
Geordie (/ˈɔːrdi/) is a nickname for a person from the Tyneside area of North East England,[1] and the dialect used by its inhabitants. There are different definitions of what constitutes a Geordie. The term is used and has been historically used to refer to the people of the North East.[2][3][4][5][6] A Geordie can also specifically be a native of Tyneside (especially Newcastle upon Tyne) and the surrounding areas.[5][6][7] Not everyone from the North East of England identifies as a Geordie.[8][9]

Television presenters Ant and Dec are Geordies from Newcastle upon Tyne.

Geordie is a continuation and development of the language spoken by Anglo-Saxon settlers, initially employed by the ancient Brythons to fight the Pictish invaders after the end of Roman rule in Britain in the 5th century.[5] The Angles, Saxons and Jutes who arrived became ascendant politically and culturally over the native British through subsequent migration from tribal homelands along the North Sea coast of mainland Europe. The Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that emerged in the Dark Ages spoke largely mutually intelligible varieties of what is now called Old English, each varying somewhat in phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexicon. This linguistic conservatism means that poems by the Anglo-Saxon scholar the Venerable Bede translate more successfully into Geordie than into Standard English.[10]

In Northern England and the Scottish borders, then dominated by the kingdom of Northumbria, there developed a distinct Northumbrian Old English dialect. Later Irish migrants influenced Geordie phonology from the early 19th century onwards.[11][12]

The word "Geordie" can refer to a supporter of Newcastle United.[13] The Geordie Schooner glass was traditionally used to serve Newcastle Brown Ale.[14]

The Geordie dialect and identity are primarily associated with those of a working-class background.[15] A 2008 newspaper survey found the Geordie accent the "most attractive in England".[16]

Geographical coverage

When referring to the people, as opposed to the dialect, dictionary definitions of a Geordie typically refer to a native or inhabitant of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, or its environs,[17] an area that encompasses Blyth, Ashington, North Tyneside, Newcastle, South Tyneside and Gateshead.[18][19] This area has a combined population of around 700,000, based on 2011 census-data.

The term itself, according to Brockett, originated from all the North East coal mines.[2] The catchment area for the term "Geordie" can include Northumberland and County Durham[3][4] or be confined to an area as small as the city of Newcastle upon Tyne and the metropolitan boroughs of Tyneside.[1] Scott Dobson, the author of the book Larn Yersel Geordie, once stated that his grandmother, who was brought up in Byker, thought the miners were the true Geordies.[5] There is a theory the name comes from the Northumberland and Durham coal mines. Poems and songs written in this area in 1876 (according to the OED), speak of the "Geordie."[6]

Academics refer to the Geordie dialect as "Tyneside English".[20][21][22][23]


AC/DC singer Brian Johnson has a strong Geordie accent.[24]

A number of rival theories explain how the term "Geordie" came about, though all accept that it derives from a familiar diminutive form of the name George,[25] "a very common name among the pitmen"[2][26] (coal miners) in North East England; indeed, it was once the most popular name for eldest sons in the region.

One account traces the name to the times of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715. The Jacobites declared that the natives of Newcastle were staunch supporters of the Hanoverian kings, whose first representative George I reigned (1714-1727) at the time of the 1715 rebellion. Newcastle contrasted with rural Northumberland, which largely supported the Jacobite cause. In this case, the term "Geordie" may have derived from the popular anti-Hanoverian song "Cam Ye O'er Frae France?",[27] which calls the first Hanoverian king "Geordie Whelps", a play on "George the Guelph".

Another explanation for the name states that local miners in the northeast of England used Geordie safety lamps, designed by George Stephenson, known locally as "Geordie the engine-wright",[28] in 1815[29] rather than the competing Davy lamps, designed about the same time by Humphry Davy and used in other mining communities. Using the chronological order of two John Trotter Brockett books, Geordie was given to North East pitmen; later he acknowledges that the pitmen also christened their Stephenson lamp Geordie.[2][26]

Linguist Katie Wales[30] also dates the term earlier than does the current Oxford English Dictionary; she observes that Geordy (or Geordie) was a common name given to coal-mine pitmen in ballads and songs of the region, noting that such usage turns up as early as 1793. It occurs in the titles of two songs by songwriter Joe Wilson (1841–1875): "Geordy, Haud the Bairn" and "Keep your Feet Still, Geordie". Citing such examples as the song "Geordy Black", written by Rowland Harrison of Gateshead, she contends that, as a consequence of popular culture, the miner and the keelman had become icons of the region in the 19th century, and "Geordie" was a label that "affectionately and proudly reflected this," replacing the earlier ballad emblem, the figure of Bob Crankie.

