Digimon Frontier/Characters
Takuya Kanbara
Takuya begins the series as a typical "goggle boy", (only he wears a hat underneath his gray and square goggles)—energetic and athletic, but tending to act without thinking and very stubborn. He has a strong sense of justice, and tries to use his power to do what he believes is right.
His Spirit Evolutions are as follows:
- Rookie: Flamemon, a small humanoid with goat-like features and red hair. He temporarily becomes this form for an episode in the Real World
- Human Hybrid: Agunimon (Agnimon),a demon man digimon. He resembles a human wearing dragon armor that is reminiscent of Greymon
- Beast Hybrid: BurningGreymon (Vritramon), A demon dragon digimon. A vaguely humanoid dragon with an Arm Cannon on each wrist
- Advance Hybrid: Aldamon, a demon man digimon. Basically, Agunimon's head and hands on BurningGreymon's body.
- Zeta Hybrid: EmperorGreymon (KaiserGreymon), A dragon warrior digimon. More or less a heavily armored WarGreymon with a huge sword that doubles as a crossbow.
Voiced by: Junko Takeuchi (JP), Michael Reisz (EN)
- Badass: All of his Digimon forms
- BFS: Emperor Greymon's sword, which also acts as a BFG (Dragonfire Crosssbow) and a fire attack (Pyro Dragons).
- Crucified Hero Shot
- Dark Is Not Evil: Near all his Digimon forms are demon types.
- Expy: His actions, personality, goggles and role are of the Tai trademark. He even has a very similar character arc:
- Starts out as a hotheaded Idiot Hero, he then has a close brush with death and learns to think, becoming an effective leader in the process.
- Likewise, some of his evolutions are expies of Greymon and his evolutions. Vritramon was renamed BurningGreymon in the dub to drive home the reference.
- Goggles Do Nothing: Yet again. But he does use them properly.
- The Hero
- Idiot Hero: A stunning demonstration of this was the way he handled Duskmon's first and second appearances. Koji nearly freaked out about it. His Character Development does away with this trope
- Heroic BSOD: After his stunning loss against Duskmon, Takuya enters one. It takes a reminder of his origins for him to snap out of it.
- He's Back: When he recovers from his Heroic BSOD and returns to the Digital World.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Michael Reisz previously voiced Matt in Digimon Adventure. You have to listen closely to hear it, but it's definitely there. In the Japanese, he plays Hokutomaru.
- His Japanese voice-actor Junko Takeuchi is also quite famous her portrayal of a certain orange-jumpsuit-wearing ninja.
- Hot-Blooded: Though noticeably less so than Tai or Davis, sitting at a sort of half-way point between them and Takato.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority
- Lightning Bruiser: Aldamon and Emperor Greymon.
- Jack of All Stats: Agunimon isn't as strong as Beetlemon, nor as agile as Kazemon, but is in-between their stats whilst still being a capable fighter. This applies to Burning Greymon as well, when compared to the other Beast Spirits.
- Jumped At the Call
- Not a Game: Takuya eventually realizes that he must put more effort into his responsibilities as a legendary warrior, and make a greater effort to safeguard the lives of his friends.
- The Other Darrin: In the Frontier movie dub, he's voiced by Dave Wittenberg, although he pretty much sounds nearly identical to Michael Reisz
- Our Demons Are Different: Agunimon and Aldamon are demon man digimon.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Burning Greymon is based on Vritra, an evil dragon in Vedic folklore. Aldamon carries some of these features.
- Personality Powers
- Playing with Fire
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Koji's blue.
- And keeping up the unofficial Digimon tradition of the Red Oni being the group leader, wearing goggles that have no purpose beyond a fashion statement though in Takuya's defense, he does use his goggles when he ends up in water and having Brown Eyes.
Koji Minamoto (Minamoto Kouji)
Koji starts the series as the group loner - a kid who wanted friends, but never had the chance to make any because he had to change schools too many times. He showed up to help the other Digi Destined from time to time, and then eventually joins the group permanently. He often distances himself from the others, refusing to let anyone get too close to him.
His Spirit Evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Lobomon(Wolfmon),a warrior digimon. His appearance is that of a human wearing wolf themed armor that vaguely resembles Garurumon
- Beast Hybrid: KendoGarurumon (Garmmon), A cyborg digimon. A robotic wolf with wings and roller skates. Strongly resembles MetalGarurumon
- Advance Hybrid: Beowulfmon, a warrior digimon. Basically, Lobomon wearing parts of KendoGarurumon as armor and weapons.
