AGENCY is a Massive Multiplayer Crossover Web Comic created by Deviant ART artist JediAnnSolo and hosted on Drunk Duck. The story centers on Sandy Cheeks and Shadow the Hedgehog, who have been hired by the Pink Panther and Krystal McCloud. Sandy and Shadow have been given the task of finding out who kidnapped Fox and Marcus McCloud and hijacked the Star Fox team's submarine, the Blue Marine. Much of the humor comes from the conflicting aspects of Shadow's stoicism and Sandy's enthusiasm.
So far, characters from the following works have appeared in the story:
- The Pink Panther: The titular panther
- Star Fox: Fox, Krystal and Marcus McCloud
- Secret Squirrel: Agent 000
- Animal Crossing: Static, Hopper
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Sandy Cheeks
- Beyond Good and Evil: Mei, Rufus
- Sonic the Hedgehog: Shadow
- Arthur: DW and Mrs. Read
- Pokémon: Pikachu
- Parappa the Rapper: Himself and Lammy
Tropes used in AGENCY include:
- Action Girl: Sandy, and proud of it. She's not particularly thrilled at Krystal's insistence that she have a bodyguard.
- Badass Bookworm: Sandy
- Cameos: Given the nature of the comic, there have been a few, including the Drunk Duck mascot.
- This page [dead link] has Chip and Dale and Crash Bandicoot.
- Sandy is woken by Bobby and Lammy.
- Panini offers Krystal some cookies.
- Did I Just Say That Out Loud??: Inverted, when Parappa is recalling what happened to him, it's all in his head, though he seemed to think he said it out loud.
- The Drifter: Parappa
- Fun with Acronyms: Averted; AGENCY doesn't stand for anything.
- Genki Girl: Sandy, very much so
- Happily Married: It's implied that this is not the case in the McCloud household. Sandy is Genre Savvy enough to figure it out.
- Inner Monologue: The comic prologue begins with the Panther's thoughts leading up to start of the comic's events.
- I Was Never Here: Uttered by Krystal at one point.
- Jerkass: Static, who is shown to enjoy beating up Fox.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: The Nine
- Private Investigator: Pink Panther, Sandy, Agent 000
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Shadow/Sandy is not AGENCY canon!
- The Stoic: Shadow
- There Is Only One Bed: Done for laughs in Day 2: "We can share the bed--I'll take the couch tonight, and tomorrow, we can switch!"
- Telepathy: Krystal's telepathy plays a big part, though she appears to be out of practice using it.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Buttercups..."
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