< AdventureQuest Worlds

AdventureQuest Worlds/YMMV

  • Ass Pull:
    • During the Arcangrove Saga, you run around collecting the four pieces of the Supreme Arcane Staff to use to defeat Ledgermayne with (the last piece, the Chaos Focus Gem, gets broken into shards by Ledgy but the shards are accepted into the staff), but during the battle you don't need to use it until you feel the need to during the final cutscene, where Drakath appears to focus his Chaos powers through the staff, replacing the shattered gem and allowing it to blast Ledgermayne. And as a bonus, the Supreme Arcane Staff is even one of the item drops from Ledgermayne itself, which has a 1% chance of dropping the staff.
    • In the Sandsea saga, Sek-Duat tells you that you can only defeat Tibicenas with another Djinn, and the Djinn you get is Saahir, who tells you of how Tibi got kicked out of the Djinn world. Then later, Saahir goes to throw down with Tibi and gets owned by him. BADLY. And he doesn't even last five seconds against him. However, as requested by yourself, the Efreet strips Tibi of all his Djinn powers turning him into something you can actually defeat, proving that now you don't need another Djinn to beat him.
    • You can skip the Tower of Necromancy without having to become a Necromancer by completing quests to create a fake Necro U ID. You can still buy the Necromancer class if you want, but you won't need it to enter the Necropolis whatsoever.
  • Complete Monster:
    • Ledgermayne, the seventh Lord of Chaos, intends to cut the Para-Elemental Plane of Magic off from the rest of Lore. Since magic is the life-force of Lore, this means that all life in Lore will die if Ledgermayne succeeds. And worst of all, Ledgermayne knows this, and does not care.
    • Vath, the third Lord of Chaos, also qualifies. He enslaved not only the Dwarves, but also his dragon, not caring how much pain and suffering he's causing the Dwarves in the slightest, and not even caring if they starve to death as long as they produce enough Chaos Gemeralds to keep him happy.
    • The worst is Stalkwalker, who uses children as her pawns in order to feed on their parents as well as eating the children when they grow up and repeating the whole thing.
    • This is also true of Sek Duat, as spoken by Zhoom, hearkening back to his story in the Light Orb saga in Dragon Fable where he killed almost all of the sand elves except Zhoom himself. That crime alone is good enough reason for him to want to kill him.
    • And Tibicenas. You forgot Tibicenas, the eighth Lord of Chaos. Let's face it, this Jackass Genie tried to kill the hero on Zahart's orders, and probably would've done so if not for Zhoom's interference. He also killed a random slave of Zahart's as a reward given to him by him for finding him the red diamond needed to animate the Chaos Sphinx. And that's not all, he even curb-stomped Saahir, who didn't even last five seconds against him.
    • Vordred could also qualify, as he turned many paladins into his undead slaves without any sign of regret, pity, or remorse whatsoever. He is called the Paladin Slayer, after all. He even made the hero into his undead slave. What a jerk.
      • How about who helped CREATED Vordred? Sally, a young necromancer from Dragon Fable not only revived Noxus and made him a Lich, she is the reason that Vordred is the Paladin Slayer he is today; oh and she knows something about Artix that might cause something awful to happen.
    • This game is the kind of game where the cutscenes play in a "choose your own adventure" style where you can make good and evil choices. In the Frostval events, when your hero makes the evil choice of "Of course he did." during the cutscene after defeating Garaja, that's where he/she qualifies as a Complete Monster by threatening to kill Garaja if he doesn't tell them where Lionfang has set up his base camp. He/she states that he/she doesn't care why he gave him one of his snow globes, and even gleefully admits that he/she's much worse than all those other thugs that Garaja had seen so far.

Hero: I don't care what your reasons are for giving Lionfang one of your snow globes... ...I'm not going to let you help him ruin my Frostval. (grabs Garaja by the throat and starts choking him) Tell me where Lionfang has his base camp, or you won't be around long enough to regret ruining Frostval.
Garaja: You're just like the rest of those thugs.
Hero: No... I'm MUCH worse.