- Zeta Hybrid: MagnaGarurumon, A cyborg digimon. A humanoid wolf wearing heavy armor and artillery
Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP), Steve Staley (EN)
- Animal Motifs: Wolf
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- Big Badass Wolf
- Big Brother Instinct: Inverted. Sort of. He's younger, but Koji becomes very protective of his twin brother, Koichi, later on in the series.
- Expy: Of Yamato/Matt.
- Likewise, some of his evolutions are expies of Garurumon and his evolutions. Garmmon was renamed KendoGarurumon in the dub to drive home the reference.
- Fragile Speedster
- Though less so than Izumi. At least he's capable of defeating opponents in both his forms.
- Gratuitous German: Wolfmon, Becomes Gratuitous Spanish in the US dub.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Hiroshi Kamiya went on to voice Craniummon in Digimon Savers, and he voiced the guy who wielded a lance and an Innovator named Tieria Erde.
- Ineffectual Loner: Has a rotten personality at the beginning and largely preferred to act on his own.
- The Lancer
- Laser Blade: as Lobomon and MagnaGarurumon
- Light'Em Up: In the non-holy way.
- Light Is Good
- Lightning Bruiser: Beowolfmon and Magna Garurumon.
- Non-Indicative Name: KendoGarurumon doesn't really have anything to do with Kendo...
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Takuya's red.
- Rollerblade Good: Kendo Garurumon has roller-skates on his feet.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: In a literal way. His wields the Light spirits, while Kouichi uses the Darkness spirits.
- Theme Twin Naming: Koichi and Koji, or "first child," and "second child" respectively.
- Troubled but Cute
- Oh so much. One of two examples of Estrogen Brigade Bait in this season.
- Weapon of Choice
- Arm Cannon: Lobomon's Howling Laser.
- BFG: Magna Garurumon's entire right arm is a gun.
- BFS: Beowolfmon's Beosabre.
- Breath Weapon: Kendo Garurumon's Lupine Laser.
- Dual-Wielding: Lobomon's Lobo Kendo.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Magna Garurumon's go-to move.
- More Dakka: Again, Magna Garurumon exemplifies this.
- What Could Have Been: In one of the fanbooks, liner notes revealed that Koji was originally supposed to be a female character.
- You do realize that some of the Yaoi Fangirl crowd are going to call "This Explains So Much!" now don't you?
Zoe Orimoto (Orimoto Izumi)
"I won't act like someone I'm not just so I can be popular."
Zoe is very kind and while she fights, she does it to protect others and herself. As Ranamon put it, she's usually too nice to kill an enemy.
Her spirit evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Kazemon(Fairymon),a fairy digimon. She is an attractive girl wearing purple armor with butterfly wings
- Beast Hybrid: Zephyrmon(Shutumon), A bird-man digimon. Resembles a more mature looking Kazemon with more feral armor and large bird wings as well as an odd bird wing shaped haircut.
Voiced by: Sawa Ishige (JP), Michelle Ruff (EN)
- Ass Kicks You: Love Tap/Arido Anca falls under this.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Big Eater: More than JP!
- Blow You Away
- But Not Too Foreign: Japanese, but grew up in Italy. Still a blonde, but this is anime.
- Cat Fight: With Ranamon.
- Designated Girl Fight: Ranamon is the only enemy that Izumi/Zoe defeats by herself and actually scans.
- Catch Phrase: "Commozione!", in Japan only.
- The Chick
- Cute Monster Girl: Her "Beast" Spirit is much more human looking than any of the guys. And...really, really cute. Lampshaded; this really pisses of Calmarimon. In fact, all of her forms could count
- Coy Girlish Flirt Pose: Combined with an animated version of Say It with Hearts, to try and get help from a Trailmon, of all things. It works. Takuya sweatdrops, while JP is in love.
- Expy: Has traits of Sora and Mimi from the first series.
- Fan Service: Gotta love a girl who can envision herself modeling skimpy bathing suits and win an eating contest all in the span of three or four episodes, not to mention the skimpy outfits of her Digimon forms.
- Sexy Dynamite!
- Faux Action Girl: Even compared to other examples of this trope, it's ridiculous. Kazemon is probably the only main character Digimon in the series to lose after evolving for the first time. Zephyrmon averts this.
