AdventureQuest Worlds

"In AQWorlds you can train up your fishing AND cooking at the same time! FIREBAAAAALLLLLLL! *BOOOOM SPLASH FISHY FISHY SIZZLE SIZZLE CHOM YUM GOODY FUN!*"
Artix, creator of AE and AQW.
"Incredible animation by Miltonius, famous lolicon/porn animator from the internetz!"
Encyclopedia Dramatica, they're not joking.

AdventureQuest Worlds is an expanded universe of Artix Entertainment, a company originally created for single player flash games, and it's their first step into the MMO market. Launched five years after the company's first game, Adventure Quest, the game follows its own chaotic storyline, but with NPCs from all the previous AE games (AQ, Dragon Fable [a walkaround RPG] and Mechquest, a Giant Robots RPG, or DF IN SPACE! The monsters are more recognisable.

The game follows your character on his or her path to become The Hero of a legend. After saving a dragon from a princess (Yes), he or she moves to Swordhaven, in hope of getting their reward. Instead, they found a burning city filled with undead and a giant, flying dracolich hovering just above the King's medieval castle. As he/she journeys inside it, they now start watching the overwhelming number of undead try to destroy the city, while the paladin Artix -- (yes, that one) -- tries fighting them all in vain. The Hero goes to the throne-room to 'help the King', but instead they get to watch the legendary battle of Good vs Evil unfold: King Alteon, king of Swordhaven and all of his Pactagonal Knights versus Sepulchure, lord of the legendary ShadowScythe and proclaimed Master of the Undead. The two arch-enemies fight a fierce battle, with neither gaining advantage over the other. As they proceed to unleash their most powerful techniques... Something unexpected happens.

Well, without spoiling much, a terribly unforeseen event happens to both of them. Now, Good and Evil must work together to defeat a threat greater than any other disaster... so far? The game focuses a lot on the character's decisions, even if it doesn't affect the main storyline at all. Each side has its own shop with their own outfits and weapons, and its own respective NPC in some cut-scenes. The game, so far, follows the company tradition of Lampshade Hanging, Hurricane of Puns and the direct interaction of the audience in the game's development.

One of the primary features of the game is the abundance of Classes that one can pick and choose from. Since classes are treated much like any other item in your inventory (with the only stipulation that you must have a class and a weapon equipped at all times), it is quite possible for your character to have many different classes (as opposed to just one or two for the entirety of his or her in-game career like in other MMO games), with the only major limitations being that you can only have one class equipped at any given time and you cannot change classes (or any other items in your inventory for that matter) while bonking monsters in mid-battle.

Alongside the events of the main storyline, AQWorlds also hosts weekly updates consisting of items, a player suggestion shop, random holidays (like Taco Day and Pancake Day), and their world-famous Live Events. They so far have had six Friday the 13th Events (all of which had special guests Voltaire) and the Mythsong Finale - Live Event with One Eyed Doll (they also appeared in the July 2010 Friday the 13th event), the 2nd Birthday Live Event with Paul and Storm and Jonathan Coulton, the Fear-Chaser event with Ayi Jihu and the direct crossover with web-comic Ctrl+Alt+Del, which all include voice acting and rare items to coincide with the events. George Lowe has also done advertisement and was also a special guest in the August 2010 Friday the 13th Event...

According to Cysero, Arc Attack (known for their third-place victory in 2010 America's Got Talent) became part of a musical number near the Doomwood finale. Other live events which also include rare items were held featuring the Third Birthday event with They Might Be Giants, the 2012 Heroes Heart Day event with Mia J. Park, and The Magic Thief event starring Conn, Benet, Rowan, Pettivox, and the Duchess.

As of yet, they have also released a card-game based on the MMORPG game (Otherwise known as the AdventureQuest Worlds Anything Goes Battle On Battle-Card Game) and there are also some rumors swirling about an animated series in the work...

Tropes used in AdventureQuest Worlds include:
  • Absurdly Spacious Sewer: The sewer area beneath the castle town of Swordhaven.
  • Accidental Aiming Skills: After being defeated, Vath is about to use his Chaos Dragon Amulet to sic Stalagbite on The Hero. In retaliation, The Hero throws Vath's Sword of Dragon Control and it hits the amulet, shattering the both of them. The Hero then comments that he or she was aiming for Vath when he or she threw the thing.
  • Affably Evil: Drakath as well as Gravelyn
    • Also Miltonius/Nulgath and Dage the Evil.
    • Zorbak as well he shows signs of this after completing Zomboda's Quest
    • What about Sally? She helped create Vordred but is more than happy to be friends with you by selling you her wares of Necromancy.
    • And let's not forget any players that side with Evil.
    • The Collector acts like a nice guy yet captures and collects things from different time periods - even the Hero!
    • Deady can also be viewed as this. Oh, and Sleezter Bunny as well. To be fair, Sleezter is also Stupid Evil.
  • Affectionate Parody: Of just about everything.
  • Afterlife Express: In the May 2011 Friday the 13th event, Voltaire, Deady and the hero board a Ghost Train.
  • A Homeowner Is You: You're able to buy different houses.
  • Air Jousting: Drakath vs. Champion of Light Gravelyn over the skies of Battleon during the Doomwood II finale.
  • All Swords Are the Same: Unless you 'enhance' your weapons.
  • All Your Base Are Belong to Us: The shadowed villain known only as Master (whose real name is actually Exos) plans on doing this to the Skyguard.
  • Always Night: In Shadowfall, Doomwood and Darkovia.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population
  • Ambiguously Brown: Most of the Sandsea NPCs.
    • Also, one of the skin color choices offered by the MMORPG's color system.
  • And I Must Scream: This rather humiliating and embarrassing fate happens to most of the Chaos Lords so far: Escherion was turned into a frog, Kitsune was sealed away in the rift taking him back to the Yokai world, Wolfwing was reduced to a pile of ashes by Shadowslayer Z until the Mystic Wolf Moon began slowly restoring his remains, and Ledgermayne was converted back into the raw mana from which it was made.
    • And there are some equally humiliating and and embarrassing examples with those who weren't Chaos Lords. One example is the fate of the revived Noxus, whose head was taken off his undead body and used to make a weapon. Gravelyn even gives the weapon to the Hero in a Non-Canon Ending the Doomwood finale.
  • Angels, Devils, and Squid: Good, Evil, and Chaos.
  • An Ice Person: Queen Aisha, Garaja, & Dead Morice
  • Animal-Eared Headband: A couple of these are helms.
  • Animal Motifs: David, J6's cousin, who at first did not know what motif he would be. He went from dog, vulture, alligator and then finally chose the Chicken.
    • The Lion for the Lionfang Clan
    • And dragons for Nythera and Ryuuji, given their half-dragon heritage.
    • There is also Galanoth with his dragon like armor
    • There are also Heroes with Animal Motifs
  • Apologetic Attacker: The hero apologizes to Lord Ovthedance after realizing that the Great Godfather of Soul lied to him/her and conned him/her into doing his dirty work.
  • Arranged Marriage: Nythera & Ryuuji.
  • As Long as There Is Evil: Or rather, in this case, As Long As There Is Fear. The main boss of the Fear Chaser event, a giant winged skeletal entity simply called FEAR, mentions that life is fear, fear has existed ever since the first moment the first creature appeared, and even after his defeat, he's not going anywhere despite how easy it is for a truly fearless hero to overcome fear, because most people need fear as fear is a part of life.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Quite common among players
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: In the most unlike events ever, Gravelyn gives Chuckles--yes THAT Chuckles--a promotion by swapping his skull with Noxus's!
  • Ax Crazy: The second part of the Giant storyline gives your character a bout of the crazy with his or her somewhat horrific suggestions for how to handle the giant problem. See the What the Hell, Hero? entry for details.
  • Back from the Dead: Noxus, now as a lich.
    • Sepulchure came back in Doomwood II, but was Killed Off for Real when he sacrificed himself to save Gravelyn from being killed by Drakath.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Sek-Duat kills off Zhoom and the player by blasting them off the cliff and causes the rocks above them to cave in on them just in case they were to miraculously crawl up to stop him from claiming the Djinn's lamp... only to be revealed that Zhoom had slipped in the Dreamsand on Sek-Duat earlier on, causing him to think he had won.
  • Badass Boast: Sepulchure gets one right before Drakath kills him.
    • Also, Drakath has one in one of the ads: "End the World in 2012? Why should I wait THAT LONG?
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Heroes wearing tuxedos are shown to be this.
  • Band Land: Mythsong
  • Barbie Doll Anatomy: The Male Heroes lack nipples.
    • There is also Vordred when his armor is destroyed he notably lacks nipples and a genitalia.
      • Bear in mind that he is a Shadow Creature created by a 11-12 year old girl who is a necromancer in hot pink flower print robes.. It's justified.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Some armors do this with female heroes.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Artix says this word for word in the final cutscene in the Doom War.
  • Bedsheet Ghost: One of the Halloween Armors is this.
  • Benevolent Genie: Saahir and the Efreet
  • The Berserker: The Berserker Class as well as Beta Berserker there are also The Berserker armors the most famous example is The Berserker Champion Armor
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Khasaanda
  • Beyond the Impossible: If what Artix states is true, a weekly script for AQWorlds is 1.5 pages (double spaced). The Doomwood finale has 12 pages SINGLE SPACED (which is for dialogue, quests, reward shops, bosses, etc).
  • BFS: There are some examples like The Giant Protector Blade weilded by Grizzlespit and there is also Vordred's Sword
  • Big Bad: Drakath, the Champion of Chaos.
  • Bigger Bad Doomwood Part II revealed that an unknown villain is behind Drakath.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Probably the unlikeliest hero of all comes to Gravelyn's rescue at the end of the Shadowfall War: Chuckles.
  • Big Red Devil: Faust
  • Big No: Gravelyn lets out one of these when Drakath kills her father.
    • And again, this time twice when Drakath does the same thing again in the Alternate Universe created by him, and the second time she does so, she sprouts angelic wings as a sign of rage towards Drakath.
    • Kitsune when he's about to be sucked into the rift leading him back to the Yokai world.
    • Dr. Voltabolt after the Dental Driller's defeat.
    • Kimberly, the true Chaos Lord of Mythsong, gets one while trying to rid of the chaos tune drakath put in her head.
    • The Hero when Ledgermayne interrupts him/her as soon as he/she is about to earn the Chaos Focus Gem, and when he/she is too late to prevent Zhoom from apparently falling to what is believed to be his "death" after he is blasted to the edge of a cliff by Sek Duat.
      • Also, when FEAR captures and traps Ayi in his ribcage.
      • And again upon Vordred using his signature spell upon Artix. As it turns out, it didn't work.
      • Once again after King Alteon pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to save him/her from Sepulchure's attack.
    • Ledgermayne after Drakath focuses his Chaos Energy into the Supreme Arcane Staff, allowing it to convert it back into the raw mana from which it was made.
    • Blizzy's reaction to Lionfang's Kick the Dog moment of burning the Frostval gifts. Cue the hero hitting Lionfang with a This Is Unforgivable!.
      • And Blizzy does it again when Lionfang crosses the Moral Event Horizon by knocking the snow globe containing the Spirit of Frostval out of the hero's hands and shattering it.
    • Nyctox when Twilly voices that it's not the dark he's afraid of at all, leading to Nyctox's Critical Existence Failure courtesy of Twilly's Pre-Mortem One-Liner. It's quite hilarious, really, as his variation is rather high-pitched.
    • Stratos when Granny V (the Dreamweaver in disguise) makes him relive his nightmares of a certain day in his earlier years, hospitalizing him afterwards.

