List of lexicographers

This list contains people who contributed to the field of lexicography, the theory and practice of compiling dictionaries.










  • Jonah ibn Janah (Spain, c. 990–1050) Hebrew language lexicon
  • Ibn Manzur (Maghreb Arabia, 1233–1312) Arabic dictionary incorporating earlier dictionaries
  • Laurynas Ivinskis (Lithuania, 1810–1881) Lithuanian language bilingual dictionary



  • Vuk Stefanović Karadžić (Serbia, 1787–1864) Serbian language general dictionary
  • Mahmud al-Kashgari (Turkey, 1005–1102), Uyghur language
  • Bartol Kašić (Croatia, 1575–1650) Croatian and Italian bilingual dictionary
  • John Samuel Kenyon (US, 1874–1959) English language dictionary of pronunciation
  • Adam Kilgarriff (UK, 1960–2015) English language and computer lexicography
  • Barbara Ann Kipfer (US, born 1954) English language general and LSP dictionary
  • Ferdinand Kittel (Germany/India, 1832–1903) Kannada and English bilingual dictionary
  • Friedrich Kluge (Germany, 1856–1926) German language etymological dictionary
  • Grzegorz Knapski (Poland, 1561–1639) Polish, Latin and Greek thesaurus
  • Władysław Kopaliński (Poland, 1907–2007) Polish language etymological dictionary
  • Emmanuel Kriaras (Greece, born 1906) Greek language historical dictionary
  • Raphael Kuhner (Germany, 1802–1878) Greek and Latin languages
  • Hans Kurath (Austria/US, 1891–1992) English language historical dictionary, dialect atlas




  • Hajime Nakamura (Japan, 1911–1999) Sanskrit and Pali languages
  • Nathan ben Jehiel (Italy, c. 1035–1106) Hebrew language dictionary
  • William Allen Neilson (UK/US, 1869–1946) English language general dictionary
  • Andrew Nelson (US/Japan, 1893–1975) Japanese and English bilingual dictionary
  • Jean Nicot (France, 1530–1600) French language historical dictionary
  • Sandro Nielsen (Denmark, born 1961) Danish language LSP dictionary
  • Nonius Marcellus (Italy, 3rd/4th centuries) Latin language lexicon
  • Jerry Norman (US, 1936–2012) Manchu-English dictionary



  • Condé Benoist Pallen (US, 1858–1929) English language encyclopedia
  • Alfredo Panzini (Italy, 1863–1939) Italian language general dictionary
  • Eric Partridge (New Zealand/Australia/UK, 1894–1979) English language dictionary of slang
  • Franz Passow (Germany, 1786–1933) Greek language historical dictionary
  • Hermann Paul (Germany, 1846–1921) German language historical dictionary
  • Andrew Pawley (Australia/New Zealand, born 1941) Austronesian languages
  • Clemente Peani (Italy/India, 1731–1782) Malayalam language dictionary
  • Edmund Peck (Canada, 1850–1924) Inaktitut and English bilingual dictionary
  • Aaron Peckham (US) English language dictionary of slang
  • Philitas of Cos (Greece, c. 340–285 BC) Ancient Greek language glossary
  • Philo of Byblos (Greece, c. 64–141 AD) Ancient Greek language dictionary of synonyms
  • Sreekanteswaram Padmanabha Pillai (India, 1864–1946) Malayalam language dictionary
  • Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski (Poland, US, born 1921) Polish and English bilingual dictionaries
  • Julius Pollux (Egypt/Greece, 2nd century) Ancient Greek language thesaurus
  • Noah Porter (US, 1811–1892) English language general dictionary
  • Malachy Postlewayt (UK, c. 1707–1767) English language LSP dictionary


  • Ola Raknes (Norway/US, 1887–1975) Norwegian and English bilingual dictionary
  • Stanislovas Rapalionis (Lithuania/Germany, 1485–1545) Lithuanian language
  • Rasmus Christian Rask (Denmark, 1787–1832) Indo-European comparative linguistics
  • Allen Walker Read (US, 1906–2002) English language glossary
  • James Redhouse (UK, 1811–1892) Turkish and English bilingual dictionary
  • Gustaf Renvall (Finland, 1781–1841) Finnish language general dictionary
  • Alain Rey (France, born 1928) French language general and LSP dictionary
  • Barbara Reynolds (UK, born 1914) Italian language dictionary
  • Kel Richards (Australia, born 1946) English language dialect dictionary
  • César-Pierre Richelet (French, 1626–1698) French language general dictionary
  • John Rider (UK/Ireland, 1562–1632) Latin language etymological dictionary
  • William Rider (UK, 1723–1785) English language general dictionary
  • Mark Ridley (England, 1560 – c. 1624) Russian/English and English/Russian dictionaries
  • Paul Robert (French, 1910–1980) French language general dictionary
  • Nancy Roper (UK, 1918–2004) Nursing and medical dictionaries
  • Joseph Francis Charles Rock (Austria/US/China, 1884–1962) Naxi and English bilingual dictionary
  • Peter Mark Roget (UK, 1779–1869) English language thesaurus
  • Leo Rosten (Poland–Russia/US, 1908–1997) Hebrew and English lexicon




  • Martin Ulvestad (Norway/US, 1865–1942) English–Danish–Norwegian trilingual dictionary
  • Laurence Urdang (US, 1927–2008) English language general dictionary
  • Dmitry Ushakov (Russia, 1873–1942) Russian language general dictionary




  • Xu Shen (China, c. 58–147) Chinese language character dictionary


  • Robert W. Young (US, 1912–2007) Navajo language general dictionary
  • Henry Yule (Scotland and India, 1820–1889), co-compiler of Hobson-Jobson ("A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases, and of Kindred Terms, Etymological, Historical, Geographical and Discursive")


gollark: Is this some weird scam-ish thing or are OAI *actually* sending recruitment emails to arbitrary people who did well in the Codex thing?
gollark: Well, people fall for regular non-NFT scams. So that isn't very unexpected.
gollark: As such, do not.
gollark: If someone explodes me, then my dead man's switch will begin running all possible programs in order on various computing resources, one of which is likely to be an unaligned AGI eventually.
gollark: This has never happened to me but it certainly sounds bad.


  1. Moroccanoil v Aldi 2017, Federal Court of Australia, J. Katzmann (Judge), 31 August 2017.

See also

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