    • Believe it or not, the Chaos Twins seem to have landed themselves both in this spot since they enjoy watching the Horcs become enraged by Chaos as well as Krellenos and Khasaanda and Sokrakiis mourning Antiphuus, and laugh about it.
      • Krellenos Himself turns out to be one since he is The Blootusk Chaos Lord He chaorrupted his own brother Antiphuus, whom the players knew they had to kill while hoping that Sokrakiis would understand about it. He also stole the Accord of the Dark Sun, and later began chaorrupting Horcs and Trolls alike, forcing Kagg and Sokrakiis themselves into a meeting, and laughed about it. He later went on to attempt chaorrupting the heart of the ancient temple, using a Serpentress to do so.
    • Dead Morice of the recent 2011 Frostval event seems to have landed himself in this spot since he crosses the Moral Event Horizon by infusing many residents of Lore with his ice venom and turning them into angry, Unstoppable Rage-filled Ice Symbiote monsters - that while also invoking fear in the Frostvale Moglins. And what's more, he doesn't give a crap about Frostval, not even caring about the holiday cheer and joy that everyone spreads during the holidays.
    • Exos seems to have landed himself in this spot since he in his childhood tried to murder Stratos out of hatred towards him, and when Lithos stepped in to protect Stratos, Exos sliced Lithos himself to death with his dagger, leading to Stratos' refusal to forgive Exos. Later, he killed Terra by pushing her off a cliff and into the sea to her death.
  • Continuity Lock Out: Because this game is the most recent title set in an Alternate Universe of the other AE games, the numerous Continuity Nods coupled with the aforementioned difficulty in playing the saga from the beginning can make it difficult to figure out what's going on each week as well as who some of the people you keep encountering are supposed to be.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Multiple villains are this trope.
    • Drakath
    • As well as Zorbak
    • Gravelyn also counts since she has lots of fans.
    • Sepulchure naturally has fans as well.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Chuckles the skeleton, who appears to be headed for Ascended Extra status.
    • Artix even mentions it in the Design Notes: it was actually a joke that went way out of control. It even brought about its own cheesy commercial, T-shirt and a quest in game to save said skeleton.
    • As of the end of the Shadowfall War, Chuckles is back, and with a new body (Noxus' former one) courtesy of Gravelyn! Who says wishes can't come true?
    • There is also a fish based on Chuckles called The Chuckles Fish
  • Evil Is Sexy:
    • Who here thinks Gravelyn and Safiria are hot?
    • Hell, all the female characters are hot.
    • Drakath is also good looking.
  • Funny Moments: Has its own page.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why did Sepulchure put up with Chuckles' laughter? Simple -- Chuckles was Gravelyn's first undead minion. "Daddy was so proud!"
  • Hurricane of Puns:
    • The hurricane of puns are a bit hard to handle when the serious cutscenes play.
    • The Pungeon Master NPCs can also be that way too...
  • Love to Hate:
  • Magnificent Bastard:
    • Possibly Drakath, in a complete departure from his whiny, stubborn, and incompetent Dragon Fable self.
    • Well, he is a Magnificent Bastard in the original Adventure Quest.
    • During the Arcangrove saga, to his surprise, he found himself outsmarted once by Ledgermayne! Reason? Ledgermayne was self-aware living magic that could control even his magic.

Drakath: What did you just say to me, Ledgermayne?
Ledgermayne: The plan will fail. This form will take matters into its own hands. This form no longer has any use for the master.

Drakath: I never should have allowed you to have free will. (starts charging up an attack only for Ledgermayne to cancel it out and then looks at his hand) WHAT?!

