1994 Labour Party deputy leadership election

A deputy leadership election for the Labour Party in the United Kingdom took place in 1994, after the sudden death of incumbent leader John Smith. Margaret Beckett was the serving Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, having been elected in 1992, and following Smith's death became the acting leader. On 25 May she announced that a contest for the deputy leadership would take place alongside the leadership election, which allowed her to stand for both positions.[1]

1994 Labour Party deputy leadership election
30 June – 21 July 1994 (1994-06-30 1994-07-21)
Candidate John Prescott Margaret Beckett
Overall result 56.5% 43.5%
Affiliated unions 56.6% 43.4%
Party members 59.5% 40.5%
MPs & MEPs 53.8% 46.2%

Deputy Leader before election

Margaret Beckett

Elected Deputy Leader

John Prescott

Nominations opened on 10 June and ballot papers were sent out on 30 June.[2] Elections were held concurrently for both Leader and Deputy Leader of the Party, with the results announced on 21 July 1994. There were three candidates for Leader: Margaret Beckett, Tony Blair and John Prescott, but out of these three, only Blair did not simultaneously stand for Deputy Leader. Blair went on to win the leadership election, and Prescott won the deputy leadership. Both Prescott and Beckett held roles in Blair's cabinet for his entire time in office.



The election was conducted using the Labour Party's new "electoral college" which gave a third of the votes to the party's MPs and MEPs, a third to its rank and file members (the CLP) and the final third to affiliated trade unions and societies, such as the Fabians.

Candidate[3] Affiliated
Overall result
Votes % Votes % Votes % %
John Prescott Y 441,155 56.6 102,379 59.5 176 53.8 56.5
Margaret Beckett 338,271 43.4 69,977 40.5 151 46.2 43.5

