Dragon Fable/Characters
Characters of Dragon Fable. Here be spoilers.
Main Characters
The Hero of DragonFable
The player character.
- Action Girl: If female.
- Amazing Technicolour Population: Can have pretty much any skin colour. The same goes for hair.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Bad with the Bone: If s/he has a Doom Weapon.
- Deadpan Snarker:
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: An almost literal example when The Hero fights "dream" Kathool, a Captain Ersatz of Cthulhu. Somewhat less literally; in the Chapter 1 finale, The Hero and his/her dragon destroy a dragon made of pure darkness that almost ate the sun.
- Dragon Rider: An option for Dragon-Lords.
- Fighter, Mage, Thief: The three starting classes.
- Foe Yay: Mostly with Sepulchure and Drakath.
- Genre Savvy: S/he knows what to expect in Fantasy Kitchen Sink game.
- Hello, Insert Name Here:
- The Hero: Duh.
- Idiot Hero: S/he is either this or the Only Sane Man, depending on what the plot calls for.
- The Mentor: To Sir Ano in his quest chain.
- Meta Guy
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Accidentally helps Nythera murder Warlic.
- Only Sane Man: As mentioned above, s/he is either this or an Idiot Hero depending on what the plot calls for.
- Panicky Expectant Father: S/he freaks out upon learning that the dragon egg is about to hatch.
- Protagonist Without a Past
- Screaming Warrior: And what a variety of screams s/he has!
The Hero's Dragon
One of two dragons that hatch from the eggs in the White and Black Dragon Boxes -- the dragon from the Black Dragon Box is destined to destroy a world, while the dragon from the White Dragon Box is destined to save the world. Due to a mix-up, Sepulchure and The Hero end up with the wrong dragons. Their attempts to Screw Destiny are foiled by a Prophecy Twist -- The Hero's Dragon destroys the planet-sized Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich while the other dragon sacrifices itself to save the world from it.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Played with, since it's possible to use the "Elementalize Your Dragon" thing to give it elemental light powers.
- Deuteragonist
- Egg MacGuffin: Starts out as this.
- Hello, Insert Name Here: The Dragon starts out with the name "Draco", but Dragon Amulet Holders can change its name.
- The Lancer: To The Hero.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Older Alter Ego: Temporarily becomes an adult for "Titan" battles.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Can grow to adult size using the Dragon Amulet and be ridden by The Hero.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: In its baby form.
- Suddenly Voiced: When meeting Gorgok, the Dragon tells The Hero that all baby dragons can speak Draconic.
- You Can't Fight Fate
Party Members
The last Water Elf (or so she thinks). She plays an important role in the Water Orb saga.
- Amazing Technicolour Population
- Damsel in Distress: When Captain Davey kidnaps her.
- Fantastic Racism: Is initially mistrustful of The Hero because of this.
Aquella: Another surface dweller? Can't you stay on land? Why do you have to keep invading my home?
- It's All My Fault: Blames herself for what happened to the other Water Elves.
- Last of His Kind: Subverted when it turns out that the other Water Elves aren't really dead, just brainwashed by Kathool.
- Pointy Ears: Well, yeah. She is an elf.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: It's sort of greenish-blue.
A little girl whose grandmother runs the Falconreach pet shop. She is introduced in a quest where The Hero rescues her from a cave full of Big Creepy-Crawlies (including a Giant Spider that Aria wanted to keep as a pet). She takes over the pet shop after Grams is revealed to have been replaced by a spy.
Artix von Krieger
A paladin with an uncontrollable compulsion to slay the undead. Prone to making groan-worthy puns.
- An Axe to Grind: The Blinding Light of Destiny.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Bishonen
- Knight Templar: Sometimes.
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Meaningful Name: Krieger means "warrior" in German.
- The Paladin: To the extreme.
- Pungeon Master
Ash Dragonblade
A young inhabitant of Falconreach who dreams of saving a princess and becoming a knight. In the main DragonFable storyline, he's a Sidekick to The Hero. In ArchKnight, he is The Hero.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Calling Your Attacks: "Ultimate ArchKnight Light Soul Flare Beam Splatty Boom Technique!!! GO!"
- Hero of Another Story
- Idiot Hero
- Kid Hero
- Kid Sidekick
- Light Is Good: As the Knight Light.
- Took a Level in Badass: At the end of ArchKnight.