- Fridge Brilliance-That may be an in-universe reason for her using her Beast Spirit more than the others. Zephyrmon took out her first opponent with one hit and no "must control the beast spirit's power" time.
- Flight
- Fragile Speedster
- Girly Bruiser
- Gratuitous Foreign Language: Italian, in this case.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Michelle Ruff is Kluke and Sun Shang Xiang. In the Japanese, she plays Haruna Saotome and Yuna Kashiwagi.
- Kick Chick: Kazemon yes, Zephyrmon no.
- Magic Skirt: Zig-zagged. There's no upskirt shot that the viewer can see, but she does gets a Panty Shot when she transforms into Kazemon, because of her skirt dissolving faster than her underwear during Spirit Evolution. Also, Zoe often gets embarrassed and finds trouble hiding her privates because of how short her skirt is.
- Male Gaze: She has her moments, and her Digimon forms get it moreso, due to wearing very revealing clothes. In the Japanese version of Island of Lost Digimon, the viewers can even see close-ups of Kazemon's bottom and ass as she fights Murmukusmon.
- Nice Hat
- Oblivious to Love: Is the object of JP's affections. She doesn't even know.
- The Smurfette Principle
- Spin Attack: Kazemon's Tempest Twist.
- Stripperiffic: Both of her forms.
- Winged Humanoid: Both Kazemon and Zephyrmon.
- Zettai Ryouiki: All of her forms have this to some degree.
Tommy Himi (Himi Tomoki)
Tommy is the youngest member of the group. He is always genuine in his feelings and looks up to Takuya Kanbara as his hero. As the series progresses, Tommy learns to stand up for himself, even fighting his own battles.
His spirit evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Kumamon(Chakkumon),a beast man digimon. A humanoid polar bear with green armor and a snowball cannon
- Beast Hybrid: Korikkakumon(Blizzarmon), A beast digimon. Resembles a large white yeti with spear-tipped dread-locks and two huge axes
Voiced by: Kumiko Watanabe (JP), Brianne Siddall (EN)
- An Ice Person
- Animal Motifs: A Sloth and Bear.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Korrikakkumon
- Cross-Dressing Voices
- Expy: Of Takeru/T.K..
- Like all the other boys, his Beast Evolution. Kor-Ikkakumon, anyone?
- Green Eyes: Notable in that Kumamon, his shirt, and his Digivice are all white with green trim.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Brianne Siddall, dub voice of Calumon in Tamers and Koromon in Season 1. She went on to voice Keenan in Digimon Savers, and is also known for a certain emo Wavemaster. Kumiko Watanabe plays Katejina Loos and Keroro.
- Improbable Weapon User: Once used a stick against the other 4 kids (Takuya, Koji, Zoe and J.P.).
- Japanese Sibling Terminology: Calls Takuya "Takuya-oniichan," and his own brother "oniichan."
- Kid Appeal Character
- Nice Hat: Huge, floppy and orange.
- No Name Given: The dub gave his brother a name.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Kumamon is the smallest of the Human Spirits, but still fights well for his size. His Beast Spirit, on the other hand, isn't small (Zoe's is).
- The Smart Guy: He's probably the most rational member of the team and less prone to make stupid mistakes.
- "V" Sign: Does this in his Transformation Sequence, despite having three fingered hands. It's rather adorable.
- Weapon of Choice
- Dual-Wielding Axes: Korikakumon has two of them, one for each hand.
- More Dakka: Kumamon's snowball gun.
J.P. Shibayama (Shibayama Junpei)
At the start of the series, J.P. shows some jealousy towards Takuya Kanbara, the main character of this series for being Tommy Himi's hero and being able to combine both of his Digimon forms into a more powerful form. He also shows feelings for Zoe Orimoto, the only female of the group. J.P. also seems to have a hidden fear of being alone - despite being constantly surrounded by people when he was in the real world, he felt that he had never really been anyone's real friend.
His spirit evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Beetlemon(Blitzmon),a cyborg digimon. a large humanoid beetle with electric powers
- Beast Hybrid: MetalKabuterimon(Bolgmon), A cyborg digimon. A cross between a beetle-shaped mech and an army tank.
Voiced by: Mahito Amada (JP), Steve Blum (EN)
- Animal Motifs: Beetle.
- Balloon Belly: Happens to him in episode 17.
