< Lucky Star

Lucky Star/Characters

Introducing all (but three of) the girls from Lucky Star! From left: Ayano, Patricia, Tsukasa, Yutaka, Konata, Kagami, Minami, Miyuki, Hiyori, and Misao

Get to know the characters from the high school Slice of Life anime and manga series Lucky Star.

(To avoid Name Order Confusion, note that is this a Given Name-first character sheet.)

The Main Characters

Konata Izumi

Voiced by: Ryo Hirohashi (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Aya Hirano (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Wendee Lee (EN)

A diminutive high schooler who's much more interested in video games, anime and manga than doing actual schoolwork. Her interest in popular culture is truly staggering.

  • Actor Allusion: In the anime, she's a fan of Aya Hirano, her own seiyuu; she also dresses up as Haruhi (and even does the voice) in a continued reference.
  • Adult Child: She's ecstatic at turning eighteen allowing her to buy H-Games without having to go through her dad, but still pretends to be a prepubescent kid (and can pull it off successfully) to get cheaper movie tickets... and that's among the least immature things she has done as an 18 year old...
    • In her birthday arc in Volume 7, she admitted she has "eighth grade syndrome". Wrong Genre Savvy sets in once one realizes that this Japanese slang can be applied to actual eighth-graders, and with connotations of Emo with a taste for Melodrama. That being said, anyone older than eighth grade who has it probably qualifies for this trope.
  • Badass Bookworm: Considering her generally sedentary lifestyle, Konata is pretty damn athletic and physically capable. That is, when she wants to be.
  • Bare Your Midriff: She did this once but her dad didn't like it because Yutaka might imitate her.
  • Beauty Mark: Has one below the outer corner of her left eye.
  • Book Dumb: Hates reading words that are not enclosed by a speech bubble.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: To such levels that in a Volume 6 strip Kagami was unsurprised at the prospect of Konata getting into Tokyo University just because it's close to Akihabara (of course, she didn't get into so prestigious a university as Tokyo U).
  • Bi the Way: Implied—while she does... odd things to other girls, she stated she's not into real-life Les Yay.

Kagami Hiiragi

Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Emiri Katou (JP [Anime/PS2 game) and Kari Wahlgren (EN)

Konata's closest friend and Tsukasa's older twin sister. She is easily angered by some of Konata's more... "playful" antics, but always seems to be the one who understands her hobbies. Her liking of Light Novels is also a driver of plot.

  • Bi the Way: May have a crush on Konata (which is hugely exploited in Fandom), but has also been interested in a heterosexual relationship.
  • Blue with Shock: Her standard reaction to Konata's quips.
  • Catch Phrase: "Mataku..."(Seriously.../Really...), whenever she's annoyed.
  • Challenge Gamer: Lampshaded in one episode, where she sees her friends having fun playing and is frustrated at herself for playing so seriously.
    • This is quite similar to her tsun side in life, really.
  • Class Representative: Just Grade 10 in the manga, Grades 11-12 in the anime.
  • Cry Cute
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Deadpan Snarker: In the dub at least, she's usually annoyed when she snarks, but sometimes she's deadpan.
  • Generic Cuteness: Konata said Kagami would look forgettable should she cut off her pigtails in the manga. In the anime, she instead says Kagami needed to keep them since she's a Tsundere.
  • Girlish Pigtails: For Tsundere-tude.
  • The Lancer
  • Lethal Chef: Konata likes to Flanderize her as one, but she's just not as good as Tsukasa.
  • Luminescent Blush: Naturally, during her deredere moments. Displayed a full body blush during her defining Comiket scene (her whole face and even her hands turned red).
  • Miko: When her father is the local shrine's priest...
  • Moe: In-universe—her attitude is deemed adorable by Konata.
    • And let's not forget that she won the 2008 Saimoe Tournament.
  • Muggle: She arguably plays this role in terms of otaku culture, although her prejudice in that is relatively minor. Her criticism is more concentrated in Konata's Dirty Old Man antics, irresponsible spending, laziness in studies, and the lack of a real-life goal.
  • Not So Above It All: Especially in the last episode.
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Kagami can either be Konata's blue or Tsukasa's red.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: To Tsukasa.
  • Straight Man: Word of God—She's the most normal a Lucky Star character can get.
  • Tsundere: Her deredere side is not about romance but more on loneliness in general. Her Image Songs even have this—one is fast and upbeat, the other a bit slow and has lyrics hinting at her loneliness.
    • Episode 10's "Lucky Channel" discusses at length whether "tsundere" is the right word to describe her.
  • Tsurime Eyes: The most significant feature to distinguish her from Tsukasa.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Averted. Though she likes light novels, and specially Full Metal Panic!, her reaction when innocently grabbing a pretty graphical Sousuke/Gauron doujin at Comiket was a Luminescent Blush and a speedy exit.
  • You Gotta have Violet Hair
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Occasionally, thus giving her "Grade S" package.