Ledgermayne: You will not be allowed to harm this form. This form was a mass of mana in the para-elemental plane of magic when your chaotic influence accidentally caused this form to be self-aware. This form is grateful for that gift, but this form is not one of the master's Chaos Lord puppets whom you have gifted with Chaos magic. This form is LIVING MAGIC. Even your powerful Chaos magic... is still just magic, which this form can control. This form has no desire to destroy you. Stay out of our way. (teleports out of the Realm of Chaos)

    • The shadowed Ultimate Evil of the Skyguard storyline Exos, whom you will refer to as "Master" unless you want to relive your nightmares courtesy of the Dreamweaver, started to show signs of this at the beginning of the Skyguard storyline. He blew it in the end, of course, thanks to the Dreamweaver turning against him.
      • And later in the saga, it's revealed that the real Magnificent Bitch was - believe it or not - Exos' own former employee, the Dreamweaver herself.
    • How about Kitsune, the fourth lord of Chaos? He used his Chaos powers to place Emperor Daisho under a spell and stole the Hanzamune Dragon Koi Blade after waiting for the hero to defeat Ryoku. He had Neko Matta have the hero run around killing Skello Kitties and Nopperabo as a trick to buy Kitsune just enough time to use the sword to summon the O-dokuro from its prison. And what makes Kitsune even more magnificent is his affinity for illusion, trickery and lies, and the fact that, unlike the Shredder, whom he's an Expy of, he is rarely cruel. Of course, he didn't count on the hero retrieving the sword from the O-dokuro's head and using it to close the rift pouring a waterfall of Yokai out of it, which led him to see him/her as more of a problem than he first thought.
    • After he was killed by the hero, Artix, and Vayle, in Dragon Fable, Noxus learned from his mistakes and evolved into a Magnificent Bastard, guiding Sally to the Necropolis with his ghostly voice to train her as the supreme Necromantress of the Tower of Necromancy. After she completed her training, she repaid him by resurrecting him as a lich. Eventually afterwards, Noxus found an ancient evil that, with Sally's help, he used to create the Nigh Unvulnerable Paladin-Slaying Complete Monster Vordred. Vordred turning almost all of the paladins except Artix undead was just as Noxus planned.
      • And even better. While the hero was fighting his/her way through the Temple of Doomwood, Noxus left his office at the Necropolis for Shadowfall, after which he/she, Cysero, and Beleen stormed it only to find out that he wasn't there. Noxus and Vordred attacked Shadowfall to Gravelyn's rage, and upon finding out that she was Sepulchure's kid, he not only turned all her undead minions to his side, he also decided to use her as bait to lure the hero and Artix into a trap. Thus, setting off the scene for the Shadowfall War. And what's even better? He even makes Gravelyn wear her slave bikini as Fan Service. And of course, had he known that Gravelyn had an undead minion of her very own who could not be affected by his magic, Noxus would've been the one who won.
    • Again, believe it or not, the Twins seem to show signs of this. They manipulated the Horcs and Trolls into a war, and manipulated King Alteon and Gravelyn into sending Cynari, Tibias, and the Pactagonal Knight and undead armies to Bloodtusk to take over and keep the ravine under their control so they can prepare the ninth Lord of Chaos.
    • Krellenos happens to be both this and a Complete Monster. Seeing how he manipulated the Horcs and Trolls into a war so he could chaorrupt everything in Bloodtusk Ravine from within without anybody noticing, you can tell he's always one step ahead of them, plus you have to admit respect for the little guy.
    • Desoloth can certainly count as well. He orchestrated for his faithful servant X'Dir to have the hero defeat the four Prime dragons and use their Dracoscintilla to open the Dragon Gate for him... and everything went according to his plan. After the plan worked, he fought against the hero in an attempt to reward him/her with a You Have Outlived Your Usefulness by making him/her his first meal in 800 years. After his defeat it was revealed that what the hero fought was just a shade of Desoloth himself that he left in the DragonPlane so that the hero could fight it again whenever it liked. Then again, to be fair, Desoloth himself was curious how powerful the residents of Lore had become over the years he was imprisoned.
  • Misblamed: Cysero (the real-life person, not the NPC), as the head developer, gets an enormous amount of flak from the community for every thing they disagree with, even though he's not in charge of every single detail of the game.