- Big Eater: He looks like it too. Subverted, in that he's not nearly as big of an eater as Zoe/Izumi.
- Big Fun
- The Big Guy
- Butt Monkey
- Dogged Nice Guy: Towards Zoe.
- Expy: Of Joe and Izzy from Adventure.
- Likewise, his evolutions are expies of Kabuterimon and his evolutions. Bolgmon was renamed MetalKabuterimon in the dub to drive home the reference.
- Fear of Thunder: Ironically enough.
- Hammerspace: Where does he keep getting that chocolate?
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Amada is Police Robo and the Utada Twins!
- Hopeless Suitor: Has a long standing crush on Zoe.
- Love Bubbles
- Mighty Glacier: Tough but slow in both forms.
- Shock and Awe
- Sweet Tooth
- Tank Goodness: Bolgmon
- Throw the Dog a Bone: In a possible attempt to make J.P. look more mature in the eyes of his companions, Zoe in particular, Latin American dubs often implied that Zoe was starting to like J.P. She even mentions a possibility to let him take her on a date someday; while in the original Japanese script Zoe just goes up to respect J.P., it never goes past that.
Koichi Kimura (Kimura Kouichi)
His spirit evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Lowemon, a warrior digimon. He resembles a Large man wearing lion-themed black armor.
- Beast Hybrid: JagerLowemon (KaiserLeomon), A cyborg digimon. A robotic black lion that vaguely resembles SaberLeomon.
- Corrupted Human Hybrid Duskmon, a demon man digimon. Resembles a large man wearing vaguely draconic skeletal armor covered in eyes.
- Corrupted Beast Hybrid Velgemon (Velgmon), a giant bird digimon. A giant monstrous bird with draconic features and a third eye
Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura (JP), Crispin Freeman (EN)
- Animal Motifs: Lion.
- Badass: Lowemon. Lets put it this way, he's basically stronger than either of the Chosen Children's Advance Hybrids, and thats only the human spirit...
- Badass Boast: As Lowemon when he defeats 2 Phantomon. “Confused evil souls be buried in darkness and sleep. Let the shadows purify you. Fractal code, digitize!”
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Casting a Shadow
- Dark Is Not Evil: It's his freaking element.
- Dark Is Evil: In the beginning.
- Death by Falling Over: Played straight at first, then subverted.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: He was hospitalized/fell into a coma-like state after chasing after Koji on the day everyone first went to the digital world due to falling down a flight of stairs. Thus, he was a purely digital spirit himself the entire time he was with them. Once the final battle is over, the other chosen children return to the real world and rush to where Koichi is being kept. In a true Crowning Moment of Heartwarming moment Koji is able to revive and reunite with his brother with the others' help.
- Even Evil Has Standards: During his time as Duskmon, he calls Mercuremon out on the latter's plan to betray Cherubimon and keep Seraphimon's data for himself, as well as his sitting back while having the remaining villains do the work.
- Evil Counterpart/ Evil Twin: Starts out as this to Koji.
- Expy: More or less to Ken. His true evolved forms are a tribute to the Leomon line
- Gratuitous German: Every one of his evolution forms.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Suzumura plays some roles including Shinn, Tora Igarashi, Lavi and most notably the purple-colored Imagin who wields a big gun.
- His Name Is--: Koichi's grandmother tells him about Koji on her deathbed.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: He and Koji are twin brothers who were raised apart.
- The Sacred Darkness: Probably one of the best examples of the trope there is, even being able to provide an example for the "corrupt" and the "pure" form of darkness.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: See Koji.
- Sixth Ranger: After his Heel Face Turn.
- Theme Twin Naming: Koichi and Koji, or "first child," and "second child" respectively.
- Villain Song: Duskmon is the only villain to get a song this season. Likely because he becomes a much more important character as the series progresses.
Bokomon & Neemon
Bokomon voiced by: Kazuko Sugiyama (JP), Brian Beacock (EN)
Neemon voiced by: Masami Kikuchi (JP), Michael Sorich (EN)
- Cloudcuckoolander / The Ditz: Neemon
- Dope Slap: Bokomon always pulls Neemon's pants then snaps them whenever he says or does something stupid.
- Eyes Always Shut: Neemon
- The Load: Neemon again. Bokomon isn't much better most of the time.
- Mister Seahorse: Played with while Bokomon is carrying around Seraphimon's egg.