A Dragonslayer and an ally of The Hero. Despite his hatred of dragons, he accepts that The Hero is a DragonLord at the end of the Ice Orb saga. The fact that he seemingly hadn't noticed The Hero's Dragon up until that point is Hand Waved by him claiming he thought the dragon was a horribly deformed dog.
- Animal Motifs: The Dragon.
- The Faceless
- Fantastic Racism: Toward dragons.
Robina the Hood
In her own words; "Robina the Hood at your service. Steal from the rich, give to the.... cute little cuddly wuddly forest creatures!" Well, that explains how those monsters got all that gold.
- Action Girl
- The Archer
- Badass Princess: In Sir Ano's quest chain, The Hero finds out that Robina is one of King Alteon's daughters.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Robin Hood.
Captain of the Knights of the Pactogonal Table. Loves tormenting The Hero with his insanely difficult Code Monkey Challenges.
- Fluffy Tamer: If his fondness for togs is any indication.
- Happily Married: To Alina.
- Knight Templar: He temporarily becomes this in the 2011 Frostval storyline. Alina calls him out on it.
- Punny Name: Averted; he's the only Pactogonal Knight who doesn't have a Punny Name.
Sir Ano
A recently knighted Pactogonal Knight who asks The Hero to help him live up to his family's reputation.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Cyrano De Bergerac.
- Gag Nose
- Legacy Character: An In-Universe example; he's Sir Ano de Berg'rac the Sixth.
Sir Ano: I come from a long and illustrious lineage, a clan of uncommon Knights. You may have heard of my great-grandfather, Sir Ano the Second.
A SoulWeaver and The Protagonist of the Ravenloss saga.
Tomix: He is my closest friend, my SoulAlly. Without him, I would be lost.
- Ship Tease: With Riadne.
- Stealth Pun: He has a soul patch.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Valencia Surehunter
A rare item hunter who took over the "family business" after her father went missing in search of "The Ultimate Treasure". She is eventually reunited with her father, but he turns out to be a villain.
- Action Girl
- Awesome McCoolname
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bi the Way: Probably. She'll flirt with The Hero regardless of their gender (in both DragonFable and AdventureQuest).
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: She has purple hair, which she seems to have inherited from her father.
The Blue Mage is one of the most powerful NPCs in the game. In fact, he's so powerful that he rarely interferes in anything because he can't risk his power getting out of control. Has a rivalry with Xan that goes way, way back. He dies in Nythera's first quest chain, but later comes back from the dead to save her from her own mistakes.
- All Powerful Bystander
- Back from the Dead: Lampshaded; his memorial statue in Falconreach has "he got better" scratched into it.
- Bishonen
- Let's You and Him Fight: Xan forces him to fight The Hero.
- Merlin and Nimue: The Merlin to Nythera's Nimue.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
A Ranger and an ally of The Hero. He initially works for Sek-Duat XV, but switches sides after being told that Sek-Duat XV doesn't intend to pay him.
- Bishonen
- Bounty Hunter
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Inverted -- his mother was a Sand Elf.
- Heel Face Turn: After you finish the Light Orb Saga.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genocide Backfire: Sek-Duat XIV hunted the Sand Elves to extinction. Turns out Sek-Duat XIV and Sek-Duat XV are the same person, so when Zhoom helps The Hero defeat him it becomes an example of this trope.
- Last of His Kind
- Pointy Ears: A side effect of being half elf.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Sek-Duat plans to kill Zhoom to finally complete his genocide of the Sand Elves.
Temporary Pets
A moglin (and one of the first characters The Hero encounters in the game). Friend of Lady Celestia and occasional Sidekick to The Hero.
- Butt Monkey
- Healing Hands
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Redheaded Hero: Technically counts because of his reddish-brown fur.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Small Annoying Creature
An evil-- uh, I mean ebil moglin who enjoys causing trouble for The Hero.
- Bad with the Bone: His staff.
- Friendly Enemy: He's on The Hero's side almost as often as not.
- Harmless Villain
- Jerkass
- Mars Needs Women: He's attracted to the Necromantress, even though she's a human and he's a small rat-like creature.
- Necromancer
- Non-Human Sidekick: When he's not an antagonist, anyway.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Redemption Demotion: A weird example; Zorbak is kind of weak when he's in your party, but when The Hero has to fight against him he's just as tough as any Boss Battle.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: He may be evil-- er, ebil, but he's still a moglin.
- The Rival: To Twilly.