Tsukasa Hiiragi

Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Kaori Fukuhara (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Michelle Ruff (EN)

Kagami's cheerful and very loopy younger twin sister. She's actually very good at home chores and cooking, although she sometimes has to ask for Kagami's help because she forgets things easily.

Miyuki Takara

Voiced by: Erina Nakayama (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Aya Endo (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Karen Strassman (EN)

The "smart girl" of the main quartet and embodiment of many stereotypical Meganekko traits, including a very polite manner of speech (even amongst her friends).

  • The Ace: At least from Konata and Hiyori's point of view, as they regard all of Miyuki's faults as "Moe points".
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Occasionally; one Volume 4 strip has Konata telling her that she and the other girls won't blindly follow orders. When she replies with a smile that she'll entertain other opinions, even Kuroi-sensei freaks out, implying she's willing to pretend to hear them out so long as ultimately she calls the shots. She's that assertive... she's just too polite to be blunt about it.
  • Blind Without'Em: Without her glasses, Miyuki has a 20/200 vision.
  • Charm Point: Her glasses, which Konata says give her major moe points.
  • Class Representative: Kept doing this, even if, personality-wise, she subverts the type.
  • Disappeared Dad
  • Dojikko
  • Fan Nicknames: "Miwiki", "Miyukipedia"
  • Gag Boobs: Lampshaded as Konata and Minami thought Miyuki, though unable to swim, can at least float because of her breasts.
    • She even gets a cow joke from Konata at one point and wins a race solely by being able to break the ribbon earlier.
  • Hot Teacher: As of manga volume 8, she's doing work as a home-tutor.
  • Huge Schoolgirl: She isn't really very tall (see group shot above) -- she's only slightly taller than the Hiiragis and is slightly shorter than Patty. She just spends a lot of time with the diminutive Konata.
    • Yui assumes Miyuki to be unusually tall because her family's genetic shortness gave her a rather skewed perception of what average height is.
  • Meganekko
  • Moe: Invoked in-universe by Konata on account of her talents, adorable flaws, and her shapely figure, to the point of even deifying her.

Konata: "She's a walking shrine of Moe!"

Supporting Characters (Teens)

Yutaka Kobayakawa

Voiced by: Ai Shimizu (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Shizuka Hasegawa (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Hynden Walch (EN)

Yui's younger sister who lives with Konata since she got into Konata's high school. Generally speaking, a frail but cheerful fauxli. Her friendship with Minami often falls into Romantic Two-Girl Friendship territory.