In the English Dialect Dictionary of 1900, Joseph Wright gave as his fourth definition of "Geordie": A man from Tyneside; a miner; a north-country collier vessel, quoting two sources from Northumberland, one from East Durham and one from Australia. The source from Durham stated: "In South Tyneside even, this name was applied to the Lower Tyneside men."[31]

Newcastle publisher Frank Graham's Geordie Dictionary states:

The origin of the word Geordie has been a matter of much discussion and controversy. All the explanations are fanciful and not a single piece of genuine evidence has ever been produced.

In Graham's many years of research, the earliest record he found of the term's use dated to 1823 by local comedian Billy Purvis. Purvis had set up a booth at the Newcastle Races on the Town Moor. In an angry tirade against a rival showman, who had hired a young pitman called Tom Johnson to dress as a clown, Billy cried out to the clown:

Ah man, wee but a feul wad hae sold off his furnitor and left his wife. Noo, yor a fair doon reet feul, not an artificial feul like Billy Purvis! Thous a real Geordie! gan man an hide thysel! gan an' get thy picks agyen. Thou may de for the city, but never for the west end o' wor toon.[32]

(Rough translation: "Oh man, who but a fool would have sold off his furniture and left his wife? Now, you're a fair downright fool, not an artificial fool like Billy Purvis! You're a real Geordie! Go on, man, and hide yourself! Go on and get your picks [axes] again. You may do for the city, but never for the west end of our town!")

John Camden Hotten wrote in 1869: "Geordie, general term in Northumberland and Durham for a pitman, or coal-miner. Origin not known; the term has been in use more than a century."[4] Using Hotten[4] as a chronological reference, Geordie has been documented for at least 251 years as a term related to Northumberland and County Durham.

The name Bad-weather Geordy applied to cockle sellers:

As the season at which cockles are in greatest demand is generally the most stormy in the year – September to March – the sailors' wives at the seaport towns of Northumberland and Durham consider the cry of the cockle man as the harbinger of bad weather, and the sailor, when he hears the cry of 'cockles alive,' in a dark wintry night, concludes that a storm is at hand, and breathes a prayer, backwards, for the soul of Bad-Weather-Geordy.

S. Oliver, Rambles in Northumberland, 1835

Travel writer Scott Dobson used the term "Geordieland" in a 1973 guidebook to refer collectively to Northumberland and Durham.[3]

Linguistic surveys

The Survey of English Dialects included Earsdon and Heddon-on-the-Wall in its fieldwork, administering more than 1000 questions to local informants.[33]

The Linguistic Survey of Scotland included Cumberland and Northumberland (using pre-1974 boundaries) in its scope, collecting words through postal questionnaires.[34] Tyneside sites included Cullercoats, Earsdon, Forest Hall, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, Wallsend-on-Tyne and Whitley Bay.[35]


The phonemic notation used in this article is based on the set of symbols used by Watt & Allen (2003). Other scholars may use different transcriptions.


Geordie consonants generally follow those of Received Pronunciation, with these unique characteristics as follows:

  • /ɪŋ/ appearing in an unstressed final syllable of a word (such as in reading) is pronounced as [ən] (thus, reading is [ˈɹiːdən]).
  • Geordie is characterised by a unique type of glottal stops. /p, t, k/ can all be glottalised in Geordie, both at the end of a syllable and sometimes before a weak vowel.[36]
    • T-glottalisation, in which /t/ is realised by [ʔ] before a syllabic nasal (e.g., button as [ˈbʊʔn̩]), in absolute final position (get as [ɡɛʔ]), and whenever the /t/ is intervocalic so long as the latter vowel is not stressed (pity as [ˈpɪʔi]).
    • Glottaling in Geordie is often perceived as a full glottal stop [ʔ] but it is in fact more often realised as 'pre-glottalisation', which is 'an occlusion at the appropriate place of articulation and 'glottalisation', usually manifested as a short period of laryngealised voice before and/or after and often also during the stop gap'.[37] This type of glottal is unique to Tyneside English.[38]
  • Other voiceless stops, /p, k/, are glottally reinforced in medial position, and preaspirated in final position.[37]
  • The dialect is non-rhotic, like most British dialects, most commonly as an alveolar approximant [ɹ], although a labiodental realisation [ʋ] is also growing for younger females (this is also possible by older males, albeit rarer). Traditionally, intrusive R was not present, instead glottalising between boundaries, however is present in newer varieties.[37]
  • Yod-coalescence in both stressed and unstressed syllables (so that dew becomes [dʒɵʊ]).
  • /l/ is traditionally clear in all contexts, meaning the velarised allophone is absent. However, modern accents may periodically use [ɫ] in syllable final positions, sometimes it may even be vocalised (as in bottle [ˈbɒʔʊ]).[37]