Granny V: Your dreams might not be so sweet when you're living IN them, my dears!
Stratos: NOOOOO! Not THIS day!

    • Warlic just before Desoloth bites off Galanoth's arm.
    • Noxus shouts this to Chaos Vordred in Doomwood Part 2 trying to order him to stand down before Chaos Vordred gets destroyed by the Sepulchure look-alike.
    • The DoomBlade states this when Sepulchure lowers it as a sign of refusal to slay his own daughter, and again just before being purified into the Blade of Destiny by Gravelyn.
  • Big "What?": Twilly says this when Ayi explains that he defeated Nyctox, the representation of the fear of the dark
    • Then there's the one that the hero and Artix scream out when Vordred tells about who Artix really is.
  • Bishonen: Mirror Drakath
  • Black Mage: Mage class.
  • Black Knight: The Black Version's of Artix And Sepulchure Figures have black armor and they show up in Gravelyn's Dream later The Doomblade took control of Sepulchure changing his armor from red to black which means that Artix at some point will gain black armor
    • There is also a boss called The Black Knight
    • There is also an army of black knights at the member expansion of the guardian tower
    • There are also players who are black knights
  • The Blacksmith: Yulgar and Cysero
  • Bland-Name Product: The Chopping Maul is, unsurprising, full of it including: GraveStop, Left 4 Undead 2, World of DoomKnights[1], YBox, funplatform3, Wee, Scarbucks Coffee, Bloodbath & Body Works, Mortisha's Secret, Waldencrooks, Radioactive Shack, The Body Shop[2], Painless ShoeSource, GNC[3] and DEKAY Jewelers
  • Brainwashed: A couple of bad guys have this as an ability. Most notably are Kitsune (using it to control the Emperor), Discordia and by extension Kimberly, Tibicenas (he's a djinn) and Drakath.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Along with anyone who fell victim to Discordia's song[4], this happens to the player in the beginning of the Doomwood saga by Vordred
  • Brought Down to Normal: This happens to Tibicenas at the hands of the Efreet as a result of the Hero's wish, stripping him of his Djinn powers and bringing him down from a godlike Chaos-powered being to something that the Hero can actually defeat.
  • Build Like an Egyptian: The Pyramid hidden within the Sandsea desert.
  • But Now I Must Go: The hero saying his/her farewells to Princess Miko and Emperor Daisho before running off into the sunset after defeating Ryoku and becoming the Dragon Koi tournament champion at the end of the Yokai Island storyline.
  • The Caligula: Vath.
  • Camp Straight: Andrew
  • Cats Are Mean: Lampshaded in the fact that Maximilian Lionfang's armor is based off of a lion.
    • Also, the first boss of the Giant Tale storyline is a giant cat.
    • Not to mention the Skello Kitties in the Yokai Graveyard.
  • Catch Phrase:
    • Everyone: "Battle on!"
    • Shadowscythe: "Long un-live the Shadowscythe!"
    • Bloodtusk Horcs: "Free and strong!"
  • Can't Catch Up: New players can have a hard time getting into the storyline, especially since the game advances weekly, and there's a glorious lack of Dynamic Difficulty in the newer regions; starting at the beginning of the story is practically required, but gets harder and harder as older players move ahead without you. It can easily become a vicious cycle and many quit because of this.
  • Cap: The current cap for levels is 45, while ranks in classes and factions can go as high as 10.
  • Chainmail Bikini: Gravelyn's Slave Bikini
  • Char Clone: J6 and Korin of MQ plus J6 is revealed to have a Char-Scar
  • Chekhov's Gun: the magic mirror from Cornelis in chapter 2, which was mentioned briefly in the end of the quests there, is later used to reflect the First Lord of Chaos' attack and finish him.
    • Here's one: The Book of Lore that every player gets in their first quest that's used to track down their history? Well let's flash forward to the Doomwood temple and it's used to translate an ancient book written in Dragon language that tells of the Elemental Champions. By EATING it.
  • Christmas Episode: Frostval.
  • Climax Boss: The Chaos Lord battles
    • Also Baron Luca, the four Prime Dragons, and Desoloth.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Cysero, Cysero and CYSERO. In his wedding event he disguised his portable magic forge as A POTATO. When the player asks why, he explains that if he made it a fork, it'd be indistinguishable from other forks. Nursey lampshades her husband-to-be's craziness as to why she's going to marry him.
    • And of course, KIMBERLY. Only she decides to carry around a toy triceratops and her Chaos Beast being named Pony Gary Yellow. Also in her story for the July 2010 Friday the 13th Event, she was freaking out cause the inn was out of Moglinberry Smoothies.
  • The Collector: The main bad guy of the 3rd Birthday Event, who collects people with a great destiny, including The Hero, John and John from They Might Be Giants, and the Big Bad in cute kid form.
  • Combat Medic: The Healer class since they heal and use weapons to fight.
  • Comet of Doom: Drakath hurls TWO comets toward Battleon to destroy it after a suggestion from the chaos turned Xing and Xang.
  • Composite Character: Ryoku is based on both Goku from Dragon Ball and Ryu from Street Fighter.
    • Drakath is both AQ and DF Drakath since he has his AQ Dragon Wings and possibly his AQ Streath and he has his DF Human Half
      • Jorxlol, for those who have read the Forgotten Realms series is a complete and utter expy of Jarlaxle, the infamous rainbow-cape wearing rogue drow and leader of Breagan D'arthe. He is depicted as bald and wearing an eyepatch in-game, but sadly without his epic rainbow cape or feathered hat.
  • Confusion Fu: The new Chaos Shaper class has this.
  • Container Maze: The Warehouse in the Ctrl+Alt+Del event
  • Continuity Nod: In the May 2011 Friday the 13th event, it starts with a couple of miners finding a ship in the desert. The ship is the very similar to the one from the first Friday the 13th Event in 2009 (as Voltaire lampshades it by saying he just can't get away from Pirate ships)
  • Cool Airship: Captain Stratos' ship, the Phereless, which also once belonged to his father.
  • Cosmic Retcon: Galanoth killing "the Dragon of Time." made AQW a mix of all the other AE games.
  • Critical Existence Failure: Wolfwing, the fifth Chaos Lord, gets turned to dust by an arrow fired by Shadowslayer Z, but sometime later the moon comes over him and begins slowly restoring his remains.
    • Tibicenas, the eighth Chaos Lord, acheives this by exploding into many shards of Chaos after being defeated. In-game, both Discordia, the fake sixth Chaos Lord, and Ledgermayne, the seventh Chaos Lord, also explode for their death animations when defeated.
    • After defeat, the Void Dragon also explodes in the cutscene afterwards - this one into many Void Splinters.
  • Crossover: with Ctrl+Alt+Del, Romeo and Juliet and The Magic Thief.
  • Cross Player: Some players are this
  • Cue the Sun: After defeating Vordred.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Saahir, the supposedly mighty Djinn who the Hero and Zhoom had enlisted to help them against Tibicenas, doesn't even last five seconds against him.
    • Later, Sepulchure delivers an awesome one to Chaos Vordred to the shock and disbelief of Sally.
      • Except that is not Sepulchure as Gravelyn stated but rather a clone of him.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Gravelyn is Sepulchure's kid. She even wishes to avenge her father when he is destroyed.
  • Damage Sponge Boss: The Void Dragon as well as the Chaos Sphinx. Also, Miltonius/Nulgath and J6.
  • Darker and Edgier: Doomwood is starting to become this. To start: We have a paladin slayer that has killed all but ONE paladin--Artix. Then we have the hero becoming an undead slave to the paladin slayer--who is also immune to undead slaying magic. Oh and we have someone who wants Artix dead for her own personal reasons. And this is just the FIRST part of the arc!
    • Can it get worse? YES. When the player reaches the Tower of Necromancy, they find out that Sally from Dragon Fable is there. She's not only revived Noxus, but also is the reason that Vordred is invulnerable to paladin magic. Oh and Artix is the only one that's blocking him from being invincible AND Artix isn't just a paladin...he could probably be something dark also.
    • As of the latest update, it's been revealed that Vordred is trying to become the Champion of Darkness, and the only thing he needs to do is kill Artix -- because Artix is the Champion of Darkness, but swore himself to the cause of Good long ago.
    • Out of the Chaos Lord storylines, the Bloodtusk Ravine storyline is the darkest. We have Xing and Mirror Xang manipulating the Alliance leaders and the leaders of both Horc and Troll factions all so they can stall for time and prepare the 9th Chaos Lord.
    • Let's not forget the Etherstorm Storyline, where we see a priest of the Air Realm have his entire body crushed beneath Desoloth's foot. Desoloth also bites off Galanoth's arm, and the ending of the saga is much more dark and mature than any of those before it.
    • And if you thought Doomwood was bad, Doomwood Part 2 is even darker! Sally recreated Vordred and fused him Chaos Magic, then Gravelyn wished for her father to be revived, and then Selphulcure has created a Zombie Apocalypse which involves killing Death and all but the main character, Twilly, Gravelyn and Artix are the only ones standing between him and the destruction of the world.
  • Dark Is Evil: The Shadowscythe Empire under Sepulchure at the start of the game.
    • Also, the fear manifestations of Heights, Darkness, and Death, and the ultimate embodiment of Fear Itself.
    • Not to mention Vordred and Noxus.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: The good heroes wearing/using dark items.
    • You can also buy items from Dusk's DoomKnight shops and Dage the Evil's Undead Legion shops even if your character is aligned with Good. Then again, the only Evil shops Good characters can't access are an undead soldier's Evil shop and Gravelyn's Evil shop.
    • And let's not forget Vayle, the Necromantress, as well as Bal Gravestorm and Wez, the Necromancer that King Alteon ordered to investigate the Chaos Marsh to help Swordhaven with its research on the Chaos infection.
    • Also, anyone who is affiliated with Good can use the DoomKnight class as well as the Necromancer class.
    • Artix is revealed as The Champion of Darkness. But he has not used a single Darkness spell, and as Artix tells us, he never will.
    • If you choose to spare the Eggs after Duncan sends you to destroy them and then complete Ferzana the female Draconian's Good quests, she'll let you buy the Onyx Dragon-related items in her shop which all have to do with darkness.
    • Zorbak may have caused trouble but he is not evil just Ebil and he sometimes helped The Hero
  • Deadpan Snarker: Ayi Jihu dips into this in her Fear Chaser event.
  • Deal with the Devil: Don Giovanni's deal with Faust.
    • Also Miltonius/Nulgath with his Leery Contracts that the player has to sign in order to access certain rewards.
  • Deceptive Disciple: Possibly Invidia. To be fair, she is the Dreamweaver in disguise.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Kimberly joined the players' side after being defeated. Getting that Chaos Ear Worm out of her head went a long way toward doing so. We also have Khassandra, the only Chaos Lord to join the players' side while still Chaorrupted.
  • Deflector Shield: The Mirror Shield is used to deflect Escherion's inversion magic and turn him into a frog.
  • Dem Bones: Many, many undead.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: The AdventureQuest Worlds 'Anything Goes Battle On Battle Card Game' comes to mine. (whether it's a lampshade or parody is up to opinion.)
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: So far your player has beaten a battlemage, a Hydra, a Chaos sorcerer, a Cyclops and Imp Warlord, a drow Chaos DragonLord and his dragon, a Roc, several powerful Yokai, a giant skeleton Yokai, a Kitsune Chaos Samurai, a chaorrupted werewolf and vampire, a sparkly vampire champion, a Dracowerepyre, an immensely powerful Chaorrupted Werepyre, another Chaos Demon (of the sell your soul variety), a fake Chaos Lord, a Triceratops, a chaorrupted Drummer and Bassist, a mind controlled Chaos Lord rock star, a giant furry yeti-like creature known as Wendigo, a giant leech, a Lochness-like monster, a dragon even worse than the Red Dragon, a mana elemental, a chaorrupted being of mana incarnate, a powerful dragon of the Void, an immortal mummy lich god-king, a chaorrupted Sphinx, a powerful chaorrupted Djinn, the manifestations of the fears of Heights, Darkness and Death, Fear Itself, a zombified abomination created by Zorbak, a Dracolich, a lich cryptkeeper, an immortal arch-lich, the most powerful undead being in all of Lore, a chaorrupted troll, two generals of Good and Evil, a chaorrupted Medusa, a Chaos Lord troll prophetess, the prime fire dragon, an electric tornado, a sea monster, a crystallized form of the prime earth dragon, a powerful four-element dragon, an insane wizard living in the palace near Wellmet, a five-headed dracolich, and a chaorrupted version of the most powerful undead being in all of Lore.
    • During the Fear Chaser event, Twilly does the same thing through an innocent Pre-Mortem One-Liner in the form of "Hey, you're right! It's not the dark that Twilly is afraid of at all!" that causes Nyctox to suffer a Critical Existence Failure while screeching a rather hilarious high-pitched Big No.

