Ninety-Nine Nights

A game released on the Xbox 360 by Q Entertainment and Phantagram, creators of the popular Kingdom Under Fire series. It tells the tale of a Middle Earth-esque world where humans are constantly making war with a race of goblins, partly to due to a kingdom's hatred for anything non-human. The story begins when a young female knight by the name of Inphyy challenges her brother Aspharr for the position of Temple Knights. Shortly after her victory, she is sent to drive away the goblins who have taken position of a key fortification within their lands.
The game very much resembles the likes of Dynasty Warriors, except with even more enemies, more over the top special moves, and a looting system reminiscent of RPGs.
Its sequel was released on June 29, 2010. The game's producer, Tak Fujii, promised that it won't be just an ordinary hack-'n-slash game, but that it will be an extreme hack-'n-slash game.
- Action Commands: The sequel uses these in larger boss fights.
- Adipose Rex: King Ppakk the Third.
- Exclusively Evil: The nonhumans, according to Inphyy, anyway.
- Another Side, Another Story
- Badass Adorable: Tyurru
- Badass Preacher: Klarrann
- Blade on a Stick: Aspharr
- Boisterous Bruiser: Myifee
- Bonus Boss
- Bonus Level of Hell: Literally.
- Button Mashing: If you press the "XXX" and the "YYY" you'll be sucked.
- Combos
- Conservation of Ninjutsu: Hundreds of enemies coming at you at once? Maybe I can get a one thousand hit combo! One monster? Oh Crap! Although the single guys have loads of health and deal loads of damage.
- Cute Witch: Tyurru
- Dark Is Not Evil: The subhumans are aligned and have an affinity with dark powers, but they aren't technically evil.
- Dead Older Brother: Dwingvatt
- Dynamic Difficulty: The game does not let you adjust the difficulty setting, the game automatically adjusts it everytime you play. If you choose to replay/clear a stage consecutive times in a row, it will increase the difficulty. If you lose, the difficulty level decreases.
- Fake Difficulty: Levels tend to drag on, and since there is no interim save, death means restarting the level. To make matters worse, healing potions tend to be very scarce.
- The sequel adds checkpoints, though they are not always at prime locations.
- Boss characters either have extremely glitched hit detections or arbitrarily decide they don't feel like taking damage from your attacks.
- Fantastic Racism: Sheesh, Inphyy...
- Dwingvatt as well, wanting to kill all humans because of Inphyy.
- Flying Broomstick: Tyurru can use her staff as one.
- Fragile Speedster: Dwingvatt. Levv in the sequel.
- Gentle Giant: Vigk Vagk the Troll.
- Gray and Grey Morality: The humans seem to be locked in eternal struggle with the nonhuman races, but neither side is particularly better than the other.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: One of Vigk Vagk's moves
- High Fantasy
- Holy Hand Grenade: Klarann
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Inphyy
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: Klarrann bashes his enemies' skulls in with a giant cross!
- In the sequel, Zazi dual-wields crossbows, Levv uses a detatchable sickle and claw gauntlet, Maggni uses shield-pilebunkers (the game refers to them as warhammers) and Sephia uses bladed sleeves!
- Infant Immortality: Brutally averted. Inphyy kills a whole tribe of goblin children.
- Joke Item: The "cursed" weapons and items your character can collect/equip decreases stats, abilities, etc dramatically.
- Just Following Orders: Offered as an excuse by Yesperratt.
- Knight Templar: Inphyy, who believes all subhumans are evil creatures who need to be killed indiscriminately, and has no qualms killing unarmed innocents who aren't even involved in the conflict.
- The Lancer: Aspharr, both literally and figuratively. Inphyy, if playing Aspharr's story.
- Lady of War: Inphyy
- Large and In Charge: King Ppakk the Third.
- Light Is Not Good: You could say that...
- Light'Em Up: Inphyy and Aspharr.
- Limit Break: Two types, and one is used to charge the other.
- Making a Splash: Tyurru
- Mighty Glacier: Vigk Vagk and Klarrann in the first. Maggni in the sequel.
- The Mario: Inphyy and Aspharr in the first, Galen in the sequel.
- Mook Chivalry: The weakest melee-based enemies will follow you around and try to encircle you before attacking you. Of course, it's always the one facing away from you that gets you...
- One-Man Army: OK, technically you have two platoons of troops with you, but you're the one doing most of the killing.
- Killing 1,000 Mooks with a single Limit Break? Talk about weapon of mass destruction!
- Our Goblins Are Wickeder: They're almost human height and look almost like dark-skinned elves save for their big noses.
- Playing with Fire: Myifee
- Power Gives You Wings: The "Angel Wing" power up.
- Random Drop
- Rare Random Drop: There's one item that you practically need to beat the Final Boss, but you can only get it off of enemies in that level, which are finite and don't drop the item easily, enough to even make you restart the mission various times.
- Redheaded Hero: Tyurru
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Inphyy and Aspharr, respectively.
- Robe and Wizard Hat: Tyurru
- RPG Elements: Your character can collect more powerful weapons, items, and accessories which can also provide useful stat-boosting abilities. Your characters can also gain XP during battle and gain levels up to a maximum of 9.
- Squishy Wizard: Tyurru
- Storming the Castle: Literal example.
- Supporting Leader: Aspharr
- Technicolor Eyes: Tyurru, and very beautiful ones at that.
- Token Mini-Moe: Tyurru
- Unstoppable Rage: After Vigk Vagk's goblin partner is killed, he goes on a berserker rage so great he starts tearing apart everyone on the battlefield, which includes both friend and foe alike.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: When playing as Inphyy. You know the part.
- The War Sequence: Rather the whole point of the game.
- We Can Rule Together: Offered by Yesperratt to Tyurru
- What the Hell, Hero?: When Inphyy slaughters the innocent fleeing goblin villagers, including the children, Aspharr becomes upset with her and calls her out on it.
- And if you are playing as Aspharr when she does it, he smacks her for it.
- You Killed My Father/Freudian Excuse: Inphyy harbors an unadulterated hatred of all nonhumans due to her father's death, and ultimately, it seems her only reason for becoming Captain was to seek vengeance she feels is rightfully hers by killing as many of them as possible.
- Dwingvatt as well, using his brother as his reason.