Monophthongs of Geordie (from Watt & Allen (2003:268)). Some of these values may not be representative of all speakers.
Monophthongs of Geordie[39]
Front Central Back
unrounded rounded
short long short long
Close ɪ ʊ
Close-mid øː
Open-mid ɛ ɛː ə ɔː
Open a () ɒ ɒː
  • For some speakers, vowel length alternates with vowel quality in a very similar way to the Scottish vowel length rule.[39]
  • Vowel length is phonemic for many speakers of Geordie and there is often no other phonetic difference between /ɛ/ and /ɛː/ on one hand and /ɒ/ and /ɒː/ on the other.[39] If traditional dialect forms are considered, /a/ also has a phonemic long counterpart (/aː/), but they contrast only before voiceless consonants. There are minimal pairs such as tack /tak/ vs. talk /taːk/ (normal Geordie pronunciation: /tɔːk/). If they are disregarded, this [] is best regarded as a phonetic realisation of /ɔː/ in certain words (roughly, those spelt with a). It occurs only in broad Geordie. Another [] appears as an allophone of /a/ before final voiced consonants in words such as lad [laːd].[40]
Phonetic quality and phonemic incidence
  • /iː, uː/ are typically somewhat closer than in other varieties; /uː/ is also less prone to fronting than in other varieties of BrE and its quality is rather close to the cardinal [u]. However, younger women tend to use a central [ʉː] instead.[39]
  • /iː, uː/ are monophthongs [, ~ ʉː] only in morphologically closed syllables. In morphologically open syllables, they are realised as closing diphthongs [ei, ɵʊ]. This creates minimal pairs such as freeze [fɹiːz] vs. frees [fɹeiz] and bruise [bɹuːz ~ bɹʉːz] (hereafter transcribed with for the sake of simplicity) vs. brews [bɹɵʊz].[39][41]
  • The HAPPY vowel is tense [i] and is best analysed as belonging to the /iː/ phoneme.[42]
  • As other Northern English varieties, Geordie lacks the FOOT-STRUT split, so that words like cut, up and luck have the same /ʊ/ phoneme as put, sugar and butcher. The typical phonetic realisation is unrounded [ɤ], but it may be hypercorrected to [ə] among middle-class (especially female) speakers.[43]
  • The long close-mid vowels /eː, oː/ may be realised as monophthongs [, ] or as opening diphthongs [ɪə, ʊə]. Alternatively, /eː/ can be a closing diphthong [eɪ] and /oː/ can be centralised to [ɵː].[39] The opening diphthongs are recessive, as younger speakers reject them in favour of the monophthongal [, ~ ɵː].[44]
  • Other, now archaic, realisations of /oː/ include [] in snow [snaː] and [aʊ] in soldiers [ˈsaʊldʒɐz].[39]
  • Geordie does not always adhere to the same distributional patters of vowels found in Received Pronunciation or even the neighbouring accents. Examples of that include the words no and stone, which may be pronounced [niː] and [stɪən], so with vowels that are best analysed as belonging to the /iː/ and /iə/ phonemes.[39]
  • Many female speakers merge /oː/ with /ɔː/, but the exact phonetic quality of the merged vowel is uncertain.[39]
  • /øː/ may be phonetically [øː] or a higher, unrounded vowel [ɪː].[39] An RP-like vowel [ɜ̝ː] is also possible.[41]
  • In broad Geordie, /øː/ merges with /ɔː/ to [ɔː] under the influence of a uvular [ʁ] that once followed it (when Geordie was still a rhotic dialect).[41][45] The fact that the original /ɔː/ vowel is never hypercorrected to [øː] or [ɜ̝ː] suggests that either this merger was never categorical, or that speakers are unusually successful in sorting those vowels out again.[41]
  • The schwa /ə/ is often rather open ([ɐ]). It also tends to be longer in duration than the preceding stressed vowel, even if that vowel is phonologically long. Therefore, words such as water and meter are pronounced [ˈwɔd̰ɐː] and [ˈmid̰ɐː].[39] This feature is shared with the very conservative (Upper Crust) variety of Received Pronunciation.[46]
  • Words such as voices and ended have /ə/ in the second syllable (so /ˈvɔɪsəz, ˈɛndəd/), rather than the /ɪ/ of RP. That does not mean that Geordie has undergone the weak vowel merger because /ɪ/ can still be found in some unstressed syllables in place of the more usual /ə/. An example of that is the second syllable of seven /ˈsɛvɪn/, but it can also be pronounced with a simple schwa /ə/ instead. Certain weak forms also have /ɪ/ instead of /ə/; these include at /ɪt/, of /ɪv/, as /ɪz/, can /kɪn/ and us /ɪz/.[47]
  • As in other Northern English dialects, the BATH vowel is short /a/ in Geordie. There are very few exceptions to this rule; for instance, master, plaster and sometimes also disaster are pronounced with /ɒː/.[48]
  • Some speakers unround /ɒː/ to [ɑː].[39] Regardless of the rounding, the difference in backness between /ɒː/ and /a/ is very pronounced, a feature which Geordie shares with RP and some northern and midland cities such as Stoke-on-Trent and Derby, but not with the accents of the middle north.[40]
Part 1 of Geordie diphthongs (from Watt & Allen (2003:268))
Part 2 of Geordie diphthongs (from Watt & Allen (2003:268)). /æʊ/ has a considerable phonetic variation.
Diphthongs of Geordie[39]
Front Central Back
Start point Front æʊ
Back ɔɪ
  • The second elements of /iə, uə/ are commonly as open as the typical Geordie realisation of /ə/ ([ɐ]).[45]
  • The first element of /æʊ/ varies between [æ], [ä] and [ɛ].[37][49] Traditionally, this vowel was a monophthong [] (with town being pronounced close to RP toon) and this pronunciation can still be heard, as can a narrower diphthong [əu] (with town being pronounced close to RP tone).[47]
  • /aɪ/ is phonetically [äɪ], but the Scottish vowel length rule applied by some speakers of Geordie creates an additional allophone [ɛɪ] that has a shorter, higher and more front onset than the main allophone [äɪ]. [ɛɪ] is used in words such as knife [nɛɪf], whereas [äɪ] is used in e.g. knives [näɪvz].[39] For simplicity, both of them are written with in this article.


The Geordie dialect shares similarities with other Northern English dialects, as well as with the Scots language (See Rowe 2007, 2009).

In her column for the South Shields Gazette, Dorothy Samuelson-Sandvid attests many samples of Geordie language usage, such as the nouns bairn ("child")[50] and clarts ("mud");[51] the adjectives canny ("pleasant")[52] and clag ("sticky");[51] and the imperative verb phrase howay ("hurry up!"; "come on!")[53]

Howay is broadly comparable to the invocation "Come on!" or the French "Allez-y!" ("Go on!"). Examples of common use include Howay man!, meaning "come on" or "hurry up", Howay the lads! as a term of encouragement for a sports team for example (the players' tunnel at St James' Park has this phrase just above the entrance to the pitch), or Ho'way!? (with stress on the second syllable) expressing incredulity or disbelief.[54] The literal opposite of this phrase is haddaway ("go away"); although not as common as howay, it is perhaps most commonly used in the phrase "Haddaway an' shite" (Tom Hadaway, Figure 5.2 Haddaway an' shite; 'Cursing like sleet blackening the buds, raging at the monk of Jarrow scribbling his morality and judgement into a book.'[55]).

