Index of epistemology articles

Epistemology (from Greek ἐπιστήμη episteme-, "knowledge, science" and λόγος, "logos") or theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge.[1] It addresses the questions "What is knowledge?", "How is knowledge acquired?", "What do people know?", "How do we know what we know?", and "Why do we know what we know?". Much of the debate in this field has focused on analyzing the nature of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth, belief, and justification. It also deals with the means of production of knowledge, as well as skepticism about different knowledge claims.

Articles related to epistemology include:


– "A Defence of Common Sense" – A posterioriA priori and a posterioriA Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human KnowledgeAbductive reasoningAcademic skepticismAcatalepsyAd hoc hypothesisAdaptive representationAdolph StöhrAenesidemusAenesidemus (book) – African Spir – AgnosticismAgrippa the SkepticAlethiology – Alief (belief) – Alison WylieAlvin GoldmanAn Enquiry Concerning Human UnderstandingAn Essay Concerning Human UnderstandingAnalytic–synthetic distinctionAnamnesis (philosophy)AndrocentrismAndroid epistemologyAnthony WildenAnti-foundationalismAnti-realismApperceptionArda DenkelArgument from illusionAristotle's theory of universalsArnór HannibalssonÁsta Kristjana Sveinsdóttir – Atli Harðarson – AtomismAutoepistemic logicAyn Rand


Barry StroudBasic beliefBasic limiting principleBeliefBertrand Russell – Bertrand Russell's views on philosophy – Björn KrausBlack swan theoryBlind men and an elephantBody of knowledgeBrain in a vatBrute fact


C. D. BroadCarper's fundamental ways of knowingCartesian doubt – Cartesian Other – Cartesian SelfCatherine ElginCausal chain – Causal Theory of Knowing – Causality – Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies – Centre de Recherche en Epistémologie AppliquéeCertaintyClaudio Canaparo – Cogito ergo sum – Cognitive closure (philosophy)Cognitive synonymyCoherence theory of truthCoherentismCommon senseCompensationismComposition of CausesComputational epistemologyConcluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical FragmentsCondition of possibilityConsensus theory of truth – Constructivism (mathematics) – Constructivist epistemology – ContextualismContrastivismCorrespondence theory of truthCounterintuitiveCrispin WrightCriteria of truthCritical rationalismCritical realismCritical thinkingCynicism


Daniel M. HausmanDavid HumeDeductive closureDefeasible reasoningDefeaterDeflationary theory of truthDescriptive knowledgeDharmarāja AdhvarinDialetheismDianoiaDirect and indirect realismDirect experienceDiscourse on the MethodDisjunctivism – Dispositional and occurrent belief – Divine command theoryDaimonicDogmaDoubtDoxaDoxastic attitudesDream argumentDuck test


– Eastern epistemology – Ecology of contextsEdgar MorinEditologyEdmund Gettier – Educology – Egocentric predicament – Elephant test – EmergenceEmpirical evidence – Empirical method – Empirical relationshipEmpirical researchEmpiricismEndoxaEnneadsEpilogismEpistemeEpistemic closureEpistemic commitmentEpistemic communityEpistemic conservatismEpistemic feedbackEpistemic minimalismEpistemic possibilityEpistemic theories of truthEpistemic theory of miraclesEpistemic virtueEpistemicismEpistemocracyEpistemological anarchismEpistemological idealismEpistemological particularismEpistemological pluralismEpistemological psychologyEpistemological realismEpistemological ruptureEpistemological solipsismEpistemologyEpochéEristicErnst von GlasersfeldEureka effect – Everett W. Hall – EvidenceEvidentialismEvil demonEvolutionary argument against naturalismEvolutionary epistemologyExclusion principle (philosophy)Existential phenomenologyExotericExpectation (epistemic)ExperienceExperiential knowledgeExperientialismExtended mind thesisExternismEyewitness testimony


FactFactual relativismFact–value distinctionFaith and rationalityFallibilismFalsifiabilityFeminist epistemologyFideismFinitismFitch's paradox of knowabilityFooled by RandomnessFormal epistemologyFormative epistemologyFoundationalismFoundherentismFragmentalismFrame problemFrank Cameron JacksonFred DretskeFrederick WilhelmsenFunctional contextualism


G. E. MooreGaston BachelardGenerativityGenetic epistemologyGeorge BerkeleyGeorge PappasGettier problemGiambattista VicoGila SherGilbert HarmanGilbert RyleGiulio GiorelloGnosiologyGödel's incompleteness theorems


Harry BinswangerHeinz von FoersterHelmut Wautischer – Here is a hand – Hierarchical epistemologyHilary KornblithHumanismHume's fork


I know it when I see itI know that I know nothingIdeological criticismIdeologyIgnoramus et ignorabimusIgnoranceIlluminationismImmanuel KantIncorrigibilityIndeterminacy (philosophy)Inductive reasoningInductivismInfallibilismInfallibilityInferenceInfinitismInformation sourceInnatismInsightIntellectual responsibilityInternalism and externalismIntersubjective verifiabilityIntersubjectivityIntroduction to Objectivist EpistemologyIntrospectionIntuition (Bergson) – Intuition (philosophy) – Intuition (psychology) – IntuitionismIrrealism (philosophy) – Is logic empirical? – Islamization of knowledge


