimes flirtatious behavior.
- Action Girl
- The Ace
- Ace Pilot: Bushwhacker type.
- Bodyguard Crush: Her devotion to Natsuki is absolute. Well, okay, not quite absolute, but when Midori asks her why she's fighting for the world, she responds that she fights for a person close to her, and it isn't hard to figure out who it is.
- Cool Sword: Katana. Double katana. Double whip katana.
- Double Weapon: Her Whip Sword.
- Even the Girls Want Her: And vice versa.
- Good Bad Girl: Check the title.
- Groin Attack: In the manga, castrates Takeda when he turns out to have been after pictures of Natsuki.
- Guile Hero: When she isn't being The Ace, she's setting Tomoe up for a Break the Haughty Humiliation Conga.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Played with. She does a lot of heavy lifting for Natsuki and will sometimes go off on her own to do so; but Natsuki is pretty competent herself.
- Lady of War
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Onee-Sama
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Schoolgirl Lesbians
Column IV: See Juliet Nao Zhang
Column V: Mahya Blythe
Voice Actor: Yumiko Kobayashi
GEM: Swirling Dance Fluorite
Master: Fumi Himeno
Anime-only character. Mahya is the current Fifth Column. She takes her job very seriously, and tries to keep Akane's libido in check so that she doesn't lose her Otome powers.
- Cat Smile
- Dance Battler
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Facial Markings
- Jerkass: Often makes catty remarks, especially to Akane and Kazuya.
- Moment Killer: Shows up with several royal guards to drag Kazuya back and arrests Akane after finding the two at a motel, about to have sex. According to Zwei, she does this on a fairly regular basis, rigging a net outside Akane's room to prevent Kazuya from sneaking in to have sex.
Maria Graceburt
Voice Actor: Yoko Matsuoka (JP), Barb Mitchell (EN)
GEM: Eternal Recurrence Jasper
Master: Fumi Himeno
One of the Garderobe instructors, Maria is an elderly mother figure and strict disciplinarian who tries her best to teach the students how to honor and respect the Otome traditions, as she once used to be a Meister.
- Berserk Button: Does not like disrespectful references to her age.
- Hot Chick with a Sword: When she activates her Robe.
- I Was Quite a Looker: One of the last episodes of the series, and most of the Sifr prequel, showcases a much younger and more attractive Maria (with blond hair!). She says she hides this fact because she "wanted to age gracefully" (no pun intended).
- Lady of War
- Meaningful Name
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Believes that an Otome's loyalty to a master should take precedence over all others, but eventually comes to questionthis.
- Retired Badass
- Stern Teacher: In the anime, is typically strict to her students, especially about the harsher aspects of an Otome's life. In the manga, she even carries a riding crop around.
- Super Speed: Her Otome specialty.
Yukariko Steinberg
Voice Actor: Kikuko Inoue (JP), Barbara Kozicki (EN)
GEM: Illusionary Lapis Lazuli
Master: Fumi Himeno
One of the Garderobe instructors, Yukariko is the most visible teacher on campus who is able to remain gentle and calm even under stressful situations.
- The Archer: Can fire arrows with forked tips that can pin people down.
- Hello, Nurse!: Supplementary material says that this was why she couldn't hold down a master.
- Hot Teacher
- Lady of War
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Yohko Helene
Voice Actor: Akiko Kimura
Home country: Aswad
Professor Yohko is the school's developer and maintainer of the technology that gives the Otome their powers. She appears to have some sort of past connection with Midori and Rad.
- Hot Scientist
- Mysterious Past - She comes from Aswad, but we never find out the exact circumstances of her departure or her relation to Midori and Rad.
- School Nurse - She also cares for students illnesses or injuries, regardless of whether they're related to the nanomachines.
Other Otome
Lena Sayers
See Mai-Otome 0 S.ifr~ characters.
Anh Lu
Voice Actor: Ryoko Shintani
GEM: Infinite Wisdom Azurit
Master: Nguyen Bao
Anh Lu is an Otome from the nation of Annam. She joins the side of the Alliance in their effort to take back Garderobe.
- Can't Hold Her Liquor
- Facial Markings
- Handsome Lech / Chivalrous Pervert - Apparently Shizuru was her room attendant. Suddenly it all makes sense...
- Marshmallow Hell: Inflicts this on Arika while drunkenly trying to cover up her breasts.