Another word, divvie or divvy ("idiot"), seems to come from the Co-op dividend,[56] or from the two Davy lamps (the more explosive Scotch Davy[57] used in 1850, commission disapproved of its use in 1886 (inventor not known, nicknamed Scotch Davy probably given by miners after the Davy lamp was made perhaps by north east miners who used the Stephenson Lamp[29][58]), and the later better designed Davy designed by Humphry Davy also called the Divvy.[59]) As in a north east miner saying 'Marra, ye keep way from me if ye usin a divvy.' It seems the word divvie then translated to daft lad/lass. Perhaps coming from the fact one would be seen as foolish going down a mine with a Scotch Divvy when there are safer lamps available, like the Geordie, or the Davy.

The Geordie word netty,[60] meaning a toilet and place of need and necessity for relief[60][61][62] or bathroom,[60][61][62] has an uncertain origin,[63] though some have theorised that it may come from slang used by Roman soldiers on Hadrian's Wall,[64] which may have later become gabinetti in the Romanic Italian language[64] (such as in the Westoe Netty, the subject of a famous painting from Bob Olley[64][65]). However, gabbinetto is the Modern Italian diminutive of gabbia, which actually derives from the Latin cavea ("hollow", "cavity", "enclosure"), the root of the loanwords that became the Modern English cave,[66] cage,[67] and gaol.[68] Thus, another explanation would be that it comes from a Modern Romanic Italian form of the word gabinetti,[63] though only a relatively small number of Italians have migrated to the North of England, mostly during the 19th century.[69]

Some etymologists connect the word netty to the Modern English word needy. John Trotter Brockett, writing in 1829 in his A glossary of north country words...,[62] claims that the etymon of netty (and its related form neddy) is the Modern English needy[70] and need.[71]

Bill Griffiths, in A Dictionary of North East Dialect, points to the earlier form, the Old English níd; he writes: "MS locates a possible early ex. "Robert Hovyngham sall make... at the other end of his house a knyttyng" York 1419, in which case the root could be OE níd 'necessary'".[61] Another related word, nessy is thought (by Griffiths) to derive from the Modern English "necessary".[61]

A poem called "Yam" narrated by author Douglas Kew, demonstrates the usage of a number of Geordie words.[72][73]

British Television presenters Anthony McPartlin and Declan Donnelly (famously known as Ant and Dec) are both from Newcastle upon Tyne.

Stand-up comedian Sarah Millican was born and brought up in South Shields, England.

The musicians Brian Johnson, Sting, Bryan Ferry, Sam Fender, Jimmy Nail, Mark Knopfler, Ginger Wildheart and Cheryl are Geordies.[106]

Brendan Foster,[107] Steve Cram and Sid Waddell[108] have all worked as television sports commentators.

Little Mix members Jade Thirlwall and Perrie Edwards, X Factor winner Joe McElderry, best-selling author Catherine Cookson, Hollywood director Ridley Scott and actor/comedian Eric Idle were all born in South Shields.

Dorfy, real name Dorothy Samuelson-Sandvid, was a noted Geordie dialect writer who once wrote for the South Shields Gazette.[109][110]

In the BBC Radio drama series The Archers, the character Ruth Archer is played as a Geordie.[111]

The MTV reality show Geordie Shore, first broadcast in 2011, is based in Newcastle upon Tyne.[112]

In Mark Knopfler's song "Sailing to Philadelphia", Jeremiah Dixon is described as a "Geordie boy".

gollark: Did you know? Bees are like deuterium, in that they are the most common form of hydrogen.
gollark: Says someone who never implemented Macron.
gollark: You're just like Macron 0.8. Quite bad.
gollark: I guess I'm right utterly and forever.
gollark: ++remind 2d Macron


