384 (number)

384 (three hundred [and] eighty-four) is the natural number following 383 and preceding 385. It is an even composite positive integer.

383 384 385
Cardinalthree hundred eighty-four
(three hundred eighty-fourth)
Factorization27 × 3
Greek numeralΤΠΔ´
Roman numeralCCCLXXXIV

In mathematics

384 is:


Being a low multiple of a power of two, 384 occurs often in the field of computing. For example, the digest length of the secure hash function SHA-384, the screen resolution of Virtual Boy is 384x224, MP3 Audio layer 1 encoding is 384 kibps, in 3G phones the WAN implementation of CDMA is up to 384 kbit/s.

In other fields

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gollark: It's neat but nobody uses it.
gollark: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/apiformis ← retroactive infiltration of wiktionary.
gollark: * do
gollark: No, the other 450 packages od.


  1. "Sloane's A000165 : Double factorials". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-30.
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