Mai Tokiha
Voice Actor: Mai Nakahara (JP), Carol-Anne Day (EN)
GEM: Fire Stirring Ruby
Master: Unknown (Mikoto)
Home country: Zipang
Mai is the so-called "Tragic Meister" who disappeared into the Black Valley a while before her graduation. She is a friend and former rival of Natsuki.
- Custom Uniform: Her Pearl and Coral uniforms have orange trim, similar to Arika's pink trim.
- The Danza
- Mundane Utility: Yes...she uses her magic to make dinner.
- The Obi-Wan
- Rebellious Princess: Ran away from home at some point before coming to Garderobe.
- Ring of Fire: Big ones, too.
- Shrouded in Myth: Legend says is that she disappeared in the forest split between her boyfriend and her status as an Otome. Turns out the guy people thought she was with she was only casually acquainted with, and she was split between becoming a meister for her sponsor family and staying as one of the Five Columns.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Averted. Fans speculate that Mai's greatly-reduced role in Otome was due to Sunrise wanting to avoid a repeat of what happened with Kira in Gundam Seed Destiny.
Rosalie Claudel
Voice Actor: Mikako Takahashi
GEM: Malachite of Pure Love, Abyssal Green Jadeite
Master: Charles Guinel Roy d'Florince VIII
Anime-only character. Rosalie initially resigned from her position due to an Arranged Marriage (that wound up not happening). She initially joins late in the series on the side of Nagi and the Valkyries, but is convinced by Mashiro to switch sides.
- Arranged Marriage: The reason she left her post in the first place. She eventually comes back.
- Heel Face Turn: Joins Mashiro in stopping the Harmonium after finding out that Nagi has betrayed his allies
- Mandatory Unretiremrnt: Forced back into being Florence's Otome after Shiho goes missing.
- Princess Curls
- Shipper on Deck: In a sense; she wants Akane and Kazuya to get married so that Shiho (whom she dislikes) will be able to fill in as the Emperor of Cardair's Otome.
- Whip It Good
Carla Bellini
Voice Actor: Kiyomi Asai
Home Country: Lutecia Romulus
Laula Bianchi
Voice Actor: Kikuko Inoue
Home Country: Lutecia Remus
- Heel Face Turn: Joins Mashiro in stopping the Harmonium after finding out that Nagi has betrayed his allies
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Initially believes this, until Mashiro convinces her otherwise
- The Stoic
- Light-Blue Haired Pretty Girl, mixed with Dark-Skinned Blond
Aoi Senoh
Voice Actor: Ryoko Shintani (JP), Jayna Mitchell (EN)
Mashiro's personal attendant and a close friend of Chie's.
- Dead Sister Figure - For Mashiro.
- Disney Death: Aoi takes a hundred-plus foot drop off a rocky cliff, and still manages to survive...but just barely.
- Les Yay - With Chie.
- Meido
- Undying Loyalty: To Mashiro.
Sakomizu Cardinal
Voice Actor: Akio Suyama (JP), Randall Wiebe (EN)
Captain of Mashiro's guard.
- Butt Monkey - Mashiro's own personal one.
Voice Actor: Ai Shimizu
A young orphan living in the slums of Windbloom.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Killed Off for Real: Dies of injuries inflicted by the desert monster,
- Dead Little Sister - For Mashiro.
- Parental Abandonment
- Street Urchin
The Aswad
A mysterious Proud Warrior Race seeking out Lost Technology. They hold no allegiance to any of the other countries.
- Anti-Villain: Type I
- Cyborg: Most of them.
- Even Evil Has Standards: They're antagonists for much of the series, but they broke with Schwarz for not returning Lena's body for a proper burial.
- Proud Warrior Race Guys
"Power is not good or bad. But without power, there's only death."
Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (JP), Mariette Sluyter (EN)
Slave: Gakutenou
Midori is the leader of the Aswad, who oversees her people from an enclave in a distant mountain area. She is capable of summoning a beast called Gakutenou using a crystal on her glove, but can only do so for a limited time.
- Dual-Wielding: Midori carries a pair of katanas.
- Fiery Redhead
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Almost everyone living among the Aswad looks up to her as a proud leader.
Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (JP), Ethan Cole (EN)
Rad is a mysterious Black Knight who serves Midori as her right-hand man. He was involved in the siege of Fuuka Castle 14 years prior to the start of Mai-Otome.
