Kamen Rider Decade

"Decade, the destroyer of worlds. What do you see as you travel through many worlds?"
The first 2009 series of Kamen Rider, created as part of the ten-year anniversary for the Heisei Kamen Rider Era. The series is a Crisis Crossover featuring all nine preceding main Riders from the Heisei series.
The story is as follows: each Kamen Rider series thus far has existed in its own parallel world. Unfortunately, these ten worlds have begun to be forcefully merged into one, which will lead to their destruction.
Tsukasa Kadoya is a (very bad) photographer by trade with Identity Amnesia. When his world literally starts to fall apart around him, he receives the power to become Kamen Rider Decade and is told that to stop the collapse of the The Multiverse, he must travel to the other nine worlds and destroy the Kamen Riders that live there, absorbing their powers as his own.
Accompanying him on this journey is Natsumi Hikari, a girl whose family runs the photography studio that Tsukasa stays at, and who has been having a recurring nightmare where she witnesses the Rider War: a vast conflict that sees every Kamen Rider fall to Decade. There's also Yusuke Onodera, the Alternate Universe Kamen Rider Kuuga who befriends Tsukasa and decides to join him on his journey across the worlds.
As time goes by, it becomes evident that there are more than ten worlds caught up in the dimensional turmoil, and that a dark power lies at its root. Tsukasa also manages to attract some recurring antagonists: Daiki Kaito, an inter-dimensional thief who can transform into Kamen Rider Diend and summon past Kamen Riders to fight for him; and Narutaki, a mysterious man who believes that Decade is the source of The Multiverse's destruction and will do anything it takes to stop him.
Rather than just a straight reuse of the suits, the series promised to use the "parallel universe" aspect of the story to introduce new features to the universes (and excuse the replacement characters brought about by alternate universes).
The character, Henshin Belt and storyline were clearly intended to also tie-in to the Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbaride game released in arcades across Japan. Not that we would ever think that this series is Merchandise-Driven.
For the Super Sentai equivalent, see Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.
- Absurdly Powerful Student Council: The Lucky Clover Gang in Alternate Faiz's world. Being Orphenochs
kind ofhelps. - The Ace: Tsukasa says he's good at everything. Subverted in his repeatedly poor photography, and a jolt to the neck (Hikari-style Laughing Pressure Point!) can result in uncontrollable, humiliating laughter.
- Which he even points out in the Faiz AR World: "I'm a master of everything...except taking pictures."
- Acting for Two: What happens briefly when Diend whisks the Black incarnation of Kotaro to the world of Black RX, next to that world's Kotaro.
- Not to mention the brief period in Kabuto's world where Masahiro Inoue plays both Tsukasa and the Worm that's copied his form.
- This was apparently supposed to happen again in the original draft for The Last Story, which would have featured an Evil Twin of Tsukasa, but obviously it was removed in the rewrite.
- Averted with Hikari Eijirou and The Other Darrin Dr. Shinigami - thanks to a Dopant Memory, they're the same guy.
- Not to mention the brief period in Kabuto's world where Masahiro Inoue plays both Tsukasa and the Worm that's copied his form.
- Action Girl: Natsumi once she becomes Kamen Rider Kivara.
- Actor Allusion: In Faiz World, Tsukasa shows off how incredible he is at tennis in a few rounds against Lucky Clover. After all, Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa's actor) used to be Keigo Atobe in the musical production of The Prince of Tennis.
- The roses in Ibuki's transformation may be a reference to the fact that Jouji Shibue's first big role was Tuxedo Kamen in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.
- Weren't roses generally associated with the anime version of Tuxedo Kamen? The manga and live action versions didn't use them, as I recall.
- Wouldn't you say that's the best-known version?
- The roses in Ibuki's transformation may be a reference to the fact that Jouji Shibue's first big role was Tuxedo Kamen in Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon.
- A Day in the Limelight: Yusuke in Agito World arc, making up for being Demoted to Extra. Also Diend, arguably, in Hibiki World arc; less arguably, in his own world, of course.
- Alternate Universe: All the worlds visited by Decade to their original shows (except for the Shinkenger world, the original worlds, and probably Den-O) and within Decade, Kuuga World to Agito World, and RX World to Black World. Agito World has Toko Yashiro, an alternate universe twin of Kuuga World's Ai Yashiro. Agito World also has the Grongi like Kuuga World, a Mythology Gag to the original Agito and Kuuga being set in the same universe. RX World and Black World have their own, seperate incarnation of Kotaro Minami, both played by original actor Tetsuo Kurata.
- Den-O is pretty much identical and uses the same actors. The interior of the train is the same as the new interior from Final Countdown (where it is treated as new in-story), although the Final Countdown train is blue.
- That's because it was the New DenLiner, Kotaro's train; the Decade version has the old DenLiner's exterior with the new one's interior.
- The world Daiki originates from is technically another alternate Blade World as well, it featuring the Kamen Rider Blade movie riders, but not the main ones.
- Den-O is pretty much identical and uses the same actors. The interior of the train is the same as the new interior from Final Countdown (where it is treated as new in-story), although the Final Countdown train is blue.
- Amnesiac Dissonance: Averted for Tsukasa who takes it all in stride.
- And Then John Was a Zombie: In Hibiki's world, an Oni who loses sight of justice in favor of becoming stronger than his enemies for the sake of being stronger turns into Gyuuki.
- Anyone Can Die: The Rider War World. Holy hell, the Rider War World. Ixa, Leangle, Amaki, Todoroki, Blade, and Garren all get killed/removed from existence over the course of Episode 30. In 31, Yuusuke bites it against Super Apollo Geist (and is then brought Back from the Dead in a Brainwashed and Crazy state), and every single AU Rider except for Yuusuke is erased from reality. Even the main character bites it.
- The Archer: The Kiva Arrow.
- Ascended Meme: The "CHEESE!" gag in Blade's World is a nod to the "Ondoru-go" meme from Kamen Rider Blade.
- Asskicking Pose: made egregious in the climax of All Riders, wherein the Riders perform their poses during their battle with Shocker. Not before the battle nor after, but while fighting at the same time. What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?
- A Taste of Power: Tsukasa gets a chance to use Kabuto's, Faiz's and Hibiki's powers in the first episode before they gray out, at which point he has to travel to their worlds to get them again.
- The Atoner: Diend's got a lousy way of showing it, however.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Dream on, Momotaros. Played straight with King Dark and J.
- Awesome but Impractical: Activating Decade Complete form involves pressing all 10 K-Touch buttons in the exact same order each time. In the heat of battle, even. It's like a gun lock with a 10-digit combination...
- Not to mention that actually using a function of the K-touch, even when Decade's already in Complete Form, requires Decade to take it off and press one of the desired buttons again every single time...it's either that, or keeping the K-touch on the belt, and Decade has to press the buttons blind.
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: In Faiz world, Yuri later brings up that she "never saw Takumi's real face", because Takumi was secretly both Faiz and an Orphnoch. Crazily enough, this "wolf in sheep's clothing" is the Wolf Orphnoch.
- Badass Biker: well, it is Kamen Rider, after all...except for Diend, who lacks a bike. The net-movies lampshades this by having the characters try and get a bike for Diend. They eventually do, but it turns out to be Tsukasa's bike in a room that happened to be shining cyan light, thus making the bike look like it's Diend's as opposed to Decade's.
- Back from the Dead: Natsumi dies and then is resurrected minutes later at the end of Black RX's world. However, this comes at the price of some of Tsukasa's life force. We sort of see the toll he took during his battle in Amazon's World, though possibly it'll be taken off the end of his life.
- Additionally, Yuusuke is killed in the last episode and revived by Kivara, making him Brainwashed and Crazy. Tsukasa himself is killed in The Last Story but then revived by Natsumi, Yuusuke, Kaitou, and the AR Riders.
- Badass Army: In 'All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker, we get to see not just the Riders in the series, but every main Rider from the original to Decade teamed up, and its every bit as awesome as it sounds!
- Badass Grandma: We finally get to meet Kabuto's mythical Grandma...and she's every bit as awesome as had been imagined.
- Badass Normal: Riderman, with Gackt specifically saying in interviews that he chose to play the character because, unlike other Riders who are superhuman, Joji is just an ordinary guy...with a Swiss Army Weapon Arm Cannon, but still.
- He really gets to be the Badass Normal in the video for The Next Decade.
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Once Decade gets Complete Form, whenever he faces a Rider or monster from a certain world, his go-to tactic becomes summoning that world's rider in its own Super Mode. This goes as well for the other guy as you would expect.
- Because Destiny Says So: Tsukasa spends the entire series proving he's not the Destroyer of Worlds, befriending other Kamen Riders and bettering their worlds instead of killing all of them. The movie comes along, and it briefly looks like he will become the Destroyer, but rejects that because it's not who he is or wants to be. And then... he gets tossed into the Kamen Rider Wars with all the other Kamen Riders trying to kill him because, uh... well, because that's what the series had been doing flash forwards to the entire time so it was going to happen, dammit. At that point he apparently gave up, realizing that the franchise was never going to end unless he started beating the crap out of other Kamen Riders, and became the Designated Villain.
- BFG: The Faiz Blaster. Also the Decade Bazooka from the Hyper Battle Video (which probably counts as a Lethal Joke Item as well, considering it's made out of cardboard.)
- BFS: The Blade Blade, which is
humanbuilding sized thanks to being made out of an actual Rider. - Big Bad: It's...weird. The closest thing to a generic big bad is the very first enemy Decade takes on. However it's true big bad is hard to decipher. Is it Dai-Shocker? Apollo Geist? Tsukasa? Narutaki? Doras?
- Dai-Shocker is the Big Bad, if you consider an organisation itself to be a Big Bad instead of a single person. They are revealed as the instigators behind the fusing of the worlds, basically so they can Take Over the World. The narrative weakness here is that the mastermind of this plot (pre-Identity Amnesia Tsukasa) is defeated/gives up this plan at the halfway point of the story. The rest of the series is spent fighting Dai-Shocker remnants who only had the loosest connection to the "world fusing" plan, which was the central focus of Decade.
- Where All Riders takes place is hotly debated, likely with no good answer possible. The world fusing plot is solved in Movie Wars 2010.
- Big Damn Heroes
- All Riders in All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker.
- The AR Riders in the The Last Story movie...twice.
- Bittersweet Ending: All of the worlds end like this, usually of the "So and So is defeated, but so and so dies!" variety.
- Kuuga's World: N-Gamio-Zeda and the Grongi are defeated, but Yashiro dies.
- Kiva's World: The Beetle Fangire is defeated, but he took Wataru's three servants with him, and he was his father.
- Ryuki's World: Kamen Rider Abyss is defeated, but it's revealed that he is the Paradoxa Undead and escapes.
- Blade's World: Paradoxa Undead and The Joker Undead are defeated, but Sakuya and Mutsuki's life energy are drained to make the Joker card.
- Faiz's World: The Tiger Orphenoch and Lucky Clover are defeated, but now everyone knows that Takumi is an Orphenoch, which may mean that he will be suspended soon.
- Agito's World: Taurus Ballista is defeated, but if Kuuga's world had anything to show, it's that the Yashiro in Agito's World may not live that long as well.
- Den-O's World: The Alligator Imajin is defeated, but the fight is far from over.
- Kabuto's World: The Phylloxera Worm is defeated, but Souji is stuck in clock up forever.
