List of sequenced plant genomes

This list of sequenced plant genomes contains plant species known to have publicly available complete genome sequences that have been assembled, annotated and published. Unassembled genomes are not included, nor are organelle only sequences. For all kingdoms, see the list of sequenced genomes.


Unicellular photosynthetic eukaryotes. For a more complete list, see List of sequenced algae genomes.

Organism strainCladeRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly statusLinks
Aureococcus anophagefferensHeterokontHarmful Algal Bloom50.1 Mb11,522Joint Genome Institute2011[1]The Greenhouse[2]
Auxenochlorella protothecoides Green Algae Biofuels 22.9 Mb 7,039 Tsinghua University 2014[3] The Greenhouse[2]
Bathycoccus prasinos RCC1105Green algaeComparative analysis15 MbJoint Genome Institute2012[4]
Bigelowiella natans SAR (Rhizaria) 91.4 Mb 21,708 Dalhousie University 2012[5] The Greenhouse[2]
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC-503 cw92 mt+Green algaeModel organism111 Mb17,737University of California at Los Angeles[6]2007"Chlamydomonas reinhardtii". National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). ENA GCA_000002595
Chlorella sorokiniana str. 1228 Green Algae Biofuels 61.4 Mb Los Alamos National Lab 2018[7] The Greenhouse[2]
Chlorella sorokiniana UTEX 1230 Green Algae Biofuels 58.5 Mb Los Alamos National Lab 2018[8] The Greenhouse[2]
Chlorella sorokiniana DOE1412 Green Algae Biofuels 57.8 Mb Los Alamos National Lab 2018[9] The Greenhouse[2]
Chlorella variabilis NC64AGreen algae2010[10]
Chlorella vulgaris Green Algae Biofuels 37.3 Mb Nagoya University 1997[11] The Greenhouse[2]
Chondrus crispusRed algae (Rhodophyte)105 Mb9,606Genoscope/Station Biologique de Roscoff2013[12]
Chrysochromulina parva Haptophyte Biofuels 65.8 Mb Los Alamos National Lab 2018[13] The Greenhouse[2]
Chrysochromulina tobiniiHaptophyteModel Organism, Biofuels59 Mb16,777Los Alamos National Lab2015[14]The Greenhouse[2]
Coccomyxa subellipsoidea sp. C-169Green algaeModel biofuelJoint Genome Institute2007[15]
Cyanidioschyzon merolae Strain:10DRed algae (Rhodophyte)Photo-autotrophic16.73 Mb5,0172004,[16] 2007[17]
Cyanophora paradoxaGlaucophyteRutgers University[18]2012[18]
Dunaliella salina CCAP19/18Green algaeHalophilic, biofuel and beta-carotene production343.7 Mb16,697Joint Genome Institute2017[19][20]Dunaliella Salina Genome Portal. Phytozome
Ectocarpus siliculosusBrown algae (Heterokontophyta)distantly related to plantsStation Biologique de Roscoff2010[21]
Emiliania huxleyi Haptophyte Marine phytoplankton 167.7 Mb 39,126 Joint Genome Institute 2013[22] The Greenhouse[2]
Eudorina sp. Green algae Multicellular alga, model organism 184 Mb (female)