- Verbal Tic: "Meh."
The Shadowscythe
The Big Bad of Dragon Fable until it's revealed that he works for the Mysterious Stranger.
- Animal Motifs: The Dragon.
- Bad with the Bone: When he is using the Necrotic Blade of Doom.
- Big Bad: Except he isn't.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Sepulchure isn't really an Eldritch Abomination so much as a Villainous God Mode Sue, but seeing Drakath impale him on his own sword definitely evokes this trope.
- The Dreaded
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: He becomes a party member only when The Hero fights Drakath.
- Enemy Mine: In the Chapter 1 finale, The Hero forms an alliance with him to take down Drakath.
- Evil Counterpart: To The Hero.
- The Faceless
- Fallen Hero
- Hopeless Boss Fight
- Humanoid Abomination
- In the Back: Stabbed in the back by Drakath, with his own sword to boot.
- Knight of Cerebus
- Meaningful Name: Means "grave" or "tomb".
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: See Meaningful Name.
- Pet the Dog: To his daughter, Gravelynn.
- Unwitting Pawn: To the Mysterious Stranger.
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show
- Villainous Breakdown: When Drakath pulls a Starscream on him.
Drakath Slugwrath
Leader of the Dark Wolf bandits, son of the evil king that Alteon deposed, and servant to Sepulchure until he betrays him, merges with Fluffy and becomes Drakath the Darkness Dragon.
- Bad with the Bone: When he used the Necrotic Blade of Doom to stab Sepulchure.
- Disney Death: At the end of Chapter 1, he turns out to be alive and in an unknown location.
- The Dragon: To Sepulchure in DragonFable. He is literally a dragon in AdventureQuest.
- Even Evil Has Standards: After Sepulchure turns Fluffy into a Dracolich, Drakath says: "Master? What have you done?!"
- Final Boss: Of the Chapter 1 finale.
- Foe Yay: With The Hero.
- Fusion Dance: With Fluffy (and later, the Mysterious Stranger).
- Harmless Villain: Most of the time.
- Hero of Another Story: Technically the villain of another story.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Jerkass
- Hachimaki
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: After he becomes Drakath the Darkness Dragon and later the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich.
- One-Winged Angel: As Drakath the Darkness Dragon and later the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich.
- Our Dragons Are Different: He merges with Fluffy to become a dragon.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- The Rival: To The Hero.
- The Starscream
En and Tropy
Two servants of Sepulchure. In the Willowshire quest chain, they fuse with Gorgok and become Entropy Dragon.
- Dark Is Evil
- Eldritch Abomination
- Fusion Dance: With Gorgok.
- The Undead
One of two dragons that hatch from the eggs in the White and Black Dragon Boxes -- the dragon from the Black Dragon Box is destined to destroy a world, while the dragon from the White Dragon Box is destined to save the world. Due to a mix-up, Sepulchure and The Hero end up with the wrong dragons. Their attempts to Screw Destiny are foiled by a Prophecy Twist -- The Hero's Dragon destroys the planet-sized Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich while Fluffy sacrifices itself to save the world.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Chooses to to save the world.
- Dracolich
- Evil Counterpart: To The Hero's Dragon, ironically.
- Fluffy the Terrible
- Fusion Dance: With Drakath.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Before being turned into a dracolich.
- The Undead
- You Can't Fight Fate
Sepulchure's daughter.
- Morality Pet: To Sepulchure.
The Necrotic Blade of Doom
Sepulchure's sword.
- Artifact of Doom
- Bad with the Bone: When Sepulchure is using it. Drakath later uses the blade to stab Sepulchure.
- Dark Is Evil
- Doomy Dooms of Doom
- Evil Weapon
- Fusion Dance: With Drakath the Darkness Dragon and the Mysterious Stranger.
- The Hyena
- Talking Weapon
The Dean of Necromancy University. The Hero has to stop him from building a massive undead army for Sepulchure.
- Necromancer
- Treacherous Advisor: To Lady Vayle.
Other Villains
The dragon who burns down Drakonnan's village and kills his family, making him responsible for Drakonnan's Start of Darkness.
- Dracolich: When Xan uses the Fire Orb to bring him back from the dead.
- Hopeless Boss Fight
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Playing with Fire
Baron Au'Mydas Bayconn
The villain of the 2010 and 2012 Lucky Day wars. Formerly King Alteon's Royal Treasurer, until he was given the ability to turn anything he kissed into gold and promptly went over to the dark side.
