< Dragon Fable
Dragon Fable/YMMV
- Alas, Poor Villain: Poor Sepulchure, ending up victim to the Mysterious Stranger's You Have Outlived Your Usefulness. As he fainted, he was saying something about Lynaria, his lost love that he was trying to bring back with his Doom Weapons.
- Accidental Innuendo: The description for a ring mentions E. Flynn, and how he "really gets around!"
- Canon Sue: For some, Warlic is really beginning to push the envelope with the whole "coming back from the dead" and almost painfully obvious thing about being Wargoth's son. But hey, an Author's Saving Plot Twist could be in the works.
- Complete Monster: Even if this is a "kiddy game", it has several examples:
- Sek-Duat XV was responsible for killing all the Sand Elves (except Zhoom) and later tries to sacrifice 100 rebels to become immortal.
- Drakonnan for mind-controlling heroes into slavery and destroying a town.
- Captain Davey, for trying to suffocate Aquella. Later, his Evil Gloating and nasty Hannibal Lecture place him even more firmly in this category; Eldritch Abomination's influence or not, that was sick.
- Frostscythe, for what he does to Vilmor and Cryozen.
- Sepulchure has firmly landed himself in this spot since he let his flying fortress crash into the guardian tower, followed by one of the Guardians saying that they lost quite a few good men and women. This was not even the biggest Player Punch he had given, at the "Boss Fight" a young red and yellow dragon comes flying up and lands by Seppy's side, he then says that the dragon had just hatched and his undead dad had gone to the lady's to greet his child into the world. cut to a scene of lady Celestia's tea cup hand and her tea cup shattered with Xan and Undead Arkriloth flying away in the background. However, the fact that he's later revealed to just be trying to bring back his lost love, Lynaria, with Doom Weapons, and the fact that he's later revealed to have a Frostval spirit inside him as shown in Adventure Quest Worlds completely and utterly pushes him out of CM territory.
- Noxus destroyed Artix and Vayle's town with The Green Mist and killed Vayle's brother Edgar.
- Crazy Awesome: Cysero.
- Ensemble Darkhorse:
- Chickencows were originally created as an April Fools' joke. However, everyone loved them so much that the staff introduced a rare item that let you use Chickencowlord armor when the event was over. Now they have a god, and through him a lengthy quest chain parodying the labors of Heracles.
- Fae first showed up in beta and had fans before she made her first "official" appearance in the Nature Orb saga. Word of God said she would be the trainer for a druid class.
- Foe Yay: Drakath's rivalry with The Hero, Drakonnan's general hatred of The Hero, and the obvious tension between Xan and Warlic.
- Genius Bonus:
- Project C8H10N4O2 involves coffee-related items, since C8H10N4O2 is the molecular formula for caffeine.
- Tomix the Soulweaver's facial hair is called a "soul patch".
- Balloon Chickencow Pet's text tells us that you want to call it Herbert. President Herbert Hoover was the one who promised "a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage." This doubles as a reference to Looney Tunes, as there was a yeti who captured Bugs Bunny and called him Herbert (and wanted to hug and squeeze him).
- In the quest "Eclipse" the Mysterious Stranger Dragon eats the sun, many ancient culture beleived that a solar eclipse was caused by a dragon eating the sun
- God Mode Sue / Villain Sue: Sepulchure.
- Goddamned Bats: Minx Fairies can fully heal themselves at the cost of 1 mana. Considering that they scale with your level, you'll eventually be fighting ones with over 200 mana. You are going to be very frustrated very quickly if you don't have a way to stun them, drain their magic, or if those abilities are on cooldown. Additionally, they are strong to light, which is the exact opposite of almost every enemy in the game, and makes one of the two most powerful weapons useless.
- Good Bad Bugs: There's a slight glitch in the Earth Orb saga where you play as En (minus Tropy). This can help you fight enemies, but if you save it as your default armour, kiss your account goodbye.
- Gut Punch: The Chapter One finale provides a nice few of these, such as being absolutely annihilated by Sepulchure, the guardian tower being destroyed, several characters being Killed Off for Real, and another 16 million waves of undead get thrown at you...all in one quest.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel:
- The Chaosweavers are damn creepy.
- The Water Orb quest chain is an excellent source of high-quality Nightmare Fuel.
- That cutscene between Drakonnan and Sepulchure, where Seppy is telling him that he's going to pick him apart, piece by piece. Cue Sepulchure transforming into some unseen, huge monster, and a large NOOO! appear on the screen in bright red. The same fate happened to Sabrina.
- Ho Yay: Valencia seems to have a crush on The Hero no matter what The Hero's gender is.
- It Was His Sled: For those familiar with Adventure Quest, it was blindingly obvious that Konnan would eventually become Drakonnan.
- Jerkass Woobie: The Necromantress a.k.a. Lady Vayle.
- Magnificent Bastard: Sepulchure and the Mysterious Stranger.
- Moral Event Horizon: Drakonnan crosses this when he kills Demento.
- Nausea Fuel: One of Bargok's attacks is throwing up on you.
- Ugly Cute: The army of baby dracoliches that Zorbak assembles to conquer the world. The would-be invasion is thwarted when the people of Amityvale adopt the babies as pets.
- Viewers Are Geniuses: Try explaining the current AE game timeline (over five thousand years) to everyone will ensure "Time is a Timey-Wimey Wibbly Wobbly ball of stuff" (to be clear Mechquest-Reset-Dragon Fable-Time split-Adventure Quest-Adventure Quest Worlds). To be more specific, it's not a linear time line -- it's a very complex timeline. By the way, this is Word of God and therefore, Canon.
- What an Idiot!: Bragging about how you're more powerful than the freakin' Elemental Lords won't do you any favours, Nythera.
- The Woobie: Aquella.
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