168 Mb (male)

University of Tokyo 2018[23]
Galdieria sulphurariaRed algae (Rhodophyte)Thermo-acidophilic (extremophile)13.7 Mb6,6232005[24] 2005[25] 2013[26]
Guillardia theta Cryptomonad Eukaryote Endosymbiosis 87.1 Mb Dalhousie University 2012[5] The Greenhouse[2]
Micromonas pusilla CCMP1545Green algaeMarine phytoplanktonJoint Genome Institute2007[27][28]
Micromonas pusilla RCC299/NOUM17Green algaeMarine phytoplanktonJoint Genome Institute2007[28][29]
Monoraphidium neglectum Green Algae Biofuels 69.7 Mb Joint Genome Institute 2017[30] The Greenhouse[2]
Nannochloropsis gaditana SAR (Heterokont) Biofuels 34.0 Mb Colorado School of Mines 2012[31] The Greenhouse[2]
Nannochloropsis oceanica SAR (Heterokont) Biofuels 31.5 Mb Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology 2016[32] The Greenhouse[2]
Nannochloropsis Salina CCMP1776 SAR (Heterokont) Biofuels, Feedstock 24.4 Mb Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology 2016[33] The Greenhouse[2]
Ostreococcus lucimarinus CCE9901Green algaeSimple eukaryote, small genome13.2 Mb7,7962007[34]
Ostreococcus tauri OTH95Green algaeSimple eukaryote, small genome2006[35]
Ostreococcus sp. RCC809Green algae7,773Joint Genome Institute2008[36]
Phaeodactylum tricornutum SAR (Heterokont) 27.4 Mb 10,402 Diatom Consortium 2008[37] The Greenhouse[2]
Picochlorum soloecismus DOE101Green algaeBiofuels15.3 MbLos Alamos National Lab2017[38]The Greenhouse[2]
Picochlorum sp. Green algae Biofuels 13.3 Mb 7,367 Rutgers University 2014[39] The Greenhouse[2]
Porphyridium purpureumRed algae (Rhodophyte)19.7 Mb8,3552013[40]
Pyropia yezoensisRed algae (Rhodophyte)43 Mb10,3272013[41]
Saccharina japonica SAR (Heterokont) Brown Algae Crop 543.4 Mb Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Institutes of Life Science 2015[42] The Greenhouse[2]
Scenedesmus obliquus strain DOE0152Z Green Algae Biofuels 210.3 Mb Brooklyn College 2017[43] The Greenhouse[2]
Tetraselmis sp. Green Algae Biofuels 228 Mb Los Alamos National Lab 2018[2] The Greenhouse[2]
Thalassiosira oceanica CCMP1005 SAR (Heterokont) model organism 92.2 Mb 34,642 The Future Ocean 2012[44]
Thalassiosira pseudonana SAR (Heterokont) 32.4 Mb Diatom Consortium 2009[45] The Greenhouse[2]
Volvox carteriGreen algaeMulticellular alga, model organism~131.2 Mb14,9712010[46]
Yamagishiella unicocca Green algae Multicellular alga, model organism ~140 Mb The University of Tokyo 2018[23]


Organism strainDivisionRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Physcomitrella patens ssp. patens str. Gransden 2004BryophytesEarly diverging land plant2008[47]
Marchantia polymorpha Bryophytes Early diverging land plant 225.8 Mb 19,138 2017[48]
Ceratodon purpureusBryophytesEarly diverging land plant
Anthoceros angustusBryophytesEarly diverging land plant

Higher plants (vascular plants)

Organism strainDivisionRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Selaginella moellendorffiiLycopodiophytaModel organism2011[49][50]


Organism strainDivisionRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Azolla filiculoidesPolypodiophyta Fern0.75 Gb20,201 2018[51]
Salvinia cucullata Polypodiophyta Fern 0.26 Gb 19,914 2018[51]


Organism strainDivisionRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predicted No of chromosomesOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Picea abies (Norway spruce)PinalesTimber, tonewood, ornamental such as Christmas tree 19.6 Gb 26,359[52] 12Umeå Plant Science Centre / SciLifeLab, Sweden 2013[53]
Picea glauca (White spruce) Pinales Timber, Pulp 20.8 Gb 14,462[52] 12 Institutional Collaboration 2013[54][55]
Pinus taeda (Loblolly pine) Pinales Timber 20.15 Gb 9,024[52] 12 2014[56][57][58] N50 scaffold size: 66.9 kbp
Pinus lambertiana (Sugar pine) Pinales Timber; with the largest genomes among the pines;

the largest pine species

31 Gb 13,936 12 2016[52] 61.5X sequence coverage, platforms used:

Hiseq 2000, Hiseq 2500, GAIIx, MiSeq

Ginkgo biloba Ginkgoales 11.75 Gb 41,840 2016[59] N50 scaffold size: 48.2 kbp
Pseudotsuga menziesii Pinales 16 Gb 54,830 13 2017[60] N50 scaffold size : 340.7 kbp
Gnetum monatum Gnetales 4.07 Gb 27,491 2018[61]
Larix sibirica Pinales 12.34 Gbp 2019[62] scaffold N50 of 6440 bp
Abies alba Pinales 18.16 Gb 94,205 2019[63] scaffold N50 of 14,051 bp



Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Amborella trichopodaAmborellaceaeBasal angiosperm2013[64][65]


Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Nelumbo nucifera (sacred lotus)NelumbonaceaeBasal eudicot929 Mbp 2013[66]contig N50 of 38.8 kbp and a scaffold N50 of 3.4 Mbp
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Aquilegia coeruleaRanunculaceaeBasal eudicotUnpublished[67]
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Trochodendron aralioides (Wheel tree)TrochodendralesBasal eudicot having secondary xylem without vessel elements1.614 Gb 35,328 Guangxi University 2019[68]19 scaffolds corresponding to 19 chromosomes
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Beta vulgaris (sugar beet)ChenopodiaceaeCrop plant714–758 Mbp27,4212013[69]
Chenopodium quinoa Chenopodiaceae Crop plant 1.39–1.50 Gb 44,776 2017[70] 3,486 scaffolds, scaffold N50 of 3.84 Mb, 90% of the assembled genome is contained in 439 scaffolds[70]
Amaranthus hypocondriacus Amaranthaceae Crop plant 403.9 Mb 23,847 2016[71] 16 large scaffolds from 16.9 to 38.1 Mb. N50 and L50 of the assembly was 24.4 Mb and 7, respectively.[72]
Carnegiea gigantea Cactaceae Wild plant 1.40 Gb 28,292 2017[73] 57,409 scaffolds, scaffold N50 of 61.5 kb[73]
Suaeda aralocaspica Amaranthaceae Performs complete C4 photosynthesis within individual cells (SCC4) 467 Mb 29,604 ABLife Inc. 2019[74] 4,033 scaffolds, scaffold N50 length of 1.83 Mb
Simmondsia chinensis (jojoba) Simmondsiaceae Oilseed Crop 887 Mb 23,490 2020[75] 994 scaffolds, scaffold N50 length of 5.2 Mb
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predicted No of chromosomesOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Sclerocarya birrea


Anacardiaceae Used for food 18,397 2018[76][77]
Betula pendula (silver birch)BetulaceaeBoreal forest tree, model for forest biotechnology435 Mbp[78]28,399 14 University of Helsinki2017[78]454/Illumina/PacBio. Assembly size 435 Mbp. Contig N50: 48,209 bp, scaffold N50: 239,796 bp. 89% of the assembly mapped to 14 pseudomolecules. Additionally 150 birch individuals sequenced.
Betula nana (dwarf birch)BetulaceaeArctic shrub450 Mbp QMUL/SBCS2013[79]
Aethionema arabicumBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes 2013[80]
Arabidopsis lyrata ssp. lyrata strain MN47BrassicaceaeModel plant206.7 Mbp 32,670[81] 82011[81]8.3X sequence coverage, analyzed on ABI 3730XL capillary sequencers
Arabidopsis thaliana Ecotype:ColumbiaBrassicaceaeModel plant135 Mbp27,655[82] 5 AGI 2000[83]
Barbarea vulgaris


Brassicaceae Model plant for specialised metabolites and plant defenses 167.7 Mbp 25,350 8 2017[84] 66.5 X coverage with Illumina GA II technology
Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis (Chinese cabbage) accession Chiifu-401-42BrassicaceaeAssorted crops and model organism485 Mbp 41,174 (has undergone genome triplication) 10 The Brassica rapa Genome Sequencing Project Consortium 2011[85]72X coverage of paired short read sequences generated by Illumina GA II technology
Brassica napus (Oilseed rape or rapeseed) European winter oilseed cultivar ‘Darmor-bzh' Brassicaceae Crops 1130 Mbp 101,040 19 Institutional Collaboration 2014[86] 454 GS-FLX+ Titanium (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) and Sanger sequencing. Correction and gap filling used 79 Gb of Illumina (San Diego, CA) HiSeq sequence.
Capsella rubellaBrassicaceaeClose relative of Arabidopsis thaliana130 Mbp26,521 JGI2013?[87] 2013[88]
Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress) strain ‘Oxford’ Brassicaceae A model system for studies in evolution of plant development 198 Mbp 29,458 8 Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, Germany 2016[89] Shotgun sequencing strategy, combining paired end reads (197× assembled sequence coverage) and mate pair reads (66× assembled) from Illumina HiSeq (a total of 52 Gbp raw reads).
Eutrema salsugineumBrassicaceaeA relative of arabidopsis with high salt tolerance240 Mbp26,351 JGI2013[90]
Eutrema parvulumBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes 2013[80]
Leavenworthia alabamicaBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes 2013[80]
Sisymbrium irioBrassicaceaeComparative analysis of crucifer genomes 2013[80]
Thellungiella parvulaBrassicaceaeA relative of arabidopsis with high salt tolerance 2011[91]
Cannabis sativa (hemp)CannabaceaeHemp and marijuana productionca 820 Mbp30,074 based on transcriptome assembly and clustering 2011[92]Illumina/454