  1. " – a person from Tyneside". Archived from the original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved 1 September 2007.
  2. Brockett, John Trotter (1829). A Glossary of North Country Words in Use with Their Etymology and Affinity to Other Languages, and Occasional Notices of Local Customs and Popular Superstitions. E. Charnley. p. 131. GEORDIE, George-a very common name among the pitmen. "How! Geordie man! how is't"
  3. Dobson, Scott (1973). A Light Hearted Guide to Geordieland. Graham. ISBN 978-0-902833-89-0. Plus Geordieland means Northumberland and Durham
  4. Camden Hotten, John (2004) [1869]. The Slang Dictionary: Or Vulgar Words, Street Phrases and Fast Expressions of High and Low Society (reprint ed.). p. 142. Retrieved 11 October 2007. Geordie, general term in Northumberland and Durham for a pitman, or coal-miner. Origin not known; the term has been in use more than a century
  5. "Geordie Accent and Dialect Origins". 2016. Retrieved 19 August 2017.
  6. "Geordie Guide: Defining Geordie". Newcastle University. 13 November 2019. Retrieved 13 November 2019.
  7. "Geordie: A regional dialect of English". The British Library. Retrieved 19 May 2020.
  8. Rowley, Tom (21 April 2012). "Are you Geordie, a Mackem or a Smoggie?". nechronicle. Retrieved 19 May 2020.
  9. Welford, Joanne (12 March 2018). "The day Ken Dodd learned not to call Teessiders 'Geordies'". gazettelive. Retrieved 19 May 2020.
  10. Simpson, David (2009). "Venerable Bede". Retrieved 6 August 2010. Bede's Latin poems seem to translate more successfully into Geordie than into modern day English!
  11. Hickey, Raymond (January 2002). A Source Book for Irish English. ISBN 9027237530. Retrieved 27 October 2014.
  12. "Migration of Irish to Newcastle upon Tyne and Weetslade Northumberland". Retrieved 27 October 2014.
  13. "Andy Gray & Richard Keys: EPL predictions". Archived from the original on 27 August 2013. Retrieved 29 August 2013.
  14. Ewalt, David M. "Meet The Geordie Schooner". Forbes.
  15. Nickel, Sebastian (2017). "The Geordie Dialect. On Language Identity and the Social Perception of Tyneside English". Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  16. 24/09/2008 22:31 (24 September 2008). "Scots accent is UK's second favourite - UK -". The Scotsman. Archived from the original on 29 March 2009. Retrieved 15 June 2013.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  17. freedictionary. "Geordie". Retrieved 7 October 2018.
  18. "Jarrow Song". Retrieved 7 October 2008.
  19. "Blaydon Races". Archived from the original on 6 November 2007. Retrieved 29 September 2007.
  20. Keuchler (2010)
  21. Simmelbauer (2000:27)
  22. Watt (2000:69–101)
  23. Watt & Allen (2003:267–271)
  24. "Ac/Dc's Brian Johnson To Receive Honorary Doctorate From U.K.'S Northumbria University". Blabbermouth. 12 December 2016.
  25. " – from the given name George". Archived from the original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved 1 September 2007.
  26. Brockett, John Trotter (1846). A Glossary of North Country Words (revised ed.). p. 187. GEORDIE, George – a very common name among the pitmen. 'How! Geordie man! How is't' The Pitmen have given the name of Geordie to Mr George Stephenson's lamp in contra-distinction of the Davy, or Sir Humphry Davy's Lamp.
  27. Recorded by the folk group Steeleye Span on their album Parcel of Rogues, 1973.
  28. Smiles, Samuel (1862). "chapter 8". The lives of the engineers. III.
  29. Smiles, Samuel (1859). The Life of George Stephenson, Railway Engineer. Ticknor and Fields. p. 120. As to the value of the invention of the safety lamp, there could be no doubt; and the colliery owners of Durham and Northumberland, to testify their sense of its importance, determined to present a testimonial to its inventor.
  30. Katie Wales (2006). Northern English: A Cultural and Social History. Cambridge University Press. pp. 134–136. ISBN 978-0-521-86107-6.
  31. Wright, Joseph (1900). English Dialect Dictionary Volume 2: D-G. London: Henry Frowde. p. 597.
  32. Arthur, T. (1875). The Life of Billy Purvis. S. Cowan and Co., Strathmore Printing Works, Perth. p. 82. Retrieved 27 October 2014.
  33. Orton, Harold; Halliday, Wilfrid J (1962). Survey of English Dialects: Volume 1 Basic Material, Six Northern Counties and Man: Part 1. Leeds: EJ Arnold & Son. pp. 17–18.
  34. Petyt, Keith Malcolm (1980). The Study of Dialect: An introduction to dialectology. Andre Deutsch. pp. 94–96. ISBN 0233972129.
  35. Mather, J.Y; Spetiel, H.H.; Leslie, G.W. (1977). The Linguistic Atlas of Scotland: Scots Section, Volume 2. Hamden, Connecticut: Archon Books. pp. 212–213. ISBN 0208014756.
  36. Wells (1982), p. 374.
  37. Watt & Allen (2003), p. 268.
  38. Docherty & Foulkes (2005). Hardcastle & Mackenzie Beck (ed.). Glottal variants of (t) in the Tyneside variety of English: an acoustic profiling study. A Figure of Speech – a Festschrift for John Laver. London: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 173–199.
  39. Watt & Allen (2003), p. 269.
  40. Wells (1982), pp. 360, 375.
  41. Wells (1982), p. 375.
  42. Wells (1982), pp. 362, 376.
  43. Beal (2004), pp. 121–122.
  44. Beal (2004), pp. 123–124.
  45. Beal (2004), p. 126.
  46. Wells (1982), p. 283.
  47. Wells (1982), p. 376.