- Captain Ersatz: An obvious parody of Midas from Classical Mythology.
- Good Hair, Evil Hair: Goatee + Fu Manchu moustache = EVIL.
- Greed: His defining character trait.
- Jerkass: Pointed out by Zorbak, of all people.
Zorbak: Hey you. You're a jerk.
- The Magic Touch: More like The Magic Kiss.
- Meaningful Name: "Mydas" is a reference to King Midas and "Au" is the symbol that represents gold on the periodic table. The "Bayconn" part is pretty self-explanatory.
- Money Fetish: He really likes gold.
- Large Ham: At one point becomes a literal example (see the entry for Pig Man, below).
- Pig Man: The Irismancer turns him into a Pig Man after he fails to defeat The Hero.
- Punny Name: See the entry for Meaningful Name.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Unlike the other examples on this page, it's Played for Laughs.
Au'Mydas: You stole my gold! Give it back! Gold gold, must hold gold!
Guard Nomas: Quiet, you. The sane people are talking.
Captain Davey
A villain in the Water Orb saga.
Dragonmaster Frostscythe
The villain behind the Ice Dragon War. His ultimate goal is to steal a Dragon Amulet and become a DragonLord.
- Animal Motifs: The Dragon.
- Evil Former Friend: To Vilmor.
- Freudian Excuse: Frostscythe claims that he was driven to evil because no Ice Dragon would bond with him, supposedly due to him being half Ice Elf. The Hero blows the excuse out of the water by saying that the problem isn't his blood -- it's his personality since he wants to control dragons rather than cooperate with them.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Frostscythe framed Vilmor for his crimes because he was jealous of her talent as a DragonLord and her bond with the mightiest of the Ice Dragons.
- Half-Human Hybrid: He's half Ice Elf.
- Sinister Scythe
The Big Bad of the Fire War. He starts off as Yulgar's apprentice, then goes down the path to evil after The Hero tries and fails to save his village and family from the evil dragon Akriloth. This attracts the attention of the evil pyromancer Xan, who further poisons his mind against the forces of good. Drakonnan soon becomes one of the most monstrous foes Lore has ever had to face.
- Anti-Villain: At first.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Does this to Artix and many other heroes.
- Chekhov's Gun: Back when Xan destroyed Falconreach, it's implied he has met Xan.
- Cool Mask
- Dead Little Sister: His entire family.
- Disney Villain Death: Subverted.
- Face Heel Turn
- "Failure to Save" Murder: The reason for his Face Heel Turn.
- Foregone Conclusion: For those familiar with Adventure Quest, it was blindingly obvious that Konnan would eventually become Drakonnan.
- Freudian Excuse
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Kill It with Fire: Poor Demento.
- Playing with Fire
- Rage Against the Mentor: He is not pleased upon realizing Xan is only using him for his revenge against Warlic.
- Revenge: His motive.
- Start of Darkness: The Fire War.
- Took a Level in Badass
- Used to Be a Sweet Kid
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Gary the Ice Elf
A minor villain in the Ice Orb saga.
- Aerith and Bob: Compare his name to the names of almost every other character on this page.
- Harmless Villain
- Mauve Shirt: A villainous example.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: As of the 2011 Friday 13th invasion.
The Big Bad of the Willowshire Dragon War.
- Boss Fight
- Fantastic Racism: Toward humans.
- Fusion Dance: With En and Tropy.
- Our Dragons Are Different
The Anthropomorphic Personification of Greed. He first shows up in Mogloween 2009 and later becomes the Big Bad of the Ravenloss saga.
Kathool Atchoo
The Big Bad of the Water Orb saga.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Cthulhu.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Giant Squid
- Mind Rape: What he does to The Hero via a long Mirror Match and Crabastian the Crab.
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show
The Anthropomorphic Personification of Lust. She doesn't show up until the very end of the Ravenloss saga, implying that the storyline isn't quite finished yet.
- Captain Ersatz: Looks similar to Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist (though according to Word of God she wasn't supposed to be a Captain Ersatz).
The Necromantress/Lady Vayle
Noxus's best student, who grew up in the same village as Artix before a mysterious green mist turned everyone in the village into zombies. Vayle became the Necromantress after Noxus tricked her into thinking it was possible to bring her brother back from the dead. She briefly joins The Hero's party to defeat Noxus, then disappears, taking the Darkness Orb (which she has merged with) with her. Tomix later separates her soul from the Darkness Orb.