- Black Knight
- Blade on a Stick
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Heroic Sacrifice (manga) Rips out his cyborg heart and detonates it to defeat the Three Scale Sisters.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: In the manga, he's Arika's father.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- That Man Is Dead: Rad no longer uses his former name (Rayte).
- Worthy Opponent: Considered Lena one.
Voiced by: Naoya Uchida
Slave: Kyrios
A man with a woman's body and speech patterns, Lumen loves to comment on the prettiness of girls.
- Killed Off for Real: Dies in the revenge attack against Cardair
Voiced by: Eiji Miyashita
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue
The shortest cyborg of the five, Gal is skilled with electronics and is the only other woman on the team.
Artài Principality
A cold, impoverished country with little military power and no Otome.
Nagi Dai Artài
Voiced by: Akira Ishida (JP), Graham Ko (EN)
Otome: Nina Wáng
Nagi is the Grand Duke of the nation of Artài and the main antagonist of the show. He is short and sneaky, yet holds absolute command over his subjects.
- Affably Evil: In the anime, he's outwardly pleasant to people. Averted in the manga, when he's more willing to openly show cruelty and hostility.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Big Bad
- Diabolical Mastermind: He becomes one of these in the second half, dropping all pretenses of his previous affability.
- For the Evulz: His real motivation. He wants everyone in the world to "feel the pain of war."
- Humiliation Conga: the anime finale has him survive, but after all his plans are foiled his arrested for his war crimes and stuck doing hard labor for the rest of his life.
- Jerkass: In the manga, whips Nina with a riding crop when she takes Arika's punishment, and was willing to start wars over minor slights.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Oh Crap: Sort of subverted in that it happens exactly once, and lasts for about ten seconds before he goes back to not showing any visible concern.
- Except when everyone comes to arrest him in the finale of the anime
- Redemption Equals Death: (manga)
- A Taste of the Lash: Strikes Nina's backside with a riding crop.
- Ungrateful Bastard: In Zwei, he laughs off the failure of several former Artai military officers to secure his release by taking a bus full of hostages, noting that he would have gotten recaptured quickly if he’d stuck with “idiots” like them. Natsuki finds this appalling.
- Villains Out Shopping: First half, only.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Nagi says he plans to bring down the Otome system to put an end to using "substitutes" as fighters in wars and take the world out of the pseudo-Medieval Stasis it's been stuck in. That's all well and good, but when those plans include mass murder...
- Of course we later see he feels that it's wrong for the Otome to feel all the burdens of war because he feels that everyone should feel it, especially the common people.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Sergay Wáng
Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Phil Fulton (EN)
Major Sergay Wáng is Nina's adoptive father, and a messenger from the Duchy of Artài working directly under Nagi. In the manga, however, this isn't the case, as 1) Sergey and Nina aren't related, 2) he and Nagi are enemies, and 3) Sergey, not Nagi, is eventually revealed as the Big Bad (after killing the latter).
- Anonymous Benefactor: To Arika. Nina is not pleased when she finds out.
- Big Bad: In the manga.
- Double Agent: Works to protect his daughter and the welfare of the nation he serves. Nagi eventually finds him out, and shoots him in the head.
- Expy: Almost an older one of My-HiME's Yuuichi Tate (visually, anyway).
- Love Triangle: Between him, Nina, and Arika.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Sergay is quite torn about the direction Nagi is going, but remains loyal to him after having done so for so long. However, he ultimately decides Nina is most important for him and tries to destroy the Lena System, only to get shot in the process
- Punch Clock Villain: Sergay is actually a personable guy who happens to work for a leader who wants to Take Over the World.
- Reverse Mole
- Spell My Name with an "S" - Sergay or Sergei?
- Unfortunate Names: When you say his first name real slowly...
- And then add his last name onto the end of that...
Aries Republic
Yukino Chrysant
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Morgan Partridge (EN)
Otome: Haruka Armitage
Yukino is the president of the nation of Aries, a patriotic republic on good terms with Garderobe. Her Otome is Haruka Armitage.
In the manga, she is a police officer for the Windbloom Police, and Haruka's partner.
- 100% Adoration Rating - The people of Aries adore her, to the point where they laugh at the idea of anyone trying to run against her during elections.
- Generic Cuteness - While not ugly, she's certainly not the beauty most of the other characters are.
- Meganekko
- Odd Couple - With Haruka
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Blue to Haruka's red.
- Yamato Nadeshiko - In personality, at least.