Jean PiagetJean-Louis Le MoigneJean-Michel BerthelotJohn Greco (philosopher)John HickJohn LockeJohn SearleJonathan DancyJonathan Kvanvig - Jules Vuillemin – Justified true belief


Karla Jessen WilliamsonKatalepsisKeith LehrerKK thesisKnowing and the KnownKnowledgeKnowledge and Its LimitsKnowledge by acquaintance – Knowledge by description – Knowledge organization – Knowledge relativity


Laplace's demonLarry LaudanLarry SangerLatitudinarianism (philosophy)Laurence BonJourLaw (principle)Leap of faithLeonard PeikoffLevels of adequacyList of epistemologistsLogical holismLogical positivismLottery paradox


MaieuticsMap–territory relationMargaret Elizabeth EganMathematical proofMeditations on First PhilosophyMemoryMenoMeno's slaveMetaMeta-epistemologyMetaphor in philosophyMetaphysical naturalismMetatheoryMethodism (philosophy)Methodological solipsismMichel de MontaigneMolyneux's problemMoore's paradoxMoral rationalismMultiperspectivalismMundane reason


Naïve empiricismNaïve realismNassim Nicholas TalebNaturalism (philosophy)Naturalized epistemologyNayef Al-RodhanNeopragmatismNeutrality (philosophy)New realism (philosophy)Nicholas RescherNiklas LuhmannNomotheticNomothetic and idiographicNoogonyNorman MalcolmNoumenon


Object (philosophy)Objectivity (philosophy)ObservationOntologismOmphalos hypothesisOpinionOutline of epistemologyOverbelief


P. F. StrawsonPancritical rationalismPanrationalismParadigmParadigm shiftParticipatory theoryPaul ChurchlandPerceptionPerceptual learningPeripatetic axiomPerspectivismPessimismPeter MillicanPeter UngerPhenomenal conservatismPhenomenalismPhillip H. Wiebe – Philosophic burden of proof – Philosophical FragmentsPhilosophical Investigations – Philosophical problems of testimony – Philosophical skepticismPhilosophical theologyPhilosophical zombiePhilosophy of colorPhilosophy of perceptionPhilosophy of sciencePlato's ProblemPlatonic epistemologyPluralism (philosophy)Pluralist theories of truthPositivismPostfoundationalismPostmodern philosophyPostpositivismPragmatic theory of truthPramāṇaPraxeologyPredictive powerPreface paradoxPreformation theoryPresentationismPresupposition (philosophy)Primary/secondary quality distinctionPrinciple of charityPrivate language argumentPrivileged accessProbabilismProbability interpretationsProblem of inductionProblem of other mindsProblem of the criterionProblem of universalsProcedural knowledgeProof (truth)Propensity probabilityPropositional attitudePseudointellectualPsychological nominalismPyrrhoPyrrhonism




Ramification problemRational egoismRational fideismRational ignoranceRationalismRationalityReasonRedundancy theory of truthReformed epistemologyRegress argumentRelevant alternatives theoryReliabilismReligious epistemologyRobert AudiRobert NozickRoderick ChisholmRole of chance in scientific discoveries


Sally HaslangerSatyaScepticism and Animal Faith – Scottish Common Sense Realism – Self-evidenceSemantic externalismSemantic theory of truthSensualismSextus EmpiricusSherrilyn RoushSimulated realitySimulation hypothesisSkepticismSleeping Beauty problemSocial constructionismSocial epistemologySocial Epistemology (journal)Sociology of knowledgeSocratesSolipsismSophist (dialogue)Speculative reasonSteve Fuller (sociologist)SubjectivismSwamping problemSwampmanSystemography


Tabula rasaTarski's undefinability theoremTechneTelesisTestimony – The Black Swan (Taleb book) – The Course in Positive Philosophy – The Extended MindThe Postmodern ConditionThe Republic (Plato)The Roots of ReferenceThe Will to BelieveThe World as Will and RepresentationTheaetetus (dialogue) – Theory of Forms – Theory of justification – There are known knownsThick Black TheoryThought experimentTranscendent truthTranscendental idealism – Transcendental philosophy – Transcendental realismTransparency (philosophy)Trenton MerricksTruthTruth by consensusTruth predicateTruth-value linkTwin Earth thought experimentTwo Dogmas of EmpiricismTwo truths doctrine


UncertaintyUnderdeterminationUnderstandingUniversal pragmatics – Unknown known – UnobservableUpamāṇa


VaguenessVasily Seseman – Verification theory – VerificationismVerisimilitudeVeritismVienna CircleVirtue epistemologyVisual space – Voluntarism (metaphysics)


Walter Terence StaceWard JonesWilfrid SellarsWilliam AlstonWilliam CrathornWord and ObjectWorld Hypotheses – World view



gollark: That's kind of the point of a computer.
gollark: No computer can do anything but what it is programmed to.
gollark: What, "think of novel stuff"?
gollark: Sure, but people do in the Empire still do, well, work.
gollark: I mean, if I remember correctly you can just build ones without volition or something, and have them do basically the same stuff.

See also


  1. Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Volume 3, 1967, Macmillan, Inc.
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