  48. Beal (2004), pp. 122–123.
  49. Wells (1982), pp. 375–376.
  50. "Dorfy looking fondly back on her youth". South Shields Gazette. 29 July 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. Aa wuz a bairn.
  51. "Here's a word from Dorfy". South Shields Gazette. 17 March 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. Wor Geordie taalk is hyemly taalk; an wawds like 'clag' and 'clarts'
  52. "Here's a word from Dorfy". South Shields Gazette. 17 March 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. Is canny, friendly, hyemly wawds that waarms aall Geordie hearts.
  53. "Here's a word from Dorfy". South Shields Gazette. 17 March 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. wawds y've nigh forgot – ""Howay!"" ""Gan on!""
  54. "Dorphy dialog". Archived from the original on 13 April 2003. Retrieved 4 November 2007.
  55. Colls, Robert; Lancaster, Bill; Bryne, David; Carr, Barry; Hadaway, Tom; Knox, Elaine; Plater, Alan; Taylor, Harvey; Williamson; Younger, Paul (2005). Geordies. Northumbria University Press. p. 90. ISBN 978-1-904794-12-7. Hadaway an' shite; 'Cursing like sleet blackening the buds, raging at the monk of Jarrow scribbling his morality and judgement into a book.'
  56. IMS: Customer Satisfaction: BIP2005 (Integrated Management Systems). BSI Standards. 2003. p. 10. ISBN 978-0-580-41426-8. An early example, which may be remembered by older readers was the Co-op dividend or 'divvie'. On paying their bill, shoppers would quote a number recorded ...
  57. Henderson, Clarks. "NEIMME: Lamps – No. 14. SCOTCH DAVY LAMP". Archived from the original on 20 November 2008. Retrieved 2 December 2007. CONSTRUCTION. Gauzes. Cylindrical, 2 ins diameter. 41/2" high with conical top, a double gauze 1 ins. in depth at the peak. 24 mesh iron. Light. Candle.
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  60. Graham, Frank (November 1986). The Geordie Netty: A Short History and Guide. Butler Publishing; New Ed edition. ISBN 978-0-946928-08-8.
  61. Griffiths, Bill (1 December 2005). A Dictionary of North East Dialect. Northumbria University Press. p. 122. ISBN 978-1-904794-16-5. Netty outside toilet, Ex.JG Annfield Plain 1930s. "nessy or netty" Newbiggin-in-Teesdale C20/mid; "outside netties" Dobson Tyne 1972; 'lavatory' Graham Geordie 1979. EDD distribution to 1900: N'd. NE 2001: in circulation. ?C18 nessy from necessary; ? Ital. cabinette; Raine MS locates a possible early ex. "Robert Hovyngham sall make... at the other end of hys house knyttyng" York 1419, in which case root could be OE nid 'necessity'. Plus "to go to the Necessary" (public toilet) Errington p.67 Newcastle re 1800s: "lav" Northumbrian III C20/2 re Crawcrook; "oot back" G'head 2001 Q; "larty – toilet, a children's word, the school larties'" MM S.Shields C20/2 lavatory
  62. Trotter Brockett, John (1829). A glossary of north country words, in use. From an original manuscript, with additions. Oxford University. p. 214. NEDDY, NETTY, a certain place that will not bear a written explanation; but which is depleted to the very life in a tail-piece in the first edition of Bewick's Land Birds, p. 285. In the second edition a bar is placed against the offending part of this broad display of native humour. Etymon needy, a place of need or necessity.
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  64. Wainwright, Martin (4 April 2007). "Urinal finds museum home". The Guardian. London. Retrieved 8 October 2007. the urinals have linguistic distinction: the Geordie word "netty" for lavatory derives from Roman slang on Hadrian's Wall which became "gabinetto" in Italian
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  96. "A housewife's lot, according to Dorfy". South Shields Gazette. 22 July 2009. Archived from the original on 5 August 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. NEEBODY seems t' reelise that a hooswife aalwiz...
  97. "Dorfy loses her bus ticket". South Shields Gazette. 30 April 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012.
  98. "Dorfy always found something to say". South Shields Gazette. 27 May 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. that had been shifted oot..
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  104. "Dorfy always found something to say". South Shields Gazette. 27 May 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. w' got worsel's interested...
  105. "Dorfy always found something to say". South Shields Gazette. 27 May 2009. Retrieved 13 May 2012. y' kin set doon as...
  106. Welford, Gary (26 April 2012). "Geordie stars Sting, Mark Knopfler and Brian Johnson in music's rich list". Shields Gazette. Shields:
  107. Smith, Graeme (17 April 2000). "The long road well taken; Graeme Smith FACE TO FACE with Brendan Foster". The Herald. Glasgow.
  108. Walters, Mike (18 December 2008). "Darts commentary legend Sid Waddell hopes he discovered the next Doctor Who". Daily Mirror.
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  110. Sandvid, D (1970). Basinful o' Geordie: Tyneside Readings. H Hill. ISBN 978-0-900463-11-2.
  111. Staff (1 January 2011). "60 things you never knew you wanted to know about The Archers". The Independent. London. Retrieved 31 July 2018.
  112. "U.K. 'Shore' lifts MTV". 25 May 2011.

