
K: ...God is so fucking me.
Liz: Dude, you have no idea.
Blip is the story of K, a girl that was never meant to exist, and is, according to Lucifer, a great cosmic mistake on God's part. Because her actions have serious effects on other people and can greatly change the path of destiny, God has angels look after her and make sure she does not become anything special.
Among the cast are K's friends, most of whom are involved with the supernatural in one way or another, a couple of Chibi angels whose job is to censor K, a couple of little demons who like to beat up the angels, and a strangely Bishonen Lucifer.
Found here.
Tropes used in Blip include:
- Affably Evil: Lucifer. K calls him Uncle Luc.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Hester has a Stalker with a Crush and a demon, to whom she gave a human heart, in love with her.
- On a darker note, K and Bishop and Bishop and Terry's relationships.
- Exclusively Evil: The chibi-demons.
- Well, duh.
- Ambiguously Bi: K says this about Liz.
- Anti-Hero: K. On the Sliding Scale, she's somewhere between Type I and Type II.
- Apocalypse Maiden: K via Ascended Fridge Horror; her interactions with people and her creative projects have altered the cosmic scheme and the cosmic powers that do exist have absolutely no idea what is going on.
- Art Evolution: Compare this to this.
- The style of the faces and bodies have become less realistic and much more cartoon-like and stylized.
- Art Shift: When Bang draws some silly comic strips.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Between K and Bang.
- Ax Crazy: K's inner child.
- Beard of Sorrow: Bishop grows one as he takes care of Terry and later mourns her death.
- Berserk Button: Don't say the H-word to Hester. Girl might have been called "Hermione" one too many times in the past.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Angela.
- Big Ol' Unibrow: Atlantes.
- Bishonen: Lucifer and his non-fallen double.
- Black Best Friend: Mohag to Bishop.
- Black Blood: The Incubus bleeds this after Lucifer tries to kill him.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Lucifer. Subverted.
- Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Sort of. One blonde, two redheads, one with blue hair.
- K seems to be brunette now, so it's played straight.
- Blue Eyes: Hester.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Comic 729 is nothing but an excuse to do this.
- The Cameo: Fellow webcomicker Allan shows up as himself. Myst and the unnamed vampire hunter are modeled after people who posted on the forum.
- Who's that young man in the college library stocking books in this strip? If you read Questionable Content I think you know the answer to this already.
- Casanova Wannabe: Stephen.
- Character Development: Very good development.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Used by K. A lot.
- About 100 strips in, she begins making a conscious effort to tone down her language.
- Cosmic Plaything: K.
- Creepy Child: K's inner child is pretty much insane.
- This evil being (antichrist?)
- The recently introduced set of angels.
- Creepy Twins: The two little blond angel boys that replaced the cherubs.
- Cute Witch: Hester.
- Cyborg: Mary is described as one early in the strip, but later (and especially once her full back-story is revealed) it becomes clear that she was always entirely robotic.
- Dark Is Not Evil: LIZ. Though, she used to be evil.
- The forces of Hell are sympathetic to K, although they are trying to manipulate her.
- Truly subverted with Liz building a coalition of monsters to support K
- Deadpan Snarker: K.
- Deliberately Monochrome: Most of the strips are in color, however there are several done in black and white due to "budget cuts".
- Also done in the Flash Back that entails Mary and K's original falling out.
- Despair Event Horizon: K goes through one when she thinks that Bishop is cheating on her with Terry.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: here
- Double Entendre: Many brands of food and restaurants are given names that resemble swear words. Examples: "Pho King", "Fuku Sushi", and "Chitos."
- Fainting: Bach faints multiple time at the sight of his own blood.
- Erotic Dream: K's dream about making it into the Mile High Club.
- Even the Girls Want Her: K underwent a rather interesting rection upon getting a good look at Mary for the first time.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The prostitute Stephen talks to is only referred to as "Whore."
- Until she made good on her promise, then he calls her by her real name.
- Evil Twin: Inverted (Maybe) with Camael, an angel who looks exactly like Lucifer.
- He seems at least good enough to be outraged at the Creepy Twins' deeds.
- Expressive Hair: Oh, Bang.
- Fire and Brimstone Hell: As seen here.
- Fish Out of Water: Atlantes when he comes to the city to visit Hester.
- Fluffy Cloud Heaven
- Funbag Airbag: K trying to rescue Hester from a bad date.
