< Lucky Star

Lucky Star/YMMV

  • Ascended Meme: "Ore no Wasuremono" is a whole song based on a meme from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Konata also calls Miyuki "Miwiki" once in the OVA.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The pet shop scene in the OVA, overlapping with Mind Screw and Nightmare Fuel.
    • Also in the OVA, when Konata's MMORPG party strikes a team pose, a random male character comes and joins in on the far right, then just walks away without anyone noticing.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: When Shiraishi gets back from the death-trip Akira sends him on (which leaves him looking half-dead) and give her the water she asked for, she tastes it and spits it out, telling him how horrible it tastes and throws it in his face. His response? "AAAAAHHH!!! DO NOT MESS WITH ME!!!!" He then tells her off, quits the show, destroys the Lucky Channel set with his bare hands, fights off security, and finally attacks the camera man while Daisuke and Akira stand to the side in utter disbelief, before he runs at them, yelling "I SEE YOU STANDING THERE, YOU FU-" before the camera cuts off. We don't see Daisuke Ono after that...
  • Crazy Awesome: Konata and Anime Tenchou.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny:
  • Crowning Music of Awesome:
    • Gravity.
      • Got even funnier around the summer of 2009 when the group the song was parodying released an album full of covers of anime tracks, and included their version of Gravity.
  • Ear Worm: The main theme has a tendency to get stuck in one's cranium longer than would be preferred.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Misao managed to be popular enough to snag a solo Image Song CD after already sharing one with Ayano.
    • Soujirou, for older male readers-- Rule of Empathy works in here.
    • Yukari, amongst the older readers, for being the darned cutest and most huggable mommy in anime (well, except maybe Akiko Minase.)
    • Minoru Shiraishi.
    • An unnamed (gasp!) boy appeared in one scene of manga Vol. 6. Apparently he was VP of Miyuki's class and wanted to confess to her but never did. Unsurprisingly, some fanart of him and Miyuki has sprung up. He's been given the name Toshiaki, which is basically the 2Chan version of "Anon".
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Kanata didn't want her daughter to have Sou's personality. When she died, Konata didn't have a strong female role model to keep her grounded.
  • Genius Bonus: Lampshaded heavily with all the anime, manga, and otaku references Konata makes. Her friends often have no clue what she's talking about.
  • Growing the Beard: Many see episode 5, when the director of the show was switched from Yutaka Yamamoto to Yasuhiro Takemoto, as the turning point in which the series really started to get funny.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: As of 2008, any scene where Anime Tenchou's sales tactics fail and Konata goes to Gamers instead.
  • Hollywood Pudgy: Konata deems her weight-watching excessive.
  • Les Yay (Some people see this between Konata and Kagami. Hiyori often sees this between Yutaka and Minami only to chastise herself by saying to herself that she shouldn't think about her friends that way.)
    • "I want us to join our bodies!" Hard to get more blatant than that.
    • In one of the fourth wall breaking strips published in Kadokawa Hot Line catalog in 2005, Konata states that in order for Lucky Star to have a chance of being turned into an anime in the future, they need more romance in the stories. Kagami then points out the lack of men around, to which Konata responds that she didn't mention anything about men...
    • And then there is of course the autor confirming that there is at least a one-sided love interest between Konata and Kagami... And now, providing you're a Yuri Fan, you'll spend the rest of your days analyzing the clingy otaku and the tsundere and attempt to figure out which one he was referring to. All in vain, of course, because, tragically, the straight one cannot return the les one's feelings, and the seires are done either way... I do it all because I'm evil...
    • Strongest example is Yutaka and Minami since they have a very close relationship. Kagami and Konata are very iffy and are bi at best. Kagami does seem to be conscious of Konata at times and Konata does seem to have a thing for moe female characters though.
  • Memetic Mutation: To a lesser extent than most, but for most of the fans all you have to do is mention chocolate horns...
  • Moe: Every main character that isn't Soujiro can be seen as Moe by someone (probably a result of Puni Plush) Konata outright designates Miyuki and Yutaka as walking Moe.