- Anti-Villain
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Enemy Mine
- In the Hood
- Necromancer
- Necromantic
- Rage Against the Mentor: She is not pleased when she finds out that Noxus wasn't actually planning to help her resurrect her brother.
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Queen Aisha
Queen of the Ice Elves and Big Bad of the Ice Orb saga. She's actually a dragon pretending to be an Ice Elf to further her goal of overthrowing humans and putting dragons in charge.
Sek-Duat XV
The Big Bad of the Sandsea quest chain. Has ruled over the Sandsea for 1500 years, using the Light Orb to keep himself alive as a Lich.
A lion-like creature that works for Sek-Duat XV.
- Boss Fight: Of the "Zhowdown" quest.
- The Dragon: To Sek-Duat XV.
- Meaningful Name: His name is a pun of Sphincter and Sphinx, both things that represent constriction.
- Punny Name
A powerful fire infernal from another dimension who chased an alien race called the Ateala into Lore.
- Big Bad: Of Chapter 2.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
A mad pyromancer with a massive grudge against Warlic, who he blames for trapping his Love Interest, Jaania in a crystal.
- Ax Crazy
- Evil Counterpart: To Warlic.
- Foe Yay: With Warlic.
- Hopeless Boss Fight
- The Hyena
- Laughing Mad
- The Mad Hatter
Xan (to The Hero): HAHAHAHA! I am trying to figure out who is more insane... me? Or you!
- Necromantic: Sort of. Jaania isn't dead, just imprisoned in a crystal.
- Playing with Fire
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity
Other Characters
The owner of the Mana Potion shop; trains The Hero in alchemy. Her name was originally Alac, but was later changed to Alina.
- Happily Married: To Rolith.
- Only Sane Man: She's relatively saner than the rest of the cast.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: She has purple hair.
The Mad Weaponsmith of Falconreach (and Warlic's roommate). Pretty much the polar opposite of Knight of Cerebus; when he shows up you know things are about to get silly. His store (Cysero's Superstore of Savings) sells items that can only be bought with Dragon Coins.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Blinding Bangs
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Tends to straddle the line between this trope and The Wonka.
- Mad Scientist: Of a magical sort.
- Sitcom Arch Nemesis: To Lim.
- The Wonka
- You Didn't Ask: He says this when The Hero gets upset about him conveniently forgetting to mention the existence of the Bacon Orb.
The Doomkitten
A monster Warlic summons in the Dragon Egg quest chain in order to find out which of the The Hero's eggs is the real dragon egg. After it picks out the dragon egg, The Hero has to fight it so it won't eat the egg.
- Badass Adorable
- Cute Kitten
- Cuteness Proximity: The Hero falls victim to this.
The Hero: Aw! It's so cute!
Warlic: Do not be fooled by the Doomkitten's appearance. It only assumes this form to...
The Hero: The DOOMKITTEN?? I want to hug it!
Warlic: Just... just let it pick an egg.
- Doomy Dooms of Doom
- Eldritch Abomination: It's implied to be this.
- Eyes of Gold
- Killer Rabbit
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Weaksauce Weakness: If The Hero has a good water weapon, s/he can beat it pretty easily. On the flip side, if The Hero doesn't have a good water weapon, s/he's screwed.
Dr. Voltabolt
A technomancer/dentist who wants to destroy Falconreach (and every other town that "supports the evils of magic"). The Hero can get some pets from Item Farming "Dr. Voltabolt's Challenge".
- Depraved Dentist
- Does Not Like Magic
- Funetik Aksent
- Herr Doktor
- Informed Ability: He claims to be a dentist but is never actually seen doing anything related to dentistry.
- Insufferable Genius
- Mad Scientist
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: He insists that his secret laboratory is a perfectly normal house. The building even has a sign next to it that says "Perfectly Normal House".
Dr. Voltabolt: I vant you to take care of a little mess in my secret labor... erm... my perfectly normal house. My creations are running amok. No fault of mine of course!
Lady Celestia's apprentice. She takes over her mentor's role as "dragon expert who helps out The Hero" after Celestia is Killed Off for Real.
- The Intern
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: She has purple hair.
A character who first showed up in beta and had fans before she made her first "official" appearance in the Nature Orb saga. Turns out she's had possession of the Earth Orb for the last 1000 years.