- Funny Animal: Maggie, Hester's cat.
- Gender Blender Name: The prostitute's name is revealed to be Quincy.
- Genre Busting: Slice of Life about a girl unaware of the fact that she was never meant to exist, is central in the battle between heaven and hell, that her best friends are a vampire, a witch, and a Cyborg, and that her ex-boyfriend is apparently The Messiah, which is something he is also unaware of. And that's not even addressing every story thread: a demon is now in love with the witch after she saved his life because the devil tried to kill him, so now he and his sister are recruiting for a war to rebel against hell, the protagonist's ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend ended up having cancer then died so heaven could punish her know, let's just say that this comic can be full of amazing surprises.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: After K and Hester's Funbag Airbag moment, Atlantes wonders if they will "kiss like in those moving pictures".
- God Is Evil: Maybe... Then again considering that an angel didn't know that people could go to heaven...
- It's been recently revealed that God isn't exactly in the picture at the moment.
- The Good, the Bad, and The Evil: Heaven is willing to screw our protagonist over for the sake of preserving order. Hell is trying to help her -- because they're hoping she'll bring about The End of the World as We Know It. Most of the real good guys aren't allied with either side.
- Gratuitous Japanese: Angela.
- The Grim Reaper: He's short and kind of panicky.
- Guardian Entity
- Hair of Gold: Mary.
- Happily Adopted: K loves her mom, who she called the best mom ever, and her uncle.
- Headless Horseman: He was screwed over by the devil and decided to help the succubus and incubus in their revenge against him.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Mohag and Bishop.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen: K's
unnamedroommates.- The Adversary.
- Hidden Eyes: Liz.
- Also Bishop when he thinks K is cheating on him.
- In a flashback, Angela is shown to have bangs that obscured her eyes, signifying her previously shy nature.
- Horny Devils: The Succubus and the Incubus.
- The Igor: Mary's inventor father has one as a servant.
- Imagine Spot: Used quite frequently.
- Immune to Fate: K. The only way Heaven averts her completely toppling the order of destiny is by actively censoring and sabotaging her life.
- With God being "away", this may not actually be the case.
- Indulgent Fantasy Segue: K's reaction to Bishop asking for her phone number.
- Last Het Romance: K to Bang.
- Light Is Not Good: The forces of "light" actively seek to ruin an innocent person's life.
- Living Shadow: Liz has the power to become this. By incorporating herself into someone else's shadow, she can follow them around, even through daylight.
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Louis Cypher: My who's that mysterious, suave, blonde man who keeps appearing in the background?
- Magnetic Hero: K in general. Elizabeth is one of the most powerful vampires on Earth, Mary is a unique Robot Girl who was built by Frankenstein, Hester is a very powerful witch, Angela is a saint, and Bishop is The Messiah.
- Masquerade: How the series has (so far) balanced mundane Slice of Life with Urban Fantasy. The non-supernatural characters are completely unaware of the forces at work around them, and the fact that their actions have cosmic consequences.
- Me's a Crowd: Mary's robot doubles.
- The Messiah: Bishop, according to the creepy angels.
- Mind Rape: Hester, Liz, and Mary's plan for punishing Bishop for {supposedly} cheating on K.
- Moment Killer: Deliberately invoked by Hester and K with "Operation Third Wheel", to prevent Hester's unwanted date from getting too awkward.
- Most Common Superpower: Parody in Bang's drawings of superheroes.
- Medium Awareness: More common in the early strips. For example, here K complains about how she was drawn in a prior panel, and here she argues with the narrator.
- Mugging the Monster: Here.
- Multilayer Facade: The Adversary uses in-universe Pixellation to hide his face, and wears a mask underneath that.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: In her dreams, K fights a pirate rabbit transvestite robot. While armed with weapons and powerups from Bleach, Star Wars, Dragonball Z, and Sailor Moon.
- Nosebleed: This happens when Bishop is with his ex Terry. And when he gets a look down K's shirt.
- No Name Given: K's roommates.
- One roommate's name is Wilson Hollie.
- Not a Morning Person: K.
- Not That There's Anything Wrong with That: Used here.
- Occidental Otaku: Angela.
- Oedipus Complex: Atlantes is very... fond of talking about his mother.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: K.
- Only Sane Man: Bishop. So far, the only real weirdness he's really shown is when he "unleashes the dragon."