Ayi: Twilly defeated Nyctox.
Twilly: WHAT?!

    • Also, you get to punch out the Desterrat Moya, which is a creature very similar to Cthulhu itself.
    • In an Alternate Universe, Sepulchure kills Death to trigger a Zombie Apocalypse!
  • Disney Death: Tibicenas states that djinn cannot be killed and will return in a few thousend years like Saahir and Tibicenas himself. Well, Tibicenas would have if the Hero hadn't made the wish to take away Tibicenas's djinn powers.
  • Down in the Dumps: One of the areas in Akiba have you face off against Yokai based on discarded items (like shoes and umbrellas).
  • Dream Land: Twilly's Nightmare makes the hero go into Twilly's dreams.
  • The Dragon: The Chaos Beasts to the Chaos Lords, and possibly the Queen of Monsters to Drakath or the other way around.
    • Undead Artix to Mirror Alteon.
    • Vordred to Noxus.
    • Doomwood Part II revealed that Drakath is this to some unknown master
  • Dracolich: There's a few of them in this game:
    • Death can turn your Red Dragon pet into one.
    • Shadowfall is built upon a Dracolich which used to be an ancient great dragon's corpse that Sepulchure found which is revealed in Dragon Fable.
    • Doomwood's Temple has one as the area's main boss. It also has a brother which is destroyed by Artix.
    • As of the end of the Etherstorm saga, Desoloth has become Desolich a powerful chaotic Dracolich courtesy of Drakath.
  • Dual Boss: The Bruise Brothers on the Lead Zeppelin at the Stairway to Haven area of Mythsong Canyon.
  • Duel Boss: Vordred. The Doomwood finale is basically a series of back-to-back duels with him.
  • Easily Forgiven: When the hero chooses to hear Garaja out over choosing to say "Of course he did.", Garaja explains that he had no choice but to give Maximilian Lionfang one of his snow globes because he couldn't allow him to break all of the snow globes as he threatened. Garaja promised Lionfang whatever he wanted as long as he left him with his memories. Blizzy and the hero forgive him and the hero even gives him a hug and helps him back up on his feet, reminding him that everyone has to stand up to bullies like Lionfang or they will rule their lives, and pleading to him to tell him/her where Lionfang is or Frostval will be his forever.
  • Ear Worm: In-Universe, Kimberly, lead singer of One Eyed Doll and the true Chaos Lord of the Mythsong saga, turns out to have been under mind control because Drakath planted one of these in her head in the form of a Chaos tune. Only by defeating her do you manage to get the tune out of her head.
  • Elemental Powers: Lots, to be precise.
    • And one of the main themes of Etherstorm Wastes.
  • Elves Versus Dwarves: More like Drow (Dark Elves) Vs. Dwarves, which happened in Dwarfhold.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Drakath helps the hero defeat Ledgermayne by focusing his Chaos powers through the Supreme Arcane Staff.
    • While Sepulchure tends to do evil things every other day and night, he does seem to have a kind, gentle side that shows up every Frostval, and shares with the rest of the Shadowscythe the joy of Frostval. Even Gravelyn gets into the spirit of Frostval as well, despite her heart now being so cold as to be as cold as her father's was back then that she may not have the experience to share the joy of Frostval any longer.
      • And in the finale of Doomwood Part 2, Sepulchure has a difficult time deciding whether he should slay his daughter or not. Finally, he refuses to do so and lowers his DoomBlade instead. The DoomBlade does not take that well.
  • Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Kimberly thinks so. Which is why her Chaos Beast is a triceratops known as Pony Gary Yellow.
  • Everythings Better With Bunnies: Grenwog, Cabdury, anyone wearing bunny armors, Sleezter Bunny and the giant undead Rabbit Beast at the end of the sixth Friday the 13th event.
  • Everything's Worse with Bears: There's plenty of different species of bears found throughout the different locations of Lore, and the Void even has these.
    • Also, Deady disguises himself as a teddy bear to mask his true form as Urkor Malravenous.
  • Evil Albino: Mirror Alteon
    • Baron Luca
    • There is also the option to be one
  • Evil Counterpart: ShadowScythe Reaver to Phoenix Plate
    • Evil Alteon to Good King Alteon Undead Artix to Artix
    • A lot of other items can have Evil Counterparts as well as Chaos Counterparts
    • Even players can become evil counterparts of each other.
    • Sleezter Bunny is Deady's eviler counterpart since he and Deady have an almost similar design
    • Gravelyn is one to Artix
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: After Zhoom destroys Zahart's magic ring, he unknowingly ends up doing a Nice Job Breaking It, Hero by freeing Tibicenas, who then proceeds to enslave Zahart and use him to finish his plan to take over his home in the Djinn world. Way to go, sucker.
  • Evil Redhead: Gravelyn
  • Evil Versus Evil: The recently-released Shadowfall War event, where the players fight to save Gravelyn from Noxus and Vordred.
  • Exact Words: Noxus states that he controlled all of Sepulchure's forces and that not one obeyed Gravelyn...he learned the VERY hard way that Gravelyn actually created an undead minion of her own...Chuckles!
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Vordred is Expecting Artix to be taller and with a deep voice
    • In Gravelyn's Doomwood Ending Gravelyn is also expecting the same thing
  • Expy: The Bone Sword and The Bone Axe are Expy's of The Necrotic Blade of Doom and The ShadowReaper of Doom from Dragon Fable. Character-wise, the Dracowerepyre is an Expy to NightBane and Discordia, who we are led to believe is the sixth Chaos Lord, is an Expy of Eric, The Phantom of the Opera.
    • Chainsaw Artix is an Expy of Ash from Evil Dead and at Friday The 13th there is a Quest called Ebil Dread.
    • Twiggy Krueger is a Moglinster Expy of Freddy Krueger. The Story he is in is called "Nightmare on Twig's Street: The Dweam Swayers" which is a spoof to A Nightmare on Elm Street
    • Chaos Lord Ledgermayne is an Expy of Mysterio
    • Chaos Lord Vath is quite possibly an Expy of Dragon Master Frostscythe from Dragon Fable, since they're both elves (Drow and Half Ice Elf respectively), enslaves their dragons and uses a false Dragon Amulet (a genuine Dragon Amulet does not break).
    • The Winter-een-mas event has at least four Expies: the Snapper Shrubs are expies of the Piranha Plants from the Mario series, the Megadudes are expies of Mega Man, the Blue Hedgehogs are expies of Sonic the Hedgehog, and, of course, the main boss, the Orc Plumber, is an expy of Mario himself.
    • The Sandsea saga has Expies of Aladdin villains, with Zahart being one of Abis Mal and his minion Tibicenas, the eighth Lord of Chaos, being an expy of Genie Jafar.
    • Karag Battle Axe is an Expy of The Blinding Light of Destiny
    • Capt. 000000Beard looks similar to Davy Bones from Dragon Fable
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Drakath has an eye on his chest
  • Eye Scream: Constantine does this to the previous Werewolf King, plucking his eyes out with his claws.
  • Fan Disservice: In Chopping Maul, you really need not see two skeletons posing in lingerie displayed outside Mortisha's Secret...
  • Fan Service/Ms. Fanservice : Gravelyne's Slave Bikini [dead link] which looks similar to Leia's Slave Bikini
  • Fantastic Racism: The theme for the Bloodtusk Ravine storyline, between the cultured trolls and the proud Horc warriors.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Noxus was replaced by Chuckles as a lich, and Gravelyn plans to give him to Cysero to become a new weapon for her.
  • Fetch Quest: Lots. Parodied or lampshaded almost constantly
  • First Town: The town of Battleon.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Kimberly's Chaos Beast is a triceratops known as 'Pony Gary Yellow'.
  • Fog of Doom: Lionfang's defense against the hero in the 1st Birthday event is a fog that would kill anyone. Luckily, Gravelyn discovered that it didn't work on those who were already Undead.
  • Foreshadowing: Regarding Artix being the Champion of Darkness in Doomwood saga. To list: In the beginning, King Alteon doesn't want Artix to go near Doomwood fearing it might awaken his dark powers somehow. When meeting Sally in the Tower of Necromancy, she hinted that Artix was more than just a paladin and the key to Vordred's true invincibility. In Necro U, the lecturers mentioned the art of necromancy involving the Darkness Realm and trapping spirit orbs to reanimate the undead, meantime revealing Artix's axe having hosted multiple spirit orbs gained from slaying the undead. And finally, in the Temple of Doomwood, the Stone Paladin recalls Lady Celestia from Dragon Fable bringing in young Artix to the Paladin Order and his apparent inability to cast light spells as the Hero learns of elemental champions and Artix's "Paladin" abilities come from the spirit orbs from the undead he had slain.
    • Also, at the finale of the 2nd AQworlds Birthday Event, Mirror Drakath asks if his Chaos counterpart has a specific power. He was most likely talking about if Chaos Drakath can rip a hole into dimensions since he replaced Xang with her mirror counterpart.
  • Four Is Death: Kitsune is the fourth Chaos Lord plus he hails from the Japanese-themed Yokai Island. Makes perfect sense as the number four is considered unlucky in both Japanese and Chinese superstitions.
    • To defeat Ledgermayne, you need to collect four items of the Arcane Staff. It's subverted because the fourth item, the chaos gem, is shattered by Ledgermayne, and its particles are too weak to use against him. However his comeuppance is due when Drakath gives the Chaos Gem enough power to destroy him.
    • In the beginning of the Doomwood Saga there are four heroes: Artix, Beleen, Cysero and the hero itself. There's lots of drama and darkness as we find out about Artix's past.
  • Freeing the Genie: This was doubtless what Zhoom had in mind when he destroyed Zahart's ring. Unfortunately, Tibicenas had an agenda of his own even worse than what Zahart had planned. Whoops!
  • Fur Against Fang: The conflict between the vampires and werewolves of Darkovia.
  • Genki Girl: Beleen. Duh.
  • Genie in a Bottle: Saahir.
  • Genre Savvy: While in the REALLY Paper-Thin Disguise the hero realizes that this was one of those times where completing a simple quest such as placing a special rock on the ground would result in something bad happening... so (s)he just tosses the rock. Unfortunately, (s)he still ends up getting caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, and this leads to him/her being...well...see 'Our Hero is Undead for more information.
  • Get on the Boat: To get to Akiba, the player has to take a ship in Loloisa.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: The Description of The Blood Cloak seems to imply that The Blood Cloak is covered in Blood.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Typically, anyone of substantial power when newly Chaorrupted, and sometimes after. The color of choice is purple.
  • God of Evil: The Desterrat Moya.
  • Going to Give It More Energy: The hero's plan in the Arc Attack event basically amounts to doing this to Vordred in hopes of giving him too much power for him to handle. It doesn't work. In fact, because of this, Vordred is even MORE POWERFUL than before. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero, YOU IDIOT!
  • Good Angel, Bad Angel: The twins Xing and Xang, at least before they were chaorrupted by Drakath and became the second lords of Chaos.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: As mentioned on Fan Service above, Gravelyn's Slave Bikini.
  • Grandpa God: Role Playing Game, The God of Gaming from The Ctrl+Alt+Del Event
  • Green-Eyed Monster: In the final cutscene of the second birthday event, Artix becomes jealous of the hero for defeating Undead Artix and not even taking him to fight him. To be fair, Artix couldn't fight Undead Artix anyway because if he went to the Mirror Realm he'd have to switch places with him.
  • Halloween Episode: Mogloween.
  • Healing Hands: Gee, I wonder what the Healer Class does?
    • As well as Paladins. The Undead Slayer can also heal, but only himself, and only by using Spirit Orbs.
  • Hello, Insert Name Here: Just like any other Artix Entertainment game, including its newly-released sister game Hero Smash, you can choose what your character's name will be. In the game, however, the character in question is referred to simply as The Hero.
  • Hero-Killer: Vordred, the Paladin Slayer. He's killed every Paladin there is except one. (Well, two actually. There was one other that survived, but he was turned to stone.) See Last of His Kind for details.
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Or in this case, VILLAINS want redheads. So many people have joined Evil simply because they like how Gravelyn looks.
    • The Evil PCs are just as much heroes as the Good PCs, in fact the Evil reputation missions send you to kill strictly evil/undead enemies and absolutely no living enemies that aren't evil.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: King Alteon pulls this off to save the hero from Sepulchure's attempt to kill him/her in the alternate past created by Drakath during Doomwood Part 2.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: Invidia, the newest Skyguard private, and the Dreamweaver, Master's Dragon, look familiar... they both have the same tiara, green eyes, and ominous smile. In fact, Invidia is actually, in fact, Dreamweaver herself.
  • Homage: Escherion and parts of Chiral Valley is based on M.C. Escher and his artwork.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: The "preview" fight with Vordred early on in Doomwood, which basically cancels out anything the players do to him.
    • When the player gets to the Necro Tower they soon know why: Sally from Dragon Fable has summoned Noxus and used her magic to bring back Vordred to be invulnerable to light-based magic. It's ultimately revealed that this invulnerability comes from the armor of skulls that he wears and the regenerative abilities of his Shadow form, and only by destroying the armor with Spirit Orbs and pinning down his Shadow is Vordred finally able to be defeated.
  • Humiliation Conga: So far, only a few villains have actually died. The rest have just been defeated and left with an unpleasant fate.
    • Escherion: The hero reflected his inversion spell back at him, inverting his powers, which eventually led to him turning himself into a frog.
    • Vath: After the hero threw his Legendary Sword of Dragon Control at his Chaos Dragon Amulet, destroying them both, he was betrayed by Stalagbite, who then carried him away from the Dwarfhold mountains to an unknown fate.
    • Kitsune: Got sucked into the rift leading him back to the Yokai world, after which the hero closed up the rift with the Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade, sealing him inside.
