
"Boss Monster Detected!"

An MMO created by Aeonsoft, Flyff (Fly For Fun) is one very unusual game - You have the ability to get on a board/broom and fly across the map! This new and unusual game mechanic allows you to travel large distances without having to worry about being hit by monsters. It is also well known for its ranking of monsters (small/normal/captain/giant) and quest item selling (which are at exorbitant prices). Flyff is currently in Version 18. This refers to the global version.

Tropes used in Flyff include:
  • Allegedly Free Game: Possibly parodied, actually. As Bribing Your Way to Victory (below) says, players spend gpots to buy stuff, then sell in-game, and you can also "buy" gpots from other players[1]. You can make money from some of the events run by the GMs, and there's a new event every week. It is entirely possible to get any CS item you want by farming boxes. As to how this is a parody... well, your equipment kinda sucks if you can't upgrade it that much, and you need CS stuff to keep it from breaking when you upgrade it past +3 or when you pierce it (and to remove a bad awakening).
  • Barrier Warrior: Assist (1st Job)and Ringmaster (2nd Job). The buff Heap Up, available to the Assist class, boosts the stamina stat by 40 points. Monsters begone!
  • Battle Couple: Players can become "couples," which gives them various bonuses when they are both logged into the same channel at the same time, depending on the couple level.
  • Battle Theme Music: Pre V7, by continent, and returned as of V15 in the options menu.
  • BFS: The Hobo (Levels 35 and 36), which uses it with one hand.
    • Come on Knight's weapons aren't exactly small.
  • Bribing Your Way to Victory: Some special items are available in the premium shop, where you pay with "gpots", purchased with real money. You can resell these items, using ingame currency, to make an enormous profit.
  • City of Canals: Darkon, now called Darken.
  • Competitive Balance: Notorious for a lack thereof. It appears this is going to change over the next few versions.
  • Continuing Is Painful: Death causes your player to lose a portion of experience, which can delevel, and thus weaken, the player. At later levels, a mere 4% can take hours to recover with out Bribing Your Way to Victory.
  • Creepy Doll: Cardpuppets
  • Critical Hit: You can deal that to monster, monster can also deal that to you.
    • Pre V9, if a monster gave you a crit, you'd be thrown off your feet, fly a short distance and land on the ground. This were a never-ending nightmare for AoErs. Or incredibly hillarious.
      • Double-crits will kill a Crucio Psykeeper taking monsters suitable for his or her level... Then again, Crucios can't kill anything easily unless it can take off half their HP with one hit. Someone get these troubled children in touch with the suicide hotline.
      • However, since Crucio deals twice the damage taken back to the enemy, low-level full-STA Crucio Psykeepers can take on much higher-level monsters without getting killed with just a boatload of HP and Gold Pills.
      • This happens a lot more often and it hurts even more the higher the monster's level is from yours.
  • Cute Bruiser: Dress yourself as a nurse or anything you find cute and play as any class like Knight, Blade...
  • Disk One Nuke: One quest has you find a lost puppy near a level 13 area at the beginning can net you a easy 10,000 penya. While this is seems harmless as equipment is pretty expensive once you get to the first job change, the problem is about this, Enemies don't aggro save for a one or two. This essentially allows a level one to run over to the area, grab the item and get the money with out getting hurt at all.
    • Also as of V7 you can now call buffs via NPC until level 20+ which will make the getting to your first class pretty easy.
      • It now buffs you while you're Lv.60 or lower, making getting to second class easier.
  • Drop the Hammer: Jack The Hammer (Levels 29 and 30)
  • Dual-Wielding: The (in)famous and (maybe not so) popular Blade.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Most of, supposedly, male characters.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Water->Fire->Wind->Earth->Lighting and back to the beginning.
    • Water, Fire and Electric spells lower resistance of the mob to the element before them.
  • Enfant Terrible: Demians
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Most action takes place on the ground, not in the air.
  • Fan Service: Why else can you dress up female characters as Playboy Bunnys, Meidos, hot!Mrs. Claus, in a School Swimsuit, a "sexy Dark Nurse", as Cat Girls, in Sailor Fuku, as Elegant Gothic Lolitas, in bikinis, etc.? To be fair, male characters have just as many options. Also see Shout-Out below.
    • See:
  4. and
  • Fetch Quest: You get one everytime your level is equal to that of a 'small' rank monster, from level 7 onwards. Ironically, since you are supposed to fight monsters 6+ levels above you by the time you NEED these quests, you should collect the quest items first and go get your free exp when the time comes!
  • Flaming Sword: With a fire enchantment.
