God of War (series)/Characters
The protagonist. Once the brutal captain of the Spartan army, Kratos made a deal with the God of War Ares to further his exploits—which took a tragic turn when the God tricked him into killing his own wife and child. Now branded the Ghost of Sparta as a mark showing his terrible deed, the rest of the series follows him in his quest for revenge against Ares, which later extends to the Gods of Olympus themselves.
Voiced by: TC Carson
- A Father to His Men: The Spartans.
- And they are loyal to him even in death itself.
- Anti-Hero: Definitely a Type V in the first and third Game. Though one can argue he may have pushed into Type IV at the end of the third game.
- Anti-Villain: Type I or II
- The Atoner
- Bald of Awesome
- Badass: So much, he gets a folder all for himself!
- Badass Beard
- Badass Boast:
The hands of death could not defeat me, the Sisters of Fate could not hold me, and YOU will not see the end of this day! I WILL have my revenge!!
- The Berserker
- Berserk Button: In God Of War III, he will kill those who mock his failures in life or those who insult Pandora.
- Blood Knight
- Byronic Hero: In the first and Third Game.
- Cain and Abel: With both Ares and Hercules.
- Chained by Fashion: And in Kratos's case, he uses them as a weapon!
- Character Development: He starts out as a man on a mission of revenge in the first game and then degenerates into a tried and true "Solve all problems by doing intense violence at them" pattern. At the end of the third game, we're told he's gained at least some compassion, even if he doesn't really deviate from that pattern.
- Combat Pragmatist: Kratos will use whatever means and dirty tricks to defeat his enemies. If he figures out an enemy's weakness, he'll gladly and quickly take advantage of it. Just ask all the cyclopes which eyes had been ripped out of their sockets, or Hercules, who he performed a sneak attack behind his back and then pinned him underneath a very heavy floor that Herc was going to use against him before beating him to death.
- Deal with the Devil: As a young Spartan commander, he was nearly defeated by the Barbarian King, until he promised to serve Ares in exchange for the strength to achieve victory. He turns on his master after Ares tricks him into killing his own family to remove his only "weakness".
Ares: No price was too great for what I offered! And you rejected me, A God! Now, you will have no weapons... no magic! All that is left for you... is death!
Kratos: A choice from the Gods is as useless as the Gods themselves.
Zeus: Even now as you draw your last breath, you continue to defy me!?
- Determinator: Nothing will stand in his way for revenge. Might it be the Gods, the Sisters of Fate, the legions of Hades, the army of Rhodes, the Titans, monsters and "heroes" from Greece's all corners. Hell, not even Death itself can stop him. Literally, in Ghost of Sparta, Kratos actually KILLS Thanatos. And by Zeus saying he has become Death the Destroyer of Worlds, one can theorize Kratos has inherently become God of Death.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Constantly.
- Dual-Wielding: The Blades of Chaos/Athena/Exile, the Claws of Hades, the Nemean Cestus and the Nemesis Whip.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His wife Lysandra and his daughter Callyope. In the comic is revealed that he even went on a dangerous quest (actually organized by the gods) in order to retrieve the mythical Ambrosia to cure her.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Kratos express much disgust at the torture the victims of the Olympians gets. Sure he ain't a saint himself, but at least he gives his victims a quick
painlessdeath.- Although "quick" is a relative term, depending on just how much time the person has spent pissing him off before he finally gets his hands on them. Unless you're Helios, in which case you're screwed.
- Extreme Melee Revenge: Something of a specialty of his.
- Fatal Flaw: Considering it's a game based off of Greek Mythology, it's no surprise that he has one. Kratos' flaw is his inability to accept the consequences of his actions.
- Genius Bruiser: Can kick ass and solve puzzles and death traps.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a scar near his eye and on his belly.
- Heel Face Turn: In the third game, but after he had already screwed things up too many.
- Heel Realization
- Heroic Sacrifice
- It's All About Me: It's his Fatal Flaw. The climax of God of War 3 has him realize this and finally attempt to atone.
- Kick the Dog: Kratos does this a lot. Literally in the case of the ever-annoying Cerberus Pups.
- Kill the Gods: Like you wouldn't believe.
- Ghost of Sparta shows that even as a child, Kratos was an angry ham.
- Last of His Kind: Along with The Last Spartan.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: The Realm of Hades can never hold him. He escaped from it four times.
- Lampshaded by both him and Hades.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Made of Iron: Even if he is no longer a God, he still can take punches that would kill the average person. Justified in that he is Zeus' son, making him a Demi-God.
- Mark of Shame: Cursed to bear the ashes of his murdered family forever, turning his skin white.
- His eye scar and tattoo as well. He gained this scar when he tried stopping Ares from taking Deimos, while the tattoo is a tribute to Deimos, who had a birth mark with the same shape. In other words, his whole body is a Mark of Shame!
- Meaningful Name: "Kratos" means "strength" or "power" in Greek.
- Mega Manning: Has a habit of taking weapons, items, and powers from defeated enemies.
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Well, given that he barely notices that his rampant acts of deicide result in natural disasters...
- Morality Pet: His daughter. In III, Pandora.
- My Greatest Failure: Three. Failing to save his little brother Deimos from being kidnapped, murdering his family by accident, and failing to save Pandora.
- Never My Fault: Large swathes of Kratos' Roaring Rampage of Revenge are a result of the gods legitimately punishing Kratos for his incredibly cruel actions and him taking this personally.
- No Indoor Voice
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: By opening Pandora's box, he released the evil inside, which possessed the Olympians and turned them all into bastards.
- Every time he slays a God, their sphere of influence goes haywire.
- One-Man Army: Very much so.
- Papa Wolf: Toward Pandora in the third game. In Chains of Olympus, he willingly sacrifices his last chance to be with Calliope in order to save her (and the rest of the world).
- Perpetual Scowler: He has two expressions. Angry Frown and Utter Rage.
- Person of Mass Destruction: When Deicide becomes a habitual thing, you officially qualify for this.
- Pet the Dog: Flashbacks to his life indicate that for all his brutality, Kratos was a loving family man who cared greatly for his family, specifically Lysandra and Calliope.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Red Baron: The Ghost Of Sparta.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Refuge in Audacity
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Basically his entire objective.
- Self-Made Orphan: Killed his mother after she was turned into a monster, then killed his father Zeus.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: He's constantly attacked by the memories of his campaigns through Greece and the only way he can cope with them is through battle. The reason why he allied with the Olympians in the first place was the hope that they would take them away. Since they promised they would forgive him, but not take the memories away if he killed Ares, makes Kratos pretty much pissed at them. At the third game, Zeus attempted to use his memories to break Kratos' will through a Mind Rape and almost succeded with it.
- Ship Tease: With Athena.
- Unstoppable Rage: All the damn time.
- Unwitting Pawn: For all his badassness, Kratos gets played for a fool a lot in the series. He only wises up at the very end and kills himself rather than allow Athena to become Greece's only goddess.
- Variable-Length Chain
- Villain Protagonist: In the second game Kratos cares almost nothing about anyone but himself, and leaves countless innocents to die in his wake. His quest for vengeance in the second and third games is tainted by the fact that he got what he deserved for trying to conquer the world when Zeus cast him into Hades.
- War God: Was this for a short time as a reward from the Olympians for defeating Ares, the last god of war. However, he lost his god status when Zeus fooled him to give up his god powers in exchange for the ability to use the Sword of Olympus against the Colossus of Rhodes.
- What Have I Become?
- Zeus/The Grave Digger answers in Ghost of Sparta with Death. The Destroyer of Worlds.
- Weapon of Choice: his trusty Blades of Chaos/Athena/Exile. Also many other Variable-Length Chain weapons during the third game.
- Other weapons include Spears, Large Broadswords, Gauntlets and at least once a Hammer.
- In the comic his weapon is a simple scimitar.
- World of Cardboard Speech:
If all on Olympus will deny me my vengance, then all on Olympus will die. I have lived in the shadow of the gods for long enough. The time of the gods has come to an end!