  • Moment of Awesome: Has its own page.
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • After Lionfang is defeated following his Kick the Dog moment of burning the gifts, he pulls a SUPREME dick move by knocking the orb holding the Spirit of Frostval out of the hero's hands and shattering it (which he had threatened to do at the start of the adventure, because it would kill her) and lays bare his intent to make the world suffer for "giving in to Evil" by destroying Frostval. Fortunately, the Spirit of Frostval cannot be killed so easily, and she returns to Lionfang's shock and disbelief in order to set everything right again.
    • Vordred is becoming one: making every High Paladin, except Artix, into undead paladins? Yep. Turned US into an undead minion? Definitely. And what's worse? It's the person who helped CREATE him.
    • Ledgermayne also crosses the line. Just when the hero is about to accept the Chaos Focus Gem into the Supreme Arcane Staff, Ledgermayne interrupts and voices the part where it had already informed him/her that he/she would not be allowed to complete the staff, and crushes the gem into shards in order to lay bare its intent to make sure of that. Because of this, the shards have been rendered too weak to use against it until Drakath comes to help him/her by focusing his Chaos energy through the staff, replacing the shards and allowing it to convert Ledgermayne back into the harmless mass of magic from which it was made.
    • The Master crossed the line when he brought about Terra's Disney Villain Death by pushing her off a cliff and into the ocean. This action is what led to Captain Stratos' worst day. And she's not the first of their siblings that Exos has murdered either -- Lithos was knifed to death for stopping him from murdering Stratos himself.
    • Yeah, Dead Morice definitely crosses the line. Turning people into Ice Symbiotes? Check. Terrorizing the Frostvale Moglins? Check. And to top it all off? He HATES Frostval. So much that he decided everybody should be as cold-hearted as he is. And if it weren't for the hero refusing to succumb to his ice venom thanks to his/her determination and destroying him with the Flame of Frostval, he would've gotten away with it all.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Fear Chaser event generally has this as its theme, especially for the Terrorkind monsters. If you thought the big baby doll head and several zombie baby doll heads in the area where you fight the Fear Feeder were creepy enough, just wait until you fight the big boss of the event: A gigantic, winged, skeletal entity simply called FEAR itself that not only has spiders crawling all over his body but also cries tears of lava! EEK!
    • Fear is more of a Nightmare Retardant. The thing that would be most fearful is the intro cutscene in The DoomWood Saga where chaos tentacles are going out of control on King Alteon's chaorupted body and slowly chaorupting him in a more terrifying looking way.
    • The Pie of Rising Evil from the 2011 Mogloween event couldn't have been more aptly named. That thing is creepy. Especially its voice, which has a hypnotic quality on those who hear it, and which uses their fears against them when that doesn't work in order to lure them to the shop so that it can eat them. The especially creepy scene was with Farmer Northrup of Willow Creek and his poor kid, who knows something is going on, but can't convince his father not to listen to the evil voice...
    • We know it's supposed to be rather dramatic, but come on! We all know Desoloth is a Magnificent Bastard, and that's why he frightens AQW players. Oh, but his magnificence isn't the only thing that frightens us. He nearly kills Galanoth, too, which is also more than enough to scare players even though it's considered very dramatic and is not actually supposed to be meant to do that. Galanoth leaps at Desoloth in an attempt to kill him, Warlic lets out a Big No, and BAM! Just like that, Desoloth ACTUALLY bites off Galanoth's GODDAMN ARM! And in the next cutscene, the hero receives an Oh Crap reaction to seeing Galanoth having lost his arm (despite not actually getting an actual Oh Crap face). So there you have it, Desoloth NEARLY KILLS Galanoth by biting off his arm.
      • As if nearly killing Galanoth by biting off his arm wasn't enough, a short while after his death by the hero's hands, Drakath releases his skeletal remains from the Cor Draconis and Chaorrupts him into the Chaos-empowered Desolich. Oh, snap.
    • The Chaos Children and the worst of all is Stalkwalker trying to feed on the children's parents and trying to eat the children when they become adults as well as repeating the whole thing over and over again.
  • Shocking Swerve: Admit it, was anyone expecting Artix to be the Champion of Darkness?
  • Tear Jerker:
    • The Master's Moral Event Horizon moment of causing Terra's Disney Villain Death played out before Stratos, which actually causes him to cry.
    • Later, the Dreamweaver is shown to be crying because she was actually regretful for being a puppet to the Master, whose real name is Exos. After she and the hero escape from him when he tries to kill them, she thanks him/her for saving her life. This also counts as a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming.
    • The "Chaos Scars" cutscene also counts, seeing as how the Chaotic Troll boss was actually Khasaanda and Krellenos' brother, Antiphuus, Chaorrupted by the ninth Lord of Chaos. The hero knew that he was Chaorrupted by Chaos anyway so he/she had no choice but to kill him, and the fact that Khasaanda cried over Antiphuus' death is very sad indeed.
    • The scene with Lady Vayle and her brother's Spirit Orb during Vayle's ending in the Doomwood saga.
    • Veddrian's farewell to her sister Veddris in the final scene of the Bludrut mid-week release.
  • That One Attack:
    • Ledgermayne's charged-up attack hits any players that aren't in the safe zones for massive damage that can One-Hit Kill players with anywhere below 1,600 Hit Points.
    • Tibicenas has his Claw Swipe AOE, which can take you down to 1 HP in one blow and which he starts using once he's down to half his health. If you're a player who likes to solo, you will HATE this move.
    • Khasaanda's ability to shut down your most-used skills has caused headaches to many a party trying to face her.
    • The mega-attacks possessed by all four of the prime dragons of the Dragonplane as well as Desoloth himself.
    • The Desterrat Moya from Knave1's storyline has the ability to put a stun on you, which does not allow you to use any of your skills until it wears off.
  • That One Boss:
    • Since the PTR update, just about all the main bosses have received a major damage upgrade and can easily wipe out a party that does not know what the hell they are doing. But the Red Dragon of Vasalkar's Lair and Wolfwing, the fifth Chaos Lord, are in a class all their own in terms of difficulty.
    • Also, if you thought Wolfwing and the Red Dragon were tough enough, just wait until you fight Vath, the third Chaos Lord, and Ledgermayne, the seventh Chaos Lord. Vath qualifies as That One Boss because he has Stalagbite, who will stomp you to death for 3000 damage or more if you attack Vath first, and so does Ledgermayne because every once in a while it will stop to charge up a powerful attack and the game will urge you to enter the glowing safe zones, and if you're not quick enough to get there in time, the resulting blast of the charged attack will deal massive damage and may even ONE HIT KILL YOU.
    • Tibicenas, the eighth Chaos Lord, can be pretty tough as well. Not only does he use an attack that heals himself and hits as many players as he wants for massive damage every once in a while, but, just like Wolfwing, he also goes berserk once his HP drops low enough, meaning he'll attack TWICE AS FAST! Think that's tough enough? Try your luck against Ultra-Tibicenas. He's basically himself, the Frost King, and the French Horned Toadragon combined. Not only does he have almost as high HP as the Frost King, he can petrify you for a few seconds every once in a while, steals life more often, and goes berserk when, instead of just below 5500 HP, it drops below 20000! YIKES!
  • Ugly Cute:
    • The Dark Makai in Nulgath's secret area.
    • You can even get one as a battle pet from Nulgath by completing his Juggernaut Items quest and choosing it before turning in the quest!
  • Villain Decay: Sek Duat.
  • Wangst: Some people see Wolfwing's motivation for becoming a Chaos Lord (turning people into Werepyres so he wouldn't be alone all the time) to be so much wangst. For others, however, see below.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds:
    • Wolfwing. Wanted to use the Chaos powers Drakath gave him to turn everyone into Werepyres in return for being considered an outcast by Vampires and Lycans alike, so he could not be so alone. Yeah, you can't help but feel sorry for him.
    • Khasaanda also counts. She was laughed at and made fun of by the other trolls for her unbelievable power. Then she was betrayed along with all the other Trolls themselves by Krellenos. Her response? Usurp his position as the ninth Lord of Chaos and kill him afterwards, then leave to attempt to kill Drakath only to be humiliated by him. She must really have a tough life.
    • When King tried to make Amira 2.0 into his wife, she malfunctioned and started destroying everything in sight because she felt threatened. And poor Kierk couldn't forgive himself for this disaster. Poor old man.

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