- Hibiki's World: Gyuuki is defeated, but Hibiki also dies, as it took over him.
- Negative World: The Dark Riders are defeated, but it's still half-empty and Dark Kiva is still around....
- Diend's World: Jashin 14 is defeated, but Junichi declares that his brother is dead to him and that he will become the next Jashin.
- Shinkenger's World: Chinomanako is defeated, but the fight with the Gedoushou still lingers, and there are far worse things to come.
- Black RX's World: Schwarian and Apollo Geist are defeated, with the latter retreating, but Natsumi dies. She gets better though.
- Amazon's World: Llumu Qhimil is defeated, But there is still a safe bet that Amazon's World is still under Daishocker control.
- The Rider War World: Apollo Geist is defeated for good, but the worlds have fully merged, and the 9 riders attack Tsukasa with Kaito shooting him in the face. It gets worse in The Last Story.
- Fridge Brilliance: This is probably why Narutaki is against Decade, although he does save the world, he somehow still makes it worse.
- And as we learn later his presence in each world is connecting them. The Tagline is right.
- Fridge Brilliance: This is probably why Narutaki is against Decade, although he does save the world, he somehow still makes it worse.
- Body Horror/Shapeshifter Weapon: The Final Form Ride technique that Decade uses. They get used to it quick enough, but...Riders aren't supposed to bend that way. All of them have their head fold into their body.
- As a note, most of the Final Form Ride transformations seem to be based on the toy version, hence the Blade Blade's obvious handle and Den-O's head being folded in.
- An additional detail is that the guest Riders can assume Final Forms at will after the first transformation, as long as Decade is still around.
- Subverted with Kuuga in The Last Story, who turns into Ultimate Gouram without the use of a Final Form Ride card. Doesn't stop Decade Fury Form from kicking his ass, though.
- Kuuga gets the Gouram shell sprouting from his back and his legs becoming pincers for his new insectoid form.
- Kiva uses it to do mega splits and shoot arrows from his crotch.
- Not only do Ryuki's legs do mega splits, but his normal weapons take over his body.
- Blade gets his spine bending in ways it really, really shouldn't.
- Faiz has his arms disconnect at the sockets and rotate around to his back. Not nearly as bad as some of the other examples, but still painful.
- Agito turns into his own bike. His body doesn't have to twist too much, but he is staring down at the ground the whole time while Tsukasa rides atop him.
- Den-O's body does have to do some twisting, but his Final Form Ride is...Momotaros, which is his natural form anyway. Even then, he complains about the Painful Transformation, both in Hibiki world and All Riders.
- However, his Final Attack Ride...well, let's just say Yuusuke's butt is gonna feel that for a month...
- And let's not forget that, unlike the other Final Form Rides, Decade transforms Den-O not by stabbing him in the back with his fingers, but by folding the guy's head in manually...and fairly roughly, I might add.
- Kabuto folds in half at the waist, as if he were doing mega toe-touching stretches.
- Hibiki's body does the usual bending in painful ways when he becomes a Disc Animal, but the worst part is that he's used as a drum by Tsukasa.
- Pausing at the moment where he finished transforming reveals another case of split legs, turning into the Animal's wing, as well as its head coming from Hibiki's crotch.
- Like Den-O, Hibiki has Decade perform a different "activation pose"; unfortunately, it looks like nothing so much as an athletic butt slap.
- Decade gets a taste of his own medicine in All Riders vs. Great Shocker. When Diend shoots Decade for his Final Attack Ride, he transforms to a giant version of his belt, the Jumbo Decadriver. This includes him doing mega-splits just like Kiva and Ryuki.
- The Decade/Double Movie War 2010 gives us a Final Form Ride for Double, which turns him into...Double Doubles. Really. The FFR splits Double CycloneJoker into Double CycloneCyclone and Double JokerJoker, controlled by Philip and Shotaro separately. Still qualifies as Body Horror when you remember that at this point, Double is just Shotaro, meaning that the FFR split him in two as well and handed control of one of the bodies to Phillip.
- Bolivian Army Cliffhanger: The final episode...
- For a straighter example of Bolivian Army Ending, there's Gackt/Riderman. Not an actual ending, but the circumstances still count.
- Book Ends: Natsumi's first words in the show was "Decade...", her last words in the show were "DECADE!" the difference was in the mood. There was also the Rider War as well.
- Tsukasa's last hairstyle in The Last Story is the same one he started the series with.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Happens to poor Yuusuke a grand total of three times, in Diend's World, All Riders vs Dai-Shocker, and in the final episode, which carries over into The Last Story. Though in the Diend World it's more like "Brainwashed And Mellow".
- Brick Joke: when Daiki first appears in All Riders, he reveals to have stolen Amazon's Gigi bracelet again. The end of the movie shows him giving it back.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Tsukasa proves to be surprisingly intelligent despite his ditzy behaviour. (The plan he successfully executes in the second episode is his first step on the road to Magnificent Bastardhood.) Ironically enough, he plays a lawyer in the World of Ryuki.
- But Not Too Foreign: While the new Amazon is played by an actual South American (Enrique Sakamoto, who is Peruvian), he's still half-Japanese.
- Butt Monkey: Yusuke gets hit with this hard in Den-O's World. Literally.
- By the Power of Greyskull/In the Name of the Moon: Tsukasa's Catch Phrase alternates between the two, depending on the episode.
- The Cameo: Toshiki Kashu appears as Shoichi Tsugami at the end of All Riders.
- Joji Yuki (Riderman) in All Riders is played by Gackt.
- Camera Fiend: Tsukasa
- Canon Foreigner: Kamen Rider Abyss, a completely new Rider for Ryuki based on Abysshammer and Abysslasher, two shark Mirror Monsters from the original series. Kivaara is also one. Kamen Rider Amaki can technically count as well, as Akira's short transformation in Hibiki never gave us an Oni name or a good view of her armor.
- Card Battle Game: Has elements of this, thanks to the heavy-handed inspiration from the actual Card Battle Game, Kamen Rider Battle: Ganbaride.
- The Cassandra: Narutaki
- Catch Phrase: "I'm just a Kamen Rider passing through. You'd better remember me!". Also, "This will tickle a bit" or Diend's "The pain will last only a moment" before using any Final Form Ride the first time. (Yeah, no kidding.)
- Don't forget Narutaki's ONORE, DICKEIDO!
- Catchphrase Interruptus: Momotaros begins his "Ore, Sanjo!" when Diend summons him as Den-O, only to be cut off when a shot in the back Final Form Ride turns him into himself. He begins to chew out Diend before starting the battle.
- Den-O also gets his "Ore, Sanjo!" catchphrase interrupted by a Dai-Shocker Mook in All-Riders. Hilarity Ensues.
- Cerebus Retcon: Natsumi going from Tsundere comic relief to Tsukasa's killer in The Last Story.
- Chekhov's Gun: the photograph of Tsukasa that was taken by Natsumi near the beginning of The Last Story, which is what is used to revive Tsukasa for the final battle.
- At the end of the third episode in the series, when Yuuske is riding off, you get a view of a small, white bat-like thing similar to Kivat from Kamen Rider Kiva. Kivala soon becomes a recurring character traveling with Tsukasa and the others. Finally, in the last Decade movie...she becomes Natsumi's transformation trinket.
- Chekhov's Skill: Every universe grants Tsukasa a new identity (see Undead Tax Exemption below), and the identity comes with the relevant skills for the job. These skills are always important in resolving the plot of that world in some way.
- And then there's Hikari-style Laughing Pressure Point!, which gets played like a Non Sequitur Scene at first, but turns out useful for freeing Tsukasa from Imajin posession, or exposing a Worm mimicking him. Used once again on a mook in the finale in her Kamen Rider Kivala form, with the blade hilt.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Tsukasa, who often uses the excuse that he is "not of this world".
- Hikari Eijirou doesn't have that excuse, though. He can appreciate Tsukasa's messed-up photos - and after a while, other people agree. Also note his interactions with Kivaara.
- Combined Energy Attack: The Final Kamen Attack Form Ride card in All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker.
- Continuity Nod: In All Riders, Yuusuke uses his precursor's trademark thumbs-up for the first time.
- When summoned in Hibiki world, Momotaros freaks out over seeing Oni Riders, seeing as he had to deal with another kind of Oni in the Den-O X Decade movie.
- Tsukasa in Super Hero Taisen gets back his hairstyle from Movie Wars: Last Act as the Shocker Great Leader.
- Crisis Crossover
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Tackle, in the movie. Unlike the original Tackle, this younger Alternate Universe version of her appears to be kind of a ditz and briefly becomes pretty much the Jubilee to Tsukasa's Wolverine. Then she beat seven Mooks in one hit and forced a monster to retreat, saving Natsumi and effectively helping to revive Decade, all while being Dead All Along.
- Curb Stomp Battle: Decade's first battle with Complete Form, where he trounces the Dark Riders (Ryuga, Orga, Dark Kabuto) by summoning Ryuki Survive, Blaster Faiz, and Hyper Kabuto one after the other and blasting the Dark Riders into oblivion.
- Dark Age of Supernames: Both played straight and averted with DiEnd, as his name is creatively misspelled, but actually means The End, not Die End.
- Dark World: Nega World, a world inhabited by dark Riders and a twisted negative of Natsumi. Who isn't actually twisted or negative but still human. But all of Natsumi's old chums became meanies.
- Dark Reprise: Pay attention to the music that plays during The Reveal of the Great Leader in All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker.
- A non-musical example: Upon meeting Decade, Black RX declares that he won't have his way with his world and prepares to attack him, but is stopped by Natsumi. Guess what happens when Decade crosses into the Darker and Edgier parallel world of Kamen Rider Black alone?
- Dead All Along: Tackle in Final Chapter.
- Deadpan Snarker: Tsukasa
- Death From Above: About two-thirds of the way through the series, Kaitou takes to firing his Attack Ride - Blast upwards, causing it to rain down on a small area and hit several opponents at once.
- Demoted to Extra: Kuuga, until Agito world onwards. Probably the worst expression of this is the Hyper Battle DVD, which marks the one and only time Decade Complete Form summons Ultimate Kuuga using the K-Touch - while Yusuke stands off to the side doing nothing.
- Department of Redundancy Department: The name of Blade's Final Form Ride is the Blade Blade.
- And Diend having to use "Attack Ride - Diend Blast" when his weapon is already a gun...
- His default shots are like shotgun blasts. Diend Blast gives his shots rapid-fire and homing properties. In later episodes it lets him make it rain Lasers.
- It might also have to do with the fact that Decade has his own "Attack Ride - Blast" card and the staff may have wanted to avoid duplicating names.
- A brief moment in Diend World:
- And Diend having to use "Attack Ride - Diend Blast" when his weapon is already a gun...
Junichi: "Yes, Kaitou - Daiki Kaitou is my younger brother."
Natsumi: "That would mean you're Daiki's elder brother!"
Tsukasa: "That's really unnecessary..."
- Also Ryuuki-Decade who had a DragVisor on his arm (for loading cards) but still has the Decadriver (for loading cards).
- Tsukasa and Yuusuke's conversation in Den-O world:
Tsukasa: (referring to the Denliner) It's a train that travels through time.
Yuusuke: What's a train that travels through time? You mean, like a time machine?
