List of Canadian Inuit

This is a partial list of Canadian Inuit. The Arctic and subarctic dwelling Inuit (formerly referred to as Eskimo) are a group of culturally similar Canadian Aboriginals inhabiting the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Nunavik (Quebec) and Nunatsiavut (Labrador).

The names of the communities are given as they were at the time of the birth or death. Those people who were born or died prior to 1 April 1999 in what is now Nunavut were actually born in the Northwest Territories.

Name Birth date Birthplace Region Death date Death place Region Notes
Eva Aariak[1][2]10 January 1955Arctic BayNUpolitician, second Premier of Nunavut
Willie Adams[4]22 June 1934Fort ChimoQCpolitician who was a member of the Senate of Canada
Johnny Ned Adams[5][6]1960Fort ChimoQCpilot, a businessman and a former mayor of the village of Kuujjuaq
Susan Aglukark[7][8]27 January 1967ChurchillMBmusician
Leona Aglukkaq[9]28 June 1967InuvikNTpolitician, Minister of Health and Minister of Environment
Olayuk Akesuk[10]1965Cape DorsetNUpolitician
Atuat Akkitirq[11]IgloolikNUfilmmaker and costume designer, cofounder of Arnait Video Productions
Tony Akoak1957/1958Gjoa HavenNUpolitician
David Alagalak[12]11 April 1944Southampton IslandNUpolitician
Ovide Alakannuark[13]25 December 1938Pelly BayNUpolitician
Madeleine Allakariallak[14]ResoluteNUmusician and television journalist
Titus Allooloo[15]1953Pond InletNUpolitician and business man
Simeonie Amagoalik[16]1 May 1933Fort ChimoQC2 March 2011ResoluteNUcarver
Jack Anawak[17]26 September 1950Repulse BayNUpolitician
William Andersen III[18]Okkak BayNLpolitician
Wally Andersen[19]31 July 1951MakkovikNLpolitician
Margaret Dawn Anderson[20]1966/1967TuktoyaktukNTpolitician
Paul Apak Angilirq[21]19541998film producer and screenwriter
Michael Angottitauruq[22]1951Gjoa HavenNUpolitician
Stephen Angulalik[23]1898Ellice RiverNU1990Cambridge BayNUfur trader and trading post operator
Irene Kataq Angutitok[24]1914Bathurst InletNU1971Repulse BayNUsculptor
Moses Appaqaq[25]2 April 1946SanikiluaqNUcarver, politician
Joe Arlooktoo[26]26 June 1939Lake HarbourNUcarver, politician
Goo Arlooktoo[27]28 November 1963Lake HarbourNU30 April 2002KimmirutNUpolitician
Germaine Arnaktauyok[28]1946IgloolikNUprintmaker, painter, and drawer
Alethea Arnaquq-Baril[29]IqaluitNUproducer and director
Silas Arngna'naaq[30]Baker LakeNUpolitician
James Arreak[1]6 October 1952Clyde RiverNUpolitician
James Arvaluk[31]April 1948Coral HarbourNUpolitician
Kenojuak Ashevak[32]3 October 1927IkirasaqaNU8 January 2013Cape DorsetNUartist
Shuvinai Ashoona[33]1961Cape DorsetNUartist
Pitseolak Ashoona[34] 1904 or 1907 or 1908Nottingham Island NU1983artist
Andrew Atagotaaluk[35]SalluitQCfirst Inuk diocesan bishop, Bishop of the Arctic
Aua[36]1870IgloolikNUafter 1922angakkuq (shaman)
Moses Aupaluktuq[1]Baker LakeNUpolitician
Levi Barnabas[10]24 January 1964IgloolikNUpolitician
Ernie Bernhardtpolitician
Paul-André Brasseur[37]25 August 1994MontrealQCactor
Levinia Brown[38]1947Dawson InletNUpolitician
Caubvick[39]LabradorNLLabradorNLvisited England, smallpox carrier
Nellie Cournoyea[40]4 March 1940AklavikNTpolitician, Premier of the Northwest Territories
Charlie Crow[41]c. 1943Richmond GulfQCpolitician, disc jockey
Tagak Curley[1]1944Coral HarbourNUpolitician, prominent figure in the negotiations that led to the creation of Nunavut
Beatrice Deer[42]QuaqtaqQCsinger
Lisa Dempster[43]CharlottetownNLpolitician
Ebierbing[44]c. 1837Cumberland SoundNUc. 1881guide, husband of Tookoolito