    • Wolfwing: Got reduced to a pile of dust by an arrow fired at him by Shadowslayer Z. However, the Mystic Wolf Moon is slowly restoring his remains.
    • Discordia: His mask fell off and he revealed that he wasn't actually a Chaos Lord, he was actually hypnotized and controlled by Kimberly. Kimberly, the true Chaos Lord, was defeated when the Chaos Ear Worm was knocked out of her head.
    • Ledgermayne: Got converted back into the raw magic floating in the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic from which it was made by the Supreme Arcane Staff after Drakath focused his energy into it, replacing the shattered Chaos Focus Gem.
    • Tibicenas: Got stripped of all his Djinn powers by the Efreet, leaving him with only his Chaos powers, before what remained of him was destroyed by the Hero. This is the first Chaos Lord to actually die.
    • Krellonos: Was brutally slain by his sister, Khassandra, making him the second Chaos Lord to die. Khassandra took his place as Chaos Lord, though she is on the Hero's side now.
    • Maximilian Lionfang: After his second defeat following his Kick the Dog moment of burning the Frostval gifts and his futile attempt to kill the Spirit of Frostval by knocking the snow globe out of the hero's hands and shattering it, he was remanded to Swordhaven's dungeon after witnessing her return much to his own shock and disbelief.
    • Noxus: Vordred is called away by Sally after it is learned that Arc Attack is in town, leaving Noxus alone with Gravelyn. Then he gets knocked right off the Shadowscythe throne by Chuckles, the only undead who he didn't create for her father (he was Gravelyn's first creation), who then frees Gravelyn. Gravelyn then promptly takes back control of the undead army that Noxus was going to use to finish off the assembled heroes and allows you to pass so you can kick his ass. Then, after you defeat him, Gravelyn cracks him one in the face when he tells you he cannot be killed, and then the Hero, during his or her conversation with Gravelyn about Vordred and Arc Attack, smacks Noxus down each time he tries to rise again, and then Gravelyn gives Chuckles a promotion by swapping his skull with Noxus', proceeding to deliver a Shout-Out to Hamlet while doing so. And then she plans to have Noxus' skull used to create a weapon for Cysero. Tough break, bonehead!
    • Vordred: After a furious battle with Artix and the Hero, in which Vordred is stripped of his armor of skulls by Artix's power over Spirit Orbs and the Hero's furious battle prowess, Vordred's shadow is pinned down by Artix's shadow (a gigantic black dragon), while the Hero takes him down; Vordred gets his comeuppance in one of four major ways, depending on who you had Cysero and Beleen send for:
      • In Gravelyn's ending, Vordred is finished off with the weapon Gravelyn had made from the skull of Noxus, furthering Noxus' own conga and making Vordred's end suitably ironic.
      • In Vayle's ending, Vordred tries for one last shot at Artix and the Hero, but is stopped by Vayle, who is determined to be The Only One Allowed To Defeat Artix.
      • In Zorbak's ending, Zorbak lands right on top of Vordred and drives him down into the dirt. He then plans to have Vordred's skull made into a throne for his collection.
      • And finally, in Daimyo's ending, Daimyo pretty much does the same thing as Zorbak. 'Cept, you know, without having his skull made into a throne. Vordred's skull is instead given to Sally by Drakath in one of his rare Pet the Dog moments.
    • The Collector: As punishment for treating the Hero, kid Drakath, and the Johns of TMBG like collectibles, he himself ends up being trapped in a larger case by another, much larger collector. And to add to the conga, he, without the Vigilette, doesn't have enough focus to leave said case.
  • Hornet Hole: The Beehive area in Mythsong Canyon. Home of the Stinger and Killer Queen Bee monsters.
  • I Am Legion: The Overlord Doom Blade houses several darkness elementals
  • Ice King: Dead Morice
  • Idiot Hero: You would be surprised with some actions your character does in cutscenes.
    • Appears to be endemic to Paladins in Doomwood, judging by how many of them were defeated with the "Your shoes are untied" ploy [5].
      • And you do this to Artix himself when stopping him from entering Doomwood. Idiot Hero indeed.
        • Of course, this was lampshaded by Lady Vayle once Artix was put into jail.
  • Informed Equipment
  • High Collar of Doom: Gravelyn
    • Some Heroes can also be this
    • The Mirror Realm version of Drakath also has one
  • Inaction Sequence/Kamehame Hadoken: Parodied with Ryoku's Soul Nuke from the Kitsune saga, which he ultimately never gets to use because he's knocked out by the hero at the end of the saga just as he's finally ready to cut loose.
    • In the final battle against Vordred, Artix uses a Dragon Lance made up of every spirit orb he's collected from every undead he's killed, and the Hero has to hold Vordred off long enough to finish powering up. It doesn't work.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: This game and the hero both like using these things, ranging from "It has been a toad-ally un-frog-ettable experience!" to "Prepare to meet... YOUR LOLSUIT!!" to "It's the gift that keeps on giving."
  • Inevitable Tournament: The Hero has to fight in the Dragon Koi tournament to help Ai no Miko.
  • In Media Res: The January 2012 Friday the 13th Event takes place late in the evening and then plays through what happened to get there.
  • Invisibility: The hero ones uses an invisibility cloak to eavesdrop on Vath. Kitsune also has this ability.
  • Irony Apparently the paladin Artix, who is actually an Undead Slayer due to his inability to use light-based magic, is the Champion of Darkness, while the Empress of the Shadowscythe and Doomknight Gravelyn is the Champion of Light yeah....what?
  • Jackass Genie: Millenia ago, Tibicenas, the eighth Chaos Lord, tried to become as powerful as the Efreet by playing with Chaos magic, but the Efreet caught him and cast him out of the Djinn world. Ever since then, all that matters to Tibicenas is revenge against the Efreet for making him spend all of his millenia as an outcast, and he is willing to fight against him to do just that. And that's not all - according to the Efreet, Tibicenas' pride is unbelievable, and therefore, the Efreet can't believe such a chaorrupted Djinn can contend with his power.
  • Jungle Japes: Bloodtusk Ravine.
  • Just Add Water: You can combine a couple of items in the merge shops to get new weapons, armor, etc.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: There are a couple of katana weapons in the game. Most notably is the Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade, which is one of the drops upon defeating Kitsune and plays an important part in the Akiba saga.
  • Killed Off for Real: The Hero and Drakath killed Ledgermayne in the climax of the Arcangrove saga.
    • Krellonos is killed by Khassandra and stole his power
    • Averted with Tibicenas and Saahir since Tibicenas states that djinn cannot be killed and will return in a few thousand years.
  • Killer Rabbit: Nulgath's Ugly Cute Moglin minions, the Dark Makai, as well as Sally, who brought Noxus Back from the Dead and helped create Vordred.
  • The Kingdom: The Kingdom of Swordhaven
  • Klingon Promotion: A new Werewolf King is crowned when someone challenges and kills the current Werewolf King in ritual combat.
    • This turns out to be Vordred's reason for wanting to kill Artix. Because Artix is the Champion of Darkness, and Vordred wants to take his title and his power.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Xing and Xang's purpose as both the Bloodtusk Ravine and the Thanksgiving Event of 2011 got much darker when they appeared.
  • Lady of War: Gravelyn was shaping up to be one in the Doomwood/Shadowfall war. Until she learned the hard way that Noxus created her father's undead army.
    • And then she takes back control of said undead army after Chuckles, her very first undead minion, frees her.
  • Large Ham: Professor Iadoa, the Chronocorruptor villain of the 2012 New Year's event.
  • Laser Blade: The colored Star Swords that are released for a limited time only. Come in Blue, Red, Gold and Onyx, and Platinum.
  • Last of His Kind:Thanks to PaladinSlayer Vordred turning almost every High Paladin into his undead minions, Artix has become his last target. Even if there were other paladins--like Yara for instance--they probably wouldn't be able to harness the same strength and power Artix has.
    • That's not even the half of it, according to Sally, Artix is much more than a Paladin; if Vordred were to defeat him, he'd be UNSTOPPABLE.
    • As of the latest update, it turns out "more than a Paladin" isn't even the half of it -- Artix is the Champion of Darkness, come to Lore long ago to destroy it. But Artix chose the path of Good rather than Evil, and has sworn never to use his Darkness powers, instead becoming an Undead Slayer!
  • Laughably Evil: Zorbak, the 100% Ebil Moglin. Nuff said.
    • Also, Escherion gets a rather funny moment at the end of the Chiral Valley arc when the hero uses the mirror he/she found in the Cornelis Ruins to reflect his inversion spell right back at him and make him invert his own powers, causing him to suffer the Humiliation Conga of using his own spells on himself and eventually polymorph himself into a harmless frog.
  • Law of Chromatic Superiority: The DoomKnights and Berserkers whom are the most powerful classes plus they are Red.
    • This is no longer true after the release of a few Cash Op classes that are powerful enough to kill bosses in a single hit.
      • Well you can become powerful and dressed in Red
        • Now there is the Doom Knight Overlord Class which is a red Cash Op Class
  • Lawful Stupid/Knight Templar: Maximilian Lionfang, his brother Xavier, and their followers of the Golden Onslaught.
    • In addition, there's the Inquisitors and Crusaders of the Citadel quests, who believe that Magic Is Evil and must be destroyed, but who are actually siphoning magic from their victims for the Grand Inquisitor's own use. Also, the Grand Inquisitor is summoning a nasty demon by the name of Belrot to do his dirty work.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Artix
  • Lethal Lava Land: Stalagbite Volcano
  • Light'Em Up: Artix has the power to use Paladin magic since he's an Undead Slayer, manifesting as spirit orbs.
  • Light Is Good: The kingdom of Swordhaven and - yep, you saw it coming - Artix.
    • Actually for Artix.... He is an Undead Slayer due to him being the original Champion of Darkness which makes him more of a Dark Is Not Evil.
  • Light Is Not Good: The Inquisitors of the Citadel.
    • Maximilian Lionfang is also this Trope but more of a Lawful Stupid.
    • Xang The Angel Twin when Drakath transforms her she is shown to be more evil then Xing The Devil Twin.
    • The evil heroes wearing/using light items. You can even buy and use stuff from Artix's Paladin shop even if you're evil.
      • Captain Stratos' now-rare Skyguard Outfitters shop also has items that even Evil characters can buy and wear/use.
    • There is also Sek-Duat from Dragon Fable.
    • Xavier Lionfang Maximilian's brother also counts
    • Doomwood II revealed that Gravelyn is The Champion of Light
  • Literal Genie: Tibicenas is a chaorrupted Djinn living in the Djinn world and controlled by the main villain of the Sandsea storyline, Zahart. In fact, this Djinn is responsible for the unnatural wind that revealed that the Sandsea's oasis community was just part of a much larger town once devoured by the sands and forgotten by the people. Zahart can summon and give commands to Tibicenas at any time by using a magic ring.
    • Not to mention, in the "Sek-Duat Caught" cutscene, Sek-Duat mentions that the hero can only defeat Tibicenas with a Djinn of his/her own that he/she can get at the Cave of Wanders, although Sek-Duat is secretly plotting to obtain the Djinn's lamp for himself.
    • Let's add Xing and Xang on our list; the Hero tries to ask 5 questions and they do that, but it's not what the Hero had in mind. Specifically, the last question they took was the Hero's shocked 'What?' even though it really didn't count as a question.
  • Locomotive Level: The Ghost Train from the May 2011 Friday the 13th Event.
  • Lost Forever: Many event items and areas, including but not limited to:
    • The Lionfang War
    • The Wedding
    • Alpha tests
    • Beta tests
      • Although this is also subverted. Many of the live event areas are still there, but you have to be a Member to play through them. Plus the Book of Lore keeps the cutscenes of some of the older events.
  • Love Redeems: In an Alternate Universe, Sepulchure is unable to kill the Champion of Light - his daughter Gravelyn - because of the love he has for her. Unfortunately, this leads to Redemption Equals Death.
  • Mage Killer: The Inquisitors of the Citadel.
  • Magical Girl: Alina invokes this trope in the cutscene before entering the Poison Forest / Lionfort map where you fight Maximilian Lionfang's brother, Xavier.
  • Magic Knight: Any magic user class that wields swords, daggers, axes (but not staffs) are this.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Amira 2.0 gets a moment like this when she short-circuits after King kisses her after claiming her as his wife.
  • Man Behind the Man: Actually, in this case, Woman Behind the Man. Kimberly qualifies as this because she used Discordia as her proxy.
  • Mass Monster Slaughter Sidequest
  • Mineral MacGuffin: Vath forces the Dwarves to harvest Gemeralds So he can use them to unleash the Chaos Beast Rock Roc.
  • Minigame Zone: The Shamrock Festival. You could play carnival games to gain Gold tickets and trade them for weapons, pets, armor, etc.
  • Mirror Universe: The Mirror Realm of the 2nd Birthday Event.
  • Multiple Endings: The Doomwood saga has multiple endings, depending on who you have Cysero and Beleen send for, and whether you choose to help Artix or betray him.
    • If you send for Gravelyn, she arrives after Vordred's defeat just as he's about to finish you off at the last minute, and finishes him off with the weapon that she had made from Noxus' skull. She offers to make Artix the commander of all her undead legions as the Champion of Darkness, but Artix, as an Undead Slayer and a sworn champion of King Alteon and the cause of Good, refuses. Gravelyn swears that once Drakath is finished, she will finish what her father started. She then hands the Noxus Head Staff to the Hero, ensuring that it will be in good hands from now on.
