List of escorteurs of the French Navy

The escorteurs of the French Navy were light naval warships used for convoy protection during and after the Second World War.

The earliest escorteurs in the French Navy were purchased from the British Royal Navy and the United States Navy. After the war, these were supplemented by former German and Italian vessels transferred to French control as war reparations.

After the war, the term escorteur replaced that of torpilleur and contre-torpilleur traditionally used by the French Navy. However, in the 1970s, the designation of escorteur ceased to be used and was replaced with that of frigate, destroyer, aviso or patroller.

Italian and German ships

Allied fleet ships

  • Royal Navy:
    • River-class frigate (Free French Naval Forces)
      • Aventure (F707) (ex-HMS Braid) 1944–1961
      • L'Escarmouche (F709) (ex-HMS Frome) 1944–1961
      • Tonkinois (F711) (ex-HMS Moyola) 1944–1961
      • Croix de Lorraine (F710) (ex-HMS Strule) 1944–1961
      • Surprise (F708) (ex-HMS Torridge) 1944–1964
      • Découverte (F712) (ex-HMS Windrush) 1944–1961
    • Flower-class corvettes (Free French Naval Forces)
      • Alysse (ex-HMS Alyssum K100) 1941–1942
      • Roselys (ex-HMS Sundew) 1941–1947
      • Aconit (ex-HMS Aconite) 1941–1947
      • Lobelia (ex-Lubelia) 1941–1947
      • Mimosa (ex-Mimosa) 1941–1942
      • Commandant Détroyat (Ex-HMS Coriander) 1941–1947
      • Commandant d'Estienne d'Orves (ex-HMS Lotus) 1942–1947
      • Renoncule (ex-HMS Renonculus) 1941–1947
      • Commandant Drogou (ex-HMS Chrysanthenum) 1941–1947
  • United States Navy (USN):
    • Cannon-class destroyer escort:
      • Sénégalais (F702)[1] (ex-USS Corbesier (DE-106)) 1944–1964
      • Algérien (F701)[2] (ex-USS Cronin (DE-107)) 1944–1964
      • Tunisien (F706)[3] (ex-USS Crosley (DE-108)) 1944–1960
      • Marocain (F705)[4] (ex-USS Marocain (DE-109)) 1944–1960
      • Hova (F704)[5] (ex-USS Hova (DE-110)) 1944–1964
      • Somali (F703)[6] (ex-USS Somali (DE-111)) 1944–1956
      • Berbère (F723)[7] (ex-USS Clarence L. Evans (DE-113)) 1952–1969
      • Arabe (F707)[8] (ex-USS Samuel S. Miles (DE-183)) 1950–1958
      • Kabyle (F718)[9] (ex-USS Riddle (DE-185)) 1950–1959
      • Bambara (F719)[10] (ex-USS Swearer (DE-186)) 1950–1959
      • Malgache (F724)[11] (ex-USS Baker (DE-190)) 1952–1969
      • Sakalave (F720)[12] (ex-USS Wingfield (DE-194)) 1950–1959
      • Touareg (F721)[13] (ex-USS Bright (DE-747)) 1950–1958
      • Soudanais (F722)[14] (ex-USS Cates (DE-763)) 1950–1959
    • Tacoma-class frigate (French: Classe Tacoman):
    • PC-461-class submarine chaser (or coastal patroller):
      • Eveillé (ex-USS PC-471) 1944–1959
      • Rusé (ex-USS PC-472) 1944–1959
      • Ardent (ex-USS PC-473) 1944–1945
      • Indiscret (ex-USS PC-474) 1944–1960
      • Résolu (ex-USS PC475) 1944–1951
      • Emporté (ex-USS PC-480) 1944–1959
      • Effronté (ex-USS PC481) 1944–1953
      • Enjoué (ex-USS PC-482) 1944–1945
      • Tirailleur (ex-USS PC-542) 1944–1958
      • Volontaire (ex-USS PC-543) 1944–1964
      • Goumier (ex-USS PC-545) 1944–1965
      • Franc Tireur (ex-USS PC-545) 1944–1953
      • Vigilant (ex-USS PC-550) 1944–1959
      • Mameluck (ex-USS PC-551) 1944–1958
      • Carabinier (ex-USS PC-556) 1944–1958
      • Dragon (ex-USS PC-557) 1944–1959
      • Voltigeur (ex-USS PC-559) 1944–1970
      • Attentif (ex-USS PC-562) 1944–1953
      • Spahi (ex-USS PC-591) 1944–1959
      • Fantassin (ex-USS PC-621) 1944–1961
      • Grenadier (ex-USS PC-625) 1944–1958
      • Lansquenet (ex-USS PC-626) 1944–1958
      • Cavalier (ex-USS PC-627) 1944–1951
      • Pnom Penh (ex-USS PC-796) 1949–1955
      • Hue (ex-USS PC-797) 1950–1955
      • Luang Prabang (ex-USS PC-798) 1949–1955
      • Kum Kang San (ex-USS PC-799) 1950–
      • Flamberge (ex-USS PC-1086) 1951–1956
      • Intrépide (ex-USS PC-1130) 1951–1956
      • Trident (ex-USS PC-1143) 1951–1956
      • Mousquet (ex-USS PC-1143) 1951–1955
      • Glaive (ex-USS PC-1146) 1951–1956
      • Ardent (ex-USS PC-1167) 1951–1956
      • Inconstant (ex-USS PC-1171) 1951–1956
      • Légionnaire[15](ex-USS PC-1226) 1944–1958
      • Lancier (ex-USS PC-1227) 1944–1960
      • Hussard (ex-USS PC-1235) 1945–1965
      • Sabre (ex-USS PC-1248) 1944–1959
      • Pique (ex-USS PC-1249) 1944–1959
      • Cimeterre (ex-USS PC-1250) 1944–1963
      • Coutelas (ex-USS PC-1560) 1944–1963
      • Dague (ex-USS PC-1561) 1944–1964
      • Javelot (ex-USS PC-1562) 1944–1951

