
We be Springiette!
We're random, and we love it!
Springiette is a silly and random webcomic about the lives of Chop Chop Ninja Doom and Chocobanana Sofuto, their pets and friends. Half Gag Per Day, half Slice of Life, the comic is presented in groups of 4-Yonkoma miniature story-arcs.
Originally created by the joint efforts of Shouri and Sally B, now it's run exclusively by Shouri.
The main cast:
- Chop Chop Ninja Doom, a non-native English speaker ninja with an unhealthy obsession with chips
- Chocobanana Sofuto, a former Olympic swimmer who loves cleaning and watching soap operas.
- Boo, the obligatory black cat.
- Sushi, a sentient piece of food.
Not to be confused with Spinnerette.
Tropes used in Springiette include:
- Animesque: In a way. All of the characters are chibi, and it resembles a Widget Series.
- Author Avatar: Chocobanana was one for Sally B., though she no longer works on the comic. Chop is still one for Shouri, though.
- Art Evolution: A little here and there, mostly the eyes getting bigger over time.
- Berserk Button: Don't mess with the hair. Just don't do it.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: From time to time...
- Cloudcuckoolander: Pretty much everyone, but especially Chocobanana.
- Cut and Paste Comic: When not much happens, anywhere.
- Dada Comics: A few are more dada than others, but the whole strip is pretty out there.
- Did Not Do the Research: In-universe; Chop can be pretty clueless sometimes over normal day-to-day things.
- Engrish: Chop. She tries, though. And sometimes falls back to Leet Lingo. Perhaps a case of Eloquent in My Native Tongue but we can't be sure. We don't even really know what her native tongue actually is. If she's a true Author Avatar, though, it's likely Spanish.
- Epic Fail: It happens all the time.
- Everythings Cuter With Kittens: Of course it is! Hence, Boo.
- Geek
- Gratuitous Japanese: Averted, even advising against it (The authors speak Japanese after all).
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Chop and Chocobanana.
- Improbable Weapon User: Choco has been known to use her snorkle as a weapon, and Chop Chop uses pringles as throwing stars - and sometimes the tubes as a melee weapon.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: It's a parallel universe, what do you expect?
- Just for Pun: Unyielding love of puns.
- Mistaken Nationality: The author is often mistaken of being American, although she isn't anywhere near there; she's Argentine.
- Mundane Fantastic
- Naked People Are Funny: Chop loves to go commandomore often than is usually necessary
- Maybe she just has issues understanding whens the right time is for it.
- Ninja: All over the place. At the same time, Technicolor Ninjas
- Non-Human Sidekick: Boo and Sushi
- No Pronunciation Guide: The title. Although the author has told people to pronounce it however they want.
- Odd Couple: Chop and Chocobanana, without doubt. One is a ninja, one is a former olympic swimmer... that's just where it begins...
- Unsound Effect
- Visible Silence Used shamelessly.
- Weirdness Censor
- Write Who You Know: All characters are based on real people. But there's a reason for that.
- Yonkoma: An rare non-Japanese example.
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