How each MP voted


MPLeader voteDeputy Leader vote
Diane AbbottMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Irene AdamsJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Nick AingerTony BlairJohn Prescott
Bob AinsworthTony BlairJohn Prescott
Graham AllenTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Donald AndersonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Janet AndersonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Hilary ArmstrongTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Joe AshtonTony BlairJohn Prescott
John Austin-WalkerMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Tony BanksMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Harry BarnesMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Kevin BarronTony BlairJohn Prescott
John BattleMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Hugh BayleyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Margaret BeckettMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Stuart BellTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Tony BennJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Andrew BennettJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Joe BentonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Gerry BerminghamTony BlairJohn Prescott
Roger BerryJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Clive BettsTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Tony BlairTony BlairNone
David BlunkettTony BlairJohn Prescott
Paul BoatengTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Roland BoyesMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Keith BradleyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Jeremy BrayTony BlairJohn Prescott
Gordon BrownTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Nick BrownMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Richard BurdenTony BlairJohn Prescott
Stephen ByersTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Richard CabornJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Jim CallaghanTony BlairJohn Prescott
Anne CampbellTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Ronnie CampbellJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Dale Campbell-SavoursTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Dennis CanavanMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Jamie CannTony BlairJohn Prescott
Malcolm ChisholmMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Judith ChurchTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Michael ClaphamJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
David ClarkTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Eric ClarkeJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Tom ClarkeTony BlairMargaret Beckett
David ClellandTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Ann ClwydTony BlairJohn Prescott
Ann CoffeyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Harry CohenMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Michael ConnartyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Robin CookTony BlairJohn Prescott
Frank CookJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Robin CorbettTony BlairJohn Prescott
Jeremy CorbynMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Jean CorstonMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Jim CousinsMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Tom CoxTony BlairMargaret Beckett
John CummingsTony BlairJohn Prescott
Lawrence CunliffeTony BlairJohn Prescott
Jack CunninghamTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Jim CunninghamTony BlairJohn Prescott
Tam DalyellJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Alistair DarlingTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Ian DavidsonJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Bryan DaviesTony BlairJohn Prescott
Denzil DaviesJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Ron DaviesTony BlairJohn Prescott
Terry DavisJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
John DenhamTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Donald DewarTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Don DixonJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Frank DobsonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Brian DonohoeJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Jim DowdTony BlairJohn Prescott
Jimmy DunnachieTony BlairJohn Prescott
Gwyneth DunwoodyJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Angela EagleMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Ken EasthamJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Derek EnrightTony BlairJohn Prescott
Bill EtheringtonJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
John EvansTony BlairJohn Prescott
Derek FatchettMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Andrew FauldsTony BlairJohn Prescott
Frank FieldTony BlairJohn Prescott
Mark FisherTony BlairJohn Prescott
Paul FlynnTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Derek FosterTony BlairMargaret Beckett
George FoulkesTony BlairJohn Prescott
John FraserTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Maria FyfeMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Sam GalbraithTony BlairMargaret Beckett
George GallowayNoneNone
Mike GapesTony BlairMargaret Beckett
John GarrettTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Bruce GeorgeTony BlairJohn Prescott
Neil GerrardMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
John GilbertTony BlairJohn Prescott
Norman GodmanJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Roger GodsiffNoneNone
Llin GoldingMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Mildred GordonMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Tommy GrahamJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Bernie GrantMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Nigel GriffithsTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Win GriffithsTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Bruce GrocottTony BlairJohn Prescott
John GunnellTony BlairJohn Prescott
Peter HainMargaret BeckettJohn Prescott
Mike HallJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
David HansonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Peter HardyTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Harriet HarmanTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Roy HattersleyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Doug HendersonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
John HeppellMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Keith HillTony BlairMargaret Beckett
David HinchliffeJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Margaret HodgeTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Kate HoeyTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Norman HoggTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Jimmy HoodJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Geoff HoonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
George HowarthTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Kim HowellsTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Doug HoyleJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Bob HughesJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Kevin HughesTony BlairJohn Prescott
Roy HughesTony BlairJohn Prescott
John HuttonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Eric IllsleyJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Adam IngramTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Glenda JacksonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Helen JacksonMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
David JamiesonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Greville JannerTony BlairJohn Prescott
Barry JonesTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Jon Owen JonesTony BlairJohn Prescott
Lynne JonesMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Martyn JonesJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Tessa JowellTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Gerald KaufmanTony BlairJohn Prescott
Alan KeenTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Jane KennedyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Piara KhabraTony BlairJohn Prescott
Peter KilfoyleTony BlairJohn Prescott
Neil KinnockTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Joan LestorJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Terry LewisMargaret BeckettJohn Prescott
Helen LiddellTony BlairJohn Prescott
Bob LitherlandJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Ken LivingstoneMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Tony LloydJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Geoffrey LofthouseTony BlairJohn Prescott
Eddie LoydenMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Calum MacDonaldTony BlairJohn Prescott
Andrew MackinlayMargaret BeckettJohn Prescott
Max MaddenMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Alice MahonMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Peter MandelsonTony BlairJohn Prescott
John MarekMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
David MarshallJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Jim MarshallMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Michael MartinTony BlairJohn Prescott
Eric MartlewTony BlairJohn Prescott
John MaxtonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
John McAllionJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Tommy McAvoyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Ian McCartneyJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
John McFallTony BlairJohn Prescott
Willie McKelveyJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Henry McLeishTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Gordon McMasterJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Kevin McNamaraTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Denis MacShaneTony BlairJohn Prescott
John McWilliamTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Michael MeacherJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Alan MealeJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Alun MichaelTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Bill MichieMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Alan MilburnTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Andrew MillerTony BlairJohn Prescott
Austin MitchellTony BlairJohn Prescott
Lewis MoonieTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Rhodri MorganTony BlairJohn Prescott
Elliot MorleyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Alf MorrisTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Estelle MorrisTony BlairJohn Prescott
John MorrisTony BlairJohn Prescott
Mo MowlamTony BlairJohn Prescott
George MudieTony BlairJohn Prescott
Chris MullinTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Paul MurphyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Mike O'BrienTony BlairJohn Prescott
Bill O'BrienTony BlairJohn Prescott
Eddie O'HaraTony BlairJohn Prescott
Martin O'NeillTony BlairJohn Prescott
Gordon OakesTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Bill OlnerTony BlairJohn Prescott
Stan OrmeTony BlairJohn Prescott
Bob ParryJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Terry PatchettJohn PrescottSpoilt
Tom PendryTony BlairJohn Prescott
Colin PickthallJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Peter PikeMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Greg PopeTony BlairJohn Prescott
Ray PowellJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Bridget PrenticeTony BlairJohn Prescott
Gordon PrenticeMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
John PrescottJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Dawn PrimaroloMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Ken PurchaseMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Joyce QuinTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Giles RadiceTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Stuart RandallTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Nick RaynsfordTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Martin RedmondJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
John ReidTony BlairJohn Prescott
George RobertsonTony BlairMargaret Beckett
John Home RobertsonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Geoffrey RobinsonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Barbara RocheMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Allan RogersTony BlairJohn Prescott
Jeff RookerTony BlairJohn Prescott
Terry RooneyMargaret BeckettJohn Prescott
Ernie RossTony BlairJohn Prescott
Ted RowlandsTony BlairJohn Prescott
Joan RuddockTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Brian SedgemoreMargaret BeckettJohn Prescott
Barry SheermanTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Robert SheldonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Peter ShoreTony BlairJohn Prescott
Clare ShortMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Alan SimpsonMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Dennis SkinnerMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Andrew SmithTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Chris SmithTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Llew SmithJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Peter SnapeJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Clive SoleyTony BlairJohn Prescott
Nigel SpearingMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
John SpellarTony BlairJohn Prescott
Rachel SquireTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Gerry SteinbergTony BlairJohn Prescott
George StevensonMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Roger StottTony BlairJohn Prescott
Gavin StrangTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Jack StrawTony BlairNone
Gerry SutcliffeTony BlairJohn Prescott
Ann TaylorTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Jack ThompsonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Stephen TimmsTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Paddy TippingMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Dennis TurnerTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Keith VazTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Harold WalkerTony BlairJohn Prescott
Joan WalleyJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Gareth WardellNoneNone
Bob WareingJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Mike WatsonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Malcolm WicksTony BlairJohn Prescott
Alan J. WilliamsTony BlairJohn Prescott
Alan W. WilliamsTony BlairMargaret Beckett
Brian WilsonTony BlairJohn Prescott
David WinnickJohn PrescottMargaret Beckett
Audrey WiseMargaret BeckettMargaret Beckett
Tony WorthingtonTony BlairJohn Prescott
Jimmy WrayJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
Tony WrightTony BlairJohn Prescott
David YoungJohn PrescottJohn Prescott
gollark: I wanted to implement coral's `idea: trap segfaults and mmap data at the erroring position`.
gollark: 🐝 that, safety = 🐝.
gollark: Well, Windows bad.
gollark: Basically, if a segfault happened it would make it not segfault in some way.
gollark: I wanted an automatic segfault fixer.

See also


  1. Wintour, Patrick (26 May 1994). "Beckett puts job on line in Labour vote". The Guardian.
  2. Wintour, Patrick (26 May 1994). "Move to ease ballot costs". The Guardian.
  3. Rentoul, John (20 June 2013). Tony Blair: Prime Minister. Faber & Faber. ISBN 9780571299874. Retrieved 17 January 2016.
  4. Criddle, Byron; Waller, Robert (1996). The Almanac of British Politics (5th ed.). London: Routledge. pp. xxx–xxxvi. ISBN 0-415-11805-0.
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