scaffold N50 16.2 Kbp

Carica papaya (papaya)CaricaceaeFruit crop372 Mbp28,629 2008[93]contig N50 11kbp

scaffold N50


total coverage ~3x (Sanger)

92.1% unigenes mapped

235Mbp anchored (of this 161Mbp also oriented)

Casuarina equisetifolia

(Australian Pine)

Casuarinaceae bonsai subject 300 Mbp 29,827 2018[94]
Kalanchoë fedtschenkoi Raym.-Hamet & H. PerrierKalanchoeCrassulaceaeMolecular genetic model for obligate CAM species in the eudicots 256 Mbp 30,964 34 2017[95]~70× paired-end reads and ~37× mate-pair reads generated using an Illumina MiSeq platform.
Rhodiola crenulata (Tibetan medicinal herb) Crassulaceae Uses for medicine and food 344.5 Mb 35,517 2017[96]
Citrullus lanatus (watermelon)CucurbitaceaeVegetable cropca 425 Mbp23,440 BGI2012[97]Illumina

coverage 108.6x

contig N50 26.38 kbp

Scaffold N50 2.38 Mbp

genome covered 83.2%

~97% ESTs mapped

Cucumis melo (Muskmelon) DHL92CucurbitaceaeVegetable crop450 Mbp27,427 2012[98]454

13.5x coverage

contig N50: 18.1kbp

scaffold N50: 4.677 Mbp


Cucumis sativus (cucumber) 'Chinese long' inbred line 9930CucurbitaceaeVegetable crop350 Mbp (Kmer depth) 367 Mbp (flow cytometry)26,682 2009[99]contig N50 19.8kbp

scaffold N50 1,140kbp

total coverage ~72.2 (Sanger + Ilumina)

96.8% unigenes mapped

72.8% of the genome anchored

Cucurbita argyrosperma

(Silver-seed goud)

Cucurbitaceae Vegetable crop 228.8 Mbp 28,298 20 National Autonomous University of Mexico 2019[100] contig N50 463 kbp

scaffold N50 620 kbp

total coverage ~151x (PacBio + Illumina)

Siraitia grosvenorii

(Monk fruit)

Cucurbitaceae Chinese medicine/sweetener 456.5 Mbp 30,565 Anhui Agricultural University 2018[101]
Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree)Euphorbiaceaethe most economically important member of the genus Hevea 2013[102]
Jatropha curcas PalawanEuphorbiaceaebio-diesel crop 2011[103]
Manihot esculenta (Cassava)EuphorbiaceaeHumanitarian importance~760 Mb30,666 JGI2012[104]
Ricinus communis (Castor bean)EuphorbiaceaeOilseed crop320 Mbp31,237 JCVI2010[105]Sanger coverage~4.6x contig N50 21.1 kbp scaffold N50 496.5kbp
Ammopiptanthus nanus Fabaceae Only genus of evergreen broadleaf shrub 889 Mb 37,188 2018[106]
Cajanus cajan (Pigeon pea) var. AshaFabaceaeModel legume 2012[107][108]
Arachis duranensis (A genome diploid wild peanut) accession V14167FabaceaeWild ancestor of peanut, an oilseed and grain legume crop 2016[109]Illumina 154x coverage, contig N50 22 kbp, scaffold N50 948 kbp
Arachis ipaensis (B genome diploid wild peanut) accession K30076 Fabaceae Wild ancestor of peanut, an oilseed and grain legume crop 2016[109] Illumina 163x coverage, contig N50 23 kbp, scaffold N50 5,343 kbp
Cicer arietinum (chickpea)Fabaceaefilling 2013[110]
Cicer arietinum L. (chickpea)Fabaceae 2013[111]
Faidherbia albida