  • Mondegreen: I BUY SAUSAGE!
  • Nightmare Fuel: Even this show has its moments.
    • The extreme close ups of the fly and mosquito in Episode 20.
    • The ending of the OAV especially comes to mind.
    • Also Konata's prank on Tsukasa in Episode 6. According to the liner notes, it was based on a Peek-a-Boo Corpse moment in the detective movie Sukekiyo Inugami. So...yup.
    • Hiyori fell into this a bit in Episode 19. Something about her "frustration pose", with her eyes going blank behind her glasses, a borderline Slasher Smile, and the way she occasionally bobbed her head back and forth...
      • She also underwent a somewhat disturbing Art Shift when she tripped and moved to avoid injuring her drawing hand.
    • When the deer snarl at Tsukasa in Episode 21, they straddle the line between this and Crowning Moment of Funny.
  • One True Pairing: Konata/Kagami, it has even got its own Portmanteau Couple Name, not to mention tons of shoujo-ai artwork traversing the web...
  • Painful Rhyme: Part of why the opening theme is so surreal is that the lyrics seem to have been written so that they rhyme but otherwise are pretty random.
  • Pandering to the Base: This series is commonly accused to be this. This may be the result of narrow focus; Comptiq after all is a video game/manga magazine and comic strips on that kind of magazine is supposed to be like that...
  • Portmanteau Couple Name:
    • Apparently "Konami" if you ship Konata and Kagami together. Probably the logical conclusion of otakus shipping otakus.
      • From when is Kagami an otaku?
        • Kagami is a minor otaku (anime, video games, manga/visual novels) and Tsukasa is one to an even lesser degree (if Sgt. Frog counts for anything). They just can't possibly compare to Konata or Patty.
    • Less commonly used, but arguably even more appropriate, is "Mintaka" for Minami and Yutaka.
  • Sci Fi Ghetto: A variation is discussed in the second episode, when Konata brings up a poll to determine how many books the average Japanese citizen reads in a year - the poll specifically excludes Manga, though no such restriction is placed on the comparable media of Light Novels and children's picture books. She goes on to wonder how people can say that illiteracy is increasingly common among young people, pointing out that blogs and web pages in general take up a major part of the average teen's free time, and they are as wordy, if not more.
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Sou's reminiscence of his final days with Kanata ranks as easily in the top five most sincerely heartwarming moments in 2000s anime.
    • Kanata's Image Song, "Shiawase Negau Kanata kara" ("Wishing for Your Happiness from Kanata/the Other Side") also qualifies.
    • For Tsukasa fans, the volleyball scene in the OVA. Her sister smacks her in the face with the ball, she tries to give it her all for once, and she still loses the game. One could argue that it wouldn't be Tsukasa if she won, but still. She says, "Next time...", but given the "grand finale" feel to the OVA, it doesn't seem like there will be a next time.
  • Weird Al Effect: Timotei, an actual brand of shampoo, will always be associated with Konata's Timotei scene to Lucky Star fans.
  • The Woobie: Poor Tsukasa, whom the directors of the show REALLY get a kick out of portraying as a helpless little girl who is LITERALLY pushed around in a big man's world. Of course, this just makes her all the more adorable. Also, Kagami, who has to put up with constant abuse from Konata and never gets into the class she wants.
    • Also when dere-dere Kagami expresses her insecurities or wants that she can't bring herself to show. Yet again for Kagami during the episode where she has to put up with her (also Tsundere) big sister. She seemed at the verge of tears at one point. *runs to hug*
    • Also Minami in the manga; she's often mistaken to be the one behind many no-nos, such as not cleaning up after her dog, or a prank involving pressing all the buttons in an elevator.
    • Kuroi-sensei, not least during the Christmas Episode.
  • Tastes Like Diabetes: Yutaka, full stop. She is so cute that many people think of her as this way
  • This Is Your Premise on Drugs: ...with even more crack.
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