- Depth Deception: When Den-O's series Final Form Ride activates (turning Den-O into Momotaros), the closeup leads the viewer to believe it's Momotaros gone giant...but it's just an illusion.
- Detachment Combat: Jouji Yuuki a.k.a. Riderman.
- Disney Death: in All Riders, Eijiro Hikari a.k.a. Dr. Shinigami, destroyed by three Final Attack Rides, yet appears fine in the final scene of the movie.
- Ditto Fighter: The Jumenki, ruler of Amazon's world, doesn't transform into any new-gen Rider like Decade does but he can perform any of their attacks.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: "Tsukasa, have you eaten sea cucumber yet?"
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: "Ride the Wind" by Masahiro Inoue (Tsukasa) and "Treasure Sniper" by Kimito Totani (Daiki).
- Doppelganger Attack: Decade's Attack Ride: Illusion. He uses this against Knight's Trick Vent in Ryuki World, resulting in three Decades fighting four Knights. Diend gets his own Illusion card in Amazon's world.
- Droste Image: Complete Form has a card on its forehead. This card has an image of Complete Form, which also has a card on its forehead. This repeats into infinity, and is exploited for the Complete Form Transformation Sequence.
- Dynamic Entry: The AR Riders in The Last Story.
- Early-Bird Cameo: Kamen Rider Double first appeared in All Riders vs. Great Shocker before taking over Decade's timeslot.
- Movie War 2010 sees Ryu Terui in The Stinger before he properly appeared on TV. And as mentionned in Body Horror above, Double JokerJoker is either this or Hilarious in Hindsight in regards to Kamen Rider Joker from Double's second movie.
- Decade himself got the treatment in the Affectionate Parody short, Kamen Rider G.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Everyone, especially Tsukasa! After everything that happened throughout the series and everyone dying at least once (except Daiki), Tsukasa's death restores all the AR Worlds to normal and revives everyone who died in the Rider War, even the ones he didn't kill himself. The AR Riders return the favor by reviving Tsukasa and join him in destroying Super Shocker for good. While some people remain dead (though exactly who isn't really made certain. Yashiro is shown to still be dead, but Wataru (AU) says all their friends came back to life), everything is back to normal and everyone is able to return to their normal lives. Tsukasa and company are now free to wonder the AR Worlds as they please and enjoy their adventure.
- Enemy Mine: In Rider War World, the Kaijin allied themselves with their worlds' Riders since the penalty for defeat is The End Of Their World.
- Enforced Method Acting: Might be something different but both Ryuga and the Original Blade have trouble sliding the cards into their belt buckles.
- To be fair, you can notice the same sort of problems if you go back and watch Kamen Rider Blade.
- This actually gets a nod in the shorts made for All Riders vs Daishocker, where Tsukasa is teaching a man how to transform into Ryuki; he has trouble slotting the Advent Deck into the V-Buckle, so Tsukasa tells him "Don't worry, let the cut take care of it." This is followed by another attempt, with a Smash Cut interrupting the motion and showing the deck being slid perfectly into place.
- Epic Flail:
Den-OMomotaros' Final Attack Ride; it's doubtful, however, that Yusuke/Kuuga would be happy to participate in it again... - Establishing Character Moment: Tsukasa's first action outside of being Decade is looking at some pictures, ducking and weaving from people attacking him, and only lamenting that his picture taking is a failure, perfectly summing up his character. As Decade? How does killing every single rider sound?
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Tell Diend about a treasure greater than the cool weapon he's trying to steal, and he assumes you're talking about some kind of better weapon. Though sometimes, mainly in the later part of series, he does get it. And on one occasion he gets that the greater treasure is friendship and tries to take it away anyway just to be a dick.
- Evil Laugh: Narutaki sure has his fair share of evil chuckles when Decade finds himself in a hole.
- The Evils of Free Will: The situation in Diend's world. Be nice to everyone or get brainwashed.
- Evil Twin: The Nega World's evil Riders took on the forms of Natsumi's friends from the TG Club.
- Executive Meddling: Movie Wars 2010 was initially announced as a Double feature with a Decade movie called Decade vs All Riders and a W movie called Episode Zero. Eventually, the entire project was reformulated, turning it into a Triple feature and heavily changing the overall content of the Decade story which lost the All Riders label and ended up very different from the original preview, even having to basically ignore the some twists of the show's cliff hanger ending due to the shorter running time.
- Put it this way: after the final episode of the TV series ended on a Cliff Hanger, they immediately showed a preview for Movie Wars 2010, billing it as "the final episode of Decade's story". Not one scene in that preview was in the final movie. They did include the scenes in the director's cut, but it was just the same scenes from the preview.
- Several parts of Decade's story, most notably Tackle, only were kept because they had already made props for them before the change of direction of the production. Tackle was initially supposed to search for Stronger after he disappeared fighting Decade, and that story even got published in some of the earlier previews, but her storyline was completely changed after it was decided that Decade's movie wouldn't feature All Riders anymore, in spite of a new Tackle costume already have been made.
- There's also Kenzaki's actor, who was contracted for the movie, but ended up just doing a few generic yells as Blade in a very quick scene, making most people not even notice that it was the original actor voicing the Blade that fought against Decade.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Played with by Tsukasa, who gets his hair done up differently in each world he travels to.
- It is also noted that the protagonist New Generation Kamen Riders before Decade tend to have long hair or have their hair in chin length, which seems to be a Rule of Cool since Kamen Rider Kuuga. Tsukasa is one of the few protagonist Heisei Kamen Riders with obviously short hair.
- That's also what happens when an Imagin possesses you. If it was true enough for Den-O, which was the only Heisei Rider world that came relatively unchanged to Decade, then it's true enough for Decade.
- Expy: In a rather odd example, Yuki, the Fangire Queen from the A.R. Kiva world, is an Expy of Mio Suzuki from the original Kiva - and is played by the same actress, Yuria Haga. She doesn't act like Mio, however, and was swiftly dispatched by Decade and Diend.
- Eyepatch of Power: Sou/TheBee in the new Kabuto world.
- Eye Scream: Let's just say that Yusuke had a close call in Agito world.[1] Likewise TheBee later, although only in a flashback.
- Face Heel Turn: Decade makes a HARD turn in the final episode. He quickly fulfills his role as the destroyer of the worlds, as seen in the opening scenes of the second movie.
- Fake Shemp: Faiz in The Last Story; it's intended to be Takumi Ogami (the AR version), but we never see him out of costume or hear him speak.
- Also, most Heisei Riders in All Riders vs Dai-Shocker, just grunt or don't make any sounds at all. That's because, according to some extra material, like character guides and even the official site, they're supposed to be the original Riders, but there was only one returning actor out of the 8 previous Heisei Riders there (not including Kuuga, who was Onodera, not Godai).
- Fantastic Caste System: BOARD in the new Blade world ranks everyone at the company with an iron grip.
- Fearful Symmetry: In Kabuto world, Tsukasa and a Worm that's imitating him square off evenly until Natsumi's thumb jab reveals who's who.
- Final Battle: The Rider War.
- Finger-Poke of Doom: Natsumi's nerve thumb attack seems to channel fellow Tsundere Sun Shangxiang from the movie Red Cliff, except that one triggers laughter and the other, unconsciousness.
- It makes humans laugh; Worms, however, cry instead, much to her surprise.
- Foreshadowing
- An inhumanly subtle piece of foreshadowing crops up when the Riders are leaving at the end of All Riders vs Dai-Shocker. Momotaros tells Tsukasa not to summon him again because he's super busy. He's referring to
his constant Wolverine Publicity as described on that pagethe new trio of Cho Den-O movies that are in production. Yet Momo's kind enough to betray his words just once and save Tsukasa's ass from Super Shocker's army in Movie War 2010. (Mind you, that movie was released before the Cho Den-O trilogy was even announced.) - In Hibiki World, Tsukasa seems to be a little bit enthusiastic when Hibiki told him he's the daishishou[2] of the three Ongeki arts, possibly stirring something up from his memory.
- Also, in Kabuto's world, he seemed to be a little attached to Mayu, almost like a sister to him.
- Also from Hibiki World, but it foreshadows something else: Narutaki explicitly saying that Natsumi will be the "end" of Decade's journey.
- You know the part in the opening where the Heisei Riders rush towards each other? Take a look at who's in front. Guess which two fight each other in the Rider War world.
- Diend's world turns out to be home to the movie-exclusive Blade riders. Guess what Diend Complete form does?
- An inhumanly subtle piece of foreshadowing crops up when the Riders are leaving at the end of All Riders vs Dai-Shocker. Momotaros tells Tsukasa not to summon him again because he's super busy. He's referring to
- Freeze-Frame Bonus: When the Decadriver scans a Den-O card, for a few seconds you can see Diend written on its display. Does this mean that those cards are actually meant for Diend's use?
- Freudian Trio
- Superego: Tsukasa
- Id: Yuusuke
- Ego: Natsumi
- Gender Flip: The early worlds, written by Sho Aikawa, all had minor changes that fit here. Ichijo Kaoru's role is replaced by female detective Ai Yashiro. Prince Wataru is the son of a female human violinist and a Fangire King, rather than a human male violinist and a Fangire Queen. The name of the newspaper in the new Ryuki world is Atashi Journal, (Atashi is a feminine "I") rather than "Ore" Journal (Ore is a rough, masculine "I").
- But then, Ai Yashiro is also the effective equivalent of Sakurako.
- George Jetson Job Security: BOARD in Blade's world. It's laughably easy to be demoted and fired for minor mistakes, even when carried out with the best of intentions. This may have more to do with the boss than anything else.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Yuki Johji in The Movie can do this WITH HIS GOOD ARM.
- Giant Enemy Crab: The final battle of Hibiki World sees one of these.
- They even Rock Its Weak Point For Massive Damage.
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: King Dark. No foreshadowing whatsoever.
- Gotta Catch Them All: Diend's power revolves around "catching" stuff from other Riders. So essentially this is Mega Man fighting a Pokémon Trainer.
- Gotta Catch Them All through Kill'Em All: In The Last Story, Decade must kill all Riders and collect the cards left behind by their explosive deaths. Why? Because it turns out that their cards are the key to restoration of the multiverse.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: All of the Final Form Rides to some extent, but when you have Momotaros using Final Form Ride Yuusuke as a blunt weapon...the guy just can't catch a break.
- The Gunslinger: Diend, as his gun is both his Transformation Trinket and primary weapon.
- The Heart: Yusuke, who tends to work with the other Riders on an emotional level, something Tsukasa's not that good at.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: In All Riders vs. Great Shocker, when Tsukasa regains his memories he resumes his role as the evil leader of Great Shocker...briefly, as he is usurped by Shadow Moon and his sister. Witnessing his friends leave him for betraying them, and getting an inspirational speech about being a Kamen Rider from Riderman put him back on the track to destroy Great Shocker once and for all.
- Tsukasa turns yet again in The Last Story. In the eyes of everyone, that is. And he's still basically a good guy.
- In addition, Kaito's loyalties at any given point appear to be determined by the flip of a coin.
- Heel Realization: part of Diend's backstory.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Tsukasa allows Kiva-la to impale him on her sword in order to complete his mission and restore the multiverse and all the Riders. He gets better.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: courtesy of Narutaki spreading rumors of Decade being the "destroyer of worlds".