- Open the Iris: Hester's default state. "Goodness! My eyes are huge!" So when they shrink, you know she's really freaking out.
- Our Angels Are Different: They're chibi. And are apparently mass-produced.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Liz (finally confirmed in comic #356). Also a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, but she wasn't always so nice.
- Pensieve Flashback: Liz's portion of The Rashomon.
- Pet Homosexual: Bang.
- Power Limiter - Stated recently to be the reason why people like Hester have magic, and others do not. In K's case, this is apparently a good thing because she has a vast reservoir of magic within her.
- Power Perversion Potential: Deliberately exploited by Liz.
- Pretender Diss: Here the girls watch a marathon of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Twilight, and Terminator Salvation. The girls in question are a witch, a vampire, and a cyborg. Their reactions are priceless (Gell-Mann amnesia is at work).
- Liz does like Let the Right One In, though.
- Psycho for Hire: The chibi-devils.
- Rashomon Style: Deliberately invoked and Lampshaded. Surprisingly, we actually find out exactly what happened, due to the fact that Mary is a robot, and as she put it, "Free of errors and inconsistencies of the hippocampus."
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Liz and Mary.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: The Succubus.
- Redheaded Hero: Hester.
- Relationship Upgrade - K and Bishop.
- Robot Girl: Mary.
- Liz also has a robot body, supplied by Mary, which she can possess when she needs to go out in daylight.
- Room Full of Crazy: The interior of Bishop's mind manifests itself as a dark little room with four endlessly tall walls with every little secret he's had throughout his life scribbled on them.
- Running Gag: Someone Sneezing when other characters talk about them.
- A common superstition in Japan (and China and Vietnam, says the other wiki)
- Satan: Interestingly enough, two separate characters. Lucifer is (loosely) the Christian concept (i.e. the angel rebelling against God) while The Adversary is (loosely) the Jewish concept (i.e. the loyal opposition in God's court).
- Schedule Slip: After managing to go one strip per day for ages, the comic eventually dropped to a strip every few days, and then stopped altogether. Apparently, the author was in a car accident, and was unable to draw for two months. After two months, the comic resumed on December 15, although updates have slowed down to almost a monthly basis now, as of March.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Bishop and Mohag respectively.
- Sexy Santa Dress: This strip.
- Shadow Discretion Shot - Lucifer, before The Reveal.
- Shaggy Dog Story: K and Mohag driving several hours to help Bang who they thought had been brutally attacked. He was OK, he only got stabbed in the arm and broke his phone. His attacker ended up much worse, possibly dead.
- Shout-Out - To several different animes, notably Bleach here, and Dragon Ball here. There are several to movies and TV shows as well.
- "Shut Up" Kiss: Between K and Bishop.
- Slice of Life: Surprisingly, while the strip does focus on the fantastic plot, K's daily life and relationships are cataloged quite a bit.
- Spock Speak: Mary.
- Stalker with a Crush: Hester has one.
- Stoic Spectacles: Liz.
- Sugar Bowl: Heaven.
- Super-Deformed: The angels and minion's of the devil.
- Also K and Mary arguing and cursing each other out. They are quite adorable.
- Super Smoke: Another of Liz's powers.
- Squee: During a long car ride to save Bang, K lets one out upon discovering there is food in the car.
- The Stoic: The angel who gets attacked by an oni doesn't even flinch.
- Take That: Hester and Maggie laugh over a copy of Harry Potter and its "incorrect" interpretation of magic.
- Many comics feature some character mocking a movie or band they dislike, only for The Rant below the strip to say something to the effect of, "They're crazy, that movie or band is awesome."
- Talking Animal: Maggie the cat.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Kei.
- Title Drop: Strip #39.
- Urban Fantasy
- The Unchosen One: K herself. She has no idea.
- The Un-Reveal: K's full name.
- Up to Eleven: Happens with brolove going from this to this .
- Vampire Hunter: One goes after Liz.
- Voluntary Shapeshifter: Maggie.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome??: Prius TO THE MAX.
- White Mask of Doom: Used by The Adversary.
- With Friends Like These.../Vitriolic Best Buds: K and Bang.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Liz. Also the Succubus.
- You Need to Get Laid: Bang to K.
- Your Cheating Heart: Subverted. K believes Bishop is cheating on her, but he is actually helping and consoling his ex-girlfriend who has found out she has cancer.
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