Magical Idol Pastel Yumi

Pastel Yumi, the Magic Idol is the fourth Magical Girl series created by Studio Pierrot, airing in 1986.

Yumi Hanazono is an aspiring mangaka who loves drawing and flowers. On the day of the Flower Festival, she rescues a dandelion from being weeded, and is surprised when the flower starts speaking to her. The voices belong to Kakimaru and Keshimaru, two flower elves who give Yumi a magical wand and locket as a reward for her kindness. If Yumi draws something in mid-air with her wand, and recites the phrase, "Pastel Poppuru Poppin-pa!", whatever she drew will become real.

Currently, streaming on Anime Sols

Tropes used in Magical Idol Pastel Yumi include:

Kenta: About that, I've got just one question... Why did the balloon vanish like that?
Yumi: Um, well, you see, it...
Yumi: Wait, this is the bathroom window, you know!
Kenta: Well, yeah, of course I know! Why else would I be here?
Yumi Eeek! *throws water at Kenta* Kenta, you pervert! *closes window*

  • Comedic Underwear Exposure: Both Yumi and Mrs. Fukurokōji are often victims of this.
  • Cranky Neighbor: Mrs. Fukurokōji
  • Criminals: While it isn't emphasized, Yumi breaks the law rather frequently.
  • Diet Episode Yumi puts herself on a diet in one episode.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Yumi's parents are often fighting with each other.
  • Establishing Character Moment: In her debut scene Yumi is drawing flowers on her neighbors wall. Establishing Yumi's artistic talents, her love of flowers, and her criminal tendencies. The same scene also establishes the Mrs. Fukurokōji is a rich Cranky Neighbor who is allergic to flowers.
  • Everything's Worse with Bees Yumi's friends accidentally provoke a hive of bees.
  • Fairy Companion: Kakimaru and Keshimaru
  • Generic Graffiti: Yumi draws some in her debut scene
  • French Love Yumi: The show enjoyed success in France under the name "Susy of the Magic Flowers."
  • Hour of Power: Yumi's magical drawings only last for a short time.
    • Subverted, in one episode Yumi creates a ghost based on a manga she read. The only way to get rid of the ghost is either allow it to take the person it's haunting (her grandpa) to the spirit world or to exorcise it using a method that won't be revealed until the next month's issue of the manga.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower Yumi can create fantastic objects as easily as mundane ones
  • Innocent Flower Girl
  • Love Letter Lunacy Yumi receives a letter meant for her classmate. When she finds out she helps the sender get a date with the intended recipient.
  • Magic Wand
  • Meaningful Name: "Hana" means "flower."
  • Mistaken for An Imposter Yumi mistakes a real gorilla for one of her creations.
  • Mundane Solution Yumi need to exorcise a ghost she created based on a manga she read. Rather then trying to find an exoricist she decides to just ask the mangaka. When that fails she simply draws a way for the ghost to be exorcised
  • Naked People Are Funny: Yumi uses her magic to create clothes a couple of times, they don't last very long.
  • Operation: Jealousy: Yumi attempts to stop her parents bickering with this. It only makes things worse.
  • Personality Powers Yumi is an aspiring mangaka with the power to bring her art to life
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Yumi's favorite mangaka is a man who writes shojo manga.
  • Remembered Too Late: Kakimaru and Keshimaru forget to tell Yumi the limits of her powers, which at best leaves her embarrassed and at worse puts her in danger.
  • Snipe Hunt Yumi accidently starts one by creating a golden bird.
  • Stock Footage: Yumi's magic use.
  • Summon Bigger Fish Yumi stops a swarm of bees by creating a giant bee.
  • Super Speed Yumi creates boots that give her super speed.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight Yumi creates a giant bird to save a hang glider. On lookers are slightly surprised by the fact she's apparently friends with said bird, but not by the existance of the bird itself.
  • Save the Villain Yumi is racing the leader of a hang gliding gang. He tries to cheat but only ends up damaging his own hang glider. Yumi summons a giant bird to save him.
  • Treasure Map: One episode centers around searching for a ten million yen treasure, the map actually leads to a chest full of Mrs. Fukurokōji's old toys.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Yumi's mom has either this or Hair Color Dissonance
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