    • If you send for Vayle, after finishing off Vordred and protecting the Hero and Artix, she demands that she and Artix end things right here, right now. The Hero and Artix explain that her brother was an undead abomination, and when she explains about the crystal, an unexpected guest arrives to clear the matter -- the Spirit Orb of Vayle's lost brother, Edward. He explains that there was no way he could have been resurrected and both of them knew it, and he thanks the Hero and Artix for allowing him the chance to redeem himself before passing peacefully into the afterlife. But don't count on a Heel Face Turn from Vayle anytime soon -- she devoted her life to necromancy to try to bring her brother back, and she's still mad at Artix -- in fact, she vows that the next time they meet, they will be mortal enemies. Can't win 'em all, I guess...
    • If you send for Zorbak, he ends up stomping Vordred right into the dirt. He then plans on making Vordred's head into a throne for himself. Turns out he wants to add the throne to his collection, which includes Drakonnan's helmet. The hero and Zorbak then talk about the other elemental champions, in particular the question about who is the Champion of Light if Artix is the Champion of Darkness. The hero has an idea who it might be, which leads us to...
    • If you send for Daimyo, we get the real ending, where Daimyo basically does the same thing to Vordred as Zorbak, minus the making of Vordred's head into a throne. The Hero tries to give the Shadowscythe Amulet to Artix, but Artix tells you that you can keep it, as you are the one person that he trusts the most. We then cut to Sally, who has lost all of her friends, looking pretty down about herself. Then Drakath arrives. Sally asks if he's going to make her a Chaos Lord, and Drakath says no. He then gives her Vordred's skull. Sally is overjoyed by this, and plans to bring back the original Necropolis -- as well as Vordred. We'll be hearing from them again.
    • And finally, if you betray Artix, you stab him (quite literally) in the back with your weapon and kill him as you declare that you are joining Vordred, with Artix's last words being "I'm sorry...everyone..." and Vordred saying something to the effect of "That was unexpected." This leads to the Bad Ending as Vordred becomes the Champion of Darkness and unleashes a Zombie Apocalypse upon Lore, shortly after rewarding you as you very much deserve by killing you and turning you into an undead. Then the game seemingly ends, telling you that the villain has won, with the adventure continuing in "Adventure Quest Worlds: Zombies." Then the credits roll before the game gives you a "Time warp...?" button to bring you back into the game.
      • The game further rubs things in with the description for the Backstab Blade in the Bad Ending shop: "How COULD you? Artix was your friend. He TRUSTED you! I hope you're happy now. Traitor."
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Nythera says this due to the fact that the Void Giant she summoned to the Void Temple for her third and final challenge for the "Test of the Suitor" is out of control and is attempting to destroy the temple.
    • Sokrakiis mutters this when he finds out that Khassandra turn dark because of them, and that because of their feud they are going to lose three members of their own tribe to chaos.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: In The BattleOff Cutscene, the Hero says Paul and Storm's names wrong as Saul and Corn during the initial meeting/confrontation with Mirror Drakath and Storm tries to correct The Hero.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Vampire Lord Incubus his name sounds like the male lust demon Incubus
    • And to Paladins of all sorts: Vordred, the Paladin Slayer.
    • Faust as well
  • Narrator: George Lowe's becoming a Narrator for the game.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero / Unwitting Pawn: The player tends help the various villains and Chaos Lords further their plans, either through blunder, misinformation, or by being tricked.
    • In the Sandsea arc Zhoom is the one who causes this. By shooting an arrow through Zahart's ring, the gem controlling Tibicenas is destroyed and the djinn is free...Free to take over Sandsea and has brainwashed Zahart to be his slave. Even the player notes that what Zhoom did didn't help.
    • And in the Arc Attack live event. The player decides to help Arc Attack by channeling electrical power to destroy Vordred....only to wind up making the already powerful undead badass EVEN MORE POWERFUL!
    • The worst one yet is when the Hero freed Desoloth from his prison. To be fair, the children's nursery tale made Desoloth appear to be a good soul, not a great consumer. Nice job breaking it indeed.
      • And now Desoloth is a dracolich. A powerful Chaos dracolich under Drakath's direct control. Maybe killing him in the name of ending his threat to Lore wasn't such a great idea after all.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Vordred.
    • His armor of skulls is, anyway.
  • Ninja Maid: Female heroes in the Butler & Maid outfit.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: The developers tend to have fun chaining together adjectives and nouns. Most notably there's the Dracowerepyre -- a Dragon, werewolf, vampire hybrid. They briefly toyed with making it a cyborg as well.
    • Desolich, the Undead Chaos Dragon that used to be the most powerful dragon in all of existence.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: All female players have ample bosoms ... even those that aren't really human.
  • Nothing Can Stop Us Now: Ledgermayne says this after it breaks the Chaos Focus Gem, although it, according to the hero, didn't check to make sure there were no shards left from the gem to be accepted into the Supreme Arcane Staff. And when this doesn't prove to be enough, Drakath himself steps in to grant the Hero the necessary power to destroy Ledgermayne.
    • As well as Noxus (or at least words to this effect) when he reveals that the forces the heroes defeated during the Shadowfall war were his own army, and that he still has Gravelyn's own undead army ready to finish them off -- and then Sally calls Vordred away, Chuckles knocks Noxus off the Shadowscythe throne, Gravelyn is freed and takes back control of her army, allowing the heroes to defeat him.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Artix, like most Paladins, are eager to jump in and just maim any Undead out there. However, Artix is shown to be very caring for the spirits he 'slays' and they in return help him use Paladin Magic since he is an Undead Slayer.
  • Obviously Evil: Drakath, Sepulchure, Dage the Evil, Miltonius/Nulgath, the Black Knight, Gressil, King Alteon the Imbalanced (a.k.a. Mirror Alteon), Undead Artix, Vertigo, Nyctox, Thanatops, FEAR, Lord Krom Wrath, Vordred, Noxus, and Xan.
  • Off with His Head: You do this to Undead Artix in the post-battle cutscene during the 2nd Birthday Event.
  • Offered the Crown: After the defeat of Tibicenas, the Hero is offered rulership of the Sandsea. The Hero still has a lot of enemies to defeat, so he or she hands over the crown to Zhoom.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Spoofed in one part of the 2010 Friday the 13th Event. George Lowe mentions that there was an epic chase sequence with One-Eyed Doll.
  • Oh Crap: Vath gets this when the hero uses his/her Accidental Aiming Skills to throw his Legendary Sword of Dragon Control into his Chaos Dragon Amulet and destroy them both, and when he realizes that Stalagbite has turned against him.
    • Zahart also gets one when he sees that Zhoom has destroyed his magic ring, just before Tibicenas brainwashes his former master into his new slave after being free via destruction of the ring.
    • We also have Artix as well, who gets one when he notices the Fear Feeder, starting to quiver in fear afterwards. That's rather unusual for a paladin, even though he usually only fears the color pink.
      • Or it could be Fridge Brilliance. It's a Fear Feeder and it grows stronger by feeding on fears. It would feed on Artix's fear of pink, and grow so strong that even Artix, the Undead-slaying Paladin, wouldn't be able to stop it.
    • Discordia, Ledgermayne, Tibicenas, and Ultra-Tibicenas get quite a hilarious "Oh Crap" look on their faces once they're out of hit points.
      • To be fair, that's because Ledgermayne, Tibicenas, and Ultra-Tibicenas were built on Discordia. The face that is shown when they're defeated is the same face he uses when he's screaming and when he's defeated.
    • And Gravelyn has recently gotten one when Noxus and Vordred take over her entire army of undead in the prelude to the big Shadowfall War.
    • King gets this kind of face when Amira 2.0 short-circuits and grows to giant size after he kisses her after claiming her as his wife.
    • The hero's reaction (despite not changing expressions) to seeing that Galanoth has lost his arm due to it being bitten off by Desoloth.
      • And again when he/she realizes that the tomb it found belongs to King Alteon's wife, Lynaria, whom Sepulchure was trying to bring back with Doom weapons.
    • Everybody trapped at the bottom of the Necropolis cavern gets this reaction when Lynaria's tomb partially grants Gravelyn's wish for her father to come back. And Sally and Noxus get this reaction when they see Chaos Vordred getting easily demolished by what appears to be Sepulchure, but isn't. Finally, everybody gets this reaction again when they realize that Drakath gives Lynaria's tomb the power to fully grant Gravelyn's wish, leading to a question of what things would've been if Drakath hadn't interrupted the battle between King Alteon and Sepulchure in the beginning of the game.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Ledgermayne.
    • Vordred and Noxus as well.
  • Ominous Floating Castle: Sepulchure's famous castle was this...until Drakath crashed it down.
  • One of Us: Artix grew up watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Kitsune's armor is based off of the Shredder and there are also Ninja Kappa.
    • He was super excited as the May 2011 Friday the 13th event had Leonardo's voice actor (Michael Sinterniklaas) as Deady.
  • One Steve Limit: Some players will have similar names to the other players
  • One-Winged Angel: Deady does this in the 2011 Friday the 13th event when Lord Krom Wrath calls him pathetic for hiding in his teddy-bear disguise, insulting him for his lack of a sense of style and complying with his desire to see his true form before doing so. When the player asks why he doesn't do it all the time, Deady mentions that it's hard to get his real form back to the bear outfit.
    • Midway through the final showdown with Baron Luca in the 2011 Mogloween event, he takes on a monstrous form that would do Dracula proud.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Drakath Well so far he did leave his throne in The Arcangrove Saga
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Lots of Dragons out there. Also, another one of the main themes of Etherstorm Wastes.
  • Our Genies Are Different: Tibicenas, Saahir, & The Efreet
    • The Void Entity armor bought from the Void Larva's Void Shop looks a lot like a Genie.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Safiria, any players wearing vampire armors, Vampire Lord Incubus, and Baron Luca.
  • Our Hero is UNdead: Starts off early in the Doomwood arc when the hero's unfortunate encounter with the Nigh Invulnerable PaladinSlayer Vordred, turning him/her into his undead slave... Only to be revived by Vayle who has her own agenda against Artix.
  • Overly Long Gag: Zorbak going "Whoa whoa whoa" on the implication that the player has a talking Book of Lore and using said book to DEVOUR a book that hold secrets man should not know about.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Literally when disguising the hero to infiltrate the undead army in and finding out their leader in Doomwood, by wearing a paper bag with a skull doodled on it over his/her head. Too bad Vordred has Detect Living.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Chaos
  • Pet the Dog: Kitsune towards his fellow Yokai.
    • Zahart towards Tibicenas until Zhoom frees him and he enslaves him.
    • Drakath, in one of his rare moments of kindness, gives Sally Vordred's skull.
    • Xavier Lionfang to his pet lion Silverclaw
  • Plant Person: Ledgermayne's appearance.
  • Port Town: Lolosia, where one can get the Pirate Class and catch a ferry to Akiba.
  • The Power of Rock: The Bard class and the general theme of the Mythsong saga in general.
    • The Arc Attack event also uses this...FOR SCIENCE!
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Twilly's "Hey, you're right! It's not the dark that Twilly is afraid of at all!" causes Nyctox to suffer a Critical Existence Failure, letting out a hilariously priceless high-pitched Big No in the process.
  • Prestige Class: Once a hero gets rank 10 in either Healer, Rogue, Mage and Warrior, they can become either an Acolyte, Renegade, Sorcerer or Warlord. Also, if one has the Shaman class, they can also become Evolved Shaman.
  • Protagonist Without a Past: YMMV, since the beginning shows the character on the cliff that is struck by lightning...then spends about a minute falling down the mountainside before going to the first part of the game.
  • Puppy Dog Eyes: Nythera does these a lot in her own wedding event, and for good reasons.
  • Purple Is the New Black: Purple is the color choice for the forces of Chaos.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Vath, when he realizes his drow soldiers are losing the battle. Possibly his only break from being something of a Smug Snake, before he fights the hero.
    • Gravelyn and Safiria also get these when they're good and pissed.
    • The Beastmaker has these as the only part of him shown as the rest of his body is completely hidden and shadowed.
  • Redeeming Replacement: The Good Hero can act as one to any villain and with Doom Knight Overlord Class the hero can act as one to Sepulchure
  • Redemption Equals Death: In an Alternate Universe, Sepulchure sacrifices himself to save his daughter Gravelyn when Drakath attacks her.
  • Redemption Rejection: When the hero makes the Good choice of trying to convince Lionfang to do the right thing by considering what he's doing and leaving the Frostval Spirit out of the mess he's making, Lionfang rejects the opportunity to redeem himself by performing his Kick the Dog moment of burning the gifts, which causes Blizzy to let loose a Big No and the hero to hit him with a This Is Unforgivable!. Then after his defeat his Chaotic side kicks in as he crosses the Moral Event Horizon by knocking the snow globe containing the spirit out of the hero's hands and shattering it and lays bare his intent to make the world suffer for surrendering to Evil by destroying Frostval. Fortunately, the Frostval Spirit cannot be killed, and as it's revealed, his Redemption Rejection doesn't actually make him a Complete Monster as the spirit reveals that even he has the kindness, charity, peace, and generosity that everyone else has.