Randy Edmunds[45]North West RiverNLpolitician
Edna Elias[46]1955CoppermineNUpolitician, Commissioner of Nunavut
Monica Ell-Kanayuk[1]1954/1955politician
Joe Enook[1]c. 1950sPond InletNUpolitician
Tommy Enuaraq[47]Clyde RiverNUpolitician, author
Elijah Erkloo[48]Pond InletNUpolitician
Kingmeata Etidlooie[49]1915ItinikNU1989artist
Tivi Etok[50]1929QirnituartuqQCartist, illustrator, and printmaker
Mark Evaloarjuk[51]19373 July 2002IgloolikNUbusiness pioneer and politician
Joe Allen Evyagotailak[52]15 July 1953CoppermineNUpolitician
Alice Masak French[53]29 June 1930Baillie IslandNT5 July 2013SourisMB
Simon Gibbons[54]21 June 1851ForteauNL14 December 1896ParrsboroNSfirst Inuk priest
Melissa Haney 1981 Inukjuak QC first female Inuk pilot to reach the rank of captain
Glenna Hansen[55]10 August 1956AklavikNTpolitician, Commissioners of the Northwest Territories
Ann Meekitjuk Hanson[47]22 May 1946QaktutNUpolitician, Commissioner of Nunavut
Donald Havioyak[31]1950NapaktoktokNUpolitician
Joshua HaulliIgloolikNUmusician
George Hickes Jr.[56]1968/1969ChurchillMBpolitician
George Hickes Sr.[56]26 June 1946Ports PointNUpolitician
Joseph Idlout[57]Pond InletNU2 June 1968ResoluteNUfeatured on the former Canadian two-dollar bill[58]
Lucie Idlout[59]1978NUsinger/songwriter
Osuitok Ipeelee[60]1922NeeouleeutalikNU2005Cape DorsetNUsculptor
Alootook Ipellie[47]1951NuvuqquqNU8 September 2007OttawaONgraphic artist, political and satirical cartoonist and writer, photographer, and Inuktitut translator
David Iqaqrialu[61]2 July 1954Clyde RiverNUpolitician
Peter Irniq[47]22 August 1947Lyon InletNUpolitician, Commissioner of Nunavut
Enoki Irqittuq[62]5 February. 1955Hall BeachNUpolitician
Elisapie Isaac[63]1977SalluitQCpop singer, broadcaster, documentary filmmaker and activist
Johnny IssalukChesterfield InletNUactor, athlete
Peter Ittinuar[64]19 January 1950Chesterfield InletNUpolitician. first Inuk to be elected as an MP
Madeline Ivalu[65]IgloolikNUfilmmaker and actor, cofounder of Arnait Video Productions
Paul-Dylan Ivalu[66]c. 1997IgloolikNUactor, grandson of Madeline Ivalu
David Joanasie[67]22 June 1983Frobisher BayNUpolitician
Yvonne Jones[68]15 March 1968Mary's HarbourNLpolitician, leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
Helen Kalvak[69]1901Tahiryuak LakeNT7 May 1984HolmanNTgraphic artist, angakkuq (shaman)
Nancy Karetak-Lindell[70]10 December 1957Eskimo PointNUpolitician
Peter Kattuk[71]2 June 1950Belcher IslandsNUpolitician
Simeonie Keenainak[72]PangnirtungNUmusician and RCMP
Pauloosie Keyootak[73]Broughton IslandNUpolitician
Janet Kigusiuq[74]1926PutuqsuqniqNU2005Baker LakeNUartist, daughter of Jessie Oonark
Kikkik[75]Ennadai LakeNUcharged with, but acquitted of, murder, child neglect and causing the death of one of her children
Ipeelee Kilabuk[76]1932PangnirtungNU2000politician
Peter Kilabuk[31]27 September 1960PangnirtungNUpolitician
Kiviaq[77]23 January 1936Chesterfield InletNUlawyer, politician, and former sportsman
Adamee KomoartokPangnirtungNUpolitician
David Pisurayak Kootook[78]13 August 1958Spence BayNUDecember 1972Hottah LakeNTsaved the life of Marten Hartwell after an aircraft crash
Madeleine Isserkut Kringayak[79]1928Repulse BayNU1984sculptor and jewelry artist
Peter Kritaqliluk[80]1951Eskimo PointNU27 August 2011ArviatNUpolitician
George Kuksukc. 1954Eskimo PointNUpolitician
Zacharias Kunuk[65]27 November 1957KapuivikNUproducer and director
Floyd Kuptana[81]1964Cape ParryNTartist, stone carvings
Rosemarie Kuptana[82]1954Sachs HarbourNTInuit rights activist, politician