French-built ships

Squadron Escorteurs – (Escorteurs d'escadre)

Le Surcouf

Rapid Escorteurs – Escorteurs rapides

Le Bourguigon
  • Type E50 (Le Corse-class) frigate:
    • Le Corse (F761) 1955–1975
    • Le Brestois (F762) 1956–1975
    • Le Boulonnais (F763) 1955–1976
    • Le Bordelais (F764) 1955–1976
  • Type E52 (Le Normand-class) frigate:
    • Le Normand (F765) 1956–1983
    • Le Picard (F766) 1956–1979
    • Le Gascon (F767) 1957–1977
    • Le Lorrain (F768) 1957–1976
    • Le Bourguignon (F769) 1957–1976
    • Le Champenois (F770) 1957–1975
    • Le Savoyard (F771) 1957–1980
    • Le Breton (F772) 1957–1976
    • Le Basque (F773) 1957–1979
    • L'Agenais (F774) 1958–1985
    • Le Béarnais (F775) 1958–1979
  • Type E52B:
    • L'Alsacien (F776) 1960–1981
    • Le Provençal (F777) 1959–1981
    • Le Vendéen (F778) 1960–1982

Avisos Escorteurs – Avisos escorteurs

Le Commandant Bourdais

Coastal Escorteurs – Escorteurs côtiers

Le Fringant
  • Le Fougueux-class
    • Le Fougueux (P641) 1954–1975
    • L'Opiniatre (P642) 1954–1975
    • L'Agile (P643) 1954–1976
  • L'Adroit-class :
    • L'Adroit (P644) 1957–1979
    • L'Alerte (P645) 1957–1979
    • L'Attentif (P646) 1957–1978
    • L'Intrépide (P630) 1958–1976
    • L'Ardent (P635) 1958–1979
    • L'Etourdi (P637) 1958–1976
    • L'Enjoué (P647) 1958–
    • Le Hardi (P648) 1958–1977
    • L'Effronté (P638) 1959–
    • Le Frondeur (P639) 1959–1977
    • Le Fringant (P640) 1959–1982
gollark: ++delete the dog
gollark: A vaguely convincing argument I heard about the humans-liking-punishment thing is that it effectively works as a species-wide precommitment to punish people for doing bad things, which discourages people from doing those bad things in advance.
gollark: I mean, the only real arguments I can see for it:- humans just like punishing people if they do bad things (for evolutionary psychology reasons?)- a deterrent, but that only works if... people actually believe it as a serious threat
gollark: Also, it's pretty pointless.
gollark: ...

See also


  1. named for Marcus Atilius Regulus
  2. named for Louis Desaix
  3. named for Jean-Baptiste Kléber
  4. after Victor Schœlcher (1804–1893)
  5. after Victor Bory
  6. after Léonard Charner (1797–1869)
  7. after Ernest Doudart de Lagrée (1823–1868)
  8. after Adrien-Paul Balny d'Avricourt (1849–1873)
  9. aftet Henri Rivière (1827–1883)
  10. after Edmé Bourdais (1820–1861)
  11. after Auguste Léopold Protet (1808–1862)


  1. Sénégalais, Senegalese
  2. Algérien, Algerians
  3. Tunisien, Tunisians
  4. Marocain, Moroccans
  5. Hova, Hova
  6. Somali, Somalis
  7. Berbère, Berbers
  8. Arabe, Arabs
  9. Kabyle, Kabyle
  10. Bambara, Bambara
  11. Malgache, Malagazy
  12. Sakalava, Sakalava
  13. Tuareg, Tuareg
  14. Soudanais, Sudanese
  15. Le Légionnaire, French Foreign Legion


  • Attilio Regolo,
  • Scipione Africano,
  • Francis Garnier sur site netmarine
  • Destroyer Desaix,
  • Destroyer Kléber,
  • Destroyer Hoche,
  • Destroyer Marceau,
  • Torpilleur Bir Hakeim,
  • Torpilleur Dompaire navypedia
  • Torpilleur Dompaire navypedia
  • Torpilleur Baccarat navypedia
  • Torpilleur L'Alsacien navypedia
  • Torpilleur Le Lorrain navypedia
  • Classe River – Site navypedia
  • Classe Croix de Lorraine – Frégates navypedia
  • Classe Flower – site navypedia
  • Escort Corvette navypedia
  • Classe Cannon navypedia
  • Classe Sénégalais – destroyer d'escorte,
  • classe Tacoma – site navypedia
  • Classe PC – site navypedia
  • Classe L'Eveillé site navypedia
  • Escorteur d'escadre Surcouf
  • Escorteur rapide Le Corse
  • Escorteur rapide Le Normand – site netmarine
  • Escorteur rapide L'Alsacien – site netmarine
  • Aviso-escorteur Commandant Rivière – site netmarine
  • Le Fougueux (P641)
  • EC L'Enjoué
  • Jean Moulin, Rober Dumas, Les Escorteurs d'escadre, Marines éditions Nantes, 1997 ISBN 2-909675297
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