- Worthy Opponent: Cronos calls him a "skilled warrior" while he tries to kill him.
Tropes That Apply To Two Or More Gods
- Badass: Ares, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades certainly qualify.
- Badass Beard: Ares, Zeus, and Poseidon sport these.
- Fisher King: In III, every time Kratos kills one of them, their death causes a major global disaster linked to one of their dominions (eg, killing Helios result in the sky being obscured and so on).
- Flaming Hair: Ares. Hermes had this in his original design, but his appearance was tweaked bewteen II and III to give him hair made of pure light.
- Jerkass God: Many of them: in the comic is revealed that in order to see which one of them was better they force their chosen champions to take part in the quest for Ambrosia... by plagueing their home-lands with disease, famine and plague.
- Large Ham: Oh boy.
Ares: "But to break a man's spirit, is to truly destroy him!"
Zeus: "PETULANT CHILD! I will tolerate your insolence NO MORE!"
Poseidon: "You challenge me mortal? A GOD OF OLYMPUS?!"
Hades: "I will see you suffer as I have suffered. Your soul is MINE!"
Helios: "Feel the power... OF THE SUN!!"
Hephaestus: "Here.. is your RETRIBUTIOOON!!"
Hermes: "You've been lucky in battle Spartan... BUT YOUR LUCK ENDS TODAY!"
- Physical God: Well duh.
The King of the Olympian Gods and father of several Gods and mortals, Kratos included. Zeus initially supports Kratos in his revenge against Ares, but later grows paranoid over the power Kratos obtains and betrays him.
Voiced by: Paul Eiding (God of War), Corey Burton (God of War II, God of War III), Fred Tatasciore (Ghost of Sparta)
- Angel Unaware/King Incognito: He apparently moonlights as a gravedigger on Earth.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Well he is the King of the Gods. If he wasn't the most powerful being then he probably wouldn't stay too long on Olympus' throne.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Boast:
I will release you from your life, my son, but your torment is just beginning!
- Badass Grandpa
- Big Bad: For the second game and a good portion of the third.
- BFS: The Blade Of Olympus.
- Bolt of Divine Retribution
- Evil Laugh
- Flash Step
- Flying Brick
- Genius Bruiser
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- God Is Evil: Turned out it was Kratos' fault.
- Its implied he wasn't still completely benevolent before though, specially considering what he did to Prometheus.
- Not completely benevolent, but at least somewhat benevolent, considering how he gave Kratos missions to kill monsters which made the mortals' life hard, and Ares, who almost destroyed Athens. And he did tried hard to keep the evils inside Pandora's box forever sealed so they wouldn't corrupt him or anyone.
- Its implied he wasn't still completely benevolent before though, specially considering what he did to Prometheus.
- Good Old Fisticuffs: He uses lightning punches during his battle in III
- Grandpa God
- Hero Antagonist: Albeit a Type V Anti-Hero. His paranoia in the second game isn't entirely unjustified, or his fault, and his rule beats chaos, marginally.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Paul Eiding voices Zeus in the first game, and Corey Burton voices him in the second and third. In the former's case, Eiding's incredibly distinctive voice may have tipped off attentive players that the gravedigger is Zeus' King Incognito form.
- Kick the Dog: More then Kratos. At least Kratos does it to survive, but Zeus does it for his own petty reasons.
- Light Is Not Good
- Lightning Bruiser
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He is Kratos' father.
- Made of Iron
- Man in White
- Me's a Crowd
- Mind Rape: He to pulled Kratos in this in their last battle. He tried to break him by forcing him to feel the pain and angst of those he killed during his rampage and if it wasn't for Pandora's soul, his mind would've been destroyed by his sheer overwhelming guilt.
- Offing the Offspring: The reason why he antagonized Kratos was because he was paranoid that his son would overthrow him the way he overthrew his own father, Cronos.
- Pet the Dog: In his guise as the gravedigger, giving Deimos and Callisto proper burials.
- Albeit that could be seen as a twisted from of self-assuring his victory, by burying those prompted Kratos to rebel against him. And then he says ominously "Now, only one remains" and the camera shows a third, open grave, meant for Kratos.
- Rousing Speech: Delivers an epic one to his brethren before the second Titan War.
My brothers, we were forged in victory. A victory that ended the great war and brought forth the reign of Mt. Olympus. Born from the depths of the underworld. Rooted in the river of souls. Our mountain emerged out of the Chaos. As it grew, so to did the might of the Olympians. We created a world of peace, a world of prosperity, a world that lives in the shadow and safety of my mountain. A mountain that has come to be the absolute measure of strength and power. Now, on this day, that power is to be tested. The mortal Kratos, seeks to destroy all that I have wrought. Brothers, put aside the petty grievances that have splintered us for so long. We will unite. We will stand together. And I will wipe out this plague! OLYMPUS... WILL PREVAIL!!!
- Screw Destiny: Tried and failed.
You will never be the Ruler of Olympus. The Cycle ends here.
- Shock and Awe
- Treacherous Advisor
- Tyke Bomb: Was raised by Gaia to defeat Cronus. There is even a drawing he made as a child, depicting himself facing Cronus.
- Ungrateful Bastard: Ironically, the trope above came back to bite Gaia in her giant forested ass.
- Villainous Valor: Throughout the third game in particular Zeus is defending the world as it stands from Kratos' thoughtless and destructive actions. He is fighting for family, subjects, and arguably, given the consequences of the game up until that point, life itself; the only reason he's a villain is because Kratos is the player character.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: In his younger days.
The Goddess of Wisdom. Athena acts as one of Kratos's closest allies throughout the series, guiding him throughout his servitude to the Gods.
Voiced by: Carole Ruggier (God of War, God of War II), Erin Torpey (Chains of Olympus, God of War III, Ghost of Sparta)
- Ambition Is Evil
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence
- Batman Gambit: Athena's plan for Kratos in God of War III to kill Zeus so she can take over as chief god.
- Broken Pedestal: In the third game, she had become just like the rest of the Gods, and had only manipulated Kratos in his quest for revenge, just so she could take over Olympus. Maybe subverted, since it maybe were the evil of Pandora's box that corrupted her.
- The Chessmaster
- Face Heel Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice: She did it when Kratos was about to kill Zeus with his own sword. Its was one of the few deaths that Kratos showed any regret for.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- I Did What I Had to Do: Her excuse on why she sided with the Gods against Kratos in the second game.
- Also her excuse for letting Deimos be taken by Ares and tortured by Thanatos, as well as asking Kratos to leave Deimos as he was.
- Lady of War
- Manipulative Bitch: Due to her new found lust for power, she manipulated Kratos' hatred for the Gods into killing them, so that she will be the last God of Greece. Things didn't work out in the end.
- Morality Pet: One of few persons Kratos has any respect for. Turned out she was no different from any other Gods after being corrupted by the evils of Pandora's box.
- The Obi-Wan: To Kratos. She is probably the only God who treats Kratos with actual humanity and kindness and she advises him. Subverted in the third game.
- Ship Tease: With Kratos.
I have missed you, Spartan.
- Taking the Bullet: Saves Zeus from being impaled, dying as a result.
- Villainous Breakdown: When Kratos kills himself and foils her plan, she throws a brief tantrum.
The God of War himself. Ares was appealed to by Kratos and gave the young Spartan the power to fell his enemies in exchange for his servitude. However, he pulled a dirty trick on Kratos by making him kill his own family to shape him into the ultimate warrior. Kratos kills him in revenge and succeeds him as the new God of War.
Voiced by: Steve Blum (God of War), Fred Tatasciore (God of War III)
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Big Bad: For the very first game.
- Blood Knight
- Cain and Abel: He's actually Kratos' half-brother.
- Combat Pragmatist: As fitting for the God of War, he knows every way to fight.
I have taught you many ways to kill a mortal, Kratos; flesh that burns, bones that break. But to break a man's spirit, is to truly destroy him!
- Drop the Hammer: One of his many weapons, which doubles as a Frikkin' Flame Thrower!