Aria's grandmother; the owner of the Falconreach pet shop.
- Cool Old Lady
- Fluffy Tamer
- The Mole: Subverted; it seems like she's a spy for Sepulchure, but then it turns out that it was actually Sabrina disguised as Grams. The real Grams is still on side of good.
A background NPC in The Locker (you can find him in the Tempest Inn). In the Water Orb saga, he is revealed to be working for Sepulchure.
King Alteon
He's the king, obviously. Usually hangs out in Swordhaven, but The Hero first meets him in Frostvale.
- The Good King
- Medium Awareness: A bit of diagloue from Frostval 2006 implies that he knows he's a character in a game.
King Alteon: Interesting. I am often amazed by the unthinkable convenient timing of events in RPGs.
The Hero: What?
King Alton: Hmmm, nevermind that.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Requisite Royal Regalia: He dresses exactly how you would expect a king to dress.
- You Kill It, You Bought It: Killed the tyrant Slugwrath back when he was Sir Alteon and the people chose him to become the new king.
Lady Celestia (a.k.a. the Priestess)
One of the first characters The Hero encounters in the game. She is an expert on dragons and dragon magic and helps The Hero train his/her dragon. Sepulchure kills her in the Chapter 1 finale.
- Killed Off for Real
- The Mentor: To The Hero and Elysia.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Trademark Favourite Food: Tea.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
The self-proclaimed "foremost Weapon Artisian in the land", whose shop replaces Yulgar's after Yulgar moves to Battleon. He believes that science is superior to magic and has little patience for Cysero's antics.
- Catch Phrase: "SCIENCE!"
- For Science!
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Mad Scientist
- Unknown Rival: To Cysero.
The Mysterious Stranger/The Master
A hooded figure who sells Doom Weapons. In the Chapter 1 finale, it's revealed that he is Sepulchure's master and the real Big Bad.
- Artifact of Doom: The Doom Weapons he sells.
- Big Bad
- The Chessmaster: According to Sepulchure, his plan has been in motion since humanity was still crawling in caves.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Evil All Along
- The Faceless
- In the Hood
- Killed Off for Real
- Legacy Character: While there has only been one Mysterious Stranger in DragonFable, multiple Mysterious Strangers have appeared in AdventureQuest.
- The Man Behind the Man
- No Name Given: His real name is unknown.
- Our Dragons Are Different: When he merges with Drakath the Darkness Dragon(Drakath merged with Fluffy) and The Necrotic Blade of Doom and becomes the Super Mega Ultra Darkness Dracolich.
- Pure Is Not Good: He refers to himself as "a creature of pure darkness".
- Time Abyss
- Vile Villain Saccharine Show
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Pulls this on Sepulchure after revealing him to be an Unwitting Pawn.
The Mysterious Orb
A hooded orb that replaces the Mysterious Stranger after the Mysterious Stranger is revealed to be Sepulchure's master.
- Artifact of Doom: The orb also sells Doom Weapons.
- In the Hood: Like the Mysterious Stranger.
Warlic's apprentice, a half-dragon who had her dragon magic locked away after she misused it. She is irritated with Warlic for his slowness to teach her his secrets, so she kills him and steals his magic. She then brags about her newfound power and starts a war by invoking the wrath of the Elemental Lords. After Warlic comes Back from the Dead and gets her out of trouble, she becomes his apprentice again and gets some Character Development in a quest chain in which she learns she is destined to save the good Void Dragons (the Creatioux) from the evil Void Dragons (the Decadere).
- Blasphemous Boast: Bragging about how you're more powerful than the freakin' Elemental Lords won't do you any favours, Nythera.
- Break the Haughty
- Character Development: In her second quest chain.
- The Chosen One
- Deceptive Disciple
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Elemental Powers: After unlocking her Void and Dragon powers.
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Heel Face Turn: After her training with Elucidas, leading to her (finally) unlocking her Void and Dragon powers.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: Inverted -- her mother is a dragon and her father is a human.
- Jerkass: Before her Character Development.
- Merlin and Nimue: The Nimue to Warlic's Merlin.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A troll The Hero rescues from Drakonnan's lair at the end of the Fire War.
- All Trolls Are Different
- Amazing Technicolour Population
- Cute Monster Girl
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Almost always shown with a spoon in her mouth.