  • Berserk Button: Her failure to grow.
  • Broken Bird: Averted. In Volume 4 Chapter 118, it was revealed that Yui's sisterly love helped her avert problems in social interactions resulting from the years she spent as an Ill Girl.
  • Captain Ersatz: Of Chiyo Mihama of Azumanga Daioh. This was lampshaded when she introduced herself in front of the class (pictured above), and further lampshaded when she found she unwittingly shouted out to Chiyo, because "[Konata]'s geekiness is rubbing off on me!"
  • Cheerful Child: Overaged, but her extreme case of Older Than She Looks still allows her to have the look of a child.
  • Cutesy Dwarf: In-universe assumption of some of her classmates towards her, which is not particularly surprising in light of her associated tropes. She isn't really comfortable about this.
  • The Ditz: Of a much lesser magnitude compared to Tsukasa though.
  • Dojikko: Konata observed she has that same "cute shortcoming" as Miyuki.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She, surprisingly, has moments of this, especially a Volume 7 strip where, hearing that Minami has been helping her to the latter's detriment in PE, she harshly asked Minami to not help in a long-distance running match.
  • Girlish Pigtails: For actually being innocent.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: She has streaks of this, which acts as a Deconstruction of some of her tropes—her growth deficiencies and poor health, considered as her major Charm Points, clearly brought her social issues and she clearly likes neither. Also see Don't You Dare Pity Me!.
  • Ill Girl: Somehow less traditional since she never had any dangerous disease, but her weak constitution makes her succumb to common aliments very easily.
  • The Ingenue: She's too innocent for the Izumis to discuss porn in front of her. Figures.

Yutaka: "Oh Tamura-saaaaaan! What does 'yaoi' mean?"

Minami Iwasaki

Voiced by: Miyu Matsuki (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Minori Chihara (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Michelle Ruff (EN)

Entering the story by returning Yutaka's handkerchief in the beginning of what can be seen as a Romantic Two-Girl Friendship, Minami is a quiet, expressionless girl often misunderstood by others to be creepy. Good at most subjects, and is childhood friends with neighbour Miyuki since both of them love reading.

Hiyori Tamura

Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani (JP [Extra Drama CD/NDS game]), Kaori Shimizu (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Philece Sampler (EN)

Yutaka and Minami's classmate, member of the Animation Research Club, and Doujinshi Yonkoma mangaka with a habit of shipping game characters already, as well as Minami and Yutaka.

Hiyori: "And you're okay with her trying to nail you? Yeah I bet you ar--"

Patricia "Patty" Martin

Voiced by: Satsuki Yukino (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Nozomi Sasaki (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Patricia Ja Lee (EN)

American Otaku in Yutaka's class, and the most genki of otakus of this series.

Misao Kusakabe

Voiced by: Mikako Takahashi (JP [Extra Drama CD/NDS game), Kaoru Mizuhara (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Lara Jill Miller (EN)

Kagami and Ayano's classmate for five consecutive years, Misao is the latter's childhood friend and, as defined by the former, an unorganized "lazy ass". A recurring theme in post-anime strips is her rivalry with Konata—for Kagami, even Misao considered Kagami as being cold-hearted. Later, she got into the same program of the same college as Konata.

Ayano Minegishi

Voiced by: Yūko Gotō (JP [Extra Drama CD/NDS game]), Mai Aizawa (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Peggy O'Neal (EN)

Misao's "caretaker" (in Kagami's words) for years to the level that when Kagami was fed up with Misao or vice versa, Ayano is their go-between. She is the only teen in the series with a boyfriend.

Kō Yasaka

Voiced by: Rika Morinaga (JP [[[PlayStation 2]] game])

First appearing in Volume 4, Kō is the president of the Animation Research Club and Hiyori's "boss" on the club's periodicals. She's the only 11th grader in the series. Does not appear in the anime, but she did appear in the Net Idol Meister video game.

  • Challenge Gamer: One of the running joke about her is her trying to beat Konata on arcade fighting games.
  • Gamer Chick:Her otaku tendencies are mainly in gaming and less on manga—that doesn't mean she does not care about manga anyway.
  • Tsurime Eyes
  • Unknown Rival: To Konata, on arcade fighting games.

Yamato Nagamori

Voiced by: Shion Hirota (JP)

While she doesn't appear often in the manga, she gets introduced with Ko often. She's a close friend of Kō, and in the visual novels gets possessed by an alien at one point and even has some leftover powers remaining.