- Flaming Hair
- Flaming Sword
- God of Evil: He ain't actually this, but he is the closest, because he was evil by choice, and not 'cause he was possessed by the evils of Pandora's box.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Improbable Aiming Skills: While in Athens, he chucks a pillar that impales Kratos, who was in the Temple Of Pandora deep in The Desert Of Lost Souls.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mind Rape: He pulled Kratos in this when he couldn't defeat him physically.
- Spider Limbs: Protrude from his back.
- The Starscream: As seen in the quote below, he did entertain the notion of dethroning Zeus.
- War God: The ultimate and the most known example, and he lives up to the title when he attacks Athen.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy / For the Evulz: A bizarre combination of both is also the reason why he attacked not just Athens but the rest of Greece as well.
Zeus! Do you see now what your son can do?! You cast your favor on Athena, but her city lies in ruins before me! And now, even Pandora's Box is mine! Would you have me use it against Olympus itself?!
The God of the Underworld who governs the souls of the dead.
Voiced by: Nolan North (God of War), Clancy Brown (God of War III)
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's the Ruler of the Dead, and one of the most powerful bosses.
- Badass Boast: "A moment's pain is nothing!" "Your death will only be the beginning of your suffering!"
- The Brute
- Combat Sadomasochist: He references pain and torture so much that it is fucking creepy.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Unlike the other gods, he has plenty of legitimate gripes with Kratos.
- Dual-Wielding
- Everybody Hates Hades: The makers attempt to avert it, by giving Hades some actually sympathetic motivation on his hatred on Kratos, and by portray him as a grieving loving husband, as well as the implication at the end of the game that it's the dark powers of Pandora's Box that made him a sadistic monster.
- The game's visits to Hades and Tartarus, as well as Persephone hating her marriage so much she wants to kill herself and take the world down with her, hint that Hades was a major d-bag before the evils of the world possessed him. Then again, Persephone was a rather haughty bitch, and the aesthetics of the Underworld can be just Dark Is Not Evil.
- Evil Uncle: Subverted; He's still loyal to Zeus, and Kratos ain't much the nephew of the year either. Actually, Kratos' willingness to kill his own family is the reason why Hades hates him to the core.
- Face of a Thug: Despite his demonic appearance, Hades is one of the more reasonable Gods even after being infected via Pandora's Box.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Kratos uses the Claws of Hades to steal his soul.
- Hooks and Crooks: What the Claws of Hades basically are.
- Made of Iron
- Motive Rant:
Kratos, so glad you could carve out some time for US!. You know, we need it... Oh the memories, they're overwhelming really. Let's see. How many sins have you committed against me? Oh, that's right, you murdered my niece, Athena. And what else? What else?! Ah, and you killed my brother, Poseidon. And I have not forgotten that it was you who butchered my beautiful queen! I will see you suffer as I have suffered. Your soul is MINE!!!
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: To Kratos. Also note that they share similar weapons and fighting styles, but of opposing colors (red for Kratos, blue for Hades).
- Spikes of Villainy
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: The husband of Persephone.
- Variable-Length Chain
- You Killed My Brother, Wife And Niece
- And Nephew, but no one really likes Ares.
- Your Soul Is Mine: His chains, The Claws of Hades, can rip people's souls out of their bodies. He even says this when he first attacks Kratos.
- Villainous Valor
The God of the Seas and ruler of all that lives in them.
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore (God of War), Gideon Emery (God of War III, Ghost of Sparta)
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He really lives up to his reputation as the Ruler of the Ocean.
- Badass: Tackling a Titan with the force of a meteor and knocking it off Mount Olympus? Hell yeah.
- Badass Boast:
I will leave nothing of you in my wake!
- Cool Horse: His Hippocampi.
- Co-Dragons: With Helios.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Kratos beats him up, gouges out his eyes, and snaps his neck.
- Fighting a Shadow: Makes a giant avatar of himself out of rock and water.
- Graceful Loser: Averted in the Comic Issues: when his champion Herodius is slain, he cause a storm and try to kill Kratos and the spartans with his Hyppocampi and a Sea Snake.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Prone to flying into a rage at minor provocations... which is very much in character for him.
- Hellish Horse: His Hyppocampi, which are powerful enough to pwn a Titan.
- Making a Splash
- One-Scene Wonder: In GOW 3, he only shows up in the opening before Kratos kills him, but it's an extremely memorable opening.
- One-Winged Angel: His battle form.
- Only Sane Man: It seemed that he was the only one who wasn't possessed by the evils of Pandora's box. His notes indicate that he investigated Zeus' actions, concluding that Zeus is no longer the brother he once knew.
- He was infected, with pride.
- Pet the Dog: According to his notes, he genuinely loved the slave girl in his quarters, and only turned her into a slave and kept her locked up to protect her from being molested by Zeus while he wasn't around. Not that it would have really worked, mind you...
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner:
"You Have disrespected the Gods for the Last Time Kratos!"
- Prongs of Poseidon: His Weapon of Choice of course.. (Also, Poseidon's Trident is an item which allows Kratos to breathe underwater.) Poseidon himself uses the real deal when he dives off Olympus to kick some titanic ass.
- Shock and Awe: Strangely enough, he also seems to have some control of Lightning, too judging from Poseidon's Rage and a cutscene of the Titanomachy in II.
- Tron Lines
- Who Dares?: "You challenge me, mortal? A god of OLYMPUS?!"
- Villainous Valor
- Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: His bolts are light blue in color, while Zeus' ones are rather green/yellowish.
The God of the Sun who flies around the world, shedding daylight on his chariot.
Voiced by: Dwight Schultz (Chains of Olympus), Crispin Freeman (God of War 3)
- Catch Phrase: "Feel the wrath of the sun!"
- Cool Horse: His flaming steeds that pull his chariot across the sky.
- Co-Dragons: With Poseidon.
- Defector From Decadence: Despite his appearance, he is indeed a Titan who sides with the Gods.
- Demonic Possession: In the Comic he apparently did this to his own Champion, considering that he has no name nor reasons for fight, and also fire powers.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Kratos rips his head right off his shoulders.
- Fantastic Light Source
- Incoming Ham: "The titans will fail again!"
- "Behold the glory of HELIOS!!"
- Knight Templar: A possible interpretation of his actions in GOW 3. He seems remarkably determined to not let the Titans triumph (who are his own kind in the original mythology), and even though he may have been corrupted by cowardice, he still is determined to not let Kratos kill Zeus, to the point that results in extremely poorly made decisions.
- Large Ham: "Feel the power... OF THE SUN!!"
- Light Is Good/Light Is Not Good: Played with. He himself is as arrogant as the average god (except for a brief Pet the Dog moment in the prequel where he feels sorry for Kratos), but his absence means the sky will be covered by dark clouds. After Kratos kills himself and releases Hope into the world, Helios might not be necessary anymore.
- Light'Em Up
- Mundane Utility: His head makes a great lantern for Kratos.
- Off with His Head: Sucker got RIPPED off instead of just hacked off.
- Playing with Fire
- The Power of the Sun: Trope Namer.
The messenger of the Olympains, faster than any mortal.
Voiced by: Greg Ellis
- Braggart Boss
- Dirty Coward: Subverted; he knows full well that he doesn't stand a chance against Kratos in close combat, and so attempts to use the chaotic environment around Olympus to kill him. It didn't end up as he planned. When he knew he couldn't run away any longer, he attempted with a Last Stand pull on Kratos.
- Evil Laugh
- Flash Step
- Fragile Speedster: He may be wimpy, but he's fast enough to run along vertical surfaces and ropes.
- Get Back Here Boss
- Hannibal Lecture: He is actually good at these. When he was at Kratos' mercy, he mocked Kratos about his "sense of honor" and how it had given him nothing but "nightmares of your failures". Kratos didn't seem to give it much thought, but later it turned out it actually had some effects on Kratos' mind, regarding on his conscience.
- In a Single Bound
- I Shall Taunt You: Constantly mocks Kratos' failures and inferior speed.
- Jerkass
- Karmic Death: Kratos chops off his legs.
- Large Ham: And poetic while he's at it.
