How do I dock a pidgin window in X?



Using the Windows Pidgin Options plugin, I can make the buddy list be dockable. If I dock it, other windows avoid it when maximising themselves. How do I do the same thing in X?


Posted 2009-12-02T16:00:25.393

Reputation: 518


Check this out.

– digitxp – 2010-08-24T14:51:51.923



That depends on your window manager. For example, Fluxbox has no such feature, while wmii is a tiled window manager that organizes windows in columns and keeps windows from overlapping in most circumstances.

Ken Bloom

Posted 2009-12-02T16:00:25.393

Reputation: 489

that is more a lack of feature on the side of pidgin, fluxbox supports so called "struts" (some panels provide them) where the app tells the windowmanager to reserce a certain area on the screen where maximized windows are kept away from ... – akira – 2010-04-04T17:11:44.320

@akiraL I don't think the Pidgin developers see their buddy list as a panel. (It's pretty wide.) If they did, they would have designed it differently, to pop out or something. – Ken Bloom – 2010-04-12T21:06:01.633

they can see it as what they want, if they want the wm to not maximize windows over it they have to tell the wm its a "panel". – akira – 2010-05-06T12:11:27.913

@akira: they don't see it as a panel, therefore they decided not to tell the wm that it's a panel. If you want the WM to see it as a panel, then you have to patch pidgin. – Ken Bloom – 2010-05-12T18:02:56.803


never heard about AllTray?

Take a look.


Posted 2009-12-02T16:00:25.393

Reputation: 1 894

I hadn't; thanks for pointing it out. I'm afraid it's not what I'm looking for; I'm interested in docking a window to the edge of the screen, rather than hiding it in a system tray. Pidgin already displays a notification area icon anyway. – Simon – 2010-02-03T11:47:32.520