    • In one of the endings of the Doomwood saga, Lady Vayle saves Artix and the Hero from Vordred, then demands to have it out with Artix as revenge for her brother. Artix explains how her brother was an undead abomination at the time, and when she brings up the issue of the crystal that Artix destroyed, the Spirit Orb of her lost brother shows up. As her brother explains to her how there was no chance of her being able to resurrect him and that what she did was wrong, Vayle is very much affected emotionally by things. But after the Spirit Orb leaves for the afterlife, does Vayle take the opportunity to mend things with Artix? Not a chance in hell. She tells Artix that this changes nothing between them, that he ruined an entire life that was dedicated to necromancy to try to bring her brother back, and that the next time they meet, it will be as mortal enemies. Tough break, Artix.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Cysero is Red (but wears Green), and Warlic is and wears Blue (He's also known as the Blue Mage). Ironically, in the Mirror World event, Cysero IS wearing Red (But now has a Blue Oni personality) and Warlic still wears blue (But is more of a Red)
  • Revenge: Tibicenas' motivation against the Efreet for all the years he made him spend as an outcast after kicking him out of the Djinn world.
    • Vayle is very pissed at Artix for breaking the crystal that had her brother's spirit inside.
  • The End - or Is It?: Shadowslayer Z killed Wolfwing and he's now ashes, no longer able to hurt anyone....well, until the Moon shone on the ashes and a pair of eyes were seen.
    • After Vordred is defeated, Drakath gives his skull to Sally, who promises to make him more powerful than ever.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Gravelyn has red hair, red armor and a black cape
    • The Hero has the option to subvert this or play it straight
  • The Reveal: Artix's axe is just an ordinary axe powered up with spirit orbs from the undead he's killed. His real power comes from being an Undead Slayer, whose sworn duty it is to free the spirits of the undead from their bondage by using the power of their orbs to destroy them.
    • And the hits just keep on coming. Turns out Noxus was responsible for the creation of the Dracolich fortress of Shadowfall, played a part in the creation of Sepulchure, Gravelyn's father, and the creation of the Shadowscythe Empire's undead army. Oh Crap!
    • And then it's revealed that Chuckles was created by Gravelyn herself, her first undead minion, making him immune to Noxus' Villain Override!
    • And the final reveal: Artix is the Champion of Darkness, but he's sworn to uphold the cause of Good, and never to use his darker powers for evil. Instead of being a Paladin though, he was trained to be what is known as an Undead Slayer.
    • In the recent Skyguard update, Invidia reveals to the Hero that she's actually Exos' Dreamweaver in disguise. Turns out she was being controlled by Exos the whole time, and is actually very remorseful for it.
    • At the end of the Doom War, it's revealed that the Champion of Light is none other than Gravelyn, and that this is the reason that Sepulchure kept her a secret.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Vordred's "reward" if you betray Artix during the final battle is to be the first to be made into an undead as he unleashes a Zombie Apocalypse upon Lore.
  • Riddle of the Sphinx: The design notes mention this trope. Of course, they say that the only riddle the Chaos Sphinx, the seventh Chaos Beast, provides is how to survive its brutal onslaught.
    • The description for the Chaos Sphinx pet that it drops is also related to the Riddle of the Sphinx, as it says, "Riddle me this, riddle me that, isn't this the most chaotic sphinx pet you ever did pat?"
  • Robo Speak: Ledgermayne speaks in a calm and cool computerized fashion, something like a Machine Monotone, and even refers to itself as "we" or as "this form."
  • Robot Girl: The female hero when wearing the Prometheus armor.
    • Also, Amira 2.0.
  • Rock Bottom: Once the hero completes the Runix Cube and goes to Escherion the hero stupidly tosses the cube at Escherion, believing it will somehow defeat him. Unfortunately, they just gave Escherion the key item to summon the Hydra and are soon kicked out of the inversion tower. They then ask what else could go wrong...then the shadow of the Hydra is over them.
  • Ruined FOREVER: What a lot of players now consider the not-so-secret Miltonius/Nulgath area, Tercessuinotlim, to be after its recent nerf and implosion.
  • Rule of Three: This is prominently seen in the Live Events/Special Events, but it also pops up in quests every now and then.
    • Also, there are three parts to the Runix Cube which used to unlock the Hydra.
    • And Vath uses 3 Gemeralds To summon the Rock Roc.
    • And as of Bloodtusk Ravine Three members of the Trolls have been corrupted by chaos (antigone, Krellenos and Khassandra, two of them killed.
  • Running Gag: Every time Friday the 13th is here, Voltaire has done a live event. Deady lampshades this by saying that the hero and Voltaire only meet up at that day.
  • Satan: Even if its a kids game,Faust is based on Satan. He even makes Don Giovanni, the guy who gives you the quest to take him down, a Deal with the Devil, for crying out loud! he even looks like a chaos version of The Devil
    • Also Miltonius/Nulgath who makes similar deals to the player.
    • Guess Dage the Evil counts as well to some extent.
  • Save the Princess: Inverted as you have to save both the dragon and the princess from the Cursed Ring of Dragon Control in the prologue. Also note that this quest is called "Save the Dragon from the Princess" for a reason.
    • The Shadowfall War counts as this, only here it's Save The Empress.
  • Screw You Drows: With the way that Vath generally treated the Dwarves during the Dwarfhold saga, this was pretty inevitable.
  • Scripted Event: Whether you choose to kill Wolfwing or not, Shadowslayer Z will kill him either way.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Pretty much every one of the Beasts of Chaos, who mainly serve as The Dragon for the Chaos Lord who awakens them. So far, we have the Hydra, the Rock Roc, O-Dokuro, the Dracowerepyre, Pony Gary Yellow, the Mana Golem and the Chaos Sphinx. And let's not forget whatever is going to be unleashed upon Lore when all thirteen of Drakath's seals are broken...
    • The Dracowerepyre is more of a created evil then a Sealed Evil in a Can since Wolfwing just bites a random dragon before it transforms to The Dracowerepyre
  • Sealed Evil in a Teddy Bear: What Deady really is.
  • Secret Keeper: Sally is hiding the fact that Artix may not just only be a Paladin...
    • Artix is actually the Champion of Darkness.
  • Shifting Sand Land: Sandsea
  • Shoulders of Doom: Drakath as well as Thok even The Hero can choose to be this trope.
    • There is also Vordred, with his skull based armor.
  • Shout-Out: All your opponents are knockoffs of anime characters in the Dragon Koi Tournament in Akiba. There's Bash Ketchup with Pocky Chew, Nurse Jenny (who mentions a Nurse Bliss), NOTruto, Neko Yasha, Spork-ion, Absolute Zero, and Ryoku.
    • Also, the Sleuthhound Inn and its NPCs, which is one humongous shout out to the famous classic boardgame Clue, including a custodian named Curry.
      • The latest quest involves Don Giovanni, who sold his soul to a demon named Faust. This is a reference to an opera where a man named Faust sold his soul to the Devil.
    • Chaos Lord Discordia is based on The Phantom of the Opera. But he's not the REAL Chaos Lord of Mythsong.
    • Vath's General of Dark Elves is called the Scorpion King. His name? Dwain Jonsen.
    • As of the start of the Shadowfall vs. Doomwood war, Noxus dresses up Gravelyn in a slave outfit similar to the one Leia wore in Return of the Jedi.
    • Seeing as how she's referred to as She Who Walks Behind The Stalks, the Stalkwalker is a Shout-Out to Children of the Corn's He Who Walks Behind The Rows. The fact that she feeds on the psychic energy of parents and Chaorrupts the kids into serving as her army to do away with all the grown-ups makes her both based on AND as much of a monster as He Who Walks Behind The Rows himself.
      • Then again, the Children of the Candycorn part of the Mogloween events is pretty much based on Children of the Corn.
    • Baron Luca from the 2011 Mogloween Event is based on Dracula from Castlevania, as he turns into a second, demonic form at half of his health.
    • The Brutal Annihilator armor looks similar to Hades from God of War
    • The female version of the Jack Rabbit armor and helm bear quite the resemblance to Jack's look from Mass Effect 3.
  • Smug Snake: There are 3 Chaos Lords who are this Escherion, Vath and Ledgermayne
    • Ledgermayne believes that Drakath could possibly be one due to what it calls his "overconfidence". Of course, since Drakath is more of a possible Magnificent Bastard than an actual Smug Snake, he knew that, as he puts it, "Ledgermayne simply needed to learn a lesson: Nobody disobeys me."
    • Master / Exos started out as showing signs as a Magnificent Bastard over the course of the Skyguard storyline, but as the story progressed, he started showing signs of panic, and eventually fell short due to his arrogance and suffered a Villainous Breakdown after the Dreamweaver's betrayal against him, leading him to be more of just a pitiful Smug Snake.
  • Solo Class: The rogue and the pirate, whose Footwork skill allows them to dodge enemy attacks (and every attack you dodge gets you a little bit of health back), and whose DPS abilities can even allow them to take out bosses solo, especially when Concealed Blade kicks in.
    • Many of the Rank 10 faction classes are quite capable of soloing most bosses, including the Necromancer, the Troll Spellsmith, the Undead Slayer and others. There's also the Paladin, which combines good offensive ability with good healing ability.
  • Spikes of Villainy: Drakath
    • As well as the DoomKnights and Berserkers
    • Sepulchure and Gravelyn also have spikes
  • Stab the Sky: One of the emotes lets you do this with any weapon.
  • Stable Time Loop/You Already Changed the Past: Happens at AdventureQuest Worlds 3rd Birthday aka the They Might Be Giants Event where The Hero gives a lettar to They Might Be Giants and give them robes revealing that the 2 robed people in the event intro are John L and John F
    • Also, the event explains Drakath's reason to gain power. Drakath thanks the hero for the adventure and saving for him, and wants to make sure that he won't be captured or weak again.
  • The Starscream: Ledgermayne.
  • Starter Villain: Escherion, the First Lord of Chaos, is the first really serious bad guy that you fight.
  • Status Buff: The Bard class is mostly for increasing/decreasing stats.
  • Stripperiffic: In AQW, gender is specific and there's only about two or three classes in the entire game that cover the entire body from neck to foot on a girl.
    • There's a fanfic for AQW making fun of this trope. It's called Las Vegas Lion.
    • Although later released armours tend to cover the players neck to toes for both genders[6], while some skin-revealing armors apply to men as well.
  • Stupid Evil: Sleezter Bunny.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Characters are voiced during the Live Events. However this is -- as almost everything in AQWorlds--lampshaded to the players about them having to read their own lines too.
    • In the May 2011 Friday the 13th event, Deady was voiced by Michael Sinterniklaas (who Artix states that he's gonna be voice acted by the best Turtle) [7]
  • Sukhomlinov Effect: The werwolves victory over the vampires since the vampires are the side with the fancy uniform while the werwolves are not
  • Super Speed: Kitsune uses this.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: Drakath fits this trope well so is Mirror Drakath but he is less dark but more handsome
  • Truly Single Parent: Drakath is said to use Chaos Magic to create Chaos Lord Ledgermayne when he states that his chaos magic unexpectedly give the Chaos Lord life.
  • Theme Naming: The Cauldron sisters are named after the famous line of the Witches in Macbeth (Double Double, toil and trouble. Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble)
  • Training Montage: The player needs to take the place of Lord Ovthe Dance for the dance competition and needs to be trained. The player is--of course--ecstatic to take part in a montage, but the Lord says it'll take too long. To compensate? The player is given a Twister mat.
  • Twenty Bear Asses: The quest engine appears to be built on the concept.
    • OK, now they're doing it for this trope. There's a quest where you have to get bear skin.
    • AND bear teeth, to make new teeth for llamas.
  • Take That: On one of AQWorlds latest banners they give a very thinly veiled pun to those obnoxious Evony ads.
  • Tears of Blood: Actually, in this case, Tears of Lava. FEAR, the big boss of the Fear Chaser event, has these.
  • The Voiceless: The Hero in all Live-Events, who seemed bugged by this fact. As George Lowe soon explains, "We're all reading our lines... You gotta read your own."
  • Throw It In: Some of the stuff that's been named has been based on crazy ideas. In the Design Notes, Beleen notes that the name of her chinchilla (Chongo) was named that when Cysero--unable to spell chinchilla on Google--decided to called it 'Chongo'.
  • The Four Gods: The Chinese New Year event features the Black Tortoise, the White Tiger, the Red Bird, and the Blue Dragon.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Lady Vayle toward Artix in the Doomwood saga.
    • Also Drakath with the Hero.
  • Thirteen Is Unlucky: There are 13 Lords of Chaos, and the traditional Friday the 13th events held in AQWorlds.
  • This Cannot Be!: Quite a few AQW villains are quite fond of using this trope when defeated, like Chaos Shogun Kitsune when he gets sucked into the rift leading him back to the Yokai world and Lionfang receiving a big shock when he realizes that the Spirit of Frostval survived the breaking of the snow globe that he kicked out of the hero's hands.
  • This Explains So Much: You say this when Xing and Mirror Xang reveal that Drakath switched the main universe's Good Xing with the Mirror Realm's Evil Xang.
  • This Is the Part Where: See The Worf Barrage below.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: The hero says this to Maximilian Lionfang after he burns the gifts to Blizzy's horror and laughs maniacally at the burning of the gifts. Naturally, just the fact that he/she says "You'll pay for that!" is enough to let Lionfang himself know that he's in BIG TROUBLE.
    • The Great Godfather of Soul also says this to the hero after he/she wins the /Dance /Dance Minigame and therefore takes his title of dancing champ from him. This is where Chaos Lord Discordia is mentioned for the first time ever - the Godfather himself vows to make him/her pay for stealing his title away from him with Discordia's help.
    • Also, in the recent 2011 Friday the 13th event:

One-Armed Bandit: My gang is all over this area. You'll never make it to that ship! (to Voltaire) You with the guitar... this is all your fault. I'll get you for this!

      • To be fair, he said that to Voltaire because he blames him for helping the hero defeat him. He keeps true to his promise to get revenge on him in the cutscene before fighting against Yahorneth, Lord Krom Wrath's pet, by ambushing him and dragging him somewhere to beat up on him... but Voltaire survives the fight with him while the hero is defeating Yahorneth, and shows up alive revealing that he got the One-Armed Bandit's mechanical claw in place of one of his hands in the process of his fight with him.
    • In the Bloodtusk saga, after helping to defeat the Alliance Soldiers led by Cynari and Tibias, who enforced martial law on the ravine, and afterwards sending the Horcs and Trolls back home to rest up from all the fighting they did with said soldiers, the hero declares that he/she woill make the Chaos Lord running the events in the ravine pay for everything he has done to the ravine after discovering who it is and when he/she finds him... who later turns out to be Krellenos.
      • Later, in the same saga, Khasaanda has become enraged at Krellenos for having distraught her with his terrible actions as well as abandoning her and murdering their younger brother Antiphuus, and later kills him and usurps his position as a Chaos Lord to get revenge, afterwards planning to use said powers to get revenge on Drakath for the deaths and Chaorruption of both of her brothers.
    • In Doomwood Part 2, when Drakath kills Sepulchure again in the Alternate Universe created by him, Gravelyn becomes so enraged and torn by grief that she sprouts angel wings as a sign of showing her true potential as the Champion of Light. She then clearly tries to kill him for it until he makes her choose between fighting him some more or destroying her father's transformed armor, with no time to do both.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Inverted in Vath's case. The player throws HIS sword to destroy both the Legendary Sword of Dragon Control and the Chaos Dragon Amulet, thus freeing Stalagbite.
  • Time Stands Still: The Chronomancer and Chronocorruptor classes and Professor Iadoa in general.
  • Tomato Surprise: Artix, Champion of Darkness.
    • Gravelyn, Champion of Light.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Drakath, compared to his level of power in the other games.
    • Well he is powerful in the original Adventure Quest as well.
    • Artix counts also. Known to be a paladin in many a game, in this one he's the Champion of Darkness who cannot use light-based magic, but the spirit-orb based power of an Undead Slayer.
  • Too Many Skulls: According to the Design Notes, Nulgath designed Vordred with skulls. He asked Artix if it was enough to which Artix sarcastically quotes it wasn't...and the final result is this.
    • And he gains even MORE skulls in the final battle because they power his immunity to light-based magic.
  • Ultimate Evil: Master, the shadowed main villain of the Skyguard storyline. Say his real name and you'll end up reliving your nightmares every time you go to sleep, courtesy of the Dreamweaver.
    • The Beastmaker is shown to be this.
  • Unicorn: The first 2012 Friday the 13th event has unicorns, especially Voltaire's Black Unicorn.
  • Unsettling Gender Reveal: Some players become this trope by playing a character of the opposite gender.
    • Surprisingly enough, Ledgermayne, the seventh Chaos Lord, is Unsettling Gender Reveal personified. Ledgermayne is actually an It, meaning it is genderless (despite sometimes being referred to as a male), but surprisingly its armor is shaped just like any other female armor. Not to mention, both the male and female versions of the armor drop are the same thing as that which Ledgermayne is wearing.
  • Valkyries: Any female heroes wearing any items forming the complete Celestial Sandknight set.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: The majority of enemies aren't hostile until you attack them, which can lead to some peculiar moral quandries if thought about too much.
  • Villain Override: Noxus does this to Gravelyn's entire undead army at the start of the Shadowfall War. The reason it's not Mass Hypnosis instead is because Noxus first created the army in question for her father, Sepulchure, who was also partially his creation.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Vath gets this along with a Red Eyes, Take Warning when he realizes that his Drow Soldiers are losing the battle with the newly-freed dwarves.
    • After Ledgermayne sees that the hero accepted the shards of the Chaos Focus Gem into the Supreme Arcane Staff, it declares that the hero, whom it was unable to dissuade from the "self-destructive course" as it called it, must be dealt with as he/she challenges it to a fight.
    • Master / Exos experienced this when his plan was accidentally given away by one of the Chaorrupted Sky Pirates, and especially when Invidia (the Dreamweaver in disguise) betrayed him.
    • Vordred gets even worse in Doomwood Part 2 than in Part 1 as Sally is rebuilding him with Chaos magic provided to her by Drakath, and becomes only capable of saying two words: "MORE SKULLS!" And things get even crazier when the fully-completed Chaos Vordred is introduced.
    • The DoomBlade gets this when Sepulchure finally refuses to kill his own daughter after pummeling her so much, and again when Gravelyn purifies it into the Blade of Destiny.
  • Villainous Crossdresser: The Evil Hero when wearing the Royal Role Reversal Garb
    • Any male evil heroes wearing the Dorian and Dorothy.
    • There's also the the crossdresser armors obtainable from the twins in tercessuinotlim.
  • Villainous Rescue: Drakath when saving The Hero from Nessie unnoticed.
    • He also provides the hero with the Chaos power needed to use the Supreme Arcane Staff to kill Ledgermayne in the climax of the Arcangrove saga.
  • The Voiceless: All the speech in the game is communicated through voice bubbles, except for the Live Events and for the Necromancy Tower part of Doomwood. One particular live event--the 3rd Friday the 13th event--even makes the Hero question why they don't get to voice their own character. George Lowe--the Narrator for the event--answers back that they (George Lowe and Kimberly of One-Eyed Doll) are just reading their lines, and that the Hero has to read their own.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Dead Morice is allergic to flames, happiness, love, and especially holiday cheer, which is why he infused everyone with his ice venom and turned them into ice symbiotes in the Frostval 2011 event. Good thing the hero got the Flame of Frostval from helping kid Gravelyn learn the magic and joy of Frostval; he/she uses it to destroy Dead Morice and restore everyone he infected with his ice venom in the end.
  • Wendigo: The first boss of the Arcangrove saga is a yeti-like monster called Wendigo.
    • Also, another, similar boss appears in the Frostval 2011 event named Windego, which has the I in place of the E and the E in place of the I.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: During the second part of the Giant storyline, your character learns about a village of Smuurvils (basically blue Smurf-like Sneevils) and promptly suggests feeding the Smuurvil village to the Giant so that he'll be too full to eat the villagers that he or she is trying to free. The village elder is horrified. Then after he makes the suggestion of using a sleeping potion on the giant, your character then has the idea of feeding one of the villagers to the Giant with the potion so that the rest can get away, to which the poor elder's only appropriate response is "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Thankfully, your character wises up soon afterward.
    • At the end of the Etherstorm saga, you get one of these from Hs'Sakar after you slay Desoloth (the result of Evil winning the Etherstorm War) instead of sealing him like he and the other Dravix wanted, accusing you of taking away their ability to choose what happens to him out of sheer rash arrogance. Depending on how you answer Hs'Sakar's final question, he either sends you on your way after some restitution for all the death that resulted when Desoloth was freed, or he declares you Persona Non Grata before kicking you out of Etherstorm. Either way, you're also stripped of your Air power on the request of Ang'st, as "you do not deserve its blessing."
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: So far it's unknown what happened to Vath after Stalagbite took him away.
    • Stalagbite is a dragon. A very angry dragon. Chances are, we don't want to know what happened to Vath after Stalagbite has his way with him...
  • What If: Adventure Quest Worlds Zombies is based on a question of what would happen if Drakath never intervened in the showdown between King Alteon and Sepulchure.
  • Wham! Episode: One word: Doomwood.
  • Wham! Line: Hero: (to Kimberly) Wait, YOU'RE THE REAL CHAOS LORD?!
    • Vordred: Artix is the CHAMPION OF DARKNESS!!
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Vath and his Drow soldiers. Also, one of the color system's hair color choices for the male heroes.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Vath's Drow assassins, as well as one of the color system's hair color choices for the female heroes.
  • White Mage: Healer Class.
  • Whole Costume Reference: Gravelyn's Slave Bikini
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: The Good Hero when wearing the Royal Role Reversal Garb.
  • Wings Do Nothing: You character's wings are just for astetics; even if you're falling off the side of a castle with great angelic wings, you're still going to cannon-ball into the moat below.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Anyone afflicted with Chaos.
    • According to the design notes, whoever merely gazes into the Realm of Chaos loses all his/her sanity with no hope of ever going back to their normal existence again.
    • This is also true of the Necromancer class, as stated by its character panel description.
  • The Worf Barrage: Artix and the Hero's Ultimate Dragon Soul Spear of Ten Million Spirit Orbs attack fails to have an effect on Vordred. It's even lampshaded:

Hero: This Is the Part Where he comes out of the smoke undamaged, huh?
Artix: Yup.

    • It does, however, give Artix the opening he needs to use the Spirit Orbs to blow apart Vordred's skull armor so that he can be defeated for good.
  • The Worf Effect: When Saahir faces off against Tibicenas, Saahir gets owned. Badly. He doesn't even last five seconds.
    • Any paladin that's faced off against Vordred, as Vordred is completely immune to undead slaying powers. He's called the Paladin Slayer for a reason.
  • Worthy Opponent: In some scenes, Drakath thinks the Hero is a Worthy Foe.
  • Wutai: Akiba and the Yokai Isle in general are the primary "Asian" area of Lore, leaning primarily toward the Japanese end of the spectrum. They're also where you will find Kitsune, the fourth major Chaos Lord.
  • You and What Army?: Escherion says this verbatim to the hero. The hero has an army of the citizens of Mobius who get hit by an inversion spell and go against the player.
  • You All Look Familiar: Everyone including the players have the same face while Drakath's Human Face is one of a kind while His Chaos Face not so much since other players will have it
    • We even have Vath and his Drow (Dark Elves) they all have the same face and some have the same haircut as Vath
    • Some of the staff even fall victim to this trope like Artix, Cysero, Miltonius/Nulgath, Reens, and Safiria.
    • Yes, even the Lords of Chaos aren't immune to this, as the players can look just like them when wearing their armor sets. After all, they each have a chance that they may drop their armors as well as different items whenever they're defeated.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One: The hero has never succeeded in preventing a Chaos Lord from summoning a Chaos Beast and breaking one of Drakath's thirteen seals. The one time the hero actually does prevent a Chaos Lord from summoning a Chaos Beast during the Mythsong saga, it turns out Discordia isn't the real Chaos Lord, and that he was being controlled by the real Chaos Lord, Kimberly, who has a Chaos Beast all summoned up and ready to throw at you.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Players are capable of changing their hair color, and they can even change it to green, blue, purple, or even white.
    • Captain Stratos of the Skyguards has Blue Hair.
  • You Have Failed Me...: After the hero destroys the rabbit beast at the end of the sixth Friday the 13th event, the Beastmaker says this to Sleezter Bunny but surprisingly enough doesn't kill him as Sleezter's too dumb to accept death as punishment anyway. While Sleezter says he's sorry he failed, the Beastmaker receives word that the hero helped Deady and he decides to keep a close eye on him/her. Cue Red Eyes, Take Warning as well as Evil Laugh.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Zahart has Tibicenas do this with one of his servants after they have uncovered the red diamond used to awaken the Chaos Sphinx.
    • Drakath would often choose the next Chaos Lord to replace the current one after the current one has served his purpose well in summoning his/her/its Chaos Beast.
    • And Ledgermayne becomes The Starscream to him because it feels that it no longer has any need for him after finding out his supposed overconfidence.
  • You Killed My Father: Gravelyn would like nothing more than to make Drakath pay for killing her father, Sepulchure, and bringing the ShadowScythe Empire further into ruin.
    • In the Mirror Realm storyline, we learn that this is also true of Mirror Drakath, hearkening back to his story in Dragon Fable in which he was the son of the Evil King that the present King Alteon overthrew.
  • You Mean "Xmas": Just like AQ, DF, and MQ, Mogloween (Halloween), the Harvest Festival (Thanksgiving), Frostval (Christmas), Heroes Heart Day (Valentine's Day), Good Luck Day (St. Patrick's Day), Grenwog (Easter), Planet Day (Earth Day), and Freedom Day (Independence Day).
  • You're Insane!: In the cutscene played after defeating Andre's Giant Necklace, Andre thinks that what the hero did is insane when he/she tells him to pick on somebody his own size next time he captures the villagers. He thinks that the hero poisoned his son, but the hero tells him that he's perfectly fine and that he's just taking a nap, which Crychek finishes with " yer soup."
    • In Nythera's wedding event, Ryuuji says this to Nythera when she says she magically awakened and summoned a Void Giant to the Void Temple because he realizes that the Void Giant is out of control and is going to destroy the temple.
  • Youkai: The Yokai monsters living in Yokai Island.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: What happens to Lore if you betray Artix and let Vordred become the Champion of Darkness.
    • In the Adventure Quest Worlds Zombies Alternate Universe created by Drakath, this is what happens to Lore when Sepulchure kills Death.
  1. New expansion: Bath of the Rich King
  2. In a whole other meaning...
  3. General Necromancy Center
  4. Okay not him exactly, it was Kimberly
  5. One of them got defeated when the paladin's horse got the shoes untied treatment!
  6. Some to the point that the player appears androgynous at first glance.
  7. He's talking about Leonardo from the 1980's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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