Oh, that's right, you're off to kill your father, Zeus. Won't happen. Can't happen. Kratos is on a fool's errand. Again! Never, never learn! Never, never change! Kratos, the fool who killed his own blood. Kratos, the fool among mortals and gods. Forever, ever cursed. Forever, ever doomed. Consumed by vengeance to his last breath. The Spartan lights the way to dusty death.
- Light Is Not Good: In GOW 3 his hair is made of light.
- Le Parkour
- Pride
- Sissy Villain
- Smug Snake
- The So-Called Coward
- Sprint Shoes: The Boots of Hermes.
- Super Speed
- Too Slow: And how. He spends the entire pre-battle chase and the battle itself mocking Kratos' speed.
"You may have brute force - but you lack speed!"
"I have the speed of Olympus with me, mortal!"
"Lazy mortal!"
"Close, Spartan. But you'll have to try harder!"
"So slow."
"I will always be faster than you!"
"I am still quick enough for you!"
The Queen of the Gods, often disillusioned by her husband Zeus's infidelity.
Voiced by: Adrienne Barbeau
- Badass Boast: When she traps Kratos in her garden.
Your brute strength may have bested Hercules, but your simple mind will never find the way out of here. I look forward to watching you die here, as an old man.
- Bottle Fairy
- Composite Character: While her personality is 100% Hera, her association with plants is a trait usually given to Demeter, while her drinking could be inspired by Dionysus.
- Dark Chick
- Deadpan Snarker
- God Save Us From the Queen
- Green Thumb: She apparently took over Demeter's job, as Demeter doesn't even appear in any of the games (she was mentioned briefly in Chains Of Olympus).
- Also note that she's showing care only to the flowers in her garden, and we don't actually see all the plants in the world wither after her death.
- I Was Quite a Looker: Something must have happened to her before the third game, judging by her portraits, statues, and concept art.
- Lady Drunk
- Shout-Out: Her garden is like an MC Escher painting.
The Smith God and the finest craftsman of Olympus, as well as the creator of Pandora. He is banished to the Underworld by Zeus and blames Kratos for it.
Voiced by: Rip Torn
- I Was Quite a Looker: Before his time in the underworld, he looked as normal as a middle-aged blacksmith could look, but then came Zeus and messed with him into the ugly face he has now.
- Papa Wolf
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: The husband of Aphrodite.
- Ultimate Blacksmith
- Uriah Gambit: He attempted to use this card on Kratos during the middlegame. Fearing for Pandora's life, he sent Kratos to Tartarus to find the Omphalos Stone, without telling him that Cronos had it, and that he now had a grudge on Kratos since he tried to kill Gaia. Guess three times if this gambit succeded...
The Goddess of Love and Hephaestus's very unfaithful wife.
Voiced by: Carole Ruggier (God of War), April Stewart (God of War III)
- Anything That Moves: Apparently she's making love with her handmaiden only because no men are available (the bridges to her chamber are broken). In fact, when Kratos approaches she quickly disbands her lovers and attempt to seduce him.
- Bi the Way: She regularly cheats on Hephaestus, having threesomes with her slave-girls, then with Kratos (although this is by decision of the player).
- Dissonant Serenity: Not really her (she's a goddess after all, she can handle things) but her apparently human slavegirls: the very world is crumbling in ruin around them outside, but they only think of "Sandwiching" their lady".
- Gainaxing: A little when she moves. Justified, as she clearly wears no bra. Also her dark-skinned maiden, who can achieve this just by breathing.
- Karma Houdini: Even though she is far less evil and guilty of atrocities than most of the gods, she's still a unfaithful wife to the good-hearted Hephaestus for no other reason than him being ugly (which also has to do with Zeus beating him because of Kratos reaching Pandora's box). Still, since she does not try to kill him or interfere in his vengeance, Kratos doesn't kill her, she even, if the player chooses to, gets her wish of having good sex with Kratos.
- Sole Survivor: By the end of GOW 3, she is the only goddess/god Kratos hasn't killed, making her one of the few characters Kratos doesn't kill in any God of War game. That's because she has no personal involvement in the war between him and the gods, and even provides some help advice on how he can reach Pandora. Originally, there was an scene after the sex mini-game between her and Kratos, which consisted about her trying to stab and Kratos during the sex intercourse and Kratos killing her in self-defense.
- Ms. Fan-service: Being Aphrodite, goddess of love and lust, this trope is kind of mandatory.
- One-Scene Wonder: In both the first and third game.
- Really Gets Around: As mythology writes, Aphrodite's main problem in the third game isn't the war between titans and gods, nor the fact Kratos is killing the gods and destroying the Olympus, she can't have sex with men because the bridges of her chamber are broken.
- Stripperific: Probably the best example in the whole God of War franchise. She doesn't even cover her breasts.
- Vapor Wear: In the third game, she doesn't even bother to cover her breasts.
The Goddess of the Underworld and Hades's wife.
Voiced by: Marina Gordon
- Absolute Cleavage
- Big Bad: For Chains of Olympus.
- Breast Plate: Averted by her Hoplite-like outfit in her battle form.
- The Chessmaster
- Death Seeker
- Motive Rant:
Do you think it was my choice to wed a man I did not love? Live a life I did not choose? I was betrayed by the very gods that once saw me as their own. But no more.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Nietzsche Wannabe: Claimed that, in the end, everyone is selfish.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- One-Winged Angel
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers one to Kratos when he gives up his powers to enter the Elysian Fields and be with Calliope, calling him a dumbass for not realizing that, without his powers, he can't save the world and everyone will be destroyed.
- Sexy Backless Outfit: So low you can see her butt-crack.
- The Stoic
- Tennis Boss
- Vapor Wear
- Winged Humanoid: As she transform.
The God of Death who predates the Olympian Gods.
Voiced by: Arthur Burghardt
- Badass Boast: To Kratos:
If you persist, not even the Fates will prevent me from ending your path.
- Big Bad: For Ghost of Sparta.
- Cool Sword: Wields a Khopesh-like blade which resembles a sickle.
- Demonic Possession: He can do this to corpses in order to taunt Kratos.
- The Dreaded: Outright stated to be this to both the gods (barring Kratos of course) and the titans.
- Evil Laugh: One of Mumm-Ra proportions.
- Eye Scream: Deimos spear his right eye with the Arms of Sparta.
- Hannibal Lecture
- Go Out with a Smile: After Kratos delivers the finishing blow, he grins just before exploding.
- Lean and Mean: And very tall to boot.
- One-Winged Angel: A giant black skeletal demon with wings.
- Papa Wolf: Swears revenge when Kratos kills his daughter, Erinys.
- You Can't Fight Fate:
Nothing you do is of your own choosing.
The daughter of Thanatos.
Voiced by: Jennifer Hale/Erin Torpey
Gaia: Erinys, the daughter of Thanatos, the God of Death. Pain given form, Evil given Life.
Ghost of Sparta. The God Slayer. Your brother belongs to Thanatos, so does your blood.
- The Dreaded
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Arguably strays into Fan Disservice with her barbed teeth, Femme Fatalons, and one gruesome Kick the Dog moment (see below).
- Healing Factor
- In the Hood
- Kick the Dog: She interrogates one unfortunate Spartan about the whereabouts of Kratos. And after he tells her what he knows (which is that he
honestlyhas no clue), she gruesomely disembowels him with her bare hands. - One-Winged Angel: A giant, armored bird.
- Power of the Void: She can toss some weird green orbs at you, which acts as small black holes.
- Sadly Mythtaken: The Erinyes were actually several entities (at least three), not one. They were not daughters of Thanatos, but were born from the blood spilled when Cronos chopped off Uranus' nads.
- Vapor Wear
- Voice of the Legion
- Winged Humanoid
Tropes common to two or more Titans
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: their species name is kind of a giveaway
- Huge Ham: you might say, but between Gaia's Narration and Atlas's rage at Kratos there's plenty of it to go around.
The mother of the Titans and the Titan of Earth. After being banished to the Underworld after the Titanomachy, Gaia forges an alliance with Kratos so she can get her own revenge against the Gods.