  • Flight:
  • For Massive Damage: The Billposter's Asalraalaikum, and heaven forbid it's a STR BP with MP-awakened gear. The skill drains the entire mana gauge. The more mana it drains, the more damage it deals. It's capable of dealing over one hundred thousand damage in a single hit, in a game where only a pure stamina tank with awe-inspiring equips has a snowball's chance in hell of getting HP that high. A fun tactic in guild wars that's often discussed, no idea if it's been used before, is to have an int billposter masquerade as a ringmaster and act as the party healer/buffer. First rule of guild wars: Shoot the Medic First. Thus, when someone comes to kill the healer, BAM! Taken down on the word go.
    • If someone *else* comes after them, figuring their nuke is gone due to cooldown, the billposter int-based AoE is nothing to sneeze at, either. While it's not as lethal as the ringmaster AoE, three or four hits and they're done for. There's no cooldown on it, either.
    • And now the rule of thumb is that Asalraalaikum is guaranteed to take out an opponent in one hit if the BP's MP is approximately equal to the opponent's HP. With full INT and MP gears, Asal can now One-Hit Kill a full-STA Knight!
  • Goggles Do Nothing: Jesters can be seen wearing some of these.
  • Hit and Run Tactics: Invoked with the emergence of full-INT Elementors. Mid-level Elementors in a high-level area would just spam the Windfield skill on groups of enemies, then run away from them. Two hits and he's dead, after all. However, since Windfield slows down its targets, he could just spam Windfield on the high-level mobs and then run away to a fair distance from them, repeat ad nauseam, For Massive EXP.
  • Hot-Blooded: Sore losers, instant kill criticals...
  • Hyperspace Arsenal
  • I Believe I Can Fly
  • Killer Yoyo: One of the Acrobat's weapons.
  • Master of None: Billposters are completely average in every way, in terms of skills and how much effect they get from each stat, but then you notice a certain little unpronouncable skill...
  • Ninja Looting: Averted; loot can only be picked up by the first person attacking the monster until about 30 seconds later.
    • Played straight with giant killing in parties. The ranged classes have little or no chance of picking up any rare drops.
  • Palette Swap: Used a lot. There are several species of monsters; the Giant (and sometimes normal) rank monsters usually have some colours switched to indicate element. Dungeon monsters are also palette swaps of overworld monsters.
  • Peninsula of Power Leveling: Get yourself a party, with just you and an AoE Billposter. Stay in the air at all costs. Follow him to a high-level monster area.
  • Pillar of Light: The Ringmaster has two of these skills. One is an AoE heal, the other is an AoE kill.
  • Player Versus Player: The key is not what you do during the fight, but before the fight. For example, a Psykeeper taking on a Billposter is cake (Satanology spam), a Ranger taking on a Billposter is easy (Silent Arrow), but any other class taking on a Billposter is suicidal (1 hit, you're down).
  • Power Fist: Assists, Billposters, Ringmasters.
  • Power Floats: Psykeepers do this normally.
  • Power Glows: The higher the level of elemental enchantment you put on a weapon, the more it glows.
  • Run, Don't Walk: More like Fly don't Run.
  • Randomly Drops: Quest items, equips, rare equips, statted equips...
  • Robot Maid: Also cardpuppets, supposedly.
  • Rule of Cool: One of the boards available (though not at the moment) for Sky Surfing is a sword.
    • Also, as proof we need Cool Wings, there are the Wings of the Divine Prophet. They even give you an angelic appearance.
  • Shout-Out: Outfits for your character include Power Rangers outfits (blue/red/yellow/green/pink), Fred & Wilma, Darth Vader, TNG-era Starfleet uniforms, and not-quite Superman / Wonder Woman costumes. Also, one of the hair styles is Cactus Hair (M) Gold. Unfortunately, hairstyles don't increase your stats. And then there's the Riding Cloud.
  • Solo Class: Many classes can solo due to Good Bad Bugs or Game Breakers. However, the Billposter is usually considered the purpose built solo class due to high damage output combined with decent endurance and the ability to self heal (as an offshoot of the basic healing class). The Battle Priest (A Priest built for fighting instead of healing and using Billposter equipment) is another 'proper' solo class.
  • Stripperiffic: Some of the female costumes, especially for Acrobats.
  • Wave Motion Gun: Clockworks, a nasty boss in this game that guilds go up against, has one. It can kill you even if you are in midair.
  • Wearing A Flag On Your Cloak
  • We Buy Anything: NPCs will buy anything, but no one said they offer good prices.
    • To work out how much to sell your quest items at, take the level of the monster you get in from (small only)and multiply by 1000. set up shop, stay up overnight and watch the money grow...
  • Welcome to Corneria: Fortunately, 3 or 4 phrases each.
  • You All Look Familiar: One look at anyone and you can tell his job, level and whether he needs to buy anything. You can even see if he is holding a rare item!
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Quite a lot of female armors feature this to varying grades, particularly the mercenary and assist classes.
  1. Or rather, pay them to buy a specific cash shop item of your choice for you
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