(Apple-Ring Acacia)

Fabaceae Importante in the Sahel for raising bees 28,979 2018[112][76]
Glycine max (soybean) var. Williams 82FabaceaeProtein and oil crop1115 Mbp46,430 2010[113]Contig N50:189.4kbp

Scaffold N50:47.8Mbp

Sanger coverage ~8x


955.1 Mbp assembled

Lablab purpureus

(Hyacinth Bean)

Fabaceae Crop for human consumption 20,946 2018[76][114]
Lotus japonicus (Bird's-foot Trefoil)FabaceaeModel legume 2008[115]
Medicago truncatula (Barrel Medic)FabaceaeModel legume 2011[116]
Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean)FabaceaeModel bean520 Mbp31,638 JGI2013?[117]
Vigna subterranea

(Bambara Groundnut)

Fabaceae similar to peanuts 31,707 2018[118][76]
Castanea mollissima (Chinese chestnut) Fagaceae cultivated nut 785.53 Mb 36,479 Beijing University of Agriculture 2019[119] Illumina: ∼42.7×

PacBio: ∼87×

contig N50: 944,000bp

Carya illinoinensis


Junglandaceae snacks in various recipes 651.31 Mb 2019[120]
Juglans regia (Persian walnut) Junglandaceae cultivated nut 540 Mb Chinese Academy of Forestry 2020[121]
Juglans sigillata (Iron walnut) Junglandaceae cultivated nut 536.50 Mb Nanjing Forestry University 2020[122] Illumina+Nanopore+bionano

scaffold N50: 16.43 Mb, contig N50: 4.34 Mb

Linum usitatissimum (flax)LinaceaeCrop~350 Mbp43,384 BGI et al.2012[123]
Bombax ceiba

(red silk cotton tree)

Malvaceae capsules with white fibre like cotton 895 Mb 2018[124]
Durio zibethinus (Durian)MalvaceaeTropical fruit tree~738 Mbp 2017[125]
Gossypium raimondiiMalvaceaeOne of the putative progenitor species of tetraploid cotton 2013?[126]
Theobroma cacao (cocoa tree)MalvaceaeFlavouring crop 2010[127][128]
Theobroma cacao (cocoa tree) cv. Matina 1-6MalvaceaeMost widely cultivated cacao type 2013[129]
Theobroma cacao (200 accessions) Malvaceae domestication history of cacao 2018[130]
Azadirachta indica (neem)MeliaceaeSource of number of Terpenoids, including biopesticide azadirachtin, Used in Traditional Medicine364 Mbp~20000 GANIT Labs2012[131] and 2011[132]Illumina GAIIx, scaffold N50 of 452028bp, Transcriptome data from Shoot, Root, Leaf, Flower and Seed
Moringa oleifera

(Horseradish Tree)

Moringaceae traditional herbal medicine 18,451 2018[133][76]
Eucalyptus grandis (Rose gum)MyrtaceaeFibre and timber crop691.43 Mb 2011[134]
Eucalyptus pauciflora (Snow gum) Myrtaceae Fibre and timber crop 594.87 Mb ANU 2020[135] Nanopore + Illumina; contig N50: 3.23 Mb
C. cathayensis

(Chinese hickory)

Rosaceae fruit crop 706.43 Mb 2019[120]
Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat) Rosaceae Fruit tree 760.1 Mb 45,743 Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences 2020[136] Illumina+Nanopore+Hi-C

17 chromosomes, scaffold N50: 39.7 Mb

Fragaria vesca (wild strawberry)RosaceaeFruit crop240 Mbp34,809 2011[137]scaffold N50: 1.3 Mbp


39x coverage


Malus domestica (apple) "Golden Delicious"RosaceaeFruit crop~742.3 Mbp57,386 2010[138]contig N50 13.4 (kbp??)

scaffold N50 1,542.7 (kbp??)

total coverage ~16.9x (Sanger + 454)