Voiced by: Linda Hunt (God of War II), Susanne Blakeslee (God of War III)
- Big Bad Ensemble: Together with Zeus for the third game, more or less.
- The Chessmaster
- Elemental Embodiment
- Gaia's Vengeance: Literally. She is determined to overthrow Zeus with any means possible due to his attitude against the world, and later, she has problems with Kratos as well.
- Genius Loci: Her body itself is an ecosystem, one in which Zeus actually spent his childhood.
- Green Thumb
- Manipulative Bitch
- Narrator All Along
- Not Quite Dead
- Treacherous Advisor
- Well-Intentioned Extremist -> Knight Templar: She definitely becomes this by the end of the third game, when the war scarred the world too bad for her to handle. It wasn't better that she survived a murder attempt by Kratos and had to climb the whole Olympus again.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Kratos was not amused about it.
The Titan condemned to hold up the sky for all eternity. Brother of Prometheus and Epimetheus.
Voiced by: Michael Clarke Duncan (God of War II), Fred Tatasciore (Chains of Olympus)
- Dishing Out Dirt: Can create Earthquakes.
- The Dragon: To Cronus in the Titanomachy and to Persephone in Chains of Olympus.
- Elemental Embodiment: He has some earthern features.
- Enemy Mine: Decides to help Kratos because he hates Zeus more.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Sealed Evil in a Can
The King of the Titans and father of Zeus and several other Olympians, the rest of whom he devoured to keep them from overthrowing him; of course, he was overthrown anyway. Cronos is initially condemned to carrying the Temple of Pandora housing Pandora's Box, and is later sent to Tartarus to carry out the rest of his punishment.
Voiced by: Lloyd Sherr (God of War II), George Ball (God of War III)
- Chained by Fashion
- Colossus Climb: THE MOTHER OF THEM ALL. Your entire battle with this guy is one of these, and it's AWESOME!!!
- Dirty Coward: Devoured his own children merely because he's told that one of them would turn on him.
- HE caused one to turn on him.
- Eats Babies
- Elemental Embodiment: Subverted, as he is solid rather then a being of lightning.
- And furthermore, he's the only Titan who's not made of elements of some sort.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The motivation why he tried to smash Kratos like a bug. Kratos had just recently tried to kill Gaia.
- Fat Bastard
- Fingore: One of his fingernails is torn off completely.
- Hypocrite: He calls Kratos a "coward who kills his own kin", but he did the same thing.
- Just Eat Him: Backfires spectacularly.
- Offing the Offspring: Was paranoid that his children would rebel, so he ate them, until Zeus kicked his ass.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Serial Escalation: Quite possibly the largest boss of the ENTIRE SERIES.
- Shock and Awe: As seen in Cronus' Rage, instead of being associating with Agriculture or Time (By mistaking him with Chronus) in the myths, he seemed able to wield lighting like his sons here.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: The husband of Rhea.
The Titan who introduced mankind to fire, originally used only by the Gods, and is punished for it.
Voiced by: Alan Oppenheimer
- And I Must Scream: Well....
- Fate Worse Than Death: He's chained to Typhon's hand, exposed to the blizzards and there's this giant Big Badass Bird of Prey of Zeus which keeps eating his bowels every single day, since they grow back.
- Mercy Kill: Beg Kratos to stop his torture, even if that means killing him.
- Non-Standard Character Design: Despite being a Titan Zeus trapped him in human form.
- Playing with Fire: Hinted to have this element.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Well, he surely doesn't!
The Titan of Wind who was sealed in the frozen depths of a mountain following his defeat at the hands of the Olympians.
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
- An Ice Person
- Blow You Away
- Did Not Do the Research: The real myths have him with fire powers.
- And he wasn't a Titan, either. Just a big, scary monster.
- Then there's that bit in the original myths where he had 50 dragon heads on various parts of his body, wings and was so tall that he could touch the stars.
- Elemental Embodiment
- Eye Scream: What Kratos does to him.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
The Queen of the Titans and mother of Zeus and the Olympian Gods.
- Hot Mom: Well, we only see her in flashbacks where she was younger, and that was thousand years ago.
- Improbable Species Compatibility: Dear God, I seriously hope she had a "Titan" form as well......
- Mama Bear: It takes some courage to trick someone like Cronos.
- Non-Standard Character Design: She (Helios, Eos & Prometheus also look like that, but they could be now full Gods) is the only Titan to look like a human instead of a colossal embodiment of the elements.
- One-Scene Wonder: Only appears in the flashback that details how she rescued her son, Zeus, from being eaten by her husband, Cronus.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Never seen or mentioned after Gaia tells Zeus' origin story.
The Titan of Nature and a brother of Prometheus and Atlas, who participated in the Second Titanomachy.
- All There in the Manual: His name for starters.
- Curb Stomp Battle: His entire role in III is to get one hit killed five minutes in, to show us how much of a Badass Poseidon is.
- Dishing Out Dirt: Possibly, since he's made of rock.
- Elemental Embodiment
- Red Shirt: Although definitely the biggest Red Shirt you ever did see.
The Titan of Light, and one of the original Titans. Brother of Cronos and Oceanus and father of Helios, he was unleashed once again during the Second Titanomachy.
- All There in the Manual: He's seen in Chains of Olympus first, then a cameo in III, both times unnamed.
- Colossus Climb: Sort of. You walk on one of his chains in Chains of Olympus.
- Elemental Embodiment: Subverted, as he has a normal body in Chains of Olympus and rather rocky features in III inseatd of being Hard Light.
- Light'Em Up: Well, it's in his domain.
- And, by extension, Light Is Not Good, although its not like his personality was explored much.
- Red Shirt: He seems to have been pulled down by one of Poseidon's Hippocampi.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
The Titan of Destruction, son of Krius, one of the original Titans, and a participant of the Second Titanomachy.
- All There in the Manual: Like Epimetheus, his name.
- Elemental Embodiment
- Eye Scream: Kratos jams the Sword of Olympus in his eye, killing him.
- Magma Man
- Red Shirt: Not as bad as Epimetheus, but he has problems with Helios, and was quickly killed by Kratos.
- Sole Survivor: Seemed to be the only Titan that made it to Olympia.
The Titan of Water and one of the original Titans. Brother of Cronos and Hyperion, and a particicpant in the Second Titanomachy.
- All There in the Manual: Like Epimetheus and Perses, his name.
- Elemental Embodiment
- Evil Counterpart: In a sense, to Poseidon. Both have Water & Lightning powers, both are associated with the sea (Poseidon rules it, Oceanus is/was it) and have quite a few kids among them.
- Making a Splash: His body is a combination of water and electricity.
- Red Shirt: (Presumably) taken out by Hades, when he was dislodged from Mount Olympia, in his third appearance, no less.
- Sadly Mythtaken: Not as bad as Typhon, but Oceanus was a very neutral God, he didn't take part in Cronus and his other brother's rebellion against Uranus or in the Titanomachy.
- Shock and Awe: Merged with water, no less.
- What Could Have Been: He was going to be in II and would have a form similar to Poseidon's boss fight appearence from III.
- He was also seem to have a fight with Hermes, as well.
The Titan of Lava, and of the original Titans. Wife of Hyperion, and mother of Helios. Sealed within a volcano in Atlantis.
Voiced by: Dee Dee Rescher
- Deal with the Devil: She offered Kratos a portion of her power if he would free her from her imprisonment. She kept her end of the bargain, but proceded to sink Atlantis.
- Elemental Embodiment
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: By sinking Atlantis, she was overwhelmed by the floodwaters.
- Magma Woman Titan
- Playing with Fire: As seen with Thera's Bane.
- Sealed Evil in a Can
Mythology's Heroes
The son of Zeus and thus Kratos's brother. Hercules harbors great jealousy towards Kratos for all the attention he gets.
Voiced by: Kevin Sorbo
Hercules: I will destroy you. Soon, I will be the God of War and claim the throne for myself.
Kratos: You aspire to be an Olympian, yet their reign is ending, Hercules.
