Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi

In 2004, a fanartist named Vinson Ngo, a.k.a Bleedman, somehow got it into his head to draw a Manga-styled Mega Crossover with every popular cartoon he could think of, recent and past, and blend them all together for a Fan Web Comic centered around the three superhero tykes known as The Powerpuff Girls.
The result was Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi (a.k.a. Powerpuff Girls D) which combines the universes of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon as well as a few other outside sources and original material, and places them in a town called Megaville, a neighboring city of Townsville in this universe, where malevolent forces are poised to attack.
Be warned, though -- blood, death, and sexual themes are heavily featured, placing the characters in situations in which one wouldn't normally see them. The story itself is something of a Round Robin, heavily based on fan-input.
Gained a massive following on DeviantArt (see Ngo's profile page) and won 2005's Web Cartoonist's Choice Awards for Outstanding Character Art and Outstanding Superhero Comic. Around 2007, Ngo moved the comic from DA to Snafu-Comics. Updates have been sporadic but recently pretty steady due to Ngo also working on the crossover fancomic Grim Tales from Down Below and his original series Sugar Bits. He also said to have took on another Snafu member's project, Invader Zim: Manifest Doom though has yet to work on it. He's a busy man.
- Action Girl: The Powerpuff Girls, Bell, Samantha.
- Anyone Can Die: So far DeeDee, Mandark, and Sparky have kicked the bucket. Blossom nearly does, but is brought back to life at the last minute.
- April Fools' Day: Seems to have started a tradition of doing this since 2011. The first involved a nod to My Little Pony fandom (see Baleful Polymorph below). In 2012, he posted a comic featuring fan drawn PPGD characters.
- Art Evolution: Bleed's style has changed a bit since he started the comic, even more so after his prolonged hiatus.
- Art Shift: Used here to illustrate two very conflicting flashbacks. It's likely neither of them is true.
- Ascended Fanon: The creators of Fusion Fall have read the comic and even wanted to hire Vinson.
- Bad Future: Well... Possible. See Shared Universe Below.
- Baleful Polymorph: The girls were turned into ponies as part of an April Fools' Day gag.
- Beach Episode
- Berserk Button:
- For Bell, it's losing anyone close to her. And don't even think about trying to lay a hand on GIR or she will end you.
- Samantha doesn't take losing a tooth very well.
- The Professor still flips out when it comes to parent-teacher conferences.
- Big Bad: Dr. X, Vexus (although she is only seen for a short while, she could be considered a Big Bad because the Darkstar Council is made up of Cluster robots), and Mandark before he was revealed to be The Dragon for Dr. X.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: A number of the Cluster robots, specifically the majority of the Mooks who attack the science fair.
- Big Damn Heroes: Jack, Courage, Dexter, and the Powerpuff Girls at various points.
- Bishie Sparkle: Naga.
- Blob Monster: An all too familiar one for fans of Dexter's Laboratory.
- Break the Cutie: Dexter. Fortunately, he gets better.
- Butt Monkey: Dib, as usual for him.
- Cat Fight: Blossom against Bell.
- The Cameo: Plenty, the fun is in trying to spot them
- You can see Flapjack and Chowder in Jack's Kendo class.
- At the start, one can see Mike and Og during the monster attack on Bubbles.
- Ed Edd and Eddy are seen playing soccer with Buttercup.
- Tootie and Susie are seen in the background, as well as acting as an exposition duo at one point.
- Even Panty and Stocking have found their way into the comic.
- Major Dr. Ghastly and I.M. Weasel show up at the science fair.
- Haruhi, bizarrely enough. She appears on the Big Bad's computer screen, however, so it is hard to say whether or not she is fictional in this universe. Given that the focus is mostly on Cartoon Network / Nicktoons shows, as well as the story-breaking nature of Haruhi, it's unlikely she was intended to be more than a whimsical cameo.
- seeing as one can see a windows task bar at the bottom of the screen it might be desktop wallpaper
- An ox of a mock-commercial of Sheep in The Big City can be seen here.
- You can see Dr. Ochanomizu and Dr. Light here in the second panel.
- In the convention arc, Sheldon and Tucker can be seen having a discussion about GIR before he escapes his box and runs off.
- Those minions of Vexus's look oddly familiar...
- The vehicle on the far right is from the obscure Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors.
