
A short CGI crossover Fan Film by Monty Oum. As the title suggests, it crosses over Halo with Metroid. It consists of nothing but our favorite Power Armor-clad protagonists kicking ass (including each others') without regard for minor things like the laws of physics. It was Monty Oum's big break, securing his status as an Internet celebrity legend. Something of a rough diamond compared to his later Dead Fantasy series, it was nevertheless an amazing feat - put together in a mere two months by one man with no formal training or a budget, on his home computer. Showcasing dazzling fight scene choreography, impressive visuals, a fair bit of Fan Service, explosions and a great Twist Ending, it's an absolute must-see for any fan of either game or anyone who enjoys shooters / fighting games / action movies.
So, what are you still waiting for?
Seriously, go watch it. Right now.
- Back-to-Back Badasses: Oh so much.
- Between My Legs: The shot immediately after Samus' Bring It gesture begins this way, then zooms in on MC.
- Bomb Jump: Although not by choice.
- Bring It: Samus' The Matrix style "come get me" gesture to MC.
- Credits Gag: Type 5 (Monty Oum is listed as doing everything)
- Crossover Ship
- Curb Stomp Battle:
- It takes about thirty seconds for the ODSTs to all get killed.
- The Covenant get thoroughly squashed shortly after.
- After Samus loses her power armor, she starts kicking Master Chief around like a ragdoll. Chief would've easily been killed were it not for the Covenant's timely return.
- Dance Party Ending: Done purely for Fan Service and lulz.
- Deadly Dodging
- Dual-Wielding: Samus does it with energy swords. And shields if you count them as weapons.
- Enemy Mine: Samus and MC join forces when more Covenant troops show up.
- Fan Service: Zero Suit Samus.
- Grenade Tag
- Gun Fu: MC.
- Guns Akimbo: Only replace guns with minigun and a cannon.
- Homage Shot: To The Matrix films.
- A certain scene, with handguns swapped for rocket launchers.
- Another scene, with a metal pole replaced by a laser whip.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: A grunt demonstrates this with a shotgun right after the opening credits. On himself.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Samus.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: MC. At one point Chief kills about 30 covenant with a single sniper shot.
- Intimidation Demonstration: After the first time Samus activates her Laser Blade, she performs some basic cuts and swings with it.
- Laser Blade: Samus has one that not only cuts things but acts as a tractor beam, blaster and stasis field generator.
- Let's You and Him Fight
- More Dakka: MC doesn't like having an empty hand.
- Morph Weapon: The stun gun/laser whip/sword that Zero Suit Samus uses.
- Neck Lift: A Covenant Elite does this to an ODST near the end of the initial battle.
- Offhand Backhand: Done by Samus to a pair of elites, while Dual-Wielding a pair of energy swords.
- One-Man Army: Times two.
- Outrun the Fireball
- Pinball Projectile: a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Pistol-Whipping:
- Because a sniper rifle makes a wicked club.
- Also, that's not how you're supposed to use a shotgun. Unless you're totally Badass. Which they are.
- Reverse Grip: Used to stab two enemies without turning around.
- Rocket Boots: Another reason why Zero Suit Samus rocks.
- Running Gag: Crotch: *ffzzzt*
- Samus Is a Girl: The effect of the trope name was replicated for Master Chief. MC was surprised (and aroused, as the sparkle crotch indicates) to find this out. Also that ambiguous looking pig thing, it turns out nah, just kidding, no pig thing, MC is a girl too. It's short for Master Chick and she's meant to be Nicole-458 - the secret Spartan character from Dead or Alive 4, which we find out after the crotch spark and all that that implies.
- Shout-Out: Samus' whip sounds like a light saber.
- Something Else Also Rises: Inverted.
- Sphere of Destruction: Courtesy of the Spartan armor's Self-Destruct Mechanism.
- Stat-O-Vision:
- Threat level -- Massive. We don't get to see any faces during the battle, but at this point, an Oh Crap reaction can be implied.
- Before removing the outer armor, MC's HUD goes through a booting up, including the Bungie logo and "SO VERY TIRED", which was either our Spartan's feelings on the matter or that of the AI in said warrior's armor.
- Sticks to the Back: Somewhat justified, as the SPARTAN armor has a magnetic field.
- Throwing Your Shield Always Works: MC cuts a Covenant member in half with a thrown shield.
- The War Sequence: Zerg have nothing on the Covenant.
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
- Wave Motion Gun: Samus with her Zero Laser.
Seriously, why are you still here? You could have finished watching it already. If you already have, go watch it again!