Nellie Kusugak[83]1955Rankin InletNUpolitician, Commissioner of Nunavut
Lorne Kusugak[1]1959/1960Rankin InletNUpolitician
Michael Kusugak[84]27 April 1948Repulse BayNUchildren's writer
Jose Kusugak[48]2 May 1950Repulse BayNU19 January 2011Repulse BayNUpolitician
Anna LambeIqaluitNUactress
Johannes Lampe[85]NutakNLpolitician
Sarah Leo[86]NLpolitician
Bill Lyall[87]1941Fort RossNUpolitician, business man
Helen Maksagak[88]15 April 1931Bernard HarbourNU23 January 2009Cambridge BayNUpolitician, Commissioner of Nunavut, Commissioner of the Northwest Territories
Steve Mapsalak[89]17 March 1957Repulse BayNUpolitician
Mosha Michael[90]c. 194817 November 2009TorontoONfilmmaker, composer, carver
Mikak[39]c.1740LabradorNL1 October 1795NainNLvisited England, interpreter
Johnny Mike[91]1954/1955PangnirtungNUpolitician
Nancy MikeIqaluitNUmusician
Rebecca Mike[92]politician
Rita "Riit" Mike-MurphyIgloolikNUmusician, actress
Andy Miki[93]1918Eskimo PointNU1983Eskimo PointNUartist
Simeon Mikkungwak1968/1969Baker LakeNUpolitician
Annie Mikpiga[94] 1900 Puvirnituq QC 1984 Puvirnituq QC artist
Nakasuk[95]early 20th centuryPangnirtungNUfounder of Iqaluit
Agnes Nanogak[96]12 November 1925Baillie IslandNT5 May 2001HolmanNTartist
Mitiarjuk NappaalukIgloolikNUwriter
Patterk Netser[97]Coral HarbourNUpolitician
John Ningark[1]17 March 1957Pelly BayNUpolitician
Johnny Ningeongan[1]Coral HarbourNUpolitician
William Noah[98]1944Back RiverNUpolitician, artist, son of Jessie Oonark
Samuel NuqingaqBroughton IslandNUpolitician
Jobie Nutarak[99]10 May 1947Pond InletNU22 April 2006Pond InletNUpolitician
Natan Obed[100]NainNLpolitician
Paul Okalik[31]26 May 1964PangnirtungNUpolitician, Premier of Nunavut
Abe Okpik[48]12 January 1928near AklavikNT10 July 1997Frobisher BayNUpolitician, community leader, head of Project Surname
Jessie Oonark[101]2 March 1906Chantrey InletNU7 March 1985ChurchillMBartist, mother of Janet Kigusiuq and William Noah
Orpingalik[102]fl. 1921angakkuq (shaman), poet
Hezakiah Oshutapik[1]1955/1956PangnirtungNUpolitician
John Pangnark[103]1920Eskimo PointNU1980Eskimo PointNUsculptor
Charlie Panigoniak[104]7 March 1946Chesterfield InletNUsinger-songwriter and guitarist
Pauloosie Paniloo[105]1943Clyde RiverNU20 April 2007200 km south of Clyde RiverNUpolitician
Parr[106]1893Cape DorsetNU3 November 1969Cape DorsetNUartist
Markoosie PatsauqIgloolikNUwriter
Enuk Pauloosie1961Spence BayNUpolitician
Lena Pedersen[107]1940Greenlandfirst woman elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories
Aaju Peter[108]1960ArkisserniaqGreenlandlawyer and sealskin clothing designer
Looty Pijamini[109]14 November 1953Clyde RiverNUartist
David Ruben Piqtoukun[110]1950PaulatukNTartist
Peter Pitseolak[47]2 September 1902Nottingham IslandNU30 September 1973Cape DorsetNUphotographer, sculptor, artist and historian
Annabella Piugattuk[111]19 December 1982Frobisher BayNUactor
Calvin Pokiak[112]28 May 1955TuktoyaktukNTpolitician
Annie Pootoogook[113]11 May 1969Cape DorsetNU19 September 2016OttawaONartist
Kananginak Pootoogook[114]1 January 1935IkerasakNU23 November 2010OttawaONsculptor and printmaker
Napachie Pootoogook[115]26 June 1938Sarruq IslandNU18 December 2002Cape DorsetNUartist, daughter of Pitseolak Ashoona and mother of Annie Pootoogook
Patty Pottle[116]NLpolitician
Pudlo Pudlat[117]4 February 1916KamadjuakNU28 December 1992Cape DorsetNUartist
Kenoayoak Pudlatpolitician
Ludy Pudluk[118]politician
Uriash Puqiqnak[119]15 April 1946Chantrey InletNUpolitician, carver
