< Digimon Frontier

Digimon Frontier/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Cherubimon, but he Goes Out With A Tearful Smile.
    • Arbormon, who dies betrayed by his own teammate, may also count.
    • Zoe/Fairymon shows some pity towards Ranamon before she defeats her because Ranamon was only nasty due to how pained and empty she was inside, so she hopes purification can heal her ("This digivice will purify your broken heart!") The dub unfortunately removes this, making Zoe/Fairymon just happy to be rid of her.
  • Arc Fatigue: It's already settling in by the time we get to the Velgemon and Cherubimon arcs, but by the time the Royal Knights arc comes around, some fans just put their foot down or skip to the ending.
  • Audience-Alienating Premise: One factor that contributed to the Broken Base and similar Audience Reactions.
    • However, other people see it as a good deviation, since it led to the digidestined strategizing more and actually fighting themselves instead of others doing for them. That's why the Take That lower on the page exists, the writers may have wanted to make the human children less passive.
  • Badass Decay: Seraphimon, when the cast rescues him, holds his own against Cherubimon's henchman at first, until Mercuremon beats him easily by making his attack rebound on himself, turning him into a Digiegg. Compare this with how his evolutionary line was portrayed in Adventure - even in Adventure 02, Angemon and Magnaangemon were competent at their own level.
  • Complete Monster: Icedevimon is so nasty even Cherubimon's not willing to work with him.
    • Lucemon is also this, even though he sees himself as a well intentioned messiah. In his view, the Digital World has gone rotten and so he wants to tear it apart bit by bit, bringing about the loss of much data and the deaths of countless Digimon, all so he can rebuild it in his image: a utopia where every Digimon that lives is stripped of their free will and free thought, with Lucemon as their shepherd. In reality, what he intends to create is a Hell in Digi-world, where all Digimon are slaves and the only one who will be happy is him. To say nothing of how he treats his henchmen as disposable and of the various tortures he inflicts on the good guys For the Evulz.
  • Continuity Lock Out: Anyone who watches this series first will most likely balk at names like KendoGarurumon and BurningGreymon.
  • Crowning Moment Of Crazy Awesome: The entire final battle, which essentially boils down to a Shinto warrior god fighting Satan in outer space, killing him THREE TIMES.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The dub opening theme is incredibly catchy.
    • Koji Wada would like you to Get A Fire Power.
    • The second evolution theme song which plays when Takuya and Kouji evolve to EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon: Ayumi Miyazaki's "The Last Element".
    • "Innocent ~ Mujaki Na Mama De" is no slouch either. The lyrics and the melody for the chorus are particularly inspiring.
    • The transformation music is pretty cool too.
    • The dub version of fusion evolution is friggin' awesome, see here.
    • Darkness In My Heart as sung by Crispin Freeman. Doubles as wasted song.
    • The latin dub version of the ED is quite popular with latin anime fans in general.
  • Ear Worm: The dub theme song. Possibly even more so than the first three season's song, and this one has more lyrics.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Ranamon.
  • Invincible Villain: The Royal Knights especially, which is part of what adds to their Arc Fatigue for many viewers.
  • Large Ham: Ice Devimon seems to fall under this quite nicely. Justified as his seiyuu is none other than Norio Wakamoto. The dub does this as well by having the VA emulate Christopher Walken.
    • Superstarmon falls under it much better
  • Moral Event Horizon: All of Lucemon's actions towards the end send him flying right over this.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Duskmon, and not just for his appearance either. "YOU MUST CHOOSE TO FOLLOW ME OR BE DESTROYED" or "Follow me or die. Which will you choose?" And then in big Japanese font just the word "Choose." at the end of Episode 49 in the English dub and subbed versions. And for more chills, think about it: every screen in Shibuya and probably the rest of the world says one of those messages depending on the version...AND THEN YOUR TV SAYS IT AT THE END. Lucemon is warning YOU, THE VIEWER. They make you believe for a second that Lucemon has entered OUR WORLD AND IS TAKING IT OVER WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EFFORT. It gets worse when in the dub, HE ACTUALLY SAYS IT. And in the voice of what sounds like Terriormon from Tamers with a slit throat!
  • Padding: Moreso than any other Digimon season.
  • Seasonal Rot: The last part of the show is generally regarded as inferior, as stated above.
    • Among a sizable contingent of fans, the entirety of Frontier qualifies thanks to a combination of changing into an animated Henshin Hero series, abandoning the partner Digimon, and coming right after Digimon Tamers. It actually almost killed the franchise for three years.
    • Though others praise it as taking Digimon back to its Adventure roots while still being its own thing.
    • The following series might have actually taken a pot shot at this series with the Bio-Hybrid Trio. Just like the heroes of this season, they turned into Digimon instead of being partnered with them - only they were the bad guys, and worked for Kurata - it's not hard to see that as Self-Deprecation aimed at Frontier.
  • Strangled by the Red String: Almost any fanfic involving Izumi will have her paired with Kouji or Takuya, often accompanied by her spine being removed! In the actual show, the most of the Ship Teases with Izumi are given to Junpei.
  • Woolseyism: A name was needed for Tommy/Tomoki's brother, simply called "big brother" in the Japanese version. Instead of pulling a Keenan Crier and making one up out of whole cloth, they chose "Yutaka." Not only is this an actual Japanese name, it's an anagram of Takuya, alluding to the deep friendship between him and Tomoki -- Tomoki even calls Takuya "big brother."
  • What the Hell, Casting Agency?: Occasionally, the dub can get weird with this. Snimon sounds like Myotismon from Adventure, Cherubimon like Leomon from the same, and a Toucanmon and Mushroomon sound like they're channeling Kazu from Tamers and Davis from Adventure 02, respectively.
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