- A skull with Johnny Bravo's hair is spotted, leading to much speculation that Johnny is dead in this universe. That or its just a one off joke.
- Wow didn't know Phineas and Ferb and Isabella (here) were considered scientists.
- Einstein appears here. Third and fourth panels.
- Chekhov's Gun: Megas first appears in the background when Blossom sneaks into Dexter's Lab.
- Cliff Hanger: The first arc of the comic ends with Mandark's sister, Lala Vava, suddenly appearing and finding his glasses in the ruins of his recently destroyed base.
- Continuity Nod: A nod to actual PPG canon on the first page when Professor Utonium mentioned Citiesville.
- Creator Cameo: See that orange-shirted, shorts-wearing guy on this page? That's how Bleedman usually portrays himself.
- Crossover Ship: Dexter and Blossom, invoked.
- Cute Bruiser: The Powerpuff Girls, Bell, Samantha, the Rowdyruff Boys.
- Darker and Edgier
- Dead Little Sister:
- Bunny from the original series is mentioned.
- Also, DeeDee.
- Deadpan Snarker: Mandy.
- And the Men in Black guy, even when he's nearly stepped on by a giant bug (he lampshades the irony there), and threatened by Samantha.
Samantha: For your friend, it'll be over quick. You however....
MIB: You say that, but I have the weirdest Deja Vu. (Buttercup blasts Samantha)
MIB: There it is.
- Deconstruction Crossover
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: War For The Mechanical Soul. That is all.
- Doomed by Canon: In Grim Tales from Down Below Grim tells how Megaville ultimatly falls becouse of a traitor amongst the heroes.
- Word of God says this is just a possibility in the future. Not concrete.
- If Grim Tales & PPGD share a conuity is questionable see Shared Universe below
- Word of God says this is just a possibility in the future. Not concrete.
- Drowning Pit: Blossom gets this.
- The Dragon: Mandark and Bell could be considered this for Dr. X.
- Fangirls: Tootie and Susie.
- Fan Service: Bell is essentially fanservice. Not Ms Fanservice, but pure fanservice itself. The fandom just loves her that much.
- Festival Episode: What Bleedman is leading up to with Prof. Utonium, Doctor Wakeman, and Professor Membrane with talks of a science fair at the center for performing arts. Although the fair quickly gets crashed by Bell and the Cluster bots.
- Foreshadowing: Toward the end of Chapter 2, Mojo Jojo is surprised to learn that Dr. X thinks the Powerpuff Girls are a bigger threat to his plans than the Justice League, Teen Titans, or Men in Black. Seven chapters later, Dr. X is proven correct in terms of the MIB's threat level.
- Funny Background Event: While Bubbles is learning about Olga from Mandy, Billy and Edd are making a hill to sled down using Edd as surfing board... what did they make it out of? Chunkies.
- Gratuitous Japanese: The name.
- Future Badass: Everyone on this pagePossible. See Shared Universe Below.
- Even Erwin and Hoss Delgato As above.
- Identical Stranger: She's certainly no stranger to Dexter, but Bubbles' ballet expertise and destruction of machines definitely remind the boy genius of a certain "stupid" sister.
- Samurai Jack and Professor Utonium apparently look a lot alike. At least enough to give Buttercup some daddy issues.
- Light Is Not Good: Bell, who has long white hair and dresses in white, is nonetheless a villain.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Considering it's a cartoon crossover, this is a given.
- Luminescent Blush: Buttercup encounters Jack? Blossom and Dexter happen to be in a compromising position? Check.
- Mecha-Mooks:
- The Jackbots.
- The Cluster bots not part of the Quirky Miniboss Squad.
- Mega Crossover
- The Men in Black: The Men in Black apparently have a base under the performing arts center.
- Mood Whiplash: Constantly.
- Mythology Gag: Many, which is not surprising given the original source materials.
- An entire page which pays tribute to Dexter and Deedee's oddball relationship.
- Likewise, Mandark's past and how he came to be evil.
- Dexter's Glob Monster incident repeating itself.
- There's also one point where Courage, after barking like a normal dog, finally thought/uttered "The things I do for love!" when alone.
- Also, there's this. Remember that PPG episode where Buttercup learned about the tooth fairy and started harvesting teeth from villains?
- Naughty Tentacles: More than a few have pointed out that one of the Darkstar Council mooks' cables got more than a little friendly with XJ-9.