Haruka Armitage
Voiced by: Ryoka Yuzuki (JP), Lori Barnes-Smith (EN)
GEM: Continental Orb Topaz
Master: Yukino Chrysant
Haruka is the very impulsive Brigadier General of Aries's army, and a former classmate and Unknown Rival of Shizuru. President Yukino Chrysant is her Master.
In the manga, she is an Assistant Inspector with the Windbloom police who dislikes Otomes.
- Ace Pilot: Steamroller type.
- Actor Allusion: Haruka's last name and mannerisms are modeled after Naomi Armitage from Armitage III, a role once taken by her Japanese voice actress, Ryoka Yuzuki.
- BFG In the manga, has a vehicle mounted weapon that gets upgraded a few times.
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Cowboy Cop: In the manga.
- Determinator
- Eagle Land: Mixed flavor. Usually has the right idea about what to do, but she missed the memo about doing it tactfully.
- Epic Flail: Her weapon as an Otome.
- Hot-Blooded
- Large Ham
- Leeroy Jenkins: Often goes out to solve problems with force, and often can only be stopped by being hit on the head with a large blunt object.
- Malaproper
- Mythology Gag: Her ship is named after her My-HiME incarnation's surname.
- Odd Couple - With Yukino
- Red Oni, Blue Oni - Red to Yukino's blue. Also red to Shizuru's blue when they team up.
- The Rival: To Shizuru, although unlike in My-HiME, they seem to be friends as well as rivals.
- Super Strength - To an even greater degree than most Otome, as she is able to toss an airplane into outer space, and in one of the extras, it is revealed that she pushed the Suzushiro to Windbloom when it encountered engine failure.
A country to the far east that condemns the use of Otome and prefers to stay out of Otome conflicts. In the manga, Takumi and Akira are from Cardair.
Takumi Tokiha no Kami Tadayori
Voiced by: Yugo Takahashi (JP), Cole Howard (EN)
Otome: Akira Okuzaki (manga only)
Takumi is the prince of Zipang who comes to Windbloom in search of his sister.
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Ill Boy: In the manga, he's even confined to a wheelchair.
- Intimate Healing - With Akira, in a Call Back to a very similar scene in My-HiME.
- Revenge: In the manga, he launches a retaliatory attack against the Aswad after his predecessor is killed.
- The Wise Prince
Akira Okuzaki
Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi (JP), Annika Odegard (EN)
GEM: Mysterious Peridot (manga only)
Master: Takumi Tokiha (manga only)
Takumi's bodyguard. In the anime, Akira is a ninja, but not an Otome, and finds the practice of using Otome despicable.
- Bifauxnen: Akira.
- Dual-Wielding - In the manga.
- Intimate Healing - With Takumi in a Call Back to a very similar scene in My-HiME.
- Ninja Maid - In the manga.
- Tsundere - Tends to get irritated with Takumi at times, but cares for him deeply.
- Wholesome Crossdresser - Takes on Takumi's identity when he slips off to search for his sister.
Fiar Grosse
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka
GEM: Excel Elegance White Onyx
Master: Emperor Argos XIV of Cardair.
Fiar is the giant-staff-wielding Otome of Cardair. Her Master is Emperor Argos XIV. They are both killed by Midori when the Aswad retaliate against Cardair.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By Gakutenou bursting through the roof of the castle
- Killed Off for Real
- My Master, Right or Wrong
Argos XIV
Voiced by: Tomoaki Ikeda
The ruler of Cardair.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Betrays the Aswad in order to retrieve data, which winds up getting him killed
- Bald of Evil
- Killed Off for Real As a result of Fiar's death.
Kazuya Krau-Xeku
Voiced by: Kazuma Horie
The prince of Cardair and Akane's boyfriend. After Argos' death, he takes the throne. In the manga, he's actually a Schwarz agent who has been cheating on Akane.
- Alliterative Name
- Prince Incognito: Initially doesn't introduce himself to Arika and her friends as royalty.
- Nosebleed: When Anh rips off the Otomes' tops in Zwei. Akane slaps him and calls him a pervert.
- Your Cheating Heart: In the manga, he turns out to have been cheating on Akane, in addition to being loyal to Schwarz.
John Smith
Voiced by: Naoya Uchida
Next to Sergey, John Smith is Nagi's most trusted henchman. He is the main developer of much of Schwarz's weapon technology, including the Robes used by the Valkyrie unit.