71.2% anchored

Prunus amygdalus (almond)RosaceaeFruit crop 2013?[139]
Prunus avium (sweet cherry) cv. StellaRosaceaeFruit crop 2013?[139]
Prunus mume (Chinese plum or Japanese apricot)RosaceaeFruit crop 2012[140]
Prunus persica (peach)RosaceaeFruit crop265 Mbp27,852 2013[141]Sanger coverage:8.47x


ca 99% ESTs mapped

215.9 Mbp in pseudomolecules

Pyrus bretschneideri (ya pear or Chinese white pear) cv. DangshansuliRosaceaeFruit crop 2012[142]
Pyrus communis (European pear) cv. Doyenne du ComiceRosaceaeFruit crop 2013?[139]
Rubus occidentalis

(Black raspberry)

Rosaceae Fruit crop 290 Mbp 2018[143]
Citrus clementina (Clementine)RutaceaeFruit crop 2013?[144]
Citrus sinensis (Sweet orange)RutaceaeFruit crop 2013?,[144] 2013[145]
Populus trichocarpa (poplar)SalicaceaeCarbon sequestration, model tree, timber510 Mbp (cytogenetic) 485 Mbp (coverage)73,013 [Phytozome] 2006[146]Scaffold N50: 19.5 Mbp

Contig N50:552.8 Kbp [phytozome]


>=95 % cDNA found

Populus pruinosa

(desert tree)

Salicaceae farming and rancing 479.3 Mbp 35,131 2017[147]
Acer yangbiense Sapindaceae Fruit crop 110 Gb 28,320 2019[148]
Dimocarpus longan (Longan) Sapindaceae Fruit crop 471.88 Mb 2017[149]
Xanthoceras sorbifolium Bunge (Yellowhorn) Sapindaceae Fruit Crop 504.2 Mb 24,672 2019[150][151]
Aquilaria sinensis (Agarwood) Thymelaeaceae Fragrant wood 726.5 Mb 29,203 2020[152] Illumina+nanopore+Hi-C, scaffold N50: 88.78 Mb
Vitis vinifera (grape) genotype PN40024Vitaceaefruit crop 2007[153]
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Asclepias syriaca, (common milkweed) Apocynaceae Exudes milky latex 420 Mbp 14,474 Oregon State University 2019[154] 80.4× depth

N50 = 3,415 bp

Erigeron breviscapus (Chinese herbal fleabane) Asteraceae Chinese medicine 37,505 2017[155]
Helianthus annuus (sunflower) Asteraceae Oil crop 3.6 Gbb 52,232 INRA and The Sunflower Genome Database[156] 2017[157] N50 contig: 13.7 kb
Lactuca sativa (lettuce) Asteraceae Vegetable crop 2.5 Gbb 38,919 2017[158] N50 contig: 12 kb; N50 scaffold: 476 kb
Handroanthus impetiginosus, Bignoniaceae

(Pink Ipê)

Bignoniaceae Common tree 503.7 Mb 31,668 2017[159]
Diospyros oleifera Cheng (Persimmon or Kaki) Ebenaceae Fruit tree 849.53 Mb 28,580 Zhejiang University & Chinese Academy of Forestry 2019[160] & 2020[161] Two genomes both chromosome scale & assigned to 15 pseudochromosomes
Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge

(Chinese red sage)

Lamiaceae TCM treatment for COPD 641 Mb 34,598 2015[162]
Mentha x piperita (Peppermint) Lamiaceae Oil crop 353 Mb 35,597 Oregon State University 2017[163]
Tectona grandis


Lamiaceae Durability and water resistance 31,168 2019[164]
Utricularia gibba (humped bladderwort) Lentibulariaceae model system for studying genome size evolution; a carnivorous plant 81.87 Mb 28,494 LANGEBIO, CINVESTAV 2013[165] Scaffold N50: 80.839 Kb
Camptotheca acuminata Decne

(Chinese happy tree)

Nyssaceae chemical drugs for cancer treatment 403 Mb 31,825 2017[166]
Davidia involucrata Baill (Dove tree) Nyssaceae Living fossil 1,169 Mb 42,554 2020[167]
Mimulus guttatusPhrymaceaemodel system for studying ecological and evolutionary geneticsca 430 Mbp26,718JGI2013?[168]Scaffold N50 = 1.1 Mbp

