How to edit with imagemagick with tiling window manager?


In my mostly default xmonad configuration, editing images is almost impossible because all tool windows (like crop or filetype selection) are spawned too small and at random places and are difficult to navigate.

On top of that, if the application doesn't take full screen and is resized or moved, I see image leftovers in the background which should be blank (I have no wallpaper).

Who's to fault? The application or the tiling manager?

Is there a principled way to deal with this problem?


Posted 2019-04-18T13:45:36.207

Reputation: 133

"I see image leftovers in the background which should be blank (I have no wallpaper)." - have you tried using a "black image" as the wallpaper? – Attie – 2019-04-18T13:49:36.287

I'd probably suggest not using a tiling window manager... can you share a screenshot that demonstrates the issue? – Attie – 2019-04-18T13:50:26.990

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