Andrew Qappik[120]25 February 1964Nunatak IslandNUgraphic artist
Mumilaaq QaqqaqBaker LakeNUpolitician
Lucy Qinnuayuak[121]1915SalluitQC1982graphic artist and printmaker
Emilino Qirngnuqc. 1950Pelly BayNUpolitician
Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley[122]late 1950sNUwriter
Paul Quassa[123]12 January. 1952IgloolikNUpolitician
Tumasi Quissa[124]1948near AkulivikQCsinger-songwriter, carver
George Qulautc. 1954IgloolikNUpolitician
Taamusi Qumaq[125]1 January 1914near InukjuakQC13 July 1993helped preserve Inuit language and traditional culture, wrote an Inuktitut dictionary and an encyclopedia on Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit
Madeleine Redfern[126]1967Frobisher BayNUpolitician
Keith Rusell[127]24 May 1975Happy Valley-Goose BayNLpolitician
Todd Russell22 December 1966William's HarbourNLpolitician
Pitaloosie Saila[128]1942Cape DorsetNUartist
Pauta Saila[129]1916/1917KilaparutuaNU2009artist
Tom Sammurtok1946/1947politician
Alexander Sammurtokpolitician
Joe Savikataaq8 December 1960politician
Eric Schweig[130]19 June 1967InuvikNTactor
Elisapee Sheutiapik[131]Frobisher BayNUpolitician
John Shiwak[132]1889RigoletNL20 November 1917MasnièresFrancesniper in the First World War
Isaac Shooyook[133]1939Arctic BayNUpolitician
Nick Sikkuark[134]21 May 1943Garry LakeNU19 December 2013KugaarukNUartist
David SimailakBaker LakeNUpolitician
Mary Simon[135]1947KangiqsualujjuaqQCpolitician, diplomat
Vince Steen[136]1941AklavikNT3 February 2007politician
Donald Suluk[137]c. 1925Chesterfield InletNUreligious figure
Thomas Suluk[138]14 March 1950Eskimo PointNUpolitician
Tanya Tagaq[139]5 May 1975Cambridge BayNUthroat singer, artist
Joe Talirunili[140]c. 1893Qugaaluk River area or north of PuvirnituqQC1976printmaker and sculptor
Louis Tapardjuk[1]30 January 1953northwest of IgloolikNUpolitician
Peter Taptuna[1]1956Cambridge BayNUpolitician, Premier of Nunavut
Adam "Hyper-T" TanuyakChesterfield InletNUmusician
Ningeokuluk Teevee[47]27 May 1963Cape DorsetNUwriter and artist
Manitok Thompson[31]1955Coral HarbourNUpolitician
Willie Thrasher[141]1948AklavikNTmusician
Irene Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq[142]1941Princess Mary LakeNUartist
John Tiktak[143]1916KareakNU1981Rankin InletNUsculptor
Kane Tologanak[144]politician
Tookoolito[44]c. 1838Cape SearleNU31 December 1876GrotonCTguide, wife of Ebierbing
Simon Tookoome9 December 1934Chantrey InletNU7 November 2010Baker LakeNUartist
Jordin Tootoo[145]2 February 1983ChurchillMBhockey player
Hunter Tootoo[146]18 August 1963Rankin InletNUpolitician
Victor Tungilik[147]NUreligious figure, both a Christian and a traditional angakkuq (shaman)
Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok[148]1934NunallaMB2012ArviatNUartist
Marion Tuu'luq[149]1910Chantrey Inlet/Back RiverNU2002artist
Jeannie Ugyuk[1]Spence BayNUpolitician
Abraham Ulrikab[150]29 January 1845HebronNL13 January 1881ParisFrancehuman zoo exhibit
Umik[151]fl. 1920NUangakkuq (shaman)
Natar Ungalaaq[152]1959IgloolikNUactor, filmmaker, and sculptor
Uvavnuk[153]19th centuryIgloolik areaNUangakkuq (shaman), oral poet
Sheila Watt-Cloutier[154]1 December 1953Fort ChimoQCpolitician, activist
Charlie Watt[155]29 June. 1944Fort ChimoQCpolitician
Rebekah Williams[156]3 March 1950politician
Simonie Michael[157]1933Apex, IqaluitNUNovember 2008first elected Inuk legislator in Canada


  1. Fontaine, TIm (2 December 2011). "An Aboriginal Who's Who of Canadian Politics: Provincial/Territorial Version". Media Indigena.