Contig N50 = 45.5 Kbp

Primula vulgaris (Common primrose) Primulaceae Used for cooking 474 Mb 2018[169]
Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) cv. Heinz 1706SolanaceaeFood cropca 900 Mbp34,727SGN2011[170] 2012[171]Sanger/454/Illumina/Solid

Pseudomolecules spanning 91 scaffolds (760Mbp of which 594Mbp have been oriented )

over 98% ESTs mappable

Solanum aethiopicum (Ethiopian eggplant)SolanaceaeFood crop1.02 Gbp34,906BGI2019[172]Illumina

scaffold N50: 516,100bp

contig N50: 25,200 bp

∼109× coverage

Solanum pimpinellifolium (Currant Tomato)Solanaceaeclosest wild relative to tomato2012[171]Illumina

contig N50: 5100bp

~40x coverage

Solanum tuberosum (Potato)SolanaceaeFood crop726 Mbp[173]39,031Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (PGSC)2011[174][175]Sanger/454/Illumina

79.2x coverage

contig N50: 31,429bp

scaffold N50: 1,318,511bp

Solanum commersonii (commerson's nightshade)SolanaceaeWild potato relative838 Mbp kmer (840 Mbp)37,662UNINA, UMN, UNIVR, Sequentia Biotech, CGR2015[176]Illumina

105x coverage

contig N50: 6,506bp

scaffold N50: 44,298bp

Cuscuta campestris

(field dodder)

Solanaceae model system for parasitic plants 556 Mbp kmer (581 Mbp) 44,303 RWTH Aachen University, Research Center Jülich, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Technical University Munich, University of Vienna 2018[177] scaffold N50 = 1.38 Mbp
Cuscuta australis (Southern dodder) Solanaceae model system for parasitic plants 265 Mbp

kmer (273 Mbp)

19,671 Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018[178] scaffold N50 = 5.95 Mbp

contig N50 = 3.63 Mbp

Nicotiana benthamianaSolanaceaeClose relative of tobaccoca 3 Gbp2012[179]Illumina

63x coverage

contig N50: 16,480bp

scaffold N50:89,778bp

>93% unigenes found

Nicotiana sylvestris (Tobacco plant)Solanaceaemodel system for studies of terpenoid production2.636 GbpPhilip Morris International2013[180]94x coverage

scaffold N50: 79.7 kbp

194kbp superscaffolds using physical Nicotiana map

Nicotiana tomentosiformisSolanaceaeTobacco progenitor2.682 GbPhilip Morris International2013[180]146x coverage

scaffold N50: 82.6 kb

166kbp superscaffolds using physical Nicotiana map

Capsicum annuum (Pepper)

(a) cv. CM334 (b) cv. Zunla-1

Solanaceae Food crop ~3.48 Gbp (a) 34,903

(b) 35,336

(a) 2014[181]

(b) 2014[182]

N50 contig: (a) 30.0 kb (b) 55.4 kb

N50 scaffold: (a) 2.47 Mb (b) 1.23 Mb

Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum (Chiltepin) Solanaceae Progenitor of cultivated pepper ~3.48 Gbp 34,476 2014[182] N50 contig: 52.2 kb

N50 scaffold: 0.45 Mb

Petunia hybridaSolanaceaeEconomically important flower2011[183]


Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predictedOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Setaria italica (Foxtail millet)PoaceaeModel of C4 metabolism2012[184]
Aegilops tauschii (Tausch's goatgrass)Poaceaebread wheat D-genome progenitorca 4.36 Gb39,6222017[185]pseudomolecule assembly
Brachypodium distachyon (purple false brome)PoaceaeModel monocot2010[186]
Coix lacryma-jobi L. (Job's tears) Poaceae Crop & used in medicine & ornamentation 1.619 Gb 39,629 2019[187]
Dichanthelium oligosanthes (Heller's rosette grass)PoaceaeC3 grass closely related to C4 species960 MbDDPSC2016[188]
Eragrostis curvula Poaceae good for livestock 43.31 Mb 56,469 2019[189]
Hordeum vulgare (barley)PoaceaeModel of ecological adoptionIBSC2012,[190] 2017[191]
Oryza brachyantha (wild rice)PoaceaeDisease resistant wild relative of rice2013[192]
Oryza glaberrima (African rice) var CG14PoaceaeWest-African species of rice2010[193]
Oryza rufipogon (red rice)PoaceaeAncestor to Oryza sativa406 Mb37,071SIBS2012[194]Illumina HiSeq2000