- Affably Evil
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Evil Genius
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Last-Name Basis: Almost always called "Smith".
- Killed Off for Real: Once Sergey finds out what's fueling the Valkyrie Robes (it's Lena Sayers' corpse), he gets extremely pissed off and puts two bullets in Smith's head.
Other Characters
Voiced by: Kiyomi Asai (JP), Maizun Jayoussi (EN)
In the anime, Miyu is a mysterious drifter who pops up from time to time to protect Arika. Her allegiance and motives are largely unknown.
In the manga, Miyu has been excavated and brought into working condition by Alyssa, who hopes to replace the Otomes with the "Maids" so that her sister will not have to be headmaster any longer. The Dark Hime version of Alyssa is able to exert some authority over Miyu, but ultimately, Alyssa Kruger wins
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Damn Heroes: For Arika in the battle against the Valkyries.
- Mysterious Protector
- Meido: In the manga, is one of the MAI Ds, a series of androids Alyssa hopes will replace the Otomes.
- Nice Hat
- The Obi-Wan
- Robot Girl
- Swiss Army Appendage
- Villain Override: Used in the manga by Dark Hime Alyssa, although the real Alyssa counters it by telling Miyu that she is her most important person.
Voiced by: Ai Shimizu (JP), Caitlynne Medrek (EN)
Mikoto is a chubby black cat who lives in the castle with Mashiro. (Well, not exactly. The cat is actually owned by a humanoid girl who is also named Mikoto, a goddess who lives in the Black Valley. She's Mai's master.)
- Big Eater
- Cats Are Mean (manga)
- Distinguishing Mark: She's not an Otome, but a HiME, and has the spiral mark to prove it.
- God Was My Co-Pilot
- Great Gazoo, in cat form
- Mega Neko: Mikoto is one big cat.
- Non-Human Sidekick: To Mashiro, and also for herself.
- Physical God
Mai-Otome Zwei
Mai-Otome Zwei
The main antagonist, a life form that was sealed away, but returned via an asteroid.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Fires them out of its eyes to petrify its victims.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere
- Healing Factor: Regenerates from wounds almost instantly except for a brief window of opportunity granted by the use of the last Surrogate Core.
- Mega Manning
- One-Winged Angel: After petrifying and absorbing Mashiro, changes shape again
- Taken for Granite - Petrifies its victims.
Wattarl Ishigermin
A painter from Airies who runs against Yukino in the presidential elections, showing up at the site of the busjacking. His running mate and supposed girlfriend is Tomoe Marguerite.
- My Nayme Is: While most of the returning characters except Mai have different last names, his first name has inexplicably been slightly changed.
- Small Name, Big Ego: He clearly has no chance against Yukino, but seems to think that he does.
A young girl who was once part of Schwartz
- Cheerful Child
- Here We Go Again: Goes up the steps to the academy, and announces her desire to become an Otome even though Natsuki is slowly dismantling the system.
- Identical Stranger: Looks like a younger Erstin, which is somewhat disturbing to Nina.
- In the Hood: Wears a face-concealing hood until the end of Zwei.
- No Name Given: "Ribbon-chan" is her unofficial nickname.
Manga-exclusive characters
Manga-exclusive characters
"Mashiro" (real name unknown)
The de facto main character of the manga series. A twin of the deceased princess Mashiro who is forced to pose as her to avoid panic about the princess' real fate.
- Awesome Moment of Crowning: Later on, although it soon gives way to a Wham! Episode.
- Badass Longcoat: Near the end of the series, after taking one of his many Levels in Badass, he receives one from Nagi.
- Fan Nickname: "Manshiro", for obvious reasons.
- If It's You It's Okay: Both Erstin and, of all people, Nagi are shockingly willing to work past that whole 'has a penis' thing once they find out that the girl they love isn't actually a girl.
- Plot-Based Voice Cancellation: It's never revealed exactly what his real name is.
- Rags to Royalty: Subverted; he actually is part of the Windbloom Royal family
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To the Big Bad, declaring that he doesn't love anyone, even himself.
- Took a Level in Badass: Several levels in badass, actually. He began the series unable to defend himself from school bullies and ended it as a Seraph-armored slayer of world-devouring horrors.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
Alyssa Kruger
Natsuki's younger sister, a child genius who holds a high position in the Aries government despite her extreme youth. She enters the story while attempting to market a mass-produced version of Miyu that she hopes will replace the Otome system... so her big sister can spend more time with her.