- Hey, That's My Line!!: During the Hibiki arc, Kaito delivers the speech defending the local Kamen Rider instead of Tsukasa, who protests that Kaito's stepping on his bit.
"'Let me say this - I was "a passing through Kamen Rider" before you ever were!"
- Hey, It's That Guy!/Voice!: There are many of them.
- Yusuke and Kazuma are both played by actors who appeared in Fuuma no Kojirou.
- Yusuke's actor is also the You Suck detective in the Den-O x Kiva crossover movie.
- He was also part of the Prince of Tennis musicals, too!
- Come to that, so was the actor who played the AR version of Kabuto's Kagami/Gatack.
- There are actually no less than eight actors in Decade who were part of those musicals, including Masahiro Inoue/Tsukasa himself.
- Ai and Toko Yashiro are both played by Hiroko Sato, who is also Kaori in Madan Senki Ryukendo. And she's hot as a bikini idol, too.
- One of Kazuma's
haremassistants is Rumi Hiiragi, who voiced Chihiro in Spirited Away. - Natsumi's female chum from high school had voiced Vanilla in Sugar Sugar Rune.
- Kivahla's voice actress is Miyuki Sawashiro.
- The Tiger Orphenoch is played by Beetle Sazer from Chousei Kantai Sazer-X. Plus some bonus Retroactive Recognition, now that the actor plays Ankh on Kamen Rider OOO.
- Shoichi is played by the same guy as Kamen Rider Kirameki from the Kamen Rider Hibiki movie.
- And in the All Riders VS Dai-Shocker movie, it turns out that that's not the AU Agito at the end, since it's Toshiki Kashuu. (ie: the original Agito).
- Soji's little sister, Mayu, is played by the same actress as the true identity of Mr. Voice in Go Go Sentai Boukenger.
- Somewhat differently than usual, but seeing Kawara Kazuhisa playing Guy/Apollo Geist is extremely jarring. His most high-profile role was as a police detective in the J-police drama "Aibo", although he was apparently in an episode of Ryuki as well.
- Narutaki was in the Live Action Adaptation of Death Note as one of the police investigators assisting L.
- The voice actor for Amazon in The Movie is Tomokazu Seki; no wonder that Amazon is more Hot-Blooded in this incarnation.
- Ryutaros' VA Kenichi Suzumura plays Kamen Rider X in the movie and Narutaki's co-host in the Net Spin-Off videos.
- Fumihiko Tachiki is the voice of the Kuuga world Big Bad N-Gamio-Zeda; strangely enough Tachiki was also the narrator for Kamen Rider Kuuga.
- AR Wataru is played by the actor who played Jan when he turned into a little boy in Juken Sentai Gekiranger.
- In The Last Story, the new Bee Woman is Kegalesia.
- High-Pressure Blood: Amazon's victims have this.
- High School AU: Kamen Rider Faiz turns into one of these.
- Homage: Tsukasa in All Riders vs. Great Shocker resembles Kamen Rider Spirits' Big Bad, Judo. Which makes sense as both are personifications of the Great Leader and have similar respective powers to transform into Riders of their era, Decade being able to transform into the nine main Hesei Kamen Riders (Kuuga to Kiva), while Judo is able to transform into the eight main Showa era Kamen Riders (Kamen Rider-1 to Super-1) as well as a golden version of ZX. Judo doesn't take Riderman's form as he is considered a secondary Rider as well as more of a Badass Normal than the others.
- Hulk Speak: Amazon, which was true for his original self too, although AU Amazon is considerably more fluent.
- Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Played with. Series originally using a particular episode naming pattern, such as Kuuga, Kiva and Hibiki, have at least one episode named with the same pattern in Decade.
- If It Swims, It Flies: Kamen Rider Abyss manages to invoke it's power with his Final Vent.
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: variant: Tsukasa tries to talk not to the brainwashed Ultimate Kuuga, but to his sister Sayo, who was controlling the latter.
- I'm Just A Passing Through Kamen Rider: Remember that!
- Image Song: The Next Decade, in Gackt's able hands, essentially becomes this for his version of Riderman. And it is, as noted, awesome.
- In Medias Res: All Riders begins this way.
- Inn Between the Worlds: Hikari Studio.
- Insistent Terminology: Decade's armor isn't pink, dammit, it's magenta!
- Intercontinuity Crossover: As if jaunting between AU worlds of previous Kamen Riders wasn't enough, episodes 24-25 are a crossover arc with Samurai Sentai Shinkenger that is canon for both sides.
- And 2012 will see Tsukasa taking on his Sentai opposite number Captain Marvelous in Kamen Rider X Super Sentai Super Hero Taisen.
- It Can't Be Helped: In a stage production, there was a skit about Faiz, Kuuga, Ryuki, Kabuto, Decade, and Diend being hungry and wanting to get a bite to eat. Decade argues with the other Riders about how there's no time, but Faiz calls in a reservation at IXA's italian restaurant anyway. Hilarity ensues.
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies: AU!Agito's reason for abandoning the G3 Unit, and Toko Yashiro.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: This show is Kamen Rider Very Kind Jerks. There's a good reason why fandom calls Kaitou a Troll and Tsukasa's nickname is Dickeido.
- Joke Cards/Power-Up Letdown: The set of Attack Ride cards for Den-O's forms lets Tsukasa perform their In the Name of the Moon poses and catchphrases...and nothing else.
- Though in Episode 19, Ax Form gets an actual attack; it just proves ineffective because of the strength of the enemy it was used against.
- The costume design book Detail of Heroes 04: Kamen Ride shows that they did in fact make Form Ride cards for Den-O (including Wing Form), as well as another attack for Ax Form, but they were never used.
- Kick the Dog: in Agito world, Diend commands a summoned Delta to Rider Kick
DecadeTsukasa.[3] Thankfully, Yusuke was there to stop it. - Kick the Son of a Bitch: If one sees Tsukasa as the villain of the piece (being the "destroyer of worlds" and whatnot), this could be how to describe his destroying the Perfecter as he throws it to Apollo Geist.
- Kid Hero: The AR World versions of Kiva, Den-O, and eventually Hibiki. Considering Kamen Rider is and always has been a kids' show, this should come as no surprise.
- The Kid with the Remote Control: In the warped version of Kamen Rider Kiva, Wataru is a young boy who still has most of the powers of Kiva, including Castle Doran and the Arms Monsters, but no Tatsulot or Emperor Form.
- Though AU Wataru was shown using the Zanbat Sword in his regular Kiva Form during the Rider War against Blade, Garren, Leangle and the Undead. And uses the Emperor Form thanks to Decade, in The Last Story.
- Curiously, the original Wataru goes on to use the Zanbat Sword in regular Kiva Form in the rerun version of Decade episode 31 and later yet again in the movie OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Riders.
- Though AU Wataru was shown using the Zanbat Sword in his regular Kiva Form during the Rider War against Blade, Garren, Leangle and the Undead. And uses the Emperor Form thanks to Decade, in The Last Story.
- Lampshade Hanging: Amid fandom complaints of Decade's story being incomprehensible or pointless, Wataru declares late in the show that "Decade has no story".
- Large Ham: The Dai Shocker commanders, save Apollo Geist, are very hammy.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Subverted in that Tsukasa's amnesia isn't very laser-guided. He knows his name. He knows he's from another world, but he doesn't know what world he's from. He recognizes familiar people and places in detail, recognizing the world he just travelled to as Kiva's world as soon as he saw Castle Dran and even telling Knight, "I know all about you".
- Last-Name Basis: Subverted for Diend, where Natsumi and the residents of Diend World are the only characters with enough respect to call him Daiki.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Kaito's Diendriver is rather violently stolen from him in Shinkenger's World. When Tsukasa finds out, he has a good laugh and mocks Kaito as "the robber who got robbed".
- While Natsumi was arrested in Ryuki's world Tsukasa constantly teased her by calling her criminal since she c ouldn't hit with her Laughter Pressure Point while in cuffs after going back in time and preventing Natsumi from getting arrested she manages to hit him with a Laughter Pressure Point at the end.
- Legacy Character: Hibiki passes his Transformation Trinket on to Asumu before his Oni powers go out of control and necessitate a mercy killing.
- Legion of Doom: Dai-Shocker, an organization seeking to unite all of the evil organizations and monster races in the franchise's entire history together to defeat the Riders and conquer the multiverse.
- The Remnant: Super Shocker in The Last Story, formed from the leftovers of Dai-Shocker's army.
- Let's Get Dangerous: "I'm a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that. Henshin!"
- Let's You and Him Fight: almost every time Decade steps into a new world.
- The Little Shop That Wasn't There Yesterday: Hikari Studio, which seems to supplant whatever shop was there before it arrives in the world. Crosses into Mythology Gag as the building being replaced was often the Good Guy Bar (in Kuuga and Kiva) or otherwise significant in the original series.
- Amusingly, after an Imagin tampers with the timeline in Den-O world, the studio becomes attached to the DenLiner.
- In Shinkenger, Jii mentions his confusion on how the studio has apparently replaced a hospital that he was supposed to go to.
- MacGuffin: The Ongeki scrolls in Hibiki's world.
- Mad Scientist: Joji Yuki/Riderman, who in this reality made both the Decadriver and Diendriver.
- Magikarp Power/Lethal Joke Character: Despite being Yuuseless for most of the series, Yuusuke eventually gains access to Kuuga Rising Ultimate Form, becoming stronger than even the original Kuuga.
- Make My Decade Grow: Diend does this in All Riders. The villain of the Shinkenger World doesn't do this in spite of technically being a Super Sentai monster because becoming a Rider changed his biology, removing his second giant life.
- Man in White: Not completely dressed in it, but the original Wataru wears a white jacket and scarf in all his appearances. Contrast to the original Kenzaki, who wears all black.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Kivaara. Full stop.
- Tackle from Kamen Rider Stronger becomes this to Decade in The Last Story.
- Meaningful Name: Kaitou, as mentioned elsewhere.
- Also, the "Kama" in Kamata is the kanji for "scythe" which ties into his true nature as the Paradoxa Undead.
- Tsukasa Kadoya can be rendered into Passing Through, hence the Catch Phrase "Just a Passing-Through Kamen Rider".
- N-Gamio-Zeda's first two syllables are a sound alike to "End Game", which fits the bill pretty well due to his position in Kuuga's world and how his actions are similarly close to how a Season Finale of a Kamen Rider show would go.
- Also, Gamio is an arranged version of Ogami, which is Japanese for wolf, fitting his motif.
- Merchandise-Driven: All Body Horror examples listed above are entirely the fault of this.
- In other words, it's Decade's fault.
- It's kind of obvious when the S.I.C. of Kabuto, the next figure released after Decade, can not only be turned into Zecter Kabuto but comes with its own Decadriver that can mount in place of the Zecter, making him AR Kabuto and Decade Power Copying Kabuto in one package.
- And now they're making an S.I.C. of Decade!Kuuga, with the ability to turn into the Kuuga Gouram (as well as Amazing Mighty Form). Of course, this could be seen as a justified update, Kuuga is a popular Rider and the original S.I.C. was released in 2001.
- Milestone Celebration: The tenth anniversary of the Heisi Riders was celebrated in the biggest way possible. And with the Showa Riders getting involved in the crisis by episode 26, this celebration was taken to the next level.
