Renkin 3-kyū Magical? Pokān

Renkin 3-kyū Magical? Pokān (錬金3級 まじかる?ぽか~ん), a.k.a. Magical Pokaan and Magipoka, is to fantasy what Galaxy Angel is to science fiction. The setup is that four princesses from the Netherworld are sent to Earth to figure out the way humans live. From there, it's all about the comedy. There's Liru, the werewolf, who turns into a cute puppy by anything that resembles the full moon... except for, oddly, the full moon. Pachira, a vampiress who really wants a larger bust size, magically incompetent Yuuma, and Aiko, a gynoid whose technical data makes your 2.4GHz Pentium Dual Core look like something from a Sufficiently Advanced Alien. There's also their nanny/chaperone, the invisible Keimie, who is mostly either absent or silent for the most part.
Now if only their recurring nemesis Dr. K-ko learned that these girls aren't harmless at all...
If you enjoyed the Galaxy Angel anime, Magical Pokaan is a short, sweet, fun ride.
- A-Cup Angst: Pachira.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy
- All Men Are Perverts
- Aya Hirano: Cast as Pachira, before her explosive popularity.
- Bait and Switch Credits: The opening makes it look like a horror involving cults and sacrifice. This couldn't be farther from the truth.
- Bait and Switch Lesbians: That same opening also suggests that the girls are hot for each other.
- Beach Episode: First half called on account of rain. Second half involves mermaids.
- Beeping Computers: Played with (and arguably averted) in Aiko: she emits noises an android made of outdated computer parts might do. When waking up or deep in thought, she produces the sound of a hard disk spinning and seeking, and in one episode where she is malfunctioning, her speech skips and loops in exactly the same way audio playback stutters on a malfunctioning or underpowered computer.
- Censor Steam
- Chunky Updraft: With Yuuma's casting. It sometimes causes problems with her skirt.
- Credit Card Plot: Second chapter.
- Cute Monster Girl: Liru and Pachira.
- Cute Witch: Yuuma.
- Cursed with Awesome: Yuuma's allergies start acting up, and it turns out this is the only time she can actually cast a spell correctly.
- Darkskinned Blonde: Liru
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Pachira.
- Every One Remembers the Stripper: Liru. She was such a Breakout Character that she actually became a Memetic Sex Goddess.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink
Pachira: You can't accept the existence of an android even though you're Snow People?
- Foreign Queasine: The four princesses have to down a case of strawberry/natto juice that Aiko bought, and which everyone finds disgusting.
- Four-Girl Ensemble
- Four-Temperament Ensemble
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires: Pachira
- Gag Boobs Super Dr. K-ko straddles the line, while the mermaid princess from the Beach Episode has a rack that can only be described as ridiculously large.
- Gainaxing: Oh so very much with Super Dr. K-ko.
- Gag Series
- Gratuitous English: An entire episode where the first person to speak Japanese is punished with the above-mentioned Foreign Queasine.
- Godiva Hair: most often Liru's tail.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Pachira is Haruhi!
- Hot Springs Episode: With some interesting women.
- The Igor: Hongo.
- Informed Attribute: The fact that the girls are princesses rarely comes up; Keimie also claims to have a NICE BODY.
- Last Of Her Kind: Played in the most painfully hilarious way with Liru.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell: Yuuma is sent to Hell, but once she figures out that she's not going to die, she starts enjoying the punishments. This promptly gets her kicked out.
- Little Bit Beastly: Liru and Pachira.
- Lucky Charms Title: Parodied. The full title is Renkin 3-kyuu Magical?Pokaan; the question mark serves as a filler in some operating systems for obscure Unicode characters.
- Mad Scientist: Super Dr. K-ko.
- Monster Mash: And cute to boot!
- Naughty Tentacles: One of Liru's transformation in Episode 9 is rather... full of Squick, with Pixellation and all that in her tentacles. And Yuuma's expression only makes it worse
- Our Vampires Are Different: Pachira. She drinks blood (and can get addicted to it) but doesn't really need to (she does substitute it with tomato juice); isn't undead (she was born and grew naturally); can't convert humans; and while she's sensitive to sunlight, it doesn't kill her (supposedly turns her to ashes which she can regenerate from, but that may have just been a figure of speech). In fact, she's more of a youkai (vampire) batgirl than a traditional vampire, though she does have no reflection.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: Liru. She can't convert people and can change at will (but can be induced to do so by any round object).
- Panty Shot: Always played for laughs.
- Pinocchio Syndrome: Aiko
- Robot Girl: Aiko, who is also a Robot Maid.
- Sentai: Spoofed in one episode with the Super Robot Magical Five that's never quite formed correctly.
- Shout-Out: Quite a few. For example, Dr. K-ko is named in the style of Project A-ko, and one episode features an extended reference to Galaxy Express 999.
- The geek with the telescope who keeps looking up Pachira's skirt in episode 1 is wearing a Red Dwarf tee shirt!
- Show Within a Show: The opening turns out to be from a show the girls used to watch when they were young.
- Skinship Grope: Each of the girls finds a partner to do this with in the Hot Springs Episode. Unfortunately, said partners aren't exactly what they seem.
- Something Else Also Rises: Related to the above trope, when the girls find out the true identity of their partners, the audience is shown various images of bananas, elephants raising their trunks, and a rocket being fired.
- Stripperiffic: Liru.
- Wolf Girl: Liru
- Zettai Ryouiki: Pachira: type B, Yuuma: type E with A garterbelt, Liru would have Type A if she wore a skirt.