- Big Sister Worship: Oh, my yes.
- Cheerful Child
- The Glomp: Very first thing she does to Natsuki, the very first time they're on-panel together.
- Ping-Pong Naivete: Switches from cool, genius Aries representative to attention-hungry baby sister without missing a beat. And the thing is, neither one of them is an act.
- Manipulative Bastard: Tries to rig a contest in her favor by sending Miyu to seduce the judge. One wonders how an eight-year-old thought up that one...
Saeko Kruger
The president of Aries in the manga, and Natsuki and Alyssa's mother.
- The Glomp: Greets Natsuki this way.
- Hot Mom: Surprisingly, doesn't look much older than Natsuki.
- Meganekko
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Strong Family Resemblance
Sergay Auguste Taiki
The manga incarnation of Sergay, who is essentially completely different from his anime counterpart except for his given name. He is not Nina's father, is the Prime Minister of Windbloom rather than an officer in the Artai military, and also is a very unpleasant person at heart, who becomes the main antagonist and tries to destroy the world, which he believes to be built on lies.
- A God Am I
- Big Bad
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Death Glare: Has some terrifying facial expressions, especially with the use of certain lighting.
- Evil Chancellor
- Eviler Than Thou: Eviler than Nagi.
- Killed Off for Real
- Large Ham: After he's revealed as a villain, during his Motive Rant.
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Wants to destroy and recreate the world, as he believes it to be based on lies
- Not Quite Dead: After Fumi’s destruction, but his death at Manshiro’s hands presumably sticks.
- One-Winged Angel: Turns into a large black demon.
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: Has to insist that Nagi call him "Colonel" instead of "Major".
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The real Mashiro suffers this at his hands, and gets killed by Fumi.
The Dark Hime
Summoned forth by the real Mashiro, they do battle against the heroes in the final battle.
- A-Cup Angst: Dark Natsuki, who is very sensitive about her chest and jealous of Erstin's large breasts.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Manshiro vs. Dark Mai
- Evil Counterpart
- Malaproper: Dark Yukino. She and Dark Haruka appear to have reversed roles compared to their counterparts.
- Mythology Gag: Although this is based off of the My-HiME manga, in which Shizuru is not a Hime, Shizuru wonders what her own counterpart would be like, and conjures up an image of herself from the My-HiME anime, complete with Glowing Eyes of Doom and a Hachimaki with "Natsuki Love" on it.
- Naughty Nuns: Dark Yukariko has an extremely revealing outfit
- Psycho Lesbian: Dark Yukino and Dark Haruka.
- The Vamp: Dark Yukariko
- Villain Override: Dark Alyssa tries this on Miyu, but Alyssa responds that Miyu is her most important person, inspiring Miyu to overcome it and kill Dark Alyssa.
Arashi Dai Artai
The younger twin sister of Nagi, Arashi is the antagonist (sort of) of the manga's pseudo-sequel, Mai-Otome Arashi. Taking over Artai following Nagi's death, Arashi passes herself off as a man and buys out Garderoube's debt as a means of taking over the installation to avenge Nagi's death, which she blames on Mashiro and the Otome.
- Avenging the Villain
- Bait and Switch Boss
- Bifauxnen
- Big Brother Attraction/Big Brother Worship: She clearly thought Nagi was a far more awesome person than he really was and held him in awe, which is fine and even sort of cute. But she also explicitly described him as her 'ideal lover' and said her 'body yearned for him', which is less cute.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Began as a Smug Snake to rival her brother, ended as a Type-A Tsundere.
- Father, I Want to Marry My Brother: Though she kept it up well after she realized the implications.
- Heel Face Turn
- Rescue Romance: At 'Mashiro'. The obvious problem with seeking revenge against a Chick Magnet with a penchant for playing Big Damn Heroes; if at any point you are endangered during the process, he will save you and you will fall for him.
- Unwitting Pawn: A pair of thieves had infiltrated her staff and used her as their tool to get into Garderoube.
- Villainous Crossdresser: At first. She drops the crossdressing around the same time she drops the villainy.
The Great Cosmo Beauties (Marie Antoinette and Yang Guifei)
The main antagonists of Mai-Otome Arashi, who use Arashi in order to get into Garderobe in an effort to obtain the Azure Sky Sapphire.
- Femme Fatalons: Yang Guifei.
- Final Boss
- The Man Behind the Man
- Whip It Good: Marie Antoinette