- Ancient Grome: Is referred to as Hercules rather than Heracles/Herakles, which was confirmed to be due to Roman version of the name being more famous and iconic.
- Animal Motifs: His armor and weapons all have a lion design. Also, out of his Twelve Labors, he liked facing the Nemean Lion the best.
- Annoying Arrows: The Bow of Apollo is worthless against him.
- Blood Knight
- Cain and Abel: He is Kratos' brother, attempts to be Cain ends up being Abel.
- Casting Gag: He's voiced by Kevin Sorbo, who starred as the title character in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.
- Chainmail Bikini: Say what you like, but a helmet and two shoulderpads hardly make an armor...
- Combat Pragmatist: He's Dangerously Genre Savvy enough to violate Mook Chivalry, and one of the only bosses smart enough to have backup in the first place.
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Pissed that Kratos, who the Gods hated, was treated better than him.
While I was stuck cleaning the Augean Stables, he chose you to destroy Ares. (Kratos raises an eyebrow) Not convinced? How about this: while you were being crowned the God of War, I was sent to find an apple. (Hera laughs) They called them "Labors". Hah! Perhaps he did allow me to kill the Nemean Lion, but he made your name known amongst the people. A fierce warrior. A killer made hero. A man made a god.
- Evil Gloating: He knocks Kratos out, but he turns around and boasts to Hera about his "victory", allowing Kratos to recover and sneak attack him.
- Expy: He looks like a normal-colored Incredible Hulk.
- Flunky Boss: He brings a bunch of Undead Legionnares into his battle with Kratos. After removing his armor he get pissed and wipe them all away via shockwave.
- The Giant: Kratos is a pretty big guy (somewhere between 6'4 and 6'6), but Herc is easily three or four feet taller.
- Genius Bruiser: At least he knows how to use proper military tactics against Kratos. To bad Kratos is the more tactical fighter.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: His torso is covered with claw-marks, presumably from his struggle against the Nemean Lion.
- Green-Eyed Monster
- Ground Pound: By punching the ground.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He rips the entire arena out of the ground, but Kratos makes it fall on him and pin his legs. Then, Kratos uses the Nemean Cestus to cave his skull in, killing him.
- I Am Not Left-Handed: After he is disarmed, the reduced weight causes his speed to skyrocket.
- Implacable Man: Nothing can make him flinch.
- In a Single Bound: While he only does it once, he pulls off an impressive vertical leap to exit the arena.
- Irony: He is Hera's champion, even though he and Hera are enemies in the myths.
- Made of Iron
- Mighty Glacier: He changes to a Lightning Bruiser and uses the Flash Step when Kratos disarms him of the heavy Nemean Cestus.
- Power Fist: The Nemean Cestus.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Punched Across the Room: Any blow he lands will do this to Kratos.
- Super Strength
- Took a Level in Jerkass: This is not the usually good/noble-natured Hercules you used to know. In fact, this may be the only story to portray Hercules in a rather negative light.
- He was probably affected with the evil Envy. Considering Zeus did more for Kratos than he ever did for Hercules, he has his reasons. Still, the evil seems to make him ignore Zeus is a bastard who tormented Kratos. So, it's possibly a case of a Brainwashed and Crazy situation.
- Villainous Valor
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Zeus treated Kratos with more respect than him.
- World's Strongest Man
- Wrestler in All of Us
A hero who faithfully serves the Sisters of Fate.
Voiced by: Paul Eiding
- An Ice Person: His spear can summon huge Ice Spikes from the ground to impale Kratos, as well as tossing projectiles made of hail and snow
- Badass Grandpa
- Blade on a Stick: "doubles" as a Double Weapon
- Blood Knight
- Combat Pragmatist
- The Dragon: For the Sisters of Fate.
- Evil Laugh
- Fallen Hero
- Flunky Boss: Ironically, he uses minotaurs as mooks.
- Friendly Sniper: His spear can fire energy blasts, and he'll go to the roof to snipe at Kratos.
- The Giant
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Kratos impales him on his own spear, then crushes his head with the door he was guarding.
- Jerkass
- Made of Iron
- Proud Warrior Race Guy:
Come forward. Let us finally see which one of us is the greatest warrior in all of Greece!
A hero who seeks the help of the Sisters of Fates to rescue his love.
Voiced by: Harry Hamlin
- Boss Arena Idiocy: Fights Kratos in a room with a giant pool of water, which limits the advantage provided by his Helm of Invisibility. In fairness, he was trapped and didn't choose the location fo their fight, so it isn't idiocy on his part, just circumstances.
- Casting Gag: He's voiced by Harry Hamlin, who played Perseus in the original Clash of the Titans.
- Combat Pragmatist: Shines the sunlight into Kratos' eyes with his reflective shield to blind him.
- Flash Step: Kratos can beat on his invisible form...and suddenly he's on the other side of the room.
- Idiot Ball: He could have easily escaped the room he had been trapped in if he had broken the wall, or even gone through the windows.
- Maybe he was blocked by barriers like those plagueing Kratos....
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice
- Ink Suit Actor
- Invisibility Cloak: His Helm of Hades.
- I Shall Taunt You: A bad thing to do if you're invisible.
- Large Ham: This guy has a real inflated opinion of himself.
No! That door was my only escape! I have faced test after test in search of the Sisters. And now you have dashed it all away! You certainly do not live up to your reputation, Ghost of Sparta! But...perhaps this is a test. Are you watching me now, Sisters!? Give me a sign! Am I, the great Perseus, to kill this fallen god to recieve an audience with you? Will that allow me to bring my love back from the grasp of Hades himself!? If not, at least I can bathe in the glory of bringing down the mighty Kratos, the slayer of gods... Although I hardly think a harpie's fool such as yourself deserves such praise.
- Let's You and Him Fight: Invokes this, mistakenly believing that defeating Kratos is the final test to reach the Sisters Of Fate.
- Light Is Not Good: For some reason he has light attacks, throwing things that glow in golden radiance and using a light blast to temporarily stun Kratos.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Made of Iron
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Went to the Sisters of Fate to try to reverse Andromeda's death.
- Shield-Bash
- Suffer the Slings
- Tragic Hero: This version failed to save his beloved Andromeda.
Sisters of Fate
The middle Sister of Fate who determines the destinies of Gods and mortals alike.
Voiced by: Leigh-Allyn Baker
- Animal Motifs: Seems to model herself after a bird, as evidenced by her clothes, ability to fly and actually having a phoenix.
- Badass Boast: One that cements her belief in her own superiority and that destiny cannot be altered.
You have always amused us, Kratos. But know this, mortal. There is no power greater than the Sisters of Fate. If you challenge us, You... Will... Die!
- Because Destiny Says So
- Fate Worse Than Death: Kratos traps her and Atropos in a mirror, then shatters it.
- Foreshadowing: When Kratos breaks her statue, there is another one inside, like a Russian doll. Later, it is revealed that Atropos inhabits Lahkesis' body.
- Flying Brick
- Hot Amazon: Even if she's not very "warrior-like".
- Magic Mirror
- Ms. Fanservice
- Simple Staff: Which actually looks more like a weird Sinister Scythe
- Stripperific
- Tennis Boss
- Time Master
- Vapor Wear
- Voice of the Legion: When Atropos was inside her body.
The oldest Sister of Fate who severs mortals' threads of life, which indicates their deaths.
Voiced by: Debi Mae West (God of War II), Marina Gordon (God of War III)
- Ax Crazy
- Badass Boast: Though she probably would have won if she hadn't blabbed her plan.
We control your destiny, foolish mortal! With our weaving we can end your life! Or allow you to remain. Search your memory, Kratos. The sword which you stand on delivered your victory against Ares. Without it, you will be the one who dies this day. Not Ares! We can change your past and set your future! This is the power of the Fates!
- Because Destiny Says So
- Bling Bling Bang: Her corset and hairdress are golden.
- Evil Laugh
- Fate Worse Than Death: Kratos traps her and Lahkesis in a mirror, then shatters it.
- Femme Fatalons: In reference to her role in mythology.