- Mondegreen: Lampshaded in Blade's episodes: Tsukasa goes by "Chief" in Blade's world, but Kazuma keeps calling him "Cheese", much to Tsukasa's chagrin.
- This is actually a Mythology Gag due to the immense Mondegreen involved with the line delivering in Kamen Rider Blade. The Japanese fandom even invented a language to cover it called Ondulish.
- Mood Whiplash: in one episode,[4] scenes frequently switch back and forth between Tsukasa
and Yusukehilariously enjoying the rich lifestyle, with Natsumi's heartwarming reunion with the "Dropout" Club she belongs to, only for the audience to be treated to a flashback of the Dark Riders killing humans (specifically, the AU versions of Natsumi's club members). - Moral Dissonance: The original Kamen Riders apparently thought that the best way to protect the multiverse is by sending Tsukasa to kill the Riders from the A.R. Worlds, and chew Tsukasa out because he helped the A.R. Riders instead, which just made things worse. What makes it pass from Well Intentioned Extremism into this trope is the fact that a Kamen Rider would never consider this an acceptable course of action and would Take a Third Option.
- The Last Story reveals that destroying all the Showa and Heisei riders was actually the correct course of action. After doing so (and being destroyed himself) everything went back to normal...if you don't count the fact that Super Shocker still needed to be stopped. Based on that, it's possible that the Riders deliberately attacked Decade in order to provoke him into destroying all the Riders in order to save them. However, this doesn't change the fact that they were willing to let Decade be destroyed in a "needs of the many" fashion.
- Motif: The show's three primary Riders derive their colorations from the CMYK color model: Decade is Magenta, Diend is cyan, and Kuuga Rising Ultimate is yellow and black. This fits in with the show's general motif of photography as well.
- Mr. Exposition: Wataru in the first episode; also, Diend.
- Multiversal Conqueror --> Planar Champion: Tsukasa Kadoya
- My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours: Pretty much the point of Hibiki world. The schools are competing with each other over who can destroy the monsters.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: For some reason, Tsukasa keeps calling Kohana "Maruko". In Onigashima Warship, set after the Den-O arc, he calls her "Hanamaruko-chan".
- Most likely a Throw It In moment as Kohana's hairstyle resembled Chibi Maruko Chan.
- Mythology Gag: Just about everything in the
past nine yearsKamen Rider franchise's entire 38-year history gets shown or referenced during the course of the show.- Even the American adaptations get a little nod. In All Riders, when all the Riders perform a Rider Kick, you can catch RX and Ryuki appear together in the same shot performing the kick - the two Rider series at the time that became localized in America.
- In the same vein, the climax of The Last Story begins with the appearance of Doras and a new Crisis Fortress, both of which feature prominently in Saban's Masked Rider.
- Decade's suit is basically a modernized version of Kamen Rider ZX, ZX being the protagonist of the Showa era Kamen Riders' 10th anniversery celebration.
- Even the American adaptations get a little nod. In All Riders, when all the Riders perform a Rider Kick, you can catch RX and Ryuki appear together in the same shot performing the kick - the two Rider series at the time that became localized in America.
- Name's the Same: A girl called Natsumi with violent tendencies? Seen it. Twice.
- As we noted above in this page, Tsukasa is a Cloudcuckoolander. Applicable to both Kadoya and Hiiragi.
- Unlike other characters who were altered in the new reinterpretations of the Nine Worlds, there is a Reiko Momoi in the Ryuki World. And there also was a Reiko Momoi in Kamen Rider Ryuki. While Decade!Reiko was Da Chief and Stuffed in The Fridge to kickstart the plot, Ryuki!Reiko was the Intrepid Reporter and the worst thing to hit her was pinkeye.
- Takumi Ogami shares a family name with GaoSilver, who also had a "wolf" theme to his character.
- Never Trust a Trailer: A particularly extreme version: There was a trailer for the conclusion movie at the end of Episode 31. It showed, amongst other things, a "real" Tsukasa who was apparently the true villain, a badass Natsumi with a sniper rifle, Kuuga killing Diend (or at the very least having his arm buried to the elbow in Diend's gut), and Kamen Rider Kivala, who apparently has nothing to do with Natsumi. The only place where trailer and film line up is Kivara fighting Decade, and even then the scenes are completely different.
- With the release of the Director's Cut version of the conclusion movie, though, Toei seems to have covered their tracks ever so slightly and moved that trailer into Canon Discontinuity by adding in parts from that trailer (specifically the two Tsukasas) to the dream (a slightly different one from the first episode) Natsumi has at the movie's start.
- Not Brainwashed: Diend's brother Junichi Kaito appears to have been brainwashed by Fourteen's men (Diend finds out about this while still working for Fourteen; he had believed that prisoners were simply rehabilitated); however, after Fourteen is destroyed and everyone is un-brainwashed, Junichi reveals that he had not only been working for Fourteen voluntarily, but he was doing so even before his supposed brainwashing.
- Oh Crap: In the final episode, everything seems to have turned out relatively well, all things considered. Super Apollo Geist is dead, the crisis is averted...then Natsumi has a flashback to that dream she's been having.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Decade is referred to in the opening as the "destroyer of worlds"; similarly, Narutaki either believes him to be this or is telling everyone else that he is.[5]
- One Steve Limit: Haruka Miwa in Diend's World is based on a character whose name was Natsumi Miwa, but was changed to Haruka most likely to avoid confusion with another Natsumi. It's worth noting here that Haruka and Natsumi contain the Japanese words for 'spring' and 'summer' respectively.
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Daiki feels this way about Tsukasa.
- Original Generation: Decade himself, as he's the element that ties everything together.
- On The Next Episode Of Arc Words: "Destroy everything. Connect everything."
- Painful Transformation: Diend's Final Form Ride. "The pain will only last a bit."
- Decade's may or may not hurt, but it sure as hell LOOKS like it.
- In All Riders, Momotaros says that the transformation hurts after Decade uses it. Faiz, Blade, and Kiva don't say anything themselves...probably because A. those three riders lack proper voice actors in the movie and B. a gun, sword, and bow aren't the most talkative of objects.
- Palette Swap: Parodied in the net videos. Kaitou, sick of not having his own Cool Bike, turns Decade's bike into one with his colour scheme by visiting the studio's colour control room and flipping things around. It gets pointed out rather blatantly when Decade enters the scene with a basket of apples, which are (along with his armor) cyan rather than magenta. When Tsukasa points this out, Kaitou rides off with it anyway.
- Which became Hilarious in Hindsight when the "Machine Diender" actually shows up as Diend's ride in the climax of the 40th anniversary movie OOO, Den-O, All Riders: Let's Go Kamen Rider.
- The Ultimate Gouram is a black version of the Kuuga Gouram.
- Pet the Dog: Ryo Itoya, the Spider Fangire, demonstrates that he is not the madman he was in Kiva and that Fangire are good in this world by cheerfully interacting with some elementary schoolers walking past the photo studio.
- Though we aren't sure if the Spider Fangire had evolved into a different kind of predator.
- In Episode Yellow, we see that Kaito has an "ulterior motive" aside from stealing a golden gun: to help Kurosaki/G Den-O connect with his enstranged mother.
- Phantom Thief: Daiki Kaito, AKA Kamen Rider Diend.
- Phlebotinum Breakdown: In Kabuto's World, Kabuto's Clock Up System is broken, trapping him in constant high-speed.
- Phrase Catcher: Villains seem physically compelled to ask Decade who he is (or, if they already know, who the hell he thinks he is) before a big rumble. Tsukasa always responds with his own Catch Phrase.
- Pistol-Whipping: Kaito does this to Yuusuke in the Agito's World episodes in order to get the G4 Chip from him. It's enough to knock Yuusuke off his feet, but he's not badly hurt.
- Portal Network: The pictures that serve as gateways to the nine other worlds. This makes the portrait studio the Hub Level for Decade.
- Posthumous Character: Yuriko Misaki, AKA Tackle, in The Last Story.
- Power Copying: Decade's powers are the powers of his predecessors, and all things that come with them. He gets Kabuto's Clock Up and Faiz's Auto Vajin (as Attack Rides) when he uses their powers.
- Power Creep, Power Seep: There are arguable examples regarding the Heisei Riders, but the main one involves the return of the Showa Riders, especially in the All Riders vs Dai-Shocker movie. Basically, the Showa Rider stat numbers for later shows often gave them ridiculously high numbers compared to the Heisei series (For the most obvious example, Super-1 in the beginning of his own show was stated to have 200 ton punches, which would make him twice as strong as Ultimate Kuuga). However, starting from here, and continuing in the later crossovers not centered on Decade, they're all portrayed in reasonably comparable levels.
- Power Incontinence: Kabuto's dilemma.
- The Power of Rock: Every rider in Hibiki's world. Decade and Diend join in for an epic jam session at the end of the arc.
- Promoted Fanboy: Masahiro Inoue, the actor for Decade, is a huge fan of Kamen Rider, even as an adult. When the Black/RX episodes aired, he made one post on his blog consisting of little more than excited babble about Apollo Geist and "I'm Joe the Haze!". Adding to this, when the finale aired, he expressed relief that he can "enjoy Kamen Rider objectively again". Not to mention his buying a swimsuit with the Decade colors, or various other eccentricities... (Rider Kick on a trampoline?)
- On the same note, Ryota Murai, Yusuke Onodera/Kamen Rider Kuuga, was a huge Kuuga fan as a child. You can imagine his delight at getting to be Kuuga himself as an adult. Combine this with Inoue's fanboying, and you get some very interesting blog posts.
- When Super Hero Wars: Kamen Rider vs. Super Sentai was announced, Inoue made a blog post where he talks about how he missed being a Rider and how much he looks forward to getting back to action.
- On the same note, Ryota Murai, Yusuke Onodera/Kamen Rider Kuuga, was a huge Kuuga fan as a child. You can imagine his delight at getting to be Kuuga himself as an adult. Combine this with Inoue's fanboying, and you get some very interesting blog posts.
- Prop Recycling: Raydragoons from Kamen Rider Ryuki function as Mooks in Nega World; in an amusing crossover with Real Life Writes the Plot, Detail of Heroes explains that this is entirely because the makers of Kamen Rider Dragon Knight ordered Raydragoon costumes in bulk to use as the Mook in their series.
- You can catch the motorcycle used as Machine Decader in Kamen Rider Kiva., ep. 32 and 35 (used by Nobori Taiga/Saga.)
- Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh: Decade vs. Den-O Ax Form.
- Also an example of an Idiot Ball. Tsukasa actually does the above trope twice; he audibly says "Ow!" on the first one, then winds up and punches harder.
- Punny Name: Decade is pronounced like the word "decayed" which echoes his reputation as a destroyer, and Diend is a pun on "The End", which plays into the series's cliffhanger ending, where he supposedly kills Decade, and is "The End" to Decade's journey
- As sort of a punny pet name, there's "Natsumi-kan" (summer mandarins). Kaitou calls her "Natsumelon", which both Tsukasa and Natsumi herself "correct" (though Natsumi has a "wait a minute" moment afterwards).
- Puppet Master: Diend, whose Kamen Ride cards can summon Riders to do his bidding. Decade's Complete Form is more literal, creating copies of the nine main Riders in their own Super Modes which copy his movements exactly.