  2. "Eva Aariak topples incumbent to become Nunavut's 2nd premier". CBC News: North. CBC/Radio-Canada. 14 November 2008.
  3. Rousseau, Jacques (1979) [1969]. "Acoutsina". In Hayne, David (ed.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography. II (1701–1740) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
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  9. Leona Aglukkaq – Parliament of Canada biography
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  11. "Costume Designer – Script Consultant - Actor - Cultural Advisor". Arnait Video Productions. 2016.
  12. Hicks, Jack; White, Graham (2015). Made in Nunavut: An Experiment in Decentralized Government. UBC Press. p. 93. ISBN 978-0-7748-3106-2.
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  14. She opens her throat and The North comes out
  15. Outfitter says action will kill his sport-hunting business and hurt community income
  16. Resolute loses Simeonie Amagoalik Archived 2012-03-25 at the Wayback Machine
  17. Jack Iyerak Anawak – Parliament of Canada biography
  18. Labrador Inuit to create autonomous Nunatsiavut
  19. Premier Grimes announces new Cabinet
  20. Margaret Dawn Anderson – Parliament of Canada biography
  21. Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner. Review by Tony Lee
  22. If Any Living Inuk Knew
  23. Angulalik: Inuk Trader
  24. Canadian Women Artists History Initiative
  26. Joe Arlooktoo
  27. Regrets and sympathy from NTI in the death of Gootileah Arlooktoo
  28. "Arnaktauyok, Germaine". Inuit Art Alive. Inuit Art Foundation. Archived from the original on 17 August 2013. Retrieved 5 October 2016.
  29. Aboriginal Filmmaker: Alethea Arnaquq-Baril
  30. Nunavut Trust
  31. Dahl, Jens; Hicks, Jack; Jull, Peter (2000). "2". Nunavut: Inuit regain control of their lands and their lives. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. p. 77. ISBN 978-8790730345. Retrieved 2016-10-07.
  32. Kenojuak Ashevak, renowned Inuit artist, dies at 85
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  35. Arctic bishop treasured Inuit culture
  36. Knud Rasmussen and the Iglulik Inuit, Part 5
  37. The Necessities of Life
  38. Inuit heal and remember at Rankin Inlet qaggiq
  39. Marianne P. Stopp (March 2009). "Eighteenth Century Labrador Inuit in England" (PDF). Arctic. 62 (1): 45–64.
  40. "Nellie J. Cournoyea". Archived from the original on 2013-12-24. Retrieved 2016-10-11.
  41. A History of the Original Peoples of Northern Canada
  42. Beatrice Deer: Inuit Artist and Activist from Quaqtaq
  43. Recognizing Our Province’s Heritage
  44. Loomis, Chauncey. "Ebierbing (ca. 1837-ca. 1881)" (PDF). Department of English Arctic Profiles. Dartmouth college Hanover, New Hampshire. Retrieved 2016-10-07.