- Flunky Boss: Aided by numerous creatures.
- Flying Brick
- Girlish Pigtails
- Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!
- Living Shadow: Her lower half.
- Magic Mirror
- Make Wrong What Once Went Right: As detailed in her Badass Boast above.
- Time Master
The youngest Sister of Fate who spins the threads of life for Gods and mortals.
Voiced by: Susan Silo (God of War II), Marina Gordon (God of War III)
- Because Destiny Says So
- Fat Bitch
- Irony: In the Greek myths, she was called the most beautiful Sister of Fate. Here in the game, well, just look at the picture.
- Magic Mirror
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Multi Boobage: Yuuuuuuukkkk!
- Only Sane Woman: She seems to be the only sister who was against Lahkesis' decision to let Kratos waltz into their palace, and the only one who seems to be actually concerned about the world if Kratos wins.
- Stone Wall
- Time Master
- Arguably, You can use her power against her during the boss fight.
Other beings
A being who ferries the souls of the dead to the Underworld.
Voiced by: Dwight Schultz
- Badass Grandpa
- Cut By His Own Scythe
- Cool Mask
- Evil Laugh
- Grim Reaper
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He kills Kratos, but Kratos finds a weapon that can actually harm him in The Underworld.
- Implacable Man: He keeps attacking even after Kratos cuts him in half!
- It Is Not Your Time: Invokes this when Kratos tries to enter The Underworld while still alive. Of course, this just pisses Kratos off and they fight.
- Muscles Are Meaningless: He's as skinny as a corpse, but he is powerful.
- Neck Lift: Does this to Kratos.
- Not So Different: He also hates the crap the gods put him through.
We share a common fate Kratos. The gods will release neither of us from our torture.
- Playing with Fire
- Sinister Scythe: Which doubles as a walking stick.
The first woman to ever come into existence, she was created by Hephaestus to act as the key to Pandora's Box.
Voiced by: Natalie Lander
- Artificial Human: A statue that Hephaestus crafted and breathed life into.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- MacGuffin Girl: Only she can unlock the Flames of Olympus.
- Morality Chain: Thanks to her, Kratos began to develop empathy for his fellow man, and remorse for the things he had done, and not just the murder on his family. Mankind had use of it later when Kratos gave them the power of hope by killing himself.
- Older Than They Look: She resents being called a child.
- Plucky Girl
- Replacement Goldfish: For Calliope.
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: The Gods treat her like she ain't worth three shits, and they call her "it". This later becomes Kratos' Berserk Button.
Zeus: Don't confuse this...object... this construction of Hephaestus with your own flesh and blood! But perhaps you already have, Spartan!
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Refuses to lose hope in a world that's being torn apart.
Hope is what keeps us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost.
The Queen of the Gorgons whose gaze can turn mortals into stone.
- Femme Fatalons
- Giggling Villain
- Shout-Out: She resembles the Medusa from Clash of the Titans.
- Super Speed
- Taken for Granite: Of course she has the power to do this.
Medusa's older sister.
Voiced by: Jennifer Martin
- Fat Bitch
- Ground Pound
- Mama Bear
- Motive Rant: Makes her a little sympathetic.
Kratos...murderer of children. I know this! I am aware of the misery you have brought upon my brood! ...Ruthlessly cutting down my line; your hands wear their blood. Praise to the Sisters! For on this day, Kratos... You will meet your end!
- Mighty Glacier: Unlike her smaller counterparts, she's very clumsy.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Went to The Sisters Of Fate to try to reverse Medusa's death, or at least tried, but can't really move out of her temple in the Bog of the Forgotten.
- Super Strength
- Taken for Granite: As Medusa's sister, she can do this too.
Normal Humans
Boat Captain
A very unfortunate mortal who is left by Kratos to die after being devoured by the Hydra. Since then, his immortal spirit has had continued encounters with the Ghost of Sparta.
Voiced by: Keith Ferguson (God of War, God of War II), Josh Keaton (God of War III)
- Butt Monkey: Even when he's dead, he can never escape being pwned by Kratos.
- The Cameo: A note written by him can be found in the third game. As could be expected, it's filled with cursing Kratos.
- Determinator: Given that he possibly could have escaped The Underworld on his own if Kratos hadn't attacked him again.
- Dirty Old Man: He has two lovely slavegirls in his cabin.
- No Name Given
- Running Gag: Him running into Kratos and getting pwned by him.
Oh no! Not you again!
The Last Spartan
Kratos's most loyal follower in the Spartan army.
Voiced by: Josh Keaton (God of War II), Gideon Emery (Ghost of Sparta)
- Badass Normal
- The Cameo: In God of War: Ghost of Sparta, he replaces a statue of Ares with one of Kratos, then loans Kratos the Arms of Sparta.
- Determinator
- I've Come Too Far...: Right before you fight him.
- Last of His Kind: Along with Kratos.
- Let's You and Him Fight: He and Kratos mistake each other for an enemy and fight to the death in a dark room.
- Made of Iron: He can take a lot more punishment than any Mook of the game and isn't affected by the stagging effect or the stuns of certain attacks.
- Morality Pet: Kratos cared for him like a son or younger brother.
- No Name Given
- No One Could Survive That: He somehow survives when Zeus essentially nukes Rhodes and Sparta.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy:
Now you are all that is left. I have faith that our Spartan brothers will live on through the true god of war.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Went to The Sisters Of Fate to try to save Sparta from Zeus' genocide.
Kratos's beloved daughter, who he had accidentally killed when Ares tricked him into doing so.
Voiced by: Debi Derryberry
- Children Are Innocent
- Ill Girl: According to the comic, she was a rather sickly girl, something not tolerated in Sparta. Kratos then went on a quest for Ambrosia to help her condition and make sure that she's not culled as per tradition.
- Morality Chain: Kratos' second chain after Lysandra.
- Please Don't Leave Me: Kratos is forced to leave his daughter behind to save the world, with the full knowledge that he can never enter the Elysian Fields again.
The man who fell to his death after he flew too close to the sun with his wax wings. His time in the Underworld has driven him insane.
Voiced by: Bob Joles
- Ax Crazy
- Disney Villain Death
- Flight
- Like a Badass Out of Hell
- Sanity Slippage
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Went to The Sisters Of Fate to... okay, we're not sure of this one.
- Probably to undo flying too close to the sun, which, as you may be able to tell, did not go well.
Icarus's father, who was forced to build a labyrinth for Zeus.
Voiced by: Malcom McDowell
- Mad Scientist
- Papa Wolf
- Sanity Slippage: And it got worse when Kratos tells him about his son...
- Shout-Out: His labyrinth is like the one from Cube. He also physically resembles Mahatma Gandhi.
- Unwitting Pawn: Zeus promised to reunite him with his son if he built the Labyrinth, but Icarus was already dead and Zeus had no intention of bringing him back.
Poseidon's Princess
Voiced by: Erin Matthews
- Gory Discretion Shot: Kratos forces her to hold open a gate for him, but she gets squashed and killed by the crank right after he gets through.
- Made a Slave: She was originally Poseidon's girlfriend, but a note of apology from him explains that the chains and bars were to keep Zeus from molesting her while he wasn't around.
- Morality Pet: For Poseidon.
- Ms. Fanservice: Surely Poseidon had a good taste in women.
- No Name Given
- Stripperific
- Vapor Wear
Alrik the Barbarian King
The leader of an army of barbarians who would have killed Kratos had the Spartan not called on the help of Ares, and was himself killed in return.
Voiced by: Bob Joles
- All There in the Manual: His name is revealed in the comic.
- And I Must Scream: In the Comic, a young Kratos defeats him and use the Head of Danaus to force Rocs to tear him apart, with him constantly healing because of the Ambrosia. He escaped thanks to Hades.
- The Archer
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Beard
- Badass Normal: This dude kicked Kratos' ass and forced him to make a deal with Ares in the first place.
- The Chosen One: Believe it or not, in the Comic he was Hades' champion in the trial for the Ambrosia.
- Determinator
- Drop the Hammer
- Hellish Horse
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Kratos crushes his head with his own hammer.