- Pointy Ears
- Supreme Chef
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
The original owner of the Falconreach Inn. She disappeared when the Mysterious Stranger showed up and was replaced by Serenity. We later learn that she works for Sepulchure and was spying on The Hero disguised as Grams.
- Chekhov's Gunman
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Subverted when she does reappear much, much later on and has a big impact on the plot.
- The Mole
- You Have Failed Me...: Subverted in that Sepulchure doesn't kill her, but she is implied to suffer a Fate Worse Than Death.
Sepulchure: You have failed me for the last time and for that, I'll be sending you back into the Darkness Realm... in the most painful way possible.
The second (and current) owner of the Falconreach Inn.
Trey Surehunter
Valencia's long lost father. He initially seems helpful to The Hero but turns out to be a villain, obsessed with getting the Nature Orb at any cost.
- Abusive Parents: He uses Valencia to get the Earth Orb, then hits her with the Blade of Awe.
- Disney Villain Death
- Captain Ersatz: Of Indiana Jones.
- Evil All Along
- Punny Name
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Like his daughter, he has purple hair.
An evil former DragonLord who isn't actually evil, having been framed by Dragonmaster Frostscythe for crimes Frostscythe himself committed.
- Action Girl
- Cuteness Proximity: Her reaction to Cryozen's hatchling.
- Fallen Hero: Subverted.
- Good All Along
- Samus Is a Girl
Falconreach's original weaponsmith. After the Great Fire War, he moved to Battleon and was replaced by Lim.
- Badass Beard
- The Blacksmith
- Ultimate Blacksmith: So the only weapon that can defeat Akriloth is broken? No worries, Yulgar will just reforge it into an even stronger weapon.
Girl/Light Princess
The girl Ash saves at the start of the game. She is later revealed to be the Princess of Light.
- Breath Weapon: She temporarily gets the ability to breath fire.
- Light Is Good
- Love Interest: Subverted in the ArchKnight epilogue when Ash thinks she's going to kiss him, but she gives him an atomic wedgie instead.
- No Name Given
- Save the Princess
- Taken for Granite
The Necromancer
The villain that Ash faces at the beginning and the Final Boss of ArchKnight.
- Big Bad
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- Final Boss
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He tries this on Ash. It doesn't work.
Necromancer: Ash, I am your father.
Ash: But my father works on a farm west of Falconreach.
Necromancer: Dangit... thought you were one of those orphan heroes with a mysterious unexplained childhood.
Alexander's Diary
An apprentice wizard whose diary The Hero finds in the wreckage of an old, burnt down house. Confirmed by Word of God to be Xan before his Start of Darkness.
- An Ice Person: His default weapon is "Ice Mage Staff". Which is somewhat ironic, considering who he will become in the future.
- Good Hair, Evil Hair: He has what can only be described as a goatee. This brings up some interesting implications; Alexander's beard contrasts with Warlic's moustache in a way that is probably meant to evoke the "good guys have beards, jerks have moustaches" stereotype... but on the other hand, the goatee is pretty much THE stereotypical "bad guy beard", which could be Foreshadowing Alexander's eventual transformation into Xan.
- Hero of Another Story
- Improbable Use of a Weapon: Uses his staff to hit things with instead of what staffs are supposed to be used for. This is lampshaded in the description for one of his attacks.
"What else is a staff for?"
Warlic when he was an apprentice. Not quite the same as the Warlic The Hero is familiar with (he clearly got some Character Development in between the time the diary was written and the present day).
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Actually an Arrogant Magic Guy, but he still fits the trope.
- Curtains Match the Window: He has brown eyes and brown hair, unlike his present/future self, who is a purple-eyed White-Haired Pretty Boy.
- Fountain of Youth: This is the second time he's experienced teenagehood, much to his annoyance.
- Good Hair, Evil Hair: His moustache, in contrast to Alexander's beard.
- Jerkass
- Not So Different: His attitude is very similar to Nythera's. Maybe that's why present!Warlic puts up with her...
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- The Rival: To Alexander.
Another apprentice. Alexander has a crush on her and so does Warlic.
- Bookworm
- Costume Porn: Compare her incredibly detailed outfit to Alexander and Warlic's relatively simple robes.
- Foregone Conclusion: Those of you who've played the Save Lymcrest quest chain already know what happens to her.
- Love At First Sight: Alexander and Warlic start fighting over Jaania only minutes after they first meet her.
- Smart People Wear Glasses
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
The wizard who is training Alexander, Warlic, and Jaania.