- Not as You Know Them: Mostly averted, though they've yet to explain why the hell Samantha joined the Darkstar Council and became practically a mini-Edward Elric.
- Official Couple: dexter/blossom
- Off-Model: For a comic that normally shows emotion as it would actually be portrayed, the last frame looks very strange.
- Overly Long Name: What Naga has. I swear he's an abyssal exalt of some type.
- Power Creep, Power Seep: Most noticeable with the girls themselves, as they tend to be the ones being saved rather than the ones doing the saving. Any fights they are involved in almost always require some form of assistance to win.
- Puppy Love: Invoked, Blossom x Dexter being the most obvious.
- Shared Universe: With Grim Tales from Down Below which takes place years later. Both are made by the same author and characters from PPGD show up during a flashback.
- Actually, the co-writer/editor Bee Are and the colorist Seiryuga for PPGD have reportedly stated this to be false
- Ship Tease: Aside from all the more obvious Toy Ships, a single panel hints that the resurrected Boomer may have a crush on Bubbles based on his memory of the kiss that blew his first incarnation up.
- Shout-Out:
- Specifically, Blossom's Kamehameha, Bubbles' Sonic Boom, and Buttercup's Power Wave. Dexter countered those moves with Geese's Raging Storm!
- Also, this. The date on the comic is 2004, which was the same year that William Hung became famous for butchering that song on American Idol.
- The Jollibee Medabot.
- This DBZ gag.
- There's a one-frame Sailor Moon cosplay for Bubbles.
- "Why can't you take it all off and make me Fullmetal?"
- Smile you son of a...
- Here we've got Dexter and Mandark using the Chodenji Yoyo and Chodenji Top. And if that weren't enough, Here's Coop using the Tenkuu Ken.
- B7? Why, oh why does that look so familiar?
- The Big Bad is a fan of Haruhi. Or he could have hacked Bleedman's computer.
- Jenny arrives on the scene in a costume similar to Black★Rock Shooter.
- “If Victor Frankenstein can do it, so can I!”
- This and this, and this. I don't think I need to explain these references.
- A solid Vibranium Shield.
- Look closely in the first panel...Panty and Stocking go to their school.
- Almost all of GIR's lines are shout-outs to something or other.
- "Well, that's just Prime!"
- Here we have a lightsaber duel like in Phantom Menace.
- Jackbots are the robots that Mandark uses to attack Dexter's original laboratory.
- One of the Mooks in this strip says "Spawn more Overlords!"
- Shown Their Work: Vinson certainly knows his cartoons; granted, some facts are forgotten about or subject to Alternate Character Interpretation, but the allusions to the source are usually quite accurate.
- Spank the Cutie: In one big Mood Whiplash, Bell attacks Dr. X and blames him for Mandark's death. Dr. X answers by turning her over his knee and spanking her. And after telling her that he can't do anything because it was Mandark's decision he threatens to ground her.
- Stealth Pun: Mandy's shirt At first you think it's because she is dark. Then you remember that she pretty much owns the Grim Reaper.
- Those Two Girls: Susie and Tootie.
- Sure Why Not: Bleedman sometimes takes fan characters or fan suggestions and incorporates them if he likes them enough. Project: Rowdy and Dr. Bisbaine, for example, were contributions from a fellow Filipino fan.
- Take That: At the former writer/editor, no less. This page calls out the idea of Bell, a central character, being a super-advanced robot, an idea originally tested by Bleedman in concept art and explored in the work of former PPGD editor and current After Birth writer Griddles. The comments seem to reflect the opinion of the other writers, who've had a noted difference of opinion with Griddles in the past and present.
- Telepath: Ms. Honeydew is revealed to be one. Any fan of Dexter's Lab should know what this means is about to happen.
- Translation: "Yes": Monkey talks like this, for obvious reasons.
- Understatement: Grim's summation of the events of the Mandark arc just before Mandark's death.
Grim: Kids these days. They do the craziest things.
- Visual Pun / Stealth Pun: Dexter and Mandark duke it out using everything but the kitchen sink.
- Your Mom: When the group is at the beach, this bit of dialogue comes up:
Mandy: Okay. If I'm bothering to be out here: the free food. Where is it?
Olga: Where's your boyfriend Billy?
Mandy: Dating your mom.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Used from the end of Chapter 1 onwards.