- Implacable Man
- Large and In Charge: And he can grow even larger.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Like Kratos, he fought his way out of The Underworld.
- Off with His Head: Twice.
- Necromancer: After his escape from The Underworld.
- Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: When he and Kratos have their long awaited rematch.
Soon, Ghost Of Sparta, I will have your head!
- You Killed My Father: In the comic, is explained that because of Kratos taking the Ambrosia for himself he couldn't save his father, and so he swore revenge.
Kratos's wife who Kratos had been tricked into killing by Ares.
Voiced by: Gwendoline Yeo
- All There in the Manual: Her name is revealed in the comic.
- Badass: While they were married, she actually stood up to Kratos and his bullshit about fighting for the glory of Sparta.
- Disposable Woman: It never ends well for a woman to be paired up with a Badass...
- Hot Mom
- Morality Chain: For Kratos.
Persian King
The king of the Persian empire who wishes to take over all of Greece.
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Dirty Coward: He pleads for his life when he is disarmed.
Persian King: Please... Please, spare my life and I will give you all that you ask!
Kratos: You have nothing I want, Persian.
Persian King: Take my kingdom, my women, my gold.
- Flaming Sword: Which curiously resembles the Artemis Sword from the first game.
- Hoist by His Own Petard/Karmic Death: Kratos crushes him with a chest of his pirated gold.
- Holier Than Thou: He seems to be an Expy of Xerxes from 300.
Evil? It is not evil that I bring, Spartan. I bring the might of Persia, and the sacrament of purification. As we speak, my Basilisk cleanses this land so that it may embrace the glory of the Persian Empire.
- Large and In Charge
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- No Name Given
- Playing with Fire: Since he controls an Efreet.
King Midas
The king who was cursed with the power to turn anything and everything he touches into solid gold.
Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore
- Blessed with Suck: One of the most recognizable examples in all of fiction.
- Despair Event Horizon: It's implied that accidentally turning his daughter into a golden statue sent him over it.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Kratos throws him into a river of lava. As he burns and trashes in agony, the lava turns to gold, with him still in it.
- Sanity Slippage
- Taken for Granite: Can turn everything he touches in solid gold, including people, monsters, rocks, small areas of ground and even lava flows.
Kratos's mother.
Voiced by: Jennifer Hale - young, Deanna Hustold - old
- Baleful Polymorph: As punishment for trying to tell Kratos that his brother Deimos is still alive and being held prisoner, the gods turn her into a monster that Kratos has to Mercy Kill.
- Doting Parent
- Morality Chain: Because Kratos loves his mother.
- My Greatest Failure: The fact that even with her love and support, Kratos is still a complete asshole to everyone else.
- Shadow Discretion Shot: Unlike other brutal finishers, we're treated with a shadow shot of Kratos slowly walking to her and swiftly stabbing her heart once.
- Tragic Monster
The Dissenter
A member of the Spartan army who remains loyal to Ares even after Kratos had killed him.
Voiced by: Paul Eiding
- Dirty Coward
- Neck Lift: After kicking him throught two wooden doors, Kratos does this to him and slowly impales him.
- Oh Crap: No doubt those very words were running through his head as Kratos, just having slaughtered the lion he sicced on him, began walking towards him with more-than-obvious murderous intent.
- Too Dumb to Live: The fact that he tried to have Kratos killed isn't what qualifies him for this trope (as much). It's the fact that he believed that Ares, whom Kratos had already killed, was helping him out via divine influence the whole time.
Kratos's brother who was kidnapped by Ares after being mistaken for the one who would bring ruin to Olympus. He had hoped to be saved by Kratos, but that hope turned into hatred for his brother when he didn't come.
Voiced by: Elijah Wood (God of War III), Mark Deklin (Ghost of Sparta), Bridger Zadina (Ghost of Sparta - young)
- Badass
- Back-to-Back Badasses: In the final battle, Kratos and Deimos face Thanatos together.
- Blade on a Stick/Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: After saving him from falling to his death, Kratos gives him the Arms of Sparta.
- Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: He saves Kratos from Thanatos' One-Winged Angel form by spearing his eye out of the orbit. The God of Death answers by killing him.
- The Chosen One: In a twisted way. The Gods thought that he was the Marked Warrior who would have destroyed Olympus.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Not exactly, but after he defeated Kratos he was snatched by Thanatos and tossed to his death, only to be saved again by his elder brother, who gained his trust.
- Expy: Of Leonidas. Even moreso when he gets the Arms of Sparta.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Wait a minute... Is he.. Frodo Baggins?.
- In Italy: Demon King Piccolo and Kain.
- Power Fist
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Sort of. In order to prevent the fall of Olympus, he was jailed into the Domain of Death, the home of Thanatos and Erinys.
- Took a Level in Badass: When Kratos finds him, he's a far cry from the weak boy deemed unfit for the Spartan army.
- Weapon Tombstone: The Arms of Sparta become his Tombstone.
Comic Book Characters
Giant Arachnid
A monstruous, overgrown spider sent by someone (possibly the Olympians) in order to stop Kratos on his second trip to the secret Island where Ambrosia was kept. She's slain by the Spartan.
- Berserk Button: She gets pissed when Kratos burns her eggs
- Giant Spider
- Kill It with Fire: How Kratos deals with her.
- No Name Given
- You Shall Not Pass: Attempted and failed on Kratos.
The Champion of Poseidon, he's a brutal warlord from Thera island. Seeks the Ambrosia to cure his villagers.
- Ax Crazy: He's even worse than Kratos in this regard.
- Badass Normal: Despite his status as Poseidon's champion he has no otherwordly power whatsoever.
- Blinding Bangs
- Blood Knight
- Dual-Wielding: His fighting style also resembles Kratos'
- Epic Flail: The old, plain ball-and-chain combo.
- Evil Gloating: And Kratos smashes his skull open while he's at it.
- Talking Is a Free Action: Averted HARD.
Artemis' Champion from Keros. She's looking for the Ambrosia in order to cure the sterility of the women of her tribe.
- Amazon Brigade: She leads one.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a long scar across her otherwise pretty face.
- Half The Woman She Used To Be: Kratos chops her in half.
- Hot Amazon
- The Vamp: Tries to seduce Kratos when she becomes attracted to his strength. It doesn't end well.
- Warmup Boss: Compared to the other Champions, she's surely the weakest.
Captain Nikos
The Spartan captain sent to help Kratos with his men. It won't end well.
- Badass Normal: Well, he Is a spartan after all.
- Bolt of Divine Retribution: Burnt along with his soldiers by a fiery rain send by Hades.
- Came Back Wrong: He and his soldiers were reanimated as undead legionnairs.
- The Lancer: Briefly, to Kratos
Hermes' Champion, he needs Ambrosia to save the dying livestock of his village. Has power over animals. Is slain by Alrik.
- The Beast Master
- Big Badass Bird of Prey: Can summon and control his Roc birds.
- Flunky Boss: He's followed by his villagers and a flock of Rocs.
- Knife Nut: Wields a large, falchion-like knife.
- Off with His Head: And his head is used to control the Rocs.
Helios' Champion
- Fireball: Can cast them with ease.
- Infernal Retaliation: He can spontaneously combust without any harm to himself (as he states).
- Kill It with Water: Kratos kills him by drowning him in a river.
- Light'Em Up
- Make Me Wanna Shout: One of his many powers is a curious, deafening pitch.
- No Name Given
- Pyromaniac: Uses his powers to burn down everything in his path.
One of the Hecatonchires and keeper of the Tree of Life from which Ambrosia is born.
- Achilles' Heel: The Tree of Life.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: He's one of the largest beings in the whole series.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: He's literally covered in eyes.
- Genius Loci: He's the Island where Ambrosia is kept.
- Kill It with Fire: In order to keep Ambrosia away from Ares worshippers, Kratos burns the Tree of Life and Gyges with the Flame of Apollo.
- MacGuffin Guardian
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Up to Eleven: He could be even larger than Cronos himself.
- Back to God of War (series)