- Putting on the Reich: Kamen Rider Amazon's world, under the control of Great Shocker by the time Tsukasa arrives, is complete with Great Shocker Youth, with all the agitprop and brainwashing required. Their grunts even wear Nazi uniforms and the civilians salute Hitler-style. Now, where is Starfish Hitler from Kamen Rider X anyway?
- Well it is a reference to the original Shocker organization where its members' origins is related to the Nazis.
- Quest for Identity
- Reality Subtext: Try watching the ending with the knowledge that Joe Odagiri, the actor of the original Yusuke/Kuuga, was the only Kamen Rider lead actor to have explicitly expressed an Old Shame towards the franchise.
- Reality Warper: The Decade and Diend powers; the official website says that their respective Drivers take the data from the Rider Cards and, using the power of the six elements, makes them manifest in reality. As if the Final Form Rides weren't evidence enough...
- Real Life Writes the Plot: The reason the original Gills and Another Agito never appear is apparently because there was a leak in the warehouse and the suits were effectively destroyed by water damage.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Decade's armor is a lighter shade of red than most, but the pink gi he wears in Hibiki's World tops that.
- A pink gi in Hibiki world?
- Not pink, Magenta.
- A pink gi in Hibiki world?
- The Red Stapler: Tsukasa's
pinkmagenta Blackbird Fly is one of these. - The Resolution Will Not Be Televised: A rare intentional case of this.
- Reunion Show: Though most of the characters are recast or replaced, a good number of actors returned to reprise their roles, even if they're also AU counterparts. This includes most of the central casts of Den-O and Hibiki, as well as Wataru Kurenai/Kiva and Otoya Kurenai/Dark Kiva, the Riders from Missing Ace, Kotaro Minami (as both Black and Black RX), Kazuma Kenzaki/Blade, and (in the movie only) Shoichi Tsugami/Agito. The Riders summoned by Narutaki or Kivara (including the Hoppers, Kaixa, and Ohja) are also voiced by their original actors and are implied to be the real thing. Diend's summons are an odd case, as some have their original actors providing the voice, but seem to just be copies (as evidenced by the fact that a summoned Den-O/Momotaros has no qualms about fighting Tsukasa after the events of both the Den-O arc and the Chou Den-O and Decade movie, where they were allies).
- It's strange that the original Agito is one of the ones to demorph and speak to Decade at the end, as that Agito should not know Decade at all (the World of Agito's Agito was not played by the original actor, and was a Composite Character of the series' three Riders.)
- Asakura/Ohja and Yaguruma/Kick Hopper return in All Riders vs. Dai Shocker, and though they're never seen un-transformed, they're confirmed as the originals and have their original actors (and catch phrases.)
- While the actors are all new, the cast of Amazon was very true to the original series, as compared to the "old world with a twist" idea of most of the AR worlds.
- Revised Ending: The series got a different, and arguably much better, ending in reruns. It also ties in far better to The Last Story than the original ending did.
- The new ending in question is that instead of Decade's battle with the Original Riders leading up to Diend trolling the viewers by shooting Decade for a cliffhanger, the new ending sees Decade's battle with the Riders rapidly shift into the Rider War as (exactly, thanks to archive footage) witnessed at the beginning.
- They also cut out Kivala reviving Yuusuke but left in Kuuga Ultimate's appearance.
- And why they changed the ending in the rerun? The original "trailer" in the original ending was recorded a few days later after the original ending. But due to some legal and production changes the original plan for the movie, called Decade vs All Riders and even initially listed in the schedule of some theathers, was scrapped, and changed to the present one. Toei changed the rerun ending just to keep in line with The Last Story.
- Mind you, we still don't get a show ending that looks like it could lead to the beginning of The Last Story. First ending: All nine main post-revival Riders - including a Brainwashed and Crazy Ultimate Kuuga - attack Decade. Finally, Diend shoots Decade in the face. Second ending: As seen in Natsumi's dream in the premiere, primary and secondary new series Riders, along with their bikes, dragons, flying castles, time trains, and what-have-you fight each other to the death. Then Decade arises from nowhere and utterly kablooifies the few still standing. Then Kuuga stands, becomes black-eyed Ultimate Kuuga, and he and Decade Rider Punch each other, causing an explosion that apparently kills both, and spreads to turn the entire view white... did they destroy the whole world?!. Neither of these can possibly lead to the events of the Last Story portion of Movie Wars 2010: Riders from all across franchise history attack Decade Fury one or two at a time and get slaughtered with little effort. Yusuke, who is himself throughout the movie, eventually can watch no more, and becomes Ultimate Kuuga at will. Far from evenly matched with Decade Fury, he is taken down just as easily. Decade Fury is eventually taken down by Natsumi, restoring the multiverse and the Riders, and later Tsukasa's normal self is restored from his friends' memories. Apparently, the movie was subject to a ton of last-minute rewrites that resulted in an entirely different film than the one they set out to write when they did the regular series' ending, let alone Natsumi's dream waaay back at the beginning.
- Rogue Protagonist: in The Last Story.
- Rule of Symbolism: Agito's world has cross-shaped energy blasts and an Unknown that looks suspiciously like a nun. Agito's original series had lots of symbolism itself, so it's appropriate.
- Rule of Three: The Diendriver can only summon up to 3 Kamen Riders at once.
- Also, the Riotrooper Kamen Ride Card summons 3 of them. Though, for some reason, during the events of Episode Yellow of the Cho Den-O Trilogy, the card summoned 5 Riotroopers.
- Running Gag: Sea cucumber, first mentioned by Kaito in his first appearance as Tsukasa's least favorite food. It pops up randomly a few times later on; in Amazon's World, the Dai-Shocker scientists consider making Masahiko a Sea Cucumber Kaijin, and Yuki (the A.R. version of Mio from Kiva) is the Sea Cucumber Fangire.
- Momotaros, whenever he appears, always suffering neck pains one way or the other. Not just when his FFR activates, either.
- Sailor Earth: Kamen Rider Abyss can be considered a professionally written example, twice over! Not only does he tap the wild shark-monsters Abysshammer and Abyssslasher of Ryuki for his contract monsters, but he himself is the King of Hearts Undead left unseen in Kamen Rider Blade.
- Hibiki's World receives a variation on this by taking an existing character (Akira) and giving her Oni/Rider powers.
- Salaryman: Tsukasa calls the Riders in Blade's world "Kamen Rider Salaryman", and for good reason.
- ...then becomes one in Diend's world.
- Scaled Up: An odd heroic example. Ryuki's Final Form Ride turns him (unwillingly) into a leaner version of his own Contract Monster, Dragredder.
- And as a villainous example, Fourteen becomes "Jashin 14" from the Kamen Rider Blade movie Missing Ace.
- Likewise Garagaranda and Ikadevil from All Riders.
- Schrödinger's Cast: Blade's story arc involves Garren and Leangle being drained of energy by the Big Bad in order to create the Joker card. When the pair shows up in the final two episodes, they only appear in-suit and Kazuma refers to them only by Rider names, leaving fans to wonder whether the originals survived or Kazuma recruited new Riders between the two story arcs.
- Screw Destiny: In the Rider War, Riders are forced to fight one another for the sake of their worlds' survival; Tsukasa tries to convince them to put aside the battle and fight the real enemy, Dai Shocker.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Like all things in Ryuki, the answer to the problem at hand is screwing around with time.
- Serious Business: In the new Ryuki world, court cases (which are pretty serious already) are decided with Kamen Rider battles and not, it would seem, evidence.
- Sharing a Body: Den-O World sees Tsukasa, Yusuke and Natsumi being bodyjacked by the Taros', which, for Den-O, is quite common. The fun part comes from the goofy outfits that they gain from these new forms, such as Ura-Tsukasa's spiffy white and blue suit.
- Ryu-Natsumi's needs to be seen to be believed, Ura-Natsumi was just straight up Fan Service. Though it rapidly becomes Fan Disservice as soon as you hear her speak with Ura's voice.
- And not to mention having another girl henshin; now that is Fan Service. Too bad they never anwser the question of what happens if Natsumi gets bodyjacked by Deneb: would she be a Meido or a butler?
- In the second movie, Natsumi becomes her own Rider, Kamen Rider Kivara.
- And speaking of Maids, she dons a costume like that in Blade's world.
- In the second movie, Natsumi becomes her own Rider, Kamen Rider Kivara.
- Ship Tease: There was plenty of Tsukasa/Natsumi going around, especially when he has even his own pet name for her. Highlighted in episodes 26 and 27 when Natsumi takes a fatal hit meant for Tsukasa and nearly dies, which he takes hardly. Also, after Tsukasa decides to leave Dai-Shocker, Natsumi offers him a place in her home.
- Shout-Out: The All Riders Super Spinoff videos include several, such as Rider Fashion Check hosts Narutaki and Kenichi Suzumura comparing Double to Baron Ashura and Kikaider.
- In Hibiki's world, Tsukasa is wearing a pink kimono, just like Dan Hibiki
- Shout-Out Theme Naming: The new surnames of nearly all the Suspiciously Similar Substitute Riders are references to either something from the show they came from or something about Kamen Rider in general:
- Yusuke Onodera (Kuuga): Shotaro Ishinomori's birth name was Shotaro Onodera.
- Shinji Tatsumi (Ryuki): "Tatsu" means "dragon", as in Shinji's contract monster.
- Ren Haguro (Knight): "Haguro" means "black wings"; his contract monster is a bat named Darkwing.
- Kazuma Kendate (Blade): "Ken" means "blade". Of course, this pun was present in the original version, but here, the kanji for "date" is also used in the Japanese word for "to rouse". So he's the blade rouser.
- Sakuya Hishigata (Garren): "Hishigata" means "diamond shape".
- Mutsuki Kuroba (Leangle): "Kuroba" is one long vowel away from how the Japanese pronounce "clover".
- Hajime Shijo (Chalice): "Shijo" means "fourth article", referring to Hajime being the fourth Kamen Rider in his world.
- Takumi Ogami (Faiz): "Ogami" sounds very similar to "ookami", meaning "wolf" (but with different kanji). Not just a reference to him being the Wolf Orphnoch, but a pun on the original version's surname, "Inui", the first two syllables of which would be the Japanese word for "dog" if it was written with different kanji.
- Shoichi Ashikawa (Agito): "Ashikawa" is a combination of "Ashihara" and "Hikawa", the surnames of Gills and G3 in the original version. In Decade, Shouichi is a Composite Character of the three Agito Riders, so it fits.
- Nobuhiko Tsukikage (Shadow Moon): "Tsukikage" means "Moon Shadow".
- Slobs Versus Snobs: the Zanki (string) and Ibuki (wind) factions of Ongeki-Ryu in Hibiki World.
- Slouch of Villainy: Tsukasa and, later, Shadow Moon.
- Smug Snake: Apparently it doesn't matter what dimension, AU or parallel existence you're in: Evil!Mutsuki (from Blade) will always be a Jerkass.
- As it turns out, though, he and Sakuya were only pretending to be jerks to Kazuma in order to help teach him humility.
- So will Kusaka.
- Something About a Rose: a Running Gag in the spinoff videos about Tsukasa wielding a rose.
- Sorting Algorithm of Evil: In Agito's world, the Grongi get rather violently upended by the Unknown.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Decade's Super-Powered Evil Side, which is variously called "Fury Form" (by fans) and "Violent Emotion" (by magazines and the S.H. Figuarts toy line). Both are acceptable translations for the Japanese name, Gekijoutai (激情態), though "Fury Form" is slightly more accurate.
