Sushi Pack
Sushi Pack is a children's Saturday morning cartoon featuring a team of items from a sushi menu, jolted to life thanks to a bolt of lightning. The Pack consists of Tako (octopus), Maguro (tuna), Kani (crab), Ikura (salmon roe) and Wasabi, who together battle evildoers and learn life lessons. They live in an organic donut shop with their human friend and mentor Ben. Despite the superhero element of the story, violence is used only as a last resort. The show is produced by American Greetings, DiC Entertainment, and Tom Ruegger.
Tropes used in Sushi Pack include:
- Achilles' Heel - Heat is their only weakness
- Kryptonite Factor
- Weaksauce Weakness
- Except Wasaabi, who can take the heat, but can't stand extreme cold.
- Aesop Amnesia
- An Aesop
- Animesque: A mix of this and regular cartoon style.
- Anthropomorphic Objects
- Aren't You Forgetting Someone? - In "Sushis of a Certain Stature," the Pack think that the town is putting up a statue of them, since it's announced as "Wharf City's Greatest Hero." It's actually of Kato Platypus, who was more active years earlier.
- Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance - Volta from "Starring Ikura"
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever - Ikura in "A Very Big Deal"
- Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad - Sir Darkly. He appears to be a manifestation of evil, so it's justified.
- Bad Powers, Bad People
- Barrier Warrior - Maguro
- The Big Guy - Ikura
- Blush Sticker - Kani, Maguro, and Mochi Mochiato
- Cardboard Prison - The only villain shown consistently in jail is The Collector.
- Care Bear Stare - Maguro occasionally uses her mental powers in this way
- The Chick - Maguro
- City of Adventure - Wharf City
- Collector of the Strange - one villain called, appropriately, The Collector
- The Collector - the episode "Collect 'Em All"
- Cool and Unusual Punishment - Titanium Chef punishes Mochi Mochiato by having her teammates ridicule her
- Easy Impersonation - in "The Wrong Sushi," Tako, Maguro, Kani, and Wasabi are convicted of a crime, despite presented video evidence showing what is obviously The Legion of Low Tide made up to look like the Pack.
- Edible Theme Naming
- Enemy to All Living Things - Sir Darkly
- Every Episode Ending - Every episode ends with the Pack jumping into the air and shouting "Sushi Pack!"
- The only exception is the episode "Lights Out," when Unagi helped them save the day and all six of them shouted "Go Planet Earth!"
- Everything's Better with Platypi - Kato Platypus
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Evil Counterpart- The Legion of Low Tide
- Eyedscreen
- Eyepatch of Power - Tako wears a fake eyepatch
- Fair Weather Mentor - Titanium Chef
- Fat and Proud - Oleander
- Fire-Breathing Diner - Ben drinks some hot sauce and has this reaction in "Red Hot Chili Planet.
- Five-Bad Band - The Legion of Low Tide
- Five-Man Band
- Freaky Friday Flip - Wasabi and Mayor Martin in "Everybody is Some Body"
- Friendly Enemy - Mochi (maybe)
- Gadgeteer Genius - Kani
- Which is odd, because she's also the team bruiser.
- Hades Shaded - Oleander
- Hoist by His Own Petard - The downfall of many of the villains
- How We Got Here - the episode "So Says Who?"
- Humongous Mecha - B.O.B. (Being of Bamboo). Huge to the Pack, normal-sized to us.
- Hypocritical Humor: From "Deep Freeze":
Titanium Chef: Maguro is not one of us. She's different. We don't tolerate difference. Right, boys?
Toro: We can barely tolerate ourselves.
- I Can See My House From Here - the episode "A Very Big Deal"
- Inner Monologue - Tako
- Insult Backfire
- Intelligible Unintelligible - Wasabi
- Ironic Echo Cut - the episode "So Says Who?"
- James Bondage
- Kid Appeal Character - Wasabi
- Even Heroes Have Heroes
- Lego Genetics - In "Fish Tales," a special bisque made with DNA from Kani's shell turns Oleander into a Crab Person.
- Meaningful Name
- Merchandise-Driven - It's made by a greeting card company.
- Averted somewhat, as the only tv show merchandise known appears to be for promotional purposes only.
- Mind Over Manners
- Miracle-Gro Monster - the episode "Rex Marks the Spot."
- Mirror Universe - the episode "Mirror Schmirror"
- Mix-and-Match Critters - Paradoxter created some in "Near Miss."
- Monster of the Aesop
- Noodle Implements: In "When Will Ben be Zen?," Wasabi's plan to help Ben involves him wearing mukluks for some reason.
- Not Me This Time - In "The Thing That Wasn't There," an electrical creature that only Maguro can see is causing havoc all over the city. Since the attacks all have to do with electricity, the rest of the Pack assume that Unagi, the electric eel member of The Legion of Low Tide is up to no good. When they confront him, he denies having anything to do with it.
- Out-of-Character Moment
- Perky Female Minion - Mochi Mochiato
- Personal Raincloud - Sir Darkly, on occasion.
- Psycho Electric Eel - Unagi
- The Psycho Rangers - The Fried Food Fighting Force
- The Rashomon - the episode "So Says Who?"
- Remember the New Guy? - A few villains have "returned" in their debut episode (Oleander, Paradoxtor, Sir Darkly, to name a few)
- Repeating So the Audience Can Hear - Used occasionally by the Pack to translate Wasabi's "mustard speak" for the viewers.
- Rogues Gallery
- Shoe Shine, Mister?: In "Chemicals Made From Dirt," the Titanium Chef's evil plan involves shoeshine, even though his own minions point out that no one shines his shoes in this day and age. However, his plan also involves the power of peer pressure, and sure enough, everyone wants to get his shoes shined to be "cool". One boy even volunteers to help them shine shoes.
- Skunk Stripe - Oleander
- Small Name, Big Ego - Tako and his art
- The Smart Guy - Tako
- Strange Bedfellows - Unagi in "Lights On, Lights Off"
- Team Mom - Maguro
- Team Title
- Title Theme Tune
- Tome of Eldritch Lore - The Book of Chum Chop
- TV Never Lies - the episode "Sweet Tooth"
- The Unintelligible- Wasabi
- Villainous Glutton - Oleander
- Villain Team-Up - the episodes "The Yam Yakkers" and "Fair Share For Sure"
- Walking Wasteland - Sir Darkly
- We Want Our Jerk Back - the episode "Chemicals Made From Dirt"
- You Just Ruined the Shot - the episode "Starring Ikura"
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