- Those Two Guys
- Verbal Tic: Bokomon, "-jai"
- Wise Beyond Their Years: Bokomon
One of the three Great Angels of the Digital World. After Seraphimon is killed by Mercurymon, he is turned into an egg which later hatches into Patamon.
Patamon voiced by: Kae Araki (JP), Bridget Hoffman (EN)
Seraphimon voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (JP), Jamieson Price (EN)
- Mentors
- Reincarnation: First appears in an evolved form (Seraphimon) and gets turned into a egg, which then hatches into this form (Patamon).
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: again...
- Shout-Out: To season 1 (see above)
- Verbal Tic: "-desu~"
- The Worf Effect: Gets his ass curbed by Mercurymon fairly early in the game to hype Mercurymon up.
One of the three great angels of the Digital World. She starts out the whole adventure, and a good portion of the first half of the series is spent finding her. She is killed by kerpymon but reincarnates as Salamon late in the series.
Voiced by: Rika Fukami (JP), Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (EN)
- Bare Your Midriff: Her entire body is covered in armor plates... except for her mouth and her midriff.
- Distaff Counterpart: to Seraphimon
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Mentors
One of the Three Great Angels of the Digital World. In times passed, he was a good digimon that helped keep the peace. But now he is a corrupted monster that will stop at nothing to take over the entire digital world. Late in the series, he's revived as Lopmon.
Voiced by: Ryuzaburo Ohtomo (JP), Paul St Peter (EN)
- Big Bad: Of most of the series,
- Dark Is Evil
- Disc One Final Boss: He's set up as the Big Bad for over half of the series, but upon his defeat its revealed that he was the (possibly unwilling) minion of Lucemon.
- Evil Counterpart: To both Ophanimon and Seraphimon.
- Face Heel Turn: Before the start of the series
- Fallen Angel
- Love Makes You Evil: Is implied to have feelings for Ophanimon, and this may be what became his start of darkness
- Monster Clown
- Triang Relations
- Shock and Awe
An angel digimon that once came down to the Digital World to bring peace to it due to a war between the beast and human type digimon. He eventually grew proud and fell off the narrow path and became a great evil that the Ten Legendary Warriors sealed away. He is eventually released by the Royal Knights and becomes the final boss of the show, so to speak.
His forms are as follows
- Rookie: Lucemon, his default form. A small cute looking boy with 12 angel wings
- Ultimate: Chaos Mode (Falldown Mode), An adult Lucemon with dark armor and half of his wings have taken on a demonic look
- Mega: Shadowlord Mode (Satan mode), A giant demonic dragon that holds the Gehenna (hell) sphere in its hands
- Mega: Lucemon Larva , resembles a cross between a larva, a cocoon, and an embryo with twelve golden wings
Voiced by: Mona Marshall (EN), Kumiko Nishihara (JP), Ryusei Nakao (JP, Falldown and Satan modes)
- Anti-Villain: Averted hard. He thinks he's a Type III but he's really just a insane megalomaniac.
- Big Bad: The true one of the series.
- Bigger Bad: To Cherubimon
- Complete Monster
- Creepy Child (his initial form)
- Fallen Angel
- Flight
- Knight Templar: Not acting For the Evulz, he actually considers himself bringing order to the Digital World. But he's arguably the biggest killer in the franchise, as he nearly has the world destroyed so he can break free.
- Light'Em Up
- Light Is Not Good/Dark Is Evil
- Lightning Bruiser: In his Chaos/Falldown mode.
- The Man Behind the Man
- Manipulative Bastard
- One-Winged Angel: Well, technically he became a literal Twelve Winged Angel...then a twelve-winged demon, then a twelve-winged larva...
- Our Angels Are Different
- Satan: His three forms represent three versions of him: His normal form is Satan's original angel form, his Falldown mode is Satan after falling, and his Satan Mode is as the Dragon of Revelation
- Sealed Evil in a Can
- Shadow Archetype: To the kids.
- Smug Snake: Particularly in his Child form, the only emotion he usually shows is condescending, cold disdain towards everyone else.
- Super Strength: Almost all Digimon have some degree of this, but Lucemon takes this Up to Eleven. His Falldown mode was able to destroy three moons by piledriving two digimon into one of them.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: Has this opinion of his view of the digital world and in the finale attempts to take over the human world.
- Villainous Breakdown: Both time he finds himself out-matched by Susanoomon, especially the second time.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: As Falldown mode
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When the Royal Knights are finally beaten, he takes data for himself to go to his Falldown mode.