Izumi Wakase


Class Representative of Hiyori's class who appears in Volume 7. She is also an otaku, but tries to hide it as she is an upper-class girl who is class president. However, she runs into Hiyori on one of her shopping trips to Comiket, who discovers her secret. She is good at home economics, but is bad at art. She likes "cute" things and likes sweets, as well as coffee and milk.

Tamaki Yamanobe

Another girl who appears in Volume 7, and another member of the Animation Research Club.

  • Blinding Bangs—Lampshaded by Kou, who wonders if she has problems reading through her bangs.

Miku Busujima

Yet another girl who appears in Volume 7, and yet another member of the Animation Research Club.

Supporting Characters (Adults)

Nanako Kuroi

Voiced by: Masumi Asano (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Konomi Maeda (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Kate Higgins (EN)

Konata, Tsukasa and Miyuki's homeroom teacher, and world history teacher for all the seniors. Has lots of free time to play video games and watch baseball games. Still believes in the power of corporal punishment.

Yui Narumi

Voiced by: Chiwa Saitou (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Saori Nishihara (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Julie Ann Taylor (EN)

Konata's cousin and Yutaka's older sister. She works as a traffic cop, but even Konata wonders why can she keep at that position. Surprisingly, she showed real care towards Yutaka. Has an offscreen husband.

Soujirou Izumi

Voiced by: Hirokazu Hiramatsu (JP) and Tony Oliver (EN)

Konata's father and fellow Otaku. Works as a freelance writer at home but surprisingly, he writes more serious, completely non-otaku topics.

  • Adult Child
  • Audience Surrogate: For the older male readers/audience.
  • Beauty Mark: On the outer corner on his left eye. Such a mark customarily symbolizes sadness, which is appropriate for him; he really misses his late wife Kanata.
  • Bumbling Dad: He's certainly not stupid or lazy, yet the entire Izumi-Kobayakawa household thinks so.
  • Cassandra Truth: Nobody believes that he is actually a hardworking writer who can write wholesome, non-otaku-related topics, has quite a bit of book smarts, has had a relationship with Kanata that was far beyond Lolicon, so on and so forth.
  • Demoted to Extra: Didn't appear in the OAV.
  • Doting Parent: Someone's got to give the guy credit for being an attentive and loving father who raised a happy and emotionally well-adjusted daughter to adulthood... eccentricities notwithstanding.
  • Fan Nickname: "Awesome-kun", for having what is considered to be the epitome of an Otaku's dream life (well, leaving aside his dead wife,) as well as having a daughter who appreciates and emulates his hobbies.
  • Lolicon: He buys H-games for his underage daughter and takes shots of nubile girls at other schools' sports festivals. Needless to say, even his daughter was fed up and frequently fears for his arrest.
    • In later volumes this aspect of his was subdued. One Volume 7 strip has Yutaka catching him looking between the legs of figurines—which horrified the innocent girl to no end.
      • This ends up being a running gag in the manga.
  • Perma-Stubble
  • Pervert Dad
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
  • Unfortunate Implications: In-universe -- the figure incident could be seen as him actually having dropped it and picking it up. Also, in volume 7 he gets spotted by Yutaka pantsless while trying to find toilet paper. Konata hears a scream and assumes he did something stupid.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: With Kanata.
  • Younger Than They Look: Even as a teenager he looked way older than Kanata, who turns out to be a bit older than him.
  • Whole-Episode Flashback: The latter half of episode 22, when he recalled his life with his late wife Kanata.

Tadao Hiiragi

Voiced by: Tohru Furusawa (JP) and Richard Epcar (EN)

The Hiiragi sisters' father.

Miki Hiiragi

Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (JP) and Peggy O'Neal (EN)

The Hiiragi sisters' mother.

  • Hot Mom: Probably has one of the highest ratios of screentime and characterization versus (risque) Fan Art of any anime character.
  • Only Sane Woman

Inori Hiiragi

Voiced by: Nozomi Masu (JP) and Bridget Hoffman (EN)

The eldest of the Hiiragi sisters.