- Spit Take: Tsukasa's reaction when Mayu says she actually likes his messed-up photos.
- Spooky Photographs: Tsukasa's messed-up photos are an interesting variant - while indicating that Tsukasa is always out of sync with any world he does not belong to, they sometimes capture significant details like stuck-in-Clock Up Kabuto always watching over his family, or Den-Liner Owner's ability to photobomb any photo taken in his train regardless of the laws of physics.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Diend.
- Stealth Pun: in All Riders, when Double appears to save Kuuga and Decade, which side of Double is Shadow Moon facing? BLACK.
- Decade's movie-exclusive Fury Form from The Last Chapter; in Japanese, "fury" and "movie" are homophones,[6] which means it could also be thought of as "Decade Movie Form".
- Stepford Smiler: Subverted. Junichi Kaito/Kamen Rider Glaive uses this facade until Fourteen is eliminated.
- Story-Breaker Team-Up: The Shinkenger crossover, of sorts. Since nearly all Riders don't battle giant monsters on a weekly basis: bye bye, Super Sentai humongous mechas and Make My Monster Grow.
- Suicide by Cop: In The Last Story, Tsukasa allows Natsumi to kill him to end his rampage.
- Super Mode: Decade's Complete Form. Contrary to Decade's usual shtick, this gives him the ability to create copies of his nine predecessors' Super Modes (much like Stands) so that he can use their ultimate attacks. In The Last Story, when the actual nine Riders are around, it can also transform them into their super modes (in order when that occurs: Hyper Kabuto, Agito Shining, Faiz Blaster, Armed Hibiki, Ryuki Survive, Blade King, Rising Ultimate Kuuga, Kiva Emperor, and Den-O Super Climax).
- Of note is that in the TV series, Den-O Liner Form is used instead of Super Climax Form. The toy version of the K-Touch has Kuuga Ultimate rather than Rising Ultimate as well.
- If you haven't noticed from the last enumeration, two previous Riders gain new Super Modes thanks to Decade: Rising Ultimate Form for Kuuga and Super Climax Form for Den-O.
- Diend gains his own Complete Form in the Super Den-O Trilogy, which draws its power not from protagonist Riders, but movie-exclusive Riders: G4, Ryuga, Orga, Glaive, Kabuki, Caucasus, Arc, and Skull. The only ones not to be bad guys are Skull ( though he's impersonated by a bad guy in Movie Wars 2010. Double's true Movie Dark Rider is Eternal, but of course that movie wasn't out yet.) and Orga (between this and Orga being in the World of Negatives it's clear The Powers That Be consider him Faiz's Movie Dark Rider, but he was just Kiba who'd been deceived. It should have been Psyga.)
- Of note is that in the TV series, Den-O Liner Form is used instead of Super Climax Form. The toy version of the K-Touch has Kuuga Ultimate rather than Rising Ultimate as well.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: Rising Ultimate Kuuga (initially) in All Riders, Decade Gekijoutai/Fury Form/Passionate Version/Violent Emotion in The Last Story.
- Superpower Meltdown: Hibiki seems to be suffering from this.
- Swiss Army Weapon: Decade's Ride Booker not only holds all of his cards, but it can also change into a sword or gun weapon.
- Take That: one wonders if Kuuga's characterization in this series is a jab against its original actor.
- Taking the Bullet: Yuusuke has a habit of doing this for Tsukasa; in All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker it gets him eliminated from the tournament; in the last episode, it gets him killed.
- Yusuke lampshades it in a joint World of Cardboard Speech with Decade in Agito world, signifying his role in that arc.
- Teleport Spam: Tsukasa pulls this off by Power Copying Ryuki and using the Mirror World as his personal Portal Network (ep. 9).
- Theme Music Power-Up: both Ride the Wind (commonly when the Final Form Rides make their first appearance) and Treasure Sniper.
- There Can Be Only One: The Rider War's World works like this; as the worlds merge, the Riders are forced to fight one another to determine whose world survives and whose dies. When Tsukasa arrives it's Blade vs. Kiva, with Hibiki showing up later.
- The Rider War in Ryuki's world also counts for this (Although it's Ryuki, so of course it will contain this trope), before Decade messes things up. Of course, it's completely different than the Ryuki series: less "Highlander with more spandex" and more Rider lawyers fighting and the winner's vote of guilty or not guilty being taken.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: How can we possibly justify 25 Rider Kicks against an already beat-down Shadow Moon who was handed his ass by Kamen Rider Double? Rule of Cool, that's how!
- Similarly, Diend Complete's Gekijyouban Final Attack Ride.
- The Theme Park Version: Most of the AU worlds visited are a very stripped down version of the original shows they were meant to represent. This also includes the characterization of some of the Riders as well.
- In Kamen Rider Kuuga, the Grongi planned to (aside from killing people that is) shape mankind to become as violent and bloodthirsty as they are, and ultimately turning them all into monsters like them. In Decade, this was taken very literally.
- In Kamen Rider Kiva, Wataru soon desires a world where Fangire and humans live in harmony. Kiva's World grants exactly that.
- In Kamen Rider Agito, There were subtle hints that it took place in the same world as Kuuga's. In Decade, they flat out state that it's a variation of Kuuga's World, complete with Grongi as well.
- The World of Faiz has the same situation with the Orphenochs as the Kamen Rider Faiz, but moves it to a High School AU.
- The World of Kabuto fuses Hiyori and Jyuka and compresses her storyline into two episodes, in a world very much like the original series (and in a story that uses the fact that we don't know what alternate Tendou looks like at first to tremendous effect. This is perhaps the only time the series uses the "AR world" thing well instead if it simply being a means of avoiding having to round up the original actors.
- They Walk Among Us: In the world of Kiva we have the world the original Wataru wanted: humans and Fangire living in peace. Of course, not all Fangire want to go along with that, still.
- Third Person Person: Amazon.
- This Loser Is You: Lampshaded in ep. 23 when Tsukasa points out to Daiki's face that he's been collecting treasures only to fulfill his own empty quest for self-worth. In a Merchandise-Driven show.
- Although Daiki himself shoved it back in his face by saying that he simply enjoys collecting treasures and continued doing it even after solving his own inner conflict, which averted this trope.
- Tomato in the Mirror: It is revealed in the movie that Decade is the leader of Great Shocker prior to the beginning of the show, but before he could begin his grand plan of conquest, he suffered from amnesia and then became a hero. Though he had no qualms about resuming his leadership and betraying his friends. At first.
- Took a Level in Badass: Natsumi in The Last Story, courtsey of Kivara.
- Transformation Trauma: AU Shoichi seems to be suffering from this as Exceed Gills.
- Trigger Phrase: In The Last Story, Narutaki makes Natsumi's grandfather revert into Doctor Shinigami by serving him a squid and beer, causing him to utter "ika de beer", the same words said by Shinigami in All Riders right before transforming into Ikadevil.
- Well, that and, you know, the Doctor Shinigami Gaia Memory that Eijiro was forced to use.
- Troll - Kaito is an interesting mild use of this trope, in that everytime he's onscreen with Tsukasa, he takes the opportunity to mess with him and try to ruin his plans, complete with a grin on his face. As the show continues, he eventually becomes a bit more friendly, but then in the finale, after tearful confessions of camaraderie, goes right back to trolling when he suddenly shoots Tsukasa in the face.
- Perhaps the ultimate expression of Kaitou's trolling can be seen in the Den-O and Decade movie, where he only appears to make things more difficult for the heroes, with absolutely nothing to gain from it, all with a smile on his face.
- Maybe it's because Diend didn't exactly get what he wanted in Den-O world, and just went for simple revenge?
- Not to mention Narutaki, who spends the entire series blaming Decade for things, and pretty much nothing else.
- Until The Last Story, where he shows his True Colors and becomes Colonel Zol.
- Only for that to be revealed to be just another disguise a few minutes later. In the end, all we know about him is that he thinks "it" (we don't even know what "it" is; like with his identity, there were more than one thing it could have been only for us to learn he's not talking about that.) is all Decade's fault.
- Until The Last Story, where he shows his True Colors and becomes Colonel Zol.
- Perhaps the ultimate expression of Kaitou's trolling can be seen in the Den-O and Decade movie, where he only appears to make things more difficult for the heroes, with absolutely nothing to gain from it, all with a smile on his face.
- Umpteenth Customer: Tsukasa ends up getting a choice of wife, a modeling job, a gig as a manager, and more simply for being an umpteenth customer. Turns out it was all a plot to make him love the world and stay.
- Undead Tax Exemption: Tsukasa gets a new identity and new gear in every world he goes to the instant he arrives.
- In Kuuga's, he became a police officer.
- In Kiva's, he's a violinist.
- In Ryuki's, he's a lawyer.
- In Blade's, a chef.
- In Faiz's, a high school student.
- In Agito's, a postman.
- In Den-O's, he's a watch seller, and looks exactly like Mysterious Pocketwatch Guy from the original series.
- In Kabuto's, he's a ZECTrooper.
- In Hibiki's, he's a martial artist. His pink Kimono may be a refference to Street Fighter's Dan Hibiki, who shares his name with this universe's hero.
- It wasn't instant, but in the Nega World, he became a millionaire for being the 10,000th customer at a restaurant, then he became a model just by walking down the street.[7]
- In Diend's, he's a Salaryman.
- In Shinkenger's, he's a Kuroko.
- In Black RX's, he is mistaken for Joe the Haze (The genuine Joe, unseen in Decade, is mentioned as being stranded in the parallel world of Black).
- In Amazon's, he's a baseball player.
- In Rider War World, he's dressed in a tuxedo for a funeral.
- The Unfought: even after becoming an executive of Super Shocker, Narutaki remains on the sidelines, ordering his soldiers around instead of fighting by himself.
- Villain Protagonist: Possibly Tsukasa himself.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Faiz gets hit hard by this one.
- Walking The Multiverse: the end of The Last Story.
- What Could Have Been: The producers said they wanted to make a modernized Riderman costume for Gackt to wear in All Riders, a la the suits for Riders 1, 2, and V3 seen in Kamen Rider the First and Kamen Rider the Next, but weren't able to complete it in time for filming, which is why he appears only as an untransformed Joji Yuki while Riderman is portrayed by a stuntman during the ending carnage.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: In Blade's world, Sakuya and Mutsuki have their life energy drained by the villains in order to produce the Joker card. However, after that they're just sort of forgotten about - it's never said if they lived or died. Not helping matters is the Rider War World, where Kazuma refers to Garren and Leangle by Rider name only. This seems to point to the idea that they did in fact die, but again, nothing definite was said.
- The end of the Faiz arc shows several belts lying in rubble after the fight between Decade and Lucky Clover. Kaitou makes off with the Orga Driver, but that means that the Delta, Psyga, and Riotrooper belts are just lying there out in the open for anyone to take...
- Narutaki in both movies. Ultimately a Karma Houdini in the latter.
- Eijiro Hikari being Dr. Shinigami. Natsumi and Yusuke saw him transform right in front of them, and Tsukasa as the Great Leader should have known this beforehand, but... none of them batted an eye when he returned to the Hikari studio?
