Crossover Ship

As any shipper knows, continuity is no barrier for The Power of Love. The logical extreme of this is Intercontinuity Crossover Fan Work.

As a general rule, this is much more light-hearted and less Serious Business than intra-continuity shipping, favoring the Rule of Funny instead of an unironic OTP. These ships are usually labeled as Crack Pairings, but it's not impossible to make some of them seem like they can actually work, depending on various factors.

When you factor in Non-Linear Sequels like the Final Fantasy series that have multiple continuities, series with a multiverse and even official Massive Multiplayer Crossover franchises like Super Smash Bros. and Kingdom Hearts, it all turns into Schrodinger's Ship, as it becomes simultaneously impossible and Canon-friendly.

Theme Pairing holds a lot of Crossover Ships. Common Crossover may relate.

Since there's a infinite number of possible crossover pairings, don't be surprised if you don't see a crossover pairing that already has fanart, fan videos and/or fanfiction for it here.

See more on the image links page.

Examples of Crossover Ship include:

Canon Examples

Fanon Examples

"I think we can sort out our differences over dinner. I'll have the best chefs flown in."

    • The above Iron Man examples are all compounded by this web animation.
    • There's also Hulk and Felicia. It's actually rather cute.
      • Felicia and Super Skrull appeared together on one game-affiliated t-shirt. Cue the fans on Capcom's official forums shipping them together.
      • And thanks to the Episode 4 trailer, Haggar/Felicia.
      • Felicia also has a humorous win quote against Deadpool: "No, I don't care how much catnip you have, I'm not getting into the car with you!" How you interpret this one is up to you.
    • From Hulk's Big Damn Heroes moment in Episode 3, Hulk/X-23.
      • This one technically isn't a crossover ship as the two exist in the same continuity. Though it is pure crack, as aside from the age difference (she's 16, Hulk's pushing 40), the one time these two have met involved Hulk beating the hell out of her friends and throwing her through a building.
    • And another one for Morrigan. She apparently has a fancy for Wolverine (her quote at the win screen reads, "You have a beastly charm I just find so, so intriguing."). She also cameos in his ending as an exotic dancer trying to seduce him. Wolverine relents to her whimsy... but not before he finishes his drink.
    • Chun-Li surprisingly has the hots for Thor.

"Tall, blond, and handsome--you're my type of guy... But do you have to carry that hammer everywhere?"

  1. Yes, contrary to popular belief, fans who like both HP and Twilight do exist.
  2. she has some Les Yay-ish intros with X-23, Tron, and Phoenix, as well as some ambiguous quotes towards Magneto
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