Odebrecht–Car Wash leniency agreement

The Odebrecht–Car Wash leniency agreement, also known in Brazil as the "end of the world plea deal" (delações do fim do mundo),[lower-alpha 1][1][2][3][4] was the leniency agreement signed between Odebrecht S.A. and the Public Prosecutor's Office (PGR) in December 2016, as part of Operation Car Wash. The agreement provided for the deposition of 78 of the contractor's executives,[5] including the former president Marcelo Odebrecht, and his father, Emílio Odebrecht, which generated 83 investigations at the Supreme Federal Court (STF).[6]

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In March 2017, Attorney General Rodrigo Janot asked the Supreme Tribunal to withdraw the secrecy of the depositions.[7] The following month, on 11 April, STF Minister Edson Fachin accepted the request of the A-G and withdrew the secrecy of investigations.[8] On 12 April, federal judge Sérgio Moro followed the same line as the Supreme Tribunal and withdrew the secrecy of denunciations involving people without foro privilegiado status[lower-alpha 2] from the jurisdiction of judges of first instance.[lower-alpha 3] Moro said in his order, "The judiciary should not be the guardian of shadowy secrets. Moreover, publicity prevents unlawful, regrettable leaks, which are difficult to control".[9][10]

According to the lead prosecutor of Operation Car Wash, Deltan Dallagnol, the leniency agreement provided the "greatest payback in world history".[11] Odebrecht and Braskem pleaded guilty and would pay fines of 3.5 billion dollars, the equivalent of 12 billion reals, 80 per cent of which would go to Brazil.[12]

In 2018, the STF took from Lava Jato the so-called End of the World denunciation and then sent most of the Electoral Justice with the following results until 2019: of the 415 politicians from 26 parties mentioned, only one convicted. It generated 270 investigations, but only five of them became criminal proceedings.[13][14]

The signing of the plea bargain agreement resulted in several Operation Car Wash offshoots outside Brazil, especially in the Americas.[15]

See also


  1. Delações do fim do mundo literally, "end of the world denunciation". Delações is the plural of delação, meaning, "whistleblowing", "informing", or "denunciation". A denunciation could be either about individuals (delação premiada) or about a company, where it would be called a "leniency agreement".
  2. Foro privilegiado  literally, "privileged forum", and officially known as Foro especial por prerrogativa de função, this is a special status defined in the Constitution and accorded to certain high officials (President, Deputies, Senators, and certain others) that allows them to skip lower courts in the case of a criminal case against them and proceed directly to the higher courts.
  3. A judge of first instance (primeira instância) is a judge in a lower, or trial court, whose decision may be reviewed by an appellate court (court of the second instance).
    1. Leitão, Matheus. "Odebrecht fez jus ao apelido de 'delação do fim do mundo'" [Odebrecht lived up to its nickname of 'the end of the world'.]. Globo.com. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    2. "Delação do fim do mundo: quais são os próximos passos" [End of the world: what are the next steps?]. Abril. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    3. Rodrigo Rangel; Daniel Pereira; Robson Bonin; Laryssa Borges (11 April 2017). "A delação do fim do mundo" [The plea bargain of the end of the world]. Abril. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    4. J. A. AUNIÓN. "Surge o primeiro caso da 'delação do fim do mundo' relacionado com a Espanha" [The first case of the 'end of the world' related to Spain emerges]. El País. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    5. "Delação da Odebrecht: tudo o que foi revelado pelos depoimentos dos delatores" [Odebrecht's Statement: All that was revealed by the whistleblowers' statements]. El País. 15 April 2017. Retrieved 17 April 2017.
    6. "Lava Jato conclui depoimentos dos 77 delatores da Odebrecht" [Car Wash completes depositions by 77 Odebrecht whistleblowers]. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    7. Felipe Pontes e André Richter (14 March 2017). "Janot pede fim de sigilo das delações; saiba o que vai acontecer com a lista" [Janot asks for an end to secrecy; know what will happen to the list]. EBC Brasil. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    8. "EXCLUSIVO: Fachin acaba com sigilo das delações da Odebrecht" [EXCLUSIVE: Fachin ends secrecy of Odebrecht's denunciations]. Estadão. 11 April 2017. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    9. "Moro levanta sigilo de depoimentos de delatores da Odebrecht" [Moro lifts secrecy from Odebrecht whistleblowers' statements]. Globo.com. 12 April 2017. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    10. "Moro retira sigilo de depoimentos de delatores da Odebrecht em ação que envolve Palocci" [Moro lifts secrecy from Odebrecht whistleblowers' statements in action involving Palocci]. Globo.com.
    11. Brandt, Ricardo; Affonso, Julia; Macedo, Fausto (21 December 2016). "'O maior ressarcimento na história mundial', afirma Deltan nas redes" ['The greatest payback in world history,' says Deltan in the networks]. Uol. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
    12. Odebrecht e Braskem pagarão a maior multa por corrupção da história (21 December 2016). "Odebrecht e Braskem pagarão a maior multa por corrupção da história" [Odebrecht and Braskem to pay the highest fine for corruption in history]. El País. Retrieved 12 April 2017.
    13. "STF arquivou ou enviou à 1ª instância maioria dos inquéritos da Odebrecht" [Supreme Tribunal filed or sent back to the first instance the majority of Odebrecht investigations]. Folha de S.Paulo (in Portuguese). 2 December 2018. Retrieved 15 January 2020.
    14. "'Delação do fim do mundo': de 415 citados, só um condenado" ['End of the world plea bargain': of 415 listed, only one convicted]. A Gazeta (in Portuguese). Retrieved 15 January 2020.
    15. Agência ANSA (16 March 2017). "Lava Jato completa 3 anos expandindo tentáculos na América Latina" [Lava Jet completes 3 years expanding its tentacles in Latin America]. Jornal do Brasil (in Portuguese). Archived from the original on 28 March 2017. Retrieved 24 January 2020.
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