  45. Aboriginal sentences sometimes too light, Inuit MHA says
  46. Edna Elias marks last day as Nunavut's commissioner
  47. Inuit Writers: Peter Irniq, Peter Pitseolak, Ann Meekitjuk Hanson, Tommy Enuaraq, Michael Kusugak, Alootook Ipellie, Ningeokuluk Teevee
  48. Dahl, Jens; Hicks, Jack; Jull, Peter (2000). "7". Nunavut: Inuit regain control of their lands and their lives. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. p. 157. ISBN 978-8790730345. Retrieved 2016-10-07.
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  51. Mark Evaluarjuk, C.M.
  52. Western Nunavut Inuit elect new land claims org president
  53. Historical Dictionary of the Inuit
  54. Hatfield, Leonard F. (1990). "Gibbons, Simon Thomas". In Halpenny, Francess G (ed.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography. XII (1891–1900) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  55. National Aboriginal Health Organization
  56. Iqaluit candidate George Hickes Jr. asks voters about their Nunavut priorities
  57. "Between Two Worlds". Collection. National Film Board of Canada. 2012-10-11. Retrieved 6 April 2012.
  58. Inuit History
  59. Lucie Idlout Biography Archived 2011-07-14 at the Wayback Machine
  60. Biography at the Indspire website
  61. Davidee Iqaqrialu at Spirit Wrestler
  62. The Indigenous World 2002-2003
  63. "Profile: Elisapie Isaac". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 7 October 2016.
  64. Peter Ittinuar – Parliament of Canada biography
  65. Zacharias Kunuk (Inuit)
  66. Kuujjuaq shines during $9M Quebec movie production
  67. David Joanasie - Speaking My Truth Archived 2016-10-24 at the Wayback Machine
  68. Yvonne Jones – Parliament of Canada biography
  69. Helen Kalvak at Spirit WWresstler
  70. Nancy Karetak-Lindell – Parliament of Canada biography
  71. Qikiqtani Inuit Association announces election results
  72. Keenainak, Simeonie - Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association
  73. Pauloosie Keyootak re-elected as head of QIA
  74. Janet Kigusiuq Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine at Inuit Art Alive
  75. Kikkik Inuit – When Justice Was Done
  76. Ipeelee Kilabuk at
  77. Famed Inuk returns to Kivalliq for first time in 70 years Archived 2016-05-05 at the Wayback Machine
  78. Brace for Impact: Air Crashes and Aviation Safety
  79. Madeleine Isserkut Kringayak at
  80. Inuit Advocate Peter Kritaqliluk, Taken Too Soon
  81. Floyd Kuptana Archived 2013-11-27 at at Inuit Art Alive
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  83. Nellie T. Kusugak Commissioner of Nunavut
  84. ARVAARLUK: An Inuit Tale
  85. 'A great honour': Johannes Lampe sworn in as Nunatsiavut president
  86. Q&A with Sarah Leo: Outgoing Nunatsiavut president reflects on her term
  87. William Lyall at the Indspire Awards
  88. Helen Mamayaok Maksagak
  89. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated Board of Directors Meeting
  90. "Inuk filmmaker mourned". CBC News, November 20, 2009.
  91. Nunavut environment minister defends Inuit traditional knowledge at Paris conference
  92. Inuit Women: Their Powerful Spirit in a Century of Change
  93. Entry for Andy Miki in the Union List of Artist Names
  94. Hessel, Ingo (2013). "Mikpiga, Annie (Nuvalinga) (1900–1984)". In Heller, Jules; Heller, Nancy G. (eds.). North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century : a Biographical Dictionary. Routledge. pp. 379–380. ISBN 1-306-37471-5. OCLC 868964311.
  95. Crystal Two: The Origin of Iqaluit
  96. "Agnes Nanogak". Spirit Wrestler Gallery, Vancouver, BC. Retrieved 8 March 2015.
  97. The Big Thaw: Travels in the Melting North
  98. William Noah Archived 2016-04-03 at the Wayback Machine at Inuit Art Alive
  99. Statement on the Passing of The Honorable Jobie Nutarak
  100. Identity Crisis
  101. Jessie Oonark at Spirit Wrestler
  102. Orpingalik: “All My Being is Song”
  103. John Pangnark on the Union List of Artist Names
  104. Charlie Panigoniak: Eskimo Music in Transition
  105. Pauloosie Paniloo at
  106. Parr on the Union List of Artist Names
  107. "Lena (Elizabeth Magdalena) Pedersen First woman elected to the Northwest Territories Council". Library and Archives Canada. April 12, 2005. Retrieved 2016-10-08.