100x coverage

Oryza sativa (long grain rice) ssp indicaPoaceaeCrop and model cereal430 Mb[195] International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) 2002[196]
Oryza sativa (Short grain rice) ssp japonicaPoaceaeCrop and model cereal430 Mb International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (IRGSP) 2002[197]
Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)Poaceaebiofuel2013?[198]
Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo)PoaceaeBamboo textile industry 79.90 Mb 25,225 2013[199] 2018[200]
Sorghum bicolor genotype BTx623PoaceaeCropca 730 Mb34,4962009[201]contig N50:195.4kbp

scaffold N50: 62.4Mbp

Sanger, 8.5x coverage


Triticum aestivum (bread wheat)Poaceae20% of global nutrition14.5 Gb107,891IWGSC2018[202]pseudomolecule assembly
Triticum urartuPoaceaeBread wheat A-genome progenitorca 4.94 GbBGI2013[203]Non-repetitive sequence assembled

Illumina WGS

Zea mays (maize) ssp mays B73PoaceaeCereal crop2.3 Gb39,656[204]2009[205]contig N50 40kbp

scaffold N50: 76kbp

Sanger, 4-6x coverage per BAC

Pennisetum glaucum (pearl millet)PoaceaeSubsaharian and Sahelian millet species~1,79 Gb38,5792017[206]WGS and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequencing
Other non-grasses
Organism strainFamilyRelevanceGenome sizeNumber of genes predicted No of chromosomesOrganizationYear of completionAssembly status
Ananas bracteatus accession CB5 Bromeliaceae Wild pineapple relative 382 Mbp 27,024 25 2015[207] 100× coverage using Illumina paired-end reads of libraries with different insert sizes.
Ananas comosus (L.) Merr. (Pineapple), varieties F153 and MD2 Bromeliaceae The most economically valuable crop possessing crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) 382 Mb 27,024 25 2015[207] 400× Illumina reads, 2× Moleculo synthetic long reads, 1× 454 reads, 5× PacBio single-molecule long reads and 9,400 BACs.
Musa acuminata (Banana)Musaceae A-genome of modern banana cultivars 523 Mbp 36,542 2012[208] N50 contig: 43.1 kb

N50 scaffold: 1.3 Mb

Musa balbisiana (Wild banana) Musaceae B-genome of modern banana cultivars 438 Mbp 36,638 2013[209] N50 contig: 7.9 kb
Calamus simplicifolius
Arecaceae native to tropical and subtropical regions 1.98 Gb 51,235 2018[210]
Cocos nucifera (Coconut palm) Arecaceae used in food and cosmetics 419.67 Gb 2017[211]
Daemonorops jenkinsiana Arecaceae native to tropical and subtropical regions. 1.61 Gb 52,342 2018[210]
Phoenix dactylifera (Date palm) Arecaceae Woody crop in arid regions 658 Mbp 28,800 2011[212] N50 contig: 6.4 kb
Elaeis guineensis (African oil palm) Arecaceae Oil-bearing crop ~1800 Mbp 34,800 2013[213] N50 scaffold: 1.27 Mb
Spirodela polyrhiza (Greater duckweed) Araceae Aquatic plant 158 Mbp 19,623 2014[214] N50 scaffold: 3.76 Mb
Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauer) Rchb.f. (Moth orchid) Orchidaceae Breeding parent of many modern moth orchid cultivars and hybrids.

Plant with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM).

1600 Mbp 29,431 2014[215] N50 scaffold: 359,115 kb

Press releases announcing sequencing

Not meeting criteria of the first paragraph of this article in being nearly full sequences with high quality, published, assembled and publicly available. This list includes species where sequences are announced in press releases or websites, but not in a data-rich publication in a refereed peer-review journal with DOI.

gollark: For natural numbers, anyway.
gollark: As it turns out, instead of the power rule you can just do horrible amounts of product rule, if you have a rule that d/dx x is 2 and d/dx a for constant a is 0.
gollark: osmarkscalculator™ actually defines derivatives recursively using it!
gollark: Consider: 2 does not change as you vary x.
gollark: √x = x^½.

See also


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