Grumblemon (Grottomon)
A small, ugly gnome like creature. He was the first of the evil Warriors the children meet and also the first to fall. He represents earth and stone
His two evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Grumblemon(Grottomon), an ogre digimon. His default form
- Beast Hybrid: Gigasmon , A mineral digimon. He's supposed to be a certain type of mythological giant called a Gigas
Voiced by: Tomohiro Nishimura (JP), Derek Stephen Prince (EN)
- The Brute
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Drop the Hammer
- Heel Face Turn: Post-death.
- Hulk Speak: Especially when he slide evolves to Gigasmon.
- Our Giants Are Bigger: Gigasmon is based off a Gigas, but he isn't really that big
- Our Gnomes Are Weirder: Grumblemon
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Ranamon, Arbormon and Mercurymon.
- Starter Villain: The first main enemy to be dispatched of.
A cute, mermaid-like digimon. She was one of the evil Legendary Warriors that the Chosen Children faced. She devloped an intense hatred of Zoe, borne out of jealousy. She represents water
Her two evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Ranamon , a fairy digimon. Her default form
- Beast Hybrid: Calmaramon , An aquatic digimon. An ugly woman sprouting out of an upside down squid.
Voiced by: Haruhi Terada (JP), Peggy O'Neal (EN)
- Alpha Bitch
- Arch Enemy: To Izumi
- Bishoujo Line: Parodied.
- Cat Fight: Most of her fights with Zoe/Kazemon
- Designated Girl Fight: She is the only enemy that Izumi/Zoe defeats by herself and actually scans.
- Cute Monster Girl: In her default form. Lets just say her beast mode averts this...
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Fan Service: She's Ms. Fanservice in her default form, at least
- Foot Focus: Has well defined bare feet. Gets a few focused shots here and there.
- Gonk: Her Beast Spirit, Calmaramon, is this especially in universe.
- Heel Face Turn: Post-death.
- Irony: She easily won the heart of every male Digimon she came across, except the one she actually has feelings for.
- Love Makes You Crazy: She pretty much relies on this to get her (male) minions to do what she wants.
- Making a Splash
- Perky Female Minion: Among the below mentioned Quirky Miniboss Squad.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Grumblemon, Arbormon and Mercurymon
- Southern Belle: In the dub.
Mercurymon (Mercuremon)
An odd looking humanoid digimon with a mirror for a face and similar mirrors for wrist guards. He was ostensibly the leader of the evil Legendary Warriors, and he was certainly the most effective (outside of Duskmon). He seemed to hold a minor grudge against Takuya, but not to the extent that Ranamon held for Zoe. He supposedly represents steel, but that is a clear case of In Name Only, as most of his attacks involve mirrors.
His three evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Mercurymon (Mercuremon), a mutant digimon. His default form
- Beast Hybrid: Sakkakumon (Sephirotmon) , a mutant digimon. A weird looking creature that resembles a living sephirot. Inside each of his spheres exists a different elemental based dimension
- Mega ShadowSeraphimon (BlackSeraphimon), a fallen angel digimon. A demonic Seraphimon.
Voiced by: Yasunori Masutani (JP), Daran Norris (EN)
- All Your Powers Combined: Sephirotmon has all of the powers of the heroes' Hybrids.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Mercuremon has a tendency to reflect his enemies' attacks back at them with his mirrored shields. He even managed to defeat Seraphimon this way.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He largely sat back and let Grumblemon, Ranamon and Arbormon do most of the grunt work - Duskmon calls him out on it in one episode - and was planning to betray his master and keep Seraphimon's data to himself. He even manipulates Ranamon as part of his Xanatos Gambit, not caring whether she survived or not.
- Evil Genius
- Extra Ore Dinary: This is supposedly his element, but it doesn’t really show. Instead, his attacks are reflections of those of his enemy.
- Eye Beams: Composed of the heroes' attacks. Only applies to Sakakkumon, since Mercurymon is faceless.
- Faux Symbolism
- Heel Face Turn: Post-death.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Guess what? He's voiced by Timmy's Dad and the scruffy strategist-scholar of Wu.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Grumblemon, Ranamon and Arbormon.
- Large Ham: He speaks like he learned English from a Shakespeare play.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mega Manning: Sakakkumon.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Sakakkumon.
