Tag: window-manager

1 Window Management for Mac OS X 2010-07-28T14:55:52.073

1 Is there a way to indicate/show "runas" user or administrative rights in the titlebar of a window in windows7? 2010-08-12T08:24:59.383

1 gnome window positioning shortcuts 2010-09-04T14:40:11.787

1 Install Ion3 Window Manager on OSX? 2010-09-26T14:02:23.530

1 Ubuntu: How to move windows in batch from one display to another? 2010-09-26T19:08:47.567

1 Tool for selecting window by searching in X11? 2010-10-07T17:15:04.983

1 Running Linux as a desktop with KDE/Gnome but without 'X server' 2010-10-14T21:21:17.523

1 Tiling Window Manager for Windows 7 2010-11-13T22:54:50.970

1 How to hide a Direct3d window? 2010-12-10T02:27:47.817

1 How does Compiz decide which windows should be sticky? 2010-12-14T21:41:52.453

1 How to specify where new program window appears? 2011-01-25T04:20:26.617

1 ubuntu Multi-Monitor with multiple computers (monitor sharing) 2011-03-04T00:19:06.480

1 Good window management grid keyboard shortcuts on keyboards without a numeric keypad 2011-03-19T06:40:24.913

1 Set an app to Full Screen mode, but keep windowed? 2011-04-03T10:07:20.377

1 Drag and drop open Windows from server to client and client to server 2011-04-07T09:20:36.837

1 Lightweight window manager with some requirements 2011-05-16T14:05:28.747

1 How to switch from KDE to Xfce in OpenSuse 2011-06-01T00:51:00.340

1 How to force-resize a window in OS X? 2011-06-26T00:07:21.213

1 What it the location of Window manager on Mac OS X? 2011-06-30T10:19:31.973

1 Can we group only items other than Firefox in the Windows XP taskbar? 2011-07-12T01:32:15.210

1 I want to change the size of a "restored" window. How do I go about doing that? 2011-07-17T14:05:14.307

1 What happens with the off-screen front buffers in Windows 7 when DWM is disabled? 2011-07-29T16:23:56.900

1 Seeking Linux window manager, programmable, mouse optional, drag and drop photos 2011-08-16T03:31:13.640

1 Are there any Windows equivalents to Apple's Mission Control 2011-09-23T15:07:04.517

1 Unity window keyboard shortcuts in Xubuntu 2011-11-02T22:51:50.377

1 Application switcher for KDE 2011-11-14T18:07:59.250

1 How can I set a minimum of workspaces which should always stay available in Gnome 3? 2011-11-17T03:02:38.557

1 The most lightweighted VNC server and window-manager for Fedora? 2011-12-04T22:38:43.250

1 how to avoid overlaying part of screen when maximizing window 2011-12-20T15:30:36.433

1 Program to customize a window in Windows (Vista)? 2012-01-08T01:25:51.397

1 Allow window overlap in awesome WM floating mode? 2012-01-15T22:44:41.577

1 Show window titles in window switcher in Ubuntu 2012-02-26T18:42:39.963

1 Multi screen and tags in awesome wm 2012-04-05T14:31:04.523

1 tiling WM with resizable stack windows? 2012-04-21T16:21:09.883

1 How to change tiling layout in KDE 4.7 2012-04-26T18:07:43.153

1 How to resize tiled windows in KDE? 2012-05-19T22:20:25.720

1 GNOME 2 + Compiz equivalent? 2012-07-08T21:39:46.153

1 Multiple viewports into the same Virtual Desktop 2012-07-10T16:25:12.663

1 VNC over SSH with XY flags? 2012-10-02T15:33:51.117

1 How to bring floated window on top above another in dwm window manager? 2012-10-16T13:45:57.657

1 How to switch between shell windows in dwm window manager? 2012-10-16T14:04:33.467

1 Tiling window manager where dual heads share common workspace 2012-10-29T15:37:16.850

1 Ubuntu 12.04 Unity: how to assign applications to specific workspaces? 2013-02-14T11:36:38.483

1 Restarting window manager on Windows 8 2013-04-07T13:36:45.880

1 can I set mouse focus in OSX 2013-05-08T19:56:01.450

1 Can't bring windows forward in Windows 8 unless I click on icon in taskbar 2013-05-10T19:15:46.857

1 Emacs window management and switching buffers 2013-06-22T02:42:19.343

1 wmii on Debian not working 2013-06-24T00:03:28.753

1 right-click (xdg-open) opened up some opaque windows covering my screen; xkill won't kill them 2013-08-23T02:53:48.777