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Early in the Kiva world, Tsukasa kills a Fangire who appeared to be attacking a human. It turns out that the woman who was being attacked was actually a Fangire who had been killing humans, and Tsukasa had inadvertently killed a good guy trying to stop her. No-one spends more than two seconds reflecting on Tsukasa's mistake since hey, it was just a Fangire.
- Of course, in the previous episode, a few zillion people were turned into Grongi, and once the fight with the baddie who caused it was over, all those new Grongi vanished. In the next episode, the Arms Monsters were absorbed by the bad guy, and didn't return when he got Rider Kicked into oblivion. Nobody seemed to notice or care in either case.
- What's worse is that not only were each of the Arms Monsters respective Fangire species now extinct, Kiva has lost a HUGE chunk of power with them dead. Most of his forms required their assistance to use.
- This topic is tackled with a bit more substance in the Faiz world, which is to be expected since it was a major plot focus in the original series as well.
- Kabuto world also spends a little bit of time on it when this world's sister-of-AU-Tendo-Souji is revealed to be a Worm (and it's the same suit that Hiyori-Worm was in the Kabuto series too. Nice touch). Souji, in one of his rare moments of onscreen time, says that he doesn't care if she's a Worm or not - she's still his sister. The mythical Grandma feels the same way, as well.
- It gets a little nod in Den-O's world when Kaito refers to Momotaros as "just an Imagin" and Tsukasa's requisite World of Cardboard Speech has him defending Momo as a kind-hearted person, no matter what he looks like.
- Of course, in the previous episode, a few zillion people were turned into Grongi, and once the fight with the baddie who caused it was over, all those new Grongi vanished. In the next episode, the Arms Monsters were absorbed by the bad guy, and didn't return when he got Rider Kicked into oblivion. Nobody seemed to notice or care in either case.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Tsukasa gets called to the carpet by the Heisei Kamen Riders for not only failing to stop the destruction of the worlds, but actually speeding it up. Of course, the accusation loses its sting when you consider the Moral Dissonance involved on the part of the accusers. (see above).
- A more humorous example is Den-O trying to chew out, on two separate occasions, Decade and Diend on activating his FFR.
- Who Are You?: Happens frequently; the correct answer is, "Just a passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that!"
- The Worf Barrage: in Movie Wars, the Final Form Rides (and Castle Doran and the DenLiner) were outmatched by the Super Crisis Fortress, just so it would be up to Double to take it down himself.
- To be fair, we don't actually see the other Riders lose, they just...suddenly cease to be animated. And Double did have a nifty robot elephant with a chainsaw trunk that he had to shove down it's throat.
- The Worf Effect: Every World has this, primarily inverted. Some of the world's strongest enemies are taken down by Decade to showcase his power.
- The Buffalo Grongi, Go-Baberu-Da, who was one of the first Grongi to really beat the original Kuuga to an absolute pulp, is dispatched with ease by Decade in the second episode.
- Rook, one of the more powerful Fangire in Kiva (and one of dozens to survive another 22 years after being "defeated"), is taken down in a few slashes by Decade - not even a Finishing Move or otherwise special slashes. Bishop, who was the Big Bad in Kiva, was taken down by an even bigger slash, which was a Finishing Move.
- Blade's world has Decade destroying Undead left and right, something which was thought to be physically impossible in their original series.
- Although, it's justified. It's one of the abilities Tsukasa picked up, like speaking Grongi or playing the violin, when he travels to a new world.
- Diend is also guilty of this. Witness the moment when he completely overwhelms Kamen Rider Ryuga in battle.
- In the original Agito, the Ant Queen Lord overpowered Gills and was taken down by Agito's Shining Form. In Decade's Agito, she gets taken down by Agito's Ground Form.
- To be fair, Agito tried to Rider Kick the Big Bad of his world and she got in the way.
- In the Den-O world, the Mole Imagin, one of the more powerful Imagins in Den-O, who happen to be the first victims of Liner Form, are pretty much cannon fodder for the bad guys.
- Although this was not the first time they have been demoted to Mook.
- The Kabuto series was less notable of Riders worfing high level Kaijin and instead having the Subst Worm (required Hyper Form originally) taken out by Tendou's sister merely transforming into Sisworm; for the Geophilid Worm, Gattack was unable to take out the Worm like he did in the original series and instead Kuuga Pegasus Form took out them out, while Coleoptera was dispatched by TheBee.
- The Summer Type Makamo gets these. In Hibiki, Taikos were the best way to defeat them since the other weapons would barely flinch them. That does not stop Ibuki, Decade, and Zanki from defeating them.
- Subverted in Diend World as Lance and l'Arc have no more problem with fighting Dark Roaches than they did in the Blade Movie (but Decade shows up to curbstomp them anyway). Then gets played straight as Decade Complete Form summons Armed Hibiki and takes out Jashin 14 in a Single-Stroke Battle.
- Fridge Brilliance: Jashin 14 Beating up the Riders in their normal forms, seeming unstoppable, and then getting curbstomped by a Super Mode is exactly how it went in Missing Ace, too.
- It took the Shinkenger world for this trope to get played straight for once. Watch as an Ayakashi makes short work out of Diend and ShinkenGold by stealing the Diendriver during battle! (and receiving a Power Creep, Power Seep from it, turning him into the world's big bad for Tsukasa.)
- Amazon had given the Porcupine Grongi another brutal cutdown. In Kuuga, it took Yusuke's full killing intent to slay the Grongi.
- On the other hand, in the same world, the Ten-Faced Demon demonstrates his Ditto Fighter status by worfing Kuuga and Faiz!Decade with their own moves. The original version didn't put up that much of a fight against Amazon by his lonesome!
- Probably the largest example of this comes in the penultimate episode where the Warthog Fangire, whom is one of the more powerful Fangires, is taken down by a single, rather off-handed kick by Decade.
- In the final episode, Tsukasa gets hit with it twice: once against Super Apollo Geist (who also manhandles Kuuga, Hibiki, and Kiva at the same time), and then immediately afterwards by Kazuma Kenzaki, the original Blade in King Form. In all fairness to Decade, he couldn't do much against the second foe because Apollo arleady exhausted him right before.
- All Riders has various examples of this trope if one considers the identities of the various minor Dai-Shocker members.
- Rider 1 defeats Ganikomoru, a Crab/Bat monster that originally could match Rider 1, with two punches.
- Skyrider defeats the Queen Ant Lord from Agito, who originally only was defeated by Agito's ultimate form, with two attacks too. Although, to be fair, Skyrider's own "base" form is an ultimate form of sorts. However, in a later scene, Agito goes on to beat up the same Queen Ant Lord in his base form too.
- Kabuto single handily beat an Orphenoch, a mole Imagin, a Ganikomoru and a Shiomaneking (who originally needed to be defeated by Rider 1 and 2 fighting together) without even using Clock Up.
- Decade throws the Arch Orphenoch, Faiz's final enemy who originally matched 3 Riders at once, one with a Super Mode, to the ground with a single sword slash. He does the same to the Bat Fangire, Kiva's final enemy.
- Shadow Moon, easily the Big Bad of Kamen Rider Black, gets this both straight and inverted in All Riders Vs. Dai-Shocker. No one's questioning his power, but he was beating Decade and Rising Ultimate Kuuga, two Riders each with the potential to destroy the planet, at the same time without breaking a sweat. And then he was inexplicably whomped by Kamen Rider Double (who seems to be "suffering" from a major case of Advertising Power-Up) before receiving an epic Rider Kick from all other 26 Riders.
- Which was immediately followed by the rise of the giant King Dark, who effortlessly defeats the puny Riders by making a shitload of explosions and beats down Kamen Rider J in two punches. Then Diend decided to Make His Decade Grow and behold, King Dark becomes a nuke by eating two punches and a Rider Kick.
- In Movie War 2010, Doras manages to fight off the entire Hikari Studio Team - Decade, Diend, Kuuga, and Kivala - at the same time, and then can hold off all Heisei Riders in the normal forms for a while (though not beating up them as badly), only dying a Rasputinian Death from everyone in their Super Modes.
- Kuuga, in his basic Mighty form, easily beat up Hiruchamaleon, Gel-Shocker's chief commander, who originally was only defeated in a close battle with Rider 1 and 2.
- And we are not even getting on the issue of other Riders. Really, any past Monster of the Week should require more than a few punches, each having kept its Rider(s) busy for a good portion of one episode.
- World of Cardboard Speech: Pretty much every other episode, when Tsukasa finally figures out the situation of each world and starts kicking ass with the world's Rider.
- And, of course, each speech generally attempts to tie in with the moral that was important to each world's original Rider. Kuuga got 'protecting the smiles of all,' Kabuto got 'protecting those important to him, no matter what'...you get the idea. They're pretty well done. Of course, not everyone agrees.
- Except in Hibiki's world, when Daiki stole Tsukasa's entire shtick, ending with "Before you came along, I was a passing through Kamen Rider!" Not a subversion though as the speech was still spot-on.
- And, of course, each speech generally attempts to tie in with the moral that was important to each world's original Rider. Kuuga got 'protecting the smiles of all,' Kabuto got 'protecting those important to him, no matter what'...you get the idea. They're pretty well done. Of course, not everyone agrees.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Diend summons Femme and pits her against Black, knowing that Black is a follower of this trope, which got him overwhelmed.
- Subverted when Tsukasa chooses to henshin and attack Ryuutaros (as Den-O Gun Form) posessing Natsumi of all people.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: Kamen Rider Scissors, the eternal loser of Ryuki, finally wins his first fight ever on screen when Ryuki World begins. Only to be defeated by Knight a few minutes later. When all's said and done, his only victory was in a fight that never actually happened.
- Not true - that 5.6% win ratio had to come from somewhere.
- You Can't Fight Fate: Tsukasa adopts this attitude at the end of the series following the What the Hell, Hero? from the original Riders. This carries over into The Last Story where he's initially the Big Bad, until it's revealed all that he did actually saved all the worlds and he sacrificed himself to do it.
- You Have Failed Me...: The original Riders pull this on Tsukasa in the finale.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Last Story has Wataru, and indirectly the other Heisei Riders say this posthumously about Tsukasa, remarking that his job was to destroy the Riders to save every world, which were restored due to the memories of the battles of the Riders. However, Decade had no story and so he couldn't return.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: the Hikari Studio thought it was all over when they seemingly returned to their home universe, newly-restored, in Ep. 19.
- Not to mention at the end of 31. After they defeated Apollo Geist for good, Natsumi smiles, only to realize that the spot they're at is the very place where the Rider War took place.
- Zerg Rush: The first act of Dai-Shocker's army upon the entrance of all Riders in All Riders vs Dai Shocker is to pelt them with a barrage of rocket-propelled Shocker Mooks.
- Which turns into a Chekhov's Gun of sorts. Three words. ALL. RIDER. KICK.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Natsumi initially wears pants most of the time, but after a few episodes, she begins her personal quest for the golden ratio.
- ↑ still arguably painful, though, as the attack pierced G3's helmet, and Yusuke was visibly wincing
- ↑ Great Master
- ↑ he's not in Rider form because that universe's version of Gills stole his Decadriver
- ↑ the Negative World arc
- ↑ In fact, Narutaki was far from wrong; Decade is the reason why the worlds are getting destroyed.
- ↑ gekijou, though they're written with entirely different kanji
- ↑ although, in this case, it's a ploy by the Dark Riders for Tsukasa to stay in that world.