Additional references

  • Beal, Joan (2004), "English dialects in the North of England: phonology", in Schneider, Edgar W.; Burridge, Kate; Kortmann, Bernd; Mesthrie, Rajend; Upton, Clive (eds.), A handbook of varieties of English, 1: Phonology, Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 113–133, ISBN 3-11-017532-0
  • Keuchler, Karsten (2010), Geordie Accent and Tyneside English, GRIN Verlag, ISBN 978-3640742738
  • Rowe, Charley (2007), "He divn't gan tiv a college ti di that, man! A study of do (and to) in Tyneside English", Language Sciences, 12 (2): 360–371, doi:10.1016/j.langsci.2006.12.013
  • Rowe, Charley (2009), Salience and resilience in a set of Tyneside English shibboleths, Language Variation: European Perspectives II, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 191–204
  • Simmelbauer, Andrea (2000), The dialect of Northumberland: A lexical investigation, Anglistische Forschungen, Universitätsverlag C. Winter, ISBN 978-3825309343
  • Watt, Dominic (2000), "Phonetic parallels between the close–mid vowels of Tyneside English: Are they internally or externally motivated?", Language Variation and Change, 12 (1): 69–101, doi:10.1017/S0954394500121040
  • Watt, Dominic; Allen, William (2003), "Tyneside English", Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 33 (2): 267–271, doi:10.1017/S0025100303001397
  • Wells, John C. (1982), Accents of English, Volume 2: The British Isles (pp. i–xx, 279–466), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-52128540-2

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