1 Fedora window manager list 2013-10-29T19:10:13.413

1 Sxhkd not recognising percent key (bspwm) 2014-02-10T08:12:03.317

1 Viewport based window manager? 2014-03-13T20:56:43.110

1 how to resize window to quarter screen width and height in slate 2014-04-17T10:09:08.820

1 Trying to install new wm broke lightdm 2014-04-22T02:57:54.370

1 How can I keep KeePassX *always* on the current workspace? 2014-05-15T02:58:55.070

1 In suse linux, how do I control where a new window will pop up? 2014-06-03T21:15:41.830

1 Why is vlc systray icon in i3 status bar 2014-07-19T02:52:44.333

1 How to force xscreensaver to stay on top? 2014-09-17T06:38:07.607

1 Why does i3 Window Manager make a blank section? 2014-11-18T21:28:59.817

1 Mac OS X Yosemite global keybinding management 2015-01-05T10:54:55.660

1 How can I permanently rename a window (in XFCE)? 2015-02-02T11:16:36.133

1 Is there any Unix window manager that looks like it is from a sci fi movie? 2015-04-19T17:11:23.777

1 Divide the screen in windows 7 2015-06-24T06:50:14.277

1 WindowManager: who is creating Documents/Video/Pictures/etc. in home directory 2016-03-09T17:32:52.923

1 Windows 8.1 mouse locked at 30fps on 60fps monitor 2016-04-23T22:07:04.290

1 do not follow mouse focus 2016-04-30T12:38:26.613

1 Browser inside a browser 2016-05-02T08:43:16.087

1 Snap windows to parts of the screen on Windows 8.1 using keyboard shortcuts like Ubuntu Unity 2016-07-24T04:17:34.583

1 Run i3 (4.12) inside of Gnome (3.20.3) 2016-08-13T23:36:11.050

1 Window manager for Linux (like i3) - usage workflow? 2016-11-09T10:24:30.087

1 Force floating window to background awesome wm 2016-12-22T17:39:59.510

1 Single window mode in Windows 2017-01-28T18:23:44.323

1 Why windows are disappearing in my Fedora 23 cinnamon after being minimized? 2017-02-01T21:23:18.893

1 Divide desktop into areas and windows resize and snap to them 2017-07-21T12:24:22.017

1 How to disable automatic minimize window when clicking outside of this window? I'm using Xubuntu 14.04 2017-12-14T19:42:37.820

1 How can I use conky with own_window_type=panel to create a conky window along the top edge of the screen which does not overlap with other windows? 2018-04-13T22:56:31.217

1 Quartz Compositor and other window managers of macOS 2018-04-16T21:01:24.150

1 Awesome window manager does not start 2018-10-29T15:36:30.873

1 Windows 10 - move window between multiple displays 2018-12-20T21:38:04.403

1 How to edit with imagemagick with tiling window manager? 2019-04-18T13:45:36.207

1 Problems with bspwm with multiple displays 2019-05-31T20:14:53.280

1 android-studio "Startup Error: Unable to detect graphics environment" with swaywm 2019-08-04T12:19:25.800

1 Is it possible in Linux to have vertical taskbar with ungrouped windows and showing all window titles? 2019-09-20T03:40:51.803

1 How to start a web browser as a "shell"? 2019-10-30T19:24:35.677

1 Manage Windows and linux programs with a Linux (WSL) window manager 2019-11-01T12:14:28.083

1 I can't use the window manager of my choice, nor the display manager 2020-01-18T22:46:49.427

0 How to change default window manager in ubuntu to enlightenment 2009-10-13T19:12:35.157

0 How do I dock a pidgin window in X? 2009-12-02T16:00:25.393

0 WinXP: window focus messed up 2009-12-04T17:50:27.327

0 *nix window manager that places window list on window title bar? 2009-12-10T23:14:45.780

0 How match 'other' applications to a tag in awesome-wm? 2010-03-24T13:24:17.120

0 Possible to install Xmonad on Ubuntu separate from Gnome? 2010-06-07T10:30:21.707

0 How do I prevent new windows on one of my screens in Gnome? 2010-06-22T15:30:35.810

0 Is there a plugin for compiz that uses a certain window as a desktop background? 2010-06-30T06:44:11.370

0 Make openbox automatically start to use a specific gtk profile 2010-07-07T00:15:23.693

0 Seek for perfect window manager 2010-07-11T16:20:57.077

0 How to make window occupy all the left screenspace using Gnome window manager? 2010-07-29T07:04:41.363

0 Laptop logging out of window manager a few minutes after boot up and login 2010-09-01T16:32:12.903

0 Lock application window movement on Mac OS X 2010-11-26T12:25:42.397