  108. "Aaju Peter becomes member of Order of Canada Nov. 23". Archived from the original on 2016-10-12. Retrieved 2016-10-11.
  109. Looty Pijamini at Spirit Wrestler
  110. David Ruben Piqtoukun on the Union List of Artist Names
  111. A star shines in Rankin
  112. Views of the Inuvialuit on sustainable development in the Mackenzie Gas Project in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Northwest Territories, Canada
  113. A revolutionary Inuit artist’s life imitates her art, darkly
  114. "Inuit artist Kananginak Pootoogook dies". 2010-11-25.
  115. Napachie Pootoogook
  116. Case Studies in Aboriginal Business
  117. Pudlo Pudlat at Spirit Wrestler
  118. Climate Change Causes Unpredictable Weather Because The Earth Has Tilted On Its Axis
  119. Uriash Puqiqnak – Artist Biography
  120. Andrew Qappik at Spirit Wrestler
  121. Lucy Qinuayuak Canadian Aboriginal Art at the Senate
  122. Rachel Qitsualik
  123. On the bumpy road to sobriety
  124. The Encyclopedia of Native Music: More Than a Century of Recordings from Wax Cylinder to the Internet
  125. Taamusi Qumaq (1914 – 1993)
  126. Profile: Madeleine Redfern
  127. Uranium ban vote shows deep split among Labrador Inuit
  128. Pitaloosie Saaila at Spirit Wrestler
  129. Pauta Saila on the Union List of Artist Names
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  131. "Iqaluit's number one woman: Elisapee Sheutiapik". Archived from the original on 2017-11-07. Retrieved 2016-10-11.
  132. Kennedy, John C. (1998). "Shiwack, John". In Cook, Ramsay; Hamelin, Jean (eds.). Dictionary of Canadian Biography. XIV (1911–1920) (online ed.). University of Toronto Press.
  133. Isaac Shooyook at
  134. Nick Sikkuark at the Union List of Artist Names
  135. Order of Canada
  136. North Star of Herschel Island - the Last Canadian Arctic Fur Trading Ship
  137. Letters to the Echo: I do not wish to leave my land, by Donald Suluk
  138. Thomas Suluk – Parliament of Canada biography
  139. Why Tanya Tagaq sings
  140. Stones, Bones and Stitches: Storytelling Through Inuit Art Archived 2010-10-08 at the Wayback Machine
  141. "On the Road Again: Willie Thrasher's Second Life". The Tyee, May 23, 2015.
  142. Irene Avaalaaqiaq Tiktaalaaq at Inuit Art Alive
  143. John Tiktak at Spirit Wrestler
  144. Kane Tologanak Testimony
  145. "Number 22 is number one with Nunavummiut". Archived from the original on 2012-02-22. Retrieved 2016-10-11.
  146. Hunter Tootoo – Parliament of Canada biography
  147. Inuit Shamanism and Christianity: Transitions and Transformations in the Twentieth Century
  148. Canada loses a great artist: Lucy Tasseor Tutsweetok
  149. Marion Tuu'luq at Spirit Wrestler
  150. Eight Labrador Inuit trapped in a 19th century human zoo
  151. The Canadian Inuit Film Days in Latvia
  152. Natar Ungalaaq at Spirit Wrestler
  153. Uvavnuk
  154. Sheila Watt-Cloutier at the Indspire Awards
  155. Charlie Watt – Parliament of Canada biography
  156. Nunavut reeling from soaring suicide rate
  157. Duffy, R. Quinn (1988). Road to Nunavut: The Progress of the Eastern Arctic Inuit since the Second World War. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. ISBN 0774812427. JSTOR j.ctt130hdm7.
gollark: (also, it can download YouTube videos)
gollark: (it serves HTTP, connects to an MPD instance, connects to an IRC server, and serves DNS, simultaneously)
gollark: And probably just add it to my horribly convoluted python server thing.
gollark: Well, I would avoid PHP at all costs.
gollark: JS fits this (if you like brackets), but is terrible in other ways.
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