911 (number)

911 (nine hundred [and] eleven) is the integer following 910 and preceding 912.

910 911 912
Cardinalnine hundred eleven
(nine hundred eleventh)
Greek numeralϠΙΑ´
Roman numeralCMXI

It is a prime number, a Sophie Germain prime and the sum of three consecutive primes (293 + 307 + 311). It is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n  1. Since 913 is a semiprime, 911 is a Chen prime. It is also a centered decagonal number.[1]

There are 911 inverse semigroups of order 7 (sequence A001428 in the OEIS)

911 is obtained by concatenating its product of digits and sum of digits.

As "911" or "9/11", typically pronounced "nine-eleven", it is commonly used to refer the calendar dates November 9 or September 11, depending on which date notation is used. The latter usage most commonly refers to the North American emergency telephone number, see 9-1-1, or the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.

See also


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