< Lucky Star

Lucky Star/Funny

Yutaka: "Oh, Tamura-san!" (with the most innocent smile on her face) "What does yaoi mean?"

Hiyori: *reacts in shock* "That...depends on which one you mean!"

Kagami: What's with the (bleep) D-like driving!? [1]

    • Or how about in the same episode when, after Tsukasa puts a seashell to her ear and imagines she's floating in the ocean, a crab pops out, prompting a very reasonable scream and making her run to her sister?
  • Patty describing "Otome Road" and Yutaka's Imagine Spot.
  • Of Minoru Shiraishi's live action endings, the end of Kaorin's Theme and Ore no Wasuremono as a whole probably take the cake. And Koi no Minoru Densetsu once learning the full version is a SPEED METAL REMIX of the song it's based off of.
    • I prefer how he starts a different ending:
    • Another favorite is in the "Wawawawasuremono..." ending, which includes Shiraishi singing next to a random couple (who seem to be trying their best to ignore him), and a subtitle pops up pointing at them which reads: "Random couple who readily agreed to be in this video."
  • The New Years episode was memorable because out of the blue, Tsukasa says some odd dialogue ("Rice cake goes wee!" and "Cheesecake?").
  • After Konata's famous "a flat chest is a status symbol" scene, Tsukasa replies "I guess I'm safe too".
  • In episode 21, where they go to the Daibutsu in Nara, and Konata calls the figures around the main statue "the options".

Konata: Hmm... if this dude's the main one... then the little ones around him... are all the Options!
Kagami: You ever hear of divine punishment?

  • The OVA:
    • "Tsukasa, press enter."
    • "I want to *a@%&! with Konata."
    • Tsukasa's moment of volleyball glory.
      • "Hitting the net hurts..."
    • "I seem to have become a treefrog."
    • Turning Kagami into Miku!
  • "Don't touch me~"
  • Hiyori's instantaneous Scary Shiny Glasses when Konata gives Minami a strange solution for her problem, and the ensuing conversation about Doujins early in chapter 23.

Konata: But doujins are meant to be read...

Hiyori: Not by the normal people! Please have mercy!

  • How come Hiyori's fantasy of Yutaka growing up isn't mentioned. It's THE funniest moment in the anime, in episode 19.

Fantasy!Yutaka: Minami-chan? (a little deeper) Minami-chan? (a LOT deeper) MINAMI-CHAAAAAAN!

Konata: Yeah, and you're already bitten.

  • Tsukasa feeds deer. It's really really cute until about :17, where the most amazing deer ever happens.
  • Izumi's Timotei. Hell, in the English version, she even says 'Bitchin!'
  • A blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment in the MMORPG part of the OVA: When Konata and co. do a team victory pose, a random male character joins in on the far right, and then just walks away without anyone noticing.
  • Konata's "I'M A SENIOR" in episode 18.
  1. The "bleep" was intentional. It's part of the dialogue.
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