- Smug Snake: He's ultimately not as big a threat as he thinks he is.
- The Starscream: He kept Seraphimon's fractal code to himself, hoping to exploit its celestial power. But since Cherubimon noticed this, and let him keep it anyway, it is unlikely he would have posed much of a threat even if he hadn't been beaten by Aldamon.
- Xanatos Gambit: His plan as Sephirotmon was to trap the Digidestined force to fight against a series of enemies while he copied every attack used, and gained immunity to them, so it didn't matter to him whether he won or lost. It goes wrong when they start mixing attacks and throwing them at him, which he had never seen.
- Villainous Breakdown: Has one as Sephirotmon after he finds the Digidestined combined attacks can hurt him, and makes some vain attempts at boasting that he'll still win despite being scarred stiff.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: This was added in the dub; for example, he addresses others as "thee" and "thou", and refers to Ranamon as "m'lady".
A wooden cyborg digimon. He was one of the Evil Legendary Warriors that fought the Chosen Children. For a time he gave the children trouble with his beast spirit, but was eventually brought down via teamwork and destroyed by Duskmon. He represents wood.
His two evolutions are as follows:
- Human Hybrid: Arbormon, a cyborg digimon. His default form
- Beast Hybrid: Petaldramon , A plant digimon. A large living plant that resembles a dragon.
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (JP), Richard Cansino (EN)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Arbormon does this a lot at random moments. One moment, he's plotting to kill the warriors, and the next moment, he's reminding the little kids watching the show to brush their teeth before going to bed.
- The Brute: Takes over as this after Grumblemon is defeated.
- Green Thumb: The Legendary Warrior of Wood.
- Heel Face Turn: Post-death.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Arbomon's English VA Richard Cansino voiced both Kenshin and Legato Bluesummers
- Laughably Evil: Zig Zagged Trope, but overall he's the least competent of all the Dark Legendary Warriors. In one episode, he devotes all his nefarious energies to kidnapping a Burgermon chef and forcing him to make better hamburgers. In another, however, he cheerfully kills four Pipismon and absorbs their fractal codes.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: With Grumblemon, Ranamon and Mercurymon.
- Roundhouse Kick: His main attack.
- Verbal Tic: Nearly every sentence he says ends with "right?"
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Duskmon's reason for killing him off, stating he was useless after his Beast Spirit was taken.
Crusadermon (LordKnightmon)
An effiment Holy Knight digimon. Crusadermon was one of the two Royal Knights that were hired by Lucemon to destroy all of the digital world. Crusadermon was often matched off in a fight with MagnaGarurumon, and was the first of the two knights to start having trouble, being the weaker of the two.
Voiced by: Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), Melodee Spevack (EN)
- Co-Dragons: With Dynasmon.
- Knight Templar
- Light Is Not Good
- Lightning Bruiser: Although in comparison to Dynasmon, Crusadermon is more of a Fragile Speedster
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy: In the dub.
- She's a Man In Japan: In Japan, Crusadermon is an effeminate male digimon. Guess how the dub handled this.
- Sissy Villain: Only in Japan. See above.
- Something About a Rose
- Spell My Name with an "S": The character's Japanese name is the source of confusion, as the katakana characters can be read as either Lord Knightmon or Rhodo Knightmon - rhodonite being the color of the character's armor. In the subsequent Savers dub, the character's name was dubbed to Load Knightmon.
Dynasmon is a draconic Holy Knight Digimon. He was one of the two Royal Knights hired by Lucemon to gather all of the digital world's data. He usually squared off against EmperorGreymon, and being by far the stronger of the two knights, was the last to start having trouble with the Chosen Children. He was also the most devoted to Lucemon's cause. He is thematically based off of the Wyvern.
Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (JP), Derek Stephen Prince (EN)
- The Brute
- Co-Dragons: With Crusadermon.
- Knight Templar
- Light Is Not Good
- Lightning Bruiser
- Obviously Evil: Is more similar in appearance to a white devil than a Holy Knight.
- Our Dragons Are Different: He's sort of a humanoid wyvern of some variety
- Spikes of Villainy
- Super Strength: Stated to be the strongest of the Royal Knights, a group already filled with Flying Bricks.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Decides to use Breath of Wyvern against the Heroes, even though they were pretty much defeated. Crusadermon even started freaking out and the Heroes were blasted to the moon.
- Undying Loyalty: To Lucemon.