Matsuri Hiiragi

Voiced by: Satomi Akesaka (JP) and Dorothy Elias-Fahn (EN)

The second eldest of the Hiiragi sisters.

  • Jerkass: Occasionally acts like a mild-grade variant; for instance she's been known to forget to wake up Tsukasa, then tell her youngest sister that she (Tsukasa) slept through the wake-up call. At one point Kagami asks her, "Is avoiding your troubles all you do?"

Meito "Anime Tenchou" Anisawa

Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (JP) and Lex Lang (EN)

An anime-only character, he is the manager of the Animate store Konata frequents. He is actually the mascot for the Animate chain as Captain Animate, created by Shimamoto Kazuhiko in the late 90s; but the one who made him known in Japan was none than Hideaki Anno who directed a short Original Video Animation for the character, a Radio Show was also made. Anisawa was made to help boost the sales and pick interest of the general public into buying anime merchandise, not just for Animate stores.

Yukari Takara

Mami Kosuge (JP), Bridget Hoffman (EN)

Miyuki's mother, who is just as cuddly, adorable and innocent as her daughter — but not as smart.

Honoka Iwasaki

Voiced by: Junko Iwao (JP)

Minami's mother.

Kanata Izumi

Voiced by: Sumi Shimamoto (JP), Rebecca Forstadt (EN)

Konata's deceased mother who looks just like Konata. Despite a bit wary about Soujirou's Lolicon tendencies, she still consider him to be actually caring for her -- something nobody else will associate with Soujirou.

Hikaru Sakuraba

Voiced by: Miki Inoue (JP)

She should be listed in the category below; Shiraishi entered Lucky Channel because she was elevated to the "main show" in volume 5. She's Kagami's homeroom teacher, specializes in biology, and is the advisor for the Animation Research Club. Heterosexual Life Partners with Fuyuki. Only has one short cameo in the anime's last episode.

Fuyuki Amahara

Voiced by: Kumi Sakuma (JP)

Also introduced in volume 5 of the Manga, Fuyuki is Ryouou's school nurse and is Heterosexual Life Partners with Hikaru. Does not appear in the Anime, but like Ko also appears in Net Idol Meister.

Other Characters


Voiced by: Kujira (JP), Derek Stephen Prince (EN)

Minami's dog.

Hinata Miyakawa

Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP [Extra Drama CD/NDS game]) and Yukiko Takaguchi (JP [PS2 Game])

The elder of an impoverished pair of sisters. She is the reason for their poverty, as she spends too much money on manga and Doujinshi.

Hikage Miyakawa

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura [Extra Drama CD/NDS game]), Yui Kano (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Rebecca Forstadt (EN [credited as "Rebecca Olkowski"])

The younger of an impoverished pair of sisters. An elementary schooler, and thus the youngest Lucky Star character.

Madoka Ōhara

One of Akira's friends from middle school.

Akuru Nakatani

Another one of Akira's friends from middle school.

Rinko Otonashi

Yet another one of Akira's friends from middle school.

Lucky Channel Hosts

Historically speaking, Lucky Channel predates Lucky Star. It is the name of the reader's column for Comptiq, the magazine Lucky Star serialized.

Akira Kogami

Voiced by: Ai Nonaka (JP [Drama CD/NDS game]), Hiromi Konno (JP [Anime/PS2 game]) and Stephanie Sheh (EN)

An Idol Singer in the Lucky Star universe and "navigator" of Lucky Channel. She's fourteen—younger than most of the cast—but has eleven years of acting experience. In Comptiq she is the name in which the magazine reply readers' mail.

Minoru Shiraishi

Voiced by: Himself (JP) and Sam Riegel (EN)

An anime-exclusive character with two roles: "Sebastian", a random student in Konata's class, and Akira's henpecked assistant in Lucky Channel.

Daisuke Ono

Voiced by: Himself (JP) and Johnny Yong Bosch (EN)

Anime-only. In episodes 20 and